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How to promote massage services. Massage business from scratch - how to open, where to start, what is needed, etc. Massage business from scratch

9) Try to let your creative thinking go beyond the generally accepted framework.

Think outside the box. Create offers that your competitors will repeat only after some time. For example, enter the promotion "Bring your childhood photo and get a free tanning session." Improvise and shock your competitors.

Among the various methods of healing and relaxation, one of the best is massage. The massage procedure has been an integral part of human life for thousands of years.

People have long understood that mechanical action on various parts of the body produces a healing effect. Massage affects the skin and muscles, and its main purpose is to relieve tension.

Today there are many massage techniques, and each has its own characteristics.

How to attract massage clients to private massage therapists and office owners

LifSPA lists the 23 most popular massage methods around the world.

Russian massage

Used to strengthen muscles, restore nervous and respiratory system, to combat sleep disorders.

Swedish massage

It is carried out strongly and deeply. Swedish massage is also called sports massage, as it is very useful for severe physical stress on the muscles and joints.

When performing this type of massage, the therapist tries to penetrate deep into the tissue in order to rub the seals and stretch the neurovascular bundles and muscles.

Relaxing massage

Its peculiarity is gentle, superficial touching, kneading and stroking that does not disturb the muscles. A relaxation massage should be very gentle and relaxing.


At the moment of water jets, a feeling of weightlessness and relaxation arises. The healing power of underwater massage and the influence of the aquatic environment will help you detach yourself from the burden of earthly hardships and troubles.

Hot stone massage

The massage is performed with volcanic rocks that were formed on the slopes of active volcanoes and slowly cooled.

Esalen massage

The Esalen massage technique combines the techniques of Swedish, reflex and therapeutic massage, oriental methods, modern principles deep breathing and physiology, Feldenkrais practice (soft fitness) and Gestalt therapy, head massage.

Esalen massage combines tapping and stroking, rocking, kneading and stretching techniques.

Endermologie massage

Otherwise called LPG massage. The LPG massage technique is painless and very pleasant to the senses.

The LPG procedure involves treating the muscle layer and subcutaneous fat using vacuum, through deep and intense kneading with special roller handles in various modes.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage cleanses lymphatic vessels and ducts of toxins, speeds up the process of their removal from the body.

Reflexogenic massage

Although reflexologists sometimes call this treatment a foot massage, it is more than a simple foot massage.
Reflexology involves influencing certain points on the foot, corresponding to the projections of various organs. Reflexology massage is very relaxing and is especially beneficial for people who spend a lot of time standing.

Ayurvedic massage

This unique type of massage is based on deep work with soft tissues - skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and internal organs. The result is the disappearance of muscle tension, improved blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, and increased energy flow.

Thai massage

A truly miraculous method that heals many ailments, imbued with the ancient spiritual traditions of Thailand. Massage balances the energy of the body, using gentle pressure on certain points.
Thai massage also includes compression and stretching. This procedure reduces stress and increases flexibility and range of motion.

Qigong massage

This oriental type of massage is aimed at restoring energy balance, and after this, a person’s physical health.

It is a physiological massage that is carried out from the center to the periphery, including the practice of acupressure.


This is a sacred Hawaiian massage using special oils. Combines deep muscle kneading and impact on subcutaneous fat tissue, lymphatic drainage.
The massage is done over the entire body; during the massage, the master uses the palms, forearms, pads and phalanges of the fingers, and elbows.


Using a special technique of applying hands to the body and pressing certain acupuncture points, the master removes energy blocks and restores the flow of energy.

Aromatherapy massage

A massage therapist can choose oils that relax, activate, relieve stress, and restore the body’s energy balance. This type of massage is especially suitable for people whose lifestyle is inextricably linked stressful situations and emotional overload.

Honey massage

Honey of various varieties and aging times is used. TO healing properties honey, mechanical action is added and a unique method of restoring the body after intense physical activity, after injuries and illnesses.
It is also used for lung diseases, and in Lately- in anti-cellulite programs.

Spanish massage

The main difference between this massage is the plasticity of movements. Techniques are performed with all surfaces of the hands. This is a very deep massage, after which complete muscle relaxation is achieved.


This is an acupressure massage, during which rhythmic pressure is applied with fingers, palms or elbows to areas of the skin in the projection of biologically active points or around them.
This impact not only physically strengthens the body, but also contributes to the proper redistribution of energy.

Thai massage with herbal bags

Unique bags are filled with a mixture of dried Thai plants, such as mountain ginger, turmeric, kaffir lime, cryptolepsis, aromatic turmeric, patchouli, camphor. The massage involves the gentle impact of warm bags of grass on the body tissues. When exposed to acupressure points, endorphins are released, which block pain. The result is not only the disappearance of pain, but also an increase in blood flow to the desired area of ​​the body.

Turkish soapy massage

This procedure is a wonderful combination of surprisingly pleasant and at the same time beneficial rejuvenating treatments, including a traditional Turkish bath - hammam, natural peeling and soap massage.

Anticellulite massage

One of the “current” types of body massage, aimed primarily at deep treatment of subcutaneous fat, ligaments and muscles. This massage feels more painful than a regular one. Its main function is to prevent the proliferation of connective tissue, which occurs in the death of fat cells.

Chinese massage

Traditional Chinese massage is performed in special clothing similar to pajamas and consists of stretching and kneading the limbs. Elements of Wushu gymnastics are used.


Traditional Indian massage with four hands. It is also called “third eye massage” because it uses heated oil, which is poured in a thin stream into a point on the patient’s forehead - the so-called third eye area.

Text: AlinaMkrtchyan

A new beauty salon, massage, cosmetology office, hairdresser, nail service studio most of all needs competent promotion and advertising. But to ensure that the money spent on marketing does not go to waste, you must adhere to some rules. Each rule is important, try to implement them as much as possible in your salon.

1) Focus on what your customers want. When selling a service or product, make it very clear to the client that this is the service or product that will be useful to him.

2) Use the right PR technologies. Give money to charity whenever possible. But don't just do it. Try to get certificates, awards, mentions in the media, just a PR effect for this.

3) Share neutral, positive, fun news with the client. A person, already on a subconscious level, will come to the salon for the next portion of positivity and positive emotions.

4) People love money very much. And they love it even more when they are given this money. Use this human quality to your advantage. For example, when a client purchases services on a large amount issue a flyer that gives a discount of 5-10 USD.

How to promote yourself as a massage therapist?

The original design and the inscription “Your check is for 10 USD. Come and get what you earned in our salon” will make a person return to you.

Bonus tip. Enter the conventional currency of your salon, for example crystals, nails, coins, etc. This works much more effectively than just 10-20% discounts. Careful attitude towards money and other things financial resources will also force a person to come and exchange money for the services of your salon with an additional payment in real money.

5) At a time when hundreds of beauty salons and salons open every day, it is important to be original and memorable. Even such a funny and cheerful phrase: “Hello. Administrator of the Alice beauty salon. Welcome to Wonderland.” will endear you to the client. Most likely, he will choose your salon instead of the one that simply told him “Hello. Extravaganza Beauty Salon.” Be original!

6) When creating and developing advertising materials, modesty is of no use! Try your best possible ways emphasize that you are a leader in the beauty industry, you have the best specialists. Write only your advantages in your advertisements, forget about your disadvantages.

7) Participate in beauty industry business events. Communicate more with interesting people Your area of ​​business that are not your competitors. This will inspire you to creative ideas. If it is not possible to communicate real life, communicate virtually on the Internet in specialized forums and chat rooms.

10) Write articles for local magazines and newspapers. Invite print publications to allocate space for you for an author's column of news from the beauty industry. At the end, be sure to sign “Your name and surname, specialist of the Chanel beauty salon.” For the newspaper, this is free material. And for you, this is an increase in the reputation of the salon.

11) Help the client find your salon. Make sure that a client heading to you can easily find the salon. Highlight addresses, telephone numbers, website addresses and other means of communication with you in your advertisements. Do not force the client to look for your contacts and coordinates of the salon.

Bonus tip. Enter the promotion “Refer a friend and get 10 USD.” This promotion works very well and is received positively.

14) Make high-quality beauty salon business cards. Give them to everyone you know. Try to distribute at least 3-4 business cards per day. Then in a month you will receive about 100 potential clients. If your craftsmen also hand out business cards, the effect will increase significantly.

15) Try to develop your horizons not only in your field, but also in neighboring industries. The more information you have, the easier it will be for you to fight your competitors and attract new customers.

Read also the article about what an optimal beauty salon should be and an introduction to the salon business.

Massage business from scratch

Often, a person entering a massage room can conclude that he, too, can organize such a business on his own. Especially if he has experience, albeit not entirely successful, of entrepreneurial activity.

And the premises - the former office is empty. He hired a massage therapist and the work went just like in the office or salon he visited. But these ideas will become utopian. Massage business It will most likely not be possible to organize a massage for a person who does not practice massage.

Therefore, if you decide to organize a massage business, start with training, with massage courses, and comprehension of the art of massage. You need to invest in learning different massage techniques. Only in this case can you count on developing your massage business in the future.

In the event that you know a variety of techniques, have completed training in massage courses or at a medical school, have some experience in providing massage services and have decided to open a massage business, I will give you some recommendations.

Recommendation 1. Open a massage parlor where there are specialized services nearby, preferably in your own building, even on the floor, for example, a hairdresser, a bathhouse, a gym. Consequently, such offices are visited by those people who will become your potential clients.

If you do not have the opportunity to open your own office, pay rent, or cannot find a good location, you can start work at the initial stage without an independent office.

15 rules for effective advertising and marketing of a beauty salon or hairdresser.

Calling a massage therapist to your home is popular today. This option is not bad at all; it will help you develop a clientele without spending money on renting premises.

This approach is especially good if you have family clients, when in this apartment, during one visit you will massage several family members. Corporate clients will also be a good solution for you at the initial stage.

One of my massage therapist friends involved many of her friends. She worked on the principle: if you organize three people, you get a free massage. This helped her have a successful part-time job. Your massage business will be a part-time job at this stage. One more negative point Such a massage business requires a lot of travel time for clients.

If you have the opportunity to open your own massage parlor, and did so taking into account the recommendations I gave in a specialized place, you should pay attention to the following points.

Recommendation 2. In any business, the most difficult thing is to attract customers. Notify all your existing patients and clients about the opening of your massage parlor. Word of mouth remains the most effective look advertising in your business. Your professionalism, the variety of massage techniques that you own will become carte blanche for your massage business.

Constantly expand your customer base, ask your visitors to recommend you. Don't forget to remind them of your request many times. A one-time offer will most likely be quickly forgotten.

Recommendations 3. Spread positive information about yourself everywhere. To do this, use various methods. Give a business card to every client, even if he regularly visits your office. It may be useful to him when recommending you to his friend. The Internet has gained tremendous momentum today. Inherit there too. Create your website by choosing the right keywords, create your own group on social networks.

Recommendation 4. Expand your professional horizons, master new massage techniques and technologies, which will allow you to provide a variety of massage services. This will make you attractive in the massage services market. People will be willing to reach out to you. Add goodwill, a kind attitude towards people, clients, and the business will certainly receive its positive development. I wish you success!

A new beauty salon, massage, cosmetology office, hairdresser, nail service studio most of all needs competent promotion and advertising. But to ensure that the money spent on marketing does not go to waste, you must adhere to some rules. Each rule is important, try to implement them as much as possible in your salon.

1) Focus on what your customers want. When selling a service or product, make it very clear to the client that this is the service or product that will be useful to him.

2) Use the right PR technologies. Give money to charity whenever possible. But don't just do it.

Texts for advertising massage: examples of how to write a short and beautiful ad

Try to get certificates, awards, mentions in the media, just a PR effect for this.

3) Share neutral, positive, fun news with the client. A person, already on a subconscious level, will come to the salon for the next portion of positivity and positive emotions.

4) People love money very much. And they love it even more when they are given this money. Use this human quality to your advantage. For example, when a client purchases services for a large amount, issue a flyer that gives a discount of 5-10 USD. The original design and the inscription “Your check is for 10 USD. Come and get what you earned in our salon” will make a person return to you.

Bonus tip. Enter the conventional currency of your salon, for example crystals, nails, coins, etc. This works much more effectively than just 10-20% discounts. Taking care of money and other financial resources will also force a person to come and exchange money for the services of your salon with an additional payment in real money.

5) At a time when hundreds of beauty salons and salons open every day, it is important to be original and memorable. Even such a funny and cheerful phrase: “Hello. Administrator of the Alice beauty salon. Welcome to Wonderland.” will endear you to the client. Most likely, he will choose your salon instead of the one that simply told him “Hello. Extravaganza Beauty Salon.” Be original!

6) When creating and developing advertising materials, modesty is of no use! Try in every possible way to emphasize that you are a leader in the beauty industry, you have the best specialists. Write only your advantages in your advertisements, forget about your disadvantages.

7) Participate in beauty industry business events. Communicate more with interesting people in your field of business who are not your competitors. This will inspire you to come up with creative ideas. If it is not possible to communicate in real life, communicate virtually on the Internet in specialized forums and chat rooms.

9) Try to let your creative thinking go beyond the generally accepted framework. Think outside the box. Create offers that your competitors will repeat only after some time. For example, enter the promotion "Bring your childhood photo and get a free tanning session." Improvise and shock your competitors.

10) Write articles for local magazines and newspapers. Invite print publications to allocate space for you for an author's column of news from the beauty industry. At the end, be sure to sign “Your name and surname, specialist of the Chanel beauty salon.” For the newspaper, this is free material. And for you, this is an increase in the reputation of the salon.

11) Help the client find your salon. Make sure that a client heading to you can easily find the salon. Highlight addresses, telephone numbers, website addresses and other means of communication with you in your advertisements. Do not force the client to look for your contacts and coordinates of the salon.

Bonus tip. Enter the promotion “Refer a friend and get 10 USD.” This promotion works very well and is received positively.

14) Make high-quality beauty salon business cards. Give them to everyone you know. Try to distribute at least 3-4 business cards per day. Then in a month you will receive about 100 potential clients. If your craftsmen also hand out business cards, the effect will increase significantly.

15) Try to develop your horizons not only in your field, but also in neighboring industries. The more information you have, the easier it will be for you to fight your competitors and attract new customers.

Low costs and high profits are the dream of every beginning businessman. At first glance, there is nothing complicated in the work of a massage therapist: work with your hands, earn money. However, newcomers to this field of activity face a lot of difficulties. True, there are many positive aspects.

Pros and cons of the massage business

Why are people experienced in this business skeptical about the prospects of those who are just thinking about it? Firstly, the art of massage should be learned. Or you need to find someone who knows it well, which means paying a lot of money. Secondly, it is also important to be able to sell this service. Thirdly, the problem of positioning a massage room or salon will be relevant: what it will be like, what to include in the services and what equipment to stock up on.

Important: Naturally, there are prospects for good earnings only in middle and major cities. And one more thing: you should be wary of the services of therapeutic massage, manual therapy, etc.

Of course, these are solvable problems. If you are a cool specialist, have a good premises, and a team of assistants, you can try. Among the advantages of the idea to open massage parlor the following can be mentioned:

  • relatively low current costs of maintaining the business;
  • constant demand;
  • high profitability;
  • demand and, as a rule, low competition in the niche.

How to open a massage parlor from scratch?

Before we discuss how to open a massage parlor from scratch, let's note the following. Although theoretically without honey. education, you can sell such services, you must understand that people with high incomes are not ready to trust their backs to just anyone. But they will be your main target audience. It is also acceptable to rely on people with average incomes, although they also need to be convinced of your professionalism.

Advice: If you are planning to provide a massage service yourself, but do not have experience, first invest in obtaining qualifications. Do massages at home and expand your client base. If you want to use hired specialists, think in advance what requirements you will place on their skills, experience and education. Sometimes you can simply hire a person you know, after sending him to the appropriate courses.

And further. The very first thing you need to do is formulate an idea for yourself. This means answering the following questions for yourself:

  • What type of massage will be offered?
  • Who is expected to be the consumer of the services?
  • Which legal form to choose?

If the answers are ready, we proceed to registration.

Business registration

For this business you must be registered as an individual entrepreneur. Opening an entire LLC is hardly advisable. Among all the possible taxation systems, in our case it is best to choose the “simplified” one. This implies a simplified taxation system, in which you can pay either up to 6% on income, or up to 15% on the item “income minus expenses”. Why does it say “until” and not 6 and 15 respectively? In certain cases in the regions, the rate may be reduced to 1 and 5 percent. Experience shows that it is more profitable to choose a rate of 6% on income.

Search for premises

At the initial stage, many decide to do without an office at all. Such massage masters simply offer sessions at your home or office. This helps build a customer base. But still, at some point, the need to create an office arises. And then it is useful to know that it is best to open it in already existing sports clubs, bath complexes, medical centers or beauty salons.

The owners already have a sanitary and fire certificate. If we are talking about medical (therapeutic or recreational) institutions, then they obviously have a license. All you have to do is draw up the lease agreement correctly. It is also important that people already know the place well. They will notice something new, and some visitors will become interested in the new service.

In any case, location is very important. Sometimes, for the sake of high traffic, it is worth finding a room near residential areas. Do not forget also about the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station:

  • Location on the 1st floor.
  • There should be a separate room for patients waiting for a session.
  • The total area cannot be less than 12 square meters. m (previously the figure was 20 sq. m). And it is important to calculate it depending on the number of working personnel: so that for one massage therapist there is at least 8 square meters. m.

Some more rules will be touched upon below.

Equipment purchase

What should be the equipment for a massage room? It is directly related to its positioning and the direction you came up with first. But there are also universal items:

  • a massage table;
  • an additional folding table in case you need to go to the client’s home;
  • locker for things;
  • screen for visitors;
  • racks;
  • several chairs;
  • sofa;
  • equipment for the room where visitors will be received;
  • washing machine and bathroom.

These are the largest pieces of equipment. However, little things are also important:

  • oils, creams and lotions,
  • disposable slippers,
  • towels,
  • robes.

Specialized massage techniques will require additional equipment.


The minimum number of working personnel is 3-4 people. We need at least 2 massage therapists. An administrator and an accountant are also required. If you work as an administrator yourself at first, you will save money. As for massage therapists, you can immediately set criteria for professionalism for yourself, and then adhere to them when selecting personnel.

Important: If a person suits you and agrees to the proposed conditions, further stimulate and appreciate him. To avoid getting a raise through your own fault, try to show your employees the benefits of working for you.

If you prefer people with medical education, then partly you will immediately solve the issue of image. In addition, such people usually know how to quickly serve people, which will allow them to gain time and earn more. You can do it another way: place advertisements for masseurs on a competitive basis. Compose a questionnaire that contains questions about the qualifications of candidates that are important to you. Choose ones that are easy to check the answers to. To do this you need to master the art, but this is a topic for another discussion.

Massage salon business plan

Requirements for a massage room according to SanPiN

To understand the requirements of SanPiN, you need to get into the shoes of your clients. For quality service, you will need to put the following areas in order:

  1. Square. We discussed the norms of this paragraph above in the section “Choosing a room.” They are assessed before concluding a lease or purchasing a premises, and the remaining points can be influenced.
  2. Ventilation and heating. Supply and exhaust ventilation is needed to ensure ventilation of the workplace. During the cold season, the temperature should be maintained at 20 degrees Celsius.
  3. Bathroom with washbasin: except cold water in the tap, it must be hot without fail. Shower cabin - if possible.
  4. Lighting. The point is that the office should be light, daylight taken into account. During the hours when it is dark, artificial light should be directed towards the person being massaged at an angle.
  5. The walls of the massage salon can be covered with tiles or washable wallpaper. It is recommended to use linoleum for the floor. This will make regular wet cleaning easier.
  6. Availability of a first aid kit in case of need for first aid. It is advisable to put a thermometer and tonometer, bandages, gauze, cotton wool, valerian drops, an alcohol solution of iodine, hydrogen peroxide and a 3 percent aqueous solution of ammonia in it.
  7. Specialized furniture. It was discussed above in the “Purchase of Equipment” section. SanPiN allows a certain freedom, but regulates the minimum amount of special equipment that will provide your clients with comfort and safety.

Massage advertisement - text (example)

  • The title attracts attention.
  • The first words stir up interest.
  • A person receives in a compressed form all the information that interests him at first.
  • The result encourages action.

Specific tips will be related to the characteristics of your target audience. If these are people with average and high incomes who want to support high level life, they need a place where all the conditions are created to relax:

  • It is important to evoke pleasant and relaxing associations.
  • The design of a sign or leaflet should be related to the focus of the salon.
  • You can and even need to use humor.
  • Stick to a sophisticated, almost aristocratic style.

Here is an example of quite effective text on a billboard or pillar:

Ideally, the design of a leaflet would look something like this:

Massage room - interior photo

As for the interior and possible design features, there are many options, and look at the photos for successful examples.


Let's consider a few more important issues for starting a business.

What is the name of the massage parlor?

It is important that the name is not too hackneyed, original, and ideally unique. Even the approach to choosing a name matters. For example, if even the name of the owner is suitable for a store, then for a massage parlor, as a rule, you need something more impressive.

The key point will not be the ability to “encrypt” the direction of activity or the name of the co-owners, but the ability to evoke the necessary associations:

  • You can directly use the words “massage” or “body”. Such a name will not be catchy, but it will directly indicate the type of activity.
  • Alternatively, include words in Russian or English that mean beauty, health or relaxation.
  • If there are special services, hint at them. So, if a Thai massage is intended, then it is usually impossible to avoid the direct use of the word “Thai” or part of it.
  • If you use names, at least choose something beautiful and sophisticated. It might be possible to use famous name a person who helped others maintain or improve their health.
  • You can use other original, but beautiful words, including well-known ones, but slightly modified.

Examples of names that are already taken:“ProstoMassazh”, “Beautycle”, “Doctor Body”, “Asia relax”, “Wai Thai”, “Avicenna”, “Laguna”, “Eden”, “Exodus”.

How to find clients for massage?

To find clients, it is useful to work on your own before opening your office. You can look for them among your friends, former colleagues, and so on. It is better to immediately offer discounts to them, as well as to any new clients. This will help you effectively overcome the first stage - familiarization with the service performed by certain specialists. In the future, such people, if they like it, will want to pay the regular price.

Advice: come up with an affiliate program for colleagues from related fields. For example, invite a hairdresser or doctor you know to recommend you in exchange for you recommending him.

Do you need a license to open a massage parlor?

General restorative and cosmetic massage does not require a license. But if you plan to perform manual therapy or provide other therapeutic services, as well as therapeutic massage, you need to take care of receiving it.

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This type of business is good for massage specialists or those who know how to efficiently promote wellness services. It’s better if you manage to occupy a new niche in your city or come up with a significant competitive advantage. The initial investment will not be so large, but you cannot save on equipment and employee salaries. If you win the recognition of your target audience, then in the future you will have to keep the same level and make a profit.

In contact with

Hello, dear readers of the site. After completing a massage course, a newly minted master usually walks around inspired and dreams that people will soon sign up for his sessions in the dozens - as soon as he starts working, the business will take off on its own. But just be good specialist not enough.

For successful promotion It is necessary to stock up on knowledge in two areas:

  • how to perform your job at the highest level;
  • how to attract clients for massage.

In conditions of fierce competition, spending time waiting for those who want to improve their health with the help of massage techniques is inappropriate: you can be left without clients at all and lose a significant part of the neophyte’s former enthusiasm.

Ways to attract clients for massage

Method 1. Word of mouth

Quite recently, masters had the only opportunity to make themselves known to the world: the so-called "word of mouth". If a person came to a session and left satisfied with the result, then there was a high probability that he would tell his friends about the wonderful massage therapist who relieves back and neck pain with one wave of his hand.

However, it will take a long period of time to acquire your own client base and at least recoup the costs of training and minimal equipment (a couch, various oils, a medical gown, disposable sheets, etc.).

To get more noticeable result(if you want to promote a massage parlor or work from home, visiting patients at their request), you should use several techniques, and the more of them you use, the better.

Method 2. Business cards

Print business cards and have them with you at all times. Finding clients and inviting them for a massage in a personal conversation is quite easy - people are usually interested in the proposal to improve their health. But the problem is that 5 minutes after the end of the conversation, all this is forgotten.

But if a person has business card, the chances of a call from him increase. Therefore, at any opportunity, in particular, when talking with an acquaintance or stranger, you can mention your skill and invite you to a trial session.

Method 3. Notice boards

Tell people about your services using message boards. Use for this, for example Avito. The site does not require investment. The only resource you have to spend is some free time.

The advertisement should not contain laudatory odes - only brief information about the nature of the procedure, expected results, cost of services and contact information.

Method 4. Cosmetologist buddies

One of the methods that works great in small town, - ask a familiar cosmetologist, makeup artist or other specialist from any related field talk about the service you are willing to provide. You will not be his competition, so most likely he will not reject the request and will do this small favor.

Method 5. Work for competitors

Contact a massage parlor and work there a little under the conditions that they offer you. After dismissal, you can “entice” some clients to join you.

Method 6. Social networks

Post information about massage on your page on any social network that you actively use. Find clients by creating a group "In contact with". Promote advertising of your services in Instagram.

Organize attracting clients using reposts of your ad: ask your friends to make at least one repost for your friends. Let's say you write to 30 of your closest friends, and at least half of them take the time to repost. Imagine how many people will know about you right away!

Must be taken into account! In order for your business to develop at a good pace, you need to supply any of your texts on social networks with photographs. good quality. The first thing that attracts the eye is the image. A bright, visual picture serves as a kind of “bait” for anyone who looks at your page to wonder if anything new has appeared. If the picture “catches”, the person begins to read.

When promoting massage services, it is necessary Special attention devote to the text. A long boring “canvas” is tiring. Therefore, you need to compose the text so that it simply and clearly answers three questions:

  • What user problems can be solved?
  • What result is expected?
  • How much?

It's important to give brief information about the place of the massage, indicate all the ways to communicate with the master, add a few words about the massage therapist himself: where he studied, what he can do, what is his work experience.

Method 7. Zest

When promoting your own massage business, you need to think about what "zest" can be offered to the consumer.

The challenge of starting from scratch isn't just that it's a highly competitive industry. The problem is that many offers received by potential clients are often of the same type. The master talks about how his massage helps with osteochondrosis, nervous tension, normalizes sleep, and so on.

Today this is not enough. To start earning money, you need to come up with something of your own that will additionally encourage people to come to you. What could it be?


  • buy essential oils with pleasant aromas for every taste and add to massage products;
  • prepare invigorating or refreshing drinks after the procedure (a glass ginger tea, herbal infusion);
  • From time to time, give your clients small gifts (this could be something to maintain beauty and health - as they say, “pleasant little things”).

When opening a massage parlor, you need to be prepared for the fact that at first you will have to work for more than modest money. First you need to win your place in the sun, convince people that you are a really good master, and only then raise your prices.

Even after becoming a high-class professional and acquiring a large client base, you cannot abandon advertising. Maybe it will be your group or blog on any social network. There you need to regularly talk about new products related to massage techniques and healing methods, and answer readers’ questions.

To advance his business, a master must constantly improve his skills. Stopping the process of self-education means starting the mechanisms of stagnation. Yes, those clients who are accustomed to your hands will continue to come to sessions, but it will be difficult to attract new ones.

Tip 3. Create comfort, cleanliness and pay attention to the client

It is important that the person leaves the session satisfied. To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  • If you have your own office, you need to keep it perfectly clean; If you go to a client’s home, change into a clean medical gown, wash your hands thoroughly, and carefully pack all massage products.
  • It is necessary to create the most comfortable environment for the client, that is, dim the lights, turn on low music, maintain a pleasant conversation (if the person is in the mood to talk).
  • Before the first session, you should ask the person in detail about their state of health, complaints, find out if there are any contraindications to massage or allergies to any medications or cosmetics.

Tip 4. Honey. education is good, but you can work without it

Of course, it is much easier for a medical massage therapist to start working and stay in the industry: there will be a greater flow of clients to him. But in the absence of professional education, do not despair.

The main principle of a doctor is: “Do no harm.” If you are not a medical professional, it is still quite possible to make money through massage. But the emphasis in this case should be placed not on the therapeutic effect, but on relaxing.


The task of organizing your own massage business is not an easy one. It will take a lot of effort and time to get people to know about you and start signing up for courses on health-improving treatments. But massage has many advantages over other types of services market: in particular, it does not require large investments (with the exception of paying for studies).

The main tool of a massage therapist is always with him - his hands. Always work honestly, give your best in every session, during the massage forget about your problems and completely focus on the client.

Good afternoon dear friends!

Every time you start communicating with a potential client, the question comes up: “Where are the cases?” After the fifth such question, I finally decided to allocate N hours of time and write my own promotion case. Case one, don't judge strictly.

Favorable price 1500 rub. for an hour of massage.
Ability to quickly process applications from potential clients. Always in touch.
Good quality of services and, as a result, high LTV (80% of repeat entries), and this allows you not to save much on the price of an attracted client, even with an initially low price for services.
Recording by the customer of all requests from potential clients in a table (example below).

Creating groups from scratch with 0 members.
Lack of feedback in groups.
We had to convince the customer of the importance of the content.
No time/money for beautiful design and branding.
There is no demand for Thai massage as a service. People don't understand what it is and why.

*Spoiler: all problems can be solved.


We created and organized groups on VK and FB. We uploaded photos of the office, diplomas, photos of the massage process, and some personal photos from the trip to Thailand. Filled out the block with goods.
- Prepared a file to track applications from potential clients (example table).
- Created a content plan for publications on social media. networks

First job

Characterized the target audience of massage lovers

Although men go for massages, their wives sign them up. Themselves rarely.
- Although girls and boys under 30 go for massages, these are one-time visits. They cannot afford regular massages.
- People over 50 don’t go for massages. If they do, it’s only if their children sign up.
- We thought more carefully about the geography according to the principle “from where the client will not have to travel.” Because even the most loyal clients, having moved to another district of Moscow, stop going for massages. Therefore - only local residents. It turned out to be within the nearest major highways.
- Massage lovers do not have any special interests or hobbies. Office workers lead a sedentary lifestyle, constantly at the computer. “Everything is tight and tense for them.”
- Clients come for body massage in fits and starts, they always feel urgent, and after the massage course they disappear.

Sample advertisement for massage.

Unscrewing ads

Then we decided to return to what we had originally planned. We narrowed the age of display from 30 to 50 years old, gender, women living in the required radius. This audience seemed too simple to test only one. 🙂 They didn’t limit it by interest categories; the initial coverage was small, only 9,000 people.