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What organs does a cactus have? Round cactus: types, names and photos. Life forms of cacti

When we say the word “cactus”, we are faced with an image of something thick, prickly and unusual. The external dissimilarity with other plants immediately attracted the attention of the first sailors who arrived on the American continent. Later, brought to Europe, cacti became the subject of study by botanists. We will try to show what lies behind the unusual appearance of cacti, what are their similarities and differences from other plants.

A huge number of cacti (about 3000 species and varieties) are united into a single family - Cactaceae. Plants of this family have the same type of flower, seed and embryo structure, berry-like fruits, succulent stems and, finally, a special organ - the areole. Most representatives lack leaves.

The fact that cacti belong to the class of dicotyledonous plants is clearly visible already during seed germination; namely, the presence of the first two leaves (cotyledons) in the young seedling. However, cacti are not ordinary dicotyledonous plants. Their stems are succulent, succulent (from the Latin succus- juice). Therefore, seedlings, with rare exceptions, differ from seedlings of non-succulent plants. As a rule, they are very small, their cotyledons are greatly modified and look like either small tubercles or sharp, awl-shaped outgrowths. In cacti such as mamillaria and melocactus, they are almost difficult to distinguish. Some cacti may have not two, but three cotyledons. Down from the cotyledons there is a subcotyledonous knee, (or hypocotyl), which, like the cotyledons, is succulent. At the base of the cotyledons, many genera have buds, which, if the growth point is disrupted, give rise to shoots. In Eriocereus; Martin and E. Gülich, such buds arise on the hypocotyl. In some cacti, the stem develops quite quickly and in 5-6 months they take on the appearance of an adult plant. In others, the juvenile (youthful) form of growth persists for several years. In Echinofossulocactus, for example, instead of ribs, papillae appear on the stem at about 4-5 years of age. Already at the first cursory acquaintance with the seedlings, it is clear how different cacti are from other plants. What made them so unusual? First of all - living conditions. In the process of long historical development as plants of arid regions, they developed adaptations aimed at economical consumption of moisture and its maximum supply. All this left an imprint on the external appearance and internal structure of cacti. What is the role and significance of each organ?

Root. The main root extends down from the subcotyledon (hypocotyl). It gradually branches, forming a whole system of lateral roots extending for many meters. In Melocactus twisted ( Melocactus intortus), for example, a root system develops up to 7 m in length, located at a depth of 5-6 cm from the soil surface. Therefore, even minor rains that barely wet the ground are caught by the roots. The main root of many cacti ( Mammillaria dawsonii, Gymnocactus mandragora etc.) is very thick and serves as a “warehouse” for nutrients. Such turnip-shaped or spindle-shaped roots can weigh up to 50 kg and reach a diameter of 60 cm, as, for example, in the turnip-shaped ( Neochilinia napina). In epiphytic cacti, roots also develop on the stems. They are called air or subordinate. The function of these roots is to capture moisture from the air and attach to tree trunks. Adventitious roots often appear in non-epiphytic cacti (Echinopsis, Rhymnocalycium, Coryphanta). They develop, as a rule, on young shoots, the so-called children. Falling from the mother plant and having ready-made roots, the children quickly take root. Some cacti may develop buds on their roots, from which new shoots develop. This ability to produce root suckers can be used when breeding some cacti ( Trichocoreus macrogonus, Myrtillocactus geometrizans, Notocactus ottonis, N. scopa, Gymnocalycium proliferuiii).

Stem. In the vast majority of cacti, it is succulent, green, leafless, covered with spines, hairs, or both. Only a few, such as Pereskia, Rhodocactus, Pereskiopsis, have a woody stem and normally developed wide leaves. In opuntiaceae, succulent awl-shaped leaves appear in the spring at the top of the shoot for a very short time, then dry out and fall off. A cactus, like any plant, grows from its top, called the growing point or apex. Due to the division of growth point cells and their further growth, the cactus increases in thickness and height. At the growth point they are formed in the form of small tubercles (at Echinocereus reichenbachii, for example, no more than 0.1 mm) leaf primordia. If in most plants they develop normal leaves - with a petiole and leaf blade, then in cacti the situation is different. Anatomical studies by N. Kaufman, K. Gebel, V. Troll, N. Bock and other scientists showed that the upper part of the leaf (or leaf blade) does not develop, but the division and increase in cells of the leaf base occurs at a tremendous pace, i.e. the area where the tissue, leaf base and stem tissue are in close contact. As these cells grow strongly, they protrude on the stems of cacti in the form of ribs and papillae. Where there are leaves (albeit very modified), the leaf bases have the appearance of peculiar flat tubercles, called “gift” ( Cylindropuntia, Austrocylindropuntia, Opuntia). The absence of leaves or their underdevelopment (in prickly pear) is an adaptation of cacti to the harsh dry conditions of the habitat: thanks to this, the plant evaporates less water. Closely related to this feature of cacti is their other characteristic feature - the weak development of vascular bundles: there are few vessels in each bundle, all of them are narrow-cavity and have a secondary primitive structure (the so-called vascular tracheids). How does one compensate for the absence of a vital organ - a leaf? The function of the green leaf - the process of photosynthesis - is taken over by the green stems of cacti, the cells of which contain chlorophyll. However, the unusualness of cacti is also manifested in the mechanism of photosynthesis, in which active absorption of carbon dioxide and release of oxygen occurs at night.

The tissue of succulent plants is very homogeneous and is mainly specialized for storing water. It consists predominantly of thin-walled cells. Cell sap, along with organic acids and sugars, also contains mucous substances that have water-retaining properties. Large specimens of cacti accumulate up to 2000 liters of water! According to K. Wemer, in many species water makes up 80-96% of the weight of the stem. Even after a three-month drought, studies conducted in Texas showed that prickly pear contained almost 81% water in its stems. Poda evaporation occurs at night when the stomata are open. A relatively large number of them (per 1 mm 2 Cereus azureus- 380; at Opuntia maculacantha- 350), apparently due to the need to provide oxygen to thick layers of tissue. Due to the thickness of the hair, powerful spines, and a waxy coating on the skin, the evaporation of moisture slows down. Numerous ribs that evenly distribute light and shadow protect the stem from excessive overheating.

Cacti such as Kochubey's roseocactus and some species of Echinofossulocactus survive the dry season by retracting the stem into the soil, from which only a small part of it sticks out.

The sizes and shapes of the stems of cacti are very diverse. In representatives of the subfamily Opuntiaceae they are flat, cylindrical, round or disc-shaped, arranged in the form of segments. The jointed stems of prickly pear can easily break off and quickly take root in the ground. Particularly known in this regard is Bigelov's cylindropuntia ( Cylindropuntia bigelowii), called jumping prickly pear: at the slightest breath of wind, its stems break off and take root. High-mountain prickly pear from the genus Tephrocactus is characterized by round, fleshy stems reminiscent of potato tubers. In Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis ( Brasiliopuntia brasilensis) two types of shoots: the main one is cylindrical, and the side ones are small, flat, resembling leaves. From time to time they turn yellow and fall off.

We find a huge variety of forms among representatives of the Cereus subfamily. There are powerful columnar cacti up to 15-18 m in height, such as Carnegia gigantea and Weber's pachycereus, and thin, creeping along the ground (Harricia, Nyctocereus) and the most miniature cacti, barely noticeable among the surrounding rocky substrate, such as Teresa's mamillaria ( Mammillaria theresae) and tiny Blossfeldia ( Blossfeldia liliputana) - 2-4 cm in height.

The ideal stem shape in desert conditions is a ball shape. In this case, the largest volume corresponds to the smallest evaporation surface. All cacti have perennial stems, with the exception of the only representative - prickly pear Chaffee ( Opuntia chaffeyi), in which the above-ground shoot dies off with the onset of drought. It is renewed due to the underground tuber.

In nature, many cacti branch abundantly, forming a powerful crown. In greenhouse conditions, the situation is different. Along with easily branching cacti ( Mammillaria elongata, M. glochidiata etc.), many ( Ecninocactus, Ferocactus, Espostoa, Cephalocereus etc.) do not produce lateral shoots or branching occurs at the age of 30-40 years or more.

You can speed up the appearance of lateral shoots by disturbing the growth point, which stimulates the awakening of lateral buds.

Quite often, cacti have forms with monstrous growth of the stem. These are comb, cristate (from the Latin crista - scallop) forms. Such comb forms are known in Cephalocereus senile, Marshallocereus Thurber, Ferocactus Wislicen, Carnegia gigantea, etc. The number of genera subject to cristation can be extended to 60. The reasons for the occurrence of such ugly forms have not yet been fully elucidated. One of the assumptions - mechanical damage to the growing point (caused by birds chiseling cacti and insects laying larvae in the pulp of the stem) - has not been sufficiently confirmed. Neither rough mechanical influence on the cactus, nor the action of electric current, nor the injection of various acids into the plant, nor the use of colchicine, nor radioactive radiation led to the artificial creation of cristate forms.

The cactus is an unusual plant that differs from others in the absence of leaves and the presence of spines. Photosynthesis occurs with the help of the green pillar of which it is composed. The way this plant does not resemble more than one leafy plant, biologists and sailors who often visited America became interested in it.

The shapes and sizes of cacti are very diverse, they can be both tall and low, both thin and thick, both round and oval. In the wild, cacti are large and branchy, and they grow wildly. But at home, they are small in size and always well-groomed, and usually such plants do not have branches; they can appear in several decades.

The spines of a cactus perform an important function; since this plant has a poorly developed root system, the cactus can only take moisture with the help of the spines. So, the main function of the thorns is to absorb moisture. The spines also perform a protective function; they protect the plant from sunlight and temperature changes, especially when it gets dark and colder.

A small cactus should not feel a lack of water, so you need to look at the soil; if the soil is dry, then it’s time to water it. An adult cactus needs to be watered about four times a month in the summer, but in winter it does not need watering at all, and if watering is necessary, then no more than twice a month.

When watering your plant, you should pay attention to its location; if the pot is on the sunny side, then it needs to be watered often, and if it is in the shade, then it needs to be watered less often.

Regular tap water is not suitable for watering your prickly friend, because it is cold and rich in chlorine, which can have a detrimental effect on the plant. It is recommended to boil 5 liters. water and add 9% vinegar there, this is a good food for cactus.

In the desert, cacti are a real salvation for people, because they quench thirst and hunger, and this plant is also useful for eating. By the way, candied fruits are made from cacti, jam is made, wines, liqueurs and the well-known tequila are made.

Cactus is a unique plant that has won the hearts of not only scientists, but also ordinary people, because this plant is not only beautiful in appearance, it has many benefits and is used in the food industry.

Option 2

Cactus is a perennial flowering plant belonging to the Carnationaceae group. Plants evolved about 30 million years ago, at which time they acquired their familiar appearance. The habitat of cacti is the countries of the New World. They are widespread in North and South America, as well as in the West Indies. They are found in Africa, on the island of Madagascar and in Sri Lanka, where they were brought by migratory birds. Since the cactus is a very unpretentious plant, today it can be found on all continents in botanical gardens or in private collections of indoor plant lovers.

In Greek culture, the word “kaktos” denoted plant species unknown to scientists. Later, Carl Lineus began to use this word to classify cacti.

Plants of the cactus family come in different shapes (from spherical to cone-shaped and elongated). They grow in desert areas. The cactus root system consists of two parts: surface roots and roots that go deep into the ground. The climatic conditions of deserts create large temperature differences, due to which moisture falls in the form of dew. Surface roots, whose length reaches 5 meters, collect this moisture, allowing the plant to survive for a long time without watering or rain.

The second type of roots holds massive cacti above the ground. This root has an impressive size, so even during hurricanes the plants do not suffer from gusty winds. However, it does not reach groundwater and therefore mainly serves only as an “anchor”.

The stem of a cactus is capable of absorbing water. It can be ribbed or smooth. Depending on the type of cactus, bristles, spines or leaves are formed on its surface. They are modified bud scales of stem tissues. The large cactus flower has a pleasant aroma. It contains areoles in the form of spines and hairs.

People have been using the fruits and stems of the cactus for food since ancient times. Used as a medicinal product. It also serves as a building material and hedge. Dwarf cactus species are grown in homes as an ornamental plant.

Message 3

Planet Earth is known for its diversity of plants, which have their own characteristics and unusual features. One of the most popular and unusual flowering plants is the cactus family. Scientists and botanists are trying to determine the time of formation of cacti, although no fossil remains have been found, but presumably they have been growing on earth 30 million years ago.

The etymology of the word is known only because in ancient Greek it was the name of another plant, which is now unknown to science. Since 1771, cacti began to designate green plants whose surface is covered with spines. Even earlier they were called melocactus, and then this name was simply shortened.

The origin of cacti comes from South and parts of North America. Migratory birds brought cactus seeds to Africa and Asia. Later, people began to spread the plant around the world. Now the cactus tends to grow in any part of the world except Antarctica. Undoubtedly, the cactus prefers warm places, because its homeland is the desert, where there is a minimum of moisture and maximum sun. In Russia, cacti are found in the south, in Crimea and the region of the city of Gelendzhik.

Not all cacti are similar in structure and are closely related. The main cactus family has a special organ - the halo. It resembles a kidney. The fruit and flower of a cactus are part of a stem, which is not typical of other plants. The areoles resemble spines in appearance and the hairs are also called buds, since they collect moisture from the space and are able to retain it inside for a long time in order to preserve life. In this case, the fetus does not have needles.

All cacti differ from each other in shape and height. It depends on the habitat. For example, there are cacti that grow in forests, and there are those that are adapted to drought - such cacti can grow up to 4 meters. Their weight can be several tons, depending on the amount of moisture contained in it.

Botanists divide all cacti into 4 groups: Pereskia - a cactus close to deciduous plants. It also became the starting point in the development of other cactus species.

Opuntiaceae are cacti with pronounced large leaves.

Mauchieniva is a species widespread in Patagonia and lacking spines.

Cactus - distinguished by the complete absence of leaves, the plant itself is round in shape.

In any case, anyone can distinguish a cactus from any other plant, thanks to its distinctive features.

Report about Cactus

One of the plants that lives in dry places is the cactus. This is a thorny plant belonging to the cactus family. Unpretentious in care, they grow on the sands of deserts, semi-deserts and rocky plateaus. The spines located throughout the plant are modified leaves. They come in various lengths and shapes. With their help, plants manage to remain for a long time without water under the scorching sun. They store moisture and release it for a very long time, since the stomata that were located on the leaves have become smaller due to the change in shape into spines. They also serve to protect against animals.

The stem of a cactus can have different shapes: columnar, spherical, cylindrical and others.

The uses of cacti are quite wide and varied. Some, when flowering, produce edible fruits for humans, and some are used as livestock feed. Large cacti are sometimes used as hedges, and some trunks are used for construction.

For many years, cacti have been used as house plants. After all, they are not fussy to care for. Some cacti sprout flowers of various shapes and colors. Cacti were brought to Europe from America. They attracted people with their unusual appearance. Many people collect entire collections of decorative cacti on their windowsills at home. Entire greenhouses with different types of cacti are being created.

As mentioned earlier, cacti are unpretentious in care. The temperature in which they can live depends entirely on the light. The more light a plant receives, the more heat it needs. This explains the fact that cacti can grow in deserts. Accordingly, if the plant receives little light, then it will require less heat. Therefore, at night, the room temperature should not exceed 18 degrees Celsius. Although cacti are adapted to life in arid places and can remain without moisture for a long time, still, like any living creature, a cactus requires water. From which he will receive all the substances necessary for existence. The amount of water depends on the life activity of the cactus. During the period of activity, the cactus requires a sufficient amount of water so that the substrate under it does not dry out. During dormancy, reduce watering to a minimum. In summer, watering is once every 1-3 weeks. Watering should be carried out after the soil has completely dried. In autumn and winter, water the indoor plant with one tablespoon of water every 8-10 days. Plants can also obtain moisture from the air with the help of spines.

Message 5 option

Cactus is a plant that lives primarily in tropical climates. It is distinguished by the presence of spines and the absence of leaves. Most cacti are so different from the plants we are used to that sometimes we are even surprised to see something in front of us that looks more like an alien creature. It is worth saying that cacti are in many ways similar to ordinary plants. They have the same organs as everyone else.

There is an opinion that almost all cacti grow in deserts. But this is not entirely true. Cacti grow extremely slowly, and as soon as they appeared on the surface, they would immediately be covered with sand. But deserts are different, with different annual precipitation and temperatures. There is no place on earth where only cacti grow. If we see a cactus somewhere, it means that many other plants can be found nearby. Most cacti grow in semi-deserts, tropics and steppes.

Growing a cactus at home is quite a simple task. If they can grow in the desert, then a flower pot will seem like paradise to them. However, it is worth understanding that the cactus also needs proper care. Yes, cacti can live for a long time without water, especially in winter, but, nevertheless, sometimes it is worth watering them. Cacti should be placed on window sills or on the balcony. Many people place a cactus next to their computer, thinking that this plant will help them get rid of some harmful radiation. But this is not true.

The cactus can also be used for medicinal purposes. Cactus juice has an antibacterial effect and also helps against rheumatism. According to many scientists, cactus can be used to treat headaches, stomach problems, and pieces of cactus can also be applied to a wound for speedy healing. An ordinary plant, but so many benefits! Cacti can be completely different. Their stems can be round, elongated, ribbed, etc. Not all cacti may have spines; there are also absolutely “naked” representatives. If you got a cactus with spines, then you need to be very careful with it. After all, one wrong move, and you already have a thorn sticking out of your finger, which will be very painful to get back.

If the owner of the cactus is lucky, he can observe a beautiful flowering. Flowers can be of completely different sizes, but they will certainly be beautiful and have eye-catching shades. Different cacti bloom at different times. Some can bloom almost every month, while others have to wait for years.

If you are planning to bring a cactus into your home, then you should understand that they rarely get along with other indoor plants. The point here is the conditions of detention. For example, a large number of plants require special humidity, while for a cactus this will only cause harm and suffering.

Also, do not water cacti with regular tap water. Such water is usually hard, which causes a large amount of salts to accumulate at the base of the stems, which harms the plant. In order for the cactus to feel good and please its owner for many years, it should be watered with rain or melt water. You should also use special soil, which can be purchased at garden stores.

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    Recently, the number of types of house plants that have become part of the decor has increased. Cacti are plants that are very popular among gardeners. The bizarre shapes and structure of cacti arouse keen interest in them. Everyone wants to have as many representatives of this group of plants as possible in their collection.

    In order for a houseplant to appear in all the beauty and splendor of its leaves and flowers, you need to find exactly its place in the apartment: in the light, in direct sunlight or in the shade on the windowsill; in a vase hanging from the ceiling, so that its green lashes freely descend down or near the support along which its branches curl.

    Having received a cactus as a gift, it was decided to collect a collection of cacti and become a real cactus grower.

    Purpose of the study: to study existing species of cacti, the conditions for their cultivation in our climatic zone, methods of propagation of these flowers; their role in human life.

    To achieve these goals, it is necessary to solve several problems:

    Study the relevant literature;

    Conduct an experiment and determine the most optimal conditions for growing “baby” cacti.

    During the study, it was hypothesized: if you take nutritious soil, sand and water and plant a cactus baby in each of these environments, then the root cactus baby should develop faster in the soil because it contains more nutrients.

    To achieve the goal of the study and solve the assigned problems, literature from both domestic and foreign authors, a comparative analysis of the structure of different types of cacti, experimental work on growing “children” of cacti, a questionnaire, analysis and generalization of the results of the questionnaire and experiment were used.

    The work consists of an introduction, main part, and conclusion. The introduction provides a rationale for the research topic, its objectives and methods. In the main part, a definition of the concept “cactus”, a characteristic of the plant, is given; The growing conditions are shown and the problems of preserving the plant as a species are raised.

    In the practical part, an analysis of the structure of various types of plants, conditions for growing these plants at home, and questionnaires were carried out. The results of the experiment are also presented here. Conclusions arising from the results of practical research are contained in the conclusion.

    The result of research activities on the study of cacti was the creation of a collection of cacti.

    2. Main part

    2. 1. What is a cactus?

    Cacti came to Europe after the discovery of America. Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), the creator of classification systems for flora and fauna, united all 20 species of cacti known at that time into a single genus Cactus.

    Cacti are classified as a large group of succulent plants, belonging to the family of dicotyledonous, perennial plants, usually with fleshy, succulent stems that provide capacious water reservoirs. With their well-developed system of roots and fibers, they draw moisture from the substrate with a force of up to 147.15 bar.

    The leaves of cacti are modified (reduced) and replaced with spines, hairs or bristles. This is a good protection against those who want to feast on the juicy pulp of the plant. Young cactus spines are often brightly colored with anthocyanins. This is a kind of protection of the growing parts of the plant from ultraviolet radiation and heat rays of the sun. In addition, the smallest spines collect moisture and absorb it. The color of cactus spines is varied, changes with age and is an adornment of many types of cactus.

    Cacti can look completely different. “Some species are spherical in shape and do not grow more than 1-2 cm in height. But there are spherical cacti that weigh several tons, as well as columnar cacti whose height can reach 20 m.” In the world, there are over 3000 (other sources indicate 5000) species of these plants of various forms (tree-like, shrub-like and liana-like). Many cacti grow to form impenetrable thickets.

    Depending on their forms, cacti are divided into three subfamilies:

    1. Pereskiaceae with flat or fleshy true leaves, which survived one growing season, forming thickets in light dry forests, similar to medium-sized deciduous trees.

    2. Opuntiaceae produce leaves, but they quickly fall off. Their areoles, with a large number of spines, are always covered with thin hairs (glochidia). Flowers - in the form of cups and tubes - are practically not found among them.

    3. Cereus is the richest subfamily of cacti in terms of species.

    They do not have leaves; the shapes of the stem are very diverse. There are ribs that determine the appearance of the plant, possessing tubercles and papillae typical for the genus, which shade parts of the stem from direct sunlight. In some species, vegetation points (axillae) are located at the base, from which flowers appear. Among the cacti of this species there are anomalies - the cristate form Pointed.

    the vegetative cone at the apex is transformed, taking on the shape of a ribbon. The reasons for this phenomenon have not yet been studied.

    Cacti mainly grow in deserts and semi-deserts of America. Temperatures in these areas range from +40 degrees to ground freezing limits. Plants can withstand such extreme conditions because during the cold season, plant cell sap is concentrated, which lowers the freezing point. The plant shrinks so much that if the watery cellular sap of the plant freezes, there is enough room in the cells for the plant to expand without harm to itself. There are types of cacti - epiphytes that grow in tropical forests in the forks of branches. Most species of cacti are pronounced mountain dwellers; they can be found at altitudes of up to 4,800 m.

    The fruits and pulp of some cactus species are edible. Previously, local residents used cacti as fuel in construction. In the modern world, these plants are grown as indoor or greenhouse crops.

    All cacti are protected by the 1974 Washington Convention on the Conservation of Species, which lists cacti species that are at risk of extinction. It is prohibited to collect them where they grow, harm them, or trade them. Specially bred young plants are offered for sale, and the store seller must provide the buyer with the appropriate supporting “CITES certificate”.

    2. 2. The structure of cacti and features of caring for them

    To create the best conditions for house plants, it is necessary to study the plants, identify similarities and differences in structure and growing conditions.

    Plants, like all living things, are made up of cells. Hundreds of cells of the same shape and with the same function form a tissue; an organ is made up of several tissues. The main organs of a plant are roots, stem, leaves, each of them plays its own role. Important organs intended for reproduction are flowers, seeds, and fruits.

    The roots of a plant have two main functions: to nourish the plant and to anchor it in the soil. Even plants of the same species have roots of very different lengths, which depend on the type of soil and its moisture content. Cacti have taproots (vertical, few branches), bulbous and fibrous roots.

    To prevent diseases, before transplanting, it is necessary to immerse the cleaned roots in a weak soap solution.

    The main functions of the stem are support for the aerial part and the connection between the root system and the leaf. The stem regulates the uniform distribution of nutrients throughout all internal organs of the plant.

    80-90% of the mass of a cactus is water.

    To protect against evaporation, cacti have a thick waxy layer and a cover of thorns and prickles that protect them from strong sunlight.

    There are some types of cacti (for example, rhipsalis) that have no spines at all, while others, like mammillaria, on the contrary, are covered with a thick layer of spines.

    Leaves have many different functions, the main one being photosynthesis, that is, a chemical reaction in the leaf tissue that creates not only organic substances, but also oxygen. Cactus spines perform two more important tasks: protecting the plant and absorbing moisture from the air.

    The thorns can also be used to determine what kind of care the plants need.

    A characteristic feature of any cactus is the presence of areoles. Its lower part bears spines, and the upper part corresponds to a flower bud. Scales, hairs, and bristles appear from the areoles along with the spines. They are not a formation of the upper layer of the stem, like the thorns of a rose.

    Cactus flowers come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. They can appear one at a time or several at once, as on cephaly. Cacti that bloom during the day are brightly colored, attracting insects and hummingbirds. Cactus night blooms have a strong scent to attract moths and even bats.

    In order for cactus flowers to bloom every year, it is necessary to observe a dormant period. The longer the dormant period (40 -70 days), the more flowers there will be. Abundant flowering is facilitated by good lighting in the winter apartment of cacti and location in the first spring days. Gradual, abundant watering and fertilizing in the spring awakens flower buds to life.

    Cacti do not like lime water. It makes them sick, and some even die. When there is excess lime in the water, lime deposits form on the lower part of the cactus stems. To soften the water, it must first be boiled. The best water temperature for watering cacti is considered to be when the lowered hand does not feel either cold or heat, i.e. +35-40 degrees. To spray, it must be much warmer, just hot: after all, when spraying, the water temperature drops sharply.

    It is not advisable to promote the growth of shoots by watering with simultaneous heating. Growth at this point should be suppressed as much as possible so that the plant can form flower buds. The exceptions are zygocacti and rhipsalis. Their life rhythm does not correspond to our changing seasons; they grow and bloom in the tropical summer, that is, at a time when we have snow, so in winter they require a bright place with high air humidity, which can be sprayed.

    So, cacti need a lot of light. The more spines, hairs and bristles the cacti have, the closer they can be placed to the window.

    There are no uniform rules for care and cultivation that apply to all succulents. Each requires individual care. Knowing the structure of the roots, you can choose the right soil.

    With proper care, cacti bloom annually and even twice a year.

    2. 3. Transplanting cacti and propagating cacti

    The cacti themselves will tell you when it is best to replant them. As a rule, this happens in the spring once every two years, when they began to grow, their tops grew, and new areoles began to open. It is necessary to increase watering and prepare an earthen mixture. Replanting a living, growing plant is not dangerous; it will quickly grow and firmly grasp the ground with its roots. For a dormant plant, replanting can be disastrous.

    It is better not to water the cacti for several days before transplanting; then the earthen lump can be easily removed from the pot, and the small roots remain intact.

    Cacti such as Mammillaria produce shoots. They can be used as cuttings. Sometimes the “babies” already form roots on the mother plant and easily break off and take root. If the shoots adhere tightly to the mother, then they must be cut off horizontally with a sharp knife at the thinnest place of the plant. Dry the cuttings in the air for several days; large shoots are dried for 1-2 weeks.

    For the experiment, Echinopsis cuttings approximately equal in thickness and height were taken. There were no roots on the “babies”, but they were easily separated from the mother plant, so they were immediately planted in soil, sand, and water. The temperature in the room was + 25 + 27 degrees. The air was quite dry: the cuttings stood not far from the battery.

    The experiment showed that if you plant cactus “babies” in different environments, the results will be different. Not a single seedling died, but the root system developed differently.

    The first roots of the cuttings appeared in the soil already on the 4th day. On the 8th day, the roots were approximately 5mm long.

    The “baby”’s roots were in no hurry to germinate in the water: it’s the seventh day, but there is no result. The next day I added complex mineral fertilizer for flower and ornamental indoor plants. The first roots appeared on the 16th day.

    The germination of the root system in the sand was very slow. The problem was that the sand dried out quickly. I also had to add flower fertilizer and put clay shards on the surface. These measures did not speed up root germination. Only three weeks later the first thin threads of roots appeared in the water, but nothing sprouted in the sand.

    When the roots grew a little, the plants were transplanted into a pot with soil. Now cacti are growing in the classroom.

    It took about 4 weeks to root the cuttings in the soil, but growing the “babies” in sand and water takes longer. In addition, there is a risk of plant rotting if it is kept in a constantly damp environment for a long time.

    I suppose it was possible to avoid rotting of the plant due to the too dry air. In addition, the sand began to be moistened once every 1.5 - 2 weeks.

    Development of roots in cactus “babies” (in the soil).

    4 day 8 day 21 day 30 day

    Thus, it was practically established that for the germination of the root system of cacti, the most suitable substrate is one consisting of 2/3 soil with a small amount of fertilizer and 1/3 sand. Optimum air temperature + 25 +27. If plants are kept in water or in constantly moist soil for a long time without adding sand, then there is a risk of plant rotting.


    Thus, summing up the results as a whole, it should be noted that although the guys love and grow plants, they have a very vague idea about cacti specifically. This research can help them fill in the gaps and apply the tips to growing cacti in the classroom and at home.

    In the modern world, people grow cacti, first of all, for pleasure; it gives aesthetic pleasure.

    Having studied the special literature about cacti, you can choose cacti that are easier to care for, such as: Echinopsis, Epifullum, Mammillaria, Notocactus and others.

    The structure of the roots and the appearance of the spines can suggest the correct care of the plant: location, lighting, watering, soil composition, even the choice of container for planting.

    Plants can be propagated in different ways: seeds, layering, cuttings. The simplest and fastest in time is reproduction by “children”.

    It is better to plant them in a mixture consisting of 2/3 soil with a small amount of fertilizer and 1/3 sand. The optimal air temperature for rooting is + 25 +27.

    The result of the research was a small collection of cacti, some of which were already blooming. The first experience in caring for and growing cacti was acquired and generalized, which can be applied in extracurricular activities.

    This is a perennial plant with thickened, succulent, fleshy stems covered with spines, hairs or bristles. The fruits of most cacti are fleshy, berry-shaped, and many are even edible (Cereus, Opuntia). The cactus family includes about 2,800 species and is divided into three subfamilies: Peresceaceae, Opuntiaceae and Cereusaceae. We do not find leaves on cacti. Their function is performed by a green stem of a round, squat or elongated cylindrical shape, often ribbed, flat like a leaf or elongated like a vine. They took over the main function of leaves - photosynthesis; they have a lot of chlorophyll. The leaves and stems of cacti are adapted to drought. The spines are modified leaves that serve to reduce evaporation and provide protection from herbivores. In many cacti we find hairs instead of needles. These hairs serve not only to reduce evaporation and protect against extreme temperatures, but also to store moisture. Cacti can bloom, after flowering an ovary is formed, and then a fruit with seeds appears. It was life in the desert that forced the ancestors of these plants to lose their leaves, turning them into thorns, and they began to accumulate precious water in a thick, massive stem. The cactus tries to absorb as much moisture as possible and store it for a long time. And then he spends it very slowly. So, the cactus must increase its volume to store more water, but must reduce its surface area to reduce evaporation. From mathematics it is known that the geometric body that has the largest volume with the smallest surface area is a ball. Therefore, cacti are most often found spherical. Once in the USA they conducted such an experiment. A cactus was taken, dug out of the ground and hung from the ceiling. Scientists wanted to know how long the cactus would live. The result shocked everyone: the cactus lived for 6 years.

    Cacti are a family of perennial herbaceous dicotyledonous plants belonging to the group of stem succulents. The “storehouse” of water is not only the stems - in most cacti they consist of 90 percent of it - but also the roots, and even the leaves of some species. Cacti obtain moisture through their roots and through stomata on the surface of the stem. Thorns play a great role in this process. They are miniature biological pumps that absorb raindrops and moisture directly from the air. Cacti have the amazing ability to not only absorb a lot of water, but also use it sparingly.

    The word "cactus" comes from the Greek "kaktos", which in ancient Hellas called plants with thorns, and Carl Linnaeus (18th century) first used it to designate a group of previously unknown plants brought to Europe from America. The homeland of cacti is the vast expanses of North and South America.

    In the process of long evolution, cacti have adapted well to various climatic conditions, and they can be found in arid deserts, on vast expanses of prairies, on bare inaccessible rocks, near the seashore, in floodplain meadows, in the forks of branches, in hollows and on stumps in tropical forests .

    On the stems of cacti there are spines that sit on areoles - peculiar bud-tubercles - in a specific order for each species.

    Photo: Ryan Somma


    The climate in the homeland of cacti is characterized by significant intensity of insolation, sharp changes in daily and seasonal temperatures, irregular and sometimes prolonged lack of soil moisture. All these factors have led to extreme specialization of most members of the cactus family. They have adapted to harsh extreme living conditions. It is not always possible to create a similar regime in greenhouses and especially in rooms, which is why the culture of many cacti is difficult.
    Species that are evolutionarily young (mammillaria, echinopsis, parodies, etc.) are comparatively more hardy and flexible. There are several tips based on personal observations of their development and cultural experience in Ukraine.

    Places of growth

    The soils in which cacti grow vary, from the moist humus of tropical forests, the loam of steppes to the sand and gravel of deserts. In northeastern Brazil, cacti grow even in the quartz sand zone - Melocactus, Uebelmannia and Pilosocereus cacti. Cacti grow in the southern United States, Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina in deserts and semi-deserts. The climate of deserts and semi-deserts is characterized by aridity, scanty precipitation, intense sunlight, daytime heat and night cold. Temperatures in these areas range from 40 °C and above to the limits of soil freezing. Cacti can withstand such extreme conditions because it is dry in cold weather. Plant cell sap is concentrated, which lowers the freezing point. The plant shrinks so much that if the watery cellular sap of the plant freezes, there is enough space in the cells for the plant to expand without harm to itself. Some types of cacti grow in Europe, in the Mediterranean regions, as well as in the tropics of Africa and on the island of Madagascar. Cacti are grown as ornamental plants in open ground in the South of Russia, and in the North - in rooms and greenhouses. These plants are often a characteristic feature of the landscape; in some places they occur as difficult-to-eradicate weeds. For example: Prickly pears settled in Australia. In America, cacti are distributed mainly from 56° N. w. to 54° south w. Mexico is home to about 1,000 of the 2,000-plus species of cacti found on our planet. Cacti are also found on the southern coast of Crimea, in the vicinity of Yalta. A variety of dark-spined prickly pear grows in the Astrakhan region, where it tolerates temperatures of minus 19 degrees.

    Distinctive features of cacti

    Flower buds are formed in the areoles, flowers appear, and in some species leaves appear. The spines usually develop in the lower part of the areola, with flowers and lateral processes appearing above them. There are central and radial spines. They usually differ in shape, size and color. There are round, flat, ribbon-shaped, needle-shaped, awl-shaped, hooked spines. Their surface can be smooth or rough. In some types of cacti they are small, while in others they reach several tens of centimeters. They are characterized by a wide palette of white, yellow, red, purple, gray, black colors and their shades, transitions from one tone to another. In addition, there are transparent glassy, ​​almost colorless spines. Spines are living multifunctional organs of cacti.
    They absorb moisture from the air, protect the plant stem from damage, heat and cold, protect it from being eaten by animals, and promote the spread of fruits. Cacti bloom in all shades of the colors of the rainbow, among which only blue is absent, refuting numerous legends that a cactus blooms only once in its life, after which it dies.

    Cakuta flowers and their pollination

    Cacti have flowers of various sizes. The beautiful flowers of selenicereus, for example, reach 36 cm in diameter, and the pearlescent-transparent flowers - the “stars” of mammillaria - do not exceed 1 cm in diameter. The bell-shaped, funnel-shaped, tubular, wheel-shaped flowers of cacti will not leave anyone indifferent. Thus, Selenicereus is called the “queen of the night” or “night princess” for its large, yellowish flowers that bloom at sunset, in the depths of which yellow stamens sparkle with golden dots. There are cacti that bloom during the day, keeping the flowers fresh for more than ten days. Flowers of the “thorny family” can decorate the top, be located on the side surface of the stem or at its very base. Most species of cacti cross-pollinate with the help of various insects, hummingbirds, and bats; some species form seeds from pollination with their own pollen (ailostera, rebutia, etc.).

    Artificial pollination in indoor conditions should be done with a soft brush, transferring pollen from the stamens of a flower of one plant to the stigmas of the pistils of other plants of the same species. After pollination and fertilization, fruits with seeds are formed in place of the flowers. They can be covered with hairs, spines, scales or have a delicate silky surface. The fruits of some types of cacti, such as prickly pear, are edible. They are large, juicy and aromatic, reminiscent of the taste of orange, strawberry or gooseberry. In Latin America, they are eaten raw, made into compotes, preserves, wine, jelly, and added as a seasoning to meat and fish dishes.

    The seeds of most cacti are small, smooth or rough, shiny or matte with a very thin shell. There are, however, some that need to be filed or cut to germinate at home. You need to remember this when dealing with, for example, prickly pear seeds. Speaking about the ability of cacti to survive in unfavorable environmental conditions, one cannot fail to mention the diverse structure of their root system.

    Some species, growing along the banks of rivers and seas, have a fibrous root system, absorbing water from the surface layers of the soil with the help of densely located, thin roots. In the American deserts, where a thick crust forms on the surface of the clay soil, cacti grow with a tap root system that extract water at great depths. Cacti with a bulbous root store water in it during the rainy season and feed the stem with it during the dry season. In some species the root is semi-onioned, that is, with several thickened processes.

    Epiphytic cacti living in the humid atmosphere of tropical forests develop aerial roots, with the help of which the plants attach to the support and “scoop” moisture from the air.

    Let's figure out what the name means and what family this plant belongs to. The cactus got its name from its characteristic spines.: from other Greek. κάκτος means “thorny plant.”

    The family of dicotyledonous plants Cactaceae (lat. Cactaceae) belongs to the order Cloves. The family includes 150 genera, and the number exceeds 3000. Below is a comparative description of succulents and cacti.

    Representatives of the Cactaceae are perennial succulents with thick, fleshy, almost completely ribbed stems. Succulents (which in Latin means succulentus - succulent) are perennial plants of dry places that store water reserves in leaves or stems (cacti - Cactus in English). However, it should be understood that cacti and succulents are not the same thing.

    Succulents store water in fleshy leaves, which the cactus does not have, stem and roots. Succulents are not a family or a group, but rather plants united by a common property - the ability to retain moisture inside. Simply put, succulents are a broader concept.

    Cacti are flowering plants. It would be a mistake to call it a flower, because a flower is a plant organ. However, many types of cacti bloom. The plant has a great variety of unusual properties and characteristics. For example, the unique pigment of a flower, a wide variety of shapes and sizes of stems - from tiny two-centimeter balls to tall plants of several meters.

    A distinctive feature of cacti is the special organ of the areola, which is a modified axillary bud with bud scales in the form of hairs or spines.

    Cacti have an original structure of the flower and fruit: they are the tissue of the stem. Flowers and fruits of a plant almost always have buds, and they, in turn, belong to the stem, which is responsible for photosynthesis. The flowers themselves are often solitary, sometimes collected in a racemose inflorescence located on the cephalium - a special protrusion.

    Cacti are not just green stems covered in flowers. They have quite interesting blooms. The sepals smoothly turn into petals, which are white, yellow, pink, purple, red and multi-colored. The flowers are very small, and sometimes their diameter reaches 20 cm.

    The fruits are berry-shaped, bright, with many small seeds. Many cacti have edible ones.

    Photo of a flower

    Here you can see all the photos of the most beautiful cacti (cactus), in a pot and outdoors:

    Law of Growth

    Cacti are indeed very unpretentious and beautiful plants., but their significant drawback is slow growth. Although cacti are said to like dry soil and don't need frequent watering, they grow best when it rains when it comes to wild plants. In addition to humidity levels, sunlight is also important for them. Therefore, cacti begin to grow actively in the spring.

    It is easy to determine the beginning of this phase, because in many plant species it manifests itself externally. For example, in some, the tops of the spines become brighter, there are more spines, and the skin of the upper part of the stem acquires a different, more saturated shade.

    The vegetative period is characterized by a temporary slowdown or cessation of growth. The fact is that flowering takes a lot of energy, so the plant simply does not have “strength” left to grow.

    In winter, the cactus undergoes a dormant cycle., and they need nutrients most of all. In spring, the plant begins to bloom, it needs more moisture, fertilizer, a lot of light and warmth. Flowering continues in summer.

    Learn more about how cacti grow.

    How to determine age?

    It is impossible to determine the age of a cactus visually. There are only two options to find out: track it from the moment of sowing or ask the person who grew it. The age of a cactus is calculated by dormant periods. If, for example, a cactus grows for three years in the same conditions - from humidity to lighting, then all three years are one year of the cactus’s life. If in 5 years a cactus has had one dormant period, then it means it is not 5 years old, but only its second year (read about how long cacti live at home and in nature).

    How long a cactus grows depends, first of all, on the species. Some species can reach several meters in height with a properly selected pot. But in any case, it is easier for wild cacti to reach maximum height than for domestic ones. The famous “Queen of the Night” can reach 20 m in height.

    History of origin: where is its homeland and how does it grow in nature?

    Now about where the homeland of cacti is located. The first mentions of cacti are found in Spanish newspapers in 1535. Then they began to be grown. Cacti first came to Europe after Columbus's expedition to America. In the 30s of the XVIII century, in his works, Carl Linnaeus described 22 species of plants, which he named Cactus. In this century there were many descriptions and information about cacti, and a fashion arose for breeding these plants. Their country of origin is considered to be South and North America. We’ll tell you further where else cacti live.

    Cacti are distributed mainly on this continent, including in deserts. In addition, representatives of some species grow in Africa, Mauritius and Madagascar, and are found in Australia, India, and Mediterranean countries. In general, cacti live on all continents except Antarctica.

    How does it adapt to its environment?

    Now let’s talk about why cactus grows spines instead of leaves. Nature has awarded cacti with special grooves along which water accumulates to the roots and accumulates in them. The spherical shape contributes to low evaporation of moisture. The formation of cracks is prevented by ribs on the stem.

    Thick skin protects the plant from heat, and the spines and villi create a protective shadow. In addition, the spines have the unique ability to attract drops of water electrostatically, and also protect the plant from hungry animals and promote pollination. The cactus does not have leaves, so as not to waste precious moisture.

    Can I keep it at home?

    Cacti have long been learned to be grown and kept at home in the room. Houseplants are completely non-toxic. The maximum they can do to annoy you is to prick you with their spines (find out how to avoid being pricked by a cactus and what to do if this happens).

    Benefits and calorie information

    Cactus fruits are widely used in cooking because they have beneficial properties (learn more about the fruits and their use). They have low calorie content - only 41 kcal per 100 grams. The edible fruits contain large amounts of carbohydrates (5.97 g), fats (0.51 g) and proteins (0.73 g). Cacti help fight hypertension, diabetes, and reduce cholesterol levels.

    Find out more about the benefits and harms of cactus for humans in.

    What can you cook?

    All parts of the plant are eaten, except, of course, the spines.. Juices that quench thirst well and sweetener syrups that can be consumed by diabetics are made from cacti.

    Dishes made from cactus fruits

    The fruits are consumed not only raw, but also jams, preserves, marmalade and even seasonings are prepared from them. The fruits of some species have not only a pleasant taste, but also healing properties. Cactus stems are also eaten: they can be pickled, fried, boiled, baked, stewed, or made into a salad.


    Not only healthy refreshing juice is made from cacti, but also alcohol. The “king” of this trend is the prickly pear, widespread in Mexico. The most famous drink from the cactus is Baytra liqueur, which is produced in Malta.

    Not so long ago Czechs have learned to make diet beer from cactus, which has not yet achieved recognition throughout the world, but is popular in Europe. From cacti, Mexicans make a strong alcoholic drink, “Sahuaro,” which is consumed not only in its pure form, but also as part of cocktails, and also goes well with martinis.

    Features of care

    A cactus at home needs enough light, so it is better to place pots on a south or east window. But only if we are talking about desert species! Forest cacti, on the contrary, prefer western and northern windows.

    In summer, it is better to place the cactus on the balcony to provide more fresh air. In winter, they need a cool place (15-17 degrees) and shade. Contrary to popular belief, cactus needs abundant watering. To do this, it is better to use water at room temperature, and ideally rain or melt water.


    At home, cactus in the following ways:

    • Children (shoots).
    • Cuttings.
    • Seeds.
    • Vaccination.

    The simplest are the first two methods.


    1. Children (1.5-2 cm) are detached from the mother plant.
    2. The children are attached to a glass of water at a distance of 5-7 mm from the water to the cactus.
    3. As water evaporates, it is added. It is better to maintain a temperature of 25-30 degrees.
    4. After the roots have formed, the children sit down. Virmiculite, zeolite, coarse sand or small stones can be sprinkled around the cactus.


    1. Healthy and strong parts of the cactus are selected.
    2. The upper part of the cactus is cut off, sharpened, dried for about 7 days and rooted in the ground.
    3. For better rooting, the lower part of the cut cactus is placed in a warm Kornevin solution (1 tsp per 0.5 l of water) for several hours. Then it is dried for 2-3 days and planted in the ground.


    Rarely succeeds. Fungus appears on some emerging sprouts, others lose roots, dry out or rot.

    Bloom, my star!

    Cacti may not bloom at all if there are no suitable conditions for this. Some species begin to bloom from the age of three, while others will take as long as 10 years. usually begins in the spring, after a period of rest. It is quite difficult to achieve flowering of a plant, and suitable conditions for them are not always sufficient.

    It is necessary to alternate the life stages that are observed in the natural growth conditions of the cactus. Therefore, if you want a cactus to bloom, you need to choose one of two ways: either make every effort to achieve the desired result, or choose unpretentious species.


    Diseases of cacti are most often caused by bacteria, lower fungi, mycoplasmas, and viruses. Their impact can lead to the death of the plant, and rare and valuable species most often become targets of enemies. To avoid infection of cacti, favorable living conditions will again help.

    Among cactus diseases, the most common are:

    • spotting;
    • viral mosaic of epiphyllums;
    • Euphorbia mosaic virus;
    • jaundice;
    • prickly pear witches' brooms;
    • dry and wet rot;
    • mushroom growth and others.

    You can learn about diseases and pests of cacti.

    Cacti, like any plants, require careful, care and special conditions. Sometimes you need to take care of house flowers as if you were your own children, because it is the owner’s attitude towards the plants that determines their health, beauty and normal development.