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How to make an interesting paper craft. How to make paper crafts with your own hands for children of different ages. Volumetric paper snowflake

Paper is the most affordable and diverse material for creativity. Plain white paper and a set of colored paper for applique are available in almost all stores. In specialized salons you can find dozens various types papers that differ in composition and texture.

Having decided to make paper counterfeits with your own hands, you can give a second life not only to read magazines and newspapers, but also to written notebooks and notebooks, as well as product packaging.

Using paper as an attribute for educational games with kids can train them fine motor skills, the ability to concentrate attention and develop imagination.

In the content of the creative process of paper crafts for children, you can introduce educational elements of varying complexity, ranging from learning numbers, letters, clocks, arithmetic, names of flowers, animals, etc. - in simple applications and mosaics, and uploading the most complex origami designs for which you need to have an extraordinary gift of spatial imagination and remarkable patience.

Making three-dimensional figures in the origami style, paper models of buildings, cars, ships, and mastering other types of applied paper art, when moving to a professional level, can become not only a lifelong hobby, but also bring considerable income.

For starters, the simpler the better.

When starting to work with paper at any age, it is better to start with easy crafts: simple appliques, openwork cutting and weaving, and also master the basics of origami. It may be interesting to use the papier-mâché technique (multilayer glued shaped paper) and quilling - making figures from twisted strips of paper.

Paper butterflies - endless scope for imagination

Your first experience in making a three-dimensional product could be a butterfly. The basis of this craft is rectangles of paper (equilateral or slightly elongated) folded like an accordion diagonally and fixed in the middle with glue or thread.

You can make the body and legs using wire and the head from beads. The surface of the wings can be painted, decorated with thin openwork cut-outs made of colored paper or beads. By stringing such butterflies on one thread you can make beautiful garlands. Or you can cover part of the wall with such colorful flocks.

The same simple technology for making a butterfly, using a larger number (from 6) layers of corrugated paper, can be used to make decorative balls. In this case, not only the color and size varies, but also the shape of the balls; you can bend the edges of the workpieces in different ways, rounding and stretching them in the right places.

The basis for such balls can be squares, circles, rhombuses and even triangles, superimposed on each other and fixed in the middle. The silhouette of the product can be changed using blanks of different sizes.

This simple paper craft technology is also the basis for making paper flowers. You can start with simple stylized inflorescences, making applications fixed in the center in circles, and then try more complex three-dimensional models of artificial flowers, which are made from special textured paper.

Origami butterfly

In order to learn how to make a craft in the origami style, you first need to remember simple designs: airplanes, boats, frogs, etc., familiar to everyone from childhood.

These traditional models can be given new life, using an interesting texture of paper, decorating products with paints and beads.

We have to admit that nowadays paper butterflies have overtaken the famous paper airplanes in popularity and are an integral decoration of any girl’s room. Here step by step instructions for paper crafts using this butterfly as an example:

  • 1. Roll up a paper square horizontally and vertically, then fold it into a diamond shape, two at a time possible options and also make clear internal folds.
  • 2. Fold the workpiece into a double triangle with free edges in the shape of a boat.
  • 3. Alternately bend the corners of the triangle to the top of one of the sides and bend this side so that you get a wing.

Combined applications - room for imagination

Using glue and scissors, you can make snow from rice, a chicken from threads, a house and a fence from matches, a cat from cotton wool... and this list can be continued indefinitely. The photo shows crafts in which paper appliqué elements are combined with other materials.

Creative people sometimes have no idea what can be made from paper. Each item is an amazing and attractive object to behold. The creations become decorations for the living room. As a rule, these are various compositions and figurines.

The base material for them is paper. Unfortunately, according to the experience of many, ideas are exhausted. We offer several of them. They are multifunctional and designed for both professionals and beginners.

First, let’s clarify that working with your own hands is good not only because it takes up free time, but also develops fine motor skills. It also helps improve memory and creativity.

Simply put, creativity develops the right hemisphere of the brain. Moreover, the general state of health also improves: pain decreases: aching or migraine, moral stress and fatigue dissipate. This is a good vacation that increases self-esteem and mood. We invite you to get started!


  • Colored, white, corrugated paper. Buy A4 size;
  • Multi-colored cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue stick and PVA;
  • Ruler (10-30 cm);
  • If necessary, felt-tip pens or pencils;
  • If possible, select mini-staplers to add originality to the product.

Purchase the necessary arsenal from office supply stores. Usually experienced creators have almost all things in their workshop.

Making bookmarks

Bookmarks are used to quickly read or study something. Of course, it is extremely pleasant to look at an attribute in a book that is lovingly made by the reader. Let's look at a few ideas.

Heart shaped bookmark

  • Use a square cut out of thick material as a base.
  • Bend the workpiece from each of its edges to form a triangle.
  • Fold each side up.
  • Fold about 1 cm to form side triangles.

Corner bookmark

  • Fold a square of paper in half vertically.
  • Bend the side corners of the triangle upward and return to the reverse position.
  • Fold the top corner.
  • Repeat the manipulation with the side ones. Tuck them into the fold.

The accessory is good for those who constantly lose everything. The bookmark will not fall off; it is clearly fixed on the edge of the page.


  • Print out a template in the shape of a worm or snake.
  • Cover it with strips of excellent texture and shade.
  • Make eyes or draw them.
  • Use a hole punch to make a hole.
  • Thread the ribbon through. Attach it to the cover of the book.

So, you have become familiar with the design techniques for book accessories. Agree, they are much neater compared to a sheet torn out of a notebook.

Volumetric scenery

The 3D method allows you to produce products that will certainly attract the admiring glances of guests.

This is how you can decorate a room to its fullest potential:

  • Garland;
  • Wall panel;
  • Hanging decorations.

The period of making a craft, in contrast to a monotonous and fairly boring one, will take longer: either several hours or 2-3 days.

However, capacious multifaceted gizmos look much more interesting, they are noticeable and attract attention. They are quite easy to make.

Paper garlands

A total of two layers of blanks will be required. They can be of various shapes: circles, stars. The main thing is to maintain their symmetry in a vertical section.

Cut out similar figures from cardboard of varying density. It is better to decorate those that will be on top or make them from decorative paper.

The entire manufacturing process involves joining 2 layers together. Hang the resulting figures on a ribbon. For ease of attachment, use a hole punch.

Paper panel

The technique of making panels is not very complicated. It is suitable even for beginners.

  • Decide on the shape of the details: butterflies, hearts. Choose symmetrical ones.
  • Cut out blanks from decorated cardboard.
  • Bend the pieces in half vertically. Carefully work out the fold, this is the place for future fastening.
  • Using glue, secure the elements along the fold line.

Consider the fact that by gluing anything to the wall with adhesive liquid, you damage the wallpaper forever. If you are not ready for such an important step, place the details on a piece of paper of any convenient size (choose A4 or A3). Decorate the product with a beautiful frame or baguette. This way you can save your wallpaper.

Hanging decorations. Manufacturing method

The rosette is a worthy example of such decoration. We can often find it as a Christmas tree decoration for the New Year.

Technique – origami:

  • Divide the square into 2 equal rectangles. One of them is again in two parts.
  • Make a fold line from each side of the shape.
  • The result should be an accordion. If it doesn't work out, finish the job.
  • Fold the workpiece in half to make something like a fan.
  • Also turn the squares into an accordion.
  • Connect all the parts along their edges using a glue gun.

The decoration can be hung above the desktop, or used as a toy above the crib. Follow the analogy.

Take a base 25x25, 15x15, 20x20 cm. Select the length based on the intended dimensions. Remember that you need to think about every step. An incorrect action contributes to the redoing of the entire work.

A luminous garland can also be made independently. To do this, make holes in the center and insert light bulbs into them.

Hang garlands on tree branches. It will look unusual and original.

If you have any difficulties, go to the Internet, where you can find step by step diagrams and master classes.

There are many interesting ideas for handmade crafts to choose from. Each of them can be given individuality.

Paper crafts will be useful for both adults and children. After a while the work will be very easy. The process will bring joy and pleasure.

We recommend teaching children to creative work from early childhood. It is at this stage of development that you can develop attentiveness and hard work in your baby. Don't forget to help him. This way, you will be able to combine business and pleasure.

As you know, easy paper crafts are very useful for children of any age. The baby's first interest arises at the age of 1 year; it is during this period that you can begin to teach him how to properly make simple crafts from various materials.

Important! It is worth noting that such creativity develops fine motor skills in the baby, it has a positive effect on the perception of the surrounding world and the ability to think creatively.

Of course, in order for the child’s talents to successfully develop, parents should understand how to properly teach their child to perform a particular task.

Paper butterfly

The first rule that every parent should remember is that during the developmental period the child should be given only those tasks that will be within his strength. For example, easy DIY paper crafts will be very interesting and simple for a child. It should be taken into account that the main part of the work must be done by the baby himself, otherwise there will be no benefit from such an activity.

There are many interesting master classes that tell you how to make easy paper crafts with your own hands and at the same time spend a minimum of time on this activity.

Christmas trees made of paper

Below we will list some of them, and also talk about what age which craft is best suited for.

As mentioned above, easy paper crafts are suitable not only for older children, but also for the little ones. So, for example, children under 2 years of age willingly participate in this process. True, in this case it is important to remember that such an activity should not take more than 10 minutes, otherwise the baby will get bored with everything and he will abandon this activity. You need to monitor the baby’s behavior while performing this task. For example, if he begins to lose all interest, then it is clear that such a task turned out to be either too difficult for him or, conversely, very simple.

Easy paper crafts are suitable not only for older children, but also for the little ones

If we talk about tasks for children of this age, they can be divided into several groups:

  1. Easy paper crafts, the essence of which is that you need to cut out certain figures and glue them onto a blank sheet of paper. In other words – chaotic attachment of individual pieces of paper to each other.
  2. Crafts that are based on the fact that the pieces must be attached in a chaotic manner.
  3. This type of craft is when individual figures must be attached to a pre-designated place.

Easy craft for little ones

For example, if we are talking about the first option, then the task here has a simple essence. Some figures or pieces are cut out of colored paper and then glued onto another sheet. In this task, it is very important to initially teach your child how to use glue. He must understand how the leaves are glued together, how to attach them correctly, whether it is necessary to press one part of the application to another, and so on. In other words, this is an option for introducing the baby to paper and glue.

Important! The adult’s task is to teach the child to hold the glue correctly in his hands, to show how to spread it on paper, and also do not forget to show that when the glue is spread on the base, the sheet itself must be held with the left hand.

In this case, the pencil should be strictly perpendicular to the sheet. This is very important, because if, when getting acquainted with stationery, you do not explain to the child all the basics of the creative process, then it will be very difficult to reteach him later. And, accordingly, he will perform all subsequent tasks incorrectly.

Dandelions made from paper and napkins

Of course, you need to give the baby the opportunity to independently complete the entire task from start to finish. Some parents, fearing that the child will do something wrong, complete the task themselves. But this is absolutely wrong.

The second stage of getting to know paper and glue

After the child has learned to perform basic operations with paper and glue, you should show him the technique of creating various pictures and cards. Of course, even the lightest paper crafts will be incredibly interesting to the baby. Of course, if adults make every effort to do this.

The second stage of creating simple crafts is that the child must learn to correctly place various parts on a piece of paper. Of course, at this stage he will not need to create any specific designs or lines. He should just learn to glue various figures wherever he wants. Now it is very important that he learns to decide how best his future work will look. Adults can only say what kind of figure should be obtained as a result, and the baby himself decides where exactly to glue the different parts of the craft.

Paper craft – chamomile

If you really want to intervene in this process, then you can simply suggest why this would be better, and where exactly this piece of paper should be glued. But you can’t put pressure on the child; at this stage he is just learning to create his future masterpieces.

During such crafts, you can create figures in the form of a sun, a cloud, a house, a flower and other very simple objects.

Options for simple crafts

The last stage to create beautiful and original crafts lies in the fact that the baby begins to realize where to correctly glue the various parts of the figure. To do this, you should prepare in advance all the necessary tools to realize your creative plan. Most often, such creative masterpieces are made from two or three types of colored paper, as well as a sheet of white paper. Don't forget that you will need glue and scissors. If the parent does not want the child to pick up scissors, you can first make a blank and cut out the necessary figures from colored paper yourself. To make really light and beautiful paper crafts, you should use at least 3, or even more colors.

Christmas tree decorations made of paper

For example, if you are making a Christmas tree with balls, you should initially glue the tree itself, then the balls, and at the end a star. To make the final picture brighter, you can use more flowers and make many different decorations for the forest beauty in advance.

Paper crocodile

Below is a list of basic crafts that will be of interest to children:

  • a tree on which apples grow;
  • a hedgehog with apples and mushrooms on its thorns;
  • a basket with many berries;
  • a jar of vitamins;
  • a tree from which leaves are falling;
  • fish that swim in an aquarium.

Application – fish

By the way, to make the process of creating an application faster, you can print ready-made blanks of such figures as a Christmas tree, a hedgehog, a tree, a jar, or a basket. As a result, the baby will only need to glue small figures.

Paper tree

You can also watch educational videos, of which there are a lot on the Internet, they talk about how to create easy paper crafts.

What is especially interesting to a child?

After the child learns how to create very easy paper crafts, you can show him videos that tell him how to make a more complex application. Thus, it will be possible to develop the baby’s imagination and skills. Of course, most often this happens when the baby is at least 1.5 years old.

To begin with, an adult should draw on a base sheet the outlines of the figures that the child will glue. This will help him visually understand what kind of application he should get in the end. After he learns to carefully glue the figures along the contours, he can move on to creating crafts without drawing these same contours.

Multi-colored paper caterpillar

In this way you can create:

  • caterpillar;
  • snowman;
  • dandelion;
  • an armful of balloons;
  • a house that is built from blocks;
  • building with windows;
  • typewriter and much more.

Paper grapes

Of course, these are basic figures; it all depends on the baby’s skills and patience. If he is persevering and likes to create simple cards and pictures, then you can choose more complex figures. And if it lasts for a maximum of 10 minutes, then it is better to choose something simpler.

Craft - paper hedgehog

Some other parents are experimenting with various magazines and newspapers. They simply cut them into pieces and then glue them back together with the babies. Let's say if there is a traffic light in the picture, you can cut it out and then glue it back together.

Paper snowman

Important! Easy paper crafts for children are a great way to teach your child independence and develop the ability to think abstractly.

It is very important to trust him in this process and give him as much freedom as possible. You should not limit his movements and constantly tell him what and how to do. Let him initially figure everything out on his own and learn how to create paper crafts easily and quickly, and after that you can start giving him more complex tasks. This is exactly what is described in the famous Montessori method. The only thing you should take care of in advance is to show your child that there are certain rules. For example, tell them that gluing can only be done at this table, the paper is here, and it needs to be put back here, and so on. Then the baby will grow up to be independent, but at the same time will understand what can and cannot be done.

One of the most popular materials for children's crafts is colored paper. Children's crafts made from colored paper perfectly develop imagination, perseverance and fine motor skills, and this activity allows you to have fun.

The advantages of colored paper as a material for crafts can be listed and listed, but we will not waste time on this, but will immediately offer you best ideas crafts made from colored paper that you can do with your child.

Crafts from children's hands

The child may really enjoy doing various crafts from palms cut out of colored paper. This is where your imagination really can run wild! After all, palms can make very interesting works!

Crafts from circles

Another way to develop children's imagination. Invite your child to make a shape out of circles of colored paper. The circles can be glued whole or divided into halves.

As for ideas, the simplest thing is to make a snowman out of circles; you can also make animals, fish and birds. You will find photos of crafts made from colored paper both on our website and on the Internet.

Mosaic made of colored paper

Very beautiful options DIY crafts are made from mosaics. You can download ready-made templates for laying out mosaics or draw them by hand.

The youngest children can be asked to tear off pieces of colored paper and stick them onto a paper base with a template, while older children can cut neat squares using scissors.

Crafts from colored paper accordions

Everything is simple here, you need to fold a sheet of colored paper like an accordion, and then straighten it a little and make a fish, bird, or butterfly out of it.

These crafts can be independent, for example, glued to skewers, or they can be used for original applications. Simple and interesting master classes on crafts made from colored paper can be easily found.

Crafts from lumps of colored paper

A great way to develop fine motor skills in your baby's hands. For crafts, it is better to use thin colored paper, napkins or corrugated paper.

Simply tear off pieces of paper and roll them into balls, and then glue them onto the template using PVA glue. The works turn out beautiful and voluminous.


Older children can be encouraged to master the quilling technique, which is when a spring is rolled out of thin strips of colored paper using a knitting needle, pencil or thin stick, and then various compositions for postcards are made from these fragments. Trains fine motor skills and perseverance.

Volumetric crafts made from colored paper

Despite the fact that the paper is flat, you can make various three-dimensional crafts from it. For garlands and cards, as a rule, several identical parts are cut out, folded in half, and then glued together.

You can make three-dimensional shapes from strips, glued together like a ring.

And another type of three-dimensional paper crafts is to print ready-made templates of 3D shapes, cut and glue them according to the instructions. Nowadays they even sell entire albums with templates for voluminous paper figures, there are also detailed instructions how to make a craft.

Garlands made of colored paper

Since we're on the topic of garlands, colored paper is ideal for these purposes. You can quickly make various figures from it, and the price of such a garland will be much cheaper than if you use, say, felt or corrugated paper.

Crafts from paper rings

Remember how we made long New Year's garlands from rings as children? It turns out that from these rings you can make not only a chick, but also very interesting crafts: fruits, tree crowns, hair for dolls drawn on a sheet of paper, make three-dimensional snakes, lambs and other animals.

Cards made of colored paper

For the holidays, you can easily make various cards from colored paper. Children 2-3 years old can make simple postcards in the form of an appliqué; older children can do complex work with three-dimensional elements. Here, for example, is how to make a three-dimensional card with daisies from colored paper.

Volumetric paper card with daisies

For the craft you will need:

  • Colored paper, a sheet of cardboard, as well as regular White list office paper;
  • Glue stick;
  • Children's safety scissors.

First of all, you need to cut strips of white paper. To make the strips even, mark the same width, and then draw cutting lines using a ruler and a simple pencil.

Now, cut out circles from yellow paper - these will be the centers of our daisies. We return to the white stripes, from which we will make chamomile petals. We glue each strip with two ends in the form of a loop, and then glue it to the middle, which we made yellow.

When the chamomile is ready, you can cut out several leaves from green paper. For a postcard you will need 3-5 daisies. We make the card itself from any sheet of colored paper, fold it in half, and stick our daisies on it.

You can add a butterfly to the card. Cut out a butterfly from brightly colored paper. Butterfly patterns are easy to find on the Internet. To make the butterfly also gain volume, bend it in half and stick it on the postcard.

Applique postcard with a rabbit

The next card will be with a bunny, it can be made as a gift for Easter. You will need all the same materials, as well as doll eyes. By the way, below I’ll tell you how you can make doll eyes yourself.

Using the template, we cut out all the necessary elements of the postcard from paper: a bunny’s face, two ears from white paper. From pink paper we cut out a nose and a smaller silhouette of ears. Cut out grass from green paper.

We assemble the figure of a bunny on a sheet of bright-colored paper. Glue doll eyes to the bunny and draw mustaches using a felt-tip pen or a black ballpoint pen.

Now let’s digress a little, I’ll tell you how you can make doll eyes for children’s crafts yourself. They are made from a regular tablet plate, two cells are cut out, and beads, small beads or peppercorns can be used as pupils.


And the last type of crafts made from colored paper is origami. For beginners and small children there are simple circuits folding various shapes; for older children, you can suggest doing something more complicated.

For origami, it is best to use double-sided colored paper so as not to “shine” the pale side of the sheet. If your child is seriously interested in this art, then you can purchase special paper for origami.

Photos of crafts made from colored paper