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How to remove bitterness from pumpkin. Pumpkin helps you survive. Natural accumulation of bitterness

Autumn. All newspapers write about pumpkin. How can you ignore it? This is a symbol of autumn generosity - a large, bright, yellow-orange beauty. It would seem, what new can be said about pumpkin? They got used to it just like potatoes. And we eat it much less often than potatoes. And in vain! Medical scientists believe that this is unique healing vegetable. It should be on our table as often as possible. Unfortunately, modern ecology is such that we must choose products that help our body survive. Pumpkin helps. Therefore, everyone should grow it, it’s not at all difficult.

Why does pumpkin taste bad?

First of all, there are a lot of varieties. For Middle zone Early and mid-ripening varieties are suitable. They manage to pick up sweets during our short summer.

There are different types of pumpkins: hard-barked, nutmeg and large-fruited. They can be distinguished by their stalks. Large-fruited pumpkins have a rounded - cylindrical stalk. Muscat flowers are pentagonal, noticeably widened towards the base, like the Eiffel Tower. And in hard-barked ones it is ribbed, with pronounced grooves between the scars.

Large-fruited pumpkin usually grows in our gardens. Its varieties are: Smile, Winter Sweet, Hundred Pound, Kroshka, Winter Gray.

Large-fruited varieties do not always have a good taste, since they take a long time to build up mass and do not have time to gain sweetness. However, one should not rush into an assessment. Large-fruited pumpkins may not be tasty immediately after harvesting: they contain a lot of starch, and the pulp tastes like potatoes. But after a month of storage, the starch will turn into sugar, and then Cinderella will turn into a princess.

Hard-barked pumpkin is more hardy. It is early ripening, the very first of the pumpkin family begins to bloom, but is inferior to its large-fruited sisters in terms of yield and thickness of the pulp.

Hard-bark pumpkin is tasty right away, but you shouldn’t store it for a long time: the seeds will germinate inside the fruit, and the pumpkin will become bitter. But the seeds of hard-bark varieties are the most delicious.

The most delicious pumpkin is nutmeg. It contains more carotene than others. She is originally from Mexico, so she loves warmth. But if you grow it as seedlings, and even in a warm garden bed, it is quite possible to get a good harvest here too. Varieties of nutmeg pumpkin - Pearl, Muscat, Intercept, Vitamin, Vita.

How to store pumpkin

Pumpkins need to be harvested before frost. If frost has caught the peel, carefully monitor the fruits so that they do not rot. For long-term storage they don't fit. Such a pumpkin has one “treacherous” feature: outwardly it appears to be intact, but when you are about to take it, it falls through your hand. Rot has penetrated into the fruit through damaged skin. Therefore, handle the pumpkin with care, try not to damage the bark. Do not cut the stalk too close, leave it 3 - 4 cm long.

Keep in mind: the larger the pumpkin, the sooner you need to eat it. The fact is that, under its own weight, the pulp in the fruit collapses and spoils. This process begins from the bottom, from the side on which the pumpkin lies. Therefore, it is advised to sometimes turn the fruit over or hang it in a net. For long-term storage, select medium-sized fruits.

If you cut a large pumpkin and ate only a piece, then cover the rest with cling film and put it in the refrigerator. Try to use it in the coming days.

Do you want to grow delicious pumpkin?

Look for it during the winter good varieties. The best ones are nutmeg and early ripening ones. Pumpkin seeds need to be kept warm, but warehouses and stores are often cool. Therefore, it is better to purchase pumpkin seeds in advance; you will provide them with warmth at home.

You also need to think about the landing site in advance. It should be sunny. In the fall, it is advisable to prepare a warm bedding for the pumpkin. It doesn’t have to be a big “heap”, as some authors advise. It is enough if the pumpkin rises 30-40 cm above the soil level. This will improve the growing conditions for seedlings in the cool month of June.

We are preparing the bedding for the pumpkin now. We put in it tops, leaves, sawdust, shredded bark, kitchen waste, weeds and other organic material. All this mass should be approximately 2/3 of the total volume of the “heap”. Sprinkle it with earth with the addition of lime or ash. We leave it in this form for the winter. You can cover it with film, and for beauty, surround the planting site with a decorative border.

In spring, organic matter continues to decompose with the release of heat (even more efficiently under film). At the end of May, seeds can be planted on the heap, and seedlings can be planted in June. The additional heat from the litter has a positive effect on pumpkin growth. It has time to ripen well, which improves its taste.

If the pumpkin turns out to be tasteless

Prepare a spicy vegetable stew from it. Add fried onions bell pepper, tomato and garlic. You can add a little adjika and ground black pepper. Simmer, sprinkle with grated cheese at the end. Rest assured, you will change your mind about your pumpkin.

The second option is jam. Remember, it is recommended to cook it from unripe watermelon. Almost the same case. Cut the pumpkin into pieces (finely - 1x1 cm!). Add sugar and leave overnight. Grate or cut the lemon along with the zest (many people prefer orange, also with the zest). Cook in 2-3 batches until done. It turns out very tasty! Attention, do not add water, it will cause the pieces to boil.

Include pumpkin in your menu - and you have nothing to fear from bad ecology.

Pumpkin pectins remove from the body all harmful substances that chlorinated water, exhaust gases and other “benefits of civilization” load us with. Pumpkin speeds up metabolic processes in the body, helps digest meat and other heavy foods.

Pumpkin contains youth vitamins A and E, an immune protector - vitamin C, biologically active substances, a lot of potassium, which is good for the heart and blood.

WAIT EAT PUMPKIN! After cleaning, she should lie down. For example, nutmeg pumpkin needs to “rest” for two months. During this time, its flesh will become sweet and bright orange. You can even eat it raw.

Do not store pumpkin in the cellar. At low temperatures it does not gain sweetness. The storage temperature should not be lower than 12C. Keep the room dry. At high humidity, the fruits rot.

You can find this article in the newspaper "Magic Bed" 2010 No. 19.

Plant-based insulin will protect us from obesity, diabetes and breast cancer. Ripe fruits orange color used as food as vegetables, and in folk medicine they treat diseases (colds, headache, inflammation, hemorrhoids, digestive disorders and diabetes). There is scientific evidence of the effectiveness of plant insulin.

Its taste is bitter, but the fruits of its application are truly sweet! Bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon, bitter cucumber, balsam pear or apple, is Momordica charantia, an annual vine that grows up to 180 cm long.

Chemical composition

All its parts, but especially the fruits, contain a substance chemically identical to human insulin. Animal studies have shown that an insulin analogue from bitter gourd can reduce blood sugar levels in patients.

Useful for obesity

Another property is that it reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, which can protect against heart disease and weight gain. excess weight. In the experiment, rats were fed a fatty diet, but those given bitter gourd gained weight much more slowly.

Boosts immunity

Bitter gourd increases the level of interferon, a substance responsible for the reliability of immune defense, as well as antioxidants such as glutathione and superoxide dismutase, which protect us from breast and stomach cancer.


Although bitter gourd does not cure diabetes, it does reduce sugar levels, so herbalists recommend it for prevention and support for diabetics. Standard daily dose– 1000-2000 mg. If you regularly consume bitter gourd, you need to constantly monitor your blood sugar levels and keep your doctor informed - you may need to reduce the dose of insulin and other medications.

About bitter gourd

Bitter gourd is popular in Asia and little known in the West. It is rich in iron, beta-carotene, calcium, potassium and fiber.

Reduce bitterness You can if you choose yellower fruits and blanch them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, cutting them in half.

In order for the therapeutic course to be effective, it is necessary to know the effects of anthelmintic drugs, indications and restrictions on use. Many of them are highly toxic and may cause undesirable reactions, so treatment with this group of medications is carried out only after consultation with specialists.

In ancient times, helminthic infections were treated mainly using traditional methods. They brewed various decoctions, made tinctures and prepared infusions from medicinal plants– tansy, wormwood, pumpkin seeds. Taking natural medicines based on medicinal plants did not always lead to complete recovery.

For therapy, drugs included in various pharmacological compounds are used. These can be ethanolamines, salicylamides, pyrazinoisoquinolines, benzimidazoles.

Medication selection should be carried out directly by an infectious disease specialist. But there are often situations when the sick themselves are treated, relying on the package insert of the medication.

The use of such anthelmintic drugs as:

Piperazine adipate is an anthelmintic that has a detrimental effect on roundworms. It is especially effective for ascariasis and enterobiasis.

One of the main advantages of this medicine over others is its low toxicity. In this regard, it is often used in pediatric practice and prescribed to debilitated patients.

A high level of active substances in the patient’s bloodstream is detected within three hours after oral administration. It is also found in cerebrospinal fluid, urine, bile, and liver.

Vermoxa is characterized by a wide range of action for use per os for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The medication is active against roundworms, pinworms, whipworms, and hookworms.

The mechanism of action of the drug lies in irreversible disorders of the energetic processes of helminths. Impaired glucose utilization and inhibition of ATP formation leads to their death.

Vermox is prescribed to children who have reached two years of age and adults. To obtain a therapeutic effect, a single dose of the pill is sufficient. The dosage depends on the age and weight of the patient.

The list of medications prescribed by the attending physician is large. Commonly used tablets include:

The medicine is involved in strengthening the patient’s cellular immunity, differing in this property from other anthelmintics that can negatively affect immune system of people.

Nemazole, an anthelmintic medication that not only eliminates intestinal infestation, but also helps remove harmful microorganisms and their toxins from the human body. Appointed to persons of any age category.

A characteristic factor in the tics of anthelmintic drugs remains the toxic effects on internal organs. During the treatment process of helminth infections, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage. Only a doctor can make adjustments to treatment. By independently changing the course of treatment and violating medical recommendations, each patient risks causing re-infection with worms and causing irreparable harm to their health.

For the treatment of helminthic infections are used medications of plant and synthetic origin. It is not worth giving preference to one or another medicine, because each of them has a special focus and is endowed with a very sufficient list of all kinds of secondary manifestations.

This group includes the following tablet forms:

  • Pyrantel, which are released for oral use. It is characterized by high therapeutic effectiveness. At the same time, it has minimal toxic effects on the human body.

For treatment, a single dose per day twenty minutes after breakfast is sufficient. A mandatory requirement for taking pills is to chew them thoroughly and wash them down with a sufficient amount of water. Concurrent use of laxatives is not prescribed. You can purchase pyrantel in the pharmacy chain from twenty-six rubles per pack.

  • Helmintox in dosages of 125 and 250 mg and in the form of a suspension. The drug has an identical active component with pyrantel and is classified as its analogues.

Indicated for the destruction of helminths that provoked invasions such as enterobiasis, ascariasis, necatoriasis, hookworm disease.

The active substance of the tablets is completely excreted in feces and urine five hours after absorption. Used to treat intestinal infections caused by nematodes. Each tablet consists of the main ingredient - levamisole (0.15 or 0.05 g) and auxiliary components. The cost ranges from 80-90 rubles.

The pharmacological industry produces albendazole in tablets of 0.4 g and in the form of a suspension of 100 mg in 5 ml. The price of albendazole varies from 200 to 230 rubles.

It is prohibited to use:

  • Women carrying a fetus.
  • Patients with retinal disorders.
  • In the presence of hematological pathology.
  • In case of excessive sensitivity to the components of the product.
  • For allergic conditions.

Vermoxa, used to eliminate many nematodes and taeniases. Very effective against intestinal helminthiases. Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. It is not prescribed to patients with severe forms of liver failure and to persons with a history of ulcerative colitis. Strictly prohibited for children under two years of age.

The dosage, frequency and duration of taking Wormil is determined by a specialist. Wormil costs about 70 rubles.

The medicine is used internally. The dosage is indicated by the doctor taking into account the age and weight of the patient. It is not recommended to use Wormil for eye pathology, pregnancy, or hematological diseases. The cost of nemazole can range from 230 to 250 rubles.

Pumpkin is considered, perhaps, one of the healthiest and most fortified vegetables. Where did the pumpkin come from?

To this day, scientists cannot come to a consensus about the homeland of pumpkin. Some of them believe that China was the first place to grow this crop, since there are indications of its presence at the imperial court, others consider America to be the place where pumpkin was grown.

But, no matter how unexpected it may sound, there is another version. As it became known, in ancient Greece and in Rome, people made vessels for wine and water from pumpkins. It turns out that Europe knew pumpkin even before Columbus?

Unfortunately, no one can answer this question for sure, but they have been known since ancient times beneficial features pumpkin and is widely used not only for preparing delicious meat dishes, cereals, jams, but also as a natural remedy.

Beneficial features

Pumpkin is famous for its vitamin reserves, such as B, C, PP, E, as well as vitamin T, the complex of these vitamins has a beneficial effect on accelerating metabolism. In addition to the high content of essential vitamins in pumpkin, it also contains microelements (fiber, fluorine, zinc and iron).

It is especially useful for people suffering from diarrhea, as it helps remove excess fluid and helps neutralize toxins in the body.

Recently, pumpkin has been used in the treatment of tuberculosis. It slows down the progression of the disease. During the course of research, scientists invented a drug made from pumpkin components.

Pumpkin is also used in the treatment of chronic constipation and heart disease. It has a good diuretic, choleretic and laxative effect.

Pumpkin is often used by people with vegetatives - vascular dystonia, since it prevents the development of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases vascular system. Pumpkin juice, like many orange vegetables and fruits, is a natural immunomodulator.

Pumpkin seeds are not only a delicacy, but also a remedy for acne in teenagers with problem skin.
During pregnancy, many women suffering from toxicosis eat pumpkin raw.

Harmful properties

Despite all the beneficial properties, it should be used with caution by people with stomach ulcers, gastritis with low acidity and diabetes.

Causes of bitter pulp

Quite often we are faced with the problem of bitterness in pumpkin pulp. Basically, bitterness in pumpkin appears in dry, hot weather, so there is a need for additional watering, and the result will be the enjoyment of bright and juicy fruits.

If stored for a long time, by spring bitterness may appear in the pumpkin pulp due to the germination of seeds in it. The variety must be intended for storage and the storage conditions must be suitable.

  • Ordinary pumpkins that are overripe or spoiled from long-term storage can also become bitter. Bitter pumpkin improves immunity, increases the level of antioxidants, and lowers blood sugar levels. It also reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, which can protect against heart disease and excess weight gain. To remove bitterness, The pumpkin needs to be washed well and doused with boiling water + some of the bitterness will go away during cooking. Why is pumpkin bitter in spring? Probably it all depends on the variety and whether it received enough water.

    One of the main reasons why pumpkin starts to taste bitter is that it has been stored for a very long time. The result of long storage was that the pumpkin seeds began to germinate, and this gave rise to bitterness. You can cut off more surface when cleaning it, this may help.

    Momordica charantia (bitter cucumber, bitter gourd)

    Momordica charantia (bitter cucumber, Chinese bitter gourd) is a pumpkin vegetable crop, an annual herbaceous vine, a species of the genus Momordica of the Cucurbitaceae family. Momordica charantia received the epithet “bitter” because its fruits are bitter; before cooking, they are soaked to remove the bitterness.

    Bitter cucumber is native to the Asian tropics. Now it is grown in areas with warm climates, mainly in South and Southeast Asia, on the Caribbean islands. The culture grows best in hot and humid lowlands. This vegetable is popular in warm regions of Asia, and few people know it in Russia.

    Momordica charantia is a rather large plant, the vine reaches four meters in length, the pentagonal stems have tendrils; leaves are round or kidney-shaped, five or nine lobed, from 3 to 12 cm in diameter; the flowers are unisexual with five yellow petals.

    The size of the fruit varies between 8-40 cm in length (medium-sized fruits are 10 cm in length and 4 cm in diameter); fruits with a rough surface, wrinkled, warty. The shape of the pumpkin fruit is oval, spindle-shaped. Unripe green fruits with dense, juicy, crispy pale green flesh have a bitter taste. As the fruits ripen, they acquire a bright yellow or orange color and become even more bitter. The whitish spongy pulp of the fruit contains seeds 4-15 mm in size; mature seeds are red-brown. Unripe fruits are removed 2 months after sowing the seeds. Bitter cucumber does not store well without refrigeration - only a few days; The vegetable can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.

    Like other squash vegetables, Momordica charantia is very nutritious. The fruit contains many vitamins (C, E, F, group B), beta-carotene (more than in broccoli), a large amount of iron, calcium (2 times more than in spinach), potassium (more than in a banana), manganese, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, fiber, flavonoids, amino acids, alkaloids. Bitter cucumber is one of the few plants that contains charantin, a substance that lowers blood sugar levels.

    The fruits of Momordica charantia contain per 100 grams: 0.9 grams of proteins, 0.2 grams of fat, 4 grams of carbohydrates.

    The calorie content of the fruits of Momordica charantia is 19 kcal.

    The fruits of Momordica charantia, as well as young greens, have culinary uses. Young shoots and flowers are eaten stewed.

    Most often, unripe fruits are used in cooking. Before stewing or boiling, unripe fruits are soaked for several hours in salt water to remove bitterness. Young fruits can be preserved in marinade. The seeds of unripe fruits are removed before cooking.

    The fruit of Momordica charantia can be eaten even when it turns yellow. However, it becomes more bitter and also needs to be soaked. When the fruits ripen, the seeds become sweet and can be eaten.

    Like other vegetables, Momordica charantia has beneficial medicinal properties. Eating this vegetable improves performance gastrointestinal tract, appetite increases. The uniqueness of bitter cucumber is that it contains substances that lower blood sugar levels. Therefore, in folk medicine this vegetable is used to treat type 2 diabetes. If you regularly eat Momordica charantia, it will be easier for the body to cope with bacteria and viruses; the vegetable helps improve visual acuity, improves hematopoiesis, helps cleanse the vascular wall of cholesterol, and suppresses microorganisms that cause inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

    Chinese bitter gourd has found use in medicine and as a remedy against arthritis, rheumatism, skin diseases, and insect bites. For these purposes, the juice of the plant is used externally.

    Despite all the benefits of Chinese bitter gourd, there are also limitations to including it in the diet. Momordica charantia should not be used by pregnant women (an abortifacient effect may occur) or nursing mothers. People suffering from heartburn and stomach ulcers should eat Momordica charantia with special caution. duodenum(the vegetable can contribute to the exacerbation of these ailments). In baby food, it is better to give preference to ordinary pumpkin.

    Chinese bitter gourd

    Chinese bitter gourd, another name for momordica, is a herbaceous vine plant that belongs to the pumpkin family, since Chinese bitter gourd is very heat-loving, its homeland is Asia. The length of the stem can grow up to four meters. It has antennae and longitudinal stripes. The leaves are round and slightly heart-shaped. At the base of the leaves there are flowers that are yellow. The fruits of Chinese bitter gourd are wrinkled and rough, green in color at first. When the fruits are fully ripe, the color changes to orange or yellow. The shape of Chinese pumpkin is mainly oval. If the fruit is not yet ripe, then its pulp is bitter, dense and light green in color, the seeds of this plant are also bitter. When the fruit is fully ripe, the seeds become bright brown and sweet, ready to eat, and the pulp is also used for food. A ripe, but not overripe pumpkin has yellow flesh. If you do not harvest Chinese pumpkin on time, the fruits will become overripe and become bitter, and will also lose nutritional value.

    Semi-finished products from Chinese bitter gourd

    For harvesting, Chinese bitter gourd should be selected unripe. To remove the bitter taste from it, it is filled with water for a while. The fruits are canned, stewed and boiled. In Asian countries they eat everything: flowers, leaves, stems and fruits.

    Medicinal qualities of bitter gourd

    This fruit has beneficial nutritional properties. Its structure contains calcium, potassium, iron and beta-carotene. The pulp of this plant helps digestion and increases appetite. It is used to treat diabetes, HIV and malaria. If pancreatic cancer is diagnosed, then momordica juice helps a lot. Since it contains many active substances, it is able to fight viruses of the genitourinary system. But you should not drink pumpkin juice raw, as it contains poison. After special treatment, it can be used to treat diseases skin, asthma, rheumatism, arthritis and worms.

    How to Grow and Preserve Bitter Gourd

    Bitter gourd can only be grown in hot and humid climates. Propagated using seeds. Before planting, the seeds must be soaked for a day, then planted in an area exposed to the sun, in a moist nutrient mixture, to a depth of two centimeters. When the plant sprouts, it needs support. During the growth process, weak shoots should be removed so that no more than three remain. Young shoots should be frequently irrigated with water. Twice a month it is necessary to feed it with mineral or organic compounds. It is possible to eat fruits that are already one and a half weeks old. They are stored for three days in the room and twenty days in the refrigerator. In the fall, the pumpkin must be dug up along with the ground and left until March - April in a dark place. When the snow melts, you need to plant it in the ground again on the site.

    Restrictions on the use of Chinese pumpkin

    The use of Chinese bitter gourd in food contributes to the recurrence of ulcers and can cause heartburn. The use of large quantities of ripened seeds can develop anemia in children. Cases have been recorded when, after eating this fruit, uterine bleeding occurred in women carrying a child. And this may threaten termination of pregnancy. It is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance. This plant is quite peculiar, used mainly in Asian countries.

    Since bitter gourd is poisonous in its raw form, you need to be very careful. If poisoning does occur, the symptoms will be as follows:

    • High salivation.
    • Facial redness.
    • Decreased vision.
    • Stomach pain.
    • Nausea.
    • Vomit.
    • Stomach upset.
    • Weakness.

    Methods for preparing and serving Chinese bitter gourd

    This plant is eaten mainly in its prepared form. Its bitterness is removed with water; salt water and spices are needed. Then dried in the sun. There is another way to remove the bitterness: you can boil it in boiling salted water for fifteen minutes or in cream for half an hour. Because the seeds contain a lot of alkaloids, they must be removed before cooking. You should also peel the fruits.

    There are different ways to process this fruit; it can be stewed, baked, or fried. Chinese bitter gourd is used as a side dish or as a separate dish, and can be combined with poultry or meat. In the cuisine of many Asian countries, Chinese bitter gourd harmonizes perfectly with eggplant, garlic, eggs, tofu, onions, tomatoes, and shrimp. To choose Chinese bitter gourd for culinary masterpieces, you need to take unripe fruits. They don't have such a bitter taste. The surface of the selected fruit should be dark green and without damage.

    You will find even more information about other interesting and useful plants on the pages of our website:

    Why is pumpkin bitter? Why is pumpkin bitter?

    The bitterness of pumpkin comes from triterpenoids cucurbitacins, which are always present in fruits of the pumpkin family. Ordinary pumpkins that are overripe or spoiled from long-term storage can also become bitter. Bitter pumpkin improves immunity, increases the level of antioxidants, and lowers blood sugar levels. It also reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, which can protect against heart disease and excess weight gain. To remove bitterness, The pumpkin needs to be washed well and doused with boiling water; some of the bitterness will disappear during cooking. Why is pumpkin bitter in spring? Probably it all depends on the variety and whether it received enough water.

    Oddly enough, such a taste manifestation is characteristic of pumpkins, which, despite the bitter taste, are even healthier than their sweet brothers.

    The reason is the excessive amount of substances in the composition: tretepinoids, which give this bitterness.

    Pumpkin pulp begins to taste bitter after prolonged storage, as the seeds begin to sprout. Therefore, pumpkin seeds must be removed immediately after harvesting, and the pulp must be processed into puree and pickled. Hardwood pumpkins may taste bitter if planted next to ornamental pumpkins, as they cross-pollinate.

    The pumpkin could have been bitter initially as it grew. This usually occurs due to excessively hot weather, and as a result of drought, without the necessary watering. For the same reason, there are bitter zucchini and cucumbers. Therefore, in such weather it is better to water the pumpkins; they will thank you with large and tasty fruits.

    Due to long-term storage, pumpkin may also become bitter in the spring. The variety must be intended for storage and the storage conditions must be suitable. Otherwise, seeds will begin to sprout in the pumpkin and it will become bitter. Of course, you don’t really want to eat such a pumpkin, but they say that it helps against a number of diseases.

    One of the main reasons why pumpkin starts to taste bitter is that it has been stored for a very long time. The result of long storage was that the pumpkin seeds began to germinate, and this gave rise to bitterness. You can cut off more surface when cleaning, this may help.

    Chinese bitter gourd

    Chinese bitter gourd (momordica) is a popular vegetable in Asia. The website invites you to get acquainted with this unique culture.

    Description of Chinese bitter gourd

    Chinese bitter gourd (Momordica charantia, bitter cucumber, karela) is a herbaceous vine belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family.

    This species is native to tropical Asia. The plant is grown in regions with warm climates (in Southeast and South Asia, the Caribbean, China).

    The stems of the plant have longitudinal stripes. They are equipped with antennae, and the length of the above-ground part can reach four meters.

    The round, heart-shaped leaves are dissected into several lobes. Unisexual yellow flowers are located in the axils of the leaves.

    The rough, wrinkled fruits are initially green in color. When ripe they turn orange or bright yellow. The shape may vary (fruits are cylindrical, spindle-shaped, oval).

    The pulp of unripe fruits has a pale green color, a dense structure and a bitter taste. The seeds have different shapes(ovoid or almost rectangular). At first they are bitter, but as they ripen they become sweet (mature seeds are colored red-brown).

    For unripe fruits, the watery, crisp pulp is used (the unripe whitish seeds are removed). In ripe (but not overripe) fruits, the pulp is also edible (it becomes yellowish in color). Overripe fruits become soft and lose their nutritional value (they are very bitter).

    Methods for preparing Chinese bitter gourd

    Most often, unripe green fruits of Chinese bitter gourd are used (they are soaked before cooking to remove bitterness). The fruits are stewed, boiled and canned.

    In Chinese bitter gourd, not only the fruits are edible, but also the shoots, leaves and flowers (they are stewed and eaten).

    Chemical composition and beneficial properties of Chinese bitter gourd

    Chinese bitter gourd is very nutritious. IN chemical composition contains iron, potassium, calcium, beta-carotene.

    The bitter pulp stimulates digestion and improves appetite. Momordica is used to treat malaria, HIV, and type 2 diabetes.

    The juice of the fruit can destroy cancer cells in pancreatic cancer. Thanks to the presence of active substances, it effectively fights viruses and bacteria that affect the genitourinary system.

    The juice of the plant itself is poisonous in its raw form. When processed appropriately, it is used to treat asthma, rheumatism, arthritis, and skin diseases. This remedy is also used to get rid of helminthic infestations.

    Growing and storing Chinese bitter gourd

    Chinese bitter gourd is grown in regions with subtropical and tropical climates. The vine grows best in damp lowlands. The plant reproduces by seeds.

    In temperate climates, bitter gourd can be cultivated (optimal temperature for plant growth and development: 20ºC and above). An area open to the sun is allocated for planting.

    Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for a day. Then they are planted in a moistened nutrient mixture consisting of humus, leaf soil, peat and sand. Seed immersion depth: 1.5-2 cm. Seedlings are sprayed with warm water. The liana requires support (you can use a mesh).

    As they grow, the stepsons are removed, leaving no more than three shoots. Water the bitter gourd regularly. The plant is fed with organic or mineral fertilizers every two weeks.

    Ten-day-old fruits are used for human consumption. They can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks and indoors for up to 3 days.

    For the winter, the vine is dug up and left in a cool, shaded room. In spring, the plant is planted again in the ground.

    Contraindications for the use of Chinese bitter gourd

    Chinese bitter gourd contributes to the exacerbation of peptic ulcers and heartburn. Abuse of mature seeds leads to the development of anemia in children (signs of poisoning may also appear). In rare cases, pumpkin can cause bleeding and increase the tone of the uterus in pregnant women (this can lead to miscarriage). Individual intolerance may also occur.

    Chinese bitter gourd is a unique plant. Unlike Asia, it is not yet very popular in our region.

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    Bitter gourd - a new remedy

    Plant-based insulin will protect us from obesity, diabetes and breast cancer. The ripe orange fruits are used as food as vegetables, and in folk medicine they are used to treat diseases (colds, headaches, inflammation, hemorrhoids, digestive disorders and diabetes). There is scientific evidence of the effectiveness of plant insulin.

    Its taste is bitter, but the fruits of its application are truly sweet! Bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon, bitter cucumber, balsam pear or apple, is Momordica charantia, an annual vine that grows up to 180 cm long.

    Chemical composition

    All its parts, but especially the fruits, contain a substance chemically identical to human insulin. Animal studies have shown that an insulin analogue from bitter gourd can reduce blood sugar levels in patients.

    Useful for obesity

    Another property is that it reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, which can protect against heart disease and excess weight gain. In the experiment, rats were fed a fatty diet, but those given bitter gourd gained weight much more slowly.

    Boosts immunity

    Bitter gourd increases the level of interferon, a substance responsible for the reliability of immune defense, as well as antioxidants such as glutathione and superoxide dismutase, which protect us from breast and stomach cancer.


    Although bitter gourd does not treat diabetes, it does reduce sugar levels, so herbalists recommend it for prevention and support for diabetics. The standard daily dose is mg. If you regularly consume bitter gourd, you need to constantly monitor your blood sugar levels and keep your doctor informed - you may need to reduce the dose of insulin and other medications.

    About bitter gourd

    Bitter gourd is popular in Asia and little known in the West. It is rich in iron, beta-carotene, calcium, potassium and fiber.

    Reduce bitterness You can if you choose yellower fruits and blanch them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, cutting them in half.

    Worth serving How vegetable dish, combining with spicy foods such as garlic, chili or curry. Can be stuffed with meat and spices.

    Tags: diabetes, insulin

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