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Classification of enterprises. Based on their form of ownership, enterprises are divided into: Abstract: Forms of ownership and types of enterprises in the Russian Federation The form of ownership of an organization can be

Property is the core of any society. It arose at the dawn of human development, expressed in the appropriation of property personally and collectively.

There can be no talk of society if there is no form of ownership in it. During the transition to market economy Russia has faced a number of objective difficulties. One of the main reasons is the problem of ownership. To do this, it is necessary to differentiate and understand the forms, types and types of property that will be discussed in the article.

The concept of ownership

Property concept is a relationship of distribution and appropriation. They consist in the fact that a person or group of persons (property owner) has the right to dispose of property (property object) for certain purposes.

Subjects there must be at least two. Forms and types of property, from the point of view of law, depend on the subject of ownership.

Property owned by an individual or household is called personal or private property. When it comes to a group of persons, such ownership can be collective, cooperative, joint-stock, public or state. Legislatively, 16 types of property are approved in the Russian Federation.

Properties- this is movable and immovable property, securities, products of labor, money, etc. Conditionally can be classified as follows:

  • Material:
    • inanimate - objects, resources, fossils;
    • living - animals, rarely - people (in a slave system).
  • Intangibles include intellectual property, as well as water, air and outer space.

Classification of forms of ownership

There are 2 types of property: private and collective. Based on these two types, different forms of ownership arise.

IN Russian Federation The following forms of ownership exist:

  • private;
  • public;
  • mixed forms of ownership.

Each of the forms is also classified into small forms, depending on a number of objective reasons.

In a market system, the main type of property is private, which is divided into the following forms.

Single- characterized by the fact that the physical or entity implements the ownership, use and disposal of property. Often they are farms or family businesses, that is, producers of goods.

A single one can be represented in the form of ownership of a specific person who uses hired labor.

Affiliate- this form involves the association in a specific form of property, or the association of capital of a number of individuals or legal entities. The main goal is to conduct general business activities. IN in this case refers to enterprises founded with the help of share contributions from the founders. Share contributions include: land, money, material assets, innovative ideas, etc.

Corporate- is based on the work of capital, which is formed through the sale of shares. Each owner of shares is the owner of the capital of the joint-stock company.

Forms of public ownership

Within the framework of public property, there are: collective, state and national property.

Collective- is formed by distributing it among the employees of the team, workers at a separate enterprise. In other words, it is a closed joint stock company.

State- the property of all members of society. The peculiarity is that the state is engaged in the implementation of relations of appropriation through relations of ownership. In this case, the state is called upon to personify the socio-economic interests of all citizens and segments of the population, including social and professional groups of society.

Nationwide- this type of property presupposes the ownership of the entire public domain simultaneously by everyone and everyone separately. According to Art. 9 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in the Russian Federation both private, state, and municipal and other forms of property are recognized and protected equally.

Mixed form concept

This type of property is characterized by the penetration of some forms and relations of ownership into others and, as a result, the internal content becomes more complicated.

A striking example of this: private structures are created within state enterprises entrepreneurial activity and cooperative nature.

Today, the economy, for the effective operation of various projects, comes to unification different forms property, each of which retains its special content. In this way, combined forms are created. These include joint ventures, holdings, concerns, financial and industrial groups, etc. Everyone has equal rights to manage, distribute profits and dispose of property.

So, according to Art. 35 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizen has the right to have property and dispose of it at his own discretion, both individually and jointly with other persons.

It is worth noting that forms of ownership can change from one to another. This is implemented in the following ways:

  • Nationalization. For example, land, transport or industry (private property) becomes the property of the state;
  • Privatization. There is a transfer of state property into private property. For example, legal entities or individuals acquire various objects, shares of joint stock companies, etc. from the state. Objects of national heritage and cultural values ​​are not subject to privatization;
  • Denationalization. In this case, the state returns the property to the previous owners;
  • Reprivatization. State property is returned to private ownership. It is carried out by purchasing enterprises, land, shares.

The modern economy and its formation have necessitated the transformation of property relations.

According to the legal status (organizational and legal forms) in Russia, the following types of enterprises are distinguished according to Civil Code Russian Federation: 1) business partnerships and companies; 2) production cooperatives; 3) state and municipal unitary enterprises; 4) non-profit organizations (including consumer cooperatives, public and religious organizations/associations, foundations, etc.); 5) individual entrepreneurs.

According to the form of ownership, the property of an enterprise can be private, state, municipal, and also owned by public associations (organizations).

Household partnership can be created in the form of a general partnership and in the form of a limited partnership. A general partnership is considered to be one whose participants, in accordance with an agreement concluded between them, engage in entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership and are liable for its obligations with the property belonging to them. A limited partnership (limited partnership) is a partnership in which, along with the participants who carry out business activities on behalf of the partnership and are liable for the obligations of the partnership with their property, there are one or more participant-investors (command partners) who bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the partnership , within the limits of the amounts of contributions made by them, and do not take part in the partnership’s business activities.

Limited Liability Company A company founded by one or more persons is recognized, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares of sizes determined by the constituent documents. The participants of this company are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, within the limits of their contributions.

Company with additional liability is considered a company founded by one or more persons, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares of sizes determined by the constituent documents. The participants of such a company jointly and severally bear subsidiary liability for its obligations with their property in the same one-time amount for everyone to the value of their contributions, determined by the constituent documents of the company. In the event of bankruptcy of one of the participants, his liability for the obligations of the company is distributed among the remaining participants in proportion to their contributions, unless a different procedure for the distribution of liability is provided for by the constituent documents of the company.

Joint stock company A company is recognized whose authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares. Participants in a joint stock company (shareholders) are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company within the limits of the value of the shares they own. Joint stock companies, in turn, are divided into open ones, whose participants can alienate their shares without the consent of other shareholders, and closed ones, whose shares are distributed only among its founders or other predetermined circle of persons.

Production cooperatives (artels)) is a voluntary association of citizens on the basis of membership for joint production or other economic activity, based on their personal labor and other participation and the pooling of property share contributions by its members (participants).

Unitary enterprise A commercial organization is recognized that is not vested with the right of ownership to the property assigned to it by the owner. The property of a unitary enterprise is indivisible and cannot be distributed among contributions (shares, shares), including among employees of the enterprise. In the form of unitary enterprises, only state and municipal enterprises. The property of a state or municipal enterprise is respectively in state or municipal ownership and belongs to such an enterprise with the right of economic management or operational management.

Non-profit organizations, unlike commercial ones, do not pursue profit as the main goal of their activities and do not distribute the profits received among the participants of the organization.

In economics developed countries large, medium and small enterprises operate simultaneously, and activities based on personal and family labor are also carried out.

Division of labor, cooperation, specialization.

Concentration, centralization and diversification of production.

The division and socialization of labor are expressed directly in production processes in the form of differentiation and concentration of operations for the manufacture of products, and at the level of social production as a whole - in sectoral differentiation and concentration of production.

Concentration is the main form of social organization of production and is the process of concentrating production in all larger enterprises.

Concentration of production has four forms: consolidation of enterprises, specialization, cooperation and combination.

The consolidation of enterprises is the concentration of production in large enterprises, determined by the scientific and technological progress of labor tools (increased productivity of unit capacities of machines, units, apparatus, improvement of control technology, etc.) and the growth of production volumes.

Specialization is the concentration (concentration) of homogeneous production, which is mass or large-scale in type.

Cooperation is direct production ties between enterprises (associations) participating in the joint production of certain products.

Combination is the connection of different industries, representing successive stages of processing raw materials, complex processing of raw materials, or the use of production waste in one enterprise (plant).

Specialization and cooperation of production

specialization, on the one hand, is a consequence of the social division of labor, and on the other, the result of the concentration of homogeneous production. Consequently, specialization is a dialectical unity of two opposing processes: differentiation and concentration.

Specialization of production in industry is carried out in five main forms: subject, detail, technological, auxiliary and intersectoral production.

Subject specialization means the concentration of production of certain types of final consumption products. The subject of such specialization can be a machine tool or automobile plant.

Detailed specialization is the concentration of production of certain parts and assemblies, blanks and semi-finished products. In certain industries it can have specific varieties, for example, in mechanical engineering - detail, aggregate, unit. An example of detailed specialization is a ball bearing plant, an automobile pistons plant, etc.

Transformation of individual phases of production or operations into independent production - technological specialization (or stage), for example, a foundry, centrolites producing blanks for machine-building plants.

It is necessary to distinguish between the specialization of auxiliary production and the specialization of intersectoral production. An example of the specialization of auxiliary production is repair plants (firms), and an example of the specialization of inter-industry production is enterprises producing general machine-building products (crankshafts, gearboxes, gears, etc.).

Opening and closing of enterprises, reorganization and bankruptcy.

State registration of legal entities is an act of the registering authority, carried out by entering into State Register information on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of legal entities, as well as other information about legal entities

Information on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of legal entities is entered into the state register on the basis of documents submitted by the applicant during the state registration of legal entities and making changes to the state register.

The founders (participants) of a legal entity or the body that made the decision to liquidate the legal entity are obliged to: three-day period notify the registration authority at the location of the liquidated legal entity about this in writing, attaching a decision on the liquidation of the legal entity.

Rehabilitation is a system of measures to improve the financial position of enterprises, carried out with the aim of preventing their bankruptcy or increasing competitiveness

Insolvency (bankruptcy) - recognized arbitration court failure of a debtor (citizen or organization) to satisfy in full the claims of creditors for monetary obligations and (or) to fulfill the obligation to pay obligatory state payments. This term has a special legal meaning, since it entails a set of specific legal consequences: an insolvency procedure (competition process), which has as its primary goal the most equal and fair satisfaction of the interests of the creditors of the insolvent debtor. The law provides for the application of insolvency procedures for both legal and individuals.

According to the form of ownership, enterprises are divided into:

· private, which can exist either as completely independent, independent firms, or in the form of associations and their components. Private companies can also include those firms in which the state has a share of capital (but not a predominant one);

· state, which means both purely state (including municipal), where capital and management are completely owned by the state, and mixed, where the state owns the majority of the capital or plays a decisive role in management.

By capacity of production potential enterprises are divided into three groups small, medium and large. The classification is based on the following characteristics: number of personnel, cost volume of production, cost of means of production.

Various standards are used to group enterprises by capacity. In the Russian Federation, small enterprises are distinguished by number: in industry up to 100 people, in agriculture up to 60 people, in retail trade up to 30 people, in other enterprises up to 50 people.

Classification of enterprises by industry, subdividing them into:

§ industrial,

§ agricultural,

§ trading,

§ transport,

§ banking,

§ insurance, etc.

By legal status (organizational and legal forms) in Russia they distinguish, first of all:

§ business partnerships and societies;

§ production cooperatives;

§ state and municipal unitary enterprises;

§ individual entrepreneurs;

§ non-profit enterprises.

According to the production structure of the enterprise are divided into:

· highly specialized (produce a limited range of mass-produced or large-scale products, for example, steel);

multidisciplinary (produce a wide range of products or for various purposes),

· combined (productions in which one type of product or raw material is transformed into another type. For example, raw materials - yarn - fabric),

· diversified.

Based on the dominant factor enterprises are divided into:


· capital-intensive,

· material-intensive,

· knowledge-intensive.

According to ownership of capital and, accordingly, control over the enterprise, the following are distinguished:

· national (an enterprise whose capital belongs to entrepreneurs of their country. Nationality is also determined by the location and registration of the main company.)

· foreign (an enterprise whose capital belongs to foreign entrepreneurs who fully or to a certain extent ensure their control.)

· joint (mixed) ventures. (enterprises whose capital belongs to entrepreneurs from two or more countries.)

This is a spatial form of organization of the production process, which includes the composition and size of the production divisions of the enterprise, the forms of their relationships with each other, the ratio of divisions by power (equipment throughput), number of employees, as well as the location of divisions on the territory of the enterprise.

Production structure of the enterprise reflects the nature of the division of labor between individual departments, as well as their cooperative connections in a single production process for creating products. It has a significant impact on the efficiency and competitiveness of the enterprise. The composition, size of production units, the degree of their proportionality, the rationality of placement on the territory of the enterprise, the stability of production relations affect the rhythm of production and the uniformity of product output, determine production costs and, consequently, the level of net income of the enterprise.

Therefore, an effective production structure of an enterprise must meet the following requirements:

· simplicity of the production structure (sufficient and limited composition of production units);

· absence of duplicate production units;

· ensuring the direct flow of the production process based on the rational placement of units on the plant territory;

· proportionality of the capacity of workshops, sections, equipment throughput;

· stable forms of specialization and cooperation of workshops and sections;

· adaptability, flexibility of the production structure, that is, its ability to quickly restructure the entire organization of production processes in accordance with changing market conditions.

There are two types of production structures:

1. Comprehensive production structure(multistage). With it, the enterprise has all stages of the production process: procurement, processing and production.

2. Specialized(1-2 stage) production structure in which one or two stages are missing. Manufacturing process for the missing stages is provided in the form of cooperative supplies from other enterprises.

Own (from the Old Russian “sobnost” - ownership of a thing or someone as personal property) - belonging of things, material and spiritual values ​​to certain persons, legal right on such affiliation and economic relations between people regarding ownership, division, redistribution of property objects.

Property as the appropriation of material goods by people in the process of their production, exchange, distribution and consumption is unity of legal and economic content. IN real life they are inseparable: the economic content is protected by law, the legal content of property receives an economic form of implementation.

Subjects and objects of property:

Legal content of property is implemented through the totality of powers of its subjects: possession, use, disposal.

Possession -

Use -

Order -

Also within the powers of use, two more contents are distinguished:

Rent - the right to use property without having the right to dispose of it.

Trust (from English trust- confidence) - the right of the owner to transfer the right to manage his property to another person without the right to interfere with his actions.

These rights are closely interrelated and only together constitute the legal content of property.

ownership, management and control.

Methods for terminating and acquiring ownership rights

Forms of ownership

Existing forms of ownership are very diverse.

and many mixed forms, such as collective-private or state-collective

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation recognizes and protects equally private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership.

Own (from Old Russian “sobnost” (belongings, property) - possession of a thing or someone as personal property) - This:

1. In an economic sense, a person’s attitude towards a thing belonging to him as his own. Economic content of property is revealed through its functional characteristics: ownership, management And control. Moreover, the main thing is control over the production and financial activities of the subject of ownership.

2. In a legal (legal) sense - the unity of rights to own, use and dispose of a thing within the limits established by law.

Possession - actual possession of this property, legally secured.

Use - extraction process useful properties from this property and receiving fruits and income.

Order - the ability to change the condition, purpose, ownership of property (sell it, donate it, change it, inherit it, rent it out, pledge it, etc.).

In real life, the economic and legal content of property are inextricably linked: the economic content is protected by law, the legal content of property receives an economic form of implementation.

A modern market economy presupposes the existence of various forms of ownership, including state, collective, group, individual and many mixed forms, such as, for example, collective-private or state-collective etc. A modern market economy is an economy with mixed ownership, both in the sense of the existence of different forms of ownership, and in the sense of the formation of mixed forms.

In accordance with the Constitution, the following forms of ownership are recognized in the Russian Federation.

Forms of ownership in the Russian Federation:

Name of ownership form

Property objects (property)

Property of citizens and legal entities (enterprises, organizations, institutions)

Property of citizens and legal entities (enterprises, organizations, institutions).

Items that satisfy personal needs: residential buildings, apartments, land, dachas, garages, cars, televisions, etc. Cash; stock(from lat. ctio- disposition) - securities issued by a joint-stock company and giving their owner the right to receive a portion of the profit; bonds(from lat. obligatio- obligation) - bearer securities issued by the state or a public institution, for which their owner receives an annual income or participates in the drawing of sums of money during their validity period; other securities. - documents certifying property rights.

Something that can serve to organize production, business activities: buildings, transport, etc.

You cannot have in private ownership property that is withdrawn from circulation, that is, from the list of what can be freely bought or sold: the wealth of the continental shelf (that is, part of the underwater margin of the continents adjacent to the shores of the land) and the marine ecological zone, natural parks, some types of weapons, historical and cultural monuments, state treasury, gold reserves, etc.


Federal property, property of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state entities that make up the Russian Federation (republics, territories, regions, etc.).

Property withdrawn from circulation. Premises where authorities are located (for example, buildings State Duma, Government of the Russian Federation, ministries, courts, etc.).

Many defense enterprises, transport, communications enterprises, industry, oil, coal, gas, etc.

Municipal (from lat. muhicipium- self-governing community)

Property of urban and rural settlements, as well as other municipalities.

Property of local authorities - residential buildings, shops, consumer services, catering, etc.

Other forms


Cooperative, joint-stock property, property of labor collectives, public organizations, etc.

Land, housing stock, buildings, equipment, inventory, cash, securities, other property necessary to support the activities provided for by the organization’s charter.

Private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership are equal.

Methods for terminating and acquiring property rights.

When switching from one type economic system to another, such methods of terminating and acquiring property rights as nationalization And privatization.


1. The following list shows the similarities between shareholder and state forms ownership and the differences between the joint-stock and state forms of ownership. Select and write down first the serial numbers of the similarities (2), and then the serial numbers of the differences (2).

2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of “subject of property”:

  1. labor collective;

    land plot.

3. (1−6). Read the text and complete tasks 1−6.

“Private property is not just property (clothes, house, car), but it is an economic relationship between people. Private property means that a person treats property (means of production, consumer goods, money) as “his own,” that is, he acts as a master, possessor or sovereign manager. A person and his family become interested in increasing their property. Separating themselves from others, private owners strive to obtain more and more vital goods (property) for their possession, use and disposal. But in order to get them, they are forced to produce goods for others, getting in exchange, everything you need for yourself. For example, a private owner of a bakery, wanting to buy a car, must bake and sell so much bread so that the proceeds are enough to buy this car.<…>

Private property psychology is the psychology of economic activity and entrepreneurship. In an effort to achieve personal enrichment, private owners produce more and more goods. Moreover, private property shapes a person as a person free and independent of others. Possessing something of your own, even if it’s very small, is the foundation for the formation of an independent personality.<…>

Private ownership of land, objects and tools, and goods thus contribute to the development of a market economy. It stimulates initiative and independence, revitalizes the economy, and increases interest in more efficient, economical management of the economy.

At the same time, we must understand that private property is not good at everything. What falls into the hands of some becomes inaccessible to others. As a result, it may turn out that, as a result of private property, individuals may lose what others have in abundance.

To avoid this, even in a market economy, the state strives to ensure that some of the benefits remain publicly available to everyone and are in public, state, municipal (local) ownership.”

(Kazakov A.L. Shkolnik about the market economy.

M.: Society “Knowledge”, 1993. pp. 33−34; 35−36.).

1) Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

The following semantic fragments can be distinguished:

1) the essence of private property;

2) features of private property psychology;

3) the influence of private property on society;

4) the role of the state in limiting private property.

It is possible to formulate other points of the plan without distorting the essence of the main idea of ​​the fragment, and to highlight additional semantic blocks.

2) What is private property? Using the text, explain why private property is a condition of a free market.

According to the text, private property is “not just property, but economic relations between people”; this “means that a person treats property as his own, that is, he acts as the owner, possessor or sovereign manager.”

Private property is a condition of the free market, because “by separating themselves from others, private owners strive to obtain more and more of life’s goods for their possession, use and disposal. But in order to get them, they are forced to produce goods for others, receiving in exchange everything they need for themselves.”

The definition and explanation can be given in other formulations that are similar in meaning.

3) How is private property psychology characterized in the text? What, according to the author, is the foundation for the formation of an independent personality?

Other types of private property may be mentioned.

5) Talking about private property in class, the student noted that this property is the basis of the market, stimulates the development of production and the progress of society, therefore there is no point in restraining the strengthening of private property in a modern market economy. Not all students in the class agreed with this opinion. Which of these two points of view is reflected in the text? Provide a piece of text that helps answer the question.

The text reflects the second point of view (the point of view of class students) - in a modern market economy, the manifestation of negative qualities in people due to private property (excessive selfishness, acquisitiveness, purely personal gain, etc.) is restrained by the state due to a number of restrictions that do not allow the possibility of private property harm consumers and public interests.

A fragment of text is given, for example: “... in a market economy, the state strives to ensure that part of the benefits remains publicly available to everyone and is in public, state, municipal (local) ownership.”

6) Do you agree that private property “stimulates initiative and independence, revitalizes the economy, increases interest in more efficient, economical management of the economy,” i.e., the advantages of private property outweigh its disadvantages? Based on the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) in defense of your position.

1) The position of the examinee is expressed: agreement or disagreement with the expressed opinion.

2) Two arguments (explanations) are given, for example:

in case of agreement, it may be stated that:

Private property acts as the material basis for a person’s independence from the state. Individualism presupposes an orientation toward self-realization and cooperation, which means that private property cements society;

Private property can make society rich because it encourages work and stimulates economic entrepreneurship;

in case of disagreement, it may be stated that

Private property creates inequality between people, therefore a society dominated by private property is anti-democratic;

Private property leads to the fact that a person turns from a goal of development into a means of development, since everything is subordinated to making a profit.

Other arguments (explanations) may be given.

One of the defining structural elements of the economic system is socio-economic relations in society. In turn, they are based on the dominant form of ownership. Property relations influence economics, politics, ideology, etc.

In the broadest sense of the word property - a historically determined form of appropriation of material goods by people. With a more thorough analysis of its content, its economic and legal aspects come to the fore. They are closely interconnected and interdependent.

Property as an economic category reflects objectively developing relationships between people regarding their appropriation of the means of production in the course of economic activity, as well as goods, services and income obtained with their help. Property as legal category reflects, in accordance with current legislation, the entire range of real (property) rights of people in a given society. When comparing these two categories, the conclusion is indisputable that legal relations property act as a form of expression, existence and consolidation in legislative and regulations property relations.

Property or real rights can be exclusive, absolute and relative and, accordingly, be expressed in relations of disposal, possession and use.

Disposal is the right of the owner to dispose of the property (land, resources, production).

Possession is the ownership of an object by a specific subject (person, family, production team, etc.), the possibility of direct influence on the object.

Use (use) - the use of a property in accordance with its purpose and at the discretion and desire of the user.

The classification of property involves the identification of two main types:

  • private;
  • public

World practice shows that the defining type of property in a market system is private, which comes in three main forms:

  • single;
  • affiliate;
  • corporate.

Single ownership is characterized by the fact that an individual or legal entity implements all property relations (disposal, possession, use). As a rule, these are simple commodity producers (farms, family businesses). In addition, single property can be represented in the form of ownership of an individual private person who can use hired labor.

Partnership ownership involves the association in one form or another of property and capital of several legal entities or individuals for the purpose of carrying out common business activities. We are talking about enterprises formed on the basis of shares (means of production, land, money, material assets, innovative ideas) of the founders.

Corporate ownership is based on the functioning of capital, which is formed through the free sale of property titles - shares. Each owner of a share is the owner of the capital of the joint stock company.

Within public property It is necessary to distinguish between collective, state and so-called national property.

Collective ownership is formed by distributing it among the employees of the team employed at a certain enterprise (such as a closed joint-stock company).

State property acts as the property of all members of society. However, the implementation of relations of appropriation through relations of ownership is carried out by the state apparatus, which is designed to personify the socio-economic interests of all segments of the population, professional and social groups society.

Public property presupposes that the entire public domain belongs directly (immediately) and simultaneously to everyone and everyone individually.

“In the Russian Federation, private, state, municipal and other forms of property are recognized and protected equally” (Article 8 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

TO other forms of ownership in our country include the following.

Individual property. This form concentrates in one subject all the listed characteristics: labor, management, disposal of income and property. In a modern economy, this may include those who are commonly called unincorporated owners. In Russia, this could be: peasants running their own farms; individual traders (including shuttle traders); private practitioners; lawyers, all those who combine work, management, disposal of income and property.

Cooperative ownership. This form is based on an association of individual owners. In a cooperative, everyone participates with their labor and property, and has equal rights in the management and distribution of income.

Shareholder ownership. It is a group private property that is created by issuing and selling valuable papers- stocks and bonds. The presence of securities is a distinctive feature of the joint-stock form of ownership.

Mixed forms of ownership. In this case, there is a diffusion of different forms and property relations, as a result of which the internal content of individual forms becomes more complicated. For example, private enterprise and cooperative structures can be formed within state enterprises. In the transition economy of Russia, this process has acquired significant proportions.

Combined forms. Modern economics in search effective functioning and the implementation of projects comes to the unification of various forms of ownership while preserving each of them its special content. As a result, combined forms are formed. These may include joint ventures, holdings, financial and industrial groups, concerns, trusts and other forms with equal powers to manage, distribute income and dispose of property.

The right of private property is protected by law. “Everyone has the right to own property, own, use and dispose of it, both individually and jointly with other persons” (Article 35 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).