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Moon in Aquarius for a woman. What to do if the moon is in Aquarius in your horoscope. General characteristics of Aquarius

Such men are usually particularly eccentric, they are willful, love freedom and periodically commit actions that no one expected from them. It can be very difficult to predict the steps of such a man, especially if you are not familiar with the peculiarities of his life. He does what is convenient for him, but never uses other people for his own purposes. Young people born under the influence of the Moon feel the influence of the feminine principle in themselves, since this planet personifies a woman. Their mood periodically suddenly changes, sometimes they don’t understand themselves, as if both a man and a woman live inside them at the same time.

Features of the Moon's influence

The moon greatly influences the personal life of such a young man. Since he himself stands firmly on his feet and often earns decent money, he needs a girl who would inspire him to exploits and accomplishments. She must be slim and attractive in appearance to charm him. And you should definitely take care of yourself. She must definitely have a career and be able to earn money herself. And the point here is not even that the young man is not able to provide for her existence, he just needs a self-sufficient girl who will not be with him just for his money.

The moon affects:

  • personal life;
  • character;
  • temperament.

Aquarians are often quite mysterious people; it is difficult to expect unambiguous behavior from them, since they are impulsive and trust exclusively their intuition. For this reason, they may seem to others like real black crows that stand out from the crowd. And often they look the part, always take care of themselves, dress brightly and creatively, and have their hair cut in the latest fashion. Long-haired guys look especially great and can make an excellent career as a model or photographer, as well as a musician. Such people have creative thinking and can make decisions quickly.

The Moon in Aquarius for a man makes him vulnerable, but he will rarely show his true feelings, since he is independent and prefers to keep his emotions under control so that he cannot be manipulated. Some consider him too strict and unemotional, but this is only outer shell, under which hides a sensual guy. Sometimes he doesn't know what to do with his feelings that overwhelm him. Then he simply goes to the gym to throw out his emotions in sports, dancing, swimming. He needs a gentle and sensual girl whom he will completely trust and who will support him.

This video will tell you about the peculiarities of the influence of this planet on Aquarius. Watch now for more interesting information!


He, born under the influence of the Moon, is often a real experimenter: he improvises with his appearance, relationships, and can also manipulate people, but he never allows himself to do this. He does not try to use others for his own personal gain. He might become wonderful father, who will not constantly shout at children, as he is quite restrained. He will reward them for good deeds, grades, and behavior. However, as a mother for his children, he usually chooses those who are ready for life together.

He doesn’t need a weak girl who is not ready for difficulties, he needs a sensitive and strong woman at the same time who can raise his children, raise them and give them a good education. He really appreciates it if a woman wants several children. And in this case, he is ready to work, work hard to earn food for his children and his family. He always stands firmly on his feet and is confident in own strength, although everyone has moments of weakness. But he shows weakness only to his own chosen one, who will never condemn him for this.

Such people are distinguished by the following character traits:

  • sociability;
  • love of freedom;
  • friendliness.

Such young people are sober-minded and rarely dream. They sometimes get bogged down in routine, household and business responsibilities, which can negatively affect the family as a whole. They should pay more attention to their chosen one, their children.

Such people need breaks; for this purpose, you can simply go with the whole family to a resort town, to the south, where there is sun and a beautiful beach, or wander through huge shopping centers and stock up on all sorts of goodies. Aquarians take care of their body and health, eat right, but you can allow yourself to relax a little and eat a portion of ice cream with your children and remember your own childhood.

A video about the influence of the Moon on people will also be very useful. You will learn a lot of new things. Be sure to check it out!

“Revolutionary, keep your step! The restless enemy never sleeps!” Although admirers of Alexander Blok’s work know exactly what these lines from the poem “ Twelve", any astrologer will agree that they are quite accurate convey our mood on days when the Moon is in the sign of Aquarius.

Even the most timid people during this period can demonstrate a rebellious spirit that has come from nowhere. And for rebels by nature, their thirst for change is quite capable of prompting revolutionary achievements!

During Aquarius days, we desperately seek feelings of newness in many aspects of our lives. If we fail, we try to discover something new for ourselves in things familiar to us, in familiar people.

If these attempts do not lead to success, especially active individuals are capable of create it yourself, create, come up with something new and unusual, which has every chance of bringing a spirit of novelty into routine life. In general, this is exactly the period when we are looking for adventure, and adventure is looking for us.

It is clear that such sentiments can lead to not the most desirable consequences. Our desire to make peace more original and unusual than it actually is, does not always lead to breakthroughs in science, cutting-edge discoveries, or simply positive changes.

Often we are visited by absolutely crazy ideas. However, they often play into the hands of another desire that prevails during the days of the Moon in Aquarius - the desire to stand out. And if this means becoming extravagant, why not?

In the days of Aquarius it rains endlessly on us. the most different ideas – from simply brave to absolutely crazy. There is no point in stopping this flow, although the chances that these ideas can be realized are often negligible.

Thus, during the days when the Moon is in Aquarius, emotional component. The need to do what you need to do gives way to an ineradicable desire to do what your soul wants.

Along with ideas, during this period we are often visited by an obsessive feeling that everything that is happening these days is not accidental. One reason is that our premonitions with the Moon in Aquarius often come true. However, you should not bet too heavily on this factor. It is not for nothing that the year, which began with the Moon in Aquarius, promises to be filled with difficult to predict, unexpected and sometimes strange events.

Moon in Zodiac signs: Aquarius

Can we say that the period the Moon passes through the sign of Aquarius is more destructive than creative? Indeed, these days we strive to expand the boundaries of our own consciousness and break established stereotypes, often performing a whole series of unpredictable actions.

Accordingly, our moods and feelings can also change in a fairly wide spectrum - from passionate love to burning hatred; from the desire for vigorous activity to complete apathy.

In fact, whether a given period will be beneficial or harmful depends on many factors, including individual aspects of the natal chart. It is also clear that for such energy bursts it is necessary to draw the corresponding force from somewhere. And it’s good when there is self-confidence, fueled by the support of loved ones and like-minded people.

But if there is no such faith, you can lose everything achieved previously. Feeling of uncertainty and fear of the future set in motion their destructive mechanisms that can plunge any optimist into despondency.

In general, Aquarius, who is sign of the air element, favors partnerships or friendships. The presence of like-minded people these days, working as a single team, is almost the most reliable protection against rash individual actions or miscalculations. But it also happens that a whole army of relatives and friends is not able to erase from our heads obsession, if she visited us during the days of the Moon in Aquarius.

If we draw a small conclusion and try to draw some analogy with the weather, we can say that nature there are no bad transits. During this period (as in any other) there is only a correct or incorrect reaction of each person individually, on which it depends whether a particular Lunar transit will bring benefit or harm. That is why it will be very useful for every person to familiarize himself with the list of desirable and undesirable actions in the days of Aquarius.

Moon signs in everyday life: Aquarius

Correct actions:

The main rule of behavior during the days when the Moon is in the sign of Aquarius is: no violence over personality and spirit. Do what you are irresistibly drawn to do during this period (however, do not ignore urgent routine tasks and responsibilities - no one will do them for you!).

These days you just have to be brave, take action and speak out extraordinary, perhaps even in a manner that is not typical for you. The chances that you will not only be noticed and heard, but also listened to, are very high. In addition, if the Moon approaches full in the days of Aquarius, you can expect success from the very various advertising activities(from placing advertisements in newspapers to full-scale advertising in all other media).

We are driven by spirit of innovation with the Moon in Aquarius, therefore, this period favors intellectual and research activities, scientific research and creative challenges. This is the time when researchers and innovators of all stripes and ranks must grab the bull by the horns, devoting themselves entirely to generating new ideas and projects. And in general, it's quite good days for all types of education – from regular studies to self-education.

Since Aquarius is the patron partnerships, during this period there will be a successful public or political activity; the likelihood of success is higher for projects that originated in collaboration; It would also be appropriate to hold a scientific seminar, give a report or give a lecture on these days.

In the days of Aquarius, it is also recommended not to restrain your impulses and everyone is eager for occult activities: these days you can try your hand at this field. Astrological activities and spiritual practices will also bring benefit and satisfaction during the days of the Moon in Aquarius.

Visit during this period sports section or a hobby group - there is every chance to learn a lot of new things. In general, Aquarius days are recommended for playing sports, meeting with friends and loved ones, holding and organizing family or other celebrations, as well as for interacting with various kinds of organizations - from knitting circles to secret sects and ufological communities.

There are high chances these days to implement good shopping trip for the purpose of purchasing equipment in a fairly broad sense of the word - from modern “sophisticated” gadgets to advanced technical equipment(gas, electronic, computer).

The period of the Moon's transit through the sign of Aquarius is perfect for doing order in your own apartment, home or garden. Bring at least something new into your life: rearrange the furniture, tidy up and decorate the garden area.

If we talk about health, it is worth noting that the days of Aquarius are suitable for strengthening and heart treatment.

During the Aquarius period, those around you are more likely to react adequately to the most unusual and daring clothes, hairstyles or cosmetics.

Incorrect actions:

The Moon in Aquarius is not the most favorable time for job changes. On the one hand, our priorities these days include the desire for novelty. On the other hand, this period is not conducive to the routine activities that you are likely to encounter when taking on new responsibilities.

Despite the fact that the transit of the Moon through the sign of Aquarius favors the acquisition of computer, electronic and other equipment, this period is not suitable for repair of computers and other equipment. Negative aspects with some planets can negate routine efforts to resuscitate damaged devices, gadgets and equipment.

Attempts to resolve your own issues by appealing to higher authorities (be it your immediate management or some government bodies) can fail during the days of the Moon in Aquarius.

These days it is also undesirable plant and replant flowers at home or in the garden, vegetable crops in the garden plot.

Speaking about physical activity these days, it is worth noting that the Moon in Aquarius does not favor practices aimed at accumulation of physical energy(qigong, taijiquan, etc.).

On the days of the Moon in Aquarius, it is highly not recommended to plan operations on lower limbs . In principle, this period is very unfavorable for aggressive treatment of leg joints, arthritis, pain in the calf muscles, and so on. In addition, these days there will be little use in treating diseases of the eyes and nervous system.


Due to the increased emotionality of this period, with the Moon in Aquarius there is quite real danger encounter a nervous overstrain, also associated with sudden mood swings. Loss of strength, nervous exhaustion and even depression are possible. Such conditions threaten quarrels with those close to you, after which it can be extremely difficult to restore normal relationships. For particularly emotional individuals, we can recommend activities and social circles that will reduce the likelihood of uncontrollable emotions.

When the Moon passes through the sign of Aquarius and with negative aspects of the Moon, it increases risk of injury, which are a consequence wide range reasons: there is an increased risk of injury electric shock, and the danger of carbon monoxide poisoning or toxic substances; increased risk of accidents; injuries from falls, cylinder explosions, etc.

Due to the fact that the Moon these days promotes interaction between like-minded people and partners, during this period the risk of falling into bad company increases. There is a danger that you will be involved in certain public events, which may end in riots and, accordingly, lead to very undesirable consequences.

Moon in the birth horoscope for a man and a woman: Moon in Aquarius

The Moon, which was in Aquarius in a person’s birth horoscope, is capable of destroying the well-known framework that usually limits the internal freedom of the individual. The desire for independence and the rejection of any external force that leads to the need to bind oneself to obligations is often the most striking characteristic of both men and women born under the Moon in the sign of Aquarius.

It seems that people born under the Moon in the sign of Aquarius have good chances express yourself in life. Despite the inconstancy that the Moon invests in such persons, they often demonstrate vigorous activity. However, often the fruits of this activity are very ephemeral, since Lunar Aquarians do not always know how to look at things realistically.

Despite their friendliness, sociability and sincere interest in all facets of the world around them, they often encounter depressive states caused by the impossibility of implementing their numerous projects.

The reason for such a disastrous outcome in many cases is associated with the inability of Lunar Aquarius obey and follow the lead others, even when the situation demands it. People with the Moon in Aquarius in the horoscope demonstrate independence bordering on pathology. That is why it is so difficult for them to realize themselves in family relationships. They will be more likely to be good friends than classic faithful spouses.

MEN: a man with the Moon in Aquarius will certainly not tolerate any restrictions, therefore a marriage in which the wife tries to prevail over such a spouse is doomed to fail. Such people are distinguished by rationality and logical judgments, attracting others with their sociability. In addition, they often have strong intuition, which allows them to be selective about their many friends, comrades, acquaintances, and colleagues.

WOMEN: Women with the Moon in Aquarius are usually not so emotional, although they also very often demonstrate independence and even rebellion, bordering on stubbornness. Despite the desire for an open relationship with an intellectual partner, such women are rarely ready to completely open their personal space for their chosen one. Like men with the Moon in Aquarius, women with the same position of the Moon in the horoscope inevitably turn relationships with their spouses into friendly or partner.

A person in whose horoscope the Moon is in Aquarius is one of the most mobile, active and fickle lunar signs. He is keenly interested in social problems, strives for a wide circle of contacts, constantly expands his contacts, and will never refuse the chance to change something around him. He absorbs new information like a sponge.

Very often, lunar Aquarius is a “walking encyclopedia”; it may seem that he knows everything in the world. At the same time, he is not at all superficial, he is simply sincerely interested in a variety of things. This person is distinguished by unprecedented erudition and breadth of views. Often has higher education(sometimes more than one) and many diplomas from various courses. Moon Aquarius in the negative is a pronounced depressive character.

Lunar Aquarius, whose perception of the world (due to upbringing or life circumstances) has been distorted, shows a craving for fantastic ideas and projects that, in principle, cannot be realized. Very often such a person is asocial, at odds with society, and hates “walking in line”; his desire for independence becomes almost pathological.

He is greatly hampered by the lack of internal harmony, mental discord, inability to keep himself under control, inability to plan, inability to wait, inability to look at things realistically. It is extremely difficult for him to accept the fact that his desires do not coincide with his possibilities, and his dreams do not coincide with reality. All these factors only worsen his depression over time.

The harmonious character of lunar Aquarius is the exact opposite of what is described. This is a man of abstract thinking. It is believed that the best thinking is logical. But thinking abstractly does not mean thinking in fantasies, it means thinking in images. Simply put, this is creative, imaginative thinking. And such thinking can become the main capital of lunar Aquarius. Moreover, in addition to this quality, he has remarkable intuition. His premonitions can be trusted. This is an excellent psychologist, he sees through people - their motives and the hidden meaning of their actions. In the same way - with circumstances: lunar Aquarius understands what is often inaccessible to others, the true background of what is happening.

Lunar Aquarius is open, friendly, humane, and wholeheartedly cares about the welfare of his neighbors. But, unlike lunar Sagittarius, he does not seek to overwhelm a person with advice and recommendations. Rather, he will wait for a request for help. Not because he is too proud to take the first step, but because he does not want to offend someone else’s pride. Having learned that he is needed, he will gladly provide all possible assistance. Or he will do it secretly: for him, it is not the praise of his actions that is important, but their results. Such people make missionaries and great philanthropists.

In work, lunar Aquarius is able to achieve success primarily due to the fact that he is an inexhaustible source of new projects and the most daring ideas. He is always inventing ways to improve - process, production, quality, thinking, speed of work, etc. He easily makes changes. IN modern business He can make an outstanding personnel manager. It is no coincidence that personnel are now quite correctly called human resources. Who, if not the lunar Aquarius, should interact with such resources? And how his versatile character, goodwill, numerous talents, subtle sense of humor, and innovative streak will help him in this! Be that as it may, in the professional field, where the lunar Aquarius is a strong specialist, he almost always acts with certainty, is confident of success, and therefore is effective and rarely makes mistakes.

Lunar Aquarius has many friends, he is very sociable, and new people constantly appear in his environment. However, he is selective, does not keep around those with whom he is bored, from whom he cannot learn something new. He will never refuse a profitable acquaintance; he can easily combine friendly contact and calculation. He is very kind to his friends, worries about them, worries when they are in trouble. Among his contacts there may be quite unusual ones. Don't be surprised if it turns out that he knows the mayor of your city or the beggar at the porch.

Lunar Aquarius does not like to wag his tongue in vain; if he goes into conversation, it is with some purpose or question. Hates wasting energy on gossip, but is a master at arguing. A critic and skeptic, he often considers the opinions of others to be erroneous, and his own, of course, the only true ones. He can tear another person’s lifestyle to smithereens, but he himself doesn’t know who he will be tomorrow: today he criticizes over a cigarette and a glass of beer, and tomorrow he rushes to the gym and turns out to be a non-smoker. But he manages to convince others that he is right, and his advice is most valuable guides to action.

By the way, very often it turns out this way: the lunar Aquarius does not know himself well, but he knows people very well. After all, he's just a pleasant conversationalist. He knows a lot, will support any topic, appreciates a subtle joke, and is not averse to making fun of one of his own. Loves surprises, like everything unknown in general. He loves to travel and, of course, often a week before his vacation he does not know where he will go. One thing is certain: he will be surprised by his own choice.

For all its advantages, lunar Aquarius is not the most convenient partner for a lasting romantic relationship. He is fickle, requires variety, unpredictable, unbalanced. You don’t always know how he will react to a particular action. The worst thing is that he is unpredictable to himself. As in other areas, in personal relationships you are not averse to experimenting with their improvement. He experiments with feelings and thereby undermines them. He doesn’t like being forced to do something; his sense of freedom is painfully exaggerated, which is why difficulties arise in getting married. Although lunar Aquarius has a certain advantage - this is his intuitive feeling of another person, whom he reads like an open book.

Lunar Aquarius Man

It is assumed that men with an Aquarius moon can use the intuition that the planet has given them and which they have in abundance. Another thing is that they do not often seek to look “inside” themselves. Meanwhile, an intuitive view of life can easily help such men avoid a large number of sharp corners in life. And they will need this if they do not want to quarrel with their loved ones. Of course, sometimes it can be very interesting to create (and receive) unexpected emotional storms, but it is unlikely that anyone will want to live for a long time near a person whose horoscope and he himself are absolutely unpredictable from a normal point of view.

The planet Moon in Aquarius in a man often demonstrates freedom and audacity of thought, which means naturally such people are inclined towards philosophical trends, new directions in politics, or simply contemplation of everything in the world. Given that air signs are prone to unpredictability, this means that at times the Aquarius moon may find that he doesn't feel any emotions - even to himself. Astrology suggests that such changes in internal mood are associated with his childhood and some destructive events or emotions that he experienced at that time. Or maybe it’s all about relationships with parents, or even the fact that lunar Aquarius tends to constantly move (this means that he is an extremely restless person).

We should also not forget that lunar Aquarius is endowed with the deepest need for self-development and is very independent in life. He must constantly improve as a person, and he will especially succeed if he manages to unite with an ideally suitable partner. And this must be done, because if a person ceases to understand himself, then he definitely needs someone who can explain to the lunar Aquarius what is happening in his soul. It is known that a man grows only if he experiences some serious internal motivations, and in in this case The Moon in Aquarius is a huge boon. This is because if such a person can calm down and sit for a little while and think about the things that are most dear to him in life, he will find that it costs him nothing to quickly get all the answers he needs.

Moon Aquarius Woman

Considering that Aquarius is an air sign, and Uranus is directly related to the inventions of the space age, such women can easily “go” with their imagination into space. What exactly they will experience is known only to the lunar Aquarians themselves, but they are unlikely to remain indifferent. Now a few words about friends, of which lunar Aquarians really have few. The fact is that such women perceive their surroundings as equals and allow very few people to come within a sufficient distance for close contact.

Perhaps this is not bad when the lunar Aquarius demonstrates equal goodwill towards everyone, however, this is how true detachment begins to be built brick by brick. We can advise one thing here: this sign should not risk meeting a possible soul mate or simply a soul mate, just because he has blocked his emotions, trying to ensure safety everywhere. Perhaps it’s time to think about who you could become a potential ideal partner for, because absolutely everyone needs this, even aloof lunar Aquarians.

What can a person expect if the Moon is in Aquarius in his natal chart? There is no short and clear answer to this question, so we will consider the opinions of astrologers and share recommendations.

Brief personality profile

People who have the Moon in the constellation Aquarius in their chart share similar character traits and behavioral characteristics. Even without reading the horoscope, you can easily recognize these individuals by their habits.

What is characteristic of them:

  1. Very welcoming and friendly character. They find something attractive in every person and see him first and foremost as a friend. “I trust a priori until a person proves otherwise” is their motto in life. The most interesting thing is that they are rarely disappointed: people seem to be trying to justify their trust and do not let them down.
  2. Sincere and honest. A lie for them is something out of the ordinary. They never deceive, even if telling the truth means harming yourself and forgetting about your own interests. Therefore, you can be friends with them without fear of a catch.
  3. Often they are originals, have extraordinary thinking, and are capable of unpredictable actions. You seem to be accustomed to their calm and balanced behavior, when suddenly an incredible surprise occurs, after which you have to recover from the shock for a long time. But the surprise will be rather positive.
  4. Sociable and social, they cannot be alone for a long time, they need to communicate with other people, as if in the air. Without like-minded people and friends, people can become bored to the point of depression.
  5. Despite the craving for communication, they do not tolerate boundaries and boundaries; they value freedom above all else. Friendship is friendship, and this person will live only by his own rules. Therefore, if you are their friend or relative, without being offended, calmly let them “go into the cave” to be alone with themselves for a while.
  6. As for family relationships, everything is not so simple. If at the time of a person’s birth the Moon was in the constellation Aquarius, he is doomed for a long time look for your love. All his life he rushes about in search of a bright ideal, and relationships often do not withstand everyday problems and troubles. Standard and understandable, familiar to ordinary people relationships just don't happen. It's either creative unions, either codependency, or just complete confusion.
  7. They love everything new and quickly get excited by someone’s successful idea. They take up any initiatives of their like-minded people. If you have conceived some crazy project, do not even doubt that support will come from this particular person.
  8. In relationships with the opposite sex, he behaves extremely unpredictably. Either everything is fine and he cannot live for a minute without a partner, then suddenly he suddenly pulls away and withdraws into himself, becoming completely indifferent and indifferent.
  9. This emotional unpredictability can sometimes lead to imbalance, which ultimately leads to serious psychological problems. Astrologers warn: if you do not work on this part of your personality, things can end badly. The stars promise such a person a premature death at the hands of a stranger.

A person with the Moon in Aquarius is extremely bright, extraordinary, and at the same time with a kind and calm disposition. He easily makes friends and finds like-minded people thanks to his remarkable speaking abilities and excellently developed intellect.

Detailed description

The energy of the Moon in the constellation Aquarius is considered neutral. Therefore, a person with such natal chart may throw from side to side in search of balance. But the emotional background depends only on it, and not on the location of the planets.

The key characteristic is described in three words: emotional inner distance. Outwardly, a person always strives to abstract himself from others in the sensory sphere and does not show his experiences and emotions. But not because of insincerity, but because he considers it personal.

Astrological characteristics are as follows:

  1. Positive qualities: broad soul, sociability, hospitality and incredible friendliness, caring for others and the desire to help, bright creative thinking, desire to improve everything around, independence, great sense of humor, goodwill and enormous intellectual potential.
  2. Negative qualities: there are many ideas, but not enough energy to implement them. Incontinence in words and emotions, excessive haste. The tendency to create expectations for yourself and be disappointed when they are not met.
  3. Masculine traits: most often in life he only looks for open relationship, without obligations.
  4. Feminine traits: “I want to create, I want to create,” a tendency to self-centered actions, a desire to conduct psychological experiments on people, in a relationship she may seem indifferent, which repels her partner.
  5. Weak points of the body: heart, veins, legs, nervous system.

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A woman with the Moon in Aquarius soon discovers that traditional female responsibilities towards her family and husband weigh her down. Outwardly she is cold and unemotional, but internally she expects passionate love for herself. She often gets involved in social movements and over the crib he is thinking about organizing tomorrow’s rally in defense of the violated rights of mothers.

In a husband she wants a man who recognizes her intellectual qualities, respects her need for personal freedom and listens to her often terrifying Uranian ideas without nervous tremors. The owner of the Moon in Aquarius knows exactly what he is capable of and does not lose his head in critical situations.

Women with Moon in Aquarius

The Moon in Aquarius affects personality in different ways. There is a dark and a light side of the coin. On the one hand, the person will be creative, idealistic, tolerant and progressive, and on the other hand, he will be more stubborn, arrogant, unpredictable and tactless. The most favorable sign for the Moon is Aquarius, since in it it gives people receptivity and sensitivity. Aquarius is a sign of humanitarian knowledge and rational thinking, the influence of the Moon in it is manifested in altruistic concern for people and clear logic. The placement of this earthly satellite in this air sign promotes intuition, imagination and rationality.

If the Moon is in Aquarius for women, then they are balanced and accurate in their sensations, and their immediate reaction to impressions from the outside world is interpreted impartially, humanely and scientifically. Such people's approach to life is not purely mental or purely emotional. You are insightful but not eccentric. You have the ability to express yourself, you are an excellent conversationalist and a great friend. You are sociable and people-oriented, always sincerely interested in other people's problems, but, unlike water moon signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), your involvement is not so strong that it changes your life.

Your main passions are the passions of the mind: philosophy, higher knowledge, science, art, literature and music. You are intellectually developed, your range of interests, as well as your circle of acquaintances and friends, is very wide. It is generally accepted that Aquarius is a sign of foresight, therefore, being under the influence of the Moon, you are interested in the unknown, in what awaits you ahead. That is why many lunar Aquarians seem to be real seers, capable of predicting the future.

Sometimes you are not very practical, so in this sense your broad outlook is combined with some myopia. Operating in large-scale categories, you are ready to switch to new idea, just to avoid the grueling implementation of the plan into reality. Most of all you are interested in unusual places, people, projects.

In love, you quickly light up due to new sensations, but quickly cool down, rushing further. Your duality is manifested in many ways: being a romantic person, you are afraid to be under the burden of other people's demands. You can't stand jealous lovers. Many lunar Aquarians go through love failures due to the search for a balance between independence and affection. Such Aquarians usually marry mature age, and the relationship becomes friendly rather than marital.

For lunar Aquarius, it doesn’t matter what sign the Sun is in; in any case, you will be characterized by individualism and intelligence. But it is worth noting that if the Sun is in an air sign, then the Moon in Aquarius will emphasize your mental abilities and the ability to successfully interact with various people. This situation is favorable for people working in the field of communication. If the Sun is in a fire sign, then the Moon in Aquarius will complement your cheerful, energetic nature with a sense of duty and imagination.