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When is the year of the goat according to the eastern calendar? Year of the goat horoscope. Year of the Goat: characteristics of a woman

A person born in the year of the Goat is shy, reasonable, friendly, endowed with abilities in the field of fine arts.

When is the year of the Goat?

Years of the Goat: 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015.

The goat is considered the guardian of human creative powers, a symbol of self-organization in a limited environment and the creator of an artificial (artistic) environment.

People born in this year have a reputation for being elegant, artistic, and helpful rationalists.

They are very ambitious, but at the same time shy and timid, which often makes them somewhat annoying and greatly hinders their career advancement along the path of success.

In the Year of the Goat, be yourself and try to find some time for self-indulgence, as now both you and the whole world are struggling through a series of crises large and small.

Good year for Goats, Monkeys and Pigs; bad for Bulls, Tigers, Roosters and Dogs; neutral for Rats, Rabbits, Dragons, Snakes and Horses.

Goat according to the horoscope: what kind of person is she?

The timid and pampered Goat is prone to pessimism, often gives in to life's troubles and cannot make an independent decision, he hesitates all the time.

She never knows which direction to choose, always relies on others, prefers that decisions are made for her. The Goat's dishonesty sometimes confuses those around her: she has absolutely no sense of responsibility, initiative, or will.

If any trouble occurs, it is never the fault of the person of the year of the Goat - after all, the decisions were made by others, not him.

The goat is elegant and artistic, she has good taste, she is simply in love with nature. She could have become one of the most charming signs, if not for her constant restlessness, whims and annoyingness, with which she simply drives those around her crazy.

The leaders of the representatives of this sign are useless; the person of the year of the Goat is not capable of leading, is not endowed with the gift of eloquence, although he is ready to defend his convictions.

In material terms, she is usually well off, loves convenience and comfort, but, as a rule, is always dissatisfied with her lot.

The person of the year of the Goat knows how to please when necessary, use others and live at their expense (rich parents, a successful friend, a philanthropist, a wealthy husband who would take care of her - this is the limit of her dreams).

At the same time, she rarely depends on anyone, since she can adapt to any conditions. She is inclined to charity, willingly shares with others who are more unfortunate than her. But it should be noted that she usually shares what does not belong to her at all.

The person of the year of the Goat may be good specialist, to perform work that combines both technical and artistic skill. Smart, but will never play the first role, and this is better for her.

He should avoid commerce - he will never succeed in this area.

The second phase of the Goat's life will affect her feelings, but the third will be especially successful. It should be noted that, without burdening himself with material worries, surrounding himself with advisers, the Goat can achieve success.

The Man of the Year of the Goat often faces love problems; a stormy and eventful life awaits him.

Goat character according to horoscope

The Goat is a shy animal, and this trait is clearly present in most people born under this sign. For some reason, this fact prevents many people from trying to start a personal relationship with her.

This may bother someone born in the year of the Goat a little and awaken the nervous side of her personality, which, in any case, will find a way to express itself. Born in the year of the Goat:

Once the barriers are passed, she turns into a friendly, warm and very pure man with courage, good organizational skills and excellent practical sense.

The Goat is very emotional and finds its highest pleasure in absolute love.

Some may say that the Goat is too serious and cares more about its own benefit, but all members of this herd are likely to be good family men, deeply loyal to those for whom they show concern.

Those born in the Year of the Goat are unlikely to make the first move in personal relationships, and may even seem cool until you get to know them better.

She's not a one-night stand, and it's fair to assume that a long-term relationship with her will bring you more satisfaction.

The effort you put in will come back to you in spades, and no matter how hard you try, you can't make a better investment of time and dedication than in this case.

Those born in the year of the Goat are often successful in the material sense and usually achieve their goals through perseverance. They are calm, pleasant, beautiful, but under this surface there is more deep qualities.

Known for their warm smile and pleasant nature, goats are usually devoted to their partners and will happily stay with them for life. They are certainly very stable.

The quirks and whims of people of the year of the Goat have become almost textbook in astrology. Regardless of whether these people are religious or adhere to atheistic views, they are often depressed by their fate and complain a lot about their fate.

No amount of persuasion from astrologers, psychologists or relatives can make them change their point of view.

Attacks of pessimism and the habit of constantly criticizing almost all aspects of reality become the cause of numerous misunderstandings and worsen relationships with others.

The “goats” themselves are often perplexed by this turn of affairs, because they are always completely sincerely ready to give one or another quite reasonable advice to everyone in need.

It can be very difficult for people of the Year of the Goat to understand why they are sometimes considered obstinate and at the same time absolutely weak-willed.

When choosing a profession, such people most often give preference to those positions where they need to intelligently combine technical and artistic talents, where there is no need to constantly experience stress, but they can have a guaranteed, consistently high salary.

Success comes to them in prestigious positions in public committees and parliamentary receptions, in secular clubs and other elite institutions.

Years of the Goat and their elements

Time of domination

Yang or yin

Goat element Fire

  • Here is an interesting combination that can surprise you almost every minute. The fact is that the Goat is usually very calm and reserved. She is sometimes difficult to understand.
  • Add to this the energy and passion that comes from Fire, and you will see that an abyss of possibilities opens up before you.
  • Goat Fire element usually smolders for a long time and then explodes into emotional flames, causing shock to those around them. It takes a keen eye and true understanding to comprehend what is happening and be alert.
  • The qualities of the Fire Goat are hidden in the depths of her soul, and therefore, at first glance, she differs little from other members of the family. The goat is kind and gentle, passionate and generous. She is smart and competent in everything she undertakes.
  • The Goat of the Fire element is able to swim across the sea of ​​life without causing significant disturbance, but not always. The true nature of this rather complex character is hidden in the depths of personal relationships.
  • This Goat is so passionate that it’s hard to believe; she has a reputation as one of the best lovers in the entire Chinese “zoo”.
  • A Fire Goat in love becomes more relaxed and sexually attractive, and will do everything possible to ensure that the relationship that the Fire Goat seeks is not threatened.
  • Her strength sparkles like flashes of lightning; unexpectedly for everyone, she can demonstrate the ability to dominate a person.
  • It is so unexpected that it can seem either wonderful or terrible. You can see the most striking features of this sign once a year, or perhaps just once in a lifetime.

Goat element Metal

  • The Goat, which is usually joyful and easy to talk to, deep down prefers to be very quiet man. This is probably not so true for the Metal Goat, who is more likely to agree to be the life of the party.
  • But still she remains a pet, and she will not like to be on the road from morning to evening.
  • The Goat of the Metal element is skilled in managing affairs and can usually be called successful. She has a creative streak and usually strives to create a bright, sunny home that has plenty to look at and room for air and movement.
  • Relationships are very important for all Goats, and especially for the Metal one, for whom home, family and a loved one are the main driving factors in the practical side of life.
  • The Goat is kind, and when she is nearby, you will not have to wait long for flowers and gifts; they are usually present in abundance in personal relationships with the Metal Goat.
  • The Goat of the Metal element loves to travel, but would rather do it in company and will always take care of the safety of the home when the time comes to be away for a long period. The Goat is open, free and liberal.
  • There is no person who would end a relationship that has at least some chance of success, and the Metal Goat is philosophical about all the ups and downs that accompany any union.
  • However, it should be remembered that she is true to herself, and after a decision is made, she is not one of those who will go back on her word.

Goat element Earth

  • This combination is probably more suitable for women than for men. the earthly Goat will be a friend to almost everyone he meets and a mother or father to the whole world.
  • This person's character is best described by the expression "Mother Earth": he is calm and self-confident, not suffering from the innate psychological complexes that always seem to attack other members of the same family.
  • The Wood Goat has perseverance and resilience, she will always come to the rescue in times of crisis and will be devoted to you even in the most difficult circumstances.
  • She has skillful hands, and almost like the Fire Goat, the Goat of the Earth element is able to make something out of nothing.
  • A sewing machine, carpentry and plumbing tools - you will find all this in the house of the Earth Goat, which can fix even a hunchback in a few moments.
  • Your clothes will always be washed and your socks hemmed. Sometimes such an order will simply annoy you. This is possible when you live next to an overly caring and overly capable person, and she may well prove to you that this is so.
  • And yet she has many virtues, she has kindness and depth of spirit, few can compare with her.
  • The Earth element adds to her sensitivity, she enjoys good food, good drinks, stimulation of all senses and especially an active sex life.
  • Of course, it all depends on what you are expecting. If you want a house in the woods, full of homemade furniture, and a car that runs outdoors, then Earth Goat may well suit you. Just try not to end up becoming a vegetable!

Goat element Tree

  • This Goat is very sensitive, and this fact should not be forgotten when you are dealing with it.
  • Although the Goat of the Wood element is kind, selfless, warm and very sociable, she maintains such a large internal distance that it is almost impossible to overcome.
  • The problems that arise from this can be avoided if you and your Wood Goat can deal with the situation early on.
  • The Goat of the Wood element is a natural homebody, sometimes she can be very shy, and sometimes extremely tough. When the Wood element and the Goat sign meet, an obvious paradox arises that astrology often overlooks.
  • The Wood Goat's problems arise not when it falls under the pressure of circumstances, but when it has time to reflect on them, and therefore it feels better in an active and spectacular environment.
  • Ensuring this will be your task, because if you are one of the more dominant types, the Goat will give you the right to be a leader.
  • This doesn't mean that the Wood Goat isn't capable of being practical, creative, and even inspiring at times. She is exactly the person who is best to have as a travel companion while traveling around a deserted island.
  • The goat is inventive and can cook food for an entire family from almost nothing. In many ways, an alliance with her will be difficult, but at the same time it will be interesting.
  • The Goat of the Wood element is very loving and is always ready to please you. What else can a realistically minded person expect from his partner?

Goat element Water

  • The hardest part of any relationship with a Water Goat is probably getting to know the Water Goat first.
  • This Goat has many hiding places and secrets; it is difficult to track and catch. The Water Goat is usually good in her own company, and she sometimes refuses to come out of the shadows and try to communicate with someone else.
  • If you decide to tie her to you, you will find yourself living with a truly wonderful person. However, it will take you a lifetime to fully understand it.
  • Many astrologers believe that the element Water is most suitable for the Goat. Of course, this person is inevitably in harmony with himself and with the world as a whole.
  • Often the Goat of the Water element has a developed spiritual principle; she wants to know much more about the world than can be seen at a glance.
  • Although she usually achieves success, she can rarely be called a materialist, because she reserves much more energy for spiritual than for physical development. As a result, the Water Goat's home is likely to be simple, joyful, and most likely full of love.
  • Every character has its negative sides. In the case of the Water Goat, this is the desire to sometimes avoid responsibility and the tendency to rely too much on others.
  • She often ignores the really important aspects of life and puts off decisions for too long.
  • At the same time, it is very difficult to harbor a grudge against the Water Goat, and besides, the Goat of the Water element will most likely choose a person who is confident in own strength and able to earn a living.

People born in the Year of the Goat

Mikhail Gorbachev, Andy Warhol, Mark Twain, Catherine Deneuve, Osho, Rajneesh, Arthur Conan Doyle, Michelangelo, Laurence Olivier, Gianni Rodari, France Kafka, Robert Stevenson, Honoré de Balzac, Andrew Carnegie, Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Rudolf Valentino, Miguel de Cervantes, Jonathan Swift, Jaroslav Hasek, Muhammad Ali, Bobby Fischer, Christopher Columbus, Benito Mussolini, Paul Eluard.

Years of birth of a person according to the sign of Goat (Sheep): 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

The Goat is always neat and elegant, has a good sense of style and proportion. She strives for the ideal presentation of her appearance in order to again show others the strength and originality of her personality. People born in the year of the Goat are always interested in the very essence of a person, business or thing, but not their outer shell.

General characteristics of the sign of the year Goat (Sheep)

People born in the year of the Goat (Sheep) are in love with nature from birth. In a good “meadow” he will behave calmly and obediently, but in a bad one he will restlessly tear the rope.

According to the Japanese calendar, the Goat (Sheep) could be the most charming sign if it were not hesitant, restless, annoying, dissatisfied with its lot.

The Goat (Sheep) is very sweet, artistic, intelligent, has a keen eye for art and has many creative talents. In a group, he prefers to listen rather than talk. He never pulls the blanket over himself and is sincerely interested in the affairs and plans of his interlocutor. He often asks for advice from friends and family, and puts it into practice. Knows how to be grateful for the help provided to her. The Goat (Sheep) really needs people, their advice, attention, patronage, friendship, love. This makes those around her feel their strength and importance and are ready to help her.

The Goat (Sheep) knows how to please when it is in its interests, easily adapting to any lifestyle from the moment it feels safe. She is timid and feminine, sometimes changeable. She likes it when they talk about her, guide her, advise her. Disadvantages include pessimism, dissatisfaction with one’s lot, and lack of responsibility. She can be capricious and picky about little things. With her tossing and doubts, she is capable of driving people close to her crazy, but most of the time she still demonstrates a good mood.

The Goat (Sheep) often spends more than it earns, borrows and spends money on all sorts of meaningless trinkets.

She can enjoy life only when she feels that someone has taken charge of her, is leading her and she does not need to make any decisions.

Talented and elegant, with a rich imagination and a sympathetic heart, charmingly selfish, the Goat is like a big child. From the outside it may seem that she demands or expects a lot from others, but if you take a closer look, you will see that she still gives no less.

The Goat is a feminine sign; she wants to live in peace and dreams of a marriage that will bring her wealth. Will not refuse a respectable but generous patron of the arts. Can live a long time with rich parents. She is the stuff that cheerful and carefree courtesans are made of. Everything depends on luck, on the influences transferred, and, as they say... “on the quality of the grass in the meadow.”

It often seems to others that the Goat (Sheep) is doing better than others. But often they find themselves helpless in the face of life, as they are shy, pessimistic, indecisive, and find it difficult to accept independent decisions. Goats (Sheep) are usually religious. They are not distinguished by their eloquence, but they defend their convictions and love their work. They usually have enough money and value the conveniences associated with it.

The Year of the Goat (Sheep) corresponds to Western classical astrology.

Metal Goat (Sheep): 1931, 1991

People born in the year of the Metal Goat (Sheep) have great internal reserves and a fiery temperament. They are quite successful and excel in their chosen profession. As a rule, no matter what they undertake, they will be able to do everything efficiently and quickly. They are very self-confident, but at the same time worry about trifles. In relation to family and surrounding people, they are very friendly and have many friends.

People born under the sign of the Metal Goat (Sheep) have a penchant for fine arts, are sociable, and actively participate in public life. They have an excellent artistic gift and are capable of creating a real masterpiece. They can collect antiques and decorate their apartment with great taste.

Water Goat (Sheep): 1943

The Water Goat (Sheep) is the most harmonious among other representatives of the sign. She is very sociable and makes friends wherever she goes. He is interested in politics and has a sharp, insightful mind. She has an amazing nose for profitable business, but she rarely follows through. He values ​​his peace both at home and at work and really does not like changes in his surroundings. He knows how to communicate with children, has expressive facial expressions and a good sense of humor.

Wooden Goat (Sheep): 1955

The Wooden Goat (Sheep) finds with amazing ease mutual language With strangers. She is very lucky in the financial sector and is able to work in any field. She is kind-hearted, generous and always ready to serve. Due to its trusting nature, the Wood Goat (Sheep) easily falls under the influence of others.

Fire Goat (Sheep): 1907, 1967

People born in the year of the Fire Goat (Sheep) are active, active and have great creative abilities. They love to attend all kinds of parties and always have many friends. As a rule, they know what they want to achieve in life and achieve their goals. However, they tend to give in to their rich imagination, contrary to the reasonable advice of loved ones. Disadvantages include anxiety, anger, and touchiness.

Earth Goat (Sheep): 1919, 1979

People born in the year of the Earth Goat (Sheep) are very contradictory by nature. Sometimes they can be the life of the party with a lively character, active and full of energy, and sometimes they turn into reserved, dry realists. The Earth Goat (Sheep) is very caring and attentive towards loved ones. In a team, he always gives the impression of being a reliable person. He doesn’t know how to handle money, because he absolutely cannot deny himself anything. She has varied interests and gets great pleasure from the fact that she was able to help someone.

Year of the Goat (Sheep) - advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the Goat (Sheep) personality

Negative aspects of the Goat (Sheep) personality

The Goat is unscrupulous and has absolutely no sense of responsibility. She also has no willpower and does not show any initiative either in work or in the family. She is designed to be obedient and can thrive with good leadership. This is especially true for the sphere of art, because it has both taste and talent. The Goat is artistic and smart, but she can never play the first role. She is filled with fantasies, needs strong will and flattery. The Goat is also distinguished by incoherent speech, it is difficult for her to generate her own thoughts and she speaks either too quickly or too slowly. The goat is rarely happy with its lot and often drives those around it to despair with its whims.

Career and money of the Goat (Sheep) sign

People born in the year of the Goat (Sheep) never strive for career growth. However, very often, among the numerous relatives of the Goat (Sheep), there is a powerful patron who finds the Goat (Sheep) a clearing with “lush vegetation” and she easily jumps up to the mountain peaks. Goats (Sheep) are good administrators, engineers, city planners, architects. They can help in solving practical problems, but if the problem concerns feelings, they keep their distance.

Goat (Sheep) should not engage in commerce. She doesn't know how to sell at all. But if it comes to clothes, sense of style, comfort, she can achieve success.

People born in the year of the Goat (Sheep) have a special relationship with money. They absolutely do not understand what to do with money. Even having received a decent amount, she will eat somehow, and neither she herself nor her friends will be able to understand where the money goes. Perhaps for this reason, the Goat (Sheep) often entrusts the management of its finances to loved ones (this could be parents, a spouse, one of the relatives, and even a friend). The Goat (Sheep) is very fond of expensive trinkets and going out. And at the same time, it seems to her that she is able to be content with little. However, it is worth noting that her whims are fulfilled as if by magic, as if by itself, even if her wallet is empty!

Life periods of Goats (Sheep)

The whole life of a Goat (Sheep) largely depends on her luck, on the circle in which she communicates and which has a strong influence on her, in general, on the “quality of the grass in her meadow.”

The second phase of the Goat (Sheep) life will be more successful than the first. In the second phase, the feelings of the Goat (Sheep) will be greatly affected. Of course, if the Goat (Sheep) does not have material problems and has good advisors, then she will have unprecedented success.

The third period of the life of a Goat (Sheep) is most often less successful than the second. With the worst turn of fate, the Goat (Sheep) can even end up living under a bridge.

Stones: agate, white onyx, garnet, emerald, moonstone, sapphire

Plants: anise, honeysuckle, wormwood

Time of day: from 1 to 3 pm

Time of year: summer (July)

When considering the meaning of the Year of the Goat according to the Chinese calendar, one should take into account the fact that in eastern countries this animal is not a cult animal.

Nevertheless, there have been cases in history when a goat was embalmed in some rituals. When wondering what the Year of the Goat means according to the eastern calendar, you must also understand that here the goat is an animal of the poor and is distinguished by its unpretentiousness.

What year of the Goat could it be?

People born in the year of the Goat

When analyzing the influence of a year on a person’s character, it is necessary to make sure that he was born in the year of the reign of the represented animal. The birth years of the Goat are as follows: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003. This sign corresponds to zodiac sign Cancer.

From the characteristics of people born in the year of the Goat, it follows that representatives of the sign have exceptional intuition, endowed with all kinds of talents and a passion for art.

It should be noted that people born in the year of the Goat know well what they expect from communicating with people and can always find an easy way to achieve their own goals.

This is a sign of good-natured and calm people who know how to make a positive impression on the people around them. These qualities are characterized by the influence of the Year of the Goat; What year of birth, like this one, can also endow a person with the ability to help others, but not allow them to abuse their kindness?

Chinese horoscope Goat

Chinese horoscope Goats says that, despite the stubbornness of the representative of the sign, he knows how to care and sacrifice himself for the good of his loved ones.

As a rule, the Goat person has a well-developed imagination and ingenuity. An amulet made from Goat stone: garnet, agate, sapphire or onyx will help this person gain energy, inspiration, and develop their own talents.

If we consider the relationship with a partner, we can say with confidence that these are devoted spouses and caring parents. According to the eastern horoscope of the Goat, a representative of this sign is endowed with an excellent ability to create comfort and a harmonious atmosphere.

Characteristics of the Goat sign

The characteristics of the Year of the Goat indicate that a person born at this time has a certain self-centeredness, elegance and a desire to evoke admiration in the eyes of those around him.

In a union, the Goat zodiac sign needs a partner who will allow show your creativity, improving himself in an area that really interests him.

According to the characteristics of the Goat sign, in communication this person is very cheerful and interesting. Since the Goat strives to be the center of attention, she knows how to attract her interlocutor with her erudition, talents and well-developed sense of humor.

Today, everyone can look at least a little into the future and find out what awaits them in the coming year. That's what horoscopes are for. This article will talk about the fact that the Goat is a symbol of the coming year, 2015. How to properly meet her when she appears on the doorstep, and what should we expect from her reign? All this will be discussed further.

Taking possession

At the very beginning, I would like to say that the chronology according to the European and Eastern calendars is somewhat different. We have accepted New Year celebrate January 1st. However, in the East this happens at different times each time. As for the coming year, the Goat will take over only on February 19, 2015 (this will be the first new moon of Aquarius). Until then, the Blue Horse, its predecessor, will rule. But the stubborn Goat will also extend her stay on the throne until February 9, 2016, this should not be forgotten. And only after this date will the Monkey replace her.

About the years

Everyone probably already knows that the coming year is the year of the Goats. What other years correspond to it? So, it must be said that the horoscope repeats itself every 12 years. That is, after the 12-year cycle, the zodiac circle begins its rotation again in the same order. The goat is number eight in the eastern calendar.

About the colors of the year

It is also necessary to say that each year has its own specific color and is assigned a certain characteristic. The Year of the Goat is no exception. Which years, like 2015, will have the same names? So, it was also 1955 - the year of the Green Wooden Goat. However, astrologers have somewhat adjusted this meaning and say that next year will not be a Green, but a Turquoise Wooden Goat.

A little about the past

The Year of the Wooden Green Goat was exactly 60 years ago (1955). What was special about this year?

  1. Finally, the decree of the Presidium “On ending the state of war between Soviet Union and Germany."
  2. At the end of the first month of this year, a decree was issued to prepare for the launch of the very first Earth satellite.
  3. In the spring of 1955, construction began on the Baikonur cosmodrome.
  4. Also this year, the organization of the first settlement, which is also an observatory, in Antarctica was completed.

If you go back another 60 years, you can find yourself back in 1895, which became famous for the following events:

  1. First radio demonstration.
  2. This year can also be considered the beginning of cinema - the first public screening of the film was carried out for the first time.

What will happen?

I would also like to say a few words about what you can expect in the coming year. So, Nostradamus said that at this time the inhabitants of our planet will begin to harness the energy of the Sun. Vanga said that everyone should be afraid of a big flood. And interpreters of the Phaistos Disc say that earthlings will most likely meet with the inhabitants of the Moon, that is, the first contact with alien civilizations will occur.

A few words about Goats

We found out that the coming year - Goats, which years had the same characteristics - figured it out. It’s worth telling a little about the nature of this sign. eastern horoscope. What can you say about the representatives of this year? These people are stubborn, hot-tempered, unpredictable. In principle, next year will be the same. However, this does not mean that everything is so bad. It’s just that at this time events can happen that no one expected. One thing can be said with confidence: the Turquoise Wooden Goat will bring changes to the life of every inhabitant of our planet that one should not have hoped for.

Goat and planets

Next is the year of the Goat. We examined which years had the same characteristics. However, I would like to talk a little about what exactly will happen next year.

  1. Jupiter will remain in the constellation Leo until mid-August. This will be a favorable time for the family and everything connected with it.
  2. Until September 18, the planet Saturn will continue its movement in the constellation Scorpio. At this time, you need to be extremely attentive to financial matters. Huge problems are possible in this field.
  3. And since Neptune will remain there throughout the coming year, this means that qualitative changes will occur in the field of medicine. Perhaps cures for incurable diseases will be found.

What else is important?

So, the Goat is the symbol of 2015. What else should we definitely talk about? So, at this time two events will happen. These are quite significant and important events for the inhabitants of our planet. This will happen on April 4 and September 28. It is worth remembering that lunar eclipses- this is the end of one cycle and the beginning of the second. Therefore, this time is not very successful for business people, as well as for lovers. There is no need to conclude important agreements at this time. However, it's a good start new life. For example, give up a bad habit. There will also be two solar eclipses next year.

  1. Partial - September 13. At this time (a week or two before the astronomical event), astrologers advise purchasing real estate.
  2. Full - March 20. During this period, sexual energy is activated, so cases of jealousy and related problems are possible.

What to do?

If the Goat is the symbol of 2015, what should people remember who want to survive this time without loss? So, astrologers advise adhering to the following rules in the coming year:

  1. Don't make serious grandiose plans. All the same, they are not destined to come true the way they want. Everything will go according to a completely unpredictable scenario.
  2. It is good to devote time to intellectual developments and scientific discoveries. The Goat will be very supportive of scientists this year.
  3. Well, it’s also very good to give birth to children next year. The wayward Goat will reward them with very valuable gifts: the ability to think outside the box, find a way out of even the most seemingly difficult problems, and will also give them the ability to adapt to various unforeseen situations.

You also need to remember that the Goat brings with it its native element - Fire. Therefore, this year will be quite warm in terms of family. There also should not be any serious epidemics or human health problems on a large scale. After all, the lady of the year greatly favors doctors. Astrologers also advise doing repairs; it will all end quickly and as successfully as possible. However, we must also remember that the Goat will severely punish liars and traitors. Therefore, this time is oh, how unfavorable for politicians. During such periods there are always a lot of different revelations and so-called “bringings to light.”

Where, how and with whom to celebrate the New Year?

It is also necessary to tell where, how and with whom it is best to celebrate the next year. After all, everyone knows a simple but always working saying: how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. So, first about the place. Since the Goat is a pet, it is best to meet it at home. There is no need to go on a tour of guests, and astrologers also do not recommend being in public places - in discos or restaurants. It is best to gather all your dearest and closest guests at home and meet the lady of the year with them. As for the room, for this you need to choose not a cramped kitchen, but the largest room. After all, the Goat loves space, she needs space. In order for the year to be fun and successful, you must first think about the entertainment part of the celebration. A lot of jokes, games and amusements, as well as cheerful and fiery dancing - this is what must be present at the festival.


2015 is the year of the Goat. What should we wear to meet this lady of the year? There are also certain recommendations and advice from astrologers on this topic. It is worth remembering that the Goat is female, so you need to think about your outfit in advance.

  1. Preference should be given to natural fabrics.
  2. It is best to choose an outfit that contains green, blue or turquoise.
  3. A striped outfit would also look great.
  4. There is no need to wear clothes of acidic colors - the Goat will not approve of this.
  5. Sequins, tinsel, feathers - it’s better to hang all this on christmas tree, you shouldn’t decorate yourself like that.
  6. As for accessories, at least one of them must be wooden. This could be a necklace, earrings or bracelet. For men, this could be a wooden cross.

Table decoration

  1. There must be fish on the table.
  2. Fresh vegetables and fruits placed on the table will bring prosperity to the house.
  3. It would be good if the table was decorated with wooden elements. This could be a bread box, a large spoon, etc.
  4. A salt shaker and a saucer with pickled ginger should also be on the table.
  5. So, how can you butter up the Goat? Of course, you need to prepare at least three cabbage dishes.

It is also worth remembering that next year’s lady has a sweet tooth. That's why Special attention you need to devote some time to sweets. There should be sweets (lollipops, of course), ice cream, and whipped cream on the table.

  1. To attract prosperity to your home, your home should smell like freshly baked homemade bread.
  2. If a girl wants to get married, on her table in New Year's Eve there should be a sweet cake in the shape of a ring (i.e. empty in the middle).
  3. Those who dream of wealth should bake a pie with the most complex filling (the secret of its preparation cannot then be told for a whole year).
  4. If the family dreams of expanding, fish pies should be served on the table.

Well, everyone will be pleased with traditional Chinese fortune cookies. However, guests need to formulate their wishes clearly and precisely: the Goat welcomes this.


What else do you need to remember to properly celebrate the Year of the Goat? Souvenirs - that's what else you should take care of! So, in the room where the meeting of the lady of the year will take place, there should be at least a couple of her images. It could be a wall calendar, a clay figurine, or even a photograph. It is also good to hang a picture or drawing of a Goat above front door- this way no evil force will penetrate the house. Well, if there is a lady of the year in the household, she needs to be especially honored. First you need to wash the animal, feed it well, and clean its habitat. Such care for a relative will definitely appeal to the wayward Goat.

About gifts

What does a wall calendar “tell” us? The Year of the Goat is coming. What, then, should you give to your loved ones, relatives and friends? So, gifts can be divided into three categories:

  1. For the mind. Since the Goat favors scientists, gifts can be presented in this way. These can be various scientific instruments: a microscope for a biologist, a scalpel for a physician. If a person is far from the field of science, you can give him a beautiful notebook and pen. Children must be presented with books.
  2. Made of wood. Wooden gifts will also be very popular. It can be anything: interior items, furniture, photo frames, etc.
  3. Cloth. Well, wool products would be an excellent gift in the Year of the Goat. This could be a warm sweater, mittens or scarf. The best thing - self made. After all, the Goat loves work.

Famous people

Celebrities born in the year of the Goat are what I also want to pay attention to.

1. Writers:

  • Miguel Cervantes Saavedra.
  • Mark Twain.
  • John Updike.
  • Alexander Belyaev.

2. Artists:

  • Michelangelo Buonarotti.
  • Vasily Surikov.
  • Andy Warhole.

3. Athletes:

  • Mohammed Ali.
  • Bobby Fischer.
  • Sergey Sukhoruchenkov.

4. Show business stars:

  • Pamela Anderson is an American actress and model.
  • Andrey Urgant is a Russian actor.
  • Jon Anderson is the lead singer of the popular band Yes.
  • Nicole Kidman is an American model and actress.

5. Other famous personalities:

  • King of England George IV.
  • Shah of Iran Reza Pahlavi.
  • Salvador Allende.
  • Military leader Konstantin Rokossovsky.

And this is far from full list everyone famous personalities born in the year of the Goat - it can be continued almost indefinitely.

Simple conclusions

If the year of the Metal Goat were next, there would be more to be wary of. However, the coming 2015 is the year of the Wooden Turquoise Goat. And although she is eccentric and unpredictable, she will not harm anyone (with the exception of people with a negative attitude). More positive, optimistic, fun and joy on New Year's Eve (both according to our calendar and according to the Eastern calendar) - and then everything will be great and cloudless.

Sheep (Goat) is the eighth sign of the 12-year cycle of the Eastern, or Chinese animal calendar. It is associated with the yin energy and the element of fire. The corresponding zodiac sign is Scorpio.

The sheep symbolizes: non-conflict, sociability, kindness, hospitality, romance, tenderness, gentlenesspassivity, impracticality, unpredictable emotionality, suggestibility

Sheep Years Table

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Sheep

The characteristics of the Sheep introduces its positive and negative qualities, reveals the features of building personal relationships and careers. It helps to get to know people born in the year of this animal better.

Character traits

Positive. The Sheep is one of the most peaceful and good-natured signs of the eastern horoscope. She is the ideal life partner. With her kindness and gentleness, the Sheep easily wins the hearts of those around her.

Characteristic positive features:

  • non-conflict: Sheep does not like quarrels; ready to give in and give up her point of view, just so that there is no conflict; she is having a hard time with the already occurring discord in the relationship, she comes to reconcile first, even if she is not to blame;
  • sociability: often becomes the center of the company due to his easy-going, pleasant character, non-conflict nature and excellent sense of humor;
  • kindness: The Sheep cannot stand the tears of others and always strives to help a loved one; often follows the lead of others who take advantage of it;
  • hospitality: ready to gather friends at home for any reason, treat them to something tasty and entertain them with interesting stories;
  • romance: she likes to organize romantic dates and pamper her other half with pleasant little things.

Negative. A quiet and meek character makes the Sheep a good friend and life partner. At the same time, these same qualities make her lack independence and give in to life’s difficulties.

Negative sides:

  • passivity: Sheep does not like to decide problematic issues, therefore, often follows the lead of circumstances; It’s best when there is a person next to her “with a core” who helps her cope with life’s difficulties, consoles her and leads her;
  • impracticality: spends money easily; often waste does not correspond to income, and the Sheep “gets” into debt; often buys beautiful and unnecessary things;
  • unpredictable emotionality: can hide his feelings for a long time; as a result, emotions break out at the most unexpected moment; willful and can, if desired, “show horns”;
  • suggestibility: Sheep often falls under the influence of active religious and political figures; at the same time, she tries to instill the point of view imposed on her into those around her.

Love and relationships

The sheep is the ideal partner. She chooses a strong personality as her companion, whom she loves unconditionally and pleases in everything. She usually meets her soulmate through third parties, for which she has been grateful to them for a long time. She herself never shows attention first and waits to be noticed.

At home, the Sheep creates a cozy and pleasant atmosphere. Does not tolerate conflicts and always tries to resolve unpleasant situations as quickly as possible.

Since childhood, she has been accustomed to patronage. She tries to bring to life the scenario of relationships in her family, which she rarely succeeds. If the Sheep makes a mistake in choosing a partner, and turns out to be nearby weak person, she still stays with him, although she suffers all her life.

Career and profession

The sheep is an excellent performer. She does her job well only under clear guidance. She herself is not able to organize and plan the work process, so she rarely moves up the career ladder.

Its distinctive feature is the establishment of relationships in the team. She is able to defuse the situation, prevent conflicts and sympathize at the right time. This makes her a favorite among her colleagues.