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Surkov's sad intellect and characters with criminal inclinations. Great interview with Maria Maksakova. Four convocations

Maria Maksakova- Citizenship is such a very complex process. I can even give you an example. Let us assume that there is no notification nature of renunciation of Russian citizenship. Even if a person wants to refuse it, this will be considered by a commission that may or may not release it...
Citizenship of the State of Israel, for example, cannot be annulled in any way. That is, a person can write all the documents that are required, everything that is possible from him... his desire, everything else. Nevertheless, citizenship will be preserved. And if a person asks for a passport again after a few years - 10, 15, whatever - it will be issued again.

Therefore, many Russian political figures in the establishment - it doesn’t matter whether they are children or themselves, relatives - very many have this dual citizenship, including in countries where it is generally not possible to renounce citizenship unilaterally.

As for my citizenship, I no longer discuss whether it is primary or what, everything is already clear there, I didn’t hide it...

Alena Vershinina- Today we heard, among other things, statements that the law prohibits deputies from having dual citizenship, because you have access to secrets, there are closed secret meetings...

M. Maksakova- First of all, this is not true. We sign the 2nd admission form. She’s like... well, you know, this is just kind of a formal side... And if a closed meeting is a kind of report to which the press is not allowed; Such events are held once or twice a year. Some kind of absolute secrets, especially for a person of a creative profession... in general, it’s funny. There are no secrets to bear. Moreover, this admission ends with the authority. Therefore, this is, of course, far-fetched.

A. Vershinina- But did you actually notify me when you signed the application?..

M. Maksakova- I even sent it just now...

A. Vershinina- No, no... I mean, we heard the accusations...

M. Maksakova- Well, this is impossible, this is an open secret.

A. Vershinina- Just look, today people said that when a person runs for deputy, he fills out a certain form, where there is, among other things, a column about whether the potential deputy has a second citizenship, and that supposedly no one knew that you have there is this second citizenship.

M. Maksakova- No, no, everyone knew that. I didn't hide it. Even during the entry into the Duma in 1911, this was all known, it was discussed. And I, in principle, at the insistence, even began the procedure... an attempt to get out. But, in general, today, as it turns out, thank God, all this was not crowned with any result. But there are simply certain difficulties there. It's not as easy as you think. This is not what you said there...

A. Vershinina- No, I imagine that this is not just like that - I signed the piece of paper and...

M. Maksakova- This is a complex process. Moreover, this requires some kind of assistance from the outside, in principle... here is a social package, let’s say, ours and the German one, they are fundamentally different, and therefore it is extremely difficult to prove that the conditions under some circumstances of my illness or anything in Russia will be comparable to the conditions that Germany could provide me. Therefore, this is a very painstaking, long process that would simply take a lot of time and with an unclear result, in the end. So I started when they asked me... They themselves understood that it would take time. And after some time, I realized that it was pointless and useless. And now I am certainly glad that I did not bring it to the end, although I think that it would have been impossible.

But be that as it may, I did not hide it at all, it was absolutely known. Maybe they thought that I would refuse there or something... But they all act... Understand, many of them, even among the deputies, had citizenship of the State of Israel, which is why I give this example again. They provided all the documents from the outside indicating that they made every effort to get out of it. But Israel never terminates the citizenship of its citizens under any circumstances whatsoever. Therefore, what they say, submit, bring to our migration service, which they allegedly refused... is impossible. This is impossible.

There are states that easily refuse, but they are few. Basically, in principle, they are quite socially, as it were... responsible, and they are for their citizens - any country - well, it’s rare when, you know, he just went and wanted - he came in, he wanted - he left...

A. Vershinina- As for your hasty expulsion from United Russia...

M. Maksakova- And this has more to do with the intonation of my interview yesterday.

A. Vershinina –- How much did you expect that literally half a day would pass and the party would say goodbye to you so quickly?

M. Maksakova- It’s just that, you see, there are people who absolutely do not tolerate any criticism of themselves and, unfortunately, Vyacheslav Viktorovich apparently belongs to such people. Apparently, he didn’t like the possibility of such intonation at all, the discussion of some of his decisions, that he was there... Well, he’s a public person. It was before that he sat and was engaged in some kind of behind-the-scenes politics. But now he is a public figure. Therefore, it seems to me that it is normal that he expresses something, and people react to it somehow and can say that his statement yesterday contradicts his statement today. Well, he didn't like it. That's why everything happened so quickly.

The film crew of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live” spent the whole day visiting Maria Maksakova in her Kyiv apartment. For the first time after the death of her husband, the singer decided to speak frankly with the new host of the program. About the older children and their father, about life with Denis Voronenkov and his death, about how she quarreled and made peace with her mother - in an exclusive interview with Maria Maksakova to Andrey Malakhov!

“Having children with him was my big mistake,” says Maksakova about crime boss Vladimir Tyurin. And she explains her relationship with him by the fact that she knew nothing about him then: “He was a completely shady person and isolated me from all my loved ones and friends. And when I understood everything, I was already pregnant. That’s all. About I didn’t even think about signing with him. He’s nobody to me.” Maria admitted that Tyurin beat her half to death; she left him with broken ribs. "All my relatives were afraid of him. They are also afraid investigative committee. I'm not afraid of him, I'm the only one. I despise him."

Maksakova said that Tyurin actually took away her older children - 13-year-old Ilya and nine-year-old Lyusya. “When I was running away from their father, I asked my assistant Zoya Epifanova to be closer to my daughter. It so happened that Zoya and I parted ways, and Lyusya followed Zoya. She almost never calls.” The son, according to Maria, is old enough to “ask dad and his entourage to put him on a plane and send him to Ukraine - no one will stop him. And Ukraine will not interfere.”

At the same time, the singer is sure that the murder of her husband, former deputy of the State Duma of Russia Denis Voronenkov, is not Tyurin’s jealousy: Eight years have passed. Vladimir himself contacted her and “blessed” her for marriage, approving her choice.

“It was a huge, huge love,” Maksakova says about her feelings for her husband and recalls that at first, when he came to her concerts, she thought: a music lover, she didn’t take it personally. “I went to India for the New Year holidays. He came to me. He said: “You are such a bachelor... And if I propose marriage to you, will you go?” I said: “I won’t go. I’ll run!” The wedding took place in the registry office, and then we went to the State Duma to vote." Everything happened so quickly that Maria didn’t even have time to order the dress she wanted from Yudashkin...

The couple's honeymoon was ruined. Maksakova lost twins. “The real honeymoon came when I realized that I was pregnant again. Denis carried me in his arms. It wasn’t a honeymoon, but our whole life. He was such a father - I’ve never seen men love children so much. Vanya is already talking. Everything is done out loud, but “dad” is in a whisper.”

"As long as I'm alive, I will love him. I wouldn't change anything, only that day I would have gone with him. They definitely wouldn't have killed him in my presence - they would have killed two people. I was always very attentive. I monitored the surroundings. She called me assistant. They said on TV that one was wounded. I hoped that he would be alive. Now I can only get back on my feet, raise his son and go to his grave.”

Maria Maksakova made peace with her mother. They quarreled when Lyudmila Maksakova allegedly said, “I’m happy that Denis was killed.” Later it turned out that the actress had been slandered. The fact that she did not go to court, according to her daughter, seemed to indirectly confirm her guilt. But Lyudmila wrote to her and explained that she simply did not want to get involved with all these people...

“They were ready to forgive me everything in my life - beauty, talent, but not personal happiness,” says Maria Maksakova. She says that in Russia she has no friends left to whom she can cry into her vest, but in Ukraine such friends have appeared. Yes, she sang on Ukraine’s Independence Day - she wanted to repay kindness for kindness. She went to Ukraine following her husband: “First Denis left. I arrived later. Cleopatra went to Rome more modestly. I carried half a train. At first I still went back and forth. If I left for work, I tried to return as quickly as possible - there was separation unbearable. And Denis said: “No, I love you more.” I said that I would like to die in his arms. And he: “No, it will be the other way around...” I dream about Denis living next to me. advice. I sing every note to him." Now Maria sings in the church choir and prays there for her loved one.

How Maksakova’s relationship developed with her German father and her homeland - Germany, why she doesn’t communicate with Hvorostovsky and Baskov, to whom Voronenkov’s millions went and what was in her husband’s last SMS - in the singer’s exclusive interview with the program “Andrei Malakhov. Live”.

Opera singer and former State Duma deputy Maria Maksakova lost her job in Russia. Russian Academy Music named after the Gnessins fired her for “absence from work.”

“We collected supporting documents that she was absent, sent her telegrams twice, to which we received no response. We drew up a report stating that she was absent from work time, and, in connection with labor legislation, they were fired,” they said at the academy,” an interlocutor at the academy told RIA Novosti.

Maria Maksakova and her husband, also a former State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov, left Russia last year. There, Voronenkov testified against Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who fled to Russia.

In early March, Voronenkov was arrested in absentia in Russia in the case of a raider seizure of a building in the center of Moscow; the Investigative Committee put the former deputy on the federal and international wanted list.

In Ukraine, Denis Voronenkov received citizenship. As he himself claims, he was given a passport because he has relatives in Ukraine. Previously, Present Time spoke with Voronenkov about his testimony against Yanukovych, voting for Russia's annexation of Crimea and relations with officials in the Russian presidential administration.

I will take advantage of the fact that I am not the first person to interview you after you left Russia. I am interested in your impressions of the reaction to your words that was heard in Russia.

I'm surprised, of course, by the resonance. Big, unexpected for me, because I didn’t say anything that I didn’t say while I was in Russia. You can raise any of my interviews, I don’t know, even to Moskovsky Komsomolets before leaving.

I have always talked about the disgraceful conditions in which people are kept in our country, the entire FSIN system, how it oppresses human dignity and deprives a person not only of health and strength, but also of the right to some kind of decent life in the future.

Did you understand that your husband is part of the system, and the system always works the same way, which means that he is also involved in these landings simply by the fact of his existence in it? Or don't you think so?

No I do not think so. Firstly, he worked by profession. Indeed, he was an investigator, a senior investigator, and a deputy prosecutor. He actually worked quite a long time in the military prosecutor's office system. Of course, I am far from being as brilliant a lawyer as he is, but still, I graduated from Moscow State Law Academy. I was interested in a lot of his biography: how he worked, what he did. I have a certain opinion about what methods he used, what was the norm for him and what was not. Everything that is happening now was completely not part of his arsenal.

You've already been asked about this. You look like a person who lost more than your husband by leaving Russia. Do you discuss this with him at home?

We discuss many things at home. Life is so unpredictable. I cannot say unequivocally that I have lost more, because I am not so attached to any specific place due to my profession. Only that I won’t sing in Russia for some time.

- Aren’t you going to Russia?


- Where?

I have enough... Why should I tell you now? It is not safe.

- But you have plans.

Of course, I have contracts.

Yes, it all works. I just noticed that on your website, nothing is said about anything, and it seemed strange to me.

Well, just why make any suggestions? I am constantly attacked by all these trolls and bots. Why should I provide them with work?

- Do they continue to attack or have they forgotten about you a little?

No, they don't stop. And the funny thing is that the reaction of those around me, not even close ones, but just good friends, is completely different. People understand. How should a wife behave, I wonder? I’m just wondering how she should behave, from the point of view of those people who pour some kind of slop on me from morning to evening. How should she behave in order to evoke some positive feelings in them? One person even wrote to me that deep down they couldn’t even dream that for their sake own wives took such an action.

- So the reaction of the Yudashkin family didn’t hurt you?

I think this is a phrase taken out of context, maybe. I don’t know how they called, maybe they called on time, not on time, how they introduced themselves.

- They said, in fairness...

Well, Valentin didn't say anything at all. Marina said. I think these are phrases taken out of context and simply presented this way.

Has anyone else publicly renounced you?

Well, they took revenge on my students at the Gnessin Academy. Here, yes, you can’t say anything. My poor students. Imagine - a person who deliberately enrolled in a course with a certain actor, a master, in order to learn from him. There are not many vocalists there, many who, due to age, can no longer show their voices. There are those who, in principle, cannot do this, because they have not sung professionally on the opera stage.

And there are teachers who, like me, combine the opera stage and teaching. It is clear that there is a large flow of people interested in such people. And if they already came to me, I always tried to do something comprehensive. See what repertoire they need not only now for the exam, but so that it is useful to them, so that they win competitions, so that they associate with it later life. The atmosphere in the class was very good, they really enjoyed it. And they were simply shocked.

- Is it difficult for you to get on the course?

I don't have endless rubbery time. My husband already looked in horror at the number of people. For some reason it always worked out that way for me; they were interested in how I dealt with everyone. On Monday I came at 12 o’clock, and all of them, 20 people, were already seated. I worked with everyone, and they all sat and listened to me work with everyone else.

Although there are teachers who have read some recipes that seem to them to be universal, and they all do the same things, each student is given the same advice. But all students are at different points of development, and one thing is useful for one, and another for another. What I said to one girl yesterday, today, let’s say, won’t help another girl, and in two months I might tell her the same thing.

-Are you jealous of their success, by the way?

Vice versa! I always admire. I'm filled with pride. We had a reporting concert at the end, literally a month had not even passed yet. Usually it is difficult to arrange a class concert because there are no spectators. Rarely does anyone come, but we have assembled the entire Shuvalov drawing room, a large hall. About 150 people came and were still standing.

They are already being watched. The public already has favorites in my class. I can already hear people whispering: “Oh, that’s Nadya Simonyan, I really like her.” Someone says: “Oh, well, Girin is our main star.”

- Do they write to you?

They write, of course.

- What do they write?

- “Maria Petrovna, what can we do for you?” They even touched me with this. I say: “For now, think about yourself.”

- So they perform decently, in your opinion?

Yes. Very.

Can you tell us a little about your parliamentary activities? I remember your speeches in the State Duma. They were reasonable, it’s a pity if someone forgot about it. But at the same time, it seems to me that the laws that you wrote in co-authorship or yourself were very different. It cannot be said that you had only a human rights line or only a security line. They're kind of chaotic, sorry. That is, on the one hand, for example, there is a law on gay propaganda, but then there is a law in which you propose not to put people in prison before children reach 14 years of age. One contradicts the other.

Why imprison children under 14 years of age?

Yes, but why sign a ban on gay propaganda, knowing what kind of law people actually pass, understanding that they simply prohibit talking about everything?

I publicly repented of what I did not consider at that moment...

- I don’t want you to repent. I want you to explain another thing to me.

I have made an amendment. I spoke with her from the podium. I demanded the abolition of these humiliating norms.

God bless him - by the way, I have no doubt. I'm interested in something else. Can you tell me the logic of working with deputies at the time when you worked in the State Duma? How did it happen that you were offered one thing or another? You did this deliberately? How do they work with people?

They didn’t offer it to me, thank God. Let's say the law that is in force on philanthropic activities - I wrote it myself, with my own hand. Nobody gave it to me. Deputies live in a completely different regime; they do not create these laws themselves, with rare exceptions.

- There are helpers for this. Or?

No, for this there are completely different places where these laws appear. I am not revealing any secrets now, this is a well-known fact. In order for the law to pass, it goes through lengthy approvals...

Does Irina Yarovaya bring laws from the presidential administration in an envelope, or receive them by fax, or do they come to her by email?

I can’t answer you because we don’t know her that well.

- But you worked with her. You wrote the law together with her. How did she explain it to you?

You should have asked my husband a question. He served on her committee. I think that he knows more about how the Yarovaya laws were passed. For example, I don’t even support last law her, infamous.

- Yarovaya package. What kind of person is she, tell me?

To comment on a person and talk about his qualities, you need to know him well. I can judge her literally as superficially as you. And some of the things she says and does also cause complex reactions in me. This is cognitive dissonance when a good goal seems to be declared...

“But she’s nice to people in the hallway?”

Her mood varies. Says hello.

- Say hello. Doesn’t he walk around arrogantly, doesn’t he look down on other deputies?

She greeted me.

I said hello to you. Fine. And what about the other deputies-artists, of whom there were many in the last Duma of the sixth convocation - what was their work? List some of them? Kobzon, who else?

Kobzon and Govorukhin, Kozhevnikova.

- How are they, what was their activity?

They are all very different. Firstly, Joseph Davydovich has been for countless years, I just don’t want to make a mistake, four convocations?

- Four convocations.

Therefore, he has a lot of experience and feels very confident. In 20 years, this can be called acquiring a profession. As for Masha Kozhevnikova, she came with very great enthusiasm. It was felt that she was delving into some things. But, as I understand it, she soon came to the conclusion that it is easier to adopt those laws that have gone through all stages of approval than to prove that something is needed... The system is inert. She works to get out, to kick some initiatives. She is designed in such a way that she is impeccable in the sense of refusal. The refusal is multi-stage, and there is no one to file a claim with.

Over the past few days, events have been taking place that can be represented as a “PR thaw”: “we will show that we are not cannibals.” Dadin was released, Chudnovets - these are two cases that our TV channel is monitoring. I think you’ve heard about them too, these are high-profile criminal cases in Russia. The March in Memory of Nemtsov was allowed. They even said the other day that the Nemtsov memorial on the Moskvoretsky Bridge, that is, the people’s memorial where people bring flowers, will, of course, be dismantled, but not completely, a little, and left for the first time. This apparently has something to do with...

I knew Boris for many, many years. I was, I think, about 17 years old when he appeared at our house for the first time. He was, of course, the most amazing person.

Do you understand what is happening, why suddenly such, you know, cautious attempts at reconciliation with an organization called the presidential administration appeared in Russia?

I understand very well why this happens. A big bet was made on changing the policy of the US presidential administration, and everyone was waiting for this moment. And when it now became clear... Do you understand what it means to remove all messages about the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, from the agenda? He probably doesn't care. The Russian economy is 2% of the global one. It probably doesn’t matter so much to Trump whether his activities in Russia are covered. But first the Duma stands up and gives a standing ovation to his election, and now they are thinking about how to abruptly stop talking about him.

- What can you say about Volodin, how do you like him?

Well, what can I tell you about Volodin?

- I wonder what kind of person he is. He is a rather private person; not many people spoke to him.

I was never on his team. Vice versa.

- So this is even more interesting, that is, you were Volodin’s opponent. Tell us what kind of opponent he is.

You understand, an opponent with administrative resources. I don’t know if he opposed me or if the administrative resource is in his hands. How do you think?

- Don't know.

From my point of view, an opponent is someone who is equal to you in a fight; if this is a dialogue, then these are frank statements. I don’t hide what I think on every issue. I am a sincere person and I value this. And other forms of communication, when one thing is declared and demonstrated, and another is done - I cannot call it rivalry or call it an adversary.

At receptions, does he ignore people who are not his equal, or does he communicate calmly? Can I approach him at the buffet and talk?

You can come over. In any case, I didn't have any problems with it. I could come over. It's hard for me to say about the others.

- Did you ask him for your husband, did you talk to him about it or did you not have the opportunity?

I didn’t have a chance to ask directly, because it seemed to me that this was a little outside his area of ​​responsibility. If you think I would lose my dignity...

- No, I thought that maybe the security simply wouldn’t let you in.

Absolutely calm. If I thought that this would solve anything, I would forget about pride or anything. I could ask anyone. I asked everyone around me who I thought could influence this.

Why do you think that Surkov could influence? Well, this has already been talked about, so I can probably ask: why did you think that this person could influence?

I couldn't ask him. I could only consult with him.

- That's how it is.

These are different things. Of course, he couldn't influence it. But I could have consulted. I value the fact that I could and can, I hope, consult with him, because he is a very smart person.

- What passions does he live by?

He is a real intellectual, real. A reader who knows everything.

What is his goal setting? Intelligence can be evil or good. Intelligence can be humane or, for example, so exquisitely savage.

His intellect is sad.

- How is this a sad intellect?


- Surkov has a sad intellect - I see the headline.

If you ask him to give him some kind of characteristic, then there is a lot of sadness in him. So real, intellectually understanding, because knowledge multiplies sorrow. This definition is very suitable.

From the outside it seems that after you said that Surkov could not help you or did not want to, at least that is how you were understood...

I didn't say he couldn't help. I said that I talked and asked absolutely all the people who I thought could influence the situation.

And after Denis [Voronenkov] said that Surkov was not for the annexation of Crimea, but was against it, and these words spread very well everywhere, in my opinion, he should become its representative in Russia, no better than man than your husband to be a negotiator on behalf of Surkov in Ukraine. Have they not contacted you?

No. I think that no one even thought about such a multi-move. You just told me, and I barely followed your thought.

- Well, this is a very simple idea. You did everything to become his negotiator.

Firstly, his position was voiced many times in the press. And my husband is far from the first person to talk about this. It’s just that for some reason it caused such a reaction precisely from the words of my husband.

- Because he is a person who knows him and also has at that moment...

Other people who know him said this too.

- Well, maybe it worked that way. Are the intelligence agencies asking you about the same thing as me, or do they have other questions?

Well, no one asks me anything at all.

- And your husband?

This is, again, for him. No, I'm not because...

- Let's just don't deny that they are talking to you.

Wait, I think this is wrong. Talking about some strangers, things, giving characteristics, that’s one thing. But not about my husband, who is very close and to whom you can ask any question.

I've already talked to him. I'm interested in what they want from you, or rather, how you can be useful to them. Why did they let you stay here?

It seems to me simply on the basis of the law. Ukraine, of course, allows you to obtain your citizenship. His closest relatives...

I will explain: Maria, you understand that Ukrainian society is at war, and it, of course, thirsts for the blood of the enemy, because there is a lot of grief, tears, killed people who demand revenge.

Ukrainian society is great, you know? They are so good to those who fell in a righteous battle. How do they do it? It’s impossible to walk through Boryspil airport without tears, you know?

I understand. But your husband is not bad enough to take this anger out on him. He was not the initiator, I have no doubt about it at all, but he was involved in everything that happened in Russia against Ukraine.

He did not fight the system because at that stage he did not think that he would have to leave. He did not take part - on the contrary, he spoke at the faction and warned that this was all strange and bad. But, unfortunately, the situation did not allow him to turn around in any way. It was dangerous, let's say, directly for his life.

- We can say that you convinced the Ukrainian intelligence services that your husband, for example, I assume...

I don't even have contact.

- Not you - he convinced that he is a man about business, not about politics.

I can’t comment on conversations about... You’re asking me now, but I don’t even know. I’m not avoiding the answer, but you’re forcing me to fantasize about something I don’t know.

- What is it really like, is your husband more of a businessman or more of a politician? How do you think?

My husband is a lawyer. First of all, he is an excellent teacher, a brilliant lawyer who knows and loves his profession well. He taught and headed the department of theory of state and law. This is the core around which everything else is already acquired. He loves his profession very much, he reads this particular literature, he really likes the state and society, its development.

I’m just thinking about this: here you are an artist, and the artist is very famous and successful, and besides, this is a special genre that has its fans, very loyal fans. Opera is not pop music, it is a specific thing. And here next to you is a person who is investigating criminal cases. This is a very different life.

At the time of our meeting, he was no longer investigating criminal cases, he was a deputy.

And you find yourself drawn into the story of, as you say, intelligence wars. What is the Russian intelligence war like, and what can it be compared to? Can it be compared with the criminal showdowns of the early 90s?

It's more like, because the intelligence services, let's say, you said it very generally...

- In general, of course, these are probably some personal people.

No, it's like that large system, consisting of many millions of people working in it. Formally, they are divided into different services, which have now grown so much that, in my opinion, they no longer have anyone to fight with. It’s a rare case when such a spiritual, strong-willed person, like my husband Denis, fights back against these people in general, do you understand?

They have long been unaccustomed to such attempts. It seems to me that the next stage is an internal struggle. There is less and less of what can be taken away; they have practically already covered the entire space. In the future, this system will begin to turn its own weapons inward.

If we were talking about the interests of the state or other serious things, but these are banal economic wars that are waged in order to acquire some funds, benefits, and so on. It's no secret: under Article 159.4 ("Business Fraud"no longer valid from July 8, 2016), propose to introduce an amnesty, because fraud is interpreted very broadly. There are people sitting on it, generally innocent of anything, I think 60 percent. And everyone understands this, on both sides.

Why does society itself allow citizens to be treated this way? There is not enough condemnation of these processes. It seems to me that there is no longer any war there. How to compare a person with his ability to defend himself, even knowing them well, even being a very good lawyer, and a huge system that has all the completeness and the whole range of tools.

It’s very interesting for me to watch you, because you talk like a good prosecutor in court, and your husband talks like an investigator. He's an investigator, and he talks like an investigator. I interviewed him, and it seems to me that it is not journalists who should talk to him, only an investigator can talk to him, because only he knows how to do this. You don't avoid answering. And he avoids answering. Didn't you think so from the interviews he gave?

As you rightly said, I was involved in this situation, I look at it from the outside. For me, a person who is accustomed to great internal freedom, this situation is shocking. It doesn’t shock people around me, but it shocks me. I don’t understand how you can do all this in relation to him. There is cognitive dissonance going on in my head. I either see something wrong or hear something wrong. I don't understand how to combine all this.

And in people, even with whom I talk or to whom I complain, from whom I seek sympathy, it does not cause the same reaction as it does for me, you know? When I talk about the system, I probably shouldn’t talk about all these people; probably, among all these millions there are very decent and worthy people. I, of course, have no right to talk about everyone as some kind of evil. But the part of the system that I encountered horrified me personally.

Do you expect that someone you know from your social circle may soon be in your place and even here, what do you think? Or is it unlikely?

No, not likely. This is very likely. Of course, our example is undeservedly exaggerated in the Russian media. I believe that this is not a phenomenon that needs to be discussed 24 hours a day for weeks on end.

- But this slightly destroyed the picture of the patriotic world.

No, this is an edification. So that those who are thinking about such a step understand that something terrible will happen.

What will be terrible? Well, there will be public censure, but at least they will remain alive, they will be able to take away the money, if they can. They will simply live away from their homeland, but not in prison. That's all that happened to you. For many, this is just a choice. The price is understandable, it’s high, but it seems to me...

Some people aren't ready to just get off the couch. When the arrests took place in 1937, there was no surveillance system like there is now. The person could simply leave, but they sat and waited, although many of them knew, felt, even understood.

Well, Solzhenitsyn wrote that some people sat down and left, and thus were saved. But few, really.

But why did they sit and wait? The same thing: many can leave, but not many do. Not many people get off the couch, you know?

- God be with her, with Russian politics. You know, I really want to talk to you about art.

And I want to. Do you know how tired I am of all this? You can't even imagine. I used to get nervous when I went on stage. But this is a healthy phenomenon - courage, not frantic fear, but some kind of excitement when a person goes on stage. This is good, it adds interest. But now I realized that I go on stage just to relax. And now I’ll listen to music for three hours, thank God, I’ll just forget about everything that’s happening there.

I will have a wonderful plot, since the characters I sing are still criminally inclined, but still it’s “as if”, it’s all make-believe, it’s still not real. It is always more interesting to look at the charm of a negative character. It starts from childhood: everyone wants some evil wizard to come.

- They hunted down an orphan.

Yes, and then he is saved - and that’s it. I love different roles, I sing not only negative ones, but often. I really live on stage like in a fairy tale.

- Have you already sung to anyone in Ukraine?

Well, I sing every day.

- Where? I don't know anything about this, tell me.

I don't sing on stage every day now. I have lessons, I teach the program, I have performances.

- I’m very interested in what your upcoming performances will be.

They won’t keep you waiting long, I don’t want to anticipate it for reasons of my own safety.

Are they here or in other countries? That's it, I just want to ask. Will it be in Ukraine or in other countries?

Both this and that.

- Regarding considerations of your own safety: do you somehow take care of it or are you now living at random?

Not when I lived Last year in Moscow, my safety was no higher than now. You know, you can live and be afraid... There is total mortality on earth.

- No, well, at least someone is looking after you, at least one person you trust?

I won't tell you about this. This will be the most wrong thing. Let it remain a mystery.

- Let it remain a mystery. Thanks a lot. Maria Maksakova.

With her husband in Kyiv, opera singer Maria Maksakova found the strength not only to continue living, but also to reach new levels of creativity. The singer living in Ukraine is learning Ukrainian, actively working on new roles in theaters and recording an experimental album. To Ukraine Maksakova, who was previously a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and was a member of the party " United Russia"(ER)" and her husband, also an ex-State Duma deputy, Denis Voronenkov, moved in 2016. On March 23, 2017, Voronenkov was fatally wounded by several shots at point-blank range in the center of Kyiv.

Maria Maksakova spoke about her new life in an interview with DW.

DW:How do you assess the results of the investigation into the murder of your husband?

Maria Maksakova: Ukrainian law enforcement officers have done a colossal amount of work, which will probably be included in criminology textbooks, since solving a contract murder is extremely rare. No matter how much I would like to believe in another version of the murder, a more, so to speak, gentle one, the evidence provided to me personally does not give any reason to doubt the investigation materials.

- Do you have any hope that the perpetrators and organizers of this crime will receive the punishment they deserve?

My husband's murder was solved without delay. And I have no doubt about the punishment for performers and customers.

- The Russian media reproach you for contradictory statements about the involvement of your former common-law husband Tyurin in the death of Denis Voronenkov. According to them, you turned to him for help after the murder was committed in Kyiv. What can you say in response to these reproaches?

From the moment I moved to Ukraine, the Russian media reproached me for all imaginable and unimaginable things solely on the basis of their own perverted imagination. In a lie, everyone is limited only by their own conscience, but the truth is another matter - it is always alone and limited by itself.

But my version about those who ordered the murder has not changed at all. From the very first day, I associated the reprisal against Denis with his professional activities and participation in the investigation of scams in the highest echelons of the FSB. Until the last moment, I tried not to believe in the information about Tyurin’s involvement in organizing the murder - after all, I gave birth to two children from this man. I helped him a lot in life and believed that even if he was approached with such a proposal, he would refuse to fulfill it. Unfortunately, he chose something else and combined business with pleasure.

- How did you feel about the Ukrainian authorities’ ban on you personally and all Russians voting in Ukraine in the Russian presidential elections on March 18?

I wasn't upset.

- Do you communicate with your colleagues from Russia? What are their moods under the current regime?, and how similar or different are they actually from the picture presented by the Russian press?

Life has shown that out of the huge number of acquaintances around me, there are very few friends. This is where I communicate with them. These are very reasonable and sensible people who are able to distinguish reality from television pictures.


- How do you like life in Ukraine? What do you like and dislike here?

Lives well and freely. The only thing I'm missing is Denis. And, of course, I miss my older children.

- You already have experience not only in performing musical works in Ukrainian, but also in conducting interview with Russian TV channel NTV . How easy is it for you to learn Ukrainian?, and why did you decide to master it in the first place?

I am always interested in learning about a new culture, and by studying a language, you penetrate deeper into its essence and feel better about another people. Ukrainian language very musical, melodious. Living in Russia, I often performed works in Ukrainian at concerts - it’s beautiful! And not only me. In fact, every famous performer has several works in Ukrainian in his repertoire. And besides, wouldn’t it be better if words of gratitude to Ukraine were spoken in Ukrainian?

- To what extent do you manage to realize yourself in art during this Ukrainian period of your life?

Last year was definitely a very difficult year for me. Now my pace of life is gradually accelerating, turning into supersonic.

- Does this mean that you have big creative plans for the near future?

Now I am participating in the production of the opera “Othello” at the Kharkov National Opera Theatre, further plans include working in opera houses in Kyiv, Lvov and Dnepr, a series of concerts in Ukraine, participation in some festivals both as a performer and as a jury member. There are several more projects in the works in a new role for me. So, as they say, stay tuned for announcements.

See also:

  • Murder in the center of Kyiv

    In the center of Kyiv, near the Premier Palace Hotel, on the morning of Thursday, March 23, former State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Denis Voronenkov was shot dead. He left the hotel building with his guard, after which fire was opened on them.

  • Murder of ex-State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov in Kyiv

    The killer died, the guard is alive

    Denis Voronenkov's security guard returned fire, as a result of which the attacker was fatally wounded. The killer died on March 23 in the evening in the hospital. The ex-deputy's security guard has a serious injury, but, according to doctors, it is not life-threatening. He has already given his first testimony in the case.

    Murder of ex-State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov in Kyiv

    The name of the killer has been revealed

    On March 24, adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko confirmed the name of the killer - this is Pavel Parshov, born in 1988, a native of Sevastopol. Gerashchenko said that the criminal had been a member of the National Guard for more than a year, and a genuine identification was found on him. According to Gerashchenko, the killer was an agent of the Russian special services. Law enforcement agencies also said they were looking for a second suspect.

    Murder of ex-State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov in Kyiv

    Priority version of the investigation

    The priority version being considered by the investigation is related to the involvement of Russian special services in the murder of the former Duma deputy. “This was a typical execution of a witness for the Kremlin,” Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko wrote on his Facebook page.

    Murder of ex-State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov in Kyiv

    Voronenkov feared for his life

    In an interview given just a few hours before his death, Denis Voronenkov said that he feared for his life. As another Russian ex-deputy living in Ukraine, Ilya Ponomarev, said, Voronenkov was on his way to a meeting with him.

And she dreamed that she would marry pianist Denis Matsuev

Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

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Once, in a conversation with me, Maria Maksakova quoted her mother, People’s Artist of Russia Lyudmila Maksakova, a witty and ironic woman. Lyudmila Vasilyevna told her daughter about one of her gentlemen: “You are cups from different sets.” These words could refer both to Maria’s former common-law husband - crime boss Vladimir Tyurin, nicknamed Tyurya (aka Dad, aka Projectionist), and to his official husband, who was killed in Kyiv two days ago - Denis Voronenkov, against whom a criminal case was opened in Russia .


Lyudmila Vasilievna, to put it mildly, did not like her son-in-law and was categorically against her daughter’s marriage. I dreamed that my daughter would marry pianist Denis Matsuev. And she stopped communicating with Masha even before she left for Ukraine.

This marriage with Voronenkov was like the flash of a signal flare, she told me writer Victoria Tokareva, who knows Maksakova and is also well versed in life.

- Why is your friend’s daughter so attracted to men with a criminal past?

Money,” the writer suggested.

But Maria Maksakova is not from a poor family. “There is never too much money,” Tokareva said bluntly. But is it?

Now journalists are counting the movable and immovable property of ex-deputy Voronenkov, the Moscow apartments he bought, for example, in the house where Paustovsky once lived, Chekhov visited... But Maria Maksakova is not a dowry.

She spent her childhood in the very center of Moscow, on Bryusov Lane, in the apartment of her grandmother, the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, People's Artist of the USSR Maria Maksakova. This house was built for the artists of the Bolshoi Theater; Nezhdanova, Lepeshinskaya, Ivan Kozlovsky lived in it... Machine’s father, German entrepreneur Peter Igenbergs, bought another apartment in the same entrance on a different floor. In addition to an apartment in an elite building, her family also has a dacha in the prestigious dacha village “Masters of Art” in Snegiri, near Moscow.

We lived in apartments on different floors,” Maria told me about her childhood. - It’s funny when my father walked up to my mother’s apartment in slippers and a dressing gown. My mother and brother lived in my grandmother’s apartment, and my father bought an apartment on the floor below, where I spent the night with a nanny and a German teacher. This made it more convenient for everyone.

GERMAN Governesses

Several years ago, Maria Maksakova came to Radio KP. Here is a fragment of my interview with the singer. In light of recent events, her words took on new colors.

“I studied piano at the Central Music School at the Conservatory,” Maria recalled. - Although by the age of 11-12 it was already clear that with my average perseverance I was unlikely to become a great pianist. A good pianist is an isolated case. But the strap had to be pulled to the end. And at the age of 15 I discovered my voice...

Apparently, my mother’s attitude towards my grandmother, her unconditional piety and respect with which she speaks about her and her profession, instilled in me the feeling that opera is an elite, refined art. Plus my obsessive desire to prove that I am something. I asked my mother to take me to Natalya Dmitrievna Shpiller (famous opera singer and teacher - Ed.). Natalya Dmitrievna was a friend of my grandmother. She was already 85 years old. If she hadn't seen my abilities, she wouldn't have started studying. As a result, I entered the Academy of Music. Gnesins. At the institute, my parents gave me the opportunity to study abroad, in Italy...

- At the same time as music, did you study foreign languages?

I had German and English governesses from the age of six. A French we taught with my brother (Maxim, the son of Lyudmila Maksakova from the artist Lev Zbarsky. Several years ago Maxim found himself at the center of a corruption scandal; a criminal case was opened against him on charges of embezzling several tens of millions of rubles from the Russian Ministry of Sports. - Ed.). I learned Italian because I started singing. Spanish- because I lived in Spain (in 1998 Criminal authority Vladimir Tyurin, fearing for his life, moved to Spain. - Ed.). But the most interesting thing is that I also graduated from the Law Academy. But at the law academy I had to work hard (they say that Maria helped Tyurin solve problems with the criminal code. Her legal education really came in handy. - Ed.).

- Mom is probably happy with you now?

I sought her recognition for a very long time, but I achieved it. This was the main stimulus for my development. Mom is an incredibly deep and subtle person. He is well versed in painting and collects contemporary artists- Oscar Rabin, Alexander Kharitonov, Evgeny Mukovnin. Fantastic erudition and endless kindness. For me, contact with her is mature age when I am able to perceive its depth, it seems more important to me than the memory of my childhood...

Mom loves to tell how she did cranberry juice me and my brother when we were children. This, of course, happened too. But the organization of family life was not the main thing in her upbringing. She is sparkling, unexpected... (And it’s true, Lyudmila Vasilievna recently sent us on an “erotic journey” when we asked her about her daughter. - Ed.) Her life credo is non-resistance to evil through violence. After she married my father, a citizen of Germany, she had serious problems in a career. Other actors were released on tours abroad, and she was deployed right at the airport. But she dealt with the problems.

- Is it difficult to make a career on the opera stage without support?

Now the triumph of PR over reason. Media attack on the public. It’s difficult to break through without promotion, support, even scandalous fame. I don't think I had a stellar career on the opera stage. Of course, I owe the name to my grandmother and mother. And there must also be luck. But if a person is caught in the clip, then further the process is underway according to the thumbnail...

For some reason, I remembered these exact words of Maria Maksakova now. After the broadcast, she said that for the sake of PR, she was ready to have an affair with Nikolai Baskov, her friend and classmate at the Gnessin Academy. But Baskova then “romanced” Volochkov, most likely for the same purpose. Now Maksakova’s PR is all right. Because of the legendary grandmother, journalists used to add Maria Maksakova Jr. to her surname. There is no need for this now. She outshone all her famous relatives with her scandalous fame.


Maria Maksakova's opera career is not yet as brilliant as that of her famous grandmother, who, over 30 years of stage activity, sang many central roles on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater and the Mariinsky Theater. Maria performed on the main stages of the country only as a guest soloist. And her mezzo-soprano has not yet been heard in full voice on world stages.


Several years ago, before Maria Maksakova unexpectedly decided to go to State Duma and married Voronenkov, she performed the role of Catherine II in the opera “Tsarina”. The premiere of the play took place at the State Kremlin Palace.

Then Maria had a completely different opinion about the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Here are her words:

Catherine was German by nationality, but she loved Russia very much. It would seem, where does such patriotism come from? Her favorite, Prince Potemkin, in order to gain her favor, conquered Taurida, present-day Crimea. This is a great conquest for Russia.


Lyudmila Maksakova does not know who her father is; she supposedly never discussed this topic with her mother. According to one version, the father was almost Joseph Stalin. But the family also has more plausible versions.

My grandfather was a baritone from the Bolshoi Theater, soloist Alexander Volkov, Maria told me. - He is a direct descendant of Volkov, the founder of the theater in Yaroslavl. The second version is Vasily Mikhailovich Novikov, who was Abakumov’s deputy in the SMERSH organization. And he was an incredibly talented person, bright, beautiful. I am inclined to this version.


There is still a lot of uncertainty in the case of the death of a former State Duma deputy in Kyiv.

What are your versions of the murder of Denis Voronenkov?

Alexander ZHILIN, military expert:

The whole chain of events was obvious to me. At first, they very competently motivated the flight of this couple to Kyiv. Then they began to be promoted as irreconcilable oppositionists to the Russian regime. In the language of special operations, this is called “nursing the sacred victim.” But neither Maksakova nor Voronenkov represented anything as oppositionists. And endlessly promoting them means reducing interest in them. Therefore, at the peak of this propaganda, Voronenkov was killed. ( Full version Read Alexander Zhilin on KP.RU.)

Vadim BAGATURIA, lawyer:

I knew Denis Voronenkov for about two years, we introduced several bills to the State Duma. I think the beginning of the end for him was his loss in the 2016 elections. After this, there was no chance that Voronenkov would escape the pre-trial detention center. I associate his departure from Russia with this. My version: Denis was killed by Ukrainian radicals. In our country he was considered a traitor, and in Ukraine he was considered an exiled Cossack.

Yuri KOT, President of the Association for the Development of Public Diplomacy “Future of the Country”:

Considering that this was a demonstrative execution, taking into account Poroshenko’s statement an hour after the crime, we can only say one thing: this is a political murder. Moreover, the pattern is approximately similar to the execution of Nemtsov - then the Ukrainian girl took him out, and after a while it turned out that she was related to the SBU. Now it’s the same thing: one fugitive traitor brings another fugitive traitor to meet...

Sergey MARKOV, political scientist:

First: criminal showdowns with his former business friends. Second: revenge ex-husband Maksakova. Third: the nationalists took revenge because he voted for the annexation of Crimea. The killer told him something before shooting him. This means that he had some kind of personal motivation. And fourth: we must not forget that the SBU is the largest terrorist organization in Europe.

Sergey, listener of Radio KP (97.2 FM):

Judging by how quickly Kyiv politicians drew conclusions, accusing us of murder, it was their doing. Scroll through the news feeds and see how the security forces lied and dodged. They found his passport, but spent several hours “establishing his identity”...


Maria Maksakova about the murder of her husband: “If I could have been there instead of him, I would not have thought about it”

The widow of Denis Voronenkov spoke for the first time after the loss of her husband: the opera diva admitted that she did not understand “how and why to do something next”


New version of the high-profile murder in Kyiv: Denis Voronenkov was ordered by his ex common law husband Maksakova

Those around the artist are sure: thief in law Vladimir Tyurin is tired of watching his money being squandered by a fugitive deputy

Former State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov was given an almost public execution in Kyiv. In broad daylight, two steps from Khreshchatyk, he was shot by a killer on March 23. Four shots at point blank range - no chance. ()


A video of Voronenkov's murder has appeared

According to the adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko, the killer turned out to be 28-year-old Ukrainian citizen Pavel Parshov