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Nekrasov Alexander Nikolaevich leader of the groups. The oligarch-communist Nekrasov got the Kostroma regional committee drunk. Commercial success of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

First, check out the story that recently aired on Kostroma television about how interesting the election race of our Communist Party of the Russian Federation began. Literally a race. With the victims and the police!

In my opinion, everyone in Kostroma knows that not only on weekends, but also on weekdays, the first secretary of the Kostroma regional committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Valery Izhitsky, respects a pawn by the collar. It’s been a communist tradition since Soviet times - to stick a jar or two, chew it, and engage in politics until victorious
Previously, Valery Petrovich worked alone at work (that’s why he is the leader), unlike the rest of the regional committee. Well, that is, the rest of the regional committee is also not at all fools to “fuck for a little,” but ordinary members of the regional branch of the “working people” party clearly did not have the means to buy drinks in such quantities.
However, the situation has improved noticeably after the pre-election list of candidates of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the Kostroma region was headed by oligarch from St. Petersburg Alexander Nekrasov.
Here is his spiritualized, full of care for the people and thoughtfulness, also a complete portrait

How Nekrasov topped the election list of communists, I think, is a no brainer. And judging by what is happening now in the Kostroma regional committee, the money there is now in complete order. Thanks to the candidate of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Alexander Nikolaevich Nekrasov! Now all the communists are pouring in: not only Valery Petrovich, but even his drivers. Now they can easily hit a person, crash an expensive car (by the way, the Peugeot Boxer in which the charred communists crashed into a man costs 1.5 million rubles, the bare minimum) and abandon it.
History tends to repeat itself, and in the case of the communists it repeats itself exactly. That's what it's about wrote the media several years ago:
Assistant State Duma deputy from the Communist Party faction Alexander Nekrasov Vitaly Karyakin, in a state of intoxication, came to the office of the company with which he is suing, and fired at the windows of the building and the director’s car with a paintball gun, after which he hit the called police officers, reported the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for Chelyabinsk region.
Curious, isn't it? Nekrasov - his assistant - drinking - crime. Izhitsky - his agitators - booze - crime. Only the dates and details differ, but the meaning is the same.
As I understand it, in the region in which Mr. Nekrasov appears, such behavior becomes the norm for communists. They drink fearlessly, and do God knows what, because they know that behind them is a person with connections and a heavy bag of money who will arrange everything and butter everyone up if something happens.
Apparently, Valery Petrovich found himself not only a very good philanthropist, or, as they say in certain circles, a business angel, but also a talented ideologist. Thanks again to the candidate of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation list Alexander Nikolaevich Nekrasov! Apparently, Valery Petrovich does not bother about what happened, despite the fact that almost the entire region is discussing the accident involving a communist propaganda bus. We have still not heard a word of repentance or apology for the bestial act of our charges from Izhitsky.
Valery Petrovich’s Olympic calm is easily explained - I’m one hundred percent sure that Nekrasov has already helped his new Kostroma branch (in the sense of the regional committee), contracted a bunch of lawyers so that they would professionally hush up the scandal and clear out the culprits of the accident. Finally: thank you, Alexander Nikolaevich Nekrasov, for the fact that the Kostroma communists have you, and your space capital is also in business! Now the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the Kostroma region can do a lot with your help! I'm sure this is just the beginning.

Yaroslavl political scientist Evgeny Golubev continues a series of publications about the upcoming elections on the Sociologists Club portal. In the following material, the expert talks about the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and its regional representatives.

Communist Party Russian Federation (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) is a left-wing political party in the Russian Federation. Positions itself as the direct heir of the CPSU. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation was formed in February 1993 and is one of three parties that participated in all elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and one of two parties that were represented in all six convocations of the Russian parliament. The permanent leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is Gennady Zyuganov. He already 72 years old, he has been a deputy of all convocations of the State Duma of the Russian Federation since 1993. He ran for the post of President of the Russian Federation four times, each time taking second place (1996, where he reached the second round, 2000, 2008, 2012).

Troika federal list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation it looks like this:

1. Gennady Zyuganov
2. Svetlana Savitskaya
3. Yuri Afonin.

The first two are well known to everyone: Zyuganov is the permanent leader of the party, Savitskaya is the second female cosmonaut who has been working in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation for a long time.

But the third on the list is an interesting candidate: Yuri Afonin– Member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, First Secretary of the Tula Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, born in 1977. A young, promising communist. The party needs him as a person who personifies the connection between generations, continuity, so to speak. This is a symbolic figure, just like Zyuganov himself and Savitskaya.

And here lists of territorial groups of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation much less transparent and completely non-symbolic. Here is an example - regional group No. 20, which includes Ivanovo, Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions.

The first four of the list of this territorial group looks like this:

1. Nekrasov Alexander Nikolaevich

2. Vorobiev Alexander Vasilievich

3. Klenov Vladimir Vitalievich

4. Izhitsky Valery Petrovich.

Surprisingly, in this four, only the people occupying places from second to fourth are known to the general regional public. These are the first secretaries of the Yaroslavl, Ivanovo and Kostroma regional committees of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, respectively, people known and respected in their party organizations. But who Alexander Nekrasov is, who ended up in the first “passing” place (in the State Duma of the Russian Federation), remains a mystery to the general public. So, let's try to lift the veil of mystery.

Alexander Nikolaevich Nekrasov, born in 1963 He was one of the managers and co-owners of the construction holding group of companies "Leader", which occupies one of the leading positions in the construction business of the city of St. Petersburg. An entrepreneur, a man with money, he already entered the State Duma on the list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in 2011. No one explains why A. Nekrasov became the head of the list, and not Alexander Vorobyov. There are only guesses on this score - but the most plausible of them is clear and obvious. This is money. The entrepreneur most likely paid for a place on the list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation to the party's cash desk. And everything else is no longer taken into account. Here is an indirect sign that speaks about this - in the declaration for 2014, Alexander Nekrasov indicated income in the amount of 424 million rubles, and his property was indicated helicopter Eurocopter EC120.

In 2014 Alexander Nekrasov based on the results of the submitted declarations it turned out the richest member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and was fourth on the list of all deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, behind only three United Russia members (G. Anikeev (995 million rubles), M. Slipenchuk (868 million rubles) and A. Zubitsky (635 million rubles). Spouse A .Nekrasova also earned a lot in 2014 - 436 million rubles. In addition to the helicopter, Nekrasov only owned an apartment (44 sq.m.) and a trailer. But the wife of a communist deputy owned 3 land plots(62,612 sq.m.), 6 apartments (74.6 sq.m., 275.4 sq.m., 178.5 sq.m., 97.5 sq.m., 2 more in shared ownership: 94.7 sq.m. and 59.6 sq.m.), 11 non-residential premises (736.3 sq.m., 57.6 sq.m., 109 sq.m., 255.7 sq.m., 109.2 sq.m. , 83 sq.m., 108.7 sq.m., 121.2 sq.m., 134.7 sq.m., 88 sq.m., 63.9 sq.m.). The wife also owned cars: BMW X6, Land Rover, Range Rover, VAZ-21099, VAZ-210996, Chevrolet Niva 21. In general, the communist Nekrasov is not in poverty. Not poor at all.

True, in 2015, Alexander Nekrasov slightly lowered his family income, showing only a “ridiculous” 212 million rubles in his income declaration. The family fortune of the communist deputy has decreased by as much as 4 times over the year and now he ranks not 4th among all deputies, but only 15th. He became incredibly poor. True, the amount of property in the family has not decreased. There is a suspicion that a year before the elections, Alexander Nekrasov deliberately “underestimated” his income so as not to stand out too much from the background of other rich deputies. Prudently, you can’t say anything. But even this “thinner state” still looks somehow indecently huge in comparison, for example, with the income declaration of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin - in 2015 he declared “ridiculous” income in comparison with Nekrasov’s 8.89 million rubles.

In general, why count the money in a deputy’s pocket? One thing is clear - A. Nekrasov is not going to the Duma in order to defend the interests of Yaroslavl residents in Federal Assembly. He is clearly seeking parliamentary immunity and the opportunity to lobby for the interests of his business. Everything is like everyone else, in this sense the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is no different from either “United Russia”, or “A Just Russia”, or, God forgive me, from the Liberal Democratic Party. However, even earlier the communists were not distinguished by their principles when they promoted people unknown to anyone in the region to positions of passage. Now the current deputy in the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Yaroslavl region from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a certain Alexander Kulikov. And what?... Nothing... Neither good, nor bad... NOTHING.

So, the myth about the silverlessness of communists collapses with such a simple example. They are no different from other parties. Is it just the color of the flag?

Developer Alexander Nekrasov and the money of defrauded shareholders made up the party for Gennady Zyuganov

Ivan Veretennikov

In Russia, several years ago, a campaign was announced to combat oligarchs in the State Duma, as a result of which several billionaires immediately lost their parliamentary portfolios. However, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation did not heed the general call: the party is still actively making money by distributing immunity to business representatives with a dubious reputation.

The path to deputies

In November 2011, on the eve of the State Duma elections, a scandal broke out in the Chelyabinsk regional organization of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation; several prominent communists surrendered their party cards. “The ones on the list are not communists, but businessmen who buy mandates for money,” is how they explained their action. In particular, entrepreneur Alexander Nekrasov found himself in the pre-election regional list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In Chelyabinsk he was unknown to anyone, but in St. Petersburg he managed one of the largest construction companies in the north-west of the country - Leader Group Group of Companies. Despite calls from conscientious Chelyabinsk communists to boycott the vote, the construction magnate managed to receive a deputy mandate and became a member of the Communist Party faction.

For the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov attracting oligarchs and large entrepreneurs to the party faction is a common practice and a good source of replenishment of the party treasury. In addition to Nekrasov, in 2011, Albert Veretennikov, a notorious businessman from Ozersk, who was later repeatedly accused of fraud, was elected as a deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In addition, in 2011, second place on the Moscow list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was taken by another large businessman, Vadim Kumin. These figures were not included in the current Duma; it is possible that they simply did not have enough money for an entrance ticket. But Alexander Nekrasov decided to continue his parliamentary career and again nominated himself from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the 2016 elections.

To avoid unnecessary scandals for the party, last summer the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation “sent” Alexander Nekrasov to the more understanding communists of Central Russia. As a result, the St. Petersburg construction magnate headed the regional group of the Yaroslavl, Kostroma and Ivanovo regions in the federal list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, receiving the only place to pass. The first secretaries of the regional committees of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in these regions - Alexander Vorobyov, Valery Izhitsky and Vladimir Klenov - agreed with the candidacy of the Varangian without any scandals or objections. In exchange, according to rumors, Alexander Nekrasov took upon himself their personal and party support for the entire term of his parliamentary powers. By the way, already during the election campaign, the communist election headquarters in Yaroslavl, Kostroma and Ivanovo did not deny themselves anything, and weekly banquets with copious libations and subsequent drunken driving became an integral part of regional party building.

Modest deputy oligarch

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation faction, formally being the leading opposition force in parliament, is called upon to take care of the interests of the common man, to improve day and night Russian legislation. In any case, this is exactly what the party bosses, led by Gennady Zyuganov, are constantly telling voters about. In this regard, it is interesting to look at the results of the work of Alexander Nekrasov in the Duma of the VI convocation in 2011-2016.

During this period, he represented the Communist Party faction in the Committee on Land Relations and Construction with the rank of deputy chairman. A very responsible area of ​​work, since the issues discussed here directly concern every citizen of Russia. And from the point of view of the professional background of Deputy Nekrasov, it would seem that there are no questions - his profile, he ate the pig in this topic. However, what is the end result? In the Duma of the 6th convocation, Nekrasov independently initiated 5 bills, all five passed only the first reading, after which they were withdrawn by the author himself, who never returned to them. Three more times Nekrasov joined the legislative initiatives of other deputies. A very revealing statistic, but Gennady Zyuganov, apparently, simply turns a blind eye to it, having his own reason for keeping such a valuable party member with him.

In the Duma of the 7th convocation, elected in September 2016, Nekrasov represents the interests of the voters of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the Energy Committee. He has approximately the same relationship to this industry as to the Yaroslavl, Kostroma and Ivanovo regions, from which he was elected. That is, none. It will be all the more interesting to look at the results of his work in the next five years.

Meanwhile, it cannot be said that as a deputy, Alexander Nekrasov was completely invisible; on the contrary, some circumstances of his activity attracted considerable public attention. We are talking about the income he declared. In 2014, Nekrasov confidently became one of the wealthiest deputies, taking an honorable fourth place in this indicator with a declared amount of 426 million rubles, and only representatives of United Russia were ahead of him. And the total income of the Nekrasov family couple that year amounted to 861 million rubles, which became the third result in “interfamily” competitions in terms of income among Duma deputies.

In general, Elena Nekrasova, the wife of a deputy, constantly gets to the top of the ratings of the wealthiest wives of officials. And this is no wonder, because it is in her name that the lion’s share of the Leader Group assets is registered.

It seems that the flashy wealth of the communist deputy against the backdrop of the impoverished electoral masses slightly worried the top of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and Nekrasov was ordered to become more modest. Already in his income statement for 2015, preparing for the new election campaign, he showed a modest 5 million rubles, and only 3.2 million rubles in bank accounts. The people's choice also turned out to have an interesting set of properties in his property: a small apartment with an area of ​​44.4 square meters. m in St. Petersburg, a trailer and a Eurocopter EC 120 B helicopter. The attempt to “merge” with the people turned out to be quite clumsy: as they say, you sew in a bag, that is, you can’t hide a helicopter. In addition, in 2016, the publication “Business Petersburg” estimated the fortune of deputy Alexander Nekrasov at 7.5 billion rubles.

The source of such wealth is the money of numerous defrauded shareholders of the Leader Group Group of Companies.

Shareholders as a party asset

The Leader Group holding, owned by Nekrasov, is considered one of the leading developers in Russia, carrying out housing construction in St. Petersburg, Leningrad region, Moscow and Moscow region. According to the ratings of the National Association of Housing Developers (NOZA) and Unified register developers, at the end of 2016 the company was in 5th place in the country in terms of the volume of housing being built with an indicator of 1.1 million square meters of space. However, according to Leader Group’s own data, its total portfolio of projects is 3.16 million square meters. m of housing, of which about 800 thousand sq. m of housing are in the Moscow region.

According to statistics, the delay in Leader Group projects is up to 52 months. And her projects “The Tsar’s Court”, “The Ninth Wave”, “Captain Nemo”, as has been noted more than once in the media, have become synonymous with long-term construction in St. Petersburg. For example, the sale of apartments in the “Captain Nemo” residential complex began in 2012; the house was originally planned to be commissioned in August 2013; currently the delivery date is set for the first quarter of 2017. In other words, the delay was more than 3 years. In May 2016, despairing of receiving the promised keys, shareholders of the Ninth Val residential complex even wrote a complaint to the State Construction Supervision and Expertise Committee of the Leningrad Region.

Judging by the dynamics of the postponement of completion, Leader Group is faced with an acute shortage of financial resources and is clearly unable to cope with the completed housing construction projects. In 2016, the company even issued a press release, which admitted that at the end of 2015, sales in new buildings in the Moscow region were 30% lower than the results of the previous year. "So the flow Money, which developers received from equity holders and invested in the construction of houses, decreased,” admitted Dmitry Panteleimonov, director of the marketing and sales department of Leader Group in the Moscow region. According to him, “their own resources and the “financial cushion” that many companies formed due to high sales at the end of 2014 have also dried up.” Given the current state of our economy, expensive bank financing and the current real estate market conditions, delays in the delivery of houses in the second half of 2016 and in 2017 will most likely be quite an ordinary occurrence, assures Panteleimonov.

It is noteworthy that the legislation strictly limits the postponement of construction, but Leader Group Group of Companies found a loophole. Companies controlled by Alexander Nekrasov formally operate in accordance with federal law“On participation in shared construction” and enter into share participation agreements with apartment buyers, but the counterparty on the part of the developer is traditionally a shell company with a minimum authorized capital. As a result, after the deadline for the delivery of the project is postponed, the shareholders win numerous claims against the developer in court, but cannot receive the compensation required by law: there is not enough money in the accounts of another one-day company.

For example, according to the stories of defrauded equity holders, when signing the LDU for the purchase of apartments in the Ninth Val residential complex, clients were forced to agree to a delivery date not in the first quarter of 2015, as originally stated, but in the first quarter of 2016. However, in the end, buyers received the keys in the third quarter of 2016. The shareholders tried to sue the developer for compensation for a year and a half of downtime, but, as it turned out, the developer, according to the documents, is a one-day company, Chaika LLC, which has no property and no funds in its accounts.

Another project of the Leader Group with the self-explanatory name “City of Happiness” was also not delivered on time, the number of storeys of the building changed, the number of apartments increased from 82 to 472, while the company did not inform apartment buyers about the changes. essential conditions agreement.

Apparently, Nekrasov’s business is structured according to the principle of a financial pyramid - approximately the same way the Mirax Group of the notorious Sergei Polonsky : objects under construction are financed from future projects. In other words, shareholders of subsequent projects pay for the apartments of their predecessors. Therefore, no longer being able to service current construction projects, the company continues to expand its portfolio of projects.

The largest project of Leader Group in the Moscow region should be “Bolshie Mytishchi” in the area of ​​the village of Vostochnaya Perlovka, not far from the Moscow Ring Road. In August 2016, the company announced that it intended to invest about 35 billion rubles in the construction of 550 thousand square meters of real estate as part of this project. Judging by such loud statements, “Big Mytishchi” should become the main source of funds for patching already poorly hidden financial holes in other projects - the Domodedovo “City of Happiness”, the Mytishchi “Leader Park”, “Lobnya City”, the second and third stages of the “Green” Moscow." However, this time the company encountered insurmountable resistance from residents of the Eastern Perlovka district, whose houses Leader Group planned to demolish. Having united, they won the legal battle, reaching the Supreme Court. In December 2016, the Supreme Court banned the development of land plots of residents of Mytishchi near Moscow, overturning the decision of the Moscow Regional Court.

Party cover

Now, at a critical moment for his business empire, “political-economic” ties with the communists and parliamentary immunity are more important than ever to Nekrasov. In 2016, the construction magnate spared no expense in purchasing additional mandates from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. So, " right hand» Nekrasova, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Leader Group Alexander Rassudov was elected on the party lists of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. Another associate of Alexander Nekrasov, general director of Leader Group Management Company Roman Lyabikhov, who is responsible for the company’s Moscow projects, tried to get into the Moscow City Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in 2014. As part of his election campaign, large-scale campaigning was launched with the personal participation of the head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov and the leader of the Moscow communists Valeria Rashkina . In 2016, Lyabikhov ran for the State Duma and the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region on the lists of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. However, despite such powerful support, Lyabikhov did not receive a deputy mandate and is now listed as an assistant to deputy Nekrasov.

“Money has no smell,” said the Roman Emperor Vespasian, who introduced a tax on Roman latrines. Likewise, for Gennady Zyuganov, the money that construction magnate Nekrasov brings to the party treasury by robbing shareholders of the Leader Group Group is just a financial source necessary for the functioning of the party apparatus. There are millions of voters, and there will be others who will vote for the communists, in whose ranks the deputy oligarch Nekrasov remains.

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Two State Duma deputies declared helicopters.

04/15/2013, Moscow 18:07:20 Two deputies State Duma helicopters were declared among the vehicles. Such information is presented in information on the incomes of parliamentarians published on the State Duma website.
link: 20130415180720.shtml

Commercial success of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

Alexander Nekrasov, a wealthy St. Petersburg businessman, entered the State Duma on the Chelyabinsk list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, taking the prestigious and expensive second place.
link: http://podoprigora74.

South Ural candidates for State Duma deputies hid part of their income and property

The leaders in violations (three candidates with false information) are “red” and “green”. In the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, entrepreneur Alexander Nekrasov (No. 2) reduced his income in the report by 367 thousand, assistant to State Duma deputy Ivan Nikitchuk (No. 3) - by 256 thousand, and deputy director of Lyceum No. 1 Alexander Savitsky (No. 5) - by 3,450 rubles.

Svetlana Poklonova became the leader of the list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the Chelyabinsk region

The list was topped by Svetlana Poklonova herself. The remaining seven candidates are members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Alexander Nekrasov and Ivan Nikitchuk, deputy of the ZSO of the Chelyabinsk region Alexander Kurkin, second secretary of the regional committee Viktor Zakhvatov, first secretary of the Magnitogorsk regional committee Alexander Savitsky, head of the control and audit commission of the regional committee Alexander Ivanov and first secretary of the Agapov local branch Dmitry Afanasyev.
link: http://chelyabinsk.bezformata. ru/listnews/oblasti-stala-svetlana-poklonova/1328572/

Nekrasov Alexander Nikolaevich - candidate of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, born on June 20, 1963 in the city of Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, higher professional education, member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, lives in St. Petersburg, director of construction of LLC Leader, is a businessman on the lists of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. The main candidate for the mandate of a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Chelyabinsk region (if the Communist Party of the Russian Federation receives minimal votes in the Chelyabinsk region - less than 200 thousand, the mandate will still go to A.N. Nekrasov, the party's sponsor). This candidacy is the necessary payment for the inclusion of the local committee in the list of the federal party, a kind of payment for participation in the big political struggle. It has nothing to do with the life of the region and is simply a public expression of internal party intrigues.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma will be represented by the director of construction of LLC Leader (St. Petersburg) Alexander Nekrasov and assistant to the State Duma deputy Ivan Nikitchuk (Moscow), said the chairman of the control and audit commission of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Alexander Ivanov.
link: 20111206/81866967.html

A little sensation. The list of candidates of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation for the elections to the State Duma from the Chelyabinsk region did not include a sponsor and “ eminence grise» South Ural communists

The communists will have a common list of eight candidates in both the first territorial group (Magnitogorsk and Zlatoust districts) and the second (Kalinin and Kyshtym districts). It will be composed of: leader of the regional cell of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Svetlana Poklonnova, members of the party Central Committee Alexander Nekrasov (responsible for industrial development) and Ivan Nikitchuk (oversees social policy), deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region, businessman Konstantin Kurkin, second secretary of the regional committee Viktor Zakhvatov, first secretary of the Magnitogorsk regional committee Alexander Savitsky, chairman of the control and audit commission of the regional committee Alexander Ivanov and head of the Agapov local branch Dmitry Afanasyev.
link: chel/26-09-2011/news/ 1052134549.html

Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Just Russia» have decided on candidates for the State Duma

On the same day, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation also held an extraordinary party congress. Based on its results, it became known that the regional group of the Chelyabinsk region was headed by the first secretary of the regional party committee, Svetlana Poklonnova. In addition to her, the list included representative of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Alexander Nekrasov, head of the sector in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, deputy of the State Duma of the second convocation Ivan Nikitchuk, deputy of the Legislative Assembly Konstantin Kurkin, second secretary of the Chelyabinsk regional committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Viktor Zakhvatov, head of the Magnitogorsk city party committee Alexander Savitsky, representatives of the regional branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Alexander Ivanov, Dmitry Afanasyev.
link: 2011/09/26/

Two United Russia deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region resigned

Let us remind you that, in addition to six United Russia mandates, the same number in the Chelyabinsk region went to the opposition. The lower house of parliament will include the leader of the South Ural Socialist Revolutionaries Valery Hartung, the secretary of the bureau of the regional branch of the SR, the deputy general director of ChKPZ for personnel and social development Vasily Shvetsov, from the LDPR - entrepreneur Sergei Weinstein and ex-State Duma deputy from Khakassia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory Vasily Zhurko, from the communists - entrepreneur from St. Petersburg Alexander Nekrasov and State Duma deputy, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Ivan Nikitchuk.

Nekrasov does not paint the party

History tends to repeat itself, and quite often in the form of a farce. When we get acquainted with the candidates from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation who have now been nominated in our region, we will see Svetlana Poklonnova, the head of the “official” regional committee, number one, and then another Varangian Alexander Nekrasov. Judging by his personal data, he is a native of Severodvinsk and lives in St. Petersburg, where he works as construction director of Leader LLC. The name of the company is characteristic, since it is the envoy of the Northern capital who is the shadow leader of the list, who will most likely get the Duma seat. There is no other way to explain the sudden exile to the Urals of a wealthy man, whose soul, as Vladimir Gorbachev ironically noted, will long warm the trust of South Ural voters. Only the regional party organization will lose its representation in the Duma for the first time in sixteen years, and with it the remnants of its authority.

The split in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the retreat of Gazprom: a review of the media in the Chelyabinsk region

In the list of candidates from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation for the Chelyabinsk region, the first is Svetlana Poklonnova (the leader of the Chelyabinsk communists, who replaced Gorbachev after last year’s coup in the party cell), and the second is Alexander Nekrasov, an entrepreneur from St. Petersburg. “In words, Zyuganov fights the oligarchs, but in reality he nominates rich people as candidates,” the newspaper quotes Anatoly Kovalev, the recent head of the Magnitogorsk party organization, who is now trying to reinstate himself in the party through the courts.
link: 956815a/

What parliamentary candidates kept silent about their property and income

Six party candidates did not declare income over 1 million rubles - Dmitry Kochadze (1.7 million), Kirill Prokopov (4 million), Sergei Sadovnikov (1.2 million), Vladimir Smetanin (more than 2.7 million), Andrei Filatov ( more than 11 million) and Evgeny Tsygankov (more than 2 million). The second place in terms of violations was taken by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. 94 candidates hid information about their income, of which 22 were silent about real estate, 13 about vehicles and one about education. The most obvious violators were Vladimir Gorbunov, who hid 35 non-residential premises (total area more than 2 thousand sq. m), and Viktor Valeev, who did not indicate 3 land plots, 2 apartments, part of a residential building, residential premises and 6 buildings (total area over 300 sq. m). Three candidates did not declare income over 1 million rubles: Vladimir Karpov (1.05 million), Alexander Nekrasov (2.8 million) and Vasily Trofimov (more than 2 million).