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Face mask with protein and... Egg white face mask: the best folk recipes. A brightening & purifying mask

Not so long ago, about 10-15 years ago, store-bought creams, gels, lotions and other “ultra-modern” products practically replaced homemade and folk cosmetics for skin care. Most girls and women considered it beneath their dignity to turn to folk recipes, and sought to purchase expensive, but not always effective, cosmetics vying with each other. Of course, there are many effective products on the modern cosmetics market, but they are not yet affordable for everyone, and mass-market cosmetics, which have literally flooded the markets of most countries - including Russia - often bring more problems than they are worth - this is confirmed by many Scientific research. But natural substances never fail: allergies to them are rare, and they are very inexpensive, so homemade cosmetics have become popular again in our time.

One of the effective folk remedies facial care products are masks with egg whites. This is what our material is about today.

What effect does it have on the face?

Homemade facial care products can be prepared from a variety of ingredients, but most often we use food. One of these products is egg white: any housewife has eggs, but to prepare homemade cosmetics, they should only be used fresh and of high quality. Homemade egg cosmetics are already inexpensive, so you shouldn’t skimp on the beauty and health of your skin - best choice there will be domestic eggs. Of course, you can use store-bought ones, but freshness still remains the main condition.

Here we will talk about the benefits and uses of egg whites.: This product has very valuable properties, and it takes very little time to prepare masks from it. It is known that masks with egg white for hair help accelerate hair growth and improve its condition, and protein is excellent for facial care.

What are the benefits of egg white face masks?? Owners oily skin, prone to acne, pimples and inflammation, are well aware of its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. At all medicinal properties There is so much protein that it is now successfully used not only in cosmetology, but also in the manufacture of certain medicines. For example, it contains a natural substance with a pronounced antibacterial effect - ovotransferrin, or conalbumin. Egg whites also contain 7 B vitamins and vitamin H, and many minerals: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, cobalt - of course , all this is very useful for the skin.

Products containing egg whites also have a restorative effect.: when used, small wrinkles and folds are smoothed out, and the skin is slightly whitened, so with their help it is worth taking care of not only the face, but also the neck and décolleté area - these areas become wrinkled faster than others. Protein masks are very good for caring for the skin around the eyes.

A light lifting effect allows you to use masks with egg whites for both young and old faces. mature age: the substances it contains help maintain youthful skin and cope with signs of aging. Egg white also cleanses, tones, dries and tightens, helps get rid of blackheads, so it is still more suitable for oily and combination skin types than for normal and dry skin types.

Egg white face masks

A very simple face mask made from protein and lemon juice. Separate the protein from egg yolk easy: you need to carefully break the egg into a cup and remove the yolk with a spoon with non-sharp edges, and do whatever you need to do with the remaining white. So, beat the whites with 1 tsp. lemon juice and apply the mixture to the face in 2-3 layers. After 20 minutes, wash off with cool water. If you add more juice (1 tbsp), the whitening effect of the mask will increase.

A similar face mask with egg whites, but with the addition of ground oatmeal, cleanses well and tightens skin pores. The egg white whipped with juice is carefully mixed with 1-2 tbsp. flakes ground in a coffee grinder and used as described above.

If you change the composition a little more, you will get a good rejuvenating mask for aging skin. In addition to juice and flakes, powder obtained from dried lemon zest is added to the protein. Keep the mask for 15 minutes and wash off cold water.

As a scrub, you can choose a face mask with egg white and chopped nuts. The protein is combined with almonds, hazelnuts or walnuts ground into flour, and the mixture is applied to the face gently, along massage lines, trying not to injure damaged areas of the skin.

A mask with the addition of apple is useful for oily, shiny skin with clogged pores, inflammation and acne formation. Finely grate a small apple and mix it with the egg white, whipped into a high foam. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water, then wipe your face with tonic lotion.

Excess oiliness is eliminated by a face mask with egg white and cosmetic clay, white or blue - it is suitable for oily and combination skin, relieves inflammation and eliminates acne. Mix the whipped egg white with clay (2 tsp), apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes, and rinse with cold water. This mask should be used regularly, 1-2 times a week – it gives the skin a matte appearance.

A mask with egg white and low-fat oil also has a mattifying effect on the face. fermented milk product or sour berries. The protein must be beaten together with natural yogurt, yogurt, kefir, etc., or with 1 tbsp. currant, cherry, rowan or cranberry pulp.

The following mask is perfect for both combination and normal skin: it perfectly nourishes, perfectly cleanses and heals minor damage. Beat the egg white with 1 tbsp. honey and 1 tsp. olive oil, add 2 tbsp. oatmeal, mix and apply in an even layer to the face; wash off after 15 minutes.

A gentle nourishing and caring mask is made from protein and sugar: it cleanses, smoothes and rejuvenates the skin. 1 tbsp. beat the sugar with the egg white into a thick foam, and immediately apply this foam to the face. Wash off after 20 minutes with cool water.

The advantage of protein-based masks

Egg white masks have an important advantage: they have an almost instant rejuvenating effect. As soon as you wash off the mask, you will immediately notice that appearance the skin has improved: it becomes smooth, matte, and feels like velvet. True, this effect does not last long, but with regular use you can achieve a significant and fairly lasting improvement in the appearance and condition of the skin of the face, as well as the neck and décolleté.

Cautions and contraindications

When using masks with egg whites for the face, you must remember that they should not be washed off with hot or even too warm water: protein coagulated on the skin of the face is not a pleasant sensation. They should be washed off with lukewarm or cool water – no higher than 18°C. You need to apply masks with protein in layers: after applying the first layer, wait about 5 minutes, apply the next one, etc. The effectiveness of masks increases in combination with massage and skin peeling.

For very dry and sensitive skin, masks with egg white are not recommended.

With age, every woman begins to take more careful care of her skin, which is associated with the desire to maintain youth longer. Protein face mask against wrinkles is a good solution for in this case. Eggs contain a huge amount of useful substances. It is thanks to this feature that they help cope with many dermatological problems and improve the appearance of the epidermis.

Composition and benefits

Any masks with eggs are extremely beneficial for human skin. Therefore, they are recommended by cosmetologists and become a worthy alternative to expensive salon options.

Composition of egg white

Egg white has a rich composition:

  • Amino acids. These substances are used by the human body as building material. They ensure the normal development of most cells.
  • Ovotransferrin. It forms the egg white (white). The substance produces a pronounced antibacterial effect. Therefore, all masks made from egg whites help against acne and eliminate the inflammatory process on the surface of the skin.
  • Vitamins of group B, K.
  • Food enzymes.
  • Other substances are sulfur, choline, niacin.


Homemade protein masks are different useful action on the skin, which manifests itself in the following:

Indications and contraindications

  • Combination or oily skin. Such cosmetic procedures will get rid of oily shine and normalize sebum production.
  • The presence of rashes - single or all over the face. Many people with mixed skin types suffer from blackheads and enlarged pores. An egg will help get rid of such problems.
  • Wrinkles. Egg masks produce a pronounced anti-aging effect.
  • Increased pigmentation caused by any factors.

The list of contraindications for the use of masks containing protein includes the presence of dry skin prone to irritation. They should not be used if you are individually intolerant to the component.

Face masks can be made not only from chicken, but also from quail eggs.

Features of preparation and use

There are several rules that can be followed to achieve best result from using facial masks against wrinkles or inflammation:

Effective recipes

Each yolk or white mask is aimed at solving specific problems, so it is important to consider the condition of the skin when choosing a recipe.

Dry skin care

To prepare an effective mask with honey and egg, you must follow the instructions:

  1. Beat one egg white well with a whisk to get a thick foam.
  2. Add a teaspoon of natural honey to the container. If you don't have it, you can use the same amount of heavy cream.
  3. Before using the mask, it is recommended to apply any moisturizer.
  4. By regularly using this product, you can get rid of excessive dryness of the skin and fine wrinkles.

Oily skin care

To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and get rid of oily shine on the face, you can use a very simple recipe. Beat the white of a chicken or quail egg and add a small amount of lemon juice. The resulting composition is applied to problem areas. The product is washed off with an ice cube.

For aging skin

You can restore the normal appearance of the skin, get rid of wrinkles and increase the elasticity of the skin using the following recipe:

Anti-crease composition

To get rid of deep wrinkles that appear on oily skin, you can use the following mask:

  1. Beat the egg white with a whisk. The main condition is that the resulting foam must be dense.
  2. Add the remaining components: 5 g of boric acid, 1 g of alum, a teaspoon of heavy cream.
  3. After completing the procedure, wash alternately with warm and cold water.

Lifting effect

To smooth out the skin well and increase its elasticity, you can use the following recipe:

For wrinkles around the eyes

Egg white helps get rid of wrinkles, eliminates pigmentation and bags under the eyes.

To achieve a positive result, apply a simple foam formed after whipping.

Tonic composition

To prepare an effective toning mask, you need to mix only three components:

  • one protein;
  • half a tablespoon of honey;
  • two teaspoons of barley flour.

This composition can be applied to the area around the eyes and other parts of the face. The mask should be washed off with warm water. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a compress with infusion of birch leaves to your face.

For forehead wrinkles

To get rid of wrinkles, you can use several types of masks:

  1. Whipped egg white is mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice. After 25 minutes, the mixture is washed off with plain cool water.
  2. The main ingredient is mixed with a small amount of lemon juice and salt. The resulting liquid can be applied both to the entire face and to individual problem areas.
  3. Whipped protein is combined with a tablespoon of cream, after which it is used as a mask on the forehead area.

Masks with egg whites are ideal for problematic skin that has experienced age-related changes. They are safe, inexpensive and easy to use.

Today, like many centuries ago, masks made from familiar products nutrition are widely popular. Time-tested recipes are not only as effective as expensive industrial facial skin care products, but often surpass them.

As a rule, everything you need to prepare healing masks can be found in the kitchen of every self-respecting housewife. For example, an ordinary chicken egg is found in every home. But today we will not talk about it, but its part, which is often used in masks - egg white. This component contains many substances that are beneficial for the skin of the face, this explains its wide application in home cosmetology.

Healthy protein

Egg white is a gift from nature not only for our stomach, but also for our skin. Every woman who has tried the results of protein masks on her face can no longer refuse to use them. And this is not surprising, because the result is noticeable after the first procedure. Such a high cosmetological effect is achieved thanks to the rich composition of egg whites. It contains many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes.

With regular use of protein formulations, you can achieve the following results:

  • deep cleansing of the skin;
  • antibacterial skin protection;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • increasing skin elasticity and firmness;
  • getting rid of acne, redness, inflammation;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands, resulting in the elimination of excess fat;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • disappearance of dark circles under the eyes and pigmentation;
  • improvement of skin color.

Indications and contraindications

Before you run to the kitchen for an egg product, you should definitely read the recommendations of experts regarding the use of protein mixtures for facial skin care. The fact is that masks that contain this component are not suitable for all skin types.

Masks with protein are recommended for those with oily, combination and problem skin. They will also be useful for those who have excessive pigmentation.

But those who have sensitive or dry skin should choose a different product for facial care, otherwise the result may be very disastrous.

Rules for applying masks

Every woman who decides to use homemade masks, in addition to indications and contraindications, should know how to properly prepare and apply natural ingredients to the skin of the face. Not only the final result of mask therapy depends on this, but also the absence of side effects.

  1. For masks, you can use chicken or quail egg whites. If you choose the second option, then keep in mind that for one serving you will need not one, but two eggs. To prepare healing mixtures, it is better to use homemade products; they are both healthier and of higher quality.
  2. Never mix protein with hot and warm ingredients, as at a temperature of 60 degrees it will simply curdle and the mask will have to be remade. To prepare protein mixtures, it is better to use liquids and products at room temperature or slightly warm, the main thing is that their temperature does not exceed 40 degrees.
  3. Apply healing compositions to cleansed skin. Better yet, before the mask, take a steam bath for your face or clean it with a scrub - this will allow beneficial substances to penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis.
  4. Don't forget to do an allergy test before the procedure.
  5. Experts recommend carrying out a cosmetic event in a relaxed and calm state, without unnecessary facial activity.
  6. The total duration of action of egg white masks is about 20 minutes. The frequency of their use depends on the nature of the problem being solved. If you use masks with therapeutic purpose(acne, rashes, inflammation, etc.), then you can do 2-3 procedures per week. If used as a regular skin care product, then once a week will be sufficient.
  7. During the procedure, the egg masks have time to dry out considerably, so the procedure for removing it is a whole ritual. First, use a cotton pad soaked in room temperature water or herbal decoction to pat your face generously. After this, use the same disk to remove part of the mask, and rinse off the remainder when washing. By the way, for this you can also use decoctions and infusions of herbs, as well as mineral water.
  8. The best protein mask recipes

    So, we have familiarized ourselves with the recommendations and rules for the use of protein masks, and we can begin preparing healing compositions. It is worth noting that they are prepared easily and without extra financial costs, so every beauty will be able to enjoy their results at home.

    In the arsenal of folk cosmetology there are many recipes that include protein. We offer you the most effective and popular ones.

    Deep cleansing

    To prepare the mask you will need one protein and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Combine these components and use a cosmetic brush to apply the protein-lemon mixture onto your face.

    Nourishing mask for combination skin

    Add a teaspoon each of olive oil and oatmeal to the whipped egg white, as well as half a teaspoon of honey. Stir the mixture until smooth and use as recommended above.

    Lifting mask

    Combine the whipped egg white with cosmetic clay and olive oil (1 tablespoon of each component). Bring the mixture until smooth and apply to the face area. By the way, this composition can also be used to rejuvenate the décolleté and neck.

    Anti-acne mask

    Beat the egg white in a blender until a characteristic foam forms, then add a finely grated apple to the mixture, mix and apply to problem areas of the skin.

    Whitening mask

    Chop the fresh parsley well to make 2 tbsp. Then mix the greens with a whipped protein mask and apply it to your face with light movements.

    Universal mask

    Mix one protein, 1 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese. Mix all ingredients until smooth and use as directed.

    Anti-aging mask

    Beat the egg white, then add lemon juice, lemon zest and chopped cereals(1 tsp each) - the mask is ready.

    Vitamin mask

    To prepare the mask, you can use a wide variety of vegetables and fruits: banana, apricot, peach, strawberry, carrot, cabbage, etc. Simply mix beaten egg whites with a tablespoon of fruit or vegetable puree and apply to skin covering faces.

Read in the article:

Egg white mask is universal cosmetic product for facial skin care in any weather.

Protein is an integral part of the human body, without which its full functioning is impossible, and in its pure form it is found only in a chicken egg.

What are the benefits of a protein mask?

The benefits of protein masks for facial skin are quite significant:

  • Protein contains various amino acids (histidine, arginine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, valine), which affect the dermis and the entire body.
  • During aging, collagen production decreases, membranes supporting blood vessels and ligaments are destroyed - all this leads to decreased tone and sagging skin. You can avoid such age-related consequences if you regularly make protein masks.
  • The secret of chicken protein is that its structure consists of 90% liquid, which includes amino acids, folic acid, vitamin B, iron, zinc and magnesium. All these elements together contribute to the renewal of skin cells and its cleansing.

Indications for use

Using egg whites in homemade masks will solve many problems. cosmetic problems and is suitable in the following cases:

  • Copious sebaceous discharge with oily skin;
  • Acne, pimples and other rashes for problem skin;
  • Wrinkles, sagging, sagging.

It is contraindicated to use protein for cosmetic purposes if there is individual intolerance, unhealed wounds on the surface of the skin, inflammatory processes, rosacea or tumors.

Protein masks are suitable for any skin type, except excessively dry or sensitive skin - in this case, the use of protein can cause undesirable consequences in the form of irritation and redness.

Recipes at home

For problem skin

Effectively gets rid of blackheads and relieves inflammation. To prepare it, you will need the white separated from the yolk, beaten until foamy, and paper handkerchiefs cut into pieces measuring 2 x 2 cm. How to use:

  • Apply foamed protein to the entire surface of the facial skin;
  • Cover the most problematic areas with handkerchiefs;
  • Leave the product on your face for 15 minutes without talking;
  • After the above time has passed, moisten the paper with warm water and remove with a napkin.
  • Carrying out this procedure regularly (2-3 times a week) will allow for a short time get rid of acne, pimples and inflammation.


Suitable for use by people over 35 years of age. It consists of only two ingredients: protein (1 pc.) and banana pulp (1 tbsp.). Instead of a banana, you can use any other fruit, depending on the time of year and the presence of rejuvenating elements in it (persimmon, avocado, melon, etc.).

  • Separate the white from the yolk, place it in a bowl and grind thoroughly;
  • Add banana puree prepared using a blender to the main ingredient;
  • Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the face, neck and décolleté. Suitable for hand skin rejuvenation;
  • Wait about 20 minutes, after which the residue can be removed with a paper towel.
  • Wash with warm water, lubricate the skin with collagen-containing cream.
  • For effective skin rejuvenation and tightening, you need to use this recipe 2-3 times a week.


Suitable for dry and mature skin. The composition contains only 2 products: protein (1 pc.) and honey (1 tbsp.), melted in a water bath. Recipe:

  • Separate the white from the yolk, put it in a bowl and grind;
  • Add melted and cooled honey to the protein, mix everything thoroughly;
  • Leave for no more than 20 minutes, then wash with warm water.
  • This mask is especially useful in the autumn-winter period, when the skin requires increased nutrition and hydration - using it 2-3 times a week, you can achieve excellent results.


Useful for normal, oily or combination skin types. It has whitening, cleansing and refreshing properties, and the results become noticeable after the first session. To prepare the mixture you will need protein (1 piece), heavy cream (1 tsp) and lemon juice (1 tsp).

  • Place the protein in a bowl and grind it thoroughly;
  • Add cream and juice, mix all ingredients;
  • Apply the mixture to the skin of the face in a thin layer;
  • When 15 minutes have passed, wash with cool water.

Due to the fact that lemon can cause irritation if it comes into contact with the skin frequently, it is recommended to do this procedure once a week - this will give the most optimal results in a relatively short time.


It is used for heavy pigmentation, the presence of dull scars and acne scars. To prepare it you will need egg white (1 pc.), cognac (1 teaspoon), 1 teaspoon each of lemon and cucumber juice. Cooking process:

  • Grind a fresh cucumber into pieces, squeeze the juice out of it through cheesecloth;
  • Place the white separated from the yolk in a special bowl and beat until foamy;
  • Add the remaining ingredients and mix everything thoroughly;
  • Apply to cleansed skin and wait completely dry and rinse with warm water.
  • Using this recipe 2-3 times a week will give excellent results: the skin will acquire a more even tone, and dark spots and the scars will become less noticeable.

For aging skin

It has a lifting effect, excellent smoothes, mattifies and has rejuvenating properties. It contains protein (2 pcs.) and apple (1 pc.).

  • Grate the apple on a fine grater;
  • Separate the white from the yolk, mix with apple pulp in a special bowl;
  • Apply to the skin of the face and neck, leave for 30 minutes, then wash with warm water and apply a nourishing anti-aging cream;
  • For maximum effectiveness, you can wrap a plastic bag around your neck.
  • This procedure can be carried out 2-3 times a week.

For oily skin

Eliminates greasy shine and inflammation; stabilizes the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, mattifies and cleanses. It contains protein (2 pcs.), whole grain flour (2 tbsp. spoons) and lemon juice (1/2 tsp. spoon).

  • Separate the white from the yolk and place it in a separate bowl to prepare the mask. Beat until foam appears;
  • Sprinkle flour in small portions to obtain the optimal creamy consistency;
  • Add lemon juice and mix everything again;
  • Apply a thick layer to cleansed facial skin and leave for no more than 30 minutes.
  • You can achieve an additional lifting effect if you conduct a whole course of 15-20 sessions with an interval of 1-2 days between them.

With clay

Suitable for oily and problem skin. To prepare and use the mixture you need:

  • Separate the white from the yolk;
  • Add 2 teaspoons of white or blue clay to the protein;
  • Mix everything thoroughly and apply to clean facial skin;
  • After 15 minutes, rinse off any residue with cold water.

A velvety, radiant face is a woman's dream. And what we don’t do to prolong the youth of our skin. We buy expensive cosmetics, try fashionable procedures, and even decide on plastic surgery. And sometimes we simply don’t realize that the solution to the problem is on the surface. Products with a powerful lifting effect are as simple as two. One of them is a tightening face mask with egg white.

Mother Nature has invested valuable cosmetic components into the product. Firstly, directly natural protein. It restores the dermis, heals microcracks and protects the skin from the appearance of blemishes, such as acne.

Secondly, vitamins. The B vitamins contained in egg whites help regenerate skin cells and retain the moisture necessary for the normal functioning of the dermis. Vitamin D is a natural UV filter, an assistant for normal intracellular metabolism. And vitamin PP acts as a guarantor of a healthy complexion. Biotin, in turn, correlates the work of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, face masks with egg whites are especially valuable when the task is to choose the right care product for shiny, oily skin.

Thirdly, the amino acids and minerals contained under eggshell, give the epidermis the necessary nutrition, strength to recover and immunity.

Chicken egg white has unique properties: nourishes, rejuvenates, tightens the skin, making it more elastic and smooth. Containing only natural nutritional components, it easily penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis.

What problems does protein solve?

Egg white masks are one of the most affordable and effective home cosmetology products. At the same time, they help fight a whole range of problems. Why is this product so valuable for the skin, what functions does it perform?

  • Facelift. A face mask made from egg whites makes facial contours clearer, smoothes out small depressions, and fights aging.
  • Fighting stains. Brightens the face, makes its color more even and natural.
  • Treatment of inflammation. The healing properties of the protein mass help get rid of epidermal problems: blackheads, pimples and other inflammations.
  • “Shield” from external irritants. The fats contained in the product create an invisible protective film that retains moisture in the cells and is an effective “shield” from heat and cold, wind and sunlight.

Protein cosmetics are not suitable for everyone. It solves the problems of oily and combination skin: fights inflammation, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and evens out the structure. And it is absolutely not suitable for dry skin, because protein dries out the dermis and reduces the production of sebum.

Preparing face masks with protein: 7 rules

In order for protein-based cosmetics to have the maximum effect, it is necessary to take into account some rules for its creation and use. There are seven main points.

  1. Egg selection. To create a rejuvenating composition, you need to take only fresh product. Better is the one hatched by a domestic hen. The cosmetic mixture should be prepared immediately before use. The leftovers just need to be thrown away. There is no point in storing it, since in this case the protein will lose its healing properties.
  2. Whipping. The basic component of the egg white face mask is prepared as follows: carefully “beat” the separated white with a fork or whisk for about five minutes. With the help of a mixer, the foam will, of course, appear faster. While the mass remains airy and does not fall off, add the remaining ingredients and mix. This way the product will lie flat and will not cause discomfort.
  3. Preparing the face. Protein has a “tightening” effect, so a protein face mask is good for wrinkles. However, there is also a downside - the pores get clogged. Therefore, before applying masks, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the dermis: wash off makeup, eliminate dead cells using a scrub or peeling. The products have the greatest effect on steamed skin; for this, take a five-minute steam bath.
  4. Coverage. It is better to apply protein cosmetics with a special brush. Although, you can use your fingertips, gently driving in. The second method, by the way, will have a double effect: while applying the product, you will also get a massage.
  5. How much to wait . Exposure time is 15 minutes. You should not leave the mask on your face for a longer period, because the protein dries out and “seizes.” Peeling the crust can damage the skin. Especially if it has acne or microcracks.
  6. Washing. You can remove the remaining product with a cotton pad or a napkin soaked in a decoction of herbs. Or you can simply wash your face with warm water, herbal decoction or milk.
  7. Course frequency. If your skin is problematic, you can do a face mask with protein three times a week. For oily skin and for preventive purposes, it will be enough to use this method once a week. The course of treatment and prevention consists of ten procedures. After this, you need to let the skin rest for three to four weeks.

Protein-based masks should never be heated, because the protein will coagulate when the temperature rises.

5 recipes in two steps

So, you have discovered that your skin urgently needs nourishment, tightening and healing. Take a chicken egg, separate the white from the yolk, beat it, adding the necessary ingredients. Both other natural products and essential oils. Using different supplements you can combat various problems of the epidermis.

Vitamin bomb

Operating principle. We will add freshly squeezed fruit and berry juice to the protein mass. This replenishment is good during the period of vitamin deficiency, in the off-season, when the skin becomes dull and loses its healthy appearance. The face mask made from protein and lemon is especially praised.

Two steps

  1. Beat the egg white.
  2. Add 5-6 ml lemon juice. This citrus can be replaced with grapes, kiwi, and orange. Also, instead of juice, take 20 g of raspberry, strawberry or currant pulp.

Mega pull-up

Operating principle. Protein in its pure form has a lifting effect. But if you add starch to it, the effect will be deeper. This mask also evens out the epidermis and brightens pigmented areas.

Two steps

  1. Beat the egg white and add 15 g of starch into the foam.
  2. Add a couple of drops of tea tree oil.

Nutritious honey

Operating principle. A face mask with honey and protein will saturate the skin with nutrients and tone it. To prepare, use liquid honey so that it is convenient to combine it with the whipped egg white.

Two steps

  1. Separate the white from the yolk and beat thoroughly.
  2. Add 25 ml honey.

Cleaning with oatmeal

Operating principle. Protein and oatmeal are an effective tandem for combating skin micropollution. This mask cleanses pores, normalizes cellular metabolism, and “polishes” the dermis.

Two steps

  1. Beat the egg white.
  2. Carefully add two tablespoons of oatmeal (or flakes ground in a coffee grinder) into the mixture.

Sugar anti-aging

Operating principle. A protein face mask will also help get rid of fine wrinkles. To achieve an anti-aging effect, it is enough to add regular sugar to the protein. The sweet mixture will cleanse the skin, making it smoother and more radiant.

Two steps

  1. Add a tablespoon of sugar to the separated protein.
  2. Beat.

It is better to apply protein mixtures in two or three layers with an interval of five minutes. While the product is working, try to remain calm and keep your facial muscles still. This is important because protein tightens the skin and any movement is fraught with pain.

A protein face mask at home is a universal remedy that is equally suitable for both young and aging skin. The main contraindication is peeling and dryness of the epidermis. You don’t have to wait long for the effect of using “egg cosmetics”: the face becomes smoother and more elastic after the first procedure.