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How to download windows 7 updates. How to install any windows updates manually. Get updates for other Microsoft products

Good day to everyone, my dear regular readers, blog guests and simply lovers of all topics related to computers.

After the release of the brand new tenth operating system, not everyone installs it. Many are accustomed to the seven, and it requires less resources from the computer than the new OS. Although service packs are no longer released for this shell, they are still present on the official website on software portals. Therefore, I decided to tell you in this article how to install updates on Windows 7 manually, as well as using alternative methods. Go!

Manual method

This method works even on pirates. First you need to download the updates. Let's entrust this to the update center. So let's go to start, and then to control Panel.

Now let's move on to the section about system and security. Just left-click on it.

Then we need to enable Update centre. Click on the line that I indicated in the picture below.

On the left side there are lines with inscriptions. Select the parameter settings option.

In the next window, select the second line, as I indicated in the pic below. Then click OK.

Updates will begin to be downloaded from Microsoft servers. This may take a long time. Then the system will notify you that this process is complete and you can proceed to the installation itself.

Click on the arrow next to the clock. A small block with hidden signs will appear. We need to click this one here.

A window with detailed information will appear. It will indicate how many updates have been downloaded, what their weight is in megabytes, etc. We need to click on install button.

A progress bar will appear. You have to wait for the installation to finish.

When the whole process is completed, a button will appear, when clicked, the computer will reboot. That is, it will be rebooted.

Offline update

It may seem impossible to some, but Windows can be updated offline. Download from here- a program called WSUS Offline Update. We install it, open it and configure it in the same way as in the pic below.

If some updates are already installed, but newer versions have been released, software will remove them and rearrange them.

Now the software will offer to download and update something important for operating system Software includes graphic modules, packages for C++, and so on.

After we have chosen everything, just press the button start. The software will again begin searching and downloading.

After that, in the final directory of the WSUS Offline Update program, from the download folder, pull out all the contents and drag them onto the mobile device. For example, it will be easier for you to install software from a flash drive if there is suddenly no Internet.

Via torrents

Let's imagine that there is a need to update the system, but at the same time everything needs to be done without an update center. To do this, download from here— client software. Once the file has downloaded, double-click on it.

Select Russian language and click OK.

Then the process of downloading package languages ​​will begin.

And in the next one too.

Now the license agreement will pop up. You don't have to read it, just click on the button continue or accept.

Choose where the program will be installed, check the box to create a shortcut and go Further.

Place two checkmarks at the top and continue.

Now pay attention! Uncheck the box asking you to install some software.

In the next window, reject a similar offer.

All is ready. A shortcut appeared on the desktop.

From here download the first service pack.

After that, open it and see this interface.

The installation process will begin.

After completing all the steps you will see a picture like this.

It happens when updates conflict with some software or system. If they are not installed, you need to find another source, download a new file from there and repeat the procedure.

Update via CMD

By the way, you can enable updates via the Command Line. It's actually very simple. It’s true that this method won’t work without the Internet. Open Start and enter the command in the line CMD. Then we give the command - wuauclt/detectnow.

I want to give you a few useful tips. Updating the operating system is an optional feature. But it needs to be produced.

  • Firstly, it affects the speed of the shell. You've probably noticed that as soon as you install the system, it slows down? So, updates and service packs significantly improve the functioning of the OS.
  • Secondly, updating the security system is a very important aspect. You don't want to become a victim of hackers, do you? Therefore, this cannot be neglected.

Even antivirus software cannot protect you if there are holes and bugs inside the system itself that give attackers a chance to penetrate the operating system and take control of it.

Sometimes it happens that packages with information take a long time to install. Don't be nervous and reboot your computer. If the update is large in size, then it will take quite a long time to install. In addition, this is also affected by the hardware inside your personal computer.

If the processor is weak, and random access memory little, then all manipulations on such a machine will take a long time.

Sometimes you need to install in Safe Mode. To do this you need to restart your computer. As soon as it turns on, press F8 and we see this picture.

Now we select the first line and wait for all components of our operating system to load. Next, install everything you need and reboot again to enter the standard operating mode of the OS.

In addition, you can install updates not only from a disk image or flash drive. For this we need the official Microsoft website. It is located by the address. We need to go to this page.

We go below and see the updates that are key for Windows 7.

If you click on the additional information icon to the right of each block, we will see detailed description everything related to this or that update. I advise you to read all this before installation. Especially the installation instructions.

Click on the first update and go to the page with it. Select Russian language and press the button download.

Next, an interface will appear with the selection of each component from this update package. You can download everything at once by checking all the lines. Or selectively download certain software. I recommend downloading everything at once. Press the button next.

Suppose you often install/reinstall Windows 7. And you don’t want to drag out hundreds of megabytes of updates through the Center every time Windows updates(aka Windows Update). Therefore, you downloaded the updates in the form of .msu and .cab files. How to automate the installation process?

Once we have downloaded the updates, automating their installation is a very simple matter. You can do this using one of the two options described below.

Where can I download these updates? Strictly speaking, Microsoft does not encourage such distribution of its updates and insists exclusively on using Windows Update. However, the following article has a couple of examples where such updates can be found.

Creating a BAT file

The method is as follows: we create a BAT file with the required script, this file is then placed in the same folder with previously downloaded updates. Click-click - all the files are installed, beautiful.

The code looks like this.

@Echo Off Title Installing Windows7 Updates For %%F In (MSU\*.msu) Do Call:msin %%F For %%A In (CAB\*.cab) Do Call:kbin %%A Exit:msin Start / Wait %1 /quiet /norestart:kbin Start /Wait pkgmgr /ip /m:%1 /quiet /norestart GoTo:EOF Exit

Open Notepad, copy the code into it, then save it with any name and .bat extension.

Moreover, if, when saving in Notepad, you select a file type such as Text files, then the file name must be enclosed in quotes, for example, “install.bat”. If you choose the type All files, then quotes are not needed. This is necessary for the file to be saved with the .bat extension. Or take a normal human editor, like Notepad++, instead of a crappy notepad.

The script file is ready, place it in any folder. Now in the same folder create two more folders, named CAB and MSU. In the CAB folder, save files with the .cab extension, in the MSU folder, of course, save files with the .msu extension.

All that remains is to double-click on the file with the script and all updates, one after another, will be installed.

Before you begin installation, make sure that:

  • updates for the desired one are selected Windows versions 7 (32-bit or 64-bit);
  • The name of the update files should not contain the word “Express” - such an update cannot be installed;
  • The script file folder must contain subfolders CAB and MSU, do not lump all updates into one pile.

Now let's look at the second method, which involves using the Windows 7 Update Pack Tool.

Windows 7 Update Pack Tool

As usual, craftsmen help us where the lazy bastards from Microsoft are too lazy to do something sensible. The Windows 7 Update Pack Tool allows you to automate the update installation process as follows.

  1. Download the Windows 7 Update Pack Tool. Links are provided immediately at the top of the page. Along with the program itself, various updates will already be downloaded, but this is not important, since we need the update.exe file.
  2. Create a new folder, for example the folder Install. Copy the update.exe file into it from the archive you downloaded earlier.
  3. Copy all updates with .cab and .msu extensions to the folder.
  4. Create another folder inside this folder and name it SpecialUpdates.
  5. Copy to folder SpecialUpdates updates with .msi and .exe extensions.
  6. Double-click update.exe to launch it. The program does not have a graphical interface, but that's okay, it's as simple as a carrot.
  7. Select a team Install updates by pressing the key 1 , then key .
  8. The program will search for all previously copied update files. Then just press any key to start the installation.
Any personal computer or laptop, after installing the latest operating system, needs regular updates, since developers are constantly improving and adding to Windows. Once the system is installed, you need to set up a configuration to update components via the Internet.

This procedure must be performed once so that in the future all software and system resources are updated according to the assigned parameters. This is important because updates give the system more performance, reliability, and stability. To ensure that the update setup process is successful, follow the instructions described in this guide on your computer.

First go to the menu Update Center, which can be found by clicking the icon Start, then we find the point Control Panel and select a category Windows Update.
Windows Update"> Figure 1. Control Panel -> Windows Update.
Click on Windows Update, a new menu opens in which you need to perform several basic actions.

Figure 2. Windows Update window.
In the left table, you must first click on the item Parameter settings.

Figure 3. Parameter settings menu.
Here you need to give preference to the option to monitor updates, but leave the choice of downloading and installation to the owner.

Why is it necessary to choose this particular mode?

This update mode is preferred because it makes downloading and installation more flexible. The selected item allows you to inform about the arrival of new update files, but which ones to download and install can be filtered or the procedure can be postponed. Therefore, it is better to give preference to the updates option, which is indicated in the image.

Search for updates

When the update mode is configured, we return to the previous menu and go to the next item, which is called “Search for updates”. We select this option, and Windows will completely automatically search for the latest files in accordance with the current configuration.

Figure 4. Update search process.
When the search is completed, a new window will appear with available important and optional update databases.
Figure 5. Update search result: important and optional databases.
Now click on the “Important updates” subcategory.

Figure 6. Subcategory “Important updates”.
More than twenty significant updates have been discovered that can be downloaded and installed into the system. The availability of important updates depends on the hardware and operating system configuration. These are significant libraries for the OS that are developed at Microsoft. Some are able to improve performance, improve system performance, and introduce new elements into the interface. Select the required elements with a checkmark if they are not selected, and click on the “Optional updates” item.

Figure 7. Subcategory “Optional updates”.
Additional service packs include supporting software that includes foreign language pack databases for office applications. Device drivers that were found are also listed in this list. The system cannot recognize some devices, so some necessary drivers may be missing.

We select the components we need. Although there was software on the computer, there was obviously an update that could be refreshed. Now go down to the lower right corner and click “OK”.

The system will return the user to the first stage of updating system resources. Here you need to click “Install updates”. Updates are now being downloaded; the duration of the download depends on the size of the libraries and the speed of the Internet connection.

You can safely minimize this process and do other things in the system. When the download is complete, the user will be prompted to restart the computer with a pop-up message from the bottom bar. When the notification appears, we agree with the proposal, after which the PC will restart.

A common situation that many people face after Windows reinstallation 7 or resetting a laptop with pre-installed Windows 7 to factory settings - subsequent downloading and installation of all released Windows 7 updates, which can take a really long time, prevent you from turning off the computer when necessary and fray your nerves.

However, there is a way to download all updates (almost all) for Windows 7 once in the form of one file and install them all at once within half an hour - Convenience Rollup Update for Windows 7 SP1 from Microsoft. Learn how to use this feature step by step in this manual. Additionally: .

The Windows 7 Convenience Rollup is available for download from the Microsoft Update Catalog site under number KB3125574:

Here you should keep in mind that you can open this page in a working form only in Internet Explorer(and latest versions, that is, if you open it in IE, pre-installed in Windows 7, you will first be prompted to update your browser, and then enable the add-on for working with the update catalog). Update: They report that now, as of October 2016, the catalog works through other browsers (but does not work in Microsoft Edge).

In case, for some reason, downloading from the update catalog is difficult, below are direct download links (in theory, the addresses may change - if it suddenly stops working, please notify me in the comments):

After downloading the update (which is a single standalone update installer file), run it and just wait for the installation to complete (depending on the performance of your computer, the process may take different times, but in any case, it will take significantly less time than downloading and installing updates one at a time).

Finally, all that remains is to restart the computer and wait for the update setup to take place when turning it off and on, which also does not take too long.

Note: this method installs Windows 7 updates released before mid-May 2016 (it’s worth noting that not all of them - some of the updates, the list is on the page , Microsoft did not include it in the package for some reasons) - subsequent updates will still be downloaded through the Update Center.

Some PC users prefer to decide for themselves which updates to install for their operating system. In this case, you need to try to configure their installation yourself.

How to install updates on Windows 7 manually

Automatic downloads should be disabled. To do this, open the Start menu and launch Control Panel.
Now go to the System and Security menu.
Here, in the Windows Update column, click on the highlighted menu item in the picture.
Now in the window that appears, in the column of important upgrades, you should put the first item and click OK.

Manually updating Windows 7

They will all download automatically, but you will decide whether to install them or not. Every time a new upgrade is downloaded, the system will inform you; you will only need to open the message or click on the icon on the control panel.
If you agree to the installation, click on the corresponding message.
After this, the installation process will begin and upon completion, the computer will ask you to reboot.

Finding and installing Windows 7 updates

Open the update center and click on the “search” button.
You will need to wait a while, if the system detects the files to be installed, then you need to click on the “Settings” menu item.
Here, in the important updates section, set the value shown on the screen and confirm your actions.
Now you can start the installation of the found updates, wait until it completes and restart the computer.

How to install optional updates on Windows 7 manually

There are so-called optional upgrades. If they are not present, then this will not affect the performance of the computer in any way. However, in some cases they can expand the capabilities of the PC. Even with automatic download, these packages will not download, so you will have to start the process yourself. After searching for components in the window that appears, you can see a small column, which is highlighted in the picture; click on it.
A window will appear with a list of available downloads; you need to select the ones you need and click OK.
After this, you should click - install updates, wait a certain amount of time and restart the computer.