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The best and most productive varieties of tomatoes for Siberia in a greenhouse. What are the best tomato seeds for open ground? The most popular tomato seeds

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Among the huge number of varieties and hybrids of tomatoes, a special place is occupied by those intended for cultivation in open ground. Today, tomatoes have been bred that are distinguished by excellent productivity, excellent taste, unpretentiousness, and they bear fruit directly on the ridges.

In the southern regions, it is not difficult to grow tomatoes like this; for areas with a harsh climate, you have to select appropriate varieties. In our review, we will look at which tomato varieties will be the most productive for open ground, note low-growing, disease-resistant early tomatoes, new hybrids, and hope that the article will be useful.

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Main characteristics of tomatoes for the garden

When choosing tomatoes for growing outdoors, you need to consider a number of factors. In the middle zone, and even more so in the northern regions, tomatoes that will be maximally adapted to such conditions are suitable for planting on ridges.

This means they must be:

  • cold-resistant;
  • early ripening;
  • resistant to various diseases and pests.

The taste and size of the fruit are of no small importance.

ON A NOTE! Many gardeners quite rightly believe that self-pollinating tomatoes grown in garden beds are much tastier than their greenhouse counterparts.

The favorites will be low-growing, early-ripening varieties that form compact bushes that do not require pinching. They are easier to care for (you just need to install small support pegs), and the variety of types will allow you to choose the right size and color of tomatoes. Among modern “short” tomatoes there are very productive determinate varieties of tomatoes, large-fruited ones, and popular cherry tomatoes.

Indeterminate tomatoes in open ground are recommended to be grown in the south, as they have unlimited growth and medium-late or late ripening. Although today early indets have been bred, from which, in the short summer season, a good harvest can be harvested.

A large selection of ground tomatoes is offered by Siberian breeders, who are very fruitfully working on developing new varieties and hybrids. The priority is to breed tomatoes that have high immunity, tasty and sweet fruits, and early ripening.

Our review will present various groups (including the newest varieties), so based on the criteria, you can find out which tomatoes to plant in open ground, their description, characteristics, and features.

The best tomatoes for open ground

The tomatoes presented here have received many positive reviews from gardeners from various territories and regions of Russia, so they can rightfully be called the best. Note that the rating is subjective, since the yield and taste of tomatoes depend not only on the variety, but also on the growing conditions and correct agricultural technology.

One of the most productive tomatoes for growing in beds. It is characterized by early ripening and excellent yield. Fruits - up to 200 grams, beautiful, pink. Each cluster usually contains 7-8 fruits, medium in size, very similar to apples.

In unprotected soil, with proper agricultural technology, the yield can be up to 16 kg per square meter. meters.

A very unpretentious tomato that shows good results in all regions (middle zone, North-West, Urals).

Ripening period is average, up to 120 days, the bushes are low, about 40-50 cm. The tomatoes are plum-shaped, very dense, bright red in color. The mass of delicious “cream” is no more than 50-55 grams. The Watercolor tomato is resistant to many diseases; the fruits can be used for salads and marinades.

The Moravian miracle was included in the State Register in 1997, but even today it does not give up its position. A very productive, tasty tomato that grows well in beds.

The fruits are round, red, weighing about 80 grams. The taste is very high. The tomato is early (about 100 days), the fruits stand out for their excellent presentation, suitable for canning, slicing, and preparing various dishes.

In open ground, the bush grows to a height of 60-70 cm. Bred in Siberia, it is distinguished by excellent resistance to weather “whims” and productivity. Tomatoes look very similar to small eggplants, but their color is bright orange and apricot.

The weight of the fruit is up to 270-300 grams, used in salads and canning. An important characteristic of this variety: high shelf life of the fruit.

An interesting tomato that every gardener will love. Its “advantages”: early harvest, extended fruit production, unpretentiousness, resistance to late blight. The tomato lives up to its name and produces abundant fruit.

The height of the bush is 60 cm, the brushes are complex. The fruits are very dense, weighing up to 120 grams, tasty and sweet. It is used mainly for salads, for processing into juice and paste.

The fruits of this productive variety, which belongs to the raceme type tomatoes, are suitable for preservation. The plant is compact, shade-tolerant (within reasonable limits), grows up to 60-70 cm. The tomatoes are elongated, 12-15 cm long, red-pink, and have a fleshy, dense pulp. Very sweet. Ripening time is 100 days.

One of the tomatoes loved by many summer residents, it surprises with its compact bush size and large fruit. You can read more about it.

The height of the plant on the ridges is up to 70-80 cm, the bush itself has a thin stem and drooping leaves. Support and garter are required. The fruits are large, about 400 grams, red in color with fleshy sugar pulp and sweet. Use – juices, salads, sauces.

Dwarf tomatoes

Of course, these are not exactly “short” plants, but for the most part, many of them do not exceed 50 cm in height. Among them there are many standard tomatoes for open ground. For beds, such plants are the best choice, although they bear fruit beautifully in tunnels, under arches.

Let us note such tomatoes as Taimyr, reaching a height of 30 cm with fruits weighing about 100 grams, and the semi-standard Snowdrop, which is drought-resistant and produces a harvest in any season. The following varieties and hybrid forms also deserve attention:

  • Polar (tomatoes up to 150 grams, universal purpose, bush – 30 cm);
  • Arctic (plant up to 40 cm, cherry tomatoes, intended for open ground);
  • Yamal (height - 25 cm, fruits are round, tasty);
  • (tomatoes – elongated, plum-shaped, red, bush – 50 cm);
  • (bushes height – 50 cm, tomatoes are productive, heat-resistant).

Tall large-fruited varieties

In open ground you can get a good harvest from tall tomatoes (indeterminate and determinate), but such plants will require special care. Varieties that have early fruiting are suitable, since the tomatoes must have time to form before the onset of unfavorable weather and cold weather. They are harvested green, in a state of technical ripeness; they will reach full maturity in boxes or crates at home.

The advantages of such “giants” are their productivity, as well as the opportunity to get large fruits.

There is another name for the seeds of this variety -. The tomato was bred in Siberia and has a powerful bush up to 130 cm. The tomatoes are large, heart-shaped, weighing 800-900 grams. The color is bright crimson. Very tasty and juicy fruits, few seeds.

An early indeterminate tomato variety with fruits of about 250 grams. The height of a powerful bush can reach 150 cm in ridges (in a greenhouse it will be higher). The hybrid was bred in Holland and has proven itself well in open ground, but it still gives the best results in Siberia and the Urals in greenhouses.

If you want to grow bigger tomatoes, choose Three Fat Men. This variety was bred in Altai and has large red fruits weighing about 600-800 grams.

The bush grows up to one and a half meters; intensive feeding and pinching are required. Tomatoes are very tasty and have a universal purpose. Advantage: high fruit set, excellent yield even under unfavorable conditions.

An unpretentious tall variety that shows good results in open ground. Indet, height – 180-200 cm, with fruits weighing about 500-600 grams. The tomatoes are orange, the taste is high. Used mainly for salads. Tomatoes contain a large amount of sugars and beta-carotene.

The variety is very resistant to diseases.

Another variety of tomatoes, Orange, will delight you with tasty, juicy fruits, each weighing about 250 grams. Tomatoes have a pleasant taste, juicy, sweet pulp with a barely noticeable sourness.

The height of the bush is 150-160 cm; supports are required. Ripening occurs after 115 days, that is, Orange is a mid-ripening variety.

The sweetest ground tomatoes

We have included tomatoes in this group, the fruits of which are particularly sweet and are suitable for planting in unprotected soil. In a good season, with proper care, you can get tomatoes in the garden beds that have a better taste than tomatoes grown in greenhouses.

A tomato variety from Siberian breeders, large-fruited, very sweet. Its bushes on ridges grow up to 80-100 cm, the first brush is formed above the 9th leaf.

The fruits reach a weight of up to 500 grams, but on average - 250-350 g. The shape of the tomatoes is heart-shaped, the skin is dense, dark red. The tasty fruits are best used in salads; they also make thick tomato juice.

Many gardeners praise the fruits of this large-fruited tomato, which gives an excellent harvest even in regions of risky farming.

In garden beds, bushes grow up to 70-80 cm, ripening time is about 110 days. The tomatoes are tasty, very sweet, weighing up to 500-700 grams. The skin color is red. Use – salads, juices, sauces.

If you want to grow early sweet tomatoes, then choose a Premium hybrid. Its fruits are ready for harvest after 95 days (open ground), and they are distinguished by their sweetness and very pleasant taste.

Tomatoes are round in shape with a small “spout”, red, weighing up to 140 grams. The tomato yields very well and is resistant to a number of diseases, including the dangerous late blight.

This hybrid bears fruit abundantly in open ground in all regions of Russia. An early (95 days) and productive tomato has tasty fruits weighing about 130-150 grams.

The hybrid is determinant, up to 90 cm in height, very resistant to adverse weather factors and diseases. Tomatoes are tasty fresh and suitable for canning and marinades.

A delicious variety that is loved by many gardeners in Siberia, central Russia, and the Urals. It is grown in garden beds; according to its ripening period, it is a mid-early tomato.

In unprotected soil it grows up to a meter, the fruits are large, beautiful pink, weighing up to 600 grams. To obtain tomatoes of greater weight, it is recommended to form a brush.

The pulp is juicy, when cut, it is sugary, with a honey taste. The variety is ideal for salads, processing into juice and sauces. Feature: Rose honey is completely unsuitable for storage.

This productive variety will delight you with delicious, original-colored fruits. The plant reaches a length of about a meter in height; the stepsons are usually removed up to the first cluster.

Fruit weight is 400-450 grams. Tomatoes are dark pink, almost black. The taste is sugary, very pleasant. Feature of the variety: without pinching, it produces smaller fruits; tomatoes are prone to cracking (if the soil is too moist).

Riddle variety tomatoes are suitable for salads and canning. The plant is determinate, its height is no more than 40 cm, and stepsons practically do not form on the bush.

The fruits are round, red, weighing 80-90 grams, fleshy and tasty. They retain their taste even when preserved or salted. This variety is one of the best for winter preparations.

Another variety of tomato, Roma, also requires a minimum of care, but it will surprise you with delicious “cream” fruits. They grow up to 80 grams in weight, have a bright red color and a very rich tomato taste.

They do not crack and retain their shape well in pickling and marinades. These tomatoes are also suitable for drying. From 1 sq. per meter of bed you can get up to 7.3-7.5 kg of fruit.

Phytophthora-resistant plants

One of the most important characteristics of tomatoes intended for open ground is their resistance to diseases, and especially to late blight. Usually these are non-sapling plants, low and very unpretentious. Gardeners love low-growing varieties, because even in the difficult conditions of the European North, the Urals, and Siberia, they can produce delicious tomatoes for salads and preparations.

We present the most persistent “tin soldiers” among tomatoes:

An early and unpretentious “crumb” tomato produces many small red fruits. The weight of each is up to 50-60 grams, the taste is good. Tomatoes are shelf-stable, suitable for salads and processing.

The Gnome variety is very disease resistant.

This early tomato also “escapes” from late blight, and all because its fruits ripen in 80-83 days.

The bushes are low, standard type, 45-50 cm in height. The tomatoes are round with slight ribbing, weighing up to 80-100 grams, beautiful red color. The taste characteristics are high, the flesh is sweet and without sourness, which is rare for early ripening tomatoes.

A low-growing and very productive variety, producing red fruits weighing up to 100-120 grams when ripe.

These are unpretentious and cold-resistant tomatoes; their bushes are up to 40-50 cm high. Ripening time is 85-90 days. Standard tomato, does not need pinching, the tomatoes are delicious.

Another tomato that is resistant to late blight, as well as fusaorium blight, has good yield (up to 8-9 kg per square meter).

The variety is low, up to 45 cm tall, with large dark green leaves. Tomatoes are slightly ribbed, bright red, weighing about 80 grams. The taste is excellent; the tomato is mainly used for fresh consumption.

One of the shortest growing tomatoes, it is also disease resistant.

Its bushes are only 20 cm high, the branches and stem spread along the ground. A very decorative variety. The fruits weigh about 90-100 grams, very tasty and juicy.

This variety is grown in garden beds; it also bears fruit well on balconies and in hanging baskets.

High yields are shown by tomatoes bred in Holland, including the Polfast hybrid. The fruits are harvested after 85-86 days, the tomatoes are tasty and juicy. The color is bright red, weight is about 140-150 grams.

This hybrid has excellent taste and unpretentiousness. Due to the ultra-early ripening period, it is not susceptible to late blight.

Super early and early

Varieties and hybrids that produce crops early will be the best choice for planting in the garden. Their diversity is amazing, and it’s not so easy to find the right tomato that will please you with a good result. Super-determinant tomatoes yield their crops very quickly, and thanks to this they also “escape” late blight. We recommend the following ultra-early ripening tomatoes:

A super early variety of tomatoes, the first fruits can be harvested after 80 days.

Designed for growing in open beds, productive (up to 8 kg per 1 square meter), very tasty tomato. The fruits are round, with smooth glossy skin, red, weighing up to 115 grams.

Plant height is 45-50 cm, tomatoes do not need pinching, but supports for gartering the clusters are needed.

This is an early bird, as the fruits ripen within 95-97 days. This unpretentious and cold-resistant variety is very popular in Siberia and the North-West.

Its bushes are up to half a meter high, the fruits are bright red, round, slightly flattened. Weight is up to 170-200 grams, and the taste of the fruit is excellent.

Another early variety is Labrador, which begins to bear fruit already at 95-98 days. Its fruits are very dense, look like red apples, weighing up to 150 grams.

Tomatoes are picked green; they “arrive” very well at home. Suitable for all types of processing, as well as for preservation and, of course, fresh consumption.

An unpretentious and unpretentious tomato produces fruits weighing up to 200 grams. Ripening time is 90 days, with minimal plant care required. Does not require pinching, is very resistant to natural disasters, productive (up to 5-6 kg of fruit per square meter).

Bush height – 80-100 cm.

If you want to grow unusual, ultra-early tomatoes, then it’s time to look at the Don Juan tomato.

Ripening time is only 95 days, the fruits are round and slightly elongated. Weight – up to 80 grams. The color of the fruit is original - crimson with golden veins and strokes. This tomato is considered one of the most delicious among the early varieties.

The bushes are 60 cm in height, the fruits are ellipsoidal, very dense, rich orange in color. Features of the variety: excellent keeping quality of tomatoes, versatility of use, suitability for transportation. The taste is high.

Natalia Severova

In the middle of winter, gardeners and gardeners begin to purchase seeds for planting seedlings. Tomatoes, the best varieties and reviews of which we will consider today, are sold in stores in huge quantities. Almost every beginning vegetable grower, when choosing from an assortment, is guided by the external characteristics of the variety, but not by the recommendations for planting, and this is wrong. Which tomato seeds are best for open ground, and which ones are suitable for growing in greenhouses? This is exactly what you need to pay attention to. As part of this review, we will try to help as much as possible with choosing the most suitable variety.

How to choose the right tomato seeds: reviews from gardeners

Any gardener who has been working on his plot for several years will say that a variety should be selected that is maximally adapted to the climate of the region and to the characteristics of the soil. For example, in the southern regions, tomatoes can grow both on high-quality black soil and on mixed soil. In varieties adapted to the south, the leaves will grow in such a way as to hide the fruits from the excessively scorching sun.

If you need to grow tomatoes in northern latitudes, then you need to choose those that are specially bred for the climate. These are cold-resistant, early ripening. Such varieties will be demanding regarding the composition of the soil; their leaves are sparser than those bred for the south. Sparsely growing foliage allows the fruits to receive the maximum amount of sunlight, heat and minerals.

Manufacturers of tomato seeds, according to reviews from gardeners, rarely indicate the regional purpose on the packages, and you have to independently choose the most suitable one, which is why we wrote this information.

It is also important to pay attention to the timing of ripening. Almost everything is suitable for the southern regions, because the harvest can be obtained from the latest varieties. For the northern and eastern regions of Russia, only early-ripening ones are suitable, for the middle zone - early-ripening and mid-ripening ones.

It is impossible to get a good harvest if you don’t take care of your tomatoes, including tying up the bushes consistently. If there is no time or desire for this, then it is better to choose a low-growing variety. The bushes will be compact, will not take up much space and will save time on tying up.

Classification of tomatoes by growth type

When choosing, it is worth paying attention to this information in order to accurately get the harvest. The varieties are classified as follows:

  1. Indeterminate are varieties where the central stem grows indefinitely. For the most part, they are suitable for growing in greenhouses, but they can bear fruit well in the southern latitudes in open ground.
  2. Determinant. If you are thinking about which tomato seeds are best for open ground, reviews from gardeners will be almost unanimous: these are the ones. The bushes are medium in size and bear fruit well without the shelter of a greenhouse in any region of Russia. Early ripening.
  3. Superdeterminant. Ultra-early ripening varieties, low-growing, adapted for regions with capricious, cold climates.

Choice by purpose

An important factor in choosing tomato seeds is their purpose. That is, what they will be used for: in pickling, for fresh salads, for juice or for long-term fresh storage. You need to familiarize yourself with the following information:

  • - these are large fruits with thin skin and aromatic, fleshy pulp;
  • for canning - these are small and even small fruits, few seeds, tight pulp and dense skin;
  • universal - medium-sized fruits, tasty juicy pulp, tight skin, suitable for salads and juice production, as well as for canning;
  • for storage - only late-ripening varieties are selected with good keeping quality, tight skin, fruits are small and dense.

Color, size, flavor and shape of tomatoes are not the main criteria, and their choice depends only on personal preferences.

Choose a pure variety or a hybrid?

Any novice vegetable grower asks this question. To decide which tomato seeds are better, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of hybrids and pure varieties.

Advantages of a pure variety: low cost of seeds, you can prepare seeds yourself in the future, stable characteristics.

Disadvantages of the variety: smaller yields compared to hybrid tomatoes, low resistance to various diseases.

Advantages of hybrids: high yields, stable fruiting, rapid ripening, disease resistance, excellent presentation.

Disadvantages: seeds are more expensive than varietal seeds; you will not be able to prepare material for further planting yourself.

The best early ripening varieties for open ground

We chose, based on reviews, early-ripening tomato seeds that are suitable for growing in open ground. These are determinate species, the ripening time for ultra-early ripening is from 75 to 90 days, for early ripening - from 90 to 110 days.

  1. Beta is one of the most popular ultra-early ripening varieties for growing in open ground. The fruits weigh about 60 grams, the height of the bush is half a meter, the yield is plentiful. The variety can be grown in any weather conditions; even with a consistently absent sun, tomatoes grow excellently, only the taste becomes more sour. The purpose of the fruit is universal. Judging by the reviews, the best tomato seeds in Russia are these, since the variety is adapted to all regions.
  2. White filling - bushes are taller, stronger, fruits weighing up to 130 grams, fruiting is abundant. The color is scarlet, the skin is thin, the flesh is sugary. Purpose: salad. Zoned for the entire Central part of the country, the Volga-Vyatka region and Altai.
  3. Alpha is an early variety for making salads. The bushes are 40-50 centimeters long and do not need staking, so they are suitable for the busiest and laziest. Fruits up to 60 grams, aromatic, juicy, very tasty. Can be grown in open ground throughout Russia.
  4. Explosion is an early ripening salad variety. The bushes are not tall, but very spreading, they need to be pinched. Fruits up to 90 grams, with thin scarlet skin. The pulp is fleshy and juicy. Adapted for all of Russia and cultivation in open ground, resistant to both cool weather and the dry season.
  5. Snow White - suitable only for the Central Black Earth region. Not afraid of drought, heat and low temperatures, resistant to diseases. The bushes are medium in size, the fruits are small (average weight 50 grams), but very tasty and aromatic. Fruiting is high; from a meter of land you can harvest up to 6 kilograms of beautiful marketable tomatoes.
  6. The Far North, although adapted for the entire country, feels better in the northern and central parts. Resistant to cold, bushes up to 65 centimeters, fruits from 80 to 90 grams. The color of the tomatoes is bright red, the taste is excellent and their purpose is universal. Fruiting is abundant, ripening is amicable.
  7. "Sanka" - for the Central Black Earth region. The fruits literally stick around the bush, the average weight is 90 grams. The purpose is universal. The taste is pleasant, with a slight sourness, the flesh is juicy and aromatic.
  8. What are the best tomato seeds on Sakhalin? Of course, the Sakhalin variety, which is adapted for growing in open ground. Early ripening, fruits up to 110 grams, high yield. The pulp is fleshy, the color is red. Bushes up to 50 centimeters, but spreading, need to be pinched. It is not afraid of drought, heat, or low temperatures; you can get a high harvest in any part of Russia.

Mid-season seeds for open ground

Mid-season tomatoes ripen in 110 to 120 days on average. Medium-sized bushes - from 70 centimeters to a meter. Almost all types need to be tied up and pinched. Which tomato seeds, according to reviews from amateur gardeners, are the best in this category?

  1. Velmozha is a beautiful heart-shaped tomato, pink, juicy, incredibly aromatic and tasty. Purpose: salad. Bushes from 70 centimeters, high fruiting. Regionally adapted for cultivation in open ground in the Urals, Far East and Siberia.
  2. Table - a universal option. When pickled, it does not burst, the salad is juicy and aromatic, the juices are thick and rich. The bush is medium, the fruits are 70-90 grams. It is not afraid of cold, heat, drought, or heavy rainfall. Suitable for growing in any region.
  3. Gift of the Volga region - adapted for the Far East, North Caucasus and Central Black Sea region. This is a salad variety, easily stored and transported. Bushes from 70 to 90 centimeters, fruiting abundantly. The color of the tomato is reddish-orange, the sweet taste is accentuated by a slight sourness.
  4. Delicacy - salad option. The color is pink, the taste is rich, aromatic. Fruits up to 120 grams, juicy, sugary pulp. Zoned for all regions.
  5. Yellow ball is an amazing variety. The tomatoes are rich yellow in color, their shape is round, and their presentation is excellent. Productivity is high, on average one bush produces 2.5 kilograms of harvest. Adapted to open ground and for growing in all regions.
  6. Kuban gold is another representative of the yellow color. Suitable for cultivation in the Central Black Earth Region and the North Caucasus. Purpose: for canning. The taste is excellent, rich both when pickled and when consumed fresh.
  7. Emerald standard - green tomato! This is one of the new varieties, but already quite in demand. Fruits up to 110 grams, bush up to a meter. Fruiting is abundant. Recommended for cultivation throughout Russia.
  8. The sugar giant is the real king of tomatoes! The fruits are from 250 to 300 grams, the color is pink, the pulp is sugar. Taste without any complaints, purpose - salad. Recommended for cultivation throughout the country.

Late varieties for open ground

The growing season of such tomatoes is from 120 days, therefore, when grown in open ground, they can produce a good harvest only in regions with a warm climate - the southern part of Russia. Which tomato seeds are best for open ground from this category?

  1. Wonder of the world - for lovers of yellow tomatoes. The shape is truly wonderful, these tomatoes are incredibly similar to lemons, both in color and shape. The fruits are medium size, high fruiting, smooth ripening. It is unpretentious to the soil, not afraid of drought, heat, low temperatures and heavy rains.
  2. De Barao is a late variety, the fruits are small - up to 30 grams, but tasty. The tomato has an oblong shape and is intended for canning. According to gardeners, they do not burst when pickled and are good in fresh salads.
  3. The finish is a great option for making tomato juice! The fruits are large - up to 90 grams, incredibly juicy. The color of tomatoes is red-orange. Suitable for cultivation in the Lower Volga region and the North Caucasus.

Having found out which tomato seeds are best for open ground, you can safely go to the store and select according to your preference.

At the end of the review, we’ll tell you how to harden seeds and protect seedlings from pests. In the meantime, we propose to review the best tomato seeds for greenhouses based on reviews from gardeners.

Tomato seeds for greenhouses

When planning to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, you should take care of good penetration of sunlight and ventilation. If the conditions are created, then you can begin to make a choice. The best tomato seeds, according to reviews, were:

  1. Pink raisins are an early variety. The tomatoes are small, oblong in shape, pink in color. Purpose: for canning and salting. But even fresh they are wonderful - aromatic, rich in taste, with a slight sourness.
  2. Ilyich F1 is an early ripening red-orange beauty. The fruits are large - up to 150 grams, round and neat in shape. Moderately juicy, the flesh is fleshy. Suitable for both pickling and fresh consumption.
  3. Search F1 - early ripening, high-yielding variety. The fruits are round, red, medium size. It is not afraid of temperature fluctuations, so it is also suitable for open ground, but only in the southern part of Russia. Unpretentious, disease resistant. Purpose: salad.
  4. Black Prince has long established itself as a leader among tomatoes. The color is red-black, or pink-black, fruit weight is up to 400 grams. The taste is delicate, sweet, the flesh is sugary and fleshy. Bushes up to two meters, so only a tall greenhouse and caring hands will do. Purpose: salad.
  5. Renet. On low, neat bushes (about 40 centimeters) beautiful rounded fruits weighing up to 100 grams grow. The taste is sweet, rich, the flesh is juicy, the color is red. Purpose: salad.
  6. Honey drop - tomatoes really look like droplets (in shape), the color of sea buckthorn honey! The fruits are small, the bush is up to 2 meters. The taste is sweet, rich, intended for canning.

It’s impossible to list all the varieties, there are so many of them. Gardeners recommend paying attention to tomato seeds Gardens of Russia. This manufacturer has established itself as one of the best. More than half of gardeners trust the seeds of this brand. Prices are reasonable, quality is guaranteed.

How to choose seeds?

You need to buy planting material only in specialized stores. If in doubt about any variety, simply consult the seller.

The packaging must contain the main characteristics of the variety. When planting tomatoes for the first time, you cannot stop at one variety; you need to take at least four, and then choose the most suitable one from them. We reviewed the best tomato seeds based on reviews, but everyone has their own opinion, experiment!

How to harden seeds and protect them from pests?

Treating seeds in potassium permanganate will protect against viruses. You need to dilute a gram of powder in a glass of water, place the seeds in cheesecloth and soak in the solution for twenty minutes, then rinse with water.

After washing, the seeds need to be hardened. In the same gauze (wet), place them in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. In two days the material is ready for planting! Hardened seeds will give strong seedlings that will not be afraid of cold weather!

Even the best Siberian tomato seeds for greenhouses, according to gardeners, can produce a low yield when temperatures fluctuate. That is why it is strongly recommended to harden the seed.

Growing tomatoes is a common activity. The volume of the future harvest depends on the quality of tomato seeds. Choose varieties so that they meet the requirements according to the description on the seed packaging. To choose the best variety, consult with experienced gardeners. There are varieties of tomatoes for canning or eating fresh. The most popular varieties are universal ones, which are used for any purpose.

Yield varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse

To get a bountiful harvest, you need to choose the right variety for the climatic zone of intended growth.

Choose a type of tomato that grows and bears fruit in a specific soil.

It is recommended to plant tomatoes first as seedlings and then transplant them into greenhouses. The yield is better, so take these facts into account at the initial stage of work. To select different types of tomatoes, the gardener needs to know which classification to choose. Some people prefer tomatoes for preparing fresh dishes, while others prefer them for canning.

Depending on the characteristics of the vegetable crop, they are divided into:

  • tomatoes for northern or southern climates;
  • culinary purpose of tomato;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • by harvest volume in one season;
  • according to ripening period.

Each feature affects the growing process and affects the result obtained. Plant forms and hybrids differ in taste, color, and have different purposes.

Academician Sakharov

Tomatoes are classified as medium-ripe. The large-fruited species was developed by Igor Maslov. Recommended for cultivation in the central and northern parts of Russia. The tomato bush grows up to 2 meters in height and requires staking. The tomatoes are round, ribbed at the base.

When fully ripe, greenhouse tomatoes have a bright red color and weigh 250-350 grams. Productivity - 3-5 kg ​​per bush. Tomatoes have a fleshy consistency, aromatic with a bright taste. The variety is suitable for consumption both fresh and for preparing sauces, preparations, and juices.

Khlynovsky F1

Tomatoes of the Kirov selection are popular among gardeners due to their active ripening and resistance to diseases and pests. Variety Khlynovsky F1 is an early ripening, early hybrid species. Due to their growth, the bushes are tied to a support. The fruits are large, weighing up to 300 grams.

The pulp is juicy and fleshy. The fruits tolerate transportation and storage. The variety is suitable for growing for sale, as it has a marketable appearance and is suitable for fresh consumption. Khlynovsky tomatoes are productive and large-fruited. Gardeners value it for its versatility and unpretentiousness.


Another type of Kirov selection is a mid-ripe species and grows in a greenhouse. It has strong immunity, tolerates cold climates well and is suitable for northern and central Russia.

The fruits are red, small in shape, and belong to the cherry variety.

The bushes are neat. Each tomato weighs from 10 to 30 grams. They ripen at the same time. The fruits look impressive and beautiful, suitable for canning, making salads and juices. Thanks to the beautiful external idea, the Craftsman is grown for sale.

Admiro F1

Hybrid of Dutch selection. In temperate climates, the fruits have a stable taste, grow well and are not affected by pests. Low-growing bushes are suitable for growing in greenhouses. Plant 3-4 plants per meter.

The Admiro variety is not affected by late blight and cladosporiosis. The flesh is tender. The peel color is red-pink. The taste is good. The yield is 39 kg per meter. Admiro variety tomatoes are suitable for canning and fresh consumption.

De Barao

The variety is used for pickling. The variety tolerates cold weather, climate change and insufficient lighting well. The fruits are red, pink, black or yellow.

The weight of one fruit is 68 grams. The skin is thick, the flesh is dense. Productivity from one bush is 7-12 kg.

Growing De-barao is not difficult. Watering and fertilizing plantings according to schedule. The variety is suitable for both beginners and experienced gardeners. Resistance to pests is average.

Yellow Plum

Plum tomatoes are sweet cherry tomatoes. Fruits up to 15 grams plum-shaped. There are from 50 to 60 fruits on one cluster. They ripen evenly.

The taste is rich. Suitable for preparing salads.

You can grow Plum tomatoes both in open ground in the south of Russia and in a greenhouse in the northern regions.

Grandma's Secret

Grandma's secret refers to tall and large-fruitful tomatoes. Productivity is 17 kg per meter with proper care. The fruits are flat-round with pink or red skin. Weight reaches 600 grams.

The pulp is juicy and sweet. Babushkin Secret tomatoes are suitable for making juices, salads and canning. It is rarely affected by pests. The species is resistant to cold conditions.

Pink Flamingo F1

The variety has won the love of many gardeners. Early ripening tomato; After the first shoots, the harvest is harvested within 90-95 days. Resistant to diseases and pests.

It does not crack, which is why Pink Flamingo is grown for sale. Tolerates transportation well. The plum-shaped fruits are used for preservation; large tomatoes are used to make juice and salads.

Wonderful lady

A productive variety for growing in Siberia. Ovary occurs under unfavorable growing conditions. Up to 5-7 fruits are collected from one tomato branch. Productivity per square meter is 10 kg.

In short summer conditions, the fruits fully ripen. The skin is dense and not susceptible to cracking. The Beautiful Lady variety tolerates transportation well. Suitable for canning and preparing salads.

Samara F1

Carpal indeterminate variety for closed ground. Each cluster produces up to 8 ripe fruits. The plant is resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, fusarium and cladosporiosis.

Fruits with red and dense skin. The tomatoes do not crack, store well, and are suitable for transportation and growing for sale. Under proper conditions, Samara f1 species matures early.

Wonder of the Earth

Tomatoes are an early-ripening, tall crop. The variety is drought-resistant, so it is suitable for gardeners who cannot provide constant watering to the plants.

The fruits are large and pink. The weight of one fruit is 500 grams. Heart-shaped. Tomatoes have a sweetish taste. The miracle of the earth is suitable for preparing salads and preparations.

Banana Legs

Mid-season variety of semi-determinate type. Banana legs require moderate pinching. If you want to surprise your loved ones and friends, then try growing Banana Legs on your property.

The appearance of the plant attracts attention. The fruits are bright yellow and grow in clusters in the shape of elongated cream. The taste is pleasant, delicate with notes of citrus. Banana legs are used for canning and fresh consumption.

Sultan F1

Dutch hybrid, suitable for growing in the Moscow region. Tomatoes Sultan f1 - early ripening in short summer conditions.

The bushes are compact, ideal for closed ground. The variety produces fleshy and large fruits. Vegetables are suitable for canning, fresh consumption, and processing into ketchup, tomato paste and juice.

Tyler F1

Most gardeners consider Tyler f1 successful for growing in central Russia. Tyler f1 is a determinate hybrid species. It belongs to the category of early ripening vegetables. The root system is developed. Internodes are short, indicating excellent yield. Up to 10 tomatoes ripen on one bunch at the same time.

The fruit is dense, hard, juicy. There are no white veins in the pulp. The hybrid ripens with minimal light, which makes it attractive to those summer residents who grow vegetables for sale. Transports well. The peel does not crack.


The greenhouse variety chio-chiosan is considered a favorite among many gardeners. The plant is determinant, therefore it bears fruit throughout the growing season, the ripening period is early-mid. Bushes up to 2 meters high require tying to a support.

Clusters with a fan of red-pink fruits. The taste is delicate and sweet. The tomato weighs 35 grams. 4 kg of tomatoes are harvested from a bush. The variety is resistant to diseases and pests of the nightshade family. Used for preparations, juices, and fresh consumption. The downsides are the need for care and early tying up of bushes.

Preparing seeds for planting

There are many productive varieties of tomatoes on the market. Before buying seeds, decide what qualities of future fruits are important to you. Buy only those seeds that are intended for growing in a greenhouse. For greenhouses, the best and most productive types of tomatoes are determinate hybrids, since it is for these varieties that greenhouse conditions are considered the best growing environment. To obtain a bountiful harvest, it is recommended to choose tomato varieties that are resistant to diseases and pests.

Their germination depends on proper preparation of seeds.

Preparing seeds for seedlings:

  • Sort through the seeds and remove unsuitable ones;
  • soak the seed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 minutes;
  • rinse the seeds under running water;
  • before planting, keep the seeds wrapped in a damp cloth for 1-2 days for better opening and germination;
  • Plant the seeds in pre-prepared and fertilized soil at a distance of 2-3 cm so that the plantings can grow freely.

How to properly grow tomatoes

Different varieties of tomatoes require a specific approach to cultivation. Greenhouse species are less susceptible to pest attacks than others. Tomatoes grown in open ground are hardened and resistant to climate change.

Before purchasing seeds, study all the reviews about the types of tomatoes and properly prepare the seed for planting. On the seed package, find out all the information about the type of tomatoes presented.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

To plant tomatoes, you can use any greenhouse: glass, iron or polycarbonate. Polycarbonate structure is more durable, suitable for growing all vegetables. Today, it is one of the most popular materials, which is non-toxic and has an excellent price-quality ratio. In such a greenhouse, tomatoes feel good and produce an early harvest. It is also possible to extend the fruiting of late varieties until November. Plantings located in the greenhouse are protected from acid rain and are not subject to late blight.

When choosing seeds, consider the required amount of time for ripening and the capriciousness of the variety. Choose the best tomato seeds for greenhouses so that germination and yield will satisfy you. If tomato varieties are difficult to grow, it is recommended to plant them as seedlings in a greenhouse. Feed the plantings with complex fertilizers as they grow. Water with settled water.

Growing tomatoes in open ground

Tomatoes grown in open ground need to be treated against diseases and pests. For prevention, use garlic infusions - they have no chemical composition and do not have a harmful effect on the fetus. On hot days, water using the irrigation method in the morning or evening. Feeding - according to the schedule after planting and adaptation in the ground. Optimal use of organic matter.

To get a bountiful harvest, you need to properly care for the plantings and know the characteristics of new varieties. Tomatoes need regular watering, lighting and systematic feeding. To get a healthy harvest, add mineral fertilizers to the soil once a season.

The Siberian Garden agricultural company has occupied a leading position in the seed sales market for many years. Anyone can buy seeds from this manufacturer. The main guideline in the choice should be the description of the variety. Thus, the company sells many seeds belonging to different varieties of tomatoes. Let's look at the Siberian Garden tomatoes.

The best varieties of tomatoes Siberian Garden

All tomatoes can be divided into several categories: early-ripening, tall, medium-sized, suitable for pickling. There are a lot of these groups. Before purchasing seeds, you need to study the description of each variety and select Siberian Garden tomato seeds for your garden.

There is another popular agricultural company - Partner. In this article you can find out what varieties of tomatoes she offers.

Pink large f1

A fairly new hybrid that combines several main qualities: early ripeness, large fruit and high yield. This variety also has a low bush type, which is important for gardeners.

Tomato Pink large f1 Siberian Garden is intended for growing in greenhouses or film shelters. The time from seed germination to final fruit ripening varies from 90 to 97 days. The weight of large fruits reaches 300 g. The tomatoes are fleshy, have a round shape with irregularities.

Regimental commander

Mid-season and large-fruited variety. Designed for planting in film shelters or in open ground.

  • The fruits are quite large, the weight of individual specimens reaches 0.5 kg.
  • The bush grows up to 0.8-0.9 meters, the foliage is dark green.
  • Tomatoes have an intense red color, fleshy texture and round shape.

Tomato Regiment Commander Siberian Garden is quite popular among farmers.


Tomato Casanova Siberian Garden belongs to the category of mid-season, high-yielding and indeterminate. Designed for greenhouse cultivation. The height of the bush reaches 2 meters, so it requires support and a garter. The formation of a bush must be done in 1 or 2 stems. The fruits are juicy and oblong in shape.

Ultra early ripening

From the name it is clear that this variety belongs to the category of early ripening. Thus, fruit ripening occurs within 67-70 days after sowing. The Ultra Early Siberian Garden tomato is quite resistant to temperature changes, so it can be planted both in a greenhouse and in open ground.

The height of the bush varies from 50 to 60 cm. The fruits have a bright red color and a perfectly round shape. They are formed with tassels, and the weight of each tomato does not exceed 100 g.

Stellate sturgeon

Mid-season, has very large fruits. The height of the bush reaches 1.5 meters. With proper care, the fruits can grow up to a weight of 1.5 kg. The pulp is fleshy, sugary, and has an excellent taste. Color - bright red.

Wonder of the earth

Mid-season tomato Siberian Garden Miracle of the earth with large crimson-colored fruits. The plant reaches a height of 2 meters. The taste of the fruit is delicate, the yield is high.


Mid-ripening variety (112-116 days), the fruits are quite large. The plant reaches a height of 80 cm. It is recommended to plant in greenhouses or closed ground. Tomatoes are great for fresh consumption and for making salads. The Siberian garden tomato Tolstushka, according to reviews, is considered one of the most favorite tomatoes among summer residents.

Mystery of nature

Large-fruited, mid-season, indeterminate variety. Tomato Mystery of Nature Siberian Garden is recommended for growing in greenhouse conditions. The plant is quite powerful, up to 2 meters high. The foliage is dark green and medium in size.

The weight of the fruit varies from 350 to 700 g. The color range is red-pink, with shades of yellow in the cut. It is better to form a bush in 1 or 2 stems.

Pink honey

Tomato Rose Honey Siberian Garden belongs to mid-season, determinate and semi-determinant other varieties. Requires tying and pinching, while the height of the bush can reach 1.4 meters.

The fruits are round in shape, quite large - the weight with proper care can reach 1.3-1.5 kg. The color is bright pink, the fruits are fleshy and have a sweet taste.


Tomato Cyfomandra Siberian Garden is called the “tomato tree”, and it fully lives up to this name. The plant is indeterminate, has a strong trunk and moderate branching. The fruits are light red in color, formed in clusters of 5-6 pieces. They are ideal for canning, as well as for fresh consumption. The average fruit weight is 200 g.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for more than 30 years

It is recommended to purchase Siberian Garden tomato seeds directly from the manufacturer or through trusted intermediaries. Beware of fakes!

New tomatoes from the Siberian Garden

The agricultural company regularly develops new varieties of tomatoes. Among the most popular new products are the following:

  1. Shuttle. This variety is a godsend for beginning gardeners or for those who do not have time to deal with staking and cuttings of plants. Then, no more than 100 days will pass before the first harvest. The fruits are not large, weighing from 50 to 60 grams. The variety is frost-resistant and also resistant to various pests.
  2. Alpatieva stands out from other varieties due to the fact that the bushes do not need to be pinched. The tomatoes are not large and have high taste. This is ideal for pickling.
  3. Hospitable has high productivity. The weight of one fruit reaches 500 grams. The variety will withstand both increases and decreases in air temperature.
  4. Bullfinches. The fruits are bright red in color and oblong in shape. The variety belongs to the category of early ripening. The fruits are soft, juicy, their weight varies from 150 to 500 g.
  5. Heavyweight. Its advantages include the sweet taste of the fruit and high yield. Up to 5 kilograms of tomatoes are harvested from one bush.

Which agricultural company do you think is better?

Siberian GardenPartner

Tomato varieties Siberian garden for open ground

There are varieties on sale that are bred specifically for planting in open ground. The most popular of them are:


A variety intended for planting in open ground. The plant reaches 40-60 cm. The fruits are oblong, medium size, red. The weight of the fruit varies from 50 to 110 g.


A determinate variety, the plant height of which reaches 40 cm. The ripening speed is from 95 to 100 days. This variety is considered early ripening. It is distinguished by high productivity. Tomatoes are oval-shaped, orange-red in color. Tomatoes are unpretentious in care, and this variety was bred specifically for cultivation in the northern regions.

Honey saved

Determinate plant up to 140 cm in height. The fruits are large, have an even round shape, and the color is yellow-red. Tomatoes have an unusually sweet taste. Ripening is fast, yield is high.

Eagle beak

The fruits of this variety are small and have a pointed end. The variety is intended for cultivation in open ground. Tomatoes have excellent taste and are ideal for long-term storage. Average weight 700-800 g.

Rocket red

The most popular variety among gardeners. The plant does not require special care; it needs to be planted according to the established scheme. The fruits are small, from 30 to 60 g. Suitable for canning and storage. They ripen on the 115th day after germination.

Beginners need to buy several different varieties for the first time, and then, based on experience, choose the best.

The choice of a specific variety depends on individual desires and capabilities. However, before purchasing seeds, you should decide what the tomatoes will be planted for, for example, for storage, canning or fresh consumption. Based on this, it will be much easier to choose the right seeds.


You can also watch a video where they will tell you about the varieties of tomatoes that belong to the Siberian Garden.

Varieties and hybrids of tomatoes bred by Siberian breeders are becoming increasingly popular. This page contains Siberian tomato varieties for greenhouses and open ground.

The most widespread in the Urals and Siberia are tomato seeds from the Siberian Garden company. Plants grown from their seeds are usually resistant to low temperatures, and almost all of them are early ripening. Tomato varieties of Siberian selection are intended for regions of risky agriculture, where summers are too short and often cool.

Of course, growing tomatoes in Siberia or the Urals is a difficult, but interesting task, and with the right selection of varieties, a decent result is obtained.

Click on the variety you like, a page will open that contains a description of the variety, a photo, the seller of the seeds of this variety, as well as reviews from those who have already planted these tomatoes.

We hope that all this information will help you choose the best varieties of Siberian tomatoes.

Abakan pink tomato

Mid-season, large-fruited, indeterminate (unlimited growth) tomato variety with extended fruiting. In the middle zone, it is recommended to grow it in a greenhouse. The bush is not spreading, its height...

TomatLand11 931 views18 comments

Altai pink tomato

Mid-season, indeterminate, productive tomato variety. In the middle zone, it is recommended to grow it in a greenhouse. The bush is medium-leaved, 1.6-1.7 meters high in a greenhouse. Garter required...

Tomato Andreevsky surprise

Andreevsky Surprise is an indeterminate, late-ripening tomato variety. The bush is powerful, requires gartering and bush formation, as it grows up to 2 meters. The best results were obtained when forming…

Tomato Grandma's secret

This is an indeterminate (unlimited growth), mid-season, productive tomato variety for greenhouses and film shelters. The Babushkin Secret variety is a godsend for lovers of large-fruited tomatoes. Bush…

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Tomato Barnaul canned

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Tomato Batyanya

An early-ripening, productive, indeterminate (unlimited growth) tomato variety of Siberian selection. Recommended for growing in a greenhouse in the middle zone and in open ground in the southern regions. TO…

Tomato Dimensionless

Mid-season, large-fruited, productive tomato variety. The bush is usually 1-1.2 meters high; its growth stops after being loaded with fruits. The first brush is formed over the 8-9th leaf, each subsequent brush...

TomatLand7 904 views8 comments

Large Berdsky tomato

Mid-early, semi-determinate, productive, large-fruited tomato variety for open ground and film shelters. The height of the bush is up to 1 meter; it requires a garter to a support. Best result...

Tomato Fighter

The second name of this tomato is Buyan. An early, low-growing, determinate tomato variety. Recommended for open ground and film shelters. A bush up to 50 cm high, which does not require stepson...

Tomato Bugai pink

This is a large-fruited, mid-season variety. Bush up to 1.8 meters high. The fruits are flat-round in shape, pink in color, with dense, sugary pulp, practically without seeds, with a good harmonious taste. ...

Tomato Burkovsky early

An early-ripening, unpretentious, productive, determinate, low-growing tomato variety for open ground and film shelters from Siberian breeders. Bush 0.5-0.6 meters high, does not require a stepson...

Tomato Bull's forehead

This is a mid-season, determinate, productive, large-fruited variety of Siberian breeders. Its ability to set a large number of fruits even in an unfavorable year is surprising. Bush height 1...

Tomato Currency

Mid-season, high-yielding, determinate tomato variety for open ground and film shelters from Siberian breeders. The plant is standard, 0.7-1 meters high, requires partial stepson...

Tomato Eternal Call

An early-ripening, determinate, high-yielding, large-fruited tomato variety for open ground and film shelters. The bush is up to 0.7 meters high and requires a strong garter to the support and pinching. Nai…

Tomato Visibly-invisibly

An early-ripening, determinate, low-growing, productive tomato variety. Recommended for growing in open ground. The bush is strong, very spreading, 0.6-1 m high. The brush is complex, abundant…

TomatLand10 381 views10 comments

Tomato Pride of Siberia

This is an early, productive, determinate tomato variety from Siberian breeders. In the middle zone, it is recommended to grow it in a greenhouse. Bush up to 1.5 meters high in a greenhouse, in open ground below...

TomatLand9 201 views11 comments

Tomatoes do not like cold and lack of solar heat - a well-known fact that does not require much proof. In conditions that are poorly suited to southern demanding crops, it is difficult to achieve a bountiful tomato harvest.

Siberian Garden Company

A company called “Siberian Garden” has proven itself well in the domestic planting materials market. The Novosibirsk agricultural company offers a wide range of vegetable, herb and flower seeds. All varieties of the agricultural company tolerate sudden drops in temperature and a small number of daylight hours well.

Credo of the Siberian Garden company

The priority of the Siberian Garden company was the production of high-quality planting material. It is believed that fruits grown in Siberian experimental fields will produce the highest quality seeds and show resistance to diseases and difficult climatic conditions. The company regularly releases new products.

Why is it worth buying tomato seeds from the Siberian Garden agricultural company?

All Siberian Garden tomato seeds undergo careful double control. For the first time, they are checked for quality in the company’s own laboratories. Tomato seeds undergo a second inspection at the State Seed Inspectorate of the Russian Federation. It must be said that the process of obtaining seeds is quite painstaking and time-consuming. After all, from 1 kg of tomato you get only 2-2.5 grams of tomato seeds. Here, forgotten varieties of Siberian selection are restored and completely new varieties of tomatoes are developed. All of them are in demand not only in regions such as Kamchatka, Siberia, the Urals, Central Russia and Kaliningrad. They have been supplied to neighboring countries for a long time - Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus. In Germany and Sweden, seeds from the Russian company Siberian Garden are also planted to guarantee a stable and high-quality harvest.

Varieties of the breeding station "Siberian Garden"

The Siberian Garden agricultural company provides a wide selection of tomato seeds - about seventy varieties. Among them there are “old” varieties that have long been known to everyone, and those that are just beginning their journey to garden beds. What reviews about Siberian Garden tomatoes can you read on the Internet, what varieties of the Novosibirsk agricultural company have already earned a good reputation and are in demand?

Tomato Pride of Siberia

Good reviews about the Pride of Siberia tomato can be seen by visiting any “tomato-related” website. They indicate the following advantages of the variety: early ripening, productivity, large-fruitedness. Indeed, the variety begins to bear fruit in a short time - 85-100 days. By providing tomatoes with proper care, you can get from four to five kilograms from one bush. The fruits grow rounded and flattened, painted in a scarlet hue, weighing from 750 to 950 grams each. Inside they contain juicy pulp, divided into six chambers. Pride of Siberia tomatoes are perfect for making fresh vegetable salads. They are hardly suitable for canning, since they are very large-fruited. You can read more about the Siberian early ripening tomato here.

Tomato Tea Rose

Grateful reviews of the Tea Rose Siberian Garden tomato indicate that the variety is extremely versatile. This applies to growing conditions: the unpretentious variety demonstrates productivity in almost any region when grown under cover. Also, its versatility is manifested in the methods of fruit processing. Tomatoes are extremely tasty and sweet when fresh and are suitable for making any dishes using them. When preserved, they can be salted, pickled, processed into juice and tomato paste. In terms of ripening time, this tomato belongs to the early varieties, since the growing season does not exceed 100-105 days.

The variety is indeterminate, the height of the bush reaches two meters. Each plant is capable of producing a good harvest - 6 kg per plant. Tomatoes ripen on clusters of 4-6 pieces. The fruit is quite large - 200-400 grams, pinkish-red in color, round in shape, ribbed near the “tail”. The pulp is tender, juicy, sugary, not watery, not “bony”.

Tomato Siberian apple

You can rarely find reviews about the Siberian Apple tomato on the vast expanses of the Internet, all because it is one of the most modern varieties and, accordingly, the most little-known.

Nevertheless, those who have at least once tried to grow a “Siberian apple” in their own garden did not remain indifferent to this variety. And this is not surprising, because he has already managed to show his best side. It turned out to be extremely resistant to diseases and produced high yields - about 9 kilograms per 1 sq. m, and also showed extraordinary resistance to transportation.

The variety belongs to the hybrids of mid-season harvest. The growing season takes 115 days. The plant is not standard, indeterminate, and its height is from 1.5 to 1.9 meters. Sometimes the bush reaches a higher height of 2-2.5 meters. Of course, such tall-growing stems need staking.

The fruits are heavy, shaped like an apple, and pink in color. The crust is smooth, glossy, creating a pearlescent effect. The tomato pulp is dense, fleshy, divided into 4-6 sections. The taste is sweet due to the increased sugar content of the fruit.

Tomato Cyfomandra

More and more often you can hear reviews of the Tsifomandra Siberian Garden tomato as a mid-early, productive variety with massive fruits of unusually beautiful color. One tomato weighs about 800 grams and is similar in color to raspberries. At the same time, the Digital Mandra tomato is not a tall plant at all: its stems rarely exceed one meter mark. But, nevertheless, average growth does not mean that yield indicators will also be average. From one bush it is possible to collect up to six kilograms of unusually tasty, sweet fruits. Their shape is similar to a heart, only slightly rounded.

Tomato Nastya Sibiryachka

The few reviews about the Nastya Sibiryachka tomato still help to form an impression about this variety. They say that a tomato of medium fruit production will give a good harvest of medium-weight vegetables (about 200 grams each). Their appearance resembles small barrels, and their raspberry-red color makes them extremely attractive. The bushes are strong, “stocky” and squat, they are literally strewn with barrel tomatoes. This “small size” of the plant allows you to save garden space. Another advantage of the variety is that it does not need to be formed by removing stepsons. The fruits of the variety are best eaten fresh or made into tomato juice.

Tomato Lazy

Officially, the Lazy Garden tomato was registered in 2010. It was then that gardeners first learned about a variety of Siberian selection that combines two important characteristics: productivity and ease of care. Few varieties of tomatoes can boast such a wide cultivation geography as Lazyman has. Vologda, Astrakhan, Voronezh regions, Krasnodar Territory and the North Caucasus - here tomatoes of this variety are grown without special shelter. In the Southern Urals, North-West and other cooler regions of Russia, such tomatoes grow in covered beds.

The variety is early, forms fruits within 85-90 days from the time the first leaves of the plant appear. The bush is determinate, standard, grows up to 60 centimeters in height. But, despite his small stature, he needs strong support. After all, one tomato weighs 300-400 grams, and the total tomato mass from 1 square meter. m can reach 15 kilograms. Beautiful fruits of a juicy crimson color, heart-shaped, contain 4-5 chambers. They can be used for any culinary recipes. Its commercial qualities are also good: the fruit is very shelf-stable, has a very attractive appearance, good ripening characteristics, and can withstand long-distance travel.

This variety has more positive aspects than negative ones. But still, it should be remembered that the variety does not tolerate hot weather very well, is demanding on the composition of the soil, and must be well attached to the support.

Tomato Pearl of Siberia

Reviews about the Pearl of Siberia tomato, one of the “youngest representatives” of the Siberian selection, are also of interest. The variety is mid-early, the growing season lasts about 115 days, and is intended for greenhouse cultivation. The bush is indeterminate, with a height of 1.5 m. The tomatoes are elongated, cylindrical in shape, bright scarlet in color, weighing up to 120 g, tied in clusters of 8 pieces. Such fruits are universal in use and remain fresh for a long time, suitable for long-term transportation.

Tomato Siberian giant

Praiseworthy reviews of the Siberian Giant tomato allow us to conclude that there is no better variety for a greenhouse. In terms of ripening time, the Siberian giant belongs to the mid-season varieties. By type of growth - indeterminate, tall. For such a tall bush you will need a fairly large greenhouse, because on average its height is 2 meters. The fruits are also large in size: one tomato weighs 400-600 grams; in some cases, gardeners managed to grow kilogram giants. The shape of the tomato is round, flattened, the color is bright red. The taste of tomatoes is excellent. Juicy, meaty, aromatic pulp is suitable for any dish. As a preparation for the winter, thick juice and tomato paste are made from it. Not suitable for whole-fruit canning, but can be pickled by cutting into pieces.

Tomato Sibiryak F1

The late-ripening Sibiryak F1 tomato can boast no less large fruits. The growing season lasts from 130 to 140 days. The variety is indeterminate, designed for cultivation in a greenhouse covered with glass or polyethylene. A prerequisite for care is tying the stems. One tomato weighs 400-600 grams, but there have been cases when it was possible to grow a specimen weighing about 2.8 kg. The shape of the vegetable is flat-round, without pronounced ribbing. The taste is excellent.

Tomato Taras Bulba

The mid-season tomato Taras Bulba Siberian Garden is popular among lovers of large-fruited varieties. The plant differs in bush height. The time from the first shoots of seedlings to fruit production takes 111-115 days. Tomatoes are round-heart-shaped, weighing 200-300 grams, painted in a bright scarlet color. According to their intended purpose, the fruits of the variety are salad fruits, so it is best to eat them fresh. The taste of tomatoes is rich, sweet and juicy.

It is noteworthy that the well-known Ox Heart tomato has many similar features - the description of the variety and characteristics of which are very similar to the Taras Bulba tomato. Indeterminate, tall plant, medium ripening period, large, heart-shaped, raspberry-pink fruits.

Tomato Siberian abundant

The hybrid tomato Siberian Abundant will form a harvest in a short time (90-95 days), as it belongs to the group of early ripening varieties. A carpal variety that forms clusters of 8-10 fruits. Tomatoes are cylindrical in shape, raspberry-red in color, weighing 100-200 grams, and will delight lovers of vegetable dishes with their excellent taste. The plant is large - the length of the shoots reaches 1.7-1.8 meters, so it must be attached to a support and the shoots must be cut off.

The variety patiently tolerates difficult weather conditions and produces a stable harvest, which can reach five kilograms per plant.

Tomato Strawberry Tree

Fertile tomato strawberry tree Siberian Garden - another bright variety from Novosibirsk. Due to the short distance between the nodes of the plant, it seems that the bush looks like a tree. Red-raspberry heart-shaped tomatoes are shaped like strawberries. Now it’s easy to understand why the tomato received such an unusual name. The indeterminate bush (carpal type) has a large height (2 m), so it needs to be formed and tied up. Developed for greenhouses, fruit ripening period is 112-115 days. Medium-sized fruits weigh about 200 grams each. Taste properties are good.

Tomato Chocolate

The Chocolate Siberian Garden medium-ripening tomato will delight any summer resident with its unusual appearance and sweet, juicy pulp. Semi-determinate bush, one meter high. The tomatoes ripen large, weighing from 200 to 400 grams, with an extraordinary chocolate color and candy sweetness. The fleshy pulp is divided into many chambers. Vitamin salads are best made from these tomatoes.

Tomato Visibly-invisibly

Any description of a tomato Visibly or Invisibly contains information that the variety successfully combines two indicators: short stature and large fruit. It is generally very difficult to get large fruits from compact plants. But in the case of the tomato, the Visibly Invisible rule becomes the exception. Indeed, when the bush grows 0.6-0.9 m, it forms fruits weighing about 270-320 grams. Fertility indicators are also quite large - one compact plant gives a harvest of five kilograms of tomatoes. Also read the article: Common tomato varieties for greenhouses that are resistant to late blight.

There are different selections. But among them there is a Siberian one. It is famous for its good varieties. Siberian breeders have bred a very large number of tomatoes, here there are tomatoes with early ripening, and with medium, and very large-fruited, and ordinary, and tall and medium-sized. Each variety is good in its own way. Which ones are the best, what are the characteristics of the variety, where is it better to plant certain seedlings, will be discussed below.

Tomato varieties of Siberian selection with photos and descriptions

Variety "Berdsky large"

Refers to tomatoes with medium and at the same time early ripening periods. The bushes can grow more than 1 meter in length. In order for the harvest to be high, the variety must be constantly shaped and tied up. The best option is two stems. The fruits are large, juicy, orange-red in color. The weight of one tomato can reach up to 800 grams. Suitable for fresh eating and canning. Can be grown both in greenhouses and in open ground.

Variety "Snezhana"

It belongs, like the previous tomato, to varieties with medium and early ripening periods. The first tomato harvests can be obtained 105 days after sowing. A very good tomato, since it does not require special care, can grow both in greenhouses and outdoors. The bush grows compactly, there are few branches and leaves. On average, the height does not exceed half a meter.

Variety "Superbomb"

It produces very large fruits, weighing more than 600 grams. It is better to grow the bush in greenhouses, where it needs to be tied up, since the height of this tall tomato can reach more than one and a half meters. But it will also grow well outside with careful care. Excellent tomatoes, pleasant to taste, do not require much care, aromatic. It is best to form the bush into three stems.

Variety "Samokhval"

The variety has yellow fruits with a pleasant tomato taste. As a rule, their weight is about 300 grams. But if you perform all agricultural techniques as needed, then the fruits can weigh up to 800 grams. A tall bush that requires staking. Grown in any conditions. Productivity and disease resistance are at a high level.