All about car tuning

What foods are complex carbohydrates? Complex and simple carbohydrates: which are healthier for our body. Taking into account the glycemic index

When creating a menu, you must take into account that there are also complex (slow) carbohydrates; a table with a list of products will be below. Not everyone knows what the difference is today. The former quickly saturate the body, because they have a light structure and are quickly broken down into water and glucose, but their energy does not last long. Excessive consumption of them leads to weight gain.

The basic principle proper nutrition consists in a harmonious combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that enter the body daily. Many, knowing about the figure-destructive properties of the latter, strive to completely abandon them. But food should be balanced, even if you are losing weight and dieting. By eliminating saccharides, you will lose your main source of energy. The absence of any nutrient will lead to disturbances in the body and various diseases.

Complex carbohydrates take a long time to break down and are slowly absorbed into the blood, which avoids an insulin surge. This is very important for diabetics and people watching their weight. Insulin is a hormone that breaks down complex carbohydrates into simple elements. It is necessary to keep the production of this substance in the body under control, and for this it is quite simple, and also to understand which foods contain more healthy complex carbohydrates or polysaccharides.


Complex sugars maintain the tone and balance of the body. Due to their low rate of breakdown, they give you a feeling of fullness for a long time. Foods high in polysaccharides have an extremely positive effect on the body. Among the main properties are:

  • improving brain function;
  • control and stabilization of muscle activity;
  • reducing the risk of liver atrophy;
  • participation in intracellular metabolism;
  • removal of waste and toxins;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • maintaining energy levels throughout the day.

Sources of long-soluble glucose are useful not only for weight loss, they are also indispensable for type 1 and 2 diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis and various diseases of cardio-vascular system. Slowly digestible carbohydrates are broken down smoothly and gradually. The first glucose molecules are absorbed into the blood 40 minutes after eating. Then the product is digested for another 3 hours, giving the body a supply of vigor and strength.


Having understood what slow carbohydrates are and how they affect the body, it is necessary to study what belongs to this group of nutrients. The main types are:

  • Cellulose. These are coarse plant fibers. They improve intestinal function, remove ballast deposits, and give a feeling of fullness. Products containing fiber include whole grain cereals, fruits, greens, legumes, and beets. Fiber is practically not digested, so it is not converted into fat; 90% is excreted from the body naturally.
  • Starch. This is a substance characterized by a low calorie content. It helps control blood sugar levels, stimulates metabolic processes and improves immunity. Bread, buckwheat, oatmeal, potatoes, pasta are foods rich in starch.
  • Glycogen. This complex carbohydrate is essential for building and repairing muscle mass. There is extremely little of it in food; the highest concentration is found in fish, beef, and liver.
  • Pectins. These substances act as absorbents. They attract and remove toxins, poisons, and heavy metals from the body. Pectins are found in root vegetables, algae, and fruits.

Complex carbohydrates have different calorie contents, nutritional value and glycemic index (GI). The latter is an indicator of the speed at which the product is broken down and glucose enters the blood. Products with a low glycemic index (up to 40-50 units) are the most beneficial.

Foods with average readings of up to 60-70 units should be taken with caution, in moderation. If a product belongs to the GI category above 70 units, like wheat bread, it is better to exclude it from your diet completely. What foods are not recommended to eat can be found in the table below.

It is important to understand not only how simple carbohydrates differ from complex carbohydrates, but also when it is better to eat this or that product. Polysaccharides are best absorbed by the body in the first half of the day, so they should be included in breakfast and lunch. Products containing complex carbohydrates can be divided into groups:

  • Legumes. They provide excellent nutrition, but do not store fat. Lentils, beans, peas - these products can be eaten without restrictions in any type of heat treatment.
  • Dairy. They are based on, but also contain lactose, a carbohydrate. The healthiest dairy products include low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt.
  • Greenery. It is rich in fiber and pectin, as well as vitamins, microelements and acids. Make salads with fresh herbs every day, this will have a beneficial effect on your figure and overall well-being.
  • Porridge. The best solution is whole grains. Women are often interested in rice - is it a simple or complex carbohydrate? It all depends on the type of cereal. White rice is a fast saccharide, and it also contains a lot of gluten. Its brown counterpart takes much longer to break down in the body, so it brings more benefits.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Tomatoes, zucchini, Bell pepper, raspberries, bananas - vegetables or fruits should be on the menu every day, the main thing is to combine them correctly with other ingredients, namely protein foods.

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If you want to look good, feel great and radiate vivacity and energy, eat complex carbohydrates; a food list and table will help you create a daily menu for those who are losing weight.

What are complex carbohydrates and a table with a list of the main foods containing complex carbohydrates. This will be discussed in this article, and we will also look at why complex carbohydrates are called that and how they differ from simple ones.

Clinical picture

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Without carbohydrates, the functioning of the human body is impossible. They are a source of energy for muscle function, nervous system, internal organs. IN Lately Many nutrition systems have appeared on the Internet with strict restrictions on carbohydrates for quick weight loss. And yet, we cannot do without these substances. Let's find out why.

Complex carbohydrates

Why are carbohydrates called complex? The molecules of such carbohydrates are longer, so when broken down they provide more energy than simple ones. At the same time, they are digested much slower and longer, without causing a sharp release of insulin. The feeling of fullness lasts much longer, and the person feels cheerful and energetic.

This group includes starch, glycogen, pectin, and fiber. The first is the most valuable in nutrition; approximately 80% of complex carbohydrates consumed come from starchy foods. Glycogen as such is synthesized in the body and does not come from food (it is found in small quantities in meat, liver, and mushrooms).

Pectin and fiber are poorly digested in the body and do not have much nutritional value, but they also play an important role. Being in the intestines, they create favorable conditions for the development of normal microflora, promote its cleansing and normal digestion of food. They also help reduce the glycemic index of food. The list below will show the strategy for choosing dishes using rice as an example.

Table 2. Decrease in GI using rice as an example:

Our readers write

Subject: Lost 18kg without dieting

From: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected])

To: Administration

Hello! My name is Lyudmila, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site. Finally, I was able to lose excess weight. I lead an active lifestyle, got married, live and enjoy every moment!

And here is my story

Ever since I was a child, I was a rather plump girl; at school I was teased all the time, even the teachers called me a little fluffy... this was especially terrible. When I entered the university, they stopped paying attention to me completely, I turned into a quiet, notorious, fat crammer. I tried everything to lose weight... Diets and all sorts of green coffee, liquid chestnuts, chocolate slimms. Now I don’t even remember, but how much money I spent on all this useless garbage...

Everything changed when I accidentally came across an article on the Internet. You have no idea how much this article changed my life. No, don’t think about it, there is no top-secret method of losing weight that the entire Internet is replete with. Everything is simple and logical. In just 2 weeks I lost 7 kg. In total, 18 kg in 2 months! I gained energy and a desire to live, so I joined the gym to tone up my butt. And yes, I finally found a young man who has now become my husband, loves me madly and I love him too. Sorry for writing so chaotically, I’m just remembering everything from emotions :)

Girls, for those of you who have tried a bunch of different diets and methods for losing weight, but have never been able to get rid of excess weight, take 5 minutes and read this article. I promise you won't regret it!

Go to article>>>

Another important point: It is better to consume carbohydrates in the first half of the day, so it is preferable to eat dishes rich in them for breakfast or lunch. By evening it is better to switch to protein foods or skip dinner altogether.

Product table

This table does not provide the entire list of foods containing complex carbohydrates, but only those that are most beneficial for weight loss. For example, potatoes are complex carbohydrates, but you won’t be able to lose weight on them.

Product Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Calories
Buckwheat 12,6 3,3 62 328
Hercules (oatmeal) 11 6,2 50 300
Brown rice 6,3 4,4 65,1 331
White rice* 7,5 2,6 56 277
Pearl barley 9,3 1,1 66,5 313
Beans 21 2 46,6 288
Peas 20,5 2 48,6 294
Rye bread* 6,8 1,3 40,7 201
Bran bread*
Durum wheat pasta 10,7 1,3 68,4 328
Bran 15 3,8 53,8 309
Broccoli 4,4 0,9 1,8 32,9
Spinach 2,9 0,3 2 22,3

The table of slow carbohydrates (complex) will be useful to anyone who wants to lose weight or maintain their ideal weight.

Thanks to the table of slow carbohydrates, in order to effectively burn extra calories and lose weight, you will be able to create your own correct diet and not completely give up your usual, delicious products nutrition.

It is very important to approach the process of losing weight wisely, to correctly create your menu, then you will not walk around half-starved, and you will look slim and fit, feel cheerful and light. And in order not to get fat and be energetic, you need to reconsider your diet in favor of slow carbohydrates.

Below in the text you will find a table of slow carbohydrates, which contains a list of the main slow carbohydrates, indicating the glycemic index in descending order and their carbohydrate content in grams per 100 g of product.

Carbohydrates- these are substances whose molecules consist of oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. In the process of metabolism, they turn into a source of energy, the most important “fuel” for the body - glucose. Once glucose enters the body, it is used for energy, and unused glucose is stored as glycogen in muscle tissue and liver in reserve or in the form of subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fat. Glycogen is a polysaccharide formed by glucose residues, a reserve carbohydrate for the body.

Carbohydrates are divided into fast (simple) and slow (complex):

Slow carbohydrates- These are carbohydrates with a low glycemic index.

Slow carbohydrates have a glycemic index below 50 (but this table includes several products whose GI is slightly higher than 50, but they are very useful!) and unlike fast ones, they are absorbed slowly, hence the name, thereby glucose evenly enters the blood without sudden surges in sugar.

These carbohydrates primarily include cereals, whole grains and some starchy foods - beans, lentils, as well as vegetables and most fruits, which are rich in fiber, which is very beneficial for the body.

In order to simplify the use of knowledge about fast and slow carbohydrates, scientists introduced the term “glycemic index”.

Glycemic index

The ability of carbohydrates to increase blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia), determined by the glycemic index. This term was first coined in 1976 as a result of a unique scientific research, which aimed to create a list of foods ideal for diabetics.

Glycemic index or abbreviated as (GI) is an indicator of the influence of the food eaten on changes in glucose levels (Sahara) in blood. The glycemic index of glucose is taken as 100, and all food products rich in glucose have their own individual GI, which is compared with the GI of glucose and shows the rate of breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates by the body.

Slow carbs and training

As we have already learned, there are fast and slow carbohydrates, they differ in the rate of absorption, which is why they got their names. There are recommendations for the use of fast and slow carbohydrates in combination with training. It is recommended to consume slow carbohydrates a couple of hours before training so that they provide energy evenly throughout the entire workout, and fast ones after training during the so-called “carbohydrate window”, which lasts approximately 30 minutes from the end of the workout.

Slow carbohydrates are called so because of the slow rate of absorption by the body, and if you want to lose weight, then they are a more preferable source of energy than fast carbohydrates. Slow carbohydrates, due to the fact that they are absorbed slowly, feed the body with energy for a long time, which means they will give you energy throughout the entire workout. During training, this is the most optimal energy supply, because... By consuming slow carbohydrates before training, the muscles are provided with a constant source of energy throughout the entire workout. What else is good about eating slow carbs before training? - On the one hand, the muscles receive energy throughout the entire workout, but on the other hand, it is always slightly lacking, which forces the body to break down fats to obtain energy. Medical studies have shown that when consuming slow carbohydrates before training, fat is burned much faster, and endurance increases and does not fall throughout the entire workout.

A constant and stable level of energy for the body and muscles is the main function of slow carbohydrates. By consuming slow carbohydrates, you do not feel hungry for a long time, thus consuming fewer calories and losing weight faster.

Table of slow carbohydrates (complex)

Porridge and flour products

The product's name Glycemic index
Millet porridge 69 26
Oatmeal 66 9
Rye-wheat bread 65 42
Boiled white rice 65 17
Dumplings with cottage cheese 60 37
Durum wheat pasta 50 27
Barley porridge 50 20
Buckwheat 50 29
Boiled brown rice 40-50 14
Cellulose 30 14
Barley porridge 22 22
Soy flour 15 21

Vegetables, greens

Fruits, berries

The product's name Glycemic index Carbohydrate content in g per 100 g.
A pineapple 66 12
Bananas 60 21
Persimmon 55 13
Cranberry 45 4
Grape 40 16
Tangerines 40 8
Gooseberry 40 9
Oranges 35 8
Pears 34 9
Strawberry 32 6
Peaches 30 10
Apples 30 10
Red Ribes 30 7
Sea ​​buckthorn 30 5
Blackberry 25 4
Strawberries 25 6
Cherry plum 25 6
Grapefruit 22 6,5
Plums 22 10
Cherry 22 10
Cherries 22 11
Apricots 20 9
lemon 20 3
Black currant 15 7

Dried fruits



Cottage cheese, kefir, etc. - this is of course more protein products, rather than carbohydrates, but due to their usefulness, we decided to include them in this table.

Carbohydrates are a tricky topic. On the one hand, most programs healthy eating based on the consumption of large amounts of carbohydrates - more than 60% of daily norm calories, while minimizing fat intake (for example, the American diet).

On the other hand, many nutritionists believe that reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet will not only have a positive effect on weight loss, but will also be beneficial for overall health. Low-carb diets recommend that only 10% of all calories received be allocated to carbohydrates, giving preference to fats and proteins.

Leaving aside all the pros and cons, you need to understand that there are no “good” or “bad” carbohydrates. In fact, there are several types of them, mainly divided into two types: simple and complex. There are 4 kilocalories per 1 gram of carbohydrates; they are a source of energy for the body. Despite the fact that some are absorbed quickly and others slowly, they have the same number of calories.

So, what are simple and complex carbohydrates? In this article, I will explain the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates, which will help you make right choice which will benefit your health. I tried to make this topic as simple and understandable as possible.

Simple carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates (i.e. sugars) are made up of one or two sugar molecules and have a simple molecular structure, which explains their name. Those. Carbohydrates that consist of one sugar molecule are called monosaccharides:

  • Glucose is the most common type of sugar;
  • Fructose – found in fruits;
  • Galactose – found in dairy products.

Those carbohydrates that contain two sugar molecules are called disaccharides:

  • Sucrose – glucose + fructose;
  • Lactose – glucose + galactose;
  • Maltose is two glucose residues connected to each other.

Many people consider light carbohydrates to be unhealthy due to the fact that they are also known as sugar. However, this is not entirely true. So, if white table sugar (sucrose) can definitely be considered harmful, then the sugar found in fruits (fructose) is quite healthy, as it enters the body along with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fiber.

Of course, there is a difference between natural simple carbohydrates and refined ones. To understand it, all you need to do is ask yourself the question: “Was this product grown or not?” If the answer is yes, this type of carbohydrate may be better for you than one that is artificially produced.

A table to help you figure it out:

As you can see, fast carbohydrates can also be beneficial. Of course, if you want to get rid of excess weight and lead healthy image life, you should minimize your intake of “bad” carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates

This type of carbohydrate contains a complex chain of sugar molecules called polysaccharides (approx. poly - many). They got their name because of their more complex structure; sometimes they are called differently - starches.

It is believed that starch is healthier than simple carbohydrates, but this is not always the case.

Complex carbohydrates include bread, rice, pasta, potatoes (and other vegetables), cereals and cereals. These products are in the diet of almost every person; many prefer them due to their low amount of fat.

The fact is that complex carbohydrates can be “good” or “bad”. For example, everyone knows that excessive consumption of white bread is harmful to the body, however, it is considered a complex carbohydrate. The same can be said for potato chips!

So what makes slow carbs “good” and “bad”? Typically, it comes down to the amount of processing that the product undergoes. Natural products are called unrefined, and those that have been processed are considered refined.

The former are usually much more useful.

Below is a table that will help you understand the difference:

A processed product loses most of its important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and most importantly fiber...


Fiber or dietary fiber is a type of carbohydrate. It is contained in both simple and complex groups. Dietary fiber is difficult for the body to digest and contains virtually no calories, but this does not mean that you need to give it up!

The full name of fiber is starch polysaccharide and it exists in two forms: soluble and insoluble.

Soluble dietary fiber dissolves in water and is found in the skins of plants and grains. Once in the body, they absorb excess bile acid and cholesterol, which is undoubtedly beneficial.

Insoluble dietary fiber does not dissolve in water and is found in the skins of fruits and vegetables, as well as in the husks of grains. Once in the digestive tract, they, like a brush, cleanse your intestines.

You need both types of fiber to keep your body healthy, which amounts to 14 grams per 1,000 calories. If you eat 2,000 calories a day, you should eat 28 grams of fiber.

The easiest way to get dietary fiber is from natural vegetables, fruits and grains.

Switching to a low-carb diet

So, will limiting carbs help you lose weight? Yes, it will help! You will eat fewer calories, and your body will begin to use fat as energy.

But a small amount of carbohydrates is still needed to provide vitamins, minerals and fiber.

You can cut out carbs and get your nutrients from fruits and vegetables (while eliminating grains and refined foods).

There are several types of low-carb diets (called ketogenic diets) that completely limit your carbohydrate intake. You don't have to go that far if you don't want to. The topic of ketogenic diets is best left for another article! Just eat more vegetables and less bread, rice, pasta and potatoes, this will help you lose weight. excess weight. Read my article “Easy Low Carb Diet.”


Now you know the difference between simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates, refined carbohydrates and unrefined ones. In addition, you learned a little about fiber. All of this will help you decide which carbohydrates you can eat (unrefined) and which you should avoid (refined) to lose weight and stay healthy.

Almost all articles on health contain one hackneyed phrase - proper nutrition, but unfortunately, its correct interpretation is not presented in every such publication.

Moreover, women who want to lose weight without hesitation follow the recommendations of inexperienced authors, as a result, the kilograms return, and the body is exhausted from grueling experiments.

The main law of proper nutrition is that the body must receive all the necessary microelements, without exception. Carbohydrates, which are often completely excluded from the diet in the form of buns (cakes) and are not replaced with other food products, are very important for the normal functioning of the human body.

What are complex carbohydrates?

Some people think of carbohydrates as products that supply “fat” to the body; the correct understanding is that they are polysaccharides, which, by the way, are very important for weight loss and normal metabolism.

Complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides) differ from simple carbohydrates in their slow breakdown, which requires the body to consume a lot of energy before the absorption process is completed. Moreover, due to their long-term breakdown, they do not contribute to a sharp increase in insulin.

What are complex carbohydrates?

  • Starch - a unique substance that can saturate the body for a long time, but does not add many calories to it. In addition to being rich, this complex carbohydrate improves immunity, prevents cancer, and is also able to regulate blood sugar levels. Starch is present in some diets, one of them is the Dukan weight loss system, which is gaining incredible momentum in popularity.

  • Pectins - a natural barrier to harmful substances that enter our body in large quantities with food. The main suppliers of pectins are fruits, from the cake of which thickeners and stabilizers are produced on a large scale, indicated on product packaging as additive E 440.

  • Glycogen - a very important carbohydrate for our body; it helps regulate blood sugar levels. It also plays an important role in the process of protein synthesis. And for those who are actively involved in the gym, it is a faithful friend, as it maintains and restores the condition of the muscles. It is impossible to obtain glycogen in its pure form from foods; to do this, the body will have to try, synthesizing it from the liver and fish.

  • Cellulose known to everyone, it is easily processed by the intestinal microflora, stimulating its normal functioning. This substance is also most effective for removing cholesterol from the body. Fiber is found not only in fruits and raw vegetables, but also in mushrooms and bran.

Simple and complex (slow) carbohydrates: what is the difference?

The main difference between complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates is their structure . Complex carbohydrates are called not only slow, but also long-lasting, since they contain a certain amount of compounds (depending on the type). Simple carbohydrates are much shorter, so to speak. They are quickly absorbed by the body, since they are easier to process, turning into glucose, which immediately enters the blood.

Another important difference is considered absorption rate carbohydrates, it’s not for nothing that simple carbohydrates are called fast, and complex carbohydrates are called slow. Although there is quite a lot of controversy on this matter. Be that as it may, long carbohydrates are more difficult to process and take more time.

The benefits of complex carbohydrates for weight loss

Many women make a huge mistake by eliminating absolutely all carbohydrates while losing weight. Simple ones - yes, they need to be excluded, these include sweet foods. Complex carbohydrates are an indispensable assistant on the way to ideal figure. Why?

  1. Complex carbohydrates provide the body with a huge supply of energy. A person does not feel tired and lethargic, which often happens in girls who are on a diet.
  2. Slow carbohydrates give you a feeling of fullness. That is, there is no constantly pursuing feeling of hunger.
  3. The most important thing is that they do not leave a single drop of fat deposits in the body.
  4. They promote the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the process of blood circulation, metabolism, and most importantly, they prevent starvation of the brain, thereby ensuring its full functioning.

Interesting facts about complex carbohydrates for weight loss

  • When losing weight, it’s not just possible, but necessary, to eat all types of crumbly cereals. Like this? Do not cook thick, viscous semolina; the millet should remain whole; it is better to choose wild or brown rice. There is no need to sit on buckwheat alone - there is a whole range of cereals that you can eat and still lose extra pounds.
  • Inexplicable but the fact! Absolutely all weight loss systems exclude pasta, but it turns out that you can eat this product even during active weight loss. The only condition is to eat “pasta” only from hard varieties, before lunch, and not combining them with fish or meat. Ideal option: breakfast of pasta with vegetable salad and boiled egg.
  • One of the complex carbohydrates glycogen will help you perform all the exercises in the gym, and you won’t feel unwell. To do this, you need to eat liver or fish, not fried, of course, but baked - it’s both tasty and healthy.

What foods are complex carbohydrates?


Particularly rich in complex carbohydrates:

  • potato,
  • cabbage,
  • carrot,
  • olives,
  • beet,
  • seaweed,
  • garlic
  • and, of course, onions.


In order not to make a mistake with the choice of fruits, take those that are not particularly sweet. Sweetness is an indicator of simple carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed and over time turn into fat deposits. Fruits containing complex carbohydrates include:

  • orange,
  • apple,
  • pear,
  • plum,
  • peach,
  • black and red currants,
  • and, despite the sweetness, melon.



  • oats,
  • rice (brown),
  • wheat,
  • The legume family includes beans, beans, peas and lentils.


Porridge can be prepared with milk, which is also a source of complex carbohydrates.

Any cereals (except only semolina), as well as durum pasta. An important condition is that the porridge should not be overcooked or sticky. The ideal option is whole grains in crumbly form.

Complex carbohydrates: foods in the table

For complex carbohydrates, the glycemic index is less than 40; the lower the index, the healthier the products.

When and how best to consume complex carbohydrates?

Since it takes about 3 hours to process complex carbohydrates, many recommend not loading your body before bed. In addition, slow carbohydrates provide energy and a feeling of fullness, which are more needed during the day. Based on these data, complex carbohydrates should be included in your menu mainly for breakfast and lunch.

According to some weight loss systems, it is until 12 noon that you can eat everything, within reasonable limits, without limiting yourself in the range of dishes. For lunch, you need to choose hearty dishes that will provide you with energy until the evening. This is exactly what complex carbohydrates can help you with.

Complex carbohydrate intake: how to calculate?

Every body is individual, therefore the amount of microelements entering the body per day is different for everyone. The main thing is that you feel good and have enough strength to be active.

But there is still a single formula for calculating the required amount of complex carbohydrates.

N (slow carbohydrates in grams per 1 kg of weight) x B (weight) kg = daily dose

The required amount of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight depends on what goal you want to achieve.

  • To lose weight - take up to 3 g/kg, on average 2-2.5 g.
  • To maintain your figure, 3 to 4 g per 1 kg of weight will be enough.
  • For lactating and pregnant women, the norm is 5 g.
  • For athletes, at least 5 g, it is better to take 5.5 g per kilogram of weight.

Sample menu with complex (slow) carbohydrates for weight loss

We offer several menu options for three days, and you can adjust it to suit yourself.

  • Breakfast: chicken with beans tomato sauce, apple.
  • Lunch: mushroom soup (in vegetable broth), two slices of rye bread, tea without sugar.
  • Dinner: boiled poultry, salad with plenty of vegetables.
  • Breakfast: brown rice with vegetables (prepared like pilaf, but without meat), steamed cutlet. Coffee with ginger (a slice of lemon) without sugar and you can treat yourself to a piece of cake or pie.
  • Lunch: cabbage soup with croutons, vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese with dried fruits, either fresh or baked. Apple juice.
  • Breakfast: mashed potatoes, cauliflower steamed with hard cheese. Coffee or tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: buckwheat and baked chop, cucumber, orange juice.
  • Dinner: baked sea ​​fish, vegetable salad.

If you still want to eat after dinner, eat a fresh apple or a baked one, but without sugar. Alternatively, you can make yourself a fruit salad if you're tired of apples.

Simple recipes for complex carbohydrates for weight loss

Chicken with beans in tomato juice

  1. Boil the chicken (not completely, just the part that will go on the plate).
  2. We do not pour out the finished broth; it will be needed in the amount of 1-2 glasses.
  3. Add a little oil (preferably olive) and a finely chopped medium onion to the frying pan or saucepan, stirring for about 4-6 minutes.
  4. After that, add grated garlic (1-2 cloves), after a couple of minutes add a can of white beans to the dish.
  5. The final step is 2 tomatoes (finely chopped or grated) and adding broth.
  6. Salt and pepper to taste, let simmer for a couple of minutes.
  7. Turn off and place on a plate, pouring the gravy over the meat.

Steamed chicken cutlets

  1. Finely chop the chicken breast or grind it into minced meat.
  2. Add a medium onion, one egg, salt and pepper.
  3. Mix all the ingredients, form a cutlet and cook in a double boiler or in a simple saucepan for a couple of 15 to 25 minutes (depending on the size of the cutlet).

Fish with mushrooms

The recipe calls for pink salmon, but any purchased fish of medium or larger size will do.

  1. We separate the fillet, trying not to damage the integrity.
  2. Salt and pepper the fish.
  3. Coat with 1 tsp 30% mayonnaise or 1 tbsp olive oil.
  4. Place the fish on a baking sheet, place a layer of mushrooms on top (you can pre-boil for 5 minutes and cut into slices).
  5. Sprinkle grated hard cheese on top.
  6. Place in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 200 degrees.

This dish is only suitable for breakfast and lunch.