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How to make a support for climbing plants with your own hands. What types of supports for climbing plants can be made independently: design features of different options. Plastic trellises

Climbing plants can amazingly transform a garden and the surrounding area: ennoble, revitalize and decorate it. Arches entwined with flowering plants, a shady gazebo hidden in a secluded corner, a living wall of weaving greenery - how many opportunities climbing ornamental plants provide us with to diversify the landscape!

In order for the vines to climb up, they need suitable structures - special supports for climbing plants

And there will always be practical applications for them, for example, with their help you can disguise unsightly walls of outbuildings. But they also need care and, above all, support to ensure their growth and full development. Many of them are easy to make with your own hands from leftover building materials and improvised means.

Supports for climbing plants can be natural (trees, bushes or large stones) or artificial. Retail outlets offer a variety of original and convenient designs made of metal, wood and plastic, but at every dacha there is always enough material to make trellises, pergolas, trellises, arches and trellises. It’s not at all difficult to come up with their design and bring your ideas to life. And the use of trellises when growing climbing legumes or cucumbers in the garden will not only allow for more efficient use of space, but will improve the conditions for their development.

Supports can either be created with your own hands or purchased from manufacturers - many companies produce pergolas, arches, and trellises specifically for climbing plants

The supports must be stable and support the weight of the plants without deformation. It is especially important to take this into account when planting vines with lush foliage - in this case, the supports are buried deep enough or placed on a columnar foundation. The support elements must be rough so that plant stems do not slip off them, or they will need to be equipped with anti-slip devices.

Cone-shaped support

For single plantings, a simple cone-shaped support (hut) is suitable. Long sticks are dug into the corners of the marked square, tied at the top, and small sticks are attached to them crosswise. Suitable for both vegetables and annual climbing flowers: kobea, morning glory, sweet pea, etc.

There are also ready-made supports for hanging and climbing annuals. They can be used as an alternative to flowerpots and hanging pots Making a simple cone-shaped support is simple and inexpensive; you don’t have to spend money on materials
Ready-made forged supports of various shapes can be purchased for miniature climbing annuals. Morning glory, decorative beans, ivy are ideal for them

Mesh support

A mesh support stretched between two wooden or metal posts is perfect for creating a living green wall. If you purchase a plasticized mesh, it will look more aesthetically pleasing and will not rust. Metal poles need to be painted, wooden ones need to be treated with an antiseptic, and the stretched mesh should be secured with special hooks or wire. As the plants grow, they will completely cover the mesh, and only a green carpet with scatterings of flowers will remain visible.

A support for climbing plants made from a chain-link mesh can also serve as a fence for a plot or vegetable garden


The purpose of pergolas is to decorate the garden, and they were invented specifically for climbing plants. The classic design consists of vertical support pillars and a lattice roof with a pattern of squares or diamonds.

When the roof is entwined with flowering vines, the pergola turns into an amazingly beautiful gallery for walking and relaxing. Often a pergola is combined with an arch, and such an ensemble becomes one of the most attractive decorative elements of the garden. Alternatively, the pergola can be placed over a double arch, using it instead of support posts.

The forging on the site also looks attractive. You can use various pergola arches for your garden, and they are especially suitable as a support for climbing roses, grapes, and honeysuckle

Trellis for climbing plants in the garden

Trellis are supports in the form of latticework made of wood or metal, and their difference from pergolas is that they can function without supports: attached to the walls of buildings or installed in the garden as an independent element.

Such a trellis for climbing roses can be easily made from thin timber, painted - and you will have the opportunity to highlight a separate area of ​​the garden

They are easily made with your own hands from thin timber, the configuration is very different: they can be made in the form of a solid wall or with an arch in the central part and with a box for planting flowers. To improve the rigidity of such a structure, it is placed between two frames, and they are secured on top with a horizontal bar. Covering it with tint varnish or paint will not only protect it from the effects of weather factors, but will also allow you to choose a shade that harmoniously combines with the surrounding landscape. The trellis is not placed tightly against the wall - a gap of 10 cm is required so that the vines evenly wrap around it. You can create a green screen from several trellises and use them to zone the area.

The photo shows another version of a simple support for a climbing rose.


The arch is the most beautiful support of all existing options. It can be made not only from wood and metal, but also laid out from stones or bricks. In addition to the classic semicircular vault shape, you can also find pointed, flat, and gable.

Arches made of climbing roses have become classics - they are widely used for wedding ceremonies and other celebrations.

The material must be combined with the rest of the buildings, and the dimensions are calculated individually, but in such a way that when passing through the arch, it does not touch the plants. Since the weight of plants weaving along the arch is impressive, especially during rain, the supports require reinforced reinforcement in the ground. So, if the structure is metal, the pipes are filled with concrete mortar.

Such an arch or several on the site will create a festive atmosphere in which you will stay every day

Any of these devices will bring novelty to the appearance of the garden, add cozy and secluded corners to it, place the necessary accents or, conversely, hide those places that are not intended for prying eyes.

Video: Making your own trellises for climbing plants

By skillfully using garden structures such as supports for climbing plants, you will achieve extraordinary beauty in your garden plot. Many options for supports for climbing plants are available for sale, but those created with your own hands, ideally suited to a specific design, will look more harmonious, and can become a source of your pride.

All supports for climbing plants can be divided into 2 types:

  • artificial - those that we make with our own hands;
  • natural. These include trees growing nearby and large stones.

In turn, artificial ones are divided into:

  • supports related to small architectural forms. This group includes arches, trellises, pergolas, bersaults, gazebos;
  • supports for decorating walls of buildings and fences with climbing plants. These include various gratings, guide strips, meshes;
  • supports supporting separately planted climbing plants. They are made in the form of frames, gratings made of wood or metal.

Requirements for supports

Any support must be strong and stable, able to withstand the weight of plants and strong winds. Therefore, the general requirements for supports are:

  • you need to dig deeper or build a foundation;
  • The surface on which climbing plants climb must be rough, otherwise they will slide down.

Let's look at how to make various kinds of supports for climbing plants with your own hands.


The purpose of the arches is to zoning the site. They make it possible to use the garden area more efficiently, since plants, instead of spreading along the ground, rise up the walls of this structure. Such support for climbing plants can be made from:

  • metal The structure is considered strong and durable. Its manufacture requires skill in handling welding equipment;
  • tree. A structure made from this material is inexpensive, it is not difficult to make, but at the same time, it does not have a long service life, it needs to be secured in some way, since being light in weight, a wooden arch will not be stable enough;
  • plastic pipes. Low temperatures are contraindicated for this material, so such an arch should winter in a barn;
  • stone A support made of this material is appropriate if the garden occupies a large area. It looks solid and can stand for centuries. To build it, you need to master the profession of a mason.

Metal arch

To make a support for climbing plants, photo above, you will need:

  • metal rod with a diameter of 10 and 6 mm or fittings;
  • pipe with a diameter of about 30 mm.

During the work you will have to use:

  • level;
  • tape measure;
  • a pipe bender to bend the arcs;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • wire cutters;
  • hammer;
  • welding machine.

Choose the sizes at your discretion, the main thing is that it is comfortable to pass through. The most optimal proportions are:

  • we cut the pipe into four parts - these are future supports;
  • bend a rod with a diameter of 10 mm in an arc;
  • We weld cross members from 6 mm reinforcement, which can be made straight or bent into rings;
  • We weld the transverse parts to the arcs. You can also fasten them with wire;
  • we dig pipe supports into the ground and fill them with concrete solution;
  • we connect the arcs with the supports;
  • All that remains is to paint it some neutral color and the arch is ready.

When making arcs, another option is possible, which is more convenient for installation:

  • We make, using welding, 2 halves of the arch;
  • install them on supports;
  • we connect together using bolts.

Wooden arch

To build a wooden arch you need to have:

  • round wooden beam with a cross section of 100 mm - 12 m;
  • round wooden beam with a cross-section of 70 mm - 9 m;
  • wire;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • slats 2.5x4 cm;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • garden drill;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • chisel;
  • cement mortar;
  • antiseptics;
  • brushes

Let's look at the manufacturing process:

  • First of all, we will treat the wood with antiseptic agents;
  • We divide a wooden beam with a cross-section of 100 mm into 4 racks 3 m long;
  • We mark these sections of timber: 1 meter will be in the ground, and on the remaining 2 meters we make 4 marks at equal distances;
  • cut a round beam with a diameter of 70 mm into 18 half-meter pieces;
  • from round 3 m racks and half-meter sections we make 2 side structures in the form of stairs, using a “half-tree” fastening;
  • we nail additional stiffeners crosswise using slats;
  • we perform the top of the arch, using the same fastening - a T-shaped half-wood mortise connection. This is what it looks like:

Now the arch needs to be installed, and for this:

  • We dig 4 holes to a depth of 1 m;
  • place the arch;
  • pour a solution of cement, sand and water.


A trellis is a very convenient supporting structure for climbing plants. It is used not only for flowers, but also for grapes, cucumbers, beans, raspberries and blackberries. When making decorative supports for climbing plants in the form of trellises, it is important to adhere to the correct proportions. Let's look at how to make this support.

Trellis for grapes

Having chosen a suitable place, we begin to create a trellis:

  • First, let's determine the height of the racks. The part of the pillar buried in the ground is 0.7 m; it should rise 2 meters from the ground level. Total: the height of our pillars will be 2.7 m;
  • if you have to use wood as pillars, then we clean the bark, and treat the part that is intended for burying in the ground with diesel fuel or resin, and wrap it in roofing material;
  • We mark the places on the pole where the horizontal beams will be attached. Interval 400 mm;
  • we begin to install the cross beams, securing them to the rack using welding, but you can do without it by simply inserting metal reinforcement into the pre-drilled holes;
  • we dig holes about 0.8 m deep under the pillars;
  • controlling the verticality, we install the racks;
  • we throw broken bricks, stones or crushed stones into the holes and fix everything with cement mortar;
  • the structure will not be stable enough unless we install additional posts. They are the same as the main ones, only the diameter is smaller.

Such a trellis is usually built for grapes, although other climbing plants will do well on it, but building it for cucumbers, for example, is simply not rational. Here you can choose a simpler option, especially since trellises are good because they can be built literally from nothing, for example, from branches left after spring pruning of trees.

Trellis for climbing plants made from branches

When constructing a trellis from branches, we use pruning shears and select the following material:

  • tree branches no thinner than 10 mm;
  • wire;
  • rope.
  • we sort the branches, selecting more or less identical ones;
  • We take one branch and fix it in the ground to a depth of 12 centimeters;
  • At an angle of 60 degrees to the first, at a distance of 10 centimeters we stick the next branch, and fasten the tops with wire;
  • then everything is repeated: a vertical branch, a branch at an angle of 60 degrees, we tie the top;
  • we do this until we get a trellis of the length we need;
  • Use pruning shears to trim the tops, giving the trellis a rectangular shape;
  • We make horizontal rows of wire or rope. The trellis is ready.

Wall trellis

Metal supports for climbing plants and wooden trellises are used to decorate the walls of the house. Let's consider the manufacture of a wooden structure measuring 1.8 x 0.6 m. Material:

  • slats 1.8 m long - 4 pcs.;
  • slats 0.6 m long - 8 pcs.;
  • glue;
  • screws.


  • we mark long slats, making notches every 350 mm;
  • we make grooves using a chisel on long slats to secure the crossbars;
  • we fix the crossbars in the vertical slats using moisture-resistant glue, and for greater strength we also use screws;
  • to make the structure more reliable, we fix the wall trellis between two frames;
  • saturate the grill with antiseptic. You can paint it if you wish;
  • We make holes in the wall of the house with a drill. We insert wooden plugs about 3 cm long into them and attach the trellis.

Metal support for climbing plants in the form of a column

Climbing roses with thin, graceful shoots look very picturesque on metal supports for climbing plants that resemble columns. It is not difficult to build a support in the form of a column. And for this you need:

  • install 4 metal pins on the concrete foundation;
  • Weld transverse rings made of thick wire to them.

When this columnar support is woven with roses, it will look like a fragment of an ancient building. If you master this simple design, you can complicate the task and make a decorative support for climbing plants in the form of an Eiffel Tower with openwork crossbars.

Sometimes not only climbing plants in the garden need supports, but also indoor ones.

Supports for indoor climbing plants

Let's make a support for the monstera.

From a plastic tube


  • a piece of plastic tube;
  • sphagnum moss;
  • fishing line


  • we start at the top and wrap a thick layer of moss around the tube;
  • After 100 mm, we compact the wet moss and tie it using fishing line. We wind it again to the same length and fasten it again;
  • we leave the part that will be stuck into the ground bare and wrap the entire tube with moss in the opposite direction. At the end we tie a knot and melt the end with a match;
  • We make brackets from wire and attach the stems to the manufactured support.

Using a grid


  • green plastic mesh. Cell size 10 mm;
  • soft wire;
  • fine bark;
  • sphagnum;
  • expanded clay;
  • coal.
  • roll up a cylinder from the mesh. Diameter - 70 mm. If you need a high support (more than 0.5 m), then fold the mesh in half, aligning the cells, and only then make a cylinder;
  • take a crochet hook and tie the edges of the cylinder with soft wire;
  • We place the support in a flower pot and fill the part that is in the pot with substrate, and then pour in a mixture of expanded clay, coal, bark, moss and compact it.

Climbing vines can enhance any corner. Under natural conditions, nature itself takes care of their support and nutrition. And in gardens, houses and on window sills, support for climbing plants is a necessary condition for their proper development and an opportunity to maximize their decorative qualities.

Many different options can be purchased in stores, but making flower supports with your own hands is much more interesting and cheaper.

The material from which the support for climbing plants will be constructed depends on the type of vine and the installation location.

Supports can be constructed from both synthetic and natural materials. Products made from bamboo, dry processed branches, and willow twigs look very beautiful. But they are short-lived when installed outdoors. In a rainy summer, bacteria and mold will quickly develop, which can destroy not only the support, but also the plants themselves.

It is widely believed that bamboo is a very durable material that can last up to 8 years. But the bitter experience of many flower growers has proven the opposite. Therefore, it is better to install bamboo support in the house or in a covered gazebo.

Structures made of wire, treated wood, plastic, metal, and stone will last a long time. But if everyone can do wooden and wire products, then to work with other materials you will need skill and a special tool.

Regardless of the material chosen, the support for climbing plants must be stable and durable. Otherwise, it will collapse along with the vegetation.

There are many ideas on how to make flower supports. Below are a few ways to implement them for indoor and outdoor plants.


The simplest structure is a support in the form of a cone or “wigwam”.

It is made as follows:

  • markings are made on the ground in the form of a square;
  • 4 long, relatively even sticks are pressed into the corners at an angle and tied together above the center of the square;
  • Small twigs or branches are attached crosswise to the resulting frame; you can tie a mesh of soft wire or twine.

This design without plants looks a little rough, but entwined it is very beautiful. Annual vines grow quickly, so the support will be transformed in two weeks.

Using the same scheme, you can make a more durable support from wooden slats, fastening them with nails.

This design is suitable for sweet peas, morning glory and other plants that are not too heavy. It is best to focus on two main contrasting colors.

A large-diameter conical support, on which cucumbers will happily “climb,” is not only a decoration for the garden, a space-saver, but also clean fruits.


It is appropriate to place such structures on both sides of the porch of a house or a garden bench. The manufacturing technology can be extremely simple: stick long, even poles or rods into the ground in a circle and tie them with wire.

And you will have to work hard to create a tall and durable column:

  • 4 metal rods are fixed in the cement-filled foundation;
  • Several rings of wire are welded to them parallel to each other. Or one long rigid wire in a spiral, fixed at the points of contact with the supports.

Mesh, trellis

Another simple and budget-friendly option for do-it-yourself supports for climbing plants is a mesh stretched between two posts. Indispensable if there is a need to decorate an unsightly fence or wall. Or maybe just create a beautiful backdrop next to a gazebo, bench, or shade an area.

A trellis (or screen) is essentially the same type of support as a mesh, but more durable and decorative. It can be oriented towards the wall, or it can serve as a kind of territory delimiter.

The photo shows the simplest version of a trellis: wire stretched over a frame of poles.

A wooden screen is made quite easily: slats are placed on the frame in the form of a lattice.

The trellis-shaped screen looks interesting.


Arched supports entwined with flowering vines always look festive and elegant. Despite the complexity of the design, this support for climbing plants can also be made with your own hands. Suitable materials are metal, wood, plastic, brick or stone.

The easiest and fastest way to assemble it is from plastic pipes, which are buried at the ends into the ground, and fastened at the sides and center with wire. But such an arch will not survive the cold winter, so it must be dismantled and sent for storage in a barn or garage.

More complex, but more durable and decorative, is a metal arch.

To make it you will need:

  • steel rod with a cross section of 10*10 mm;
  • pipe with a diameter of 31-33 mm;
  • welding machine.

4 support pillars are cut from the pipe, and arcs from the rod are welded to them. For convenience, all welding work is carried out on the ground. Then the structure is raised, leveled, and the support posts are concreted into the ground. All that remains is to paint.

You can fasten the halves of the arch not in parallel, but crosswise. Then it will be more durable and unusual.

Arches made of logs or beams are less common, but they look original.


Perhaps the pergola is the most exotic and freshest trend in garden plots. The word itself is of Italian origin and means “canopy” or “stand”. Since ancient times, these structures have served as support for vines, without any decoration purposes.

It is best to make such a support for climbing plants from wood.

It is quite possible to reproduce a version of a simple design with your own hands. You will need 8-10 wooden beams measuring 50x100 mm, 4 beams for pillars 100x100 mm and concrete mortar.


  • a square area with a side of 2000 mm is marked;
  • holes about 60 cm deep are dug in the corners;
  • support beams are installed in the holes, leveled and filled with concrete;
  • grooves 35 mm wide and 50 mm deep are cut into the beams;
  • the beams at the edges are cut at an angle of 45 degrees for decoration;
  • After the concrete hardens, two beams are attached to the supports, and the rest are laid on them.

The result is a design like in photo 11.

Bush holders

When designing a site, do not forget about such plant supports as bush holders. They not only give a neat appearance to ornamental and fruit bushes, but also save them from root rot and fungal development by providing ventilation. Such structures can be bent from wire and installed on one or both sides.

Phlox and peonies also feel comfortable in such a frame, and you can learn about growing them from seeds. And if you deepen the frames further, you can raise the nasturtiums and petunias growing on the ground.

DIY flower supports will undoubtedly fill the house and area with warmth and comfort, regardless of the complexity of the design, but only if their appearance is in harmony with the general background.

Original homemade trellises and slats for plants will help decorate any garden plot.

Do-it-yourself trellises for climbing plants are made from readily available materials without any special material or labor costs.

The main thing is to show imagination and accuracy in manufacturing.

The purpose of the trellises

Trellis and other supports for climbing plants are not only a decorative element of the garden plot. Reliable support supports the branches of the plant, providing uniform access to sunlight along the entire length of the shoots. This saves plants from rotting and promotes their active growth and fruiting.

Fruits and berries of plants grown on various types of support structures have a better taste. Supporting climbing plants helps them stay healthy and fresh throughout the season. At the same time, plants bloom longer, bear a rich harvest of fruits or berries, and are better pollinated by insects. As an element of landscape design, a trellis, arch or trellis for climbing plants helps to create interesting garden compositions, zone a site, and hide unsightly outbuildings.

Materials and tools for making trellises

Experienced amateur gardeners prefer to make various elements for decorating the site themselves. As a rule, minimal skills in working with available materials and using tools are sufficient for this.

Support structures for climbing plants are most often made from materials such as:

  • wood;
  • twigs or willow;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • household items.

To make a trellis yourself, you need to prepare the following set of tools:

  • electric drill;
  • miter box;
  • hacksaw for wood and metal;
  • emery cloth;
  • screwdrivers;
  • nippers or pliers;
  • brushes for applying primer and painting;
  • fasteners;
  • pruner

Various options for garden trellises

The simplest and most popular type of garden trellis is a trellis for climbing plants. The easiest way to make it with your own hands is from wooden blocks and slats. A trellis for climbing plants made of natural wood will become a harmonious decoration of your personal space.

Since wood suffers greatly from environmental influences, all materials used in the manufacture of garden structures must be pre-treated with an antiseptic and primed. The varnish applied on top will provide additional protection. If desired, the wooden trellis can be painted.

Lightweight mesh for climbing plants is another option for a supporting structure for landscape design. The mesh is often used to make supports for cucumbers, beans and other legumes.

To make a mesh trellis, you can use plastic pipes, an aluminum corner or wooden blocks for the base. From them you need to make a frame of the required shape and stretch the mesh over it. This can be a ready-made reinforcing mesh. You can weave a mesh yourself from wire, fishing line or nylon cord.

An elegant arch, an arch for climbing plants or other small architectural forms will help to beautifully decorate, for example, the entrance to a site, the porch of a house, a garden path, etc. In addition, arches for climbing plants will help create an interesting composition in the form of a gazebo, passage or screens for zoning the local area.

A pergola made of several arches connected to each other using a mesh or lattice will become a cozy place for relaxation or a family dining room in the fresh air. If you make it larger, you can arrange gatherings under it in a friendly company. A pergola attached to the wall of the house can also be used as a summer bedroom.

Supports for climbing plants can be made from branches. The attached photo will show various options for such designs. Branch supports in the form of a lattice or mesh are best used for light garden and vegetable plants.

You can make a frame from a wooden beam and attach branches parallel to each other on it. Such a structure, entwined, for example, with ivy, can be used to decorate external walls or as a fence. If 1 shield of branches is placed vertically and the other horizontally, you will get an impromptu gazebo or just a secluded place to relax in the garden.

How to make a wooden trellis

The simplest version of a wooden trellis is a lattice. To make it you will need:

  • square logs 30x30 mm;
  • bars with a cross section of 20x20 mm;
  • nylon cord or wire (galvanized).

First you need to soak all wooden materials with an antiseptic or regular drying oil. Drying oil is applied in 2 or 3 layers, each of which should dry for about 90 minutes. Since such a trellis will be dug into the ground, drying oil must be applied to its lower part in 5 or 7 layers. After applying the last layer of drying oil, the wooden blocks must be dried for at least one and a half days in a dry place without access to light.

First you need to assemble a frame from thick beams, cut along the edges with a hacksaw at an angle of 45° using a miter box. The symmetry of the frame is checked with a square and a ruler. Then the crossbars are attached according to preliminary markings. They need to be installed in increments of 30 to 40 cm. Moisture-resistant glue is used to attach the crossbars. Additionally, you can fasten them with screws.

After treatment with an antiseptic, the finished product can be varnished or painted in the desired color.

If the trellis will be attached to the wall, the vertical surface must be marked. Then drill holes for the dowels according to the markings. It is necessary to attach the trellis to the wall at a certain distance from the wall, which is provided with the help of cylinders. This will create the necessary conditions for natural ventilation.

Trellis of trunks and branches

The logs can be replaced with trunks of trees such as oak, pine, chestnut or ash. They also need to be pre-treated, trying to maintain the integrity of the bark. Instead of bars, you can use straight and not very thick branches, securing them to the trunks with rope or wire. Using pruning shears, you need to cut off the protruding ends of branches, protruding knots, etc. This will give the trellis a more even shape and neat appearance.

How to make a metal trellis

Metal trellises are made from wire with a cross-section of 2.5 mm. Such structures can withstand heavy loads. Therefore, they can be used as supports, for example, for grapes. In order for such a trellis to turn out smooth and neat, it is necessary to ensure the symmetry of the cells when assembling it. Their size should be the same. To obtain clearance between the branches of plants for which such support is made, it is necessary to increase the size of the cells. Small cells on a metal trellis will help create a single wall of branches and shoots.

Tall metal structures (2 m and above) are best made from reinforcing materials with a cross-section of 1.5-1.8 cm or from pieces of pipe with a diameter of 3 cm or slightly larger. For horizontal elements you will need reinforcement 0.5-0.7 cm thick.

Before digging supporting elements into the ground, you need to cut them from below at an angle of 40 to 60 ̊. This will make digging easier. The underground part of the support should be 2 or 3 times shorter than the above-ground section.

Forged trellises have very good practical qualities and aesthetic properties. Few people possess artistic forging skills. However, you can use forged trellises for windows or gates that are no longer used for their intended purpose.

Plastic trellises

Plastic trellises can be purchased in various shapes, sizes and colors. This design is supported by a support pipe, to which the plastic grille is attached using dowels and staples. The plasticity of the material allows the production of support structures of the most intricate shapes. Perhaps the only drawback of plastic trellises is the low load-bearing capacity of the product. Therefore, plastic supports can only be used for light plants.

You can make a plastic trellis with your own hands using various finishing materials. The base can be made from a water pipe, and the grille can be made from plastic slats left over after renovating the room. To give the product an intricate shape, you can also use plastic furniture, large containers and other household items.

Plastic pipes of small cross-section bend easily after heating them with a blowtorch. Thanks to this, you can make frames in the shape of various shapes from them. Individual pieces of pipes are connected to each other using wooden plugs. Pieces of pipes are placed on it and secured with screws. When the required figure is assembled, you need to place a mesh woven from wire inside the contour.

Wicker trellis

A trellis woven from flexible willow, tala or hazelnut branches will look very interesting and unusual. You can prepare rods for weaving yourself or purchase them in a store. On the Internet you can find detailed information on how to prepare rods for weaving.

When planning to make a wicker trellis, you need to decide on the size and shape of the future product. From the rods soaked and treated with antiseptic, you need to weave the intended figure. This is done in a similar way to basket weaving. A detailed description of this process can be found on the Internet. Then you need to make a frame from timber and secure the wicker fabric on it with screws and small nails.

Trellis made from various objects

You can make supports for ornamental plants from various items. Bicycle wheels work well for this. They can be used to assemble structures of various shapes. To fasten the wheels together, you need to drill holes in the rim and secure the fastening with a bolt and nut.

As it becomes clear from the above material, making your own support structures for climbing plants is quite simple. Such a simple device is not only an element of landscape design. It is necessary to maintain the health of plants and ensure their active growth, flowering and fruiting.

The catalog of our online store contains more than 100 bush holders, supports, harnesses and garters for indoor and garden plants. The cost of devices depends on the size, material and other technical characteristics.

When choosing accessories, consider:

  • . material - products are made from environmentally friendly materials;
  • . type of plant - nets are designed for bindweeds, holders corresponding to their shape have been developed for gladioli and orchids, clips have been created for cucumbers with which they are attached to the twine;
  • . place of use - some products are intended for the home, others for the garden;
  • . period of use - all devices are made of high-quality plastic or metal and are intended for repeated use.

Product Features

Using plastic bush holders, bushes are fenced and tied up to improve the appearance of the area. Easy to install and does not damage plants.

Flower supports in the shape of a circle on one leg consist of a metal pipe with PVC coating. Corrosion resistant.

Nets made of polypropylene are resistant to ultraviolet radiation, do not absorb water and do not rot.

The plastic phytolamp stand is installed on the windowsill. Creates conditions for growing seedlings.

Payment and delivery methods:

  1. Buy goods online with delivery
  • . You can pay for your order in cash or by bank transfer.
  • . You will agree on the date and time of delivery with the operator by phone when confirming the order.
  • . The conditions for the free provision of the service depend on the city, amount and weight of the product.
  • . Unloading of goods, lifting and carrying are considered additional services and may be paid separately, check with the store operator.

Detailed information about intervals and zones by city, conditions for unloading and picking up orders is available on, where you can independently calculate the cost of your delivery in advance, indicating the postal address and parameters for unloading.

2. Order and pick up where you want

  • . When filling out the order form, indicate the date and time convenient for you to visit the hypermarket.
  • . You can pay for your purchase in cash or by bank transfer at the store's cash desks.

Purchased goods can be picked up independently at any of the OBI stores in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ryazan, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Krasnodar, Surgut, Bryansk, Tula and Volzhsky.