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Facial rejuvenation with Japanese Kobido massage. Japanese facial massage Kobido - an ancient recipe for skin rejuvenation Japanese facial massage Kobido description

Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun have in their arsenal a wide variety of massage techniques for caring for their face. Each of them has its own advantages, and each of them has already gained some popularity in Russia, Europe and America. The Kobido massage system deserves the most attention, which even now, at the peak of the development of cosmetology and plastic surgery, is called a real miracle. Today, every woman can do such a massage on her own.

Over the past few decades, Europeans' interest in exotic oriental cultures has been constantly increasing. Their art, philosophy, religion and, of course, medicine make us wonder, admire, and sometimes even come into real shock. Women are most interested in beauty issues, because it’s no secret that Asian women (and especially Japanese women) are famous for their ageless attractiveness. Ancient techniques invented before our era help them to always remain young and fresh. One of them is a unique Japanese facial massage, which is very popular among Western ladies.

The essence of the massage technique

The first mentions and reviews of this massage were found in ancient chronicles. They say that with the help of such manipulations, the empress herself maintained her face in proper form. Considering the fact that she was an example for all women in the country, this moment was very important for her.

It should be noted that Japanese facial massage of this kind is a complex, complex procedure that is carried out in several stages. During the procedure, deep cleansing of the skin, intensive moisturizing and detailed treatment of all its areas are carried out.

The unique Kobido facial massage, like many other oriental massage techniques, is a bioenergetic procedure. It is believed that special meridians pass through the human body along which vital energy moves. In some places these lines intersect, and energy moves from one meridian to another. Free, correct, unhindered circulation of energy throughout the human body is the key to health, beauty, longevity and peace of mind.

Skeptics might criticize this point of view, but doctors who have studied Japanese facial massage know what's going on. The ancient Japanese were much smarter than we might think. The so-called meridians are actually channels through which lymph flows. Taking care of your health in Everyday life, we pay very little attention to the lymphatic system, and in vain. Lymph is a unique vehicle that moves nutrients throughout the body and removes everything unnecessary from it.

The Kobido technique provides for a delicate, but quite intensive study of the lymphatic meridians, due to which lymph circulation improves. Thus, toxins, salts and breakdown products formed as a result of various metabolic processes are removed from the skin tissues. In addition, excess fluid comes out of the cells and intercellular space, the stagnation of which leads to edema. As a result of such exposure, a simply amazing effect is observed:

  • The face acquires a beautiful, defined shape and smooth contour;
  • The functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, pores are narrowed (this is why the Kobido technique is great for problem skin);
  • Fine wrinkles disappear, and deep ones become less noticeable (this is evidenced by reviews of women aged thirty-five to fifty);
  • Bags disappear and dark spots around eyes;
  • Skin color improves - painful pallor disappears, a natural healthy blush appears on the cheeks;
  • Facial features become clearer - in particular, the eyes become more expressive;
  • The “throughput” of the skin improves - reviews show that after a course of such a massage, the skin reacts much more actively to rejuvenating and nourishing cosmetics.

Massage technique

In order to learn how to do Japanese facial massage yourself, you need to thoroughly study the anatomical atlas, Special attention paying attention to the location of the facial muscles and main lymph nodes. This way you can, firstly, achieve maximum effect, and secondly, ensure your comfort and safety.

Japanese facial massage consists of several stages. The first of them is cleansing. The skin must be thoroughly cleansed of cosmetics, excess fat and dirt. After this, it should be steamed thoroughly. It is advisable to use a container with a hot herbal decoction for these purposes - mint or chamomile are perfect. This steam will soften the skin and have a slight antibacterial effect. Next, the skin must be cleansed of dead cells using a gentle peeling with particles of sea minerals or apricot kernels.

You can learn the correct execution of a massage using the Kobido method from this video:

After this, when the skin is warmed and cleansed, it needs to be thoroughly moisturized. For this, both a special cream and some “improvised means” are suitable - for example, vegetable oils. And the original massage involves the use of natural milk cream, which deeply nourishes the skin and saturates it with beneficial substances.

The third stage, without which Japanese facial massage is impossible, is the effect on the meridians, that is, the lymphatic ducts. Here you need to take special care and under no circumstances massage the lymph nodes themselves - they are very sensitive and vulnerable organs that do not tolerate mechanical impact.

The last stage is a detailed study of the facial muscles. You should also proceed very carefully here. Some reviews say that this stage of the massage is quite painful.

Contraindications and precautions

It should be noted that Japanese massage has some contraindications. Among them are acne, infectious skin diseases, the presence of damage to the epidermis (cuts, scratches, burns, etc.), fever, sinusitis, facial neuritis, visual impairment, rosacea.

Remember that there are real masters of this business only in Japan, so do not trust your skin to charlatans in cheap beauty salons.

You should not do Japanese massage yourself if you are not confident in your skills.

Kobido is a massage originally from Japan that gives an amazing effect. The condition of the facial skin is noticeably improved thanks to a carefully developed technique. Massage allows you to relieve tension from the muscles of the neck and face, as well as enhance regeneration at the cellular level. The skin will achieve an inner glow if you massage regularly. The result will not let anyone down; absolutely everyone will get a wonderful effect from the procedures. Therefore, you shouldn’t just sit and choose expensive creams for rejuvenation, it’s time to study the Japanese massage technique and apply it as soon as possible!

Japanese massage

The famous massage technique is used in various salons, and it simply has considerable popularity among ordinary people. After all, the main advantage is the fact that massage can be done not only with the help of other people, but also independently. Thanks to this, money is saved, and the skin of the face becomes more elastic and takes on a healthy appearance.

The technique itself interested not only women, but also men. In fact, both the fair sex and strong, courageous individuals want to preserve their youth. Japan is a beautiful country that has always been famous for its beautiful people. It is because of this that you can safely turn to the Japanese regarding rejuvenation issues. They really know a lot about real beauty and longevity.

People have always paid attention to how Japanese girls look. It is simply impossible to guess their age. The main secret is massage, which was invented quite a long time ago, although it began to be actively used relatively recently. The main task of Japanese is to influence the facial muscles. This scheme provides a miraculous effect in the end.

The session does not last too long, but during this time the human body manages to be saturated with energy for a long time, and the face gets rid of hated wrinkles and rejuvenates.


Until very old age, the Japanese retain their beautiful appearance. To do this, they do not need to spend money on plastic surgery. After all, they receive all this magical power only with the help of unique movements with their fingers. The Japanese can also boast that they know how to independently care for their own body, without using any additional means.

Simple rules of skin care need to be included in the daily tasks, after which the face will receive immediate rejuvenation and feel freedom. The effect you can get after the session will be amazing. When performing a massage, you can achieve the following goals:

  • get rid of swelling;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • restore facial skin to normal condition;
  • gain freshness and brightness of complexion;
  • slow down the process of wrinkles.

Popular view - Kobido

Blooming appearance The people of Japan can boast thanks to Kobido (facial massage based on the practice of anma). This technique was developed specifically for geishas, ​​and in translation the word “Kobido” means “traditional image of beauty.” Not only geishas, ​​but also samurai enjoyed the effects of massage. Most often, sessions were held in the evening or early morning to replenish internal energy and get a good mood for a long time.

Technology has been available to people for a very long time. Throughout its existence, it has always remained popular among the Japanese. Even great rulers tried to keep their facial skin fresh and beautiful using this method. Then Kobido began to be used in other countries, because the effect was noticeable after the first time.

An effective result will be achieved only if the movements are performed correctly. In general, the technique consists of kneading, pinching, rubbing and stroking the skin of the face. Each action must be done very carefully so as not to damage the inner layers of the epithelium.

As you know, a person’s face is divided into lines responsible for certain organs. The Kobido technique focuses on the lines of the urinary system and the functioning of the large intestine. Thanks to this, the digestion process will be improved and cleansing of the body will be accelerated.

Your health will improve significantly, and your complexion will return to normal. Massage is especially useful for people who spend quite a long time at work and lead an active lifestyle.

In addition to the main advantages of all Japanese techniques, this massage option has its advantages that simply cannot be ignored:

  1. During the session, the production of collagen and elastin is activated.
  2. As a result, the skin becomes the “owner” of the lifting effect.
  3. To perform unique movements, only three fingers (thumb, index and middle) must be used.
  4. Every millimeter of the skin of the face, as well as the neck and décolleté is affected.

For people over 30 years old, Kobido will provide a fresh complexion, and for those who are already well over 45, it will return youth.

Important points

Kobido massage is quite simple, but it’s still worth taking the time to study it in detail. The person who will perform the main actions must know exactly where and how all the lines that need to be worked are located.

Lymph nodes should not be massaged, as this may lead to adverse consequences. And the movements themselves should be softer so that the person does not feel discomfort.

Execution steps

Many people want to experience the famous Japanese Kobido massage. The training is not that difficult, but without it it is prohibited to start working. There are two main stages in the execution technique:

  1. Warming up Here the skin is cleansed of previously applied cosmetics, using special products (you can take a regular face gel). Then use a hot towel to “open” the pores. Next, it is recommended to purchase a special scrub to cleanse skin covering from keratinized parts and excess fat. And the last step at this stage will be to treat the face, neck and décolleté with a moisturizing cream.
  2. Active phase. Warm up using circular movements (at this time the area being massaged should be slightly numb). Next, use the pads of two or three fingers to slightly “move” the skin. And only after this can you begin massaging individual lines.


  • acne;
  • frequent depression;
  • dry/oily facial skin;
  • expression wrinkles.

The technique is often used as a preventive measure to keep the body in good shape and preserve external beauty. The patient must be relaxed during the procedure. This will help you get the necessary energy and get rid of external irritations.


Kobido facial massage, which is available to every person, also has contraindications:

  • infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • neck injuries;
  • period after cosmetic surgery.

To perform all the steps correctly, you need to use oil or a regular moisturizer. These products can cause allergic reactions, so before the massage you should definitely make sure that no problems with the skin will arise after this.

JAPANESE Kobido massage is one of the most effective therapeutic methods that can naturally significantly improve the condition of the skin and minimize the aging process.

Kobido massage is one of the most effective therapeutic methods that can naturally significantly improve the condition of the skin and minimize the aging process.

Massage enhances the regeneration of skin cells and deeper tissues, helps to relax and relieve tension from the muscles of the face, head and neck, and has a general healing and rejuvenating effect.

As a result, the face begins to glow from within.

Kobido massage was first mentioned in 1472. An ancient Japanese chronicle describes that one of the empress’s cosmetic procedures at that time was Kobido massage. As a result, this massage technique has become more famous and in demand. The tradition was passed down from generation to generation. Thus, due to its high efficiency, the technique of this massage has reached our times through many generations, being improved from master to master.

Experts are sure that Kobido massage is a therapeutic procedure that not only differs significantly from a regular facial massage, but also leads to amazing results. Today this is one of the most popular procedures in Japanese spas.

During these procedures, the specialist pays close attention not only to the color, structure and turgor of the skin, but also to the strength of energy flows, as well as the psycho-emotional state of the patient. It is believed that harmonizing the flow vital energy- Qi (Ki) automatically balances emotions and the state of the physical body. During the procedure, acupuncture points in the face, neck and head are activated. Massage helps relieve tension in muscles and connective tissues, thus restoring free blood circulation.

Features of Kobido massage.

The procedure consists of three stages:

Unlike conventional cosmetic facial massage, the Japanese Kobido massage technique is much more diverse and uses many techniques to influence both the surface of the skin and deep tissues. The technique of using hands and fingers when performing massage techniques differs.

The superficial percussion method is combined with effects on the muscles and fascia of the face. As a result, blood circulation and collagen production increase, skin color improves, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, in addition, Kobido massage promotes general relaxation and improved mood, cleansing, moisturizing and stimulating meridians, which normalize the condition of internal organs. acupressure and lymphatic drainage techniques are used.

The main energy meridians pass through the face area; there are also several points on the face where energy flows from one meridian to another.

The combination of shiatsu techniques with stimulation of facial nerves improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage, activates the distribution of nutrients in tissues, and allows for more effective removal of toxins and dead cells. During the massage, very light strokes are used in combination with fast and rhythmic finger tapping (percussion technique).

Depending on the condition of the skin, a deep tissue technique may also be added, which increases blood flow in the muscles and fascia, saturating the cells with oxygen and nutrients.

Thus, the mechanism of regeneration, self-renewal and self-rejuvenation of tissues is launched.

The result of several Kobido massage sessions is not only beautiful and rejuvenated skin, but also overall health.


Like all methods of Eastern medicine, Kobido massage is preventive. It is well known in the East that maintaining good health and beauty are much more profitable than restoration and treatment.

Main effects of Kobido massage:

  • facial skin becomes smoother and more elastic,
  • facial muscles are strengthened and tightened,
  • the face acquires a pleasant shade,
  • blood circulation is stimulated and cellular metabolism is optimized,
  • activates the lymphatic system and promotes the removal of toxins,
  • the skin moisture balance is normalized,
  • muscle tension is eliminated,
  • thanks to the use of acupuncture points, there is a gentle effect on the entire body as a whole,
  • circulation of Qi energy improves,
  • general deep relaxation,
  • The effect of natural lifting and radiant beauty is achieved.

Contraindications to massage:

  • recent surgeries on the face and neck, Botox, etc.,
  • neck injuries,
  • psoriasis, eczema and other problems with facial skin,
  • the first three months of pregnancy.

The massage is performed on a massage table using a small amount of oil. The session lasts from 60-80 minutes. Includes neck work, face work, lymphatic drainage, shiatsu, hair work, and finally some attention is paid to the arms and legs. published

Japanese Kobido massage is an effective therapeutic method, thanks to which the condition of the skin improves naturally and the aging process slows down. This type of massage allows you to enhance the regeneration of deep skin tissues at the cellular level and relieve tension from the muscles of the face, head and neck. The healing and rejuvenating effect of Japanese massage, as they say, is on the face. After the sessions, the skin is filled with an inner glow.

Kobido gained fame back in 1472. A mention of it was found in one of the ancient Japanese chronicles. The historical monument states that the empress used this cosmetic procedure to maintain her skin tone. Traditions and skills, massage techniques have been passed down through generations. Nowadays, Kobido massage has gained considerable popularity, its effectiveness has been recognized all over the world.

Japanese Kobido massage technique

According to experts, Kobido is a therapeutic procedure that differs significantly from classical massage. During the session, the master pays attention to the psycho-emotional state of the patient, controls the strength of energy flows, the structure and color of the skin. At the same time, a person’s emotions come into balance, the flow of vital energy is harmonized, and physical condition improves. Massage allows you to relieve tension in tissues and muscles and restore blood circulation.

Kobido massage takes place in several stages:

First, the specialist, as before other cosmetic procedures, cleanses, moisturizes and stimulates the meridians. This allows us to bring internal organs to normal condition. Typically, acupuncture and lymphatic drainage techniques are used. The skin in the facial area contains numerous energy meridians and points through which energy transfers from one meridian to another.

The Japanese massage technique combines many techniques for influencing deep tissues and the surface of the skin. The superficial percussion method allows you to increase blood circulation, activate collagen production, increase skin elasticity and improve its color. It is used in combination with active stimulation of the facial muscles.

The shiatsu technique, used in combination with facial nerve stimulation, improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage, and promotes a more even distribution of nutrients in tissues. At the same time, toxins and other decay products are actively removed from dead cells.

Kobido technique involves the massage therapist using light stroking and rhythmic finger tapping. He uses deep tissue techniques to increase blood flow in the muscles, saturating cells with nutrients and oxygen. Mechanisms of regeneration, self-renewal, and self-rejuvenation are launched in tissues.

Japanese Kobido massage is indicated for:

  • oily or dry facial skin;
  • acne;
  • the presence of facial wrinkles;
  • headaches;
  • depression.

Kobido massage, like many other methods of Japanese medicine, is used as a preventative measure to maintain health and beauty, as well as to restore it. By influencing acupuncture points, the massage therapist has an effect on the body as a whole, which allows for deep relaxation.

Kobido massage is contraindicated:

  1. for infectious diseases;
  2. after cosmetic surgery, Botox injections;
  3. in the presence of physical injuries to the neck;
  4. for eczema and psoriasis;
  5. in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Oil is used for massage. The duration of the procedure is 60 - 80 minutes. During the session, in addition to the facial area, the front and back surfaces of the neck are treated, and lymphatic drainage is performed. At the end of the procedure, the master pays attention to the legs and arms.

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Japanese kobido massage, reviews

After undergoing Japanese Kobido massage sessions, patients claim that their face becomes as if sculpted by a skilled sculptor. They note that the contours of the face and its relief become more expressive, which gives the appearance an aristocracy and precision. Clients are pleased that this technique allows them to reduce double chins and refine the jawline. The face becomes stretched and looks so fresh, as if the person has just returned from a spa resort or from a village where he enjoyed the fresh air natural products, prepared by a caring grandmother.

Clients of cosmetology salons who have undergone a course of Kobido massage have a lively, open look, the usual frozen mask of fatigue and dissatisfaction is erased from their faces, and an expression of success, health, and well-being appears.

Many people whose aura has been cleansed using this Japanese technique discover previously hidden abilities and talents. A person’s crystal clear consciousness opens up to positive thoughts and new ideas. The body feels balance and all the depth of feelings, a harmonious combination of energy. Success comes without waiting for an invitation; new horizons open up for a person, new opportunities appear. Specialists who practice the Japanese kobido massage technique and their satisfied clients share more and more new impressions of the results obtained.

Japanese kobido massage, price

In massage rooms, Japanese Kobido massage is performed on a special massage table. In the process of influencing the facial skin, the master uses quality oils, which enhance the effect of the session.

The session duration is about 60-80 minutes. During this time, the specialist works with the face, back and front of the neck, performs lymphatic drainage, as well as shiatsu (optional), and works with the scalp. The session ends with a superficial study of the limbs.

On average, you will have to pay 2,500 rubles for a Japanese Kobido massage session in a good salon, but the effect of it is so amazing that it allows you to immediately forget about spending and immerse yourself in enjoying yourself, your own body and the world around you.

Japanese facial massage using the Kobido technique is aimed at relieving tension in the facial and neck muscles, due to which the skin is renewed, damaged structure is restored, and the face takes on a refreshed appearance.

The essence of technology

Kobido is a complex procedure that is carried out in several stages. They are based on bioenergetic processes. The essence of the technique is a delicate but intensive treatment of lymphatic flows, due to which blood circulation improves, removing toxins and decay products from various metabolic processes from skin tissue. The cells are also freed from excess fluid, which causes swelling.

The practice of Kobido in Japan began in the second half of the 15th century, when this massage technique was extremely popular at the imperial court. In the West, it “took root” only at the end of the 20th century, when Sh. Mashizuki opened a school of oriental massage in the USA. He developed his own method for a facelift, adding elements of Shiatsu massage to it.

Effect and indications for use

Like any other massage, Kobido massage needs to be completed in a course of 10-12 sessions, with procedures carried out twice a week. For the effect to last longer, you need to visit the massage room periodically, at least 1-2 times a month.

You may not notice an immediate result after the first session, and the first signs of improvement begin to appear only after 3 visits to the massage room. Deep effects on muscle tissue and skin are triggered in the body chain reaction of several processes that ultimately lead to the desired effect.

Kobido facial massage provides:

  • improving blood circulation, removing waste products;
  • improvement of skin structure;
  • relaxation of the muscles of the face, neck and head;
  • rejuvenating effect;
  • relieving fatigue;
  • skin tightening;
  • improving the skin’s ability to retain moisture and maintain an optimal level of hydration;
  • increasing skin elasticity;
  • healing of the whole body by influencing acupuncture points.
  • increased skin dryness;
  • excessive sebum secretion;
  • acne;
  • wrinkles;
  • sagging skin;
  • dark spots;
  • headache;
  • nervous tension;
  • depression.

But you shouldn’t wait for all these problems to take a Kobido massage course. Experts recommend using it as a preventative element, without waiting until the skin needs a massage. There is absolutely no need to wait for age-related changes.

By taking a course of massage you can avoid or at least delay the appearance of wrinkles, age spots or sagging skin.


  • infectious diseases;
  • recent surgery on the face or neck, or after cosmetic procedures such as Botox injections;
  • neck injuries;
  • first half of pregnancy;
  • eczema and psoriasis.

So that massage does not lead to negative consequences, you need to use the services of certified specialists, since unprofessional work may not only not improve the condition of the facial skin, but will also lead to sagging and increased wrinkles, and improper stimulation of acupuncture points is fraught with disruptions in the functioning of internal organs.


Before you start the massage, you need to prepare:

  • remove makeup thoroughly;
  • To expand the pores and relax the muscles, apply a hot towel to your face;
  • wipe your face with lotion (if your facial skin is oily, it is recommended to use a scrub);
  • wipe your face;
  • Massage is carried out using an oil-based massage product.

The massage begins from the neck area, smoothly moves to the face and then to the scalp. The peculiarity of Kobido is a combination of blows and deep pressure.

To begin with, do a gentle neck massage, stimulating blood circulation in the cervical area and head. This helps with overall relaxation and stress relief. Here you need to pay attention to skin color and assess the emotional state of a person. If the massage is painful or there is an increase in temperature, the process should be stopped.

According to Eastern teachings, there are 14 streams on the human body, which are the connecting link between groups of organs. Energy exchange takes place at the intersection of flows, so during the massage it is important to influence these points through various movements with a lower or greater degree of intensity.

To do this, rotational or pressure movements are used with the thumb or the joints of bent fingers. Stimulation of points is the launch of the mechanism of regeneration and saturation of cells with oxygen.

The massage is performed in the direction of energy movement along the streams.


  • patting from bottom to top along the neck line to the chin (about 2 minutes);
  • stroking and lightly stretching the facial muscles from the middle of the chin to the sides (5 times in both directions);
  • repeat previous steps;
  • patting the area from the middle of the cheeks to the ears with fingers and reverse side(2 times);
  • grab the muscles and skin with your fingertips from the middle of the face towards the ears (10 times);
  • the left hand slightly holds the skin near the mouth, the right hand makes stretching movements from the same point to the ears;
  • patting the skin from the middle of both cheeks towards the ears back and forth (5 times);
  • one hand holds the area near the wings of the nose, the other smoothes the skin towards the temples, passing through the cheekbones (5-10 times);
  • grasping the lips alternately with the index and middle fingers, stretching movements are made to the sides;
  • use your fingertips to beat the area between the bridge of your nose and between your eyebrows;
  • We massage the forehead area, starting from the middle, so that the eyebrow is between the middle and index fingers;
  • pat the forehead from side to side;
  • knead the skin along the same line;
  • smooth the forehead from the middle towards the temples.

Finish the massage by lightly stroking the scalp to consolidate energy flows and adjust their circulation to the desired level.

The massage session lasts about an hour. It is not recommended to do it yourself, as this requires deep knowledge of technology and the location of flows. In addition, doing a massage on your own for an hour is very difficult, as this will not allow a person to completely relax.