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Taurus man and Libra woman: compatibility. Compatibility of Taurus man and Libra woman in different areas of life Taurus man Libra woman opinions

Compatibility between Libra men and Taurus women is good by astrological standards. These zodiac signs are attracted to each other and often form pairs. Both are balanced, value comfort, and do not impose their will and opinions. But, nevertheless, representatives of these zodiac signs look at the world in opposite directions.

Taurus lead a sedentary lifestyle, prefer stability in everything; breaking, redoing, changing something is not for them. They are practical, stubborn, stubborn. Libra is easy-going, here today, there tomorrow. The airy guy loves to have fun and be in big companies. To avoid conflicts, they need to immediately assign roles. Taurus prefer to manage and lead. These are born leaders. Libra, on the contrary, hides from any responsibility, not claiming a leading role. This kind of turnover is beneficial to both.

Compatibility of Zodiac signs according to horoscope

Both signs are under the tutelage of Venus. The horoscope says that the Taurus girl is full of mysteries, attracts the gaze of men, and at the same time is very practical. She is confident in her irresistibility, superiority over others, literally from birth she has certain goals and goes towards them without deviating from the path, towards their implementation. Difficulties do not stop her; her independence earns the respect of others. Many would like to become her soul mate.

The Libra guy is handsome, cheerful, and ready for various romantic exploits. But he is not good with responsibility. Such a person does not need to think about how and with whom to meet. Women themselves flock to his openness and good-natured disposition. He loves to communicate and can come to an agreement with anyone, even the most grumpy interlocutor.

Young beauties can remain surrounded by him for a long time, hoping that he will finally notice them, appreciate them and invite them to marry. But the guy is in no hurry. The registry office scares him. He is always sure that the best of the best is yet to come, and he will go down the aisle only out of great love. The wait may be lengthy.

Overall compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Looking from the outside at the representatives of the Zodiac signs of earth and air, you might think that a couple of them will not work out. There are too many contradictions in them. Lady Taurus is terribly stubborn and unyielding, zealously defending her positions. Air Libra is completely different. They are easy, there is no point in arguing. But this is a case where opposites attract.

The girl will be impressed by communication with the guy. She won’t even notice how she suddenly changes her initial opinion, falling under his charm. He deftly and gracefully finds excuses for any of his mistakes in behavior. For example, being late for dates. The apology will be so beautiful that the lady will soon feel embarrassed that she was offended by him. In addition, Libras are incredibly erudite and can talk on any topic. And most importantly, he will definitely find an approach to her, no matter how beech she may seem.

He will also like the girl’s femininity, her attractiveness, and inner charm. Her prudence conquers the eccentric Libra. Compatible in love relationships on mutual attraction it becomes simply excellent.

It is very difficult for an airy man to decide on marriage. It is simpler and easier for them to remain free. Taurus is patient, but his equanimity and calmness come to an end. It is better not to deal with an enraged Taurus. But Libra does not like conflicts and tries not to lead to them. And the incredible charm of your beloved person, her soft but decisive actions will lead to a registry office. In family life, much will be built based on the wishes of the wife; it is simply difficult for the husband to refuse her. In general, they make a completely harmonious union. Venus helps her find happiness, because they are both her children.

Compatibility in love relationships: 4 out of 5.

Sexual compatibility

Compatibility of signs in bed tends to ideal. One should take into account the fact that a man loves beautiful, tender words, romance, compliments, touches, while a woman wants bodily sensations, every minute pleasures. If they understand the desires of their partner, the relationship will become even stronger. It happens that after conversations, long verbal foreplay, Libra loses interest in sex itself. The fact of seduction is important to them.

Taurus, having heard enough promises, a series of compliments and not receiving any return, withdraws into himself and goes to work. This rarely happens. They are usually inclined to negotiate and meet halfway.

Sexual compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in friendship

The signs of autumn and spring can begin to become friends in childhood. They will not pay attention to differences in characters and perceptions of the world. An easy-going, sociable boy or already a young man easily makes concessions to a stubborn girlfriend. He likes her determination. She always rushes to help and solves many problems. Having played a prank, the young tomboy will hide behind a persistent girl. She happily takes on the responsibility of taking care of the timid personality of the air element, and she has great fun with him, never gets bored, and the shortcomings - who doesn’t have them.

Friendship is easy for them. Both love listening to music, going to concerts, and dancing. Children of Venus maintain friendly relations for a long time. Even after starting families, they continue to support a good relationship, common hobbies are possible. If you have already agreed on something, then nothing and no one can ruin your joint plans. The girl is slow in business, she weighs and thinks about everything for a long time. The guy acts quickly, without delving into details, often getting into trouble, which is why friendship is so important to them. They fill in the gaps and flaws of their own character.

Friendly compatibility: 5 out of 5.

Compatibility in work and career

In business, colleagues from the earth and air spheres can collaborate with different results. In work, if you manage to find an approach to each other, then this will be a fruitful business alliance. IN otherwise the man will begin to shy away from completing assigned tasks. In general, Taurus are calm and practical, but Libra, with their intelligence, and most importantly, their ability to negotiate with everyone, makes a huge contribution to achieving work goals.

The worst thing is when the zodiac signs are just business partners. They are not interested in working together. They have different tempos and strengths, and abilities. It is better for them to perform different duties, then everything will work out.

The Libra man is the boss, and the Taurus lady is the subordinate, a good balance of power. The woman is an excellent worker, she devotes herself completely to completing tasks, and never lets you down. The boss is happy and will not interfere with inspections and control. This situation suits both.

Taurus is the boss, and Libra is the subordinate - no big deal. The boss lady is demanding and will not tolerate evasion of duties. The man, resisting, will work. The leader presses, but gently, trying not to affect male pride. They manage to find a middle ground and maintain the balance of a good, calm environment at work.

Business compatibility: 3 out of 5.

What do they need to know about each other?

Libra man:

  1. He is an esthete, he knows how to tell beautiful stories with inspiration. He loves to build castles in the air, and then does not try to do anything to implement his plans.
  2. He throws money around left and right.
  3. This is a very emotional guy, does not like boredom, tries to be visible. He prefers noise, music, and fun to being at home in front of the TV. The soul requires novelty, impressions, communication.
  4. Easily forgets promises made.
  5. Uncertain, it is very difficult for Libra to make a decision.
  6. Order is not about him.

Taurus women:

  1. She soberly assesses the situation, is far from illusions, and looks at things realistically.
  2. Persistent, stubborn and tenacious. He will stand up for the implementation of his ideas.
  3. This woman is a materialist, she loves everything beautiful, but only what is in her hands, and not in her dreams.
  4. Words are not just sounds for her. If she said what she said, she will definitely do it and demands it from others.
  5. She spends her money wisely and is very thrifty.
  6. She is prone to conservatism and stability.
  7. Homebody.
  8. Her emotions are tightly locked.

Relationship Benefits

They have many differences, but sometimes the couple’s relationship develops in such a way that they get along well. The earthly lady forgives the air representative many mistakes and ugly offenses. And the friend takes on the problem solving. He is an irresponsible type, but she fills this gap. The man attracts coldish and reasonable Taurus with his abstract approach to life. They are always floating somewhere, far from pressing, earthly problems. The leader in this tandem will always be a woman, and both agree with this state of affairs.

The earthly person tells the guy what to do and how, and he meekly begins to do it. He likes that he is looked after like a little one and appreciates a caring attitude. He knows that his partner will definitely take his interests into account. There are Taurus who do not go too far in their leadership, maintaining balance and not affecting manhood beloved. And there are those who command not only at home, but also in public places. But they are quite happy with it.

Disadvantages of Relationships

Even if partners are well suited to each other, there is often cause for concern. They have many issues that they have to get along with, put up with, they have to look for ways to resolve conflicts, and look for compromises. It soon becomes clear that Libra is also terribly stubborn. Although they are soft and pliable, they sometimes resist no less than stubborn Taurus. For now, the man gives in, everything is fine, but when he gets into a pose, a crisis occurs in the relationship.

It is difficult to get a straight answer from Libra. Instead, they will waffle and come up with excuses. It is easier for them to give consent, for example, to meet somewhere, go somewhere, and then turn off the phone and not come. Then he will come up with incredible excuses, and it will become clear that he had no intention of going anywhere in the first place. This infuriates Taurus and she may explode. The union has a good chance of living a happy and long life together, but it requires hard work on oneself, as in any family.

A stubborn Taurus man will certainly be interested in a Libra woman. Not an ordinary couple, so different in their views on life and ideas about the relationship between a man and a woman. The Taurus man is active, the master of life, with an unbending will, confidence in his indisputable rightness.

The Libra woman is a kind soul, pleasant in appearance. She is sociable, interesting, and knows how to put on airs of importance and play a little in public. She has a craving for spontaneous and inadequate decisions; the unpredictability of the “crazy” Libra girl is frightening. The Taurus man is honest in his statements, he says what he thinks, regardless of tact. The actions and thoughts of a Taurus woman are clear to a Libra woman, she clearly calculates everything. A scrupulous Libra woman facing a global solution to problems
or changes, for example, marriage, will plague everyone with unbridled eloquence; discussion of the issue is sometimes more important for her than the final result. The Taurus man is thoughtful, does not expose his thoughts and doubts to the judgment of others, and tries to resolve everything on his own.

Responsible Taurus does not always see a practical and sensible woman in his chosen one, Libra. An emotional girl is confused by Taurus's composure.

In the intimate sphere, they achieve mutual pleasure. It is not uncommon for the development of relationships to begin after a stormy night.

The Libra woman tends to hesitate and search for a way out for a long time, sometimes reaching a dead end. Sometimes he panics due to hopelessness and his own uncertainty. If a Taurus man appears in the life of a Libra woman, she is lucky; a firm and reasonable partner is ready to put an end to solving her problems. In general, the compatibility of a Taurus man and a Libra woman is quite high. Despite some disagreements, they rarely bring the relationship to a break and avoid stormy showdowns.

Behind the “thick skin” of Taurus is a receptive and vulnerable nature. During periods of despondency and pessimism, one loses heart. A radiant beauty, a Libra woman can easily bring you out of apathy with just a kind word and a warm look. She manages to quickly restore Taurus’s lost optimism.

The Taurus man is not one of those who recognize other people's victories and achievements, and a woman needs confirmation from the words of her lover how smart, dexterous she is, she wants to make a man proud and respect her. Alas, he will have to come to terms with this, he is stingy with kind words addressed to her.

The dominant role of the Taurus man will never pass into the hands of the Libra woman. Wisdom and understanding will help her, unnoticed by him, to adjust her life path in accordance with her ideas.

The couple may well be among the happy unions, thanks. By moderating their demands on their partner, they will live a long family life.

The compatibility of signs where a Taurus man and a Libra woman is based on the partners’ desire to change, even when it is painful. She is very unpredictable, but she always gets her way. He hides tenderness and courtesy behind stubbornness and masculinity.

Everyone decides differently

The Libra girl is always charming and feminine, but do not be deceived - her inner armor is stronger than her appearance suggests. His wounded heart takes much longer to heal, so it is better for him to know in advance the rules by which his beloved plays. But Taurus is not at all one of those who discuss a situation before they comprehend it. Then he acts decisively, but rarely changes his mind.

She is just as decisive and constant in her principles. As soon as she makes a decision, she goes ahead with unprecedented determination and strength. Therefore, she does not understand the undeserved accusations of indecisiveness. She simply carefully evaluates and weighs the situation, which of course takes time. The Taurus man spends this time in silent reflection, and the Libra woman discusses out loud all the disadvantages and advantages. Therefore, his too passive participation in the verbal marathon causes her angry indignation.


The strong sexual attraction between this man of the earth sign and his “air” partner flares up instantly and is often a factor in the emergence of interest, and does not disappear during a closer acquaintance. This will probably make the relationship deeper. Perhaps, in comparison with his sensual earthly needs, her vision will seem too abstract. However, this couple is sentimental romantics who know how to combine eroticism and love.

The Taurus man will be a real find for the Libra girl. Just his presence makes her restless mind calmer. And no one else can help her in moments of indecision like he can. He is reliable, endowed with a sense of humor and common sense, and also treats her with all the warmth - this is exactly the kind of man she was looking for.

This union has another advantage: her optimism will be a wonderful counterbalance to his pessimism. Only she is so good at encouraging a Taurus man. In fact, he admires her intelligence, provided that she recognizes his male superiority. He will be proud of how easily she manages everything. The main thing is that he does not find out that her real talent is in her ability to cope with him.

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Taurus man and Libra woman love music and art, but nothing else unites them. Taurus is a homebody, which bores Libra, who loves to shine in society. Libra spends a lot of money on luxury, Taurus spends money with caution.

Compatibility of Taurus man and Libra woman

Libra will not like Taurus' dictatorial habits; they will quickly begin to be irritated by his ponderous approach to everything. In addition, the romantic and fickle Libra awakens jealousy in Taurus. The sexual union of a Taurus man and a Libra woman is harmonious, but when the duet is sung, only annoying memories remain.

Taurus man and Libra woman: love in relationships

The union of Libra women and Taurus men involuntarily evokes analogies with the classic story of Beauty and the Beast. Of course, none of them is monstrous, but the differences in the lifestyle of these partners are more than significant: if Taurus men always follow the call of their everyday needs, then Libra women are too sophisticated to even think about something base.

Both signs are ruled by Venus, so they are characterized by the presence strong desires. However, the aspirations of the partners are fundamentally diverse: Taurus men, being an earth sign, give preference to resolving material issues, while Libra women, being an air sign, are focused on problems of a spiritual nature. Each of them has a genuine interest in the other, but it is difficult for them to find mutual understanding. Taurus men prefer unbridled consumption and the possession of high-quality things, while Libra women enjoy contemplating beauty: a person, creativity or some kind of action, for example, a social event, where you can come in the most elegant suit. Taurus women are able to experience bliss after sitting all evening in a luxurious, but, most importantly, fashionable chair, and their partner needs communication with other people. Libra men are a cardinal (affirming their will) sign that strives to set the pace of life, Taurus is a fixed sign (constant), preferring to take root where it is. Both hate conflict and value appreciation (which, of course, is good if disagreements arise), but Libra women have less patience than Taurus men.

Libra is the only sign of the zodiac that personifies an inanimate object, as a result of which they have a clear and unprejudiced mind, which means they maintain objectivity regardless of the situation and the degree of their own involvement in it. Since Libra is also an air sign, they prefer relationships that are somewhat idealistic: romantic, conflict-free and, above all, clear and easy. Taurus in this sense are not like their partners. They strive to maintain a close relationship with only one person and show possessive behavior towards their lover (as well as towards everything they “own”). But both are characterized by commitment.

Taurus man and Libra woman: sexual compatibility (in bed)

As a result of the fact that the Taurus man and the Libra woman are ruled by Venus, the planet of love, mutual understanding between them occurs immediately as soon as it comes to the bedroom. Their mutual ability to perceive beauty and quality ignites their passion, but after the initial impulse, the sexual attraction of these people to each other may weaken.

Libra women, as air representatives, value lightness and pleasantness in intimacy. They are attracted by the beauty of the body and personality; seduced by charm and grace. If Taurus men satisfy these conditions, Libra's sexual attraction can be strong. On the other hand, due to the “airiness” of their character, they do not tolerate being grabbed and cannot stand confinement, which can become a serious problem, since Taurus loves to “own” their partner. However, at first, Libra women can fall for the charm of Taurus men, who can even arrange hours of love foreplay in the bath. Such an innocent sensual game, which helps to increase physical attraction, suits both partners for some time. But then, as the relationship develops. Libra will want to give their intimate meetings a lighter character, seasoned with a few bursts of tenderness.

Business compatibility between Taurus man and Libra woman

In business, the compatibility of a Taurus man and a Libra woman is successful, primarily in those industries where mass services or products are provided. These two are likely to find a gap in the market, come up with something original, or find a new approach to old idea. Whether it is delivery, packaging, advertising or a personal approach to the client, their advantage is that the idea will be unusual. They have a good chance of attracting attention and thus making a significant impact on the market.

Taurus man and Libra woman: married (conjugal union)

Taurus, you should realize that Libras need to go to the outside world from time to time for new experiences, but rest assured that after a short excursion they will certainly return home. While your “butterfly” is fluttering, you can comfortably wait for her at home.

Libra women like to charm, flirt and find charming traits in each person; they constantly need communication with other people. And the point here is not at all in dissatisfaction with your society, but in the airy nature of Libra, which makes them swirl in a whirlpool of thoughts and ideas aimed at achieving justice in this world. Thinking about such complex problems greatly exhausts them and forces them to devote the rest of their time to rest. Give them room to fly and remember that you will never win an argument with them.

Compatibility of Taurus man and Libra woman: chances for the future

Taurus revel in what they already have, and dream even more about new acquisitions. They have a serious, practical view of the world. They are very prone to static pastime and, if possible, lie in bed most of the morning, and begin their day at two o'clock in the afternoon. Libra, Taurus like to act based on inner motivations and being completely confident that their actions are harmless, reasonable and will not take them out of the game.

Taurus men are sensitive to criticism, and you are good at identifying other people's mistakes (especially if you behaved exemplary the previous day). So don’t go too far, because you may not notice how the quantity of critical comments addressed to your partner will turn into quality and the accumulation effect will work. Taurus has interesting feature, which is expressed in the fact that for the time being they meekly endure all reproaches, without showing any dissatisfaction. But if the last straw that overflows Taurus’ patience and causes an explosion is your next barb, then know that you risk turning them against you for a long time. Taurus people are very vindictive.

Compatibility of Taurus-Libra signs: how to maintain love in a relationship

The Taurus man and the Libra woman have similar ideas about life and its quality, and therefore are capable of strong friendship. In case of critical incompatibility between them natal charts they may perceive each other as selfish people, indifferent to other people's problems; however, if their connection is based on empathy, it can last a lifetime.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Libra woman Taurus man is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The pair of Taurus and Libra is beautiful - it is a union of true masculinity and true femininity. This is how an outside observer sees them. Those who know their partners closely could object: the Ox is not as firm and unshakable as he would like, and his charming partner is far from a fragile violet.

Libras are almost always happy in love and marriage. They know well the simple truth, which women of other signs sadly often forget: with delicate persistence you can achieve much more than with rude demands, tears and threats. The Libra girl goes through life on soft paws, but with the determination of a fighting rhinoceros. A man for her is not a page or a master, but an equal partner, worthy of all respect, but... isn’t it the duty of every wise woman to guide her husband along the path to success that she considers the shortest and at the same time safe? Soft paws cover the Bull's eyes, and he stomps in the indicated direction, confident that he himself chose this path...

Wait a minute, are we talking about Taurus now? Would he really allow someone to control him? No one else but her. However, he himself would put it differently: “She inspires me.” And again a paradox: why would this earthly man in all respects talk about such a subtle matter as inspiration? But what else can you call this state of spiritual elation, which instills in Taurus a feeling of enormous, almost unlimited power when his beloved is next to him? She is so touchingly fragile and sweet that the Bull feels an irresistible desire to break mountains and dry up seas in the intervals between lining her path with rose petals and intimidating possible rivals.

However, there will probably be no rivals: for Libra women, family values ​​are sacred. And on this, they and Taurus completely agree on their views - they create a couple for life in order to protect the peace of their safe haven, take care of each other and about their children together, and slowly but persistently move towards a common goal - stable material well-being. The shortcomings of one partner are compensated by the advantages of the other: the sluggishness, pessimism and rigidity of Taurus - the liveliness of mind, positivity and flexibility of Libra. Her anxiety and vulnerability are due to his self-confidence and insensitivity to external stimuli.

Some of the representatives of our Air sign feel the influence of the Wind in their character: it makes them, in a purely feminine way, short-sighted and frivolous, subject to the power of emotions. The Ox will certainly decide to “re-educate” such a Libra girl in his own way, and is unlikely to become pretentious if she does not learn her lesson. He himself lives by the principle “If you say it, do it, but if you don’t intend to do it, don’t promise it,” and he demands the same from those around him. Taurus is probably right, but just make sure he doesn’t overdo it: by disturbing his partner’s fragile emotional balance, he can greatly offend her and deprive her of peace, sleep and appetite for a long time. Libras cannot stand rudeness, and are especially sensitive when they themselves become the object of pressure. Both partners should avoid such situations and anything that could cause them.

In general, the union of the Ox and Libra is very harmonious. And the secret is not even so much in the common views on family and relationships. When they get married, they both know what they want and have no doubts. Both believe in the vow they made to each other: for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do them part. And when one of the partners gets tired of fighting for a prosperous tomorrow, the other will carefully lend him a shoulder. Perhaps it will be he, or maybe she: the fragility of a woman’s shoulders is sometimes so deceptive! One way or another, it is easier to go through life feeling the support of a loved one - such a couple can conquer the most inaccessible peaks.

Taurus Man and Libra Woman Compatibility

The Taurus man and the Libra woman are under the influence of the planet Venus, and can perfectly complement each other, forming a strong and harmonious couple. Each partner has something to learn from the other, but they will both enjoy growing and achieving more quality life. As a rule, Taurus is fascinated by a romantic and mysterious partner at first sight, and the desire to unravel her secret will become the main task and meaning of his whole life.

The Libra woman will be captivated by the strength and courage of this calm and slightly slow man. More than anything else, she values ​​balance, balance, stability in life, because she herself is sometimes subject to serious fluctuations in mood. The charm of his partner, her charm and charm will move the Taurus man to such feats that he would never dare to do in his life. Such a feat, for example, could be a partner’s desire to change, to get rid of stubbornness and pedantic conservatism.

Virgo, in turn, is able to get rid of her eternal anxiety and worry next to such a monumental person. A Taurus man's healthy sense of humor and peace-loving nature will defuse tension in a relationship if it arises. The partner will feel responsible for such a fragile and vulnerable creature as the Libra woman, and at all costs, will try to serve her as reliable protection and support in life. If this couple chooses one global goal in life, then they will act together as a single whole, actively complementing each other in the process of achieving it. This tandem, united by a common idea, will be so strong that no obstacles or human gossip will be able to interfere with their path. No one promises, however, a Taurus man and a Libra woman a calm and cloudless life together.

Problems will invariably arise, and the first of them will happen on the basis of completely different attitude to your obligations. If the Taurus man pedantically does everything he has to do, then the Libra woman, in doubts and worries, may deviate from the rules or promises due to new circumstances. The partner in this union most often sins with empty dreams and head in the clouds; she tends to give words that she never intends to fulfill. The pedantic Taurus will not like this, and he may make comments to the Libra woman, reproaching her for being unobligatory and frivolous.

The partnership of a Taurus man and a Libra woman always requires very intense spiritual efforts of each, as well as changes in behavior and worldview, which can be very difficult and painful. The Libra woman may finally not be able to withstand the constant guardianship of her partner, and simply disappear from his horizon. The couple will withstand all tests if the Taurus man takes upon himself the responsibility of making decisions for both, and the Libra woman will be a diplomat in the relationship - both in the family and in society. This union is simply doomed to success if the partners moderate their ambitions in favor of healthy cooperation with each other.

Compatibility of Taurus man and Libra woman in love and marriage


Psychological compatibility of Taurus men and Libra women in relationships

The union of Libra and Taurus involuntarily evokes analogies with the classic story of Beauty and the Beast. Of course, none of them is monstrous, but the differences in the lifestyle of these partners are more than significant: if Taurus men always follow the call of their everyday needs, then Libra women are too sophisticated to even think about something base.

Both signs are ruled by Venus, so they are characterized by strong desires. However, the aspirations of the partners are fundamentally diverse: Taurus men, being an earth sign, give preference to resolving material issues, while Libra women, being an air sign, are focused on problems of a spiritual nature. Each of them has a genuine interest in the other, but it is difficult for them to find mutual understanding. Taurus men prefer unbridled consumption and the possession of high-quality things, while Libra women enjoy contemplating beauty: a person, creativity or some kind of action, for example, a social event, where you can come in the most elegant suit. Taurus women are able to experience bliss after sitting all evening in a luxurious, but, most importantly, fashionable chair, and their partner needs communication with other people. Libra men are a cardinal (affirming their will) sign that strives to set the pace of life, Taurus is a fixed sign (constant), preferring to take root where it is. Both hate conflict and value appreciation (which, of course, is good if disagreements arise), but Libra women have less patience than Taurus men.

Libra is the only sign of the zodiac that personifies an inanimate object, as a result of which they have a clear and open-minded mind, which means they maintain objectivity regardless of the situation and the degree of their own involvement in it. Since Libra is also an air sign, they prefer relationships that are somewhat idealistic: romantic, conflict-free and, above all, clear and easy. Taurus in this sense are not like their partners. They strive to maintain a close relationship with only one person and show possessive behavior towards their lover (as well as towards everything they “own”). But both are characterized by commitment.

Sexual compatibility between Taurus men and Libra women

As a result of the fact that both signs are ruled by Venus, the planet of love, mutual understanding between them occurs immediately as soon as it comes to the bedroom. Their mutual ability to perceive beauty and quality ignites their passion, but after the initial impulse, the sexual attraction of these people to each other may weaken.

Libra women, as air representatives, value lightness and pleasantness in intimacy. They are attracted by the beauty of the body and personality; seduced by charm and grace. If Taurus men satisfy these conditions, Libra's sexual attraction can be strong. On the other hand, due to the “airiness” of their character, they do not tolerate being grabbed and cannot stand confinement, which can become a serious problem, since Taurus loves to “own” their partner. However, at first, Libra women can fall for the charm of Taurus men, who can even arrange hours of love foreplay in the bath. Such an innocent sensual game, which helps to increase physical attraction, suits both partners for some time. But then, as the relationship develops. Libra will want to give their intimate meetings a lighter character, seasoned with a few bursts of tenderness.

Business compatibility between Taurus man and Libra woman

In business, compatibility is successful, first of all, in those industries where mass services or products are provided. These two are likely to find a gap in the market, come up with something original, or find a new approach to an old idea. Whether it is delivery, packaging, advertising or a personal approach to the client, their advantage is that the idea will be unusual. They have a good chance of attracting attention and thus making a significant impact on the market.

What a Taurus man needs to know about a Libra woman

Taurus, you should realize that Libras need to go to the outside world from time to time for new experiences, but rest assured that after a short excursion they will certainly return home. While your “butterfly” is fluttering, you can comfortably wait for her at home.

Libra women like to charm, flirt and find charming traits in each person; they constantly need communication with other people. And the point here is not at all in dissatisfaction with your society, but in the airy nature of Libra, which makes them swirl in a whirlpool of thoughts and ideas aimed at achieving justice in this world. Thinking about such complex problems greatly exhausts them and forces them to devote the rest of their time to rest. Give them room to fly and remember that you will never win an argument with them.

What a Libra woman needs to know about a Taurus man

Taurus revel in what they already have, and dream even more about new acquisitions. They have a serious, practical view of the world. They are very prone to static pastime and, if possible, lie in bed most of the morning, and begin their day at two o'clock in the afternoon. Libra, Taurus like to act based on inner motivations and being completely confident that their actions are harmless, reasonable and will not take them out of the game.

Taurus men are sensitive to criticism, and you are good at identifying other people's mistakes (especially if you behaved exemplary the previous day). So don’t go too far, because you may not notice how the quantity of critical comments addressed to your partner will turn into quality and the accumulation effect will work. Taurus has an interesting feature, which is expressed in the fact that for the time being they meekly endure all reproaches, without showing any dissatisfaction. But if the last straw that overflows Taurus’ patience and causes an explosion is your next barb, then know that you risk turning them against you for a long time. Taurus people are very vindictive.

Compatibility of Taurus man and Libra woman: chances for the future

These two have similar ideas about life and its quality, and therefore are capable of strong friendship. In case of critical incompatibility of their natal charts, they may perceive each other as selfish people, indifferent to other people's problems; however, if their connection is based on empathy, it can last a lifetime.

How compatible is a Taurus man in a love relationship with other horoscope signs?

How compatible is a Libra woman in a love relationship with other zodiac signs?

Taurus - Libra partners

Zodiac compatibility horoscope

The Libra woman is unpredictable. You never know what to expect from her. But you can be sure: she will achieve her goal. "How? - you exclaim. “For such a sweet, feminine girl to be a dictator?” Exactly. But this does not mean at all that she will advertise it. It is ruled by Venus, the gentle planet of peace and love. The Taurus man is also subordinate to Venus. But Taurus is a feminine sign, and Libra is a masculine sign. This does not give her masculine characteristics, and it does not make him effeminate (an effeminate bull?!). The point is different. Of course, it’s easier if a man is born under a masculine sign, and a woman under a feminine sign. Natural moments would become even more natural. As a rule, the influence of the masculine sign only makes the girl more courageous, while the influence of the feminine sign makes the man more sensitive. You just need to not overdo it. However, these two are not in danger of this.

The Ox is least prone to excesses of feminine traits, such as passivity, humility, humility, etc. It’s just that his masculinity and stubbornness are compensated by courtesy and tenderness, unless primitive traits take over. The Libra girl will have slightly more problems with the balance of the properties given to her; after all, her symbol is the scales, and this is a mechanism that requires fine adjustment.

Libra girls are almost always charming. Even if she has simple facial features, her absolutely dazzling smile makes her considered a beauty. She has dimples on her cheeks, a gentle look, a clear and pleasant voice, and graceful manners. With a touchingly helpless look, she will allow you to pull up a chair for her, hold the door and bring her things. In appearance, this is an angel of femininity. Inside, she is driven by masculine principles, determined by her sign of leadership: strength - resilience - masculinity - offensiveness - victory - power. This doesn't mean she's invulnerable, but her armor is much stronger than her appearance would suggest. In addition, she quickly recovers from blows.

Taurus's heart wounds heal slowly, and it is better for him to know the rules of the game with the Libra woman in advance. But the Ox does not like to discuss a situation before he fully understands it. After this, he proceeds to decisive action and rarely changes his point of view. She is characterized by the same determination and the same constancy of views. Once she makes a decision, she moves forward with incredible energy and determination. Therefore, she does not understand why she is unfairly accused of indecisiveness. She just needs time to evaluate and weigh the situation. For Taurus, this time is occupied by silent reflections, and for Libra, it is occupied by lengthy discussions of all the pros and cons. At the same time, his too little enthusiasm for participating in the verbal marathon may cause her indignation.

The physical attraction between this woman and man is often very strong; it probably serves as the basis for initial interest and is unlikely to disappear with closer acquaintance. Most likely, it will add depth to their relationship. Perhaps her approach will seem too abstract next to his earthly sensual needs. However, they are both sentimental romanticists who also know how to combine eroticism with love. There is a correlation of signs between them that promotes sexual interest and satisfaction, as well as selfless devotion and a desire to help.

Of course, the Taurus man is often a real find for the Libra woman. His very presence calms her restless soul. And no one more confident and reliable than the Ox can comfortably lead her out of those dead ends of indecision that are characteristic of Libra. His warmth and humor, his reliability and common sense- this is what she has always been looking for. After all, even birds, no matter how much they love to fly, from time to time rest on the branches and build their nests, rejoicing in safety and peace.

This couple has another advantage: its natural optimism can serve as an excellent counterbalance to Taurus' pessimism. No one can encourage a Taurus as easily as she can. He may resist, but, seduced and blinded by her smile and encouraged by her voice, he will become a plush toy in her hands. Deep down, he admires her intelligence, as long as she recognizes the fact of his male superiority. The Taurus man will be proud that his Libra girlfriend handles everything so easily. The trick is to make sure he doesn't realize that her real gift is coping with him.

Taurus and Libra were born under the auspices of the beautiful and mysterious planet Venus, so many stars claim that the compatibility of these zodiac signs can be ideal.

However, some astrologers shrug their shoulders skeptically and advise Taurus and Libra not to rush to create an alliance - your elements are too different.

Taurus were born under the earth element, they are stubborn and straightforward, it is difficult to argue with them, so it will not be so easy for them to get along with Libra, who is under the air element. But if the land of Taurus is not against the hurricanes of Libra, then the stars shine with all their rays for the cooperation of the signs - everything will work out for you, and besides, risk is a noble thing.

The difference between Taurus and Libra is that the signs of the earth were born in the spring months, when nature awakens, everyone is full of strength and grandiose plans. But Libra is an autumn bird, and is always ready to face the harsh winter, which also affects their character; air signs are more focused and cold-blooded, and their main strength is conviction.

The wards of Venus have many similar traits - Libra and Taurus know how to adapt to circumstances, the signs of earth and air are unusually fair and decent, and the honesty of the wards of Venus is generally beyond doubt.

Taurus woman and Libra man

Lady Taurus is a mysterious and alluring, but at the same time extremely practical woman. The Venus pet is confident in herself and her attractiveness; she knows what she wants from birth. Baby Taurus, back in the maternity hospital, would have explained to the staff how to behave, if only she could speak. The surrounding people are completely delighted with the independence of Taurus, because the girl of the earth puts real goals and moves towards them, not paying attention to the difficulties. The men who meet the Taurus lady along the way are extremely lucky - the girl of the earth is ideal in the role of a girlfriend, and the stars are silent about what kind of lover she is. They will only say that you can compete for the attention of this sorceress - the husband of Taurus will become the most happy guy in the world.

The Libra guy is a charming and passionate fellow, ready for exploits since kindergarten. But the air boy does not like responsibility, so from the outside he may seem childish. The Libra man does not need to conquer women - girls of all stripes themselves fly to his light and are ready to follow the airy handsome man to the ends of the earth. The Libra guy is flexible and will find mutual language with anyone, his friends even include grumpy old ladies to whom the ladies' man gave a couple of compliments or chopped wood. But young coquettes near the air boy are much more common - all girls are ready to wait for years until their sweet and charming acquaintance proposes. But Venus’s pet is in no hurry, because he believes that fate has prepared for him a meeting with the best woman on earth, so the Libra guy will go to the registry office only out of great and bright love.

Dating a Taurus woman and a Libra man

The Libra guy has excellent taste, and the Taurus girl would prefer to go to the opera than to a cheap thriller. Therefore, the meeting of an airy guy and an earthly girl will most likely happen somewhere at a concert of a famous singer, or at a meeting of poets. Always surrounded by fans, the Libra boy is unlikely to pay attention to a stranger who wanders around with her girlfriend during the intermission and discusses the men around her. But that was not the case - the Taurus girl will not tolerate if at least one man did not pay attention to her - the Libra guy may be preparing to attack the earthly beauty.

First, the Taurus lady will make her way through the crowd of beauties, and will definitely insert a line into the monologue of some dummy - Libra will certainly appreciate the wit of the earth lady. And then it’s just a matter of little things - the excellent manners and upbringing of the Taurus girl have driven more than one man crazy, and the impressionable pet of Venus is already next in line, and will not be able to resist the charm of the earthly witch.

The Taurus girl is familiar with the rules of flirting, so the Libra guy will even be confused - just now a new friend was praising his refined taste in choosing a tie, and she has already turned away and is flirting with some oligarch. And if the Libra guy is confused, then the Taurus lady can mentally applaud her successes - he will rush to the date the very next day. Of course, one should not think that the Taurus lady is such a calculating and cunning person, she just really liked the cute airy boy.

Taurus woman and Libra man dating

The pets of Venus can make a date anywhere – the meeting will ideally take place at grandma’s dacha, or in a chic restaurant. The demanding air guy will be shocked that he will not find a single flaw in the Taurus lady. The outfit of the charmer of the earth will be chic - after all, her taste is as impeccable as that of the Libra guy. The stars won’t even talk about makeup and hairstyle – the best stylists worked on the Taurus lady.

The Libra guy himself also knows a lot about fashion, and the Taurus girl will be pleased to see how much effort her new acquaintance has put in to look good. The Taurus lady will appreciate any gift that the boy of air gives, but Libra is advisable to show imagination and not be limited to a banal cream-colored rose. The Libra guy is also a gourmet, so during the first hours of communication he will sing the praises of the cook and talk about what delicious pies his granny bakes. The Taurus lady is a wise person; she, of course, will pick up hints about continuing the relationship.

But the stars ask the couple not to rush things - Cupid has not yet returned from the last order, so it is better to wait for the boy with the arrows, just to be sure. Venus will help her wards cope with modesty - the planet of love will give the earth and air signs several ideas on how to complete this date. The main thing is to avoid vulgarity, but a cup of coffee with cinnamon, offered by the Taurus lady, after the gallant Libra guy shows her off, will not be superfluous.

Cupid finally dealt with all the couples and flew to the cute air-terrestrial children. The Taurus lady and the Libra guy will immediately feel the prick of arrows that the mischievous man with wings will reward them with - of course, the lovers will not immediately rush to hug, but they can explain their feelings.

The dual nature of the Libra guy gives him a lot of trouble, but with the Taurus girl he will achieve the necessary harmony. Closeness with Taurus will help an impressionable, airy guy forget about past unsuccessful romances, he will even give up work, and will be ready to spend with his new passion around the clock. The girl of the earth will even be afraid of the feelings she will experience for this mysterious airy boy - this has not happened for a long time. But the stars are in a hurry to reassure Taurus - now the Libra boy is forever nearby, and no one can separate you.

The lovebirds will experience the joys of living together almost immediately - after all, they are unable to part, so the Libra man will run to all the stores, spend all his savings and buy food for the year ahead, as long as the Taurus lady doesn’t go out anywhere. Daily romantic evenings are wonderful, but soon the kids will get bored - alas, the euphoria ends, and everyday life is already knocking on the door of the air-terrestrial couple.

After the Taurus lady surprises the air guy with all the culinary recipes that she knew, and the Libra man spends the last ruble from his credit card, the couple will have to solve pressing problems. Lady Taurus will remember her jealousy - her airy friend does not work in the tundra, and young beauties are sure to hover around him. So the Libra guy should be patient and not get nervous when his distrustful girlfriend checks his messages on in social networks and reads the comments carefully.

The Libra guy will start disappearing in the evenings - either he will stay at a friend’s house, or he will visit his parents, in general, there will be enough reasons for quarrels. The stars have already compiled a list of rules for Taurus and Libra. The main rule of relationships for lovers should be the phrase: No control, otherwise you can immediately say goodbye and look for happiness in another union.

An air-terrestrial couple could use a little separation, although there is no need to part in English - it’s better to sit down and talk calmly. You can’t get away from each other, especially since the parents of Libra and Taurus have already become related and are preparing for the celebration with all their might, they even bought pigeons, and the birds cannot sit in a cage for a long time, so it’s time for the lovers to set a wedding day.

There will be a lot of people at the wedding of the Taurus bride and Libra groom - even friends with whom the newlyweds went to the nursery will come. After all, everyone is wondering who Taurus and Libra exchanged their freedom for. Venus will help ensure that the celebration is perfect - former lovers of the air and earth signs will not be able to infiltrate the wedding, and Taurus and Libra will not have to blush and explain themselves.

The Taurus wife will be able to make sure that her husband is happy and stops always delving into himself and suffering from doubts. Libra’s husband will become calmer, although his frivolous nature will be irritated by his wife’s practicality. But nothing, the stars promise that in five years the air-terrestrial couple will get used to each other, and the differences in the elements will be completely unnoticeable.

The stars believe that they won’t have to wait long for the children to appear. Libra's dad is a role model; he will amuse his children and always come up with all sorts of entertainment for them. And at this time, Taurus mother will prepare a mountain of pies and cookies for the whole friendly family, besides, the neighbor’s tomboys promised to drop by, so it won’t be boring. Having lived together for ten or twenty years, a couple of air and earth will not lose their feelings, although there will no longer be mad passion, but the Taurus wife and Libra husband are confident in each other and know that their love is forever.

An autumn guy and a spring girl can begin to be friends at a young age. Pets of Venus, despite differences in character, will be able to get along. The sociable air boy will certainly appreciate the determination of the earth girl, because Libra himself rarely makes decisions and is afraid of responsibility. The air-to-earth couple of friends will often play pranks, but the timid Libra guy will hide behind his energetic girlfriend. However, the Taurus girl will not be offended by her friend - after all, Libra is terribly fun and never boring, and everyone has shortcomings.

But the Libra boy is fair, and will always stand up for those who are weaker - the Taurus girl, knowing this feature of Libra, always drags her friend into situations where she needs to judge and understand who is right. The Taurus girl does everything slowly but thoroughly, and the Libra guy is indiscriminate in his hobbies, so their friendship is useful for both.

Air and earth signs love music, so you can often meet friends at concerts, where they enthusiastically dance to their favorite band. The wards of Venus will remain faithful to each other forever, because if they promised that they will not part, it means that no one will destroy their strong union. Married life will not interfere with air-terrestrial friends - if they have agreed on fishing, then even a wedding anniversary or a significant other’s birthday will not become an obstacle for them.


The Libra guy always surrounds himself with nice people, and he will even work with those he likes. Therefore, the Taurus lady can become the best ally for such a selective comrade - after all, she is smart, responsible and stubborn, and Libra lacks perseverance.

The Taurus girl does not like innovation, and the Libra guy strives for change, so in their union one must sit in the office and draw up plans and reports, while the other will go on business trips and conclude contracts.

The Libra businessman does not like obstacles; he is even ready to back down from a profitable deal if it seems to him that competitors are too actively putting a spoke in the wheels. Here the Taurus lady will come in handy for him, as all sorts of obstacles only make him happy and help him find solutions.

Pets of Venus love luxury and a stable life; the air-terrestrial couple usually has no problems with finances. Therefore, together Taurus and Libra can achieve significant success and become, if not oligarchs, then wealthy people for sure.

The signs of air and earth must remember - no verbal promises to each other, even if the union is based on friendship, because money always loves the score, and it never hurts to be on the safe side.

Taurus man and Libra woman

The Taurus guy is a strong and reliable, smart and responsible person; you can rely on him and trust him with your deepest secrets. Venus's pet has enormous power self-control, his thoughts are always in perfect order - this is to the liking of the surrounding ladies who are sleeping and dreaming of going down the aisle with Taurus. But the boy of the earth is not so simple - he will go to the registry office only when he is able to provide his wife with everything necessary, and besides, he still needs to find a wife, because not every woman will suit the requirements of Taurus. But in the role of a husband, the guy of the earth is simply a godsend - a kind, smart and most affectionate husband of all the spouses that exist in the world.

The Libra girl is a lovely and charming lady, a touching and gentle princess. The delightful pet of Venus is always surrounded by admirers, but the Libra lady is picky, although in her youth she steps on the same rake several times. But the mistakes of youth do not spoil the character of the lady of the air - at any age she is light and cheerful, and is always ready for new and magical relationships. The Libra girl can be charming or cold - it all depends on which partner is next to her. If the lady gets some air good husband, then she will be a magnificent mistress and a passionate lover. The Libra lady will do everything for her husband to succeed in life, she will never leave him in the face of difficulties, so the Libra husband must understand that there is a real pearl next to him.

Dating a Taurus man and a Libra woman

The economical guy of the earth often looks into the “Everything for a Country House and Garden” store, where he is looking for a new, improved shovel, or looking for a covering for greenhouses. Surprisingly, the Libra girl may also end up there - the airy lady will be looking for something like that for her new alpine slide, because the pet of Venus loves flowers and everything connected with them.

Taurus will definitely be interested in the mysterious lady, who stands out favorably against the background of the aunts who came for the seeds - the Libra girl always looks great, and from her excellent manicure you can’t even tell that she replanted violets an hour ago. There are as many topics for conversation as you like - it all depends on the assortment of the store where Venus’s charges will meet. The Libra lady will certainly succumb to the charms of a charming intellectual, and will not even be afraid to go for a walk with him - but Taurus must remember: no vulgar hints, even if he has already fallen head over heels in love.

Cupid will do his job in the store - the seller kindly gave up his place to him, and while Taurus and Libra were paying at the checkout, the mischief-maker deftly fired his well-aimed arrows at them.

The stars are sure that the continuation of the acquaintance is not far off, because Taurus did not have time to tell the lady of the air about all the plants that grow in his magical garden, so the Libra girl will be looking forward to the date. In addition, the intuition of Venus’s pet is always on top, and this time she literally shouts: Don’t miss this guy!

Taurus man and Libra woman dating

Both pets of Venus will look forward to the first date - Taurus will grow a new wonderful flower for the lady of the air, and learn how to prepare a dandelion salad. You can write a novel about how the Libra lady will prepare for a meeting - she will go through all her outfits, and only for this can a monument be erected to Libra, because the pet of Venus has an unimaginable amount of clothes.

As a result, the Libra lady will take all her savings and rush to the shops - all the expensive boutiques in the city will exceed the sales plan. In addition, the local homeless people will be lucky - after all, the Libra woman, in a fit of anger, will get rid of all her annoying things, throwing them out the window.

Taurus will be amazed, because he already remembers the Libra lady as the most beautiful woman in the universe, and perfection itself will appear on a date. It is unlikely that Taurus will be able to talk about his innovations in the garden during this meeting - the air-terrestrial couple will have no time for conversations, because the pets of Venus will be silent and admire each other.

When the stupor of the earth and air signs passes, they will finally be able to realize that the time has come to act - the stars advise Taurus and Libra to go out of town. In nature, the wards of Venus will relax and behave like children - the Libra lady will even forget that her new shoes cost a thousand dollars, and will rush with Taurus in delight across a field or along a river bank.

At first, the mutual understanding of the signs of air and earth will be ideal - the Libra girl will understand Taurus perfectly, and the Taurus boy himself will be ready to carry his beloved in his arms around the clock.

After intimacy, the earthly-airy couple will generally go crazy with happiness - Taurus and Libra have never had such harmony before. And all past novels and relationships will seem mediocre and meaningless to them.

Cupid, just in case, set up surveillance on the lovers - either he will appear to them in the guise of a neighbor’s granny who has come to buy salt, or he will turn into a dove and fly into the apartment of Taurus and Libra as if by accident.

Sentimental Taurus will flutter with happiness and will do everything to make his airy fairy enjoy life - the Libra lady’s wardrobe will be replenished again. In addition, the boy of the earth has excellent taste - all the outfits he bought will please Libra, and the chosen one will guess the size.

But, unfortunately, the air-earth lovebirds will not do without difficulties - Taurus is a jealous guy, and he is ready to lock a lady like Libra in a golden dungeon so that no one will look at her. But the air girl hates scenes and all sorts of showdowns are not for her. But the Libra lady is good-natured and cheerful, she will find a common language with anyone, and even more so, she will be able to convince her beloved Taurus guy that she does not need anyone, because she has found him - such a wonderful lover and an ideal interlocutor.

Relationship between Taurus man and Libra woman

The sensual patroness of Taurus and Libra will do everything to make the signs understand that they are made for each other. But this does not mean at all that it is time to run to the registry office and legalize the relationship. Be patient, the stars advise, and it’s also not advisable to rush into a civil marriage - otherwise you may quarrel before you have time to put on each other’s wedding rings.

The Taurus man and the Libra woman need to get out in public more often - the air and earth couple are unanimously recognized as the most beautiful and elegant couple. Quarrels can be avoided if you don’t pester each other with stories about past romances - Taurus’s ex-girlfriends and Libra’s boyfriends will already annoy each other with their endless calls and love messages. So Taurus and Libra must remember the rule - not to look at each other’s phones, otherwise scandals will be frequent guests in your relationship.

It is advisable for lovers of earth and air to trust each other, and mutual friends will help in this, who will agree among themselves and take turns admiring ideal relationship Taurus guy and Libra lady. During the relationship, the practical Taurus will solve all the problems of the lady of the air - he will complete the alpine slide for her, and complete the renovation of the apartment, and even according to European standards. After all, the earthly guy has already understood that the wedding is just around the corner, you just need to convince the capricious chosen one that fate has brought them together so that they can live a long, happy and eventful life together.

In the history of weddings, the celebration of Libra and Taurus will be the most flawless. Taurus will personally monitor the quality of food and the freshness of bouquets, persuade friends to inflate balloons, and drive the toastmaster, forcing him to rehearse his speech a hundred times a day. The Libra lady will tire the photographer - after all, she is so sophisticated, and knows better how to stand and turn her head so that the light falls where it is needed. In general, the photos from the wedding will be gorgeous, and all the magazines in the world dream of Libra and Taurus being on their cover.

Happy family life for a Taurus husband and Libra wife it will last a couple of years. Then everyday difficulties will begin, but they will not overshadow the air-terrestrial idyll. Taurus will teach his sweet spender to keep track of the budget, albeit with great difficulty - Libra’s wife loves money, but for some reason she runs out of it in the blink of an eye, and besides, the lady of the air often forgets her wallet in the store. But all sellers already know the habit of a frivolous customer and immediately call her Taurus husband.

It’s better not to delay the birth of children, the stars say, for a couple or three years, of course, you can live for yourself, and only then call the stork and invite him to visit.

Libra's mother is an amazing woman; she has an innate ability to educate and persuade. Papa Taurus is also no mistake - he will become a great authority for his offspring. Those around them are delighted with the relationship between the earthly and airy spouses - the house is always full of guests, and at the same time ideal cleanliness, and smart and well-mannered children touch even the grumpy neighbors.

Taurus and Libra can become friends at an early age. Venus, who patronizes them, will definitely help her favorites get together. The Libra girl is very sociable, the little girl always has a lot of friends, and her charming Taurus friend will be her best friend.

Those who are torn from earth and air will often drive teachers to white heat with eternal tricks and pranks, but at the same time, friends Taurus and Libra will innocently bat their eyes and pretend that they are not to blame. But the Taurus guy and the Libra girl achieve excellent success in their studies - the determined Taurus will always force his frivolous girlfriend to learn her lessons, and will not let her go to dances until she has completed all the tasks.

The Libra girl will add fuss and fun to the measured life of Taurus - Taurus knows that if he is bored, then there is nothing simpler: you just need to dial the number of your favorite friend. Earth and air signs will respect each other into old age. Grandpa Taurus will always listen to his grumpy grandma Libra and help her deal with the neighbors who have tortured the old lady with endless repairs. The grandfather of the earth will personally appear to the arrogant neighbor and break the hammer into small pieces. And the airy granny will thank her faithful comrade and bake him soft pies with jam, because her beloved Taurus has such a sweet tooth.


The Libra lady and the Taurus guy can achieve good results in business if they create an alliance and correctly distribute responsibilities. The Air woman is an excellent negotiator; she will convince everyone around her that their company is the best, and only she and Taurus are able to produce the desired result. And the Taurus guy will do business at this time and succeed, because he knows that his companion in a skirt has already advertised, and all that remains is to wait for orders.

In the union of Libra and Taurus main role It is advisable for the earth guy to take charge - he will manage his money better and, unlike the frivolous Libra lady, will not invest in any nonsense. The lady of the air is always full of grandiose and unusual plans - a practical and hardworking Taurus will only have to find a couple of adequate ideas and begin to implement them.

The Libra lady can be modest when it comes to salary, she simply does not know how to demand the due fee, but in cooperation with Taurus this should not bother her - the faithful and honest companion of the earth will not hide a penny, he will even pay Libra out of his own pocket.

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