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What strengths should you include on your resume? Find out what you can do well Summary of what you can do better than others

A good resume is like an advertisement: after reading it, the “buyer” should immediately want to “purchase the product.” Of course, there are many sites, recommendations and instructions for creating a resume for: full name, contact details, work experience, personal data, etc. Of course, you can type on the Internet: how to write a resume sample, but there are also several “tricks” that will make your resume attractive and set you apart from other applicants for the position.

1. Avoid cliches
“Responsible, sociable, easy to train...” This is what applicants most often write in the “personal qualities” section. The use of standard wording is the first sign of a lack of initiative and interest in work. This does not mean that you should write “irresponsible and afraid of people” on your resume. Your task is to evoke a positive emotional reaction and a desire to invite you for an interview. Try to say something important about yourself in your own words: “solving complex problems gives me pleasure, I find it easy mutual language with people regardless of rank and gender, I can quickly navigate new conditions” - the options can be very different.

2. Don't be shy
Don't be afraid to write about your achievements. First of all, ask yourself three key questions:
- “Why should I get this job?”
- “What can I do better than others?”
- “What are my professional and life achievements?”

Believe me, by answering these questions, you will find something to fill the most readable area in your resume. Write down what competitions you took part in, where you won, what projects you launched from scratch, what difficulties you overcame, where you studied and improved your skills. Don’t forget to bring certificates, certificates and diplomas with you to the interview - they can greatly influence the level of your future career. wages and the employer's attitude towards you.

3. Jokes aside
“Knowledge of logistics is at the level of intuition” or “Marital situation is hopeless” - some applicants manage to write this in their resume. This, of course, is funny, but it only works as a plus when joining a KVN team, but in an ordinary enterprise such wit can work as a minus. You don’t know whether the personnel officer reading your resume has a sense of humor. What if he is like this?

Don't repeat other people's mistakes! Remember that a resume is a business document. Find that golden mean that will allow you to avoid irony, humor and sarcasm, but set you apart from other applicants.

4. Even a resume is greeted by its clothes
Make your resume easy to read – it’s essentially the same packaging for a product. It can attract attention, repel or go unnoticed altogether. Competent and pleasing to the eye design is like hidden advertising: it will show your non-standard approach to business, your accuracy, and ability to pay attention to detail. As technology advances, employers view resumes on mobile devices. A properly selected resume format is a guarantee that it will definitely be read.

5. To create a great resume for employment, you need to know a few things and be able to do a few things.
No matter how strange this point may sound, it has its place. Many applicants create a meager resume not because they don’t know how to do it, but because they simply have nothing to write (no work experience, no significant victories, and, as a result, no response from employers either). Attend seminars, educational courses, master classes, teach foreign languages, “make friends” with computer equipment – ​​and you will ensure success in finding a job.

Ekaterina Puchkelo

While people are busy compiling a hundred facts about themselves, I decided to compile 100 things that I can do. This increases the value in your eyes, increases confidence and gives you a reason to think about what is missing and what else you could master...

Don’t laugh at my abilities, to some they may seem simple and funny, but I believe that you need to be able to do even simple things and have talent! And most importantly, love it in yourself!

This list even enlightened me: it turns out I can do so many things! Amazing!

For some reason my numbers are floating... if you add 1+1 it will be 100)))))

1. I can ski!

2. I know how to play chess, and even often win!

3. I can compose music, provided that there is some kind of instrument nearby... somehow, out of boredom, I even composed music on my old phone... it turned out not bad...

4. I can play a melody on an accordion without notes. In my distant childhood, I loved to type out melodies like Moscow Evenings, besides, I have no musical education... I can imagine what a genius is dying in me!

5. I can cook awesome pasta, or in our language pasta, from almost nothing!..

6. I can clean the house if I want, i.e. until it shines (this is when you move the sofa aside and wipe off the dust in every inch of the house...) This is still an ability, it seems to me!)))

7. I can rearrange the furniture in the house without the help of men! I’m a rocker!

8. I can plow a field in the heat all day and then bring half a bag of potatoes on my hump, walking 3 km. Well, the strength is in me!

9. I can weed half a hectare of garden.

10. I can cook delicious salad in Korean.

11. I can skate!

1. I can play football!

2. I can play dodgeball and you can kick the hell out of me!

3. I am the champion in our village in playing badminton! And the first who taught the yard kids the basics of badminton!

4. I can touch type!

5. I can communicate on everyday topics in Spanish!

6. I can communicate in Tatar!

7. I know how to massage.

8. I can cut hair!

9. I can communicate on Skype from 6 pm to 6 am without a break, occasionally going to the toilet.

10. I know how to give compliments!

11. I know how to help!

12. I can communicate in French!

13. I can clean the feathers of a chicken, rooster or goose and take out all the intestines and poop!

14. I know how to remove pain from my back and from my body in general!

15. I can communicate in English!

16. I know how to laugh and find positivity!

17. I know how to admire!

18. I know how to support in difficult times!

19. I know how to defend myself and punch you in the face if necessary!

20. I can drive a car!

21. I can drive a motorcycle!

22. I know how to milk a cow!

23. I can bring home a stubborn cow that doesn’t even want to move.

24. I know how to be a shepherd!

25. I can be a good secretary!

26. I can use the 1C and Garant programs.

27. I can find any answer and cope with any task, that is, I need suppliers, I will find them, I need staff, I will get it... I need connections - this is also mine, in general, I am a great problem solver!

28. I can pick berries at 40 degrees. heat.

29. I know how not to burn in the sun!

30. I know how to get my body in order, if I need to lose weight, I will do it!

31. I know how to win hearts, no matter who, young and old, women and men (provided that I want it).

32. I know how to start a relationship, develop it and end it if necessary.

33. I know how not to give up, to always go towards my goal, even whining, complaining and cursing everything in the world..

34. I can joke.

35. I know how to make repairs, paint walls, cover with plaster.

36. I can sew.

37. I know how to make souvenirs with my own hands.

38. I can see the difference, which is important...for me, for example, the phrase “all men are goats” is not true. Still, man is different from man! And so it is in everything.

39. I know how to cheer myself up and pull myself out of the most terrible, dark, hopeless swamp.

40. I can invent games for children.

41. I know how to organize parties.

42. I can organize a company and start a business.

43. I can draw up any official documents in Russian and English languages, soon I hope to add French, Spanish and Arabic...

44. I know how to choose friends and support them.

45. I know how to find the people I need, even if all contacts are lost.

46. ​​I can run and dance lambada.

47. I know how to do physical exercise.

48. I know how to cut hay.

49. I know how to shear sheep.

50. I can clear a whole barn of manure! Are you weak?))))

51. I can translate any text, even if I don’t know the language.

52. I can change the design of the apartment myself.

53. I know how to love, appreciate and care for people.

54. I know how to love and care for animals.

55. I can achieve goals.

56. I can pass exams.

57. I know how to select clothes, taking into account the style, color, material and place where these clothes will be worn.

58. I can learn languages ​​from scratch alone at home.

59. I know how to write and forge handwriting, there is such a sin... I also forged signatures like that. Shame!

60. I know how to destroy relationships and then revive them again!

61. I know how to make beautiful bouquets.

62. I know how to make gifts with my own hands.

63. I can swim.

64. I know how to attract attention.

65. I know how to make people happy.

66. I can give valuable advice.

67. I can ride a horse.

68. I can catch a good photo.

69. I can find funny, beautiful pictures.

70. I can write poetry (if I have inspiration).

71. I can draw (provided I practice).

72. I know how to make the right gifts.

73. I can make delicious cakes.

74. I know how to cleanse my body using the Buddhist method.

75. I know how to achieve my goals with the help of thoughts, and the idea that thought is material in my life is 100% present!

76. I know how to contribute to society. If you need to collect money for the poor, remove garbage, etc. I'm happy to participate.

77. I can prepare 10 types of vegetable juices.

78. I can walk 10 km.

79. I can swim in an ice hole.

80. I can steal something and then return it and repent.

81. I can offend a person, and then apologize and do everything to ensure that our relationship continues.

82. I can borrow money if someone really needs it (but it depends on the reason for what the money is for).

83. I can give up a comfortable, prosperous life in an 8-room penthouse in big city, exchanging it for life with a loved one in some village, and all just for the sake of love.

84. I am not afraid to be alone in the name of following my principles, desires and goals.

85. I can start working in a completely unfamiliar area and learn on my own what is what.

86. I can enjoy life.

87. I can move and breathe.

88. I can write, formulate my thoughts and honestly express my position.

89. I know how to play the fool and not do a damn thing!)))

The list can go on, but I think that’s enough))) If there are repetitions, please correct them!

Wednesday at 04:40 PM

Thanks to the free help of forum members, we have finally opened. The pub was named Altbier, thank you all so much for participating in this project. and for our part, we decided to provide the forum members who visited our PUB with a compliment from the establishment. And also receive your feedback, feedback, criticism about our establishment. It is very important for us)))
P.S. in order to receive a compliment you just need to say that you are from a dispute) Thanks everyone)

Good morning everyone)
So, we open our amnesty.

We deduct all points. Those who are in the bathhouse before the end of the amnesty period do not have the right to demand withdrawal after.

Those who were subject to amnesty, but again received a point, do not have the right to apply for amnesty again

I will not erase the score history. Look at the physical presence of points

I’ll make a reservation right away: those who start writing, they say, aren’t you ashamed to ask for points to be withdrawn, a day in the bathhouse is guaranteed.

With coming!)

Hörmətli Forum iştirakçıları!
Bakıda Avro-2020 həyəcanı başlayır!
Bu yay Bakı Olimpiya Stadionu Avropa çempionatının 4 oyununa ev sahibliyi edəcək!
Möhtəşəm oyunların azarkeşi olmağa, futbol ulduzlarını meydanda canlı izləməyə nə deyirsiniz?
4 December – 18 December tarixləri arasında keçidinə daxil olun,
Qeydiyyat formasını doldurun və oyunlara bilet əldə edin!
Biletlərin qiymətləri:
Kateqoriya 1: 125 avro
Kateqoriya 2: 75 avro
Kateqoriya 3: 30 avro
Oyunların tarixləri:
Uels-İsveçrə (13 June)
Türkiyə-Uels (17 June)
İsveçrə - Türkiyə (21 June)
¼ Final oyunu (4 July)
Əlavə məlumat:
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Dear forum participants!
The atmosphere of Euro 2020 begins in Baku!
This summer four European Championships will be held at the Baku Olympic Stadium!
What do you say to being a fan of spectacular games to see football stars live on the field?
You can register between December 4 - December 18 at
Fill out the registration form and get a ticket to the games!
Ticket prices:
Category 1: 125 euros
Category 2: 75 euros
Category 3: 30 euros
Game dates:
Wales-Switzerland (13 June)
Türkiye-Wales (17 June)
Switzerland - Türkiye (21 June)
¼ Final match (4 July)
Additional Information:
Phone number: +994124048354
[email protected]

Friends, it would be rude not to notice the work of our administrative staff. Therefore, we will also choose the Best and also give a personal title and 150 manat as a gift:)
As always, you can vote for 1 moderator. Everyone can vote (no post limit). Believe me, the moderators will not cheat their votes.

There are three things that are extremely difficult to do: break steel, crush diamond and know yourself.

Benjamin Franklin, politician, scientist and inventor

Ask yourself these 20 questions

Unfortunately, there is no single path to self-awareness. Every person is unique. And the only one who can help you know yourself is yourself.

Some say that for this you just need to live, and wisdom will come by itself. What if it takes 60 years? You can wait, but then you will have .

To speed up this process, start by answering the following questions honestly. You can do this in any order. Don't think about the answer for too long. The correct one will be the one that first appears in thoughts.

  1. What can I do well?
  2. What am I doing quite well?
  3. What am I doing wrong?
  4. What am I tired of?
  5. What is the most important thing in life for me?
  6. Who are the most important people in my life?
  7. How many hours of sleep do I need per night?
  8. What makes me nervous?
  9. What calms me down?
  10. What is success in my understanding of the word?
  11. What type of worker am I?
  12. How do I want to appear in the eyes of others?
  13. What makes me sad?
  14. What makes me happy?
  15. What makes me angry?
  16. What kind of person do I want to be?
  17. What kind of friend do I want to be?
  18. What do I think of myself?
  19. What do I value in life?
  20. What am I afraid of?

Please note that everyone interprets these questions differently. This means that there are no right or wrong answers.

Analyze the answers

Answering these questions honestly will help you reconsider and improve your life. The process itself is important here. By answering questions clearly, you develop your thinking.

Aristotle used the word “logos” - concepts that contain the unbiased logical arguments of the speaker.

Learn to express your feelings and emotions in words. Your answers should be sincere so that you understand your strengths and weaknesses. Don't try to hide anything from yourself or make yourself look good.

Pay attention to what qualities you would like to change, what is stopping you in life. Do what you know how to do and what brings you happiness. Avoid what you do badly and what makes you unhappy.

Just don't go too far. Remember that there are wonderful moments in life and difficult situations. If you have, you should not immediately break off the relationship. Simply recognize the cause of these difficulties, such as selfishness, lies or misunderstandings, and try to eliminate them.

  • Study the works of philosophers.
  • Take a neutral position in conversations. Don't try to always be right. Look at the problem from different points of view.
  • Write down your thoughts. Always ask yourself why something happened.
  • Speak. Communication is very important. Talk to relatives, friends, colleagues. By expressing your feelings, you will learn about yourself, especially if you are asked questions that make you think.

This method can be the start of your journey to self-awareness.

Good health, dear friend!

The answer to the question is What strengths to indicate in your resume can be presented in the form of sequential steps, which we will discuss in today’s article.


I don't think I'll surprise you too much if I say: In order to choose strengths for your resume, it's important to create a list of them. Reasonable, isn't it?)

I would suggest digging into three areas:

  1. Professional skills
  2. Achievements
  3. Personal qualities and habits

Take a pen, a piece of paper and write down your strengths that satisfy at least one of the following criteria:

  • What can I do best?
  • What can I do better than other people? At least the majority.
  • What can I do at an average level, but would like to bring to perfection?

Happened? Great. I think 3-5 points will be enough.


  1. Skill in building department work based on Performance Management
  2. Successful experience in project implementation. For example, a project to attract 900 drivers to a retail company per quarter. (We consider this point an achievement)
  3. Negotiation skills in high level. In an interview format - at the leadership level.
  4. Master of Sports of the USSR in chess.
  5. The habit of being “crazy” about the result.

Now we decide where to place all this in the resume. Is that all? Do we need chess? What about “rabies”?

Let me remind you that we broadcast ours through all channels simultaneously. We will need different resumes, depending on the vacancy, recipient, etc.

To make it easier to create resume versions for specific task, we make a basic version of the resume. The most complete one. From which we then select the necessary points for each subsequent version.

Thus, first of all, we safely include all our five points in the basic version of the resume.

2. Where to place it on your resume?

The next question is: where exactly should we place our strengths on the resume?

There are five main blocks in the structure of a resume:

  1. Personal data. Full name, contacts
  2. Education
  3. key skills
  4. Work biography. Where did you work, what period, position, responsibilities, achievements.
  5. information (sometimes called “About me”, etc.). Personal qualities, habits, hobbies, additional skills.

We look at our selected strengths and place them in the appropriate section.

In our example:

clause 3. key skills

a) Skill in building department work based on Performance Management

b) Negotiation skills at a high level. In an interview format - at the leadership level.

V) ………………

G) ………………

clause 4. experience

2012 - 2014. Phoenix company. Internet hypermarket. Head of Recruitment Department.

a) A project was implemented to attract drivers to the retail company in the amount of 900 people per quarter.

We consider this point our professional achievement.The best professional achievements should be included in this section - “work experience”. And preferably at the very top. Other results will go below:

b) ......

V) …...

clause 5. Additional Information

Personal qualities:

a) “Frenzy” for the result.

b) Master of Sports of the USSR in chess.

For me personally this is an achievement. But not professional. Therefore, I will post it in the additional information section. And that's not always the case.

3. We adapt it to the vacancy

From the full basic version of the resume, we create a resume for a specific vacancy.

  1. We carefully study the vacancy and the company. We highlight keywords and phrases.
  2. We make assumptions about what our strengths will be in demand by this employer.
  3. We choose our strengths from our list and the basic version of the resume.
  4. We insert it into a resume intended to be sent in wording similar to the job description or key phrases. Often, a recruiter searches for a resume using key phrases or words.
  5. IN It also doesn’t hurt to mention your strengths.

I hope the meaning is clear. If you have questions, write in the comments.

It is important to take the time to make a list of your strengths. Think over the wording. These are your competitive advantages and “brand marks”. They will be your faithful companions in the process of advancement in the labor market.

Thank you for your interest in the article.

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  1. Share with your friends by clicking on the social media buttons.
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Have a nice day!