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How to remove raised stripes on nails. Longitudinal stripes on fingernails. Causes, photos and treatment in children and adults. The appearance of white stripes may be due to

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Nails, being one of the elements of our body, are often able to reflect the degree of our health. How can we judge the state of our body by the appearance of the nail plates?

Tibetans about the appearance of nails

Tibetan medicine, for example, gives great importance interpretation of the longitudinal lines that appear on the nails. In her opinion, it is necessary to pay attention to all the signs (the presence of fragility, fragility, characteristics of the general condition and length of the nails), because even in small things an important meaning can be hidden.

The appearance of transverse grooves on the nail plates in the vast majority of cases indicates that a person is malnourished and has health problems. If your nails are also brittle and peel all the time, then it is time to visit a doctor. These signs may indicate the possible onset of an illness that the person himself does not yet feel. IN in this case early diagnosis disease will prevent the risk of its development.

Another problem with stripes on nails occurs when there is a fungal disease or when the cuticle is removed incorrectly. With this option, you also cannot do without the help of a doctor.

Streaks may appear if nail extensions are removed incorrectly. Their removal should be carried out by professional specialists, which will minimize the risk of damage to sensitive nail plates.

Having found out the reasons for the occurrence of stripes, you need to move on and determine ways to solve health problems.

When longitudinal stripes appear as a result of poor nutrition, it is necessary to optimize it. It’s never a bad idea to include vegetables and fruits in the list of foods you eat, and in fairly large quantities. This will also have a positive effect on the condition of the hair and even on the entire body as a whole. In general, to be healthy and feel great, you need to make it a rule to eat right.

Streaks due to improper removal of nail extensions are treated differently. The nails must first grow, and then you need to visit a specialist. He will carefully remove the affected nail layer to get rid of this problem. The specialist performs the procedure for about an hour and is completely painless. You should not risk the health and beauty of your nails and trust them only to professionals.

The occurrence of burning and itching against the background of the appearance of stripes indicates a possible infection with a fungus. Dermatologists treat fungal diseases with various ointments that have an immediate effect. It’s just important not to delay seeing a doctor. The sooner you start using special medications, the faster (less than a week) the problem will go away. If the burning sensation does not go away within three to four days and the appearance of the nails is still the same, you need to apply another treatment.

You should definitely pay attention to nail problems and do not ignore them. After all, everything in our body is interconnected and the bad appearance of marigolds often indicates the hidden onset of the disease. And by starting diagnosis and treatment early, you can help the nails themselves get into good shape.

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The main sign of well-groomed women's hands is considered to be beautiful, smooth nails, but very often white spots or stripes appear on them, which do not look aesthetically pleasing. This pathology is called leukonychia. It appears in both adults and children.

A change in the color of the nails signals not only a lack of vitamins in the body, but also a malfunction internal organs. Treatment should not be postponed until later: timely diagnosis will help eliminate problems in the functioning of the body and restore the beauty of the nails.

Longitudinal stripes on the fingernails may appear due to damage to the nail structure, which is caused by inflammatory processes. As a result, very small air bubbles appear between the layers of the nail plate. This signals that something has gone wrong in the body.

If white stripes appear on only one nail, this is due to poor circulation. But if they appear on the entire surface of the nail plates, you should consult a doctor, as this indicates a disease of the internal organs.

Despite the fact that a person does not experience pain with such defects, it would be more correct to identify the cause of the occurrence and eliminate the problem.

Classification of leukonychia

In medical practice, there are several types of leukonychia:

  1. Limited. Appears when there is mechanical damage to the nail resulting from injury, impact, squeezing or careless manicure.
  2. Total. In most cases, it occurs in children and adolescents. Accompanied by changes in the nail plate (discoloration) and is a consequence of liver diseases, anemia, fungal and infectious diseases, hormonal imbalance and diseases of internal organs. The patient experiences fatigue, allergic reactions, acne and poor appetite.
  3. Spot. Manifests itself in the form of small white spots, which can be either single or plural. Usually appears after damage to the nail during an unsuccessful manicure.
  4. Striped. It can develop either from a point form or independently. If white stripes occupy most of the nail plate, you should immediately undergo an examination to identify the cause of the development of the pathology.


There can be many reasons for the occurrence of leukonychia. One of the most common is mechanical trauma to the nail or exposure to chemicals. Artificial nails, fungal infection and lack of zinc in the body can also be provoking factors in the development of pathology. Sometimes leukonychia has a congenital form. In most cases, the causes of occurrence can be determined by the shape and size of the spots:

  • small pinpoint spots, sometimes in the form of stripes that are arranged randomly – mechanical injury to the nail plate;
  • transverse stripes, often in pairs - lack of active substances and vitamins associated with unbalanced nutrition and diets;
  • spots located throughout the nail plate - disruption of the functioning of internal organs, gastrointestinal diseases;
  • big White spot, located in the middle of the nail, may disappear as the nail plate grows - this results in frequent stressful situations, depression;
  • small white spots in small quantities – seasonal vitamin deficiency;
  • spots in large quantities - prolonged vitamin deficiency;
  • white spots with a bluish tint – diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • white spots on a yellowed and wavy nail plate are the development of a fungal infection.

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nails

The appearance of white spots on nails can be caused by external and internal factors.

External factors

Longitudinal stripes may appear due to some reasons of external influence:

  1. Damage to the nail plate. Hitting or squeezing the nail, or the habit of biting nails leads to the formation of white spots. This type of leukonychia occurs more often in children and is the most common.
  2. Frequent contact with chemicals: household chemicals, fertilizers, paints, heavy metals (including lead and arsenic), drugs for the treatment of cancer, sulfonamides used to eliminate infections caused by bacteria.
  3. Careless manicure. As a result of this procedure, not only the outer but the deep layer of the nail is damaged.
  4. Onychotillomania. One of the varieties of dermatomania, the essence of which is the obsessive habit of destroying one’s own nails.
  5. Wearing uncomfortable shoes.

It is worth noting that as a result of injury to the nail plate, punctate leukonychia occurs, and white spots in the form of stripes appear less frequently. The total form cannot appear due to injury to the nail plate.

Internal factors

A number of internal factors that are related to human health can contribute to the occurrence of nail pathology. White spots appear as a result of:

  1. Poor nutrition.
  2. Frequent fasting. Exclusion from the diet of foods enriched with calcium, zinc, iodine, iron and other trace elements. A deficiency of nutrients affects not only the functioning of internal organs, but also the condition of the nails.
  3. Seasonal vitamin deficiency. A lack of vitamins A, C and E in the body provokes the appearance of dry skin, sticking in the corners of the mouth, frequent colds and fatigue.
  4. Metabolic disease. Failures in the body always lead to deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair and nails. If the stomach is not functioning sufficiently, the substances supplied with food are not absorbed. As a result, there is a deficiency of nutrients for healthy nails.
  5. Lingering stressful conditions and depression accompanied by nervous exhaustion.
  6. Diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus).
  7. Anorexia.
  8. Anemia.
  9. Heart failure.
  10. Fungal infections. In this case, in addition to white spots, thickening and deformation of the nail plate are observed.
  11. Hereditary diseases.

Anemia is one of the causes of leukonychia

Symptoms of white spots on nails

Symptoms of white spots depend on the type of disease.

  1. Limited leukonychia is characterized by the appearance of small, elongated spots. The spots appear on one or two nails that are located nearby.
  2. Spot. The most common form of the disease manifests itself in the form of white dots, which can be either single or numerous. The size of the spots can range from very small to larger sizes.
  3. Striped leukonychia appears as elongated white spots. At the initial stage of development, the spots look like thin stripes, the color of which ranges from white to pinkish. They can be located both vertically and horizontally of the nail.
  4. Total leukonychia is the most advanced form of the disease. It manifests itself in a complete change in the nail plate with complete coverage of it with white spots. Most often occurs in children and adolescents with a lack of vitamins and hormonal imbalance. It is also observed in people who suffer from diseases of internal organs and fungal infections of the nails.

Additional symptoms

Particular attention should be paid to those cases when, along with leukonychia, other conditions arise that are caused by diseases of the internal organs:

  1. Dehiscence of the nail plate. The appearance of white spots on the nail is a sign of calcium deficiency in the daily diet.
  2. Bad breath. This indicates that digestive disturbances have occurred. If white stripes appear on the nails, you should immediately consult a doctor and examine the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Hair loss. A sign of liver problems. If there are a large number of white spots on the nails, a number of procedures are prescribed to cleanse the entire body.

Since leukonychia is manifested only by the presence of white spots on the nails, there will be no difficulties during diagnosis. The doctor makes a diagnosis by examining the nail plates. After a visual examination, the doctor prescribes a number of laboratory tests:

  • examination for the presence of a fungal infection of the nail plate;
  • a nail biopsy, which requires taking a small amount of tissue with minimal scarring;
  • blood test for the presence of any disease.

The main task of diagnosis is to determine whether the disease is related to onychomycosis (an infectious fungal disease). It also needs to be distinguished from May's stripes, which appear on the nails due to arsenic or thallium poisoning. If such diagnoses are not confirmed, additional examination by other specialists will be required:

  • gastroenterologist,
  • nephrologist,
  • cardiologist,
  • endocrinologist.

Treatment is prescribed based on the results obtained, and it is imperative to protect the nails from any damage. You also need to take vitamins prescribed based on the tests performed. However, in most cases, leukonychia causes temporary cosmetic discomfort, which goes away on its own after some time.

Differential diagnosis

Using the method differential diagnosis You can make an accurate diagnosis by comparing symptoms with possible types of diseases. Barring ineligible diseases, there is only one option left.

It is necessary to differentiate leukonychia from the following pathologies:

  1. Nail psoriasis. The lesion is characteristically symmetrical. Multiple pinpoint depressions and small psoriatic papules appear on the nail plate.
  2. Eczema – chronic illness, affecting the nail plate. The main reasons are nervous tension or infection with microbes. Often accompanied by separation of the plate from the nail bed.
  3. Senile nails are a change in nail color, mainly in old age due to impaired blood microcirculation. As a result of the disease, nails become dull, sometimes gray or even yellow.
  4. Lichen planus on the nails. Accompanied by rashes on the skin and mucous membranes. Nails become thin, lose their natural color, and begin to peel in the distal area. Cracks and nail dystrophy often appear.
  5. Follicular dyskeratosis, or Darier's disease. Longitudinal white stripes appear. They are above the level of the nail, and the nail itself begins to break. Sometimes the stratum corneum under the nail becomes excessively large.
  6. Alopecia areata, in which the lesion also extends to the nails. Dotted depressions, white spots, and sometimes peeling are observed on the nail plate. Changes to the scalp are required.

White spots on nails in childhood

Leukonychia affects the nails of even children. Common reasons is an incorrect lifestyle and the lack of foods containing vitamins and beneficial compounds in the daily diet. Other causes of white spots in childhood include:

  • development of fungal infection,
  • constant stress,
  • hereditary factor
  • worm infection.

A visit to the pediatrician is necessary. He will prescribe a course of treatment suitable for the disease:

  1. If several spots are noticed on 2-3 nails, then there is no need for special treatment. It is enough to normalize the amount of vitamins consumed: add dairy products, meat, fresh fruits and vegetables to your food. In most cases, completely healthy new nails will then grow back.
  2. If you have diseases of the internal organs (liver, stomach, kidneys), it is important to cure them. After recovery, the nails themselves will acquire a natural shade.
  3. If the cause of the stripes is emotional stress, you need to create peace and comfort for the child, ensure a normal environment at home and in the place of study. It is also advisable to reduce physical and mental stress until the spots disappear.

Usually, Batrafen, Lotseril or Mikozan are prescribed for children. These drugs cause side effects rarely. Ointments are also prescribed to combat fungal infections.

Therapeutic treatments

First of all, treatment of leukonychia is aimed at eliminating the causes that caused the development of the pathology. All therapeutic methods include:

  • general measures (recommendations that must be followed, regardless of whether the nails are healthy or not);
  • internal treatment (medication treatment);
  • external treatment ( proper care nail care and medical procedures).

Therapeutic treatments include general activities that are beneficial for everyone:

  1. Make adjustments to your diet, which must include foods enriched with proteins, vitamins and nutrients. You need to eat more vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and meat.
  2. Careful and proper care of nails and hand skin.
  3. Mandatory intake of a complex of vitamins, such as Alphabet Cosmetic, Revalida, Perfectil, Pantovigar and others.
  4. Limit contact with chemicals and aggressive substances.
  5. Use quality hand skin care products.
  6. Normalize sleep and rest patterns.
  7. Eliminate the source of stressful situations.

Drug therapy

Treatment of leukonychia is based on an integrated approach. If you suspect the presence of any disease, you should consult a general practitioner. He will prescribe urine and blood tests, ultrasound of internal organs. If necessary, he will refer you to a specialist specialist. When the cause is identified, drug therapy is prescribed, which may include the following drugs:

  • antifungals (Nizoral, Clotrimazole);
  • general strengthening (vitamins A, B);
  • soothing (motherwort extract, Afobazol, Novo-passit);
  • hepatoprotectors (Karsil, Essentiale).

Basically, the appearance of white spots is caused by a lack of vitamins in the body, which can be easily eliminated by taking vitamin complexes.


Surgical intervention consists of removing the nail plate, which is required only in the most advanced form of leukonychia, in which the nail is completely discolored and destruction has begun. This method of treatment is necessary when the nail is deformed or gets infected. After the surgical procedure, the nail plate will grow back over time.

Chemical nail removal

IN Lately The chemical removal method is actively used. Before the procedure, it is necessary to remove the top shiny layer of the nail with a hard file, after which it will become matte. Be sure to cover the periungual skin with a bactericidal adhesive plaster so as not to damage it when softening.

  • Onycholysin powder;
  • cream for external use "Keratolan";
  • Belosalik ointment or solution;
  • antiseptic ointment "Bensalitin".

You need to walk with the bandage for 2-3 days, then remove it and remove the softened areas. The procedure must be repeated. To completely remove the stratum corneum, 1 to 3 sessions of this therapy will be required.

Sometimes the drug “Nogtivit” is used, which helps to soften the nail plate and remove it. It contains several components with keratolytic properties: urea, stearic acid, essential oils.

Before applying the cream, you need to steam your feet, then wipe dry. Cover the skin around the affected nail with a bandage. Apply Nogtivit without rubbing and wrap. Leave for several days (up to 4). After removing the patch, remove the top softened layer of the nail using a manicure file. Repeat these steps until the plate is completely peeled off.

Traditional methods

You can eliminate white spots in other ways. The most common of them are medicinal baths and oils. There are many traditional methods, thanks to which you can successfully eliminate white spots.

Option No. 1. To prepare such a bath, you need to dissolve sea salt (1 tsp) in warm water (1 l). Add 5 drops of essential oil of your choice (chamomile, lemon, tea tree, sandalwood). However, before adding oil to the solution, you need to make sure that there are no allergic reactions to these substances. Next, lower your hands into the warm solution and carry out the procedure for 20 minutes. After finishing, pat your hands thoroughly with a towel and apply nourishing cream.

Option No. 2. To prepare such a bath you will need sea salt and baking soda in equal proportions. Dissolve in hot water, let cool and hold your fingers for 15 minutes. Carry out daily, which will strengthen the plate and eliminate the presence of pathogens.

Pour 3 tbsp into a bowl. l. almond oil(if this is not available, you can replace it with another) and add 5 drops of bergamot, grapefruit and ylang-ylang oils. Dip your fingers into the solution and hold for at least 20 minutes. After the bath, put on cotton gloves.
Take such baths 3 times a week before bed and it is advisable to remove gloves only in the morning.

Baths based on oak bark and chamomile flowers

Prepare a decoction from medicinal herbs in equal proportions and carry out procedures every day for 15 minutes. Afterwards, the nail plate is lubricated with a nourishing cream. This bath has a healing effect.

Lemon-oil bath

In a container, mix lemon juice with a small amount of any oil (almond, lavender, jojoba). Heat the mixture and soak your fingers for 15 minutes. Carry out the procedure daily.

Oil applications

The procedures include daily rubbing of oil into the nail plate. Suitable for this:

  • olive or linseed oil with the addition of lemon juice in equal proportions;
  • fish fat;
  • drug AEvit.

If there are a large number of white spots on the nails, it is recommended to rub twice a day.

Garlic applications

Peel one clove of garlic and cut into thin strips. Apply to sore nails or rub. After 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Lemon mask

You will need lemon juice (1 tbsp) and vegetable oil(half a glass). Mix and heat in a water bath. Put your fingers down for 15 minutes. After the procedure, lubricate liquid vitamin Or fish oil.

Everyone knows that lemon juice is a bleaching agent. Regular rubbing into the nail plate can make white spots less noticeable.

Homemade varnish

To prepare, you need to take tincture of iodine, olive oil and AEvit. Mix all components in the proportions of 50 ml of oil, 5 drops of iodine and AEvit capsules. Apply with a brush to the affected nails every day, preferably before bed.


Warm a small piece of wax in your palms and rub your nail plates with it. Rub in daily.


Mix glycerin and petroleum jelly in proportions 5:1 and lubricate your nails every day. After 15 minutes, remove any unabsorbed product with a napkin.

Disease prevention

If longitudinal stripes arise due to negative external influences, the following measures must be taken:

  • protect nails from damage;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • wear shoes in public places (beaches, baths, swimming pools);
  • use disinfected manicure tools and high-quality varnishes, trim cuticles carefully, without touching the deep layers of the skin;
  • regularly wash your hands and treat them with disinfectants;
  • do not bite your nails;
  • wear shoes that fit;
  • wear protective gloves when washing dishes and other contact with household chemicals;
  • create a balanced diet;
  • Don’t be nervous, avoid tension.

It is necessary not to forget about periodic examinations in the hospital in order to identify problems in the body’s functioning in time.


Leukonychia usually occurs without complications. If you consult a specialist in time, the risk of developing the disease is reduced several times. If the nail plate does become deformed, it must be removed surgically. The new nail grows completely in a few months, and no traces of the disease are even visible.


Often the disease goes away on its own without surgical intervention, if its cause is not related to diseases of the internal organs. To speed up recovery, simple recipes are suitable traditional medicine or medications.

A cause for concern, especially for the weaker sex, is often stripes on the nails, which spoil the aesthetics of the hands and complicate their care. Such strips may be accompanied by delamination, loss of shape, natural color, natural elasticity, and increased fragility. In the professional dictionary of dermatologists, deformation of fingernails is called “onychodystrophy.” Suspicion of this disease arises when various unsightly defects appear on the nail plate. In such cases, nail deformation should not be ignored. It is important to find out the causes of such defects using.

Main reasons

Often, stripes on nails and other defects are the result of various external influences. Often the provoking factor is cosmetic procedures when cuticles are damaged or low-quality cosmetics are used. You can add to this list:

  • bruises and pinching;
  • washing and cleaning compositions;
  • onychophagia, to which every third child of adolescence and less often adults are prone.

It’s worse when the stripes are not just a cosmetic defect, but a manifestation of more serious internal pathologies. In this case you will need Special attention, because the various options Deformations of fingernails can be caused by various reasons.

Longitudinal stripes

  • dermatoses;
  • skin infections;
  • lack of vitamins.

Having noticed the initial stage of the disease on the nails, we immediately try to quickly disguise the disease from prying eyes. This is a fundamentally wrong approach. After all, the main thing is not how we look in the eyes of others, but what is the cause of the problems and how not to start the disease and avoid complications.

Longitudinal stripes appeared on the nails. What does it mean? Let's try to figure it out. Longitudinal stripes on the fingernails can indicate problems with internal organs, hormonal imbalance, weakened immunity, nail fungus. There may be several reasons and treatment, accordingly, will depend on the diagnosis.

Longitudinal stripes on fingernails: causes, photos

Let's look at the main causes of longitudinal stripes on fingernails. They may indicate serious problems in the human body, or they may simply be age-related changes. Older people may notice such stripes on their nails. Don't be scared, this is a natural phenomenon. Although in young people one can often observe a disease such as white longitudinal stripes on the nails.

Why do longitudinal stripes appear on nails:

  • hormonal imbalance of the body;
  • metabolic disease;
  • diseases of the intestines, stomach, pancreas;
  • vitamin deficiency (especially lack of iron, zinc, B vitamins);
  • infectious diseases;
  • stress, overwork;
  • decreased immunity;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • arthritis, gout.

Along with such serious diseases, one can note the appearance of longitudinal stripes due to improperly done manicure when the nail plate was damaged. In this case, there is no reason to worry. The problem will disappear naturally after some time.

It has long been noted that nail problems mostly affect women rather than men. This is due to the fact that the fair sex spends a lot of time on manicure, causing harm to the nail plate through careless actions.

Only a doctor can tell you what longitudinal stripes on nails mean. Based on the above reasons, we can conclude that tests and treatment cannot be avoided.

It happens that the longitudinal stripes go away on their own after a while. Then no additional treatment is required. But if they bother you for a long time, it’s worth thinking about the causes and treatment.

How to treat longitudinal spots on nails?

  • Why do longitudinal stripes appear on fingernails? Pay attention to your diet. How often do you eat fiber and dairy products? Do you have other signs of vitamin deficiency: hair loss, brittle, peeling nails?
  • Maybe it’s a matter of poor nutrition and a lack of such important vitamins and microelements as: vitamin B (especially B12), C, zinc, chromium, iron? In this case, your first priority is to put your diet in order and think about purchasing good multivitamin complexes. The measures taken will strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolism, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Other causes can only be cured by a doctor. You should not put your health at risk and ignore additional symptoms of the disease, along with longitudinal stripes on the nails. A visit to the doctor's office is already halfway to recovery.

  1. In addition to taking vitamin complexes internally, external treatment with beneficial substances will not be superfluous. Nail oils are ideal for this. They are simply a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. In addition to getting rid of longitudinal stains, they will also strengthen your nails, add a glossy shine to them and get rid of nail fungus. Which oil should you choose? The choice is yours. To begin with, you can focus on a pleasant smell.

There are 2 types of oil: vegetable (base) and essential. Both types of oil are beneficial for nails and can be used separately, but a mixture of them is the best healer for weak, lacking shine nails. In addition, you can additionally add vitamin E capsules, which is rightfully considered the “beauty vitamin”.

  1. Why are there longitudinal stripes on my nails? Maybe the reason is insufficient hand care? In this case, healing hand baths will help. There are many recipes for such procedures. The most useful hand bath with solution sea ​​salt. Two tablespoons of sea salt per liter of warm water. Let your hands sit for 20 minutes, then dry with a towel and apply nourishing cream. This mask effectively fights weak and brittle nails.
  2. Rubbing your nails with lemon daily will whiten your nails and strengthen them. You can use lemon instead essential oil lemon, and the effect will be doubled.
  3. Rubbing with base oils is the most common method of getting rid of nail problems. You don’t need to purchase them specially; they are always at hand. The most healthy oil considered olive. Rubbing your nails with olive oil every day will affect their strength and appearance.

Prevention of the appearance of longitudinal stripes on nails

Prevention of nail problems is known to everyone:

  • Don't trust your nails to an unqualified manicurist. In addition to damaging the nail plate, it can “reward” you with fungus. Trust your nails only to the best nail technicians or do your own manicure at home.
  • Do not paint your nails with regular nail polish if longitudinal streaks begin to appear. It is better to use special medicinal varnishes.
  • Add to diet healthy foods food: vegetables, fruits, dairy products. Drink enough water.
  • Start treatment by taking a multivitamin complex. Only preference should be given to natural vitamins rather than artificial ones, which will not bring benefits, and sometimes, on the contrary, can be toxic.
  • Don't forget to pamper your nails with strengthening oils, baths and nourishing creams.

Bottom line

We hope that we have answered the question: what do longitudinal stripes on fingernails mean? It is always unpleasant to notice symptoms of any disease. This can unsettle and cause stress for a long time. Therefore, do not forget to undergo a medical examination once a year. Such activities monitor diseases in a timely manner and prevent their further spread. Take care of yourself and then you will have many years of life.

Video about nail fungus

Longitudinal grooves on fingernails are familiar to many people. Such a defect can also appear on lower limbs. Nails are considered a sensitive indicator of the condition of the entire human body, and any violations require careful attention. Of course, stripes or grooves on the nail plate can appear as a result of exposure to external factors, but quite often they become an early sign of an emerging pathological process in various internal organs.

The essence of the phenomenon

Longitudinal grooves on the nail plates of the hands or feet most often appear as protruding vertical stripes. However, they can appear in the form of linear depressions, as well as pigmented stripes, which do not cause significant deformation of the plate. The stripes can be made up of numerous dots, dents, and bumps lined up in a row.

A fairly common defect in this category are whitish stripes. This pathology in medicine is usually called leukonychia. The development of this anomaly begins with the formation of white dots, which over time stretch out and merge with each other, forming white vertical stripes of different widths. In some cases, in addition to points, small tubercles appear in such a chain. All together creates a relief nail defect.

The sizes and localization of linear defects can be different. Longitudinal furrows are single or multiple in nature. They can cross the entire nail plate in a vertical direction or have the appearance of a shortened ray, at the bottom, top or in the middle zone. Most often, grooves on the nails are formed in the form of parallel strips located along the edges or in the center of the plate, but they can cover the entire area. Defects vary in width and color.

The affected nail acquires a noticeable cosmetic defect. Naturally, women in this case try to disguise it and smooth the nail surface with a thicker layer of varnish. The cosmetic effect is usually achieved, but the main thing is not taken into account: the stripes appeared for a reason. It’s good if they are the result of external influences not related to pathologies in the body. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that this is how any disease of the internal organs manifests itself. You should not rush to mask the anomaly; you must first identify the reasons for its appearance.

Physiological etiology

Vertical grooves on the nails can be the result of various physiological reactions that are not associated with pathogenic processes. Such phenomena do not require special treatment. After eliminating the causes, you can safely engage in cosmetic procedures (plate grinding, manicure, pedicure).

The formation of the defect in question in elderly people is considered a natural physiological process. Gradual aging of tissues (including the nail plate) leads to degenerative changes, and under such conditions the appearance of stripes on the nails can be considered normal.

Sometimes the causes of nail defects are associated with traumatic exposure. The most common cause is damage to the body or root of the nail due to improper manicure or pedicure. With a significant shift of the cuticle and its compression, longitudinal furrows appear after 20-25 days. Further development of the process depends on the degree of damage. If the injury is minor, then the growth of the nail gradually pushes out the damaged area, and after 4-5 months one can expect spontaneous restoration of the shape and structure of the nail. With severe trauma, the structure of the plate may change, and the growing nail becomes thicker and the defect is stable. Moreover, along the location of the grooves, cracks can develop that destroy the plate. In such circumstances, it is necessary to take measures to preserve the nail.

The following reasons may be important factors in the appearance of nail grooves:

  • poor nutrition, especially reckless diets;
  • smoking;
  • insufficient nail care;
  • frequent contact with aggressive agents (in particular, detergents and cleaners) without proper hand protection;
  • nervous stress.

On the feet, such defects can occur when wearing shoes that are too tight, or staying in them for a long time with active sweating.

Pathological factors

Experts recognize the fact that nails often become an indicator of the condition of the human body. The appearance of longitudinal grooves on them often becomes a symptom of serious pathological processes occurring in various internal organs. In addition, they can be the result of a direct nail disease of an infectious or non-infectious nature.

The pathological etiology of defects is most often associated with disruption of metabolic processes, tissue nutrition due to a deficiency of vitamins and essential microelements, and blood supply. One of the main catalysts for nail damage is a lack of B vitamins, especially cobalamin (B12), which plays a significant role in the formation of a strong structure of the nail plate. Whitish stripes appear with acute iron deficiency and a noticeable decrease in hemoglobin levels. Such defects in the central nail zone often indicate a deficiency of vitamin B6 and iron.

A certain pattern has been noticed in the etiology of the nail defect in question. If single or few furrows predominate without recurrence, then most often the reasons should be sought in a lack of vitamins and certain microelements. In cases where the area of ​​damage to the nail exceeds 22-25%, pathologies of internal organs should be looked for. There are certain groups at increased risk of nail damage:

  1. Children under the age of 12-14 years. At this age, as a rule, there is a greater deficiency of vitamins associated with their greater consumption at active growth, as well as imbalance of metabolic processes.
  2. Breastfeeding women who have a deficiency of zinc, calcium, and iron.
  3. The presence of renal pathologies, which is often associated with protein deficiency.
  4. Patients with diabetes mellitus.
  5. Puberty in adolescents is associated with hormonal changes.
  6. Pulmonary pathologies.
  7. People with abnormalities in the nervous system.

Among the pathologies that cause the formation of longitudinal grooves on the nails, the following can be distinguished:

  • lichen planus;
  • psoriasis;
  • gout;
  • joint and cardiovascular diseases;
  • neurological abnormalities;
  • spinal cord damage;
  • Darier's disease;
  • rheumatoid arthritis.

One of the common causes of the defect is zinc deficiency in the body. This disorder is typical for vegetarians, whose food contains no animal fats. In addition, furrows can cause the following:

  • acute skin diseases;
  • some infectious diseases;
  • intestinal dysfunction;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • peripheral circulatory disorders;
  • fungal infections.

Longitudinal grooves on the nail plates often become a harbinger of serious pathologies, and timely identification of the causes helps to begin treatment of the disease at an early stage.