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Can taking Kagocel cause infertility? The main causes of infertility in men What cold pills cause male infertility

Until recently, if a married couple did not have a child in the next year or two after the wedding, no one doubted that the woman was to blame. As a rule, men believed that if they had no problems with erection and ejaculation, then they were completely healthy.

They began to examine the woman, treat her, and send her to sanatoriums, but often without success. True, it was the sanatoriums that sometimes “helped” - having risked changing her partner, she was convinced that with her women's health everything is fine. Currently, gynecologists do not begin to examine a woman for infertility until her husband is examined. In Russia, the cause of half of the cases of infertility among married couples is a failure in the reproductive system of the man.

Male infertility comes in two forms:

  • secretory form;
  • obstructive (lat. obturatio - clogging).

At secretory there is a disruption in the formation of sperm in the testicles. At obstructive– on the way of sperm to urethra an obstacle arises.

The main causes of male infertility include the following:

Hormonal disorders

They can be identified by taking a blood test. If it turns out that the level of follicle-stimulating hormone in the blood is increased, it means that too few sperm are produced in the testicles or they are not produced at all.

Impairment of the vas deferens (obturation)

This defect can be either congenital or acquired. For example, patency may be impaired after certain infectious diseases that cause inflammatory processes in the genitals. In particular, these are gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, etc. In the place where there was inflammation, scars form, preventing the advancement of sperm. If the inflammation was unilateral, the number of sperm in the semen decreases; if it was bilateral, they are absent altogether.

Low sperm motility

The reason for this may be diseases of the accessory sex glands, for example the prostate. To determine male fertility (from the Latin fertilis - fertile, prolific, that is, the ability to produce offspring), men are asked to take a spermogram. A spermogram is an analysis that can be used to evaluate the quality, quantity of sperm, the concentration of male reproductive cells in the entire volume of ejaculate (what comes out after ejaculation) and in 1 ml, as well as sperm motility.

Immune factor

It is associated with 10–20% of cases of male infertility. To identify it, a MAR test of sperm is done to check for the presence of autoantibodies to one’s own sperm, that is, an increased amount of antisperm antibodies in the sperm.

Ejaculation disorder

Ejaculation disorder, when sperm does not come out of the urethra or very little comes out. It can be either congenital or a consequence of certain diseases (diabetes mellitus), or operations (on the prostate gland). Some medications (for example, to lower blood pressure) also have this side effect.

Injuries and diseases of the testicles (testicles)

Male reproductive cells (sperm) and male sex hormones (in particular, testosterone) are formed in the testicles (testicles), so most pathologies are associated with disruption of their functioning.


For example, with cryptorchidism, a congenital disease that occurs in 2–5% of newborn boys, the testicles do not descend into the scrotum at birth. This interferes with the normal maturation of sperm and leads to infertility. Cryptorchidism requires surgical intervention.


Testicular diseases can also cause a complete absence of male germ cells in sperm (azoospermia). For example, a childhood disease such as mumps, contracted after puberty, can lead to the destruction of sperm-producing cells.


The cause of infertility can also be dilation of the veins of the scrotum - varicocele. Due to stagnation of blood and increased temperature inside the testicles, sperm lose activity.

Effect of drugs and chemicals

For example, the production of male germ cells can be suppressed by the antimicrobial drug metronidazole. Some drugs used to treat stomach ulcers reduce the production of the male hormone testosterone. Even some cold medications can affect sperm quality. Men working for chemical production Those who constantly deal with varnishes, paints, etc. may also have fertility problems.

Wrong lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, excessive amounts of alcohol and smoking addiction, constant stress and lack of sleep, insufficient amounts of protein and vitamins in food - all this affects the quality and quantity of sperm. It is also believed that those who like a bath or steam room that is too hot may also have a disruption in the production of male reproductive cells due to increased temperature in the scrotum area. Correctly diagnosed and timely treatment of male infertility in most cases gives a positive result.

The male body (and especially its genital area) is a complex mechanism that combines extremely vulnerable parts. Any factor can damage the smooth functioning of this mechanism - stress, past illnesses, injuries, and even taking certain medications. In particular, experts admit that there are also cold medicines that cause infertility in men, although they have a temporary effect. A representative of the stronger sex should be treated with such drugs for ARVI and influenza very carefully if he plans to become a father in the near future.

Infertility due to a cold

Infertility that develops while taking certain medications is a fairly common occurrence. Traditionally, such drugs are drugs that seriously “regulate” the immune system, for example, chemotherapy or hormonal medications that help the body restore barrier functions after radiation or radiotherapy. But it also happens that the cause of infertility (temporary, unlike the above products) is the most common cold and the therapeutic effect on it.

The condition that people in everyday life are accustomed to calling a cold, from a medical point of view, is one or another manifestation of representatives of the group of acute respiratory infections. Such problems are caused by viruses and bacteria and are more than widespread with maximum susceptibility.

If the so-called cold occurs with a simple set of symptoms - coughing, sneezing and runny nose, it will have minimal impact on a man's fertility. It’s another matter if the disease is not an ordinary acute respiratory viral infection, but influenza with a significant increase (up to 38°C) in body temperature. In this case, pathological processes occur in the male body that prevent the production of sperm in sufficient quantities, and also negatively affect the quality and mobility of male germ cells.

If the cold is accompanied by a cough, sneezing and runny nose, it will have minimal impact on a man's fertility.

A cold can cause male infertility for the listed reasons, however, this condition is reversible: since the maturation period of sperm is on average 1 month, after this cycle there will be a new production of germ cells that will survive, in optimal quantities will end up in the seminal fluid and, if will receive this opportunity, will be able to fertilize the egg. The presence of an infectious viral respiratory lesion significantly reduces the possibility of fertilization, however, within a maximum of 2-3 months, the composition and quantity of sperm will be restored.

What if you treat a cold?

Colds, being cured over time, disappear without a trace, although they can cause temporary infertility that lasts for several weeks. But if we are talking about the treatment of ARVI and influenza, then everything can be much more complicated. Of all the cold medications, antiviral drugs and antibiotic tablets can cause infertility in men.

An antiviral drug (may fall into the categories of interferons, interferon inducers, and immunostimulants), in addition to its main activity, that is, suppressing the activity of viruses, is capable of stimulating the functioning of the immune system, which often becomes the cause of an autoimmune attack on the normal process of spermatogenesis. That is why drugs against flu and colds such as Amiksin, Cycloferon, Kagocel or Arbidol should be used with extreme caution when planning conception by men.

The effects of antibiotics in the body persist for 3 or more months

Antibiotics for the treatment of respiratory infections are used quite rarely; their main purpose is to fight the disease in the presence of complications or when they are suspected. Not the least role in this is played by the fact that these medications have a significant number of side effects, including a negative effect on spermatogenesis. Male fertility when taking antibiotics is reduced especially strongly and for a long time if treatment is carried out on early stage the process of formation of male reproductive cells.

And even if the negative impact was made in the middle of the spermatogenesis cycle, the influence of these medications is such that many systems are inhibited, disrupts the normal formation of sperm and creates conditions under which successful conception becomes impossible. It is important to know that the effects of antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Augmentin are most often used) in the body persist for 3 months or more, and this must be taken into account when planning pregnancy.

The genitourinary system of men is increasingly being negatively affected, as a result of which it becomes impossible to lead a normal sex life. Such disorders occur due to various factors: nervous tension, poor lifestyle, injuries, operations or serious illnesses. In particular, there are cold medications that cause infertility in men, so it is not recommended to take any, even seemingly “harmless” medications without a doctor’s prescription. To prevent the occurrence of pathologies with the reproductive system, a man must be aware of the possible side effects of medications and contraindications to their use.

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Cold medications that can cause infertility

Viruses that cause colds

During illness, the human body is exposed to pathogens, which lead to weakening of the entire body. Colds are especially dangerous, accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees: the male reproductive system cannot produce sperm, which can lead to such a terrible illness as infertility. After taking medications for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the body, the quality and mobility of male germ cells deteriorates. If you use the drug in accordance with the instructions and the exact dosage, you can avoid it. Sperm are produced every 30 days, so the likelihood that the reproductive cells will be restored in 2-3 months is reduced to a maximum.


Kagocel is an effective medication with an anti-inflammatory effect. It is prescribed for treatment colds, as well as herpes of any complexity. The course of therapy with the drug should not exceed 5 days, but the desired result can be seen after a couple of days. The medication specifically targets areas of inflammation through the interferon produced.

Despite the fact that Kagocel is available without a doctor's prescription, it is still not recommended to take it on your own. The drug has its contraindications, so before using it you must carefully read the instructions, including the list of side effects. You should not take the drug in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • allergy to lactose;
  • presence of bacterial diseases.

If contraindications are ignored, undesirable consequences may occur. Most men are concerned about a complication such as infertility. The active substance of Kagocel is a copolymer of gossypol, which negatively affects the functionality of the male genital organs. In addition, the active substance of the drug, according to studies, has antispermatogenic activity and in 20% of cases caused infertility in men.

Based on the negative impact on the function of the genital organs, doctors do not recommend using the medicine to treat colds. Instead, it is better to take similar medications that do not cause the same side effects. Despite the fact that the medicine can lead to infertility, it still effectively copes with ARVI, but before taking it you must consult a specialist.


Arbidol is a drug prescribed to eliminate infectious diseases of the respiratory organs, influenza, and atypical pneumonia. This medicine has a beneficial effect on immune system humans, kills and destroys pathogens. After taking Arbidol, the number of T-killers (cytotoxic T-lymphocytes) increases, which attack and effectively destroy pathogenic microorganisms. The advantage of this drug is that its components are quickly absorbed and are excreted from the body by 90%.

The active ingredient of the drug is umifenovir, the auxiliary components are:

  • potato starch;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Aerosil;
  • collidon 25;
  • calcium stearate.

The active components of the drug help eliminate colds, regardless of the cause of its occurrence. The medicine must be taken with caution, as it affects spermatogenesis. A complication such as infertility can occur in those men who already have problems with the functioning of the genital organs.


Cycloferon is an immunomodulatory drug that contains meglumine acridone acetate. The medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect and destroys the genetic information of viruses. Thanks to the action of the active component, the body begins to produce interferons (proteins secreted by cells in response to the invasion of the virus). Meglumine acridone acetate inhibits the functionality of the male genital organs, so the doctor decides whether to use Cycloferon for the patient or not.

The medicinal product requires adherence to the exact dosage and method of administration. Daily dose for adults is 4 tablets, which must be taken with sufficient liquid. Cycloferon is used when the first symptoms of a cold are detected, on the second day the dose is repeated, and then a break is taken for a day. The average duration of treatment is 5 days, but depends on individual characteristics body. If necessary, the doctor may extend the course of therapy or prescribe another drug.

Cycloferon has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account before starting treatment: otherwise An unexpected reaction from the body may occur. Contraindications include:

Cirrhosis of the liver

  • the presence of an allergy to the components of the medication;
  • age up to 4 years;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

During drug treatment may appear side effects in the form of allergic reactions and other abnormalities in the functioning of the body. In this case, you must stop using the drug and consult your doctor.

The impact of antibiotics on men's health

Antibiotics are known to act on pathogenic microorganisms, inhibiting their growth and destroying them, but, on the other hand, they also negatively affect the erectile function of men. In addition, if you constantly use these drugs, you can become addicted, as a result of which the bacteria will become tolerant to the active ingredients of the medications (they will stop responding to them).

It has been clinically proven that antibiotics lead to dysfunction of the male genital organs: they affect the secretion of sperm, changing its viscosity and acidity, and destroy sperm. Doctors recommend planning conception 2-3 months after the completed course of therapy: only by this time the man’s reproductive cells are restored.

During antibiotic treatment, it is necessary to enrich the diet with seafood

To reduce the negative impact of antibiotics on the body, it is necessary not only to follow the recommendations for use, but also to review the diet. Doctors advise men to eat foods that have a positive effect on erection (seafood, fruits, vegetables, honey, nuts). If you eat right, exercise and get rid of bad habits, you can speed up treatment.

Thus, a man should be careful about cold medications that cause infertility.

A timely visit to the doctor and following the course of treatment will help not only get rid of the infectious disease, but also avoid possible negative consequences on a man's potency and reproductive function.

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Walking into a pharmacy recently, I was amazed at how many cold medications were on the shelves. It seemed to me that five years ago there was no such abundance. And exactly: knowledgeable people told me that so many medications for flu and colds appeared not so long ago, after the 2009 influenza pandemic. I was also told that some drugs are known only in Russian market, which immediately aroused my suspicion. And I decided to conduct my own mini-investigation.

One of the widely advertised drugs, Kagocel, “became famous” in 2009, when Tatyana Golikova could not find it in the pharmacy. But then for some reason everyone latched on to Arbidol, which was also not on sale, and they happily forgot about Kagocel, and then it appeared as if nothing had happened: untainted and beyond suspicion. Although knowing the history of its appearance and composition, it was necessary to immediately ban it from sale.

It was like this. Soviet virologist Felix Ershov, at the head of a group of scientists, was sent to America: to learn and see how things are in medicine in the West. Scientists spent a whole year in the USA and returned with the following decision: it is necessary to treat colds and flu with interferon (in the States there was just interest in its inducers). Together with Vladimir Nesterenko (head of the immunology department of the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology), Kagocel was invented. Here are the words of Nesterenko himself, which I found on the Internet: “We took cellulose, this is a polymer from cotton, took another certain substance obtained from cotton, combined it with cellulose and got a polymer. It’s called kagocel.” Both Nesterenko and Ershov kept silent about the fact that the new drug causes male infertility. But this can also be found on the Internet. For example, in the same Wikipedia.

Ergoferon is not included in Wikipedia, but if you type this name into Google, the first site will tell us the following: “Homeopathic antiviral remedy Ergoferon - it will help during the cold season.”

Plus, the price is a little surprising. For example, Anaferon (20 tablets) costs approximately 200 rubles. This high cost is usually due to expensive ingredients. One of the main components of Anaferon is lactose, and it costs about 100 rubles per bag weighing... 25 kilograms.

Let's scour the Internet further. We find this: “The production technology includes immunization of rabbits with recombinant human interferon gamma, after which the desired antibodies are isolated from the rabbit’s blood serum on an adsorption column.” Knowing the composition of the drug, it can be calculated that “only about four molecules are required for the entire annual production of anaferon! From one rabbit you can extract antibodies for the next couple of million years of production."

What conclusion can be drawn from everything written? There are a lot of drugs in Russia, but often among them there are some local drugs that have never been heard of abroad. This, unfortunately, happens not only in medicine. I would advise taking medications that are known not only here. You can also read research materials on this topic. There are decent medicines, you just need to not be lazy and find them, and not grab anything. How do you think?

According to the latest scientific research, scientists claim that the female factor in the development of infertility accounts for only 40% of cases. A man's guilt in childlessness reaches 30%, while for males one of the defining triggers of this condition is medicines. Many of their components adversely affect spermatogenesis or are spermatic. As a result, the seminal fluid loses its properties, and the sperm loses its activity, which makes fertilization of the egg impossible. For women, there are also pills that cause infertility, but in the vast majority of cases we will be talking about contraceptives.

What drugs cause infertility in men?

Impaired fertility in representatives of the stronger sex occurs due to the use of drugs that have an effect on such organs and systems.

  1. Endocrine, which ensures the course of all metabolic processes in the body, including the regulation of dopamine levels, the production of sex hormones - prolactin, testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, as well as serotonin and endorphins.
  2. Central and peripheral nervous system, especially drugs that inhibit their work.
  3. Circulatory system.

Medications of various groups lead to depression of sexual function. These can be cytostatics, anabolic steroids, anti-tuberculosis drugs (and they affect the ability to conceive in representatives of both sexes). Taking into account the dosage and course of treatment, the reproductive cells can be suppressed permanently or temporarily, which will prevent the woman from becoming pregnant.

In most cases, the abolition of the egg, which is harmful to the fertilization of the egg, is enough to return fertility to normal levels. It is important to understand that conceiving a child is possible only if both sexual partners are in full health. Female and male infertility go hand in hand and are very close, since they require treatment of both partners.

These drugs most often provoke male infertility.


These medications impair or reduce erections, contributing to the development of erectile dysfunction. Also, while taking them, painful ejaculation is noted. This is due to blockade of the cholinergic system, which leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of alpha-adrenergic receptors. The same effects are observed when taking certain bromides or barbiturates.


Cytostatic drugs act in several directions at once. First of all, they inhibit the division and reproduction of cells, including sex cells - sperm. Cytostatics also interfere with sperm meiosis, which entails the development of gene mutations, due to which mature sperm receive a “defective” genome that carries information with the presence of hereditary pathologies. Or they lose the opportunity to fertilize female reproductive cells.

Hormonal drugs

Estrogens themselves inhibit male libido and potency. Taking thyroid hormones also has similar properties, especially if we are talking about a serious disorder or change in hormonal levels. Here it is also important to monitor the correct use of medications, since if the patient takes 5 tablets per day, even in the smallest dosage, other thyroid diseases may develop, for example, instead of hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis will develop, which is also characterized by a pronounced decrease in fertility.


The use of tablets or injections of glucocorticosteroids adversely affects the reproductive system due to interference with metabolic processes. They launch with new strength production of prolactin, which entails a decrease in libido and erectile dysfunction. To monitor the two groups of drugs listed above, it is necessary to regularly conduct blood tests for hormones.

Blood pressure medications

Medicines with antihypertensive activity. They cause a decrease in potency in more than 1% of people who regularly take them. Moreover, this situation occurs not only in people who take old drugs, but also in patients who use relatively new, modern antihypertensive pills.

Psychotropic substances

Scientific experiments have proven their effect on sperm motility, and asthenozoospermia has sometimes been observed.

Anabolic drugs

The risk group includes men who actively work out in the gym in order to build up muscle mass. The use of these substances leads to disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, which controls all processes within the body, so sexual function also suffers. Irreversible processes often develop, and testicular atrophy occurs.


Inhibits the activity of male sex hormones. These also include the aldosterone inhibitor veroshpiron or spironaloctone, cimetidine. In addition to their main effects, they lead to the appearance of gynecomastia and cause disruption of sperm formation.


Reduce sperm activity. One of the most controversial drugs today is Kagocel, discussions about which are ongoing not only among andrologists, but also reproductive specialists and gynecologists.

Other means

Toxic substances, including cannabinoids, ethyl alcohol, which is part of any alcoholic drink, nicotine, which is part of all cigarettes. These substances can sometimes be used for medical purposes. But with excessive abuse, persistent and pronounced depression of fertility develops.

Drugs cause infertility in women

Drugs that cause infertility in the fairer sex are given Special attention. This is due to the fact that infertility therapy for women is a very difficult process. If a girl has been taking steroid drugs for a long time, the recovery period of her reproductive system will take a long period of time.

First of all, when diagnosing infertility, a woman needs to take care of her regular menstrual cycle. A gynecologist will help with this issue. Cycle disruption can be preceded by various trigger factors that need to be quickly eliminated, and then treated for this condition. The most common treatment option for infertility in women due to an irregular menstrual cycle is taking gonadotropin or clomiphene.

Bromocriptine is used to treat infertility due to increased blood prolactin concentrations. It restores ovulation, the formation of an egg and its release into the uterus by reducing this hormone.

According to doctors, the best prevention of childlessness for girls is timely treatment of borne diseases, including pathologies of the uterus and endometriosis. You should also regularly visit a female gynecologist. Strict avoidance of foods harmful to the body is necessary - alcoholic drinks, smoking, drugs. The correct selection of contraceptives is considered important - oral contraceptives, hormonal contraceptive pills.

Barrier methods will eliminate diseases of the ovaries and uterus, which also contributes to the safety of a possible subsequent pregnancy. It is important to understand that abortions and any sexually transmitted diseases provoke problems with pregnancy in the vast majority of cases. And the drugs that are used to treat infertility against the background of such pathological processes have a harmful effect on other organs and systems.

Doctors say that all modern medications that have a contraceptive effect are highly effective and do not affect reproductive function after their discontinuation. Contraceptive drugs, which can lead to infertility, are a thing of the past. They are divided into several groups.

  1. Monophasic, containing equal amounts of estrogen and gestagen. These include Regulon, Silhouette and others.
  2. Biphasic ones contain the same amount of estrogen, but the concentration of progestogen differs in periods 1 and 2. The products of this group are Femoston, Neo-Eunomin.
  3. There are also triphasic contraceptive medications. They change the dosage of hormones three times, it depends on the current menstrual cycle. Representatives of this group are Tri-Regol, Triziston.
  4. Microdosed birth control pills are better suited for young girls - Jess, Mercilon.
  5. Doctors advise low-dose medications to be taken by those who have already given birth - Yarina, Diana.
  6. Highly dosed - Non-Ovlon, Triqualor. These are pills with a high content of hormones. This medications for the treatment of hormonal dysfunctions in women.

It is important to understand that contraceptives promote conception after they are discontinued and hormonal levels stabilize. In order to eliminate this problem, it is best to contact a gynecologist and follow all his recommendations and instructions. It is important to understand that normalization of the endocrine system does not occur immediately; you need to wait some time until the organs recover after taking the drugs.