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Sample of filling out a work order. Features of the employment order: adult and minor workers. Personnel documents for employment

Registration of labor relations with an employee also includes issuing a written order from the management of the business entity regarding employment. The employment order is prepared by personnel officers after the company administration signs an employment agreement with the employee, and then endorsed by management.

After passing the interview, the future employee needs to fill out an application for employment and submit the documents required by law for employment.

The legislation does not classify an application as a document on the basis of which an admission order can be issued, since this document is prepared in accordance with the admission rules in force at the enterprise.

Registration of an employee for work presupposes the need to conclude an employment contract with him, which is a mandatory action for labor relations. It must be in writing.

An order for employment, Form T-1, is issued only after management has signed an employment contract with the employee. At the same time, the work order is one of the important documents for hiring a new employee.

It is important to understand that the employment contract is the source for issuing this order. The details, as well as the main points of the concluded agreement, must be reflected in the issued administrative document.

Attention! The legislation does not specify the period during which the order must be drawn up. However, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the obligation of the employer to submit an order of form T-1 to the employee within three days from the fact of signing the employment agreement to familiarize himself with its contents.

The employer is given the right to refer to other documents as additional grounds in the issued employment order.

Form and samples of orders for employment of employees

How to write a job application correctly

To issue an appointment order, the unified T-1 form is usually used. If several employees are registered for work on the same day, then for these purposes you can use the T-1a form, which is a table. You can also use a company letterhead for these purposes, and the order itself can be drawn up in a free style using the required details.

Next you need to write down the order number. It can be end-to-end for all orders issued at the enterprise, or documents on personnel can be numbered separately with the addition of an additional letter index. Under the number that will be assigned to the document, it will need to be entered in the order book.

Next, the order records the date on which the new employee is accepted into the organization. If a contract was concluded with him for a specific period, then the date of dismissal must immediately be indicated. In addition, in the case of a fixed-term agreement, it is advisable to provide a separate column in the order, which will indicate in detail under what condition the employment contract will be automatically terminated.

Attention! The date on which the order was issued may not coincide with the date on which the employee is required to start working for the company. However, according to the law, it cannot be earlier than the date of signing the employment contract.

The next step is to enter personal data into the document - full name, personnel number, designation of the department in which the work will be carried out and the name of the position.

Column "Conditions of employment", as a rule, is filled out when the working conditions in which the employee will be differ from those accepted in the company. This could be part-time work, shortened working hours, etc. If the working conditions do not differ from those in which other employees find themselves, the column is not filled in.

The next column indicates information that the employee is being tested. It must be remembered that not all categories of workers can be tested upon admission.

Important! If it is established for an employee, it must be indicated in the order and its duration. Also, the condition for this must be indicated in the employment agreement, otherwise the entry in the order will be invalid.

The next line records information about the concluded employment contract - its number and date.

After drawing up, the document must be signed by the head of the company or entrepreneur. After this, the order is presented to the employee against signature, who puts the date and signature.

What documents are drawn up after the order is issued?

The employment order is a source for the preparation of many other documents at the enterprise:

  • Order journal - after drawing up an order, its details must be entered into a special journal that takes into account all orders issued by the company;
  • Work book - you need to enter information about the citizen’s employment in it. The wording in it repeats the corresponding line of the order, and its details are recorded as the basis;
  • Personal card - opens for each new employee. Contains information about it based on the submitted documents. For a personal card, the standard T-2 form is usually used.
  • A personal file is a file in which copies of all documents related to the employee are entered. It is mandatory that personal files be opened for municipal and government employees. Commercial companies do this at will.
  • Notification of the military registration and enlistment office - if the hired employee is liable for military service, then the personnel officer or other responsible person must draw up a notification and submit it to the city military registration and enlistment office.

Is it possible to cancel an order?

According to the Labor Code, after the parties have signed an employment agreement, the employee must appear at work at the time strictly specified in it. If the exact start date of work is not specified in the contract, it is considered that it is necessary to start work immediately the next day.

However, if the employee does not appear at his place on his first day of work, the administration has the right to cancel the employment contract. For this purpose, a corresponding order is issued. The same must be done with an appointment order. Typically, clauses on the cancellation of an order and a contract are included in one order.

Attention! But if more than one day has passed since the date of registration, and the employee for some reason changed his mind about working, it is no longer possible to cancel the order and the contract. In such a situation, the employee needs to file a resignation letter or terminate the contract by agreement of the parties.

The vacant position at the enterprise is filled by a new applicant. The basis is the prepared order for admission to the staff. There are single unified order forms: T-1 and T-1a (several persons are employed at the same time), their structure is clearly defined and differs only in the terms of employment specified in the employment agreement, which is signed by both parties.

Admission order forms

The fact of hiring an employee is confirmed by the conclusion of an employment contract with his employer, then an order is created, the basis of which is the contract. There is a single form of order, which describes the specific conditions for registration of employment for different cases: with probation for a period, without probation, replacement of an employee of an enterprise employed for a permanent job for a specified period.

Documents for download:

Other documents upon admission

The order (order) is drawn up by an employee of the personnel department or another employee responsible for personnel records. The order is signed by the director of the organization. The accepted candidate familiarizes himself with the contents of the order and confirms his agreement with it by signing. Then a personal card is issued, a note about employment is made in the work book - form T-2, a personal account of the newly hired person is opened in the accounting department - form T-54.

Structure and content of the order

An enterprise has the right to approve its own specific form of employment order; some details cannot be excluded from it. The structure of the order form T-1 (T-1a - a number of persons) is uniform and approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia. The full name of the institution is written at the top. In a special column of the order, its number according to the book of orders and the date of preparation are indicated.

The next part of the document records the candidate’s personal data (full name), position or profession, and the probationary period, if any. In the conditions of admission, you must indicate one of the possible options: permanent work, transfer from a third-party structure, part-time work, temporary replacement of a currently absent employee, performance of a specific job, something else. In the “Date” column of the T-1 form and in the “Work period” column of the T-1a form, the line “to” is unmarked for an open-ended contract.

According to the staffing schedule, the salary, possible bonuses, and the rate according to the tariff are assigned. All details correspond to the data recorded in the employment contract.

Summary order form

Similarly to this form, form No. T-1a is filled out if several people are registering at once. You can also issue an order in any form accepted at the enterprise. In this option, all details are specified for each person separately.

Free order form

If an organization has adopted its own characteristic form of an order for admission to the staff, then the following details must be present in it: the name of the order (what it is about), the full name of the hired employee, his profession (position), the name of the department, the assigned salary, the period and conditions of the probationary period period, if any, number and date of signing of the employment contract that served as the basis for the order.

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Order processing time

Since the forms are unified, they do not create any difficulties and require minimal time. The order must be issued within 3 days, starting from the moment the employment contract is signed by the head of the organization (or his authorized representative) and the candidate for service. There is no need for the employee’s signature indicating his agreement with the working conditions. The HR department prepares all other sheets: safety instructions, medical examination and other necessary ones.

If we compare the free form of the order and the unified one, then the second is preferable. It requires less time to fill out and is simpler. In the approved forms there is no need to mark the employee’s agreement with working conditions, medical examination, or instruction. But you need to draw up the corresponding separate sheets. You will find additional information on the website in the article “”. From this date, the employee must begin his official duties, otherwise the order may be cancelled.

An order for hiring a new employee is filled out using the unified T-1 form. It was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. You do not have to fill out the order using the unified form of the T-1 form; you can develop it yourself and fill out the order using the form that you approve in the accounting policy of your company. However, keep in mind that the forms you develop must contain all the necessary details (name of the organization that compiled the document, date of preparation, etc.) A complete list of requirements can be found in Part 2 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ

If you nevertheless decide to use the forms developed by the State Statistics Committee of Russia, then you will have to draw up an employment order using Form No. T-1.

An employee must be registered for work in the following order:

  • Allow the new employee to familiarize himself with local regulations that are related to his work function, against signature. These documents can be job descriptions, labor protection instructions, etc.;
  • Draw up and sign an employment contract with the employee;
  • Issue an order to hire a new employee (form T 1);
  • Make an entry in the employee’s work book about his new place of work;
  • Fill out the employee’s personal card.

The information set out in the employment order must fully comply with the conditions set out in the contract that you entered into with the employee (including the start date of work). However, keep in mind that it is not critical not to issue an order for employment on the very day when the employment contract is signed: it can be issued later. Labor legislation also does not require that the date on which the order was issued and the date on which the employee actually began work coincide, but it is recommended that the order be prepared before the new employee begins to perform his job.

The employee must be familiarized with the executed order within three days from the day he actually began performing the work. If a citizen is applying for a job with you not under an employment contract, but, for example, under a civil law contract, then an employment order is not needed. In this case, the performer is not included in the organization’s staff and is not an employee, therefore this norm of labor legislation does not apply to him

Sample of filling out the unified form T-1

In the header of the form, you need to fill in the name of the company, the OKUD, OKPO form, the serial number of the order and the date of its preparation. The main part of the order consists of the following points:

  • Employment date;
  • Employee's full name and personnel number;
  • Structural unit, employee position;
  • Nature of work;
  • Tariff rate (salary) and allowance;
  • Probation;
  • The number and date when the employment contract, which is the basis for drawing up the order, was concluded;
  • Signature of the head of the company;
  • Date and signature of the employee, which indicates that the employee is familiar with the order.

Please note that according to the law, you must store personnel documents in the archive. Orders on hiring, transfer, and dismissal must be kept for 75 years.

Organizations quite often hire employees for temporary work. Such labor relations require proper formalization. One of the main documents in this case is an order for temporary employment, a sample of which can be found at the end of the article. How to draw up this document correctly and in what cases should it be used? More on this later.

When is it necessary to issue an order for temporary employment?

In accordance with Art. 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer must formalize the hiring of an employee by order issued on the basis of an employment contract. The order must also be approved if a fixed-term contract is concluded.

The grounds for concluding a fixed-term contract and issuing an order on temporary employment are the provisions given in the list of Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. These include:

  • employment for seasonal work;
  • performing temporary work in an organization (for a period of up to two months);
  • replacing a temporarily absent employee;
  • performing work that is not related to the main activities of the organization;
  • performance of work, the scope of which is strictly defined.
  • employment by referral from the labor exchange for a specific period;
  • internship or vocational training, etc.

In some cases, a fixed-term employment contract can be concluded by agreement of the parties: when joining a small business employer with up to 35 employees (or 20 in the field of trade and consumer services), with age pensioners, with managers, their deputies and chief accountants, with full-time students and other persons listed in Part 2 of Art. 59 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

An employment order is temporarily drawn up not only for the purpose of determining the period of work. It is necessary to confirm the fact that the conclusion of a fixed-term contract is justified. Labor legislation prohibits concluding temporary employment contracts in cases where the work will be performed on a permanent basis.

Features of drawing up an order for temporary employment

There is no unified form of the document. In practice, the order is drawn up in the T-1 form or according to the sample and office work rules adopted by the organization. When using a self-developed form, you should ensure that it contains all the necessary information and details. The order must include a clause stating that the work is temporary. It is also necessary to indicate your full name. employee, his position and the deadline for completing the work.

Hiring can be carried out with one order for several employees at the same time. The number of persons is not limited by any regulatory documents, but if the document turns out to be unnecessarily cumbersome, this approach is not recommended.

The order is issued upon signing a fixed-term employment contract. The executed order must be signed by the head of the organization and the hired employee, thereby confirming the fact of familiarization with its contents. The employee must be familiarized with the text of the order within three days from the date of commencement of work.

The HR department employee, secretary, clerk or other specialist entrusted with such responsibility is responsible for filling out the order. The document storage period in the organization is 75 years.

What information should be contained in the order?

  • Organization name or full name. individual entrepreneur.
  • Date of compilation and assigned number.
  • FULL NAME. hired employee.
  • The name of the organization's division, if specified in the contract.
  • Type of employment (temporary).
  • Type of work performed.
  • Salary amount.
  • Duration of probationary period.
  • Details of the concluded employment contract.
  • Signature line for the CEO.
  • Line for the employee to familiarize himself with the order.

How to create an order

The employment order is temporarily drawn up taking into account the following requirements:

  • in the “header” of the order indicate the name of the legal entity (full name, individual entrepreneur), the number of the document and the date of its preparation;
  • Full name is entered in the order. citizen who will be hired;
  • It is mandatory to indicate the start and end date of work in accordance with the employment contract;
  • then write down the name of the structural unit, position, conditions of employment and nature of the work; the position must completely coincide with the one specified in the employment contract;
  • indicate the amount of the official salary (tariff rate) and the amount of additional payments (if any);
  • below indicate the basis for issuing the order (for example, “Employment contract dated July 20, 2018 No. 15”);
  • then you need to indicate the position and full name. the head of the organization who will sign the order;
  • at the bottom of the document there is a line “The employee has read the order”; The employee’s signature and full name are also placed here. and the date of familiarization with the order.
5/5 (2)

Samples of employment orders

ATTENTION! Look at the completed sample employment order (form T-1):

You can DOWNLOAD sample employment orders from the links below:

How to register correctly

When a person gets a job, an employment contract (hereinafter referred to as EA) is concluded with him. Based on this agreement, an order is issued to hire the employee. A single form has been established for issuing an order, but the conditions for admission may be different, for example: hire with a probationary period, hire without a test, in order to replace another employee. An employee can be hired for permanent or temporary work (indicating a specific period).

The form of the order can be modified by decision of the enterprise management, but some items must be available without fail.

The Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia approved the unified structure of the order form T-1 (T-1a, if the order concerns a number of persons).

The full name of the organization is written in the upper right corner of the form. The number of the order (according to the book of orders), as well as the date of its issue, are entered in a special column.

Since admission is subject to certain conditions, they need to be clarified:

  • hired for a permanent job;
  • transferred from another organization;
  • accepted as a part-time worker;
  • on the basis of temporary replacement of an absent employee;
  • to engage in specific work activities;
  • other options.

If an open-ended agreement is signed between the parties, in the T-1 form, in the “Date” column and in the T-1a form in the “Work period” column, the “to” line should not be filled in. Salary, allowances or rates according to the tariff are assigned in accordance with the staffing table.

The details in the order and in the employment contract must be identical.

How to fill out form No. T-1a

Form T-1a is filled out when several new employees are hired at the same time. The organization has the right to independently create the form of such an order. When such an order is issued, the details for each candidate are recorded separately.

Design nuances

Hiring an individual entrepreneur

If an individual entrepreneur gets a job, the order for his acceptance will be slightly different from the standard one. It will not contain the OKPO code and the name of the structural unit. Usually in this case we are talking about temporary employment.

Employment with a probationary period

Some employees are hired on a probationary period. The presence of such a condition is stipulated when signing the TD. But if such a condition exists, it must be specified in the employment order.

Work at 0.5 rate

Usually a person is hired part-time when it comes to part-time work. It can be internal or external.

Note! The order does not mention acceptance at 0.5 rates. The document will record the amount of the salary, but its amount cannot be more than half the rate according to the staffing table.

Hiring a part-time worker

The hiring procedure in this case is no different from the previous one. Sometimes a person is hired as a temporary replacement for an absent employee. For example, an employee is on leave to care for her child.

The column indicating the end date of work in this organization is not filled in, since an absent employee can return to his workplace at any time convenient for him.

Employment of a convicted person

A convicted person is hired on the same principle as other citizens. He is also required to provide a package of specific documentation, to which is added an order to appear for work issued by the penal inspection. A fixed-term contract cannot be concluded with a convicted person, since there are no such grounds in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

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Order for employment by transfer

When a person gets a job for transfer from another legal entity to a new employer, an order is issued in the T-1 form. At the previous job, a dismissal order will be drawn up, and at the new job, a hiring order will be drawn up. When transferring within an enterprise, an order is drawn up using form T-5.

Director's employment

When it comes to hiring new employees, the order is signed by the head of the enterprise. But if a new general director is hired, the document is signed by the chairman of the meeting of company owners. The fact that, for example, one of the owners becomes a director does not matter.

If the company has one owner, and he gets a job as a general manager. director, he personally signs the employment order, indicating himself as the sole founder of the company.

Driver employment

Citizens who get a job as a driver are hired into a garage or motor transport division of an enterprise.

Employment of a minor

When a child under 14 years of age is hired, it is not the potential employee himself who gets acquainted with the employment order, but his mother or father. If a minor child is over 14 years old, he has the right to independently sign employment documents.

Employment of an accountant

When hiring an employee for the position of accountant, an order is issued using a separate form - T-1.

Employment for industrial practice

If a student gets a job (for industrial practice), the employment procedure is carried out on the basis of civil law or TD. If a student is accepted for a vacant position, then a TD is concluded.

Employment of a foreign citizen

Employment of foreign citizens has certain nuances. The first thing we are talking about is additional documents.

In addition, an employer, when hiring a citizen of another state, is obliged to inform the Federal Migration Service of Russia about this.

An order to hire a foreigner is drawn up on the same form as in the case of hiring a citizen of the Russian Federation .

Watch the video. How to issue a job order:

Free form

Sometimes organizations develop and approve their own form of order for enrollment.

In this case, the document must contain the required details:

  • name of the order;
  • Full name of the hired employee;
  • profession or position;
  • which department is accepted into?
  • salary;
  • conditions of admission. The existence of a probationary period and its period are specified;
  • TD number, date it was signed .

Registration deadlines

The presence of unified forms simplifies the procedure for registering an employee. It takes 3 days to complete the order. This period begins from the day the TD is signed by the employer and potential employee. The employee does not need to confirm his agreement with the working conditions.

Other documentation that is usually completed when applying for a job (safety training, medical examination, etc.) is completed in the HR department.

In most cases, a unified order form is chosen, since it is easier to fill out and takes less time to complete. When filling out this form, you do not need to mark the new employee’s agreement with the working conditions, undergoing a medical examination and safety training. Separate sheets are compiled for this purpose.

The employee is obliged to begin performing his job duties from the date specified in the order. If this condition is not met, the order is canceled.

What documents are needed to hire an employee?

When hiring, the following documents will be required:

  • passport;
  • work book, which is created when applying for the first place of work;
  • taxpayer identification number (TIN);
  • SNILS (insurance certificate, “green” card). An employee who does not have one must contact the Pension Fund;
  • certificate or diploma of education;
  • military ID (if the employee is liable for military service);
  • honey. reference. Before hiring a person, most enterprises require a medical commission, after which the person is issued a special medical certificate. reference.

Typically, a medical certificate is required when hiring minors or when entering work in the catering sector or in the food industry.

Note! Be sure to undergo medical examination. Employees who will work with food products need a commission before starting work. Honey. The commission is mandatory for medical personnel.

What documents are drawn up after the order is issued?

Based on the order to hire an employee at the enterprise, a number of other documents are drawn up:

  • the details of the order are entered in the order register, where all orders and instructions issued at the enterprise are recorded;
  • An entry is made into the work book of the new employee about hiring for a given enterprise. The wording must correspond to the wording of the order. The basis is the relevant details;
  • A personal card is created for the employee in the HR department. The card is filled out based on the documented information provided by the employee. Personal card form T-2;
  • “personal file” includes copies of all documents related to the employee. Registration of a personal file is a mandatory requirement for municipal and government employees. There is no such requirement for commercial firms; they can do this at their own discretion;
  • if a new employee is liable for military service, the enterprise’s personnel department is required to draw up a special document. notification and submit it to the city military registration and enlistment office.