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Candid photos of Donald Trump's wife. Photos from Melania Trump's past life. Beautiful at any age. What do all Trump's wives have in common?

Surprisingly, the Slovenian girl Melania, who became a citizen of the United States of America in 2006, 10 years later was already the first lady of the country, becoming one of the most influential women in the world.

Today, the world's media writes about Melania Trump's every move, talking about her, oh, her...

Melania's popularity has reached such proportions that she is compared not only to Michelle Obama, but even to the legendary Jacqueline Kennedy. And some meticulous journalists even believe about the current first lady of the United States.

Today we found rare photos of Melania Trump that are interesting to look at. These pictures show how Melania Trump has changed on her way to world fame.

Melania was born in Yugoslavia on April 26, 1970 in the family of car sales manager Viktor Knauss and clothing designer Amalia.

Melania has a half-brother who still lives in Slovenia. Although she previously denied their relationship.

Due to her modeling career, Melania never received higher education. But the fact that Trump's wife speaks five languages ​​fluently (English, French, German, Serbian and Slovenian) makes it difficult to doubt her abilities.

Few people know that Melania even acted in films. However, her experience was limited to a cameo role in the film “Zoolander” back in 2001. The filmmakers didn't even include her name in the credits.

Thanks to her determination and strong character, Melania managed to go from an unknown girl from a Slovenian province to one of the most influential women in the world.

Despite the fact that there are constantly rumors in the press about all sorts of disagreements in her family, the first lady is trying to support her husband in every possible way. He's lucky, no matter what you say!


It’s not for nothing that users on the Internet are now looking for nude photos of Melania Trump. Once again, a new issue of the New York Post, which came out with a scandalous photograph of Melania Trump on the cover, has started talking about erotic photographs of the potential first lady of the United States.

Journalists managed to find an old photo shoot of the wife of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, which was done back in 1995 for the French magazine Max. By the way, some of the pictures have never been published before, which is why nude photographs of Melania Trump caused such a stir in the media.

Donald Trump believes his wife will be an exemplary first lady, and here's proof of that.

“No one has seen such a potential first lady,” reports the New York Post. However, Jason Miller, senior communications adviser for the Trump campaign, said there was nothing to be ashamed of in the publication’s material, because Melania Trump is a “beautiful woman,” and the published photographs “represent a triumph of the human body as art.” ". Yes, these nude photos of Melania are in great demand on the Internet, because it’s not every day that the wife of a US presidential candidate appears naked on the cover of a magazine.

It’s interesting that Donald Trump himself reacted completely calmly to the appearance of his wife’s nude photos. He has said more than once that his wife was one of the most successful models before they met, which is why her nude photos are “fashionable in Europe.”

Donald Trump, the US president, has long argued that his wife would be an exemplary first lady. Well, here comes the evidence: nude photographs of Melania Trump, taken in 1996 for a French men's magazine, appeared in the American press. Let's face it: impressive!

Erotic photos of Donald Trump's wife

As meticulous journalists found out, the pictures were taken in 1995 in Manhattan by French photographer Al de Besville. At the time, Slovenian-born Melania Knauss, then modeling under the pseudonym Melania K., was 25 years old and unabashed by candid photo shoots, not thinking that she would one day lay claim to the title of First Lady of America.

"Melania was just a fantastic girl, a great person, and was always very kind to me," says Al de Besville. According to him, Melania was never against nude photo sessions. According to the photographer, he did not put any dirty thoughts into these photographs, trying to glorify the beauty female body. The photographs were published in 1996 in the French magazine Max, which closed in 2006.

Naked Melania Trump photo uncensored 18+

At the time the photos were taken, Melania had just arrived in New York after several years working in Paris and Milan. In the USA, she also enjoyed success as a model, receiving several commercial contracts, in particular with the Camel company. In 1998, at one of the Fashion Week parties in New York, Melania met Donald Trump, and in 2005 she married him. The wedding took place at Trump's luxurious Mar-o-Lago estate in Florida.

Uncensored photo of Donald Trump's naked wife

However, Trump himself did not blink an eye about the scandal. “My wife is a successful model,” he told reporters. “She starred for many magazines, including this one. Moreover, all this happened before we met. And in general, in Europe such pictures are in the order of things!”

Yes, Americans should elect Trump at least to admire such a first lady for four years!

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