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Online cash registers for Yuvenko vending machines. Vending machines will live without online cash registers for now. Which cash register is suitable for vending?

In the summer of 2016, Federal Law No. 54 was adopted, obliging entrepreneurs to install cash registers on vending machines from July 2018.

After this, a whole wave of rumors and speculation arose. Someone says that you can install a cash register on only 15% of coffee machines. Some people think that a vending cash register is a death sentence that will eat up all the revenue.

In fact, nothing out of the ordinary happened.

Let's look at the points.

1. Online cash registers for vending do not cost a lot of money

Most still remember the classic expensive cash registers with EXCL. But they have already been cancelled. Now the “cash desk” is a regular online monitoring with the sending of fiscal data. And it costs only 10–12 thousand rubles.

2. Electronic check – cheap and legal

You can install a thermal printer - it will cost about 15,000 rubles. But Federal Law-54 says about cash registers for vending (clause 2, article 1.2.)

“the user is obliged to issue a cash register and (or) check in paper and (or) electronic form.”

3. Almost all coffee machines are ready for cash registers

Perhaps the most common myth is that modern machines do not have the technical ability to install cash registers and you will have to sell them and buy some terribly expensive new items in return.

Let me reassure you right away - this is not so.

There are already online modems with the function of transmitting data to the tax office. And these modems are compatible with any machines that operate on the MDB and EXE protocols - and this is 99% of vending equipment. Even used devices from 2003 support the installation of such devices.

If you need a thermal printer (although, as I said, it is completely optional), then almost any machine also has space for installation. Perhaps a small-sized model will have problems with space - but you can attach the printer to the side of the machine in a special metal box.

Last but not least important nuance– power. Modern thermal printers consume up to 2A, and the power reserves of modern machines allow you to additionally connect equipment up to 4A. So you have enough power to spare.

So, I repeat...

99% of machines will not have any problems providing cash service.

Look at the diagram of how a vending machine works with an online cash register - it’s all very simple!

4. No problems for “white” accounting

Some entrepreneurs are concerned that the tax authorities will see the proceeds. Yes, it's not very good good news for those who prefer to hide their income. But in any case, this is a natural development of the industry.

For conscientious taxpayers, nothing will change. For those who prefer “gray income”, I advise you to get competent advice on taxes. Believe me, you will unexpectedly discover that for a beginning entrepreneur (especially in vending), white bookkeeping hides many advantages (including loans for business development, government subsidies and other benefits).

5. Didn’t have time? No problem

Everyone decides for themselves. And, of course, we do not encourage breaking the law. But the fact remains that a micro-business like vending is very difficult to verify.

Over the 8 years of SuperVending practice, our clients have only had 2 cases where they were issued a fine for not having a receipt in the vending machine. By the way, the fines were only 10,000, and they were later easily challenged in court.

70% of vending machines in Russia are installed not only without cash registers for vending, but even without registration of a legal entity. In fact, this is illegal business. But even for this, almost no one receives fines.

And if your business does not allow you to install cash registers on vending machines at all, perhaps it will be more profitable for you to be fined 10,000 rubles every five years than to spend money on installing a cash register on a coffee machine and paying a fiscal operator every month.

Adaptation to Federal Law-54 will cost the entrepreneur 25 - 40 thousand one-time and 500 rubles per month for routine maintenance of the modem and the operator.

Moreover, the equipment is easily installed on 99% of machines (even used in 2003).

Therefore, nothing threatens the vending business and there is no reason to worry!

So, let's talk about vending machine cash registers. Today perhaps. This is the main issue that concerns, without exception, all operators involved in vending in Russia.

A little history of the issue:

In mid-2016, the so-called 54 Federal Law on the introduction of online cash registers was adopted. In particular, all vending machines were required to be equipped with online cash registers. According to this law, from July 1, 2018, all vending machines had to, first, be able to transmit fiscal data through an online cash register to the fiscal data operator, and second, print a receipt to the buyer. It is quite natural that this law caused bewilderment among the vending industry, since not all vending machines had the technical ability to be equipped with cash registers (in mechanical vending machines, for example, installing cash registers is in principle impossible). And then, equipping a vending machine with the entire complex of devices for fiscalization cost 60 thousand rubles or more.

A discussion began on amendments that could literally save the industry, since it was completely clear to all market participants that the initial interpretation of the law would simply destroy most of the Russian vending industry.

In fact. Work on amendments is still underway, despite the fact that there are only a few months left before the mandatory installation of cash registers. Some provisions are already clear, others require clarification. It is clear that cash registers in one form or another are inevitable. It is also clear that individual entrepreneurs who do not have hired employees received a deferment for a year - until July 1, 2019. Also. What is important is that individual entrepreneurs on UTII and a patent, who previously did not have the obligation to use cash registers, can reduce the amount of tax payable by the amount of expenses associated with the implementation of cash register systems. The deduction limit is 18,000 rubles per cash register, the number of cash registers is unlimited. Owners of mechanical vending machines (the same machines that sell chewing gum or shoe covers) are generally exempt from installing cash registers.

Also in the process of discussion are amendments allowing vending companies not to print or send purchase receipts to customers. This saves operators from the need to spend money on an expensive receipt printer, as well as to conjure with design features each specific machine model, many of which were not intended for such manipulations.

It is probably quite natural for operators to ask numerous manufacturers and sellers of vending equipment: what have you done since 2016 to prevent the equipment you sell from turning into useless junk on July 1, 2018? I can’t answer for everyone, but we started preparing for this possibility back in 2009, when we released our first vending machine. We have provided for the design possibility of installing a cash register and a receipt printer. Thus, today we can safely say that the owners of Unicum machines are technically ready for the implementation of Federal Law 54 in any of its interpretations, even the most stringent.

Moreover, we have taken care of the owners of machines of other brands, having developed devices and solutions that can significantly simplify the installation of cash registers in machines of Necta, Bianchi, Saeko, Crane, Revendrs, Jofemar, Atzkoen and many other brands.

Now we will consider each of the fiscalization options, their costs and possibilities.

So, the first, toughest option. When it is necessary to build into the machine a receipt printer or a special display to display a QR code, when scanned, the consumer receives a copy of the electronic receipt.

The so-called “red box” is installed in the machine - an online telemetry controller. it connects to the payment devices of the machine, printer or display using the MDB or EXE protocol, as well as to the online cash register, the so-called “green box”. It must be said that such a design is advantageous in that, in addition to fiscalization, the operator also gets the opportunity for online telemetry, which in itself is a very useful tool in vending today.

The online telemetry controller transmits data to the fiscal data operator, as well as to the online telemetry server.

If you own a Unicum device, then you do not need an online telemetry controller. Its functions are performed by our standard modem.

What is an online telemetry server and why is it needed?

In fact, this is an additional component that allows you to control the operation of the machines. It consists of the server itself and a bullet of server modems. If you operate only a few machines, then it is advisable to rent the server itself and modems from us. However, you can purchase both the server and the modem pool (or just the server) as your property.

How can the system be made cheaper?

The first is to abandon the receipt printer and a separate display for the QR code. Such amendments are being considered and there is a possibility of their adoption. So there is definitely no need to rush into buying these devices now.

The second significant reduction in cost is the use of a cash register farm. Cash register farms are successfully used, for example, in online trading. That is, an online cash register is not installed in the machine itself. Only an online telemetry controller that transmits fiscal information to a cash register farm that serves several machines at once.

The cost of such equipment will be only 10 thousand rubles for the online telemetry controller itself.

As you can see, we are quite prepared for any development of the situation with the adoption of the law and will be able to quickly help you equip your vending machines with fiscal systems.

Due to the large number of questions about how to deal with vending after July 1, 2018, how to avoid fines, what news is in the legislation on cash register equipment, we have prepared an up-to-date review.

Let us recall that in the current Law:

Current edition Federal Law dated 07/03/2016 N 290-FZ, regarding the regulation of vending machines and the use of cash registers, stipulates:

11. Organizations and individual entrepreneurs trading using vending machines may not use cash register equipment as part of such vending machines until July 1, 2018.

(this norm is supplemented by the following paragraph)

11.1. Individual entrepreneurs specified in part 11 of this article who do not have employees with whom employment contracts have been concluded have the right not to use cash register equipment until July 1, 2019.

As you can see, when the deferment was extended until 2019, organizations (that is, LLC, JSC) were excluded, and among individual entrepreneurs, the deferment was provided only to those who do not have employees on employment contracts.

And the exit...

Thus, the only option to maintain the deferment, regardless of the size of the vending machine fleet, is to re-register (or transfer to management) your business as an individual entrepreneur, which does not have employees on an employment contract! The simplest option is to register a new individual entrepreneur and conduct business on its behalf, or, if you already have an individual entrepreneur, remove all employees from the staff (re-register, for example, as a contract).

Accordingly, if activities with vending machines are carried out on behalf of an individual entrepreneur (who does not have employees with a signed employment contract), then this business has the right not to use cash register equipment until July 1, 2019! (read below about what to do after 2019)

What to do with concluded agreements for the rental/installation of vending machines, since these agreements were concluded on behalf of the “old” organization/individual entrepreneur?

For organizations, the surest option is to renew the contract for a new individual entrepreneur. Another option is to draw up an agreement for the transfer of a fleet of vending machines to the management of an individual entrepreneur. At the same time, there remain risks that the tax authorities will not “count” such a transfer, which means fines will follow.

What about mechanical vending machines? Should organizations and individual entrepreneurs operating mechanical vending machines switch to using cash register systems?

Formally, yes, if such an individual entrepreneur has employees under employment contracts. This is due to the fact that the Bill on the exemption of mechanics from CTT is still under consideration State Duma RF (at this moment passed only the first reading). The reason for the delays is that this is a complex bill that concerns not only mechanical vending machines; the authorities are in no hurry to adopt it.

Let us emphasize once again that before the adoption of the expected Law, the fleet of mechanical vending machines must also be under the control of individual entrepreneurs (without employees on employment contracts).

What to do if the tax authorities make claims?

Please note that tax authorities may begin issuing fines from July 1, 2018, without delving into the particular nuances of IP-LLC-availability of employees (although it should be noted that the Federal Tax Service was sent instructions on the conditions under which the deferment until 2019 works).

So, if you nevertheless received a decision to bring to administrative responsibility, and at the same time fully complied with the requirements of the Law (and you have an individual entrepreneur without employees under an employment contract), then you should send a complaint against the decision in the case of an administrative offense, which is submitted to the judge, to the authority , the official who made the decision. In the complaint, it is enough to refer to the current Law, which provides a deferment until July 1, 2019.

In the near future, the Legislator will finally divide all vending into mechanical and electrical. For mechanical vending - complete exemption from the use of CCT. For all other vending machines, cash register will be mandatory, while selling products through vending machines, the seller will have the right to use one cash register for several vending machines. Print a cash receipt and send it to electronic form the buyer will not have to.

Specialized vending machines are convenient automated trading terminals for selling goods (tea, coffee, water, chips, etc.) through a vending machine system. The market for modern vending systems is constantly expanding, which is why the state has obliged individual entrepreneurs using this type trade, be sure to switch to new cash register equipment. This allows you to bring a special type of market “out of the shadows” and carry out activities on a legal basis. Buyers will have the opportunity to receive a fiscal receipt for the transaction for each purchase.

This type of sales activity is regulated by law, and since 2013, all owners of such equipment have had to connect cash register equipment. On July 1, 2018, new legislative changes came into effect, which, according to Art. 54-FZ, it is mandatory to install specialized cash terminals connected to the online system.

Important! Regardless of the tax regime chosen, the locking devices must be connected to an officially registered vending machine.

The installation of fiscal cash registers becomes a prerequisite for the implementation of various types products. All owners are required to upgrade their own equipment before government deadlines. Standard upgrades can occur using the following methods:

  • installation of a thermal printer that allows you to print receipt information (installation of such a device will cost approximately 15,000 rubles);
  • acquisition of specialized online cash register, which will significantly optimize all funds spent on reinstalling old equipment.

The second option is the most optimal and fully complies with legal requirements. The government has established detailed deadlines for the transition to the cash register system for all entrepreneurs.

Timing and procedure for switching to online cash registers for vending

A special type of “terminal” business, like all other types entrepreneurial activity, involves the additional purchase of online cash registers of the established type with a fiscal drive. According to the law, all vending machines and machines must be connected to this system from July 1, 2018. All terminals, from terminals for the sale of water to mechanical devices for the sale of small items (costing from 100 rubles) must be automated and have cash registers that allow issuing standard receipts.

Important! The main purpose of the fiscal apparatus is to track all expenditure transactions in real time and provide full information for the tax service.

Modern models of cash registers can significantly optimize and facilitate maintenance. It is possible to immediately notify the owner about machine malfunctions, which allows minimizing all possible financial costs from downtime of commercial equipment. Before purchasing the required model of cash register equipment, it is important to make sure that the retail vending equipment is subject to modernization to meet the established legal requirements for most existing cash register devices.

The legislation defines certain conditions under which vending machines can be exempt from installing online cash register systems. This applies to sales devices chewing gum and other items that are sold automatically. The cost of an individual unit of goods under these conditions should be no more than 100 rubles.

All other entrepreneurs are required to switch to a new type of cash service from July 2018. For officially registered individual entrepreneurs at the state level, the following detailed transition dates have been approved:

  1. From July 1, 2018, all official trade organizations, whose business is related to vending. All individual entrepreneurs are also required to switch to a new type of payment.
  2. From July 1, 2019, all individual entrepreneurs whose activities involve selling goods through vending machines without hiring employees are required to switch to this system.

Additionally, the state has determined some changes that approve the operation of vending machines with modern online cash registers. Specialized machines, which are designed with a display that allows customers to see a QR code, may be exempt at the legislative level from issuing paper copies of payment receipts. IN in this case An exception will be equipment that sells excisable, technically complex goods, as well as labeled commodity units. These retail chains are required to issue paper receipts of the established form upon sale.

An online cash register for a vending machine guarantees compliance with all legal requirements and the implementation of full-fledged trade. All individual entrepreneurs must connect cash register systems that fully comply with legal regulations. The Federal Tax Service has approved a separate list for new-style retail and cash register systems. It is also necessary to select a specific fiscal data operator and conclude a formal service agreement. It is important to pay special attention to the conditions and proposed tariffs - the final cost of service from different operators may vary significantly.

The best offers in price and quality

Additionally, entrepreneurs will need to register an individual cash register - this procedure can be performed on the Federal Tax Service website, as well as by personally contacting the territorial tax authorities. The most optimal way is to remotely register cash registers for vending machines directly on the website. To register equipment, you must write an application in the established form, after which the equipment will be assigned a special number.

Advantages and disadvantages of switching to a new order

For specialized vending machines, installing modern online cash registers has particular advantages, as well as some disadvantages. Among the advantages are:

  1. The ability to track in detail all available residual products in the warehouse. All data can be obtained online.
  2. On a remote basis, you can fully control your fixed revenue per day.
  3. KKT allows you to conveniently set up an individual notification system - the owner of the device will receive timely information about the malfunction if necessary Maintenance devices.
  4. The tax authorities will receive all reporting information in a timely manner - sales of products will be entirely carried out on a legal basis.

Among the disadvantages, experts highlight:

  • quite large financial costs for installing cash register systems, as well as for organizing annual expenses for OFD services and fiscal drives;
  • possible decrease in business profitability in the future;
  • additional costs for online checkouts can lead to higher prices for products and a decrease in sales.

Important! A massive transition to cash reporting in a remote system is a prerequisite, so individual entrepreneurs need to purchase specific models of cash modules of the established standard.

Modern online cash registers for vending machines can significantly simplify all reporting procedures for tax inspectorates. Specialized fiscal recorders are presented in a huge range - there is a certain list of federal devices recommended for installation on vending machines. This list is included in the Federal Tax Service register and is available on the official website. Among the relevant 54-FZ CCP, the following are distinguished:

  1. PAY VKP 80K FA - 12,000 rub.
  2. PAY ONLINE 01-FA - from 36,000 rub.
  3. TREASURER-FA - 12900 rub.
  4. PRIM 21 FA - 46,950 rub.
  5. RP System-1FA - 14,000 rub.
  6. Terminal FA - 5300 rub.
  7. UMKA 01-FA - 4200 rub.

Entrepreneurs can choose from a fairly wide range of cash desks for vending services. Additionally, you will need to purchase special devices for installing equipment on vending machines. All models have fairly compact dimensions, as well as additional connectors that are optimal for connecting. Devices are necessarily equipped with wi-fi antennas, a COM port, and the ability to print specialized QR codes.

Hello, friends.

For many owners of vending machines, Day X is approaching. By July 1, 2018, all LLCs and individual entrepreneurs with hired employees are required to install a new type of online cash register in their vending equipment.

Some already have a suitable solution in place, but most operators have taken a wait-and-see approach. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that they promise to significantly reduce the financial burden on vending. On the other hand, developers of solutions for connecting machines with cash registers are growing like mushrooms after rain, and, at the same time, these same cash register solutions are gradually becoming cheaper. Agree, no one wants to overpay.

Why not just buy a cash register

The Federal Tax Service register has 9 online cash registers that can be used in vending machines and other automatic devices.

As you can see, the choice of online cash registers for vending is quite diverse, as are the prices for cash register models. But in fact, for an individual owner of vending machines, all this does not matter.

The fact is that we cannot simply buy a cash register, install it in the machine and start working according to the law - this is simply technically impossible.
Therefore, all automatic devices without exception - vending machines, payment terminals, self-service kiosks, etc. – a device is required to interface the cash register with the vending machine. And this is a completely different story, different suppliers and different prices...

What is offered to us and how much does it cost?

Let's try to compare what is already on the market of ready-made cash register solutions for vending machines.

Obviously, this list will be updated, so in about a year, the current review may be completely irrelevant. But when the day comes and there is food, we will make a new one. In the meantime...

Cash register solutions for vending today are represented by the following options:

  • Telemetron
    The Telemetron cash register solution was developed on the basis of already known telemetry for vending machines.
    Telemetron uses the Payonline-01-FA cash register. It can be used as a local solution, according to the scheme “one cash register for each machine”, or as a cloud solution – in conjunction with Orange Data – according to the scheme “1 remote cash register for several machines”.

    Telemetron without cash register

    The manufacturer offers 2 modifications of Telemetron: standard (with full monitoring of machines) and a “light” version (limiting access to detailed statistics, but performing its functions of preparing and transmitting data to the tax office).

  • Ephor
    Efor offers a local solution based on the CCP “Treasurer”, as well as on some other models of online cash registers (PayOnline-01- F , FA Terminal, RP-FA System). The development was tested on their own network of vending machines. There is an option to work without a subscription fee (without telemetry). Supplier website:
  • RedBox (Unicum)
    The RedBox cash register solution is presented by the well-known manufacturer of vending machines “Unicum”. It works on the basis of several cash register systems, in particular “PayOnline”. RedBox is available both for Unicum machines and for machines from other well-known foreign manufacturers. According to the manufacturer, the Redbox cash register solution has been successfully operating in the fields for a year in vending machines that sell goods special purpose. You can purchase a Redbox telemetry controller for two fiscalization options: RedBox+KKT+Subscriber and RedBox+Farm+Subscriber (more details in the table below).
    Supplier's website:
  • Umka
    Cash register, interface device, telemetry - all “in one bottle” from one manufacturer. Apparently that’s why Umka has some of the most reasonable prices for both fiscalization options. They offer both a local option and an option with a fiscal server. Umka is already used in payment terminals. Supplier's website:
  • iVend
    The relatively new iVend cash register solution operates on the basis of CCP Treasurer. It offers both the installation of an iVend controller in conjunction with a cash register directly into the machine itself, and a remote option, for which the owner will have to purchase a server for 4 cash registers, costing about 100 thousand rubles (the cost of cash registers is not included here). Of course, there are various extras in the form of telemetry, mobile application etc. At the moment it is possible to connect machines only via MDB, EXE and Pulse in development. Supplier's website:
  • Keith Vending
    Another comprehensive solution from the cash register manufacturer - cash register + Kit Box controller + telemetry + non-cash payment. I don’t want to be unfounded, but judging by the name - Kit Box, Red Box... and judging by the fact that Kit is written on the Unicum controller - there are some similarities between the cash register solutions of Kit and Unicum... Kit Vending works on the basis of the Terminal-FA online cash register, which is one of the most affordable.
    Supplier website:

Now I propose to compare the cost of various options.

The “Local” option involves installing a cash register in the vending machine body (scheme “1 cash register - 1 machine”). The “Remote” option involves installing a module in the machine that allows you to connect to a remote online cash register, and several machines can be connected to this cash register at the same time (“cloud cash register”).

Prices for services and equipment

Solution Locally (cash register in the machine) Remotely (cash register outside the machine)
Telemetron and Telemetron+OrangeData + 13,500 rub. (CCP+FN) when ordering from 10 pcs.

7950 RUR (modem)

OK. 300 rub. per month subscription fee

OFD services from 2000 rub. for one cash register per year

Replacement of the fiscal drive once every 13 months. OK. 7000 rubles per one cash register

For 10 machines:

RUB 214,500 one-time

+ 90,000 rubles per year

+ 3,000 per month.

+ Telemetron modem for 1 machine - 6950 rub. (modem from 10 machines - 4950 rubles per machine)

Telemetron subscription fee - 145 rubles/month. per machine (without monitoring, or about 300 rub./month with monitoring)

Orange Data subscription fee - 100 rubles/month. for the machine

One-time package in Orange Data for 240,000 transactions (essentially a fiscal drive) RUB 6,200. for all machines

For 10 machines:

49,500 rub. one-time

+ 62.000 per year

+ from 2,450 to 4,000 rubles per month

Ephor + CCT+FN set from RUB 12,100.

Efor modem up to 10 machines 8,000 rubles, from 11 - 7,000 rubles.

Subscription fee 200 rub. per month per machine

For 10 machines:

201,000 rubles one-time

+ 90,000 rubles per year

+ 2,000 rubles per month

RedBox (Unicum) + CCT+FN set approx. 14900

RedBox modem approx. 8500 rub. to automatic

Subscription fee from 100 (without monitoring) to 300 rubles per machine

OFD services from 2000 per year per cash register

Replacement of the fiscal drive once every 13 or 36 months. OK. 7000 rubles per one cash register

For 10 machines:

234,000 rubles one-time

+ 90,000 per year

+ from 1000 to 3000 rubles per month

+ RedBox modem 8500 rub. for one machine

Renting a cash register farm at the rate of 4,000 rubles per month for 20 machines

Subscription fee from 100 (without monitoring, only transfer to the Federal Tax Service) to 250 rubles per month.

For 10 machines:

85,000 rubles one-time

+ from 3000 to 4500 rubles per month

Umka + from 12,000 rubles (KKT + interface module)

Subscription fee approx. 300 rubles per month

OFD from 2000 rubles per year per cash register

Fiscal storage approx. 7000 for 13 months per cash register

For 10 machines:

120,000 rubles one-time

+90.000 per year

+ 3.000 per month

+ rental of a fiscal server from 3,000 rubles per year per machine or 300 rubles per month per machine

FN approx. 7000 for 13 months

For 10 machines:

+ 70,000 per year

+ 3,000 rubles per month

iVend + iVend controller 7900 rub. for one machine

Cash register for one machine approx. 12000 rubles

FN once every 13 or 36 months approx. 7000 rub.

Subscription fee for telemetry is 200 rubles. per month (optional)

For 10 machines:

199,000 rubles one-time

+ 90,000 rubles per year

+ 2000 rubles per month

+ cash register at the rate of one cash register for 10 machines 12,000 rubles

iVend controller 7900 rub. for one machine

Purchase of a fiscal server for 4 cash desks 100 thousand rubles one-time.

FN for 13 months. OK. 7000 rub.

OFD services approx. 2000 rub. in year

Subscription fee for telemetry 250 rubles per month from a machine (optional)

For 10 machines:

241,000 one-time

+ 28.000 per year

+ 2500 per month.

Keith Vending + ok. 6000 rubles controller (interface module)

OK. 8800 KKT Terminal FA

Fiscal storage and OFD approx. 9000 per cash register per year

For 10 machines:

148,000 rubles one-time

+90.000 per year

+ 6000 controller Kit Vending

250 rubles per month subscription fee

Fiscal storage and OFD 6200 per year

For 10 machines:

60,000 rubles one-time

+ 62.000 per year

+ 2500 rub. per month

  • prices may differ slightly from the price list, since individual conditions for each specific case are not taken into account, as well as discounts from a certain number of machines.
  • in anticipation of the speedy adoption of amendments to the Federal Law, the table does not show the cost of the printer. There is also no cost for the electronic scoreboard, since its installation is still 2 years away, and as we know, we have been waiting for three years for what was promised. But roughly I can say that minimum cost QR board costs about 1000 rubles.
  • Also, do not forget that by installing a cash register in the machine body according to the local scheme (1 cash register = 1 machine), we legally have the right to tax deduction in the amount of 18,000 rubles.

So what are we waiting for

Firstly, this month it is expected that Federal Law No. 344028-7 will be adopted in the second reading, which amends 54-FZ on CCP (more about the law). It is expected that the new law will abolish printers and approve “cloud cash registers” at the legislative level, thereby significantly reducing the cost of fiscalization for owners of vending machines.

Secondly, the young cash register solutions that are currently on the market are still expensive and have some disadvantages. Personally, I don't see any of them as ideal, although some look more attractive than others. However, I will share my vision of the ideal online cash register for vending some other time.

Thank you for your attention.