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What kind of men do Libras love? What kind of girls does a Libra man like? Libra man and Gemini woman

Larisa Tsareva

For many, the zodiac sign Libra is associated with poise and balance. But in fact, people born under this symbol masterfully hold completely opposite qualities in their two cups. Demons and angels coexist harmoniously in them, which makes a person especially attractive and multifaceted. Libra men do not go unnoticed in society. Even without doing anything, they attract attention with their internal magnetism.

Character traits, description of the personality of a Libra man

Outwardly, Libra men look confident, they are sociable, intelligent, and have good manners. They are neat, clean and always think through their image to the smallest detail.

Internally, the Libra man is often confused and doubtful.

But their inner bowls are rarely on the same line. The sign is constantly in confusion, and in situations where a serious decision needs to be made quickly, it experiences terrible uncertainty in the choice. Trying to hide his inner turmoil, the Libra man likes to express himself in clever words, give advice even where they are not asked, and demonstrate his intelligence in every possible way. And Libra’s mind, by the way, is not poorly developed. They are inquisitive, erudite, and well-read. The psychology of their personality is such that they question everything that comes into their lives.

Libras react very painfully to condemnation from loved ones, but they themselves often condemn others

Positive aspects of the character of Libra men:

  • prudence, penchant for analysis;
  • hard work, striving for goals;
  • positivity (although sometimes these people fall into melancholy and despondency);
  • the ability to listen to others (good in cases where people’s advice is truly wise and useful);
  • kindness, mercy;
  • sense of justice;
  • restraint;
  • responsibility.

Character Flaws:

  • a penchant for drama;
  • mood swings depending on external circumstances;
  • pride, inflated ego;
  • the habit of criticizing everything (including yourself);
  • dependence on other people's opinions.

It is worth understanding that this is only an objective description of the nature of the sign of the eastern horoscope.

Libra man at work

It can be difficult for a person born under the sign of Libra to satisfy his ambitions. Such people know how to set goals for themselves, are not afraid to dream and want more, but they often lack firmness, rigidity of character, and confidence. As soon as someone doubts their talent and tells them about it, they immediately fall into a depressed state.

Libras love to communicate and have the power of persuasion.

Libras are excellent speakers. They love to communicate and have the power of persuasion. Their careers work best in areas related to direct interaction with people. These are talented sellers, successful lawyers, managers, coaches. Many find themselves in teaching and public speaking.

A Libra man makes a good boss, a leader, but on the condition that he has a wiser mentor and patron. It is doubts that sometimes prevent these people from achieving heights.

The material side is important for the pragmatic and intellectual Libra; they can not only Earn Money, but also to preserve and increase them. People don’t always decide to open their own business, but if they do, they develop quite successfully.

Libras are perfectionists and always try to get things done.

What type of woman does a Libra guy like in terms of appearance and character?

A man belonging to the sign Libra doesn't like to be alone. The beginning of a relationship for him does not at all imply serious intentions. He simply loves to be in the company of beautiful ladies and can have affairs with several people at once.

In relationships with women, the guy is quite relaxed. He knows how to give compliments, knows how to present himself and arouse interest. Often looks at the opposite sex only as sexual objects. But having found a response, he never promises his partner more than he is ready to give.

The beginning of a relationship may not always mean the serious intentions of a Libra man

What kind of girls looks does a Libra man like:

The most passionate and reverent response in his soul is caused by ladies who combine a slender figure, excellent manners and high mental abilities. Although the Libra guy is still a visual person, he falls in love not just with beautiful women, But very intelligent. It is unlikely that such a man will choose a girl who is overweight, unkempt, tastelessly dressed, and swearing. Whether she's blonde or brunette doesn't matter. The main thing is to be as feminine and sophisticated as possible, to radiate inner charm, sexuality, and sensuality.

In love, a man manifests himself as a romantic. Experiencing real feelings, he becomes sentimental and vulnerable. He needs a woman who will appreciate him inner world and will give his own. When faced with commercialism from a girl, Libra immediately closes down and breaks off the relationship.

The Libra guy falls in love not just with beautiful women, but also with smart ones

The zodiac sign is in no hurry to get married. Family life for him it is a serious and responsible matter. You can't stand her with just anyone. Therefore, he can choose a life partner for a long time, having gone through many passions and having experienced a significant number of novels and loves.

Libras don't like it when people delve into their past.

Compatibility of Libra men with other zodiac signs according to the Western horoscope:

Zodiac signsCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityCompatibility
in friendship
Capricorn AverageAverageHigh
Aquarius HighHighHigh
Fish AverageLowAverage
Aries HighAverageAverage
Taurus AverageAverageHigh
Twins HighHighHigh
Cancer AverageLowAverage
a lion HighHighHigh
Virgo LowLowAverage
Scorpion AverageAverageLow
Sagittarius HighHighHigh
Scales AverageAverageHigh

The ideal girl for Libra guys is Gemini. The sign also has a successful relationship with the Leo lady and Sagittarius. A good alliance is obtained with Aquarius, but in it the signs will often clash with their egos. The most difficult relationships men line up with Virgo and Pisces women.

It is impossible to answer with certain accuracy and confidence who is suitable for Libra and who is not. After all, each person is endowed with a unique set of traits, and the world is full of examples when ideal unions happen between signs for which all horoscopes predicted failure.

The ideal girl for Libra guys is Gemini

Sex with a Libra man

The Libra guy is a very attentive, gentle and tactful lover. He willingly gives a woman pleasure, without forgetting about yourself. A closed, constrained partner can confuse him, and he will be painfully worried that he could not get into full contact with the woman. He will never remain in debt if the girl sincerely tries to please him. This person will not use his partner as an object to satisfy his lust. Even if this sex is for one night, he will try to give the lady pleasure.

A man loves to show his feelings in bed. When he is in love, he tries to unite through sex with his beloved not only in body, but also in soul. He does not recognize vulgarity, rudeness, and vulgarity in the bedroom. I am ready to experiment and discover something new in bodily pleasures only with a woman whom he completely trusts. Without feeling strong affection and love for the girl with whom he is in a relationship, he may have mistresses. Changing partners and sexual relationships, the Libra man is still looking for the one with whom he will receive complete moral, mental and physical satisfaction.

Libra men do not forgive betrayal and betrayal

The Libra man loves to show his feelings in bed and connect not only with bodies, but also with souls

How a woman can win a Libra man

Due to his contradictory, critical nature, making a man born under the sign of Libra fall in love with you is not so easy. He cannot stand platitudes, intrusiveness, or outright “hanging around his neck.” A woman who is ready to please him in everything and literally “creeps” in front of him, will never find a response in his soul.

The Libra guy always pays attention to ladies demonstrating their dignity. He may like women who know how to maintain mystery and inaccessibility. Then the hunter awakens in him, who will try with all his might to conquer his prey.

Well-groomed, well-built figure, high level intelligence, competent speech in ladies attracts him like a magnet. A woman who does not value herself and does not want to develop as a person has no chance of attracting... Serious relationships Libra man.

Playfulness, subtle flirting, a mysterious smile, self-confidence - this is what the zodiac sign “pecks” at. Essentially, to please him, a woman needs just be yourself, and not pretend to be an unapproachable princess or a slave, ready for anything. He values ​​naturalness and sincerity.

Playfulness, subtle flirting, a mysterious smile, self-confidence - this is what the Libra man falls for

The Libra guy is jealous. If he even jokingly shows jealousy towards a lady, it means he definitely has feelings. A loving, interested man will not wait to be conquered. He starts himself show attention and show reciprocity.

When a Libra man is married, it is extremely difficult to win him over. He prepares for marriage for a long time, and if he marries, it will be to a woman he loves and fully meets his expectations. He will not fall for an affair, risking family happiness and well-being.

There is no point in trying to manipulate Libra, they are more insightful than they seem

Signs that a Libra guy is in love

The behavior of a man in love changes radically. This is a rather emotional sign, and he will not be able to hold everything in for too long. Even if the guy is not yet sure whether his feelings are mutual, he will probably take action.

So, how to understand that he is in love:

  • A man in the presence of the object of his adoration becomes very courteous, cultured, demonstrating gentlemanly qualities to the maximum.
  • He never misses an opportunity to flirt.
  • The romantic in him awakens, and he begins to give gifts to the lady, pleasant surprises, maybe even dedicate poetry to her.
  • Wanting to enter into a relationship, he will definitely invite the woman on a date.
  • When a girl they like flirts with other guys and communicates with them, jealousy flares up in Libra, which they do not know how to hide well.

Libra men have a tendency to woo girls

The Libra man actively shows his love. He believes that it is better to try and be rejected than to remain in doubt without ever trying. The way such a guy cares is the dream of many girls. When he truly loves, care, attention, courtesy, and tenderness simply pour out of him in an endless stream. Not only his behavior changes, but also his appearance: more grooming, perfume, elegance. A man will show a lot positive qualities when he is infatuated with a woman. But he confesses his love only when he is sure of reciprocity.

How to Deal with a Libra Man

It’s easier to say how you shouldn’t behave with such a person. A man born under the sign of Libra cannot tolerate commercialism, hypocrisy, and lies. Although, by the way, he himself is quite capable of lying in forced situations. In order not to lose his interest, respect, trust, love, a woman should always take his opinion into account. And if a disagreement occurs, discuss it diplomatically, and not act contrary or on the sly, but in your own way.

The girl who can surprise him will be the one who can talk constructively and find compromises in any conflicts or quarrels, and not throw tantrums with insults and playing the silent game. If such a man himself is offended, then you need to give him time to cool down. He is quite capable of realizing that he was wrong and apologizing. But he expects the same from his partner. Therefore, when he is offended, you should bring him out for a conversation and dot the i’s.

Libra men have to make compromises and expect the same from their companions

Libra men don't like superiority, especially when it manifests itself on the part of a woman. He often advocates equality in relationships, but he will certainly like it if his chosen one praises him, shows her admiration for him and talks about love more often. Support is a very important criterion for him in a relationship.

You always need to behave with this zodiac sign decent, open, honest, without belittling or overstating the importance of your personality. He will appreciate wisdom and the ability to calmly discuss problems, but hysteria, nervousness and aggression will push him away.

You should never humiliate a man of this sign, especially in society, he will not forgive it

How to get a Libra man back after a breakup?

Is it possible to somehow keep your lover if after a quarrel he does not call, ignores messages, avoids meeting?

Fortunately, and perhaps sadly, breaking off a relationship with Libra does not always mean its final end. Inside these people there's always a fight going on, giving rise to doubts and sometimes dividing them into two camps: the mind is looking for reasons, reasons and justifications, and the soul just wants to love and rejoice.

Libras are touchy, and even a petty quarrel can provoke their departure. If the fault really lies with the girl, but she refuses to admit it, the man will not always be the first to approach. To know how to get a person back, you need to objectively assess the situation. If you are wrong, apologize sincerely. If he is wrong, show him that he is dear and worthy of forgiveness.

Libra men may disappear for a long time, but they will definitely return if they love you deeply

But when such a person tells a woman that there are no more feelings, then it’s worth accepting his decision. Trying to keep a Libra guy who has cooled off in his love is useless.

What can you give a Libra man to please and please?

A Libra man is a multifaceted personality. He is equally happy with gifts that emphasize his status, for example, expensive watch, shirt, and a good tool or useful equipment for the house. Sometimes such people lack drive in life. They will be delighted with the invitation to play paintball; they will willingly agree to fly in a wind tunnel or shoot at a shooting range.

An expensive watch would be a good gift for Libra.

If a person has a hobby, then he will fully appreciate gifts that are useful in his hobby. Men often gravitate towards electronics and all kinds of gadgets, so a gift from this area will also be very pleasant for them. Largely Libras are intellectuals. A valuable book will be a great gift for them.

What they will not be happy about at all is banal and useless things, as well as outright cheap fakes

You shouldn’t give them perfume without knowing exactly the person’s tastes, as well as personal hygiene items, which they are also very selective about.

If you want to build a relationship with a Libra man, you should understand that he constantly weighs everything within himself, and his scales rarely line up. He will be next to the woman who can maximally level out all the contradictions in him and make him feel harmony, unity, and calm.

February 11, 2018, 00:11

Many choose life partners based on their horoscope, and this is not in vain, because the characteristics are very similar and help to somehow learn about character and temperament. Having studied this information You can find out how a man can win the heart of a Libra woman.

Before you decide to have a relationship with Libra women, you need to think about whether it’s worth it? Libras have the most unpredictable natures, and they are very difficult to please in everything. Sometimes they themselves do not understand what they want. If men want to win the heart of a Libra woman, then know that she chose you herself and did everything possible to start communication.

What kind of partners do Libra women prefer? To be beautiful appearance, stylish, courageous and respectable. It is very important for them that the man emanates an aromatic scent of perfume that Libra would like. IN otherwise, they will not pay attention and will bypass you, no matter what you are.

Libra women pay attention to their partner's social position; it is important for her that he stands confidently on his feet. They value stability. Since childhood, these zodiac signs are surrounded by all the most beautiful things, and they love to receive luxurious gifts and enjoy not the gift itself, but the fact that a lot of money was spent on it.

You need to take them out on a date to unusual places so that they feel natural and at ease. Libra women prefer strong, confident and cheerful men, so that they can have a pleasant time with him, and they really value a sense of humor. This sign cares about its own interests, so you need to admire her and give a huge number of compliments, and then the scales will fall on your bait.

How to win the heart of an unapproachable woman:

  1. It is necessary to dress respectably and chicly, choose a pleasant smell of eau de toilette.
  2. Be courageous and responsible, ready to protect your chosen one.
  3. Don't skimp on compliments and admire the Libra woman.
  4. Give gifts, show attention.
  5. Never lie, they will not forgive this, but will harbor a grudge. In any appropriate case, they will remind you of this.
  6. Support her interests.
  7. Never offend her, they are vengeful natures.

If you want to win a heart married woman, then you should show assertiveness and patience. Give her luxurious gifts and constant attention, but do not overdo it so as not to discourage her from communicating with you. You can win the heart of a Libra if you are always close to her, if you can interest her, then victory is guaranteed for you.

However, representatives of this sign value family and rarely agree to a short romance without a reason. Libra can forgive a partner's flirting, but not the betrayal itself. If they decide to leave their partner, they will definitely do it, and nothing can stop them. They will make a good mother for their children, caring and loving, she will never hurt them, but will caress and protect them. Marriage for the sake of children will also not be tolerated.

How to win a Libra woman and her heart, it is important to show signs of attention when her heart is free and she is tired of her fans. A man who decides to conquer her must have high intelligence, be able to communicate, interest her, and continue communication on various topics at any time.

The partner must be a leader in life, confident and strong, with an active sexual temperament. If you have these qualities, consider that you will defeat her. Remember, a woman of this sign has been surrounded by fans since childhood, appreciates wonderful and beautiful relationships, and has all-round hobbies. Financial status is very important to her and she believes that money should be spent on herself.

Libra women like to feel like princesses and love chic outfits and jewelry. To win over a Libra woman, you need to work hard; they won’t agree to a relationship just like that. Libras perceive their partner as a secondary addition to them. Therefore, a man must have the qualities that a Libra woman values ​​and respects.

The Libra woman will never forgive empty promises; it is important for her that all her wishes come true, and she will do this at any cost. Therefore, do not promise her the impossible, it is better to tell the truth and gradually achieve your goals. Believe me, she will appreciate and support it.

Libras make wonderful housewives and caring mothers, as well as loving wives. A marriage with her will be strong and stable. Libra is able to support at any moment and lend their shoulder, they will use valid methods and provide real help.

Libras are not only always sociable, sociable, have high intelligence, it is easy to maintain a wide-ranging conversation with them, but they are also the most attractive in appearance. If you follow the above recommendations and advice, then winning a Libra woman and her heart will not be difficult.

In this video you will see How to find out whether a man loves you or not?

The Libra man spends his entire life looking for a balance between internal and external. Hence his uncertainty about what he really wants, and whether he wants what he already has. A subtle and vulnerable soul, in synthesis with the search for beauty and harmony, often leads him to same-sex love.

Among the representatives of this sign there are many obvious and latent (hidden) homosexuals. Moreover, for Libra this is not a perversion, but an understanding of the beauty of the male body as the crown of nature, as a standard that a woman can never achieve.

For the sake of fairness, it must be said that Libra can admire members of their own sex all their lives, but since they are too strongly influenced by public opinion, they will pretend that everything is fine with their orientation. They will get married, have children, and be wonderful parents. And no one may ever know that they are doing this not at the call of their souls, but because it is necessary.

What kind of woman does a Libra man need?

What kind of woman does a Libra man need?

If the body and soul of a Libra man are in complete harmony, he will look for that woman who would completely share his views on life and would meet his aesthetic needs. He is looking not only for a lover, but also for a partner, a like-minded person, a friend, which, as a rule, he lacks.

A man born under the sign of Libra likes women who know how to make decisions and take responsibility for two people. He often doubts own strength, because of which those around him fail to discern his natural wisdom and ability to give practical advice. If a girl doesn't have the courage to start a relationship, it may never begin. Thanks to his visual attractiveness, a man has many female acquaintances, so he usually has no shortage of fans.

Analyzing the characteristics of Libra guys, you can notice the duality inherent in everything. A young man from an early age shows wisdom, calmness and prudence, but he can unexpectedly do something stupid in the heat of the moment.

Undoubted advantages

Among the advantages of the sign are:

  • determination - a man achieves his goals;
  • ability to analyze - representatives of the zodiac sign think about how rational it is before making a decision;
  • justice - thanks to the penchant for analysis, Libra determines who is wrong and who is right;
  • restraint - young people do not speak categorically, do not use harsh or abusive expressions;
  • responsibility, punctuality - the guy understands the value of resources, so he will not waste the time or energy of others.

Libra men are gallant gentlemen who love and know how to give compliments. They know the heart of any woman, but they do not like all representatives of the fair sex. To please Libra, you need to be brave and confident, behave correctly in society, dress with taste and understand the inner world of your man.

What qualities should a girl have to please a Libra man?

Men of this sign like women with a rich inner world and impeccable appearance. They pay attention to clothes, figure and shoes, and will never approach a girl who is vulgarly dressed. To please a Libra man, you need to remove low-cut clothes and miniskirts from your wardrobe. Makeup should emphasize natural beauty and not be conspicuous.

Scales great importance give the girl's behavior. Men are gallant, sociable and will be able to find mutual language with any person, they want to see these qualities in their own. They will never choose as a life partner a girl who uses obscene words in her speech and behaves cheekily and scandalously.

The Libra man is not always decisive and confident; he may not confess his feelings to his beloved for a long time, and hesitate to propose marriage. That is why he is subconsciously looking for a strong woman who will be a reliable wife, partner and friend. Libras like girls who are confident but not scandalous.

Libra's lovers must be able to do everything: take care of themselves, constantly improve, be a good housewife, lover and support. But the most important thing that a man of this sign values ​​in his life partner is the ability to understand his inner world.

How should you not behave around a Libra man?

If you decide to win the heart of a Libra man, then under no circumstances command him or persuade him to make decisions. You can’t make a scandal and swear in front of strangers, you need to be restrained and calm. In order not to scare off a man of this sign, do not ignore his feelings, do not laugh at him or make fun of him. He definitely won’t appreciate such humor.

If a Libra man has found his the ideal woman, he will shower her with gifts and compliments, surround her with attention and care. But the chosen one should know that in a relationship with Libra she will have to take the first steps. If she does not take any action, then a marriage proposal is unlikely to happen. All initiatives must be competent and tolerant.