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How to make an intramuscular injection correctly. How to properly give an injection in the buttock? Rules and video. How to give intramuscular injections

How to give an intramuscular injection in the buttock to yourself, a neighbor or relative?

After all, the disease comes unexpectedly and the most effective method of introducing medicine into the human body is an intramuscular injection.

If you learn how to give an intramuscular injection into the buttock, you will make your life much easier. There is no need to go to the clinic or call a nurse at home. What if you are at the dacha and there is no one nearby who knows how to do this procedure?

First you need to theoretically master the course of manipulation. Then practice on a dummy or just a soft pad.

If you give the injection incorrectly, you can get serious complications. This cannot be allowed!

We will give you instructions on how to properly make an intramuscular injection into the buttock and at the same time avoid complications, which are sometimes worse than the disease itself.


How to prepare for the procedure: instructions

You should prepare for the procedure:

  • Set aside a place on the table and lay out a clean napkin;
  • Prepare a bottle of alcohol and cotton swabs;
  • Prepare an ampoule with medicine;
  • Disposable syringe for intramuscular injections;
  • Medical disposable gloves.

Procedure technique:

  • Open the bag containing the disposable syringe, put the needle with the case on the tip of the syringe;
  • Take the ampoule with the medicine in your hands and open it. Sometimes there is a red or yellow dot on the ampoule - this is an indicator where you need to break off the tip of the ampoule. If there are no clues, use a nail file to make a notch on the narrow end of the ampoule, wrap it in cotton wool and break it off.
  • Now take the syringe in your hands and carefully remove the cap from the needle without touching it with your hands. Take the ampoule with the medicine in left hand, and with the right one, insert the tip of the needle into the ampoule, touching its bottom. Use the plunger of the syringe to draw out all the liquid from the ampoule.

N.B. Take a syringe larger in volume than the contents of the medicine in the ampoule. For example, take a 2 ml ampoule and a 3 ml syringe;

  • Check that there is no air in the syringe. To do this, holding it up with the needle and pressing lightly on the piston, squeeze out all the air until the medicine drips out.
  • The patient lies on his stomach. Determine the place where you will give the injection. To do this, mentally divide the right or left gluteal region into 4 quadrants. You will prick in the outer upper quadrant, where there is a powerful muscle layer and there are no large vessels or nerve trunks;
  • Take the syringe comfortably in your right hand and bring it to the selected point at a distance of 3-4 cm from the surface of the buttock. Using the fingers of your other hand, lightly squeeze the skin fold and quickly insert the syringe approximately ¾ of the way through the needle at a right angle. Inject the medicine slowly! After insertion, quickly remove the needle and press the skin with an alcohol swab. Massage the injection site for a minute.

How to give yourself an injection in the buttock

There is nothing complicated about this either. The entire preparatory stage will be exactly the same. Stand in front of a mirror so that the buttock area is reflected in it. Select a point to administer the medication. Bring the tip 2-3 cm to the surface of the skin and confidently pierce the surface layer to a depth of ¾ of the length of the needle. Slowly press the plunger. Remove the needle from the muscle, press the skin with an alcohol swab, and massage.

Video instructions will help you master the skill of giving injections

I found two cool videos on You Tube that you should definitely watch. After watching them, I think you will have no difficulties left and you will be able to give yourself an intramuscular injection and any adult family member.

Video about how to learn how to give an injection to a loved one.

Video on how to inject yourself.

Complications when performing intramuscular injection

Before you take independent action, you need to find out about all the possible complications so as not to harm yourself or your loved ones.

Infection with hepatitis B, C virus, HIV infection.

It would seem that you are doing everything according to the rules. Maintain asepsis! What problems could there be? And here are the ones! Unfortunately, there are quite a few people who can be virus carriers and don’t even know about it. But their blood is dangerous for healthy people. Giving an intramuscular injection is potentially dangerous in terms of infection.

Advice: Use only disposable syringes! And second! Wear disposable medical gloves for manipulation!

Formation of infiltrates

Dense, moderately painful lumps or lumps deep in the muscle at the injection site are formed for several reasons:

  • The patient is prescribed a large number of injections and they are given too close to each other;
  • Seals are formed if the medicine was stored in the refrigerator before direct use;
  • Injecting the medicine very quickly into the muscle promotes the formation of lumps.

Advice: Change injection sites daily (day - right buttock, day - left). Warm the ampoule slightly in warm palms. Give the medicine slowly. If bumps appear, apply an iodine mesh, warm the seals with a heating pad, and apply a vodka compress at night. The slightest pain and redness at the site of “cold” infiltrates is a reason to consult a doctor about the development of an abscess.

Abscesses at the injection site

A serious complication associated with the entry of microbes into the gluteal muscle during the injection. The reason is non-compliance with the basics of asepsis. The first symptoms of a gluteal abscess: malaise, increased body temperature, local redness of the skin, swelling, the skin at the site of the abscess is hot, troubling throbbing pain.

Advice: Without wasting time, contact a surgeon. Most likely, antibiotics will be prescribed. If a purulent cavity has already formed, a cross-shaped incision will be made, the wound will be washed, drained, an aseptic bandage will be applied and the abscess will be treated further.


Often after the injection the wound bleeds for a long time. Apparently you hit a small vessel. The next day, a small or even extensive hematoma may form at the injection site. In principle, there is nothing terrible about this. Just after removing the needle, you need to press down firmly on the tampon, hold it for a minute or two and massage. The resulting hematomas then resolve and disappear without a trace.

Oil or air embolism

It does not occur often, only if you violate the rules for preparing for intramuscular injections: for example, you did not completely release all the air from the syringe. In addition, sometimes doctors prescribe oil-based injections or suspensions to the patient.

If you make an injection unsuccessfully and get into a vessel, such a medicine can clog them, disrupt tissue nutrition, and necrosis will occur. Or drops of the medicine will penetrate into the general bloodstream and reach vital organs, for example, a pulmonary embolism will occur, which can even result in death.

Advice: Still, don’t make oil medicines or suspensions yourself. Check the syringe for air. Read the labels on medications carefully. Among them there are those that cannot be injected intramuscularly, only into a vein, otherwise they cause tissue necrosis. For example, Cavinton.

Anaphylactic shock

A very serious complication that can happen to anyone. Very rare, but there are cases of drug intolerance.

Advice: If you have never taken a medicine prescribed by a doctor before, it is better not to risk it and do the first injection at the clinic. There are all the conditions for a quick response in such situations. What to do if the needle breaks

If the patient, out of fear of the injection, shakes and shrinks into a ball, and when the needle enters the muscle, he tenses and suddenly twitches, theoretically the needle can break and remain in the muscle. This will cause fear not only in the patient, but also in the person doing the injection.

Advice: Calm yourself and reassure the patient. The needle will not move anywhere from the injection site. The main thing is not to let the patient move. If the tip of the needle sticks out above the surface of the skin, you can try to remove it with tweezers, after carefully wiping it with alcohol.

If the fragment is not visible, call a doctor or ambulance. In any case, you and your patient will get away with a slight fright.

If the needle gets into the nerve trunk on the buttock

There are difficult patients: exhausted, when the muscle layer on the buttocks is minimal. Or the patient has scoliosis of the spine, displacement of the pelvic bones and it is also difficult to determine where the outer upper quadrant is located, where it is recommended to place the injection.

In difficult cases, injury to the nerve trunks in the gluteal region is possible. This will cause shooting pain, maybe even radiating to the leg or perineum, and numbness in areas of the skin.

The ability to give an intramuscular injection is often simply irreplaceable. Not often, but there are situations when an injection can quickly help a person restore health. Therefore, it is worth acquiring this important skill in advance, or at least thoroughly understanding all the rules theoretically, so that in a critical situation you do not find yourself powerless.

Intramuscular injections are usually given in the buttock - this is the most convenient place to administer the drug. You can also inject into other major muscles– on the thigh, for example. But for a person who is just learning or rarely injects, it is better not to experiment and inject only into the gluteal muscle.

The injection is not difficult at all. Only fear can stop you. It is much more important to follow the immutable rules of asepsis and antiseptics, in other words, neatness and cleanliness during the preparation and administration of the injection.

Rules for setting an intramuscular injection

Prepare everything you need - a sterile syringe, medical alcohol, sterile cotton wool (you will need several cotton swabs), ampoules with medicine, a file for opening ampoules, a plate for cotton wool, an empty ampoule and other waste, as well as a clean plate for a full ampoule and a filled syringe .

How to prepare a syringe

Open the syringe package. With one hand, grab the plunger. Using a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, grab the cap that covers the needle and pull lightly. Your job is to make sure you can easily release the needle before you draw up the medicine. Do not remove the cap completely. Place the syringe back in its packaging.

How to open an ampoule

Wash your hands thoroughly and collect your hair so it doesn't get in your way. Wear sterile gloves. Soak one cotton swab with alcohol. Wipe the nail file and ampoule with it. Holding the ampoule with a swab, file it down where the thin part expands. As a rule, the opening site is marked with a circular line. File the ampoule, pressing evenly on the file, along the entire circumference.

Then take another cotton swab (soaked in alcohol, but not too much to avoid drips) and gently press the thin end of the ampoule, moving it to the side. If the glass does not break off, file it again along the entire circumference. When the ampoule opens, place the broken tip on the plate along with the swab you used to hold it.
Place the ampoule on a clean plate.

How to take medicine

Prepare a cotton swab with alcohol. Remove the cap covering the needle. Place the needle into the ampoule and draw up the medicine. Then, turn the syringe vertically (needle up). Place the swab at the base of the needle (without touching it). By tapping the syringe, ensure that air bubbles accumulate at the very top of the reservoir. Then gently press the plunger to force the air out.

When drops of solution appear at the tip of the needle, this will indicate that the air has escaped from the syringe. Don’t be alarmed - microscopic bubbles will not harm you when given an intramuscular injection. There is no need to press hard on the piston, releasing a stream of medicine from the needle, as is sometimes shown in films.

You hold a swab at the base of the needle to collect any droplets of drug that will be released from the needle.
Having done all this, cap the needle and place the syringe on a clean plate.

How to prepare the injection site

There is no difference whether the injection is given in the right or left buttock. It will be more convenient for you to inject into the one closest to you. Visually divide the patient's buttock into four parts (dividing horizontally and vertically - with a cross). The upper outer quadrant (part) will become the injection site. Visually select its center.

Take a swab, generously moistened with alcohol, and apply an antiseptic to the injection site. Don't worry if your skin gets wet from the alcohol - it will dissipate quickly. Put the tampon aside - but not in the “dirty” plate. Place it nearby, for example, on the patient's lower back.

How to give an injection

Release the syringe needle from the cap. Make sure that the needle is firmly seated on the syringe, does not wobble, or jump off at a critical moment (you can only touch the needle with a swab containing alcohol). Hold the syringe in your right hand.

Place your left hand on the patient's buttock, with your thumb out. The injection site should be between your thumb and fingers. The point is to fix the skin. There is no need to press hard, gather the skin into a fold or, conversely, stretch it excessively. It is important to simply hold it so that the injection site does not move.

Attention: If you are injecting a child or an malnourished person with low muscle mass, slightly gather the muscle at the injection site!

Hold the syringe with all your fingers. The little finger should be at the base of the needle. The remaining fingers are distributed throughout the tank. The thumb covers the syringe from the opposite side.

You don't need to make a big swing. Ten centimeters of distance between the skin and the tip of the needle is quite enough. Next you should make one confident movement - the injection itself. The needle should enter the buttock strictly vertically.

This is the most difficult moment for those who inject for the first time. Remember, how easily the patient will tolerate the injection depends on your determination and calmness! If you are very afraid, take a separate syringe and practice on a pillow. You need to plunge the needle into the tissue in one movement - without moving it slowly, jerkily.

The needle is perfectly sharpened and easily passes through the skin and muscle layer. It should be immersed in the thickness of the tissue by three quarters. If you were unable to insert the needle deep enough, it is better to remove it and inject again. Do not push the needle all the way to the base.

After inserting the needle, grab the syringe with your left hand so that it does not move and the needle does not move in the muscle. With your right hand, slowly but firmly press down on the plunger. The medicine should be delivered evenly. Some drugs are painful when administered, but you need to be persistent: an injection that is too slow creates additional discomfort for the patient, but you cannot administer the medicine too quickly. A nodule may form, and part of the drug may simply leak onto the surface of the skin.

How to remove a syringe

After injecting the entire contents of the syringe, take a cotton swab (which you left nearby). Apply pressure to the skin where the needle was inserted. Confidently pull the syringe towards you, pressing the injection site with the tampon. Place the used syringe in a “dirty” plate.

Massage the injection site with a cotton swab and leave it on the skin for a while. Do not be alarmed if a drop of blood appears on the skin - anyone can touch a small blood vessel. There are no large vessels or nerves in this part of the buttock.

Completing the injection

Collect all used tampons, syringes, and parts of the ampoule (they should be placed on one plate right away) and throw it all in the trash. If you do not plan to stay near the patient, leave the medicine package nearby. This is done so that the doctor (if the patient gets worse) can see what medications he has already received.

How to give injections to children

For small patients, it is better to use small-volume syringes with thin needles. In this case, you can take a thicker one - sterile! - a needle from another syringe to draw the medicine with it. Having prepared the syringe, remove the thick needle from it and put on (holding by the cap) a thin one.

The injection site is the same: the upper outer quadrant of the buttock. The difference is that you don’t just need to fix the skin, but gather the muscle into a fold. This fold should not be very “thin”; cover not only the skin, but also the thickness of the muscles - then the injection will be painless.

A standard needle is inserted two-thirds of the way, or, if it is a special small needle for injecting children, then almost completely.

If you have to give injections to a child, it is very important to ensure his peace and safety. Prepare everything you need in secret from the little patient so that he does not see or understand that he is about to receive an injection. Try not to show your excitement: talk calmly, joke, ask the child something in order to distract him from what is happening as much as possible.

Call another adult to help you. It is better if one person puts the baby on their lap on their tummy. You should not cling to the child, conveying your fear to him - but you need to put your hands on him so that, if necessary, you can fix the baby.

If you have never given injections, it will be better if you practice giving injections to an adult first, or at least call a nurse for the first few injections. Let her teach you, check how you cope.

How to give a painless injection

Despite the long description this process, we all know how quickly good nurses give injections. In addition, they manage to cause almost no pain to the patient. And the secret is simple: confidence and lack of anxiety.

This is difficult to achieve the first time. But we need to strive for this. You can train the execution of each operation. The moment of injection is especially important.

Also, do not forget about cleanliness and the need to maintain maximum sterility. It is better to wipe the surface with alcohol once again than not to do so. An intramuscular injection can be considered successfully completed only when you have disposed of everything you used - cotton wool, needles, syringes, packaging, gloves, ampoules.

There are situations in every person’s life when it is not possible to seek professional medical help and one has to administer medicine intramuscularly to oneself or someone close to them.

In this article we will figure out how to properly give an injection in the buttock at home and avoid typical mistakes- bruises and accidental hits to the sciatic nerve.

Injection with a syringe is the most common and effective method administration of medication.

As a rule, it is performed in the gluteal muscle - a storage of the drug is created in a massive layer of tissue (in medical terminology, a “depot”), and active blood supply quickly distributes the medicine throughout the tissues of the body.

The buttock has become the main target of injections for a reason - it has the smallest number of nerve endings, which makes the injection itself as painless as possible.

Of course, it is better if the procedure is carried out by a medical professional, but it is not difficult to cope with the task on your own if you follow a number of simple recommendations.

Let's start with them.

If you follow all the rules, it is not difficult to inject yourself

Preparing for the injection

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, then wipe with an antiseptic wipe to prevent germs from touching the patient's skin. Ethyl alcohol, manorm, alcohol wipes and regular cologne are also suitable for disinfection.
  2. Wipe the top half of the ampoule with an antiseptic. Tap it with your finger to shake off any drops of remaining medication. Break off the cap, pointing the ampoule away from you, in the place marked with a special dot or stripe.
  3. Remove the syringe from the packaging from the piston side, insert the needle.
  4. Carefully remove the cap and plunge the needle into the ampoule.
  5. Pull back the plunger and draw in the medicine.
  6. Lift the syringe up and release the air with gentle pressure.
  7. Put on the protective cap.

Advice: for intramuscular injections in adults, syringes with a volume of up to 5 ml are used, for children - up to 2 ml. For adults, it is recommended to administer the drug as deeply as possible to avoid subsequent painful sensations.

Initially, prepare everything you need for the injection.

How to properly give an injection in the buttock at home - step-by-step instructions with photos

The second most important issue after preparing a syringe with medicine is the correct place for injection.

To ensure that the procedure is painless and does not end in inflammation of the sciatic nerve, muscle atrophy or loss of sensitivity in the buttock, visually divide it into four parts.

The ideal location for the injection is the upper right quarter.

The diagram shows right place for injection

The patient takes a lying position on his stomach or side.

If the situation is urgent, you need to give yourself an injection in the buttock at home, this is also possible in a standing position.

  1. Feel the buttock for any existing lumps from previous injections, bruising or inflammation. You cannot inject into such places, as this will cause pain, and damaged tissues will not allow the medicine to distribute evenly to healthy ones, reducing its effectiveness.
  2. Once you have chosen the injection site, wipe it with an alcohol wipe and allow it to dry completely.
  3. Place your hand on the buttock, thus limiting the square for the injection.
  4. Insert the needle deeply and quickly, leaving a few millimeters free at its base. This distance should not exceed 1 cm.
  5. Pull the valve towards you a little - this will make sure that you do not get into the vessel. If there is blood in the syringe, it is better to inject the injection into another place.
  6. Inject the medicine while slowly pressing down on the plunger. If you do this quickly, the syringe will separate the tissue, after which a hematoma or lump will form.
  7. Remove the needle and apply pressure to the injection site with an alcohol pad. Hold until the blood clots.

If you need to make several injections at once, the next drug should be injected into the other buttock or move 2-3 cm away from the site of the first injection.

It is especially difficult to inject yourself

How to give yourself an injection in the buttock at home

As you can see, following simple rules, anyone can cope with the administration of medicine.

However, it is much more difficult to inject yourself - it is uncomfortable, scary, and painful.

But there are situations when there is no way out. What to do?

First of all, you will need determination - it is the confidence of your movements that determines how successful the final result will be.

The injection can be given in the thigh

Tip: Regardless of whether you are injecting yourself or a loved one, make sure that the tissues are relaxed. If the patient is tense, discomfort can't be avoided.

Stand half-turned towards the mirror. So that the injection site can be seen as clearly as possible.

Expose your butt. Shift your support and body weight to the opposite leg. The second one should be relaxed.

Wipe the skin with an alcohol wipe. Take the syringe in your right hand.

Bring it vertically in relation to the buttock, then calmly and quickly pierce the muscle, leaving a distance of up to one centimeter between the base of the needle and the skin.

Slowly inject the medicine, remove the syringe and apply pressure to the tissue until the blood clots completely.

Some people, due to physiological or psychological reasons It’s difficult to inject yourself in the buttock.

Another suitable injection site is the thigh.

To properly administer the medicine, sit on a chair, expose the desired area, and select a location to insert the needle.

Follow the remaining steps described in the basic instructions.

The most painful injection is considered to be in the shoulder.

Tip: you can also inject drugs into the deltoid muscle, but this place is considered the most uncomfortable and painful.

How to give a child an injection in the buttock at home

All children are afraid of injections - remember yourself at a young age and the feelings before going to the clinic. Fear, horror, panic, despair.

Often these negative feelings that arise in childhood complicate life in adulthood.

This is why it is so important not to be afraid of medical procedures from the very beginning.

Good pediatricians have a number of effective tricks for this.

Be sure to distract the baby before the procedure

For everything to go well, it is important for the parent to remain calm - children are sensitive to panic, and it is instantly transmitted to them.

The restless behavior will end and it will be problematic to complete the procedure.

  1. To make the injection painless, stretch the skin around the selected area before inserting the needle.
  2. Before administering the drug, lightly slap the baby on the bottom, and this will distract him from the injection itself.
  3. Carry out all preparatory manipulations away from the child’s eyes so as not to frighten the child.
  4. Work on distractions - turn on your child’s favorite cartoons in advance or bring toys.

Advice: under no circumstances should the baby see you insert the needle, otherwise he will not be able to relax, and the procedure is guaranteed to end in tears.

It is important to teach your child not to be afraid of injections in childhood.

Precautions when performing intramuscular injections

  1. If you are facing a course of several injections, it is better to alternate the buttocks for injections to reduce pain and tissue damage.
  2. If hematomas appear (and with frequent injections they are inevitable), applying an iodine mesh will help reduce pain.
  3. Remember to follow safety precautions: all used materials, syringes, drug ampoules and cotton wool should be thrown away immediately and under no circumstances reused.

Just follow the instructions and everything will work out!

Possible complications after self-administered injections

When performing intramuscular injections yourself, be sure to adhere to all the rules described above, since failure to comply with them can result in the following complications:

The intramuscular medicine will enter the blood.It’s easy to prevent this: pull the plunger of the syringe towards you when you see blood inside it.

Painful problems will arise.As a rule, this happens when the hands or injection site are not sufficiently treated with an antiseptic and when injections are regularly administered to the same point, especially if these are oily preparations or magnesium.

It will appear.Redness, itching, and other signs of allergy indicate that the drug should be discontinued.

If you are injecting antibiotics, a subcutaneous test is required before starting the course.

However, in most cases, if the technique is followed, no complications arise, so be calm and attentive, and everything will go well.

You will also learn how to properly give an injection in the buttock at home to an adult, a child and yourself from this video:

Intramuscular injections, simply put, injections in the gluteal region, are the easiest and most effective method treating a sick patient. Due to the fact that the medicine enters directly into the muscle fibers, it quickly spreads throughout the body and makes it possible to feel relief as quickly as possible. Intramuscular injections, unlike intravenous ones, can be performed outside the hospital - if you need to undergo a course of treatment, you can give yourself injections or ask your relatives. But how to properly give injections in the buttock so that no negative consequences arise? Our article will tell you about this.

Where on the buttock can a syringe be injected?

Even though injections into the gluteal region are not difficult, it is very important to know the place where you can inject a syringe with a medicinal solution.

In principle, there are three places on the human body where the largest number of “safe” muscles are located - the buttocks, thighs, and arms. They all have exactly the right amount muscle mass, which is necessary for rapid absorption of the medicine and its distribution throughout the body, but the best and most proven place for intramuscular injections is the gluteal region. This is where a large number of necessary fibers are located, and there are fewer “dangerous” zones than in other areas.

The most comfortable and safe place on the buttock is the outer upper quarter. In order to better understand where this place is located, when you first perform injections, you can mark the approximate area using iodine and a cotton swab. Have the patient lie down on a couch or bed, pull the clothing down below the buttock, and split the right buttock right down the middle, first horizontally, then vertically. In the resulting cells, the upper right square is the place where you can inject the injection without worry. When inserting again, markings will no longer be required, since a small dot from the previously performed injection will remain and it will be easier to navigate.

Which syringe to choose for intramuscular injections

Since the injection procedure itself is based on inserting a needle into muscle tissue, the needle must pierce the skin, subcutaneous layer and get into the very middle of the muscles for the best and fastest distribution. Self-taught doctors should remember that syringes with a short needle are in no way suitable for these purposes, since the injection will not be intramuscular, but subcutaneous, which can negatively affect overall well-being, the possible occurrence of side effects. 2 ml syringes are not suitable for injections into the buttock area. It is necessary to select syringes with a longer needle, for example, 5 ml or more. Naturally, the choice of syringe is also influenced by the amount of injected solution, so if you decide to carry out intramuscular injections yourself, first read the instructions, the amount of the medicine you receive, and only then buy syringes of the right size.

Intramuscular injections into the buttock of yourself or a loved one can only be done after carefully fulfilling the following conditions:

Hand sanitizing and washing
Before you begin to perform health procedures on your patient, you must wash your hands with soap and treat them with an antiseptic. This measure is very important and should not be neglected, since there is direct contact with blood, germs and bacteria from your hands can transfer to the patient’s skin and contribute to the occurrence of inflammation. Regular hand cleaning will help you avoid such negative situations, so before showing off your “doctor” skills, clean your hands of all germs.

Preparation of the medicine in accordance with the instructions
After your hands are clean and you are full of confidence in the well-being of your work, read the instructions for the drug several times and do everything as written in the annotation. If medicine in powder form, it may need to be diluted with novocaine, lidocaine or sodium chloride solution (be sure to read the instructions! Only approximate options are listed here!). If the drug is in liquid form, then it is already completely prepared (check the instructions again!).

Before you start preparing the solution or filling the syringe with liquid, perform antiseptic procedures again: treat the surface of the bottle with an alcohol swab, wipe the ampoule before opening. In order not to be distracted during injections, prepare a cotton ball and moisten it generously with alcohol (you can use an alcohol wipe, which makes the work easier and helps you not to worry about taking the right amount of alcohol).

Preparing the patient for the injection
Once everything is prepared for the injections, it is time to contact your patient. Have him lie down on a couch or hard bed so he doesn't make any sudden movements while inserting the needle. There is no need to conduct any preparatory conversations with an adult, but the child must be mentally prepared, otherwise the next time the syringe is inserted you will suffer from his strong crying and screams.

Explain to your child that the injection needs to be given for a quick recovery, that it will not cause severe pain, but will simply feel a mosquito bite. Try in every possible way to cheer up the child, praise his courage.

Disinfection of the syringe insertion area
If the patient is lying on his back and the upper part of the buttock is open, disinfection can begin. Lubricate the surface of the skin with the prepared cotton swab and treat exactly the area where you are going to inject the syringe. Do not worry or strain yourself, otherwise your patient may feel nervous and the procedure may not go well.

The intramuscular injection procedure itself

Open the syringe, sharply insert it into the disinfected area and carefully, without pressing too hard, on the injection plunger, thereby injecting the medicine into the muscle tissue. The syringe needle should be inserted three-quarters into the skin - it is at this average size that the optimal tissue layer for injection is achieved. You need to pull out the syringe with a sharp movement so as not to cause additional pain.

Re-treatment of the patient's skin
After the syringe is removed, apply alcohol-soaked cotton wool to the wound. To reduce pain, you can massage the injection site and rub it with your hands. This will also allow the medicine to spread throughout the body as quickly as possible.

If you decide to carry out intramuscular injections yourself, be sure to read the instructions for the drug, observe disinfection and carry out all activities with self-confidence. Careless, agitated movements can only increase the pain, so first of all, prepare yourself mentally, and only then give the injection. Be healthy and take care of yourself!

Video: how to give injections correctly

To treat a variety of diseases, doctors often prescribe a course of injections.

Therefore, knowing the basic rules of how to give an injection in the buttock at home greatly simplifies the treatment period. Because there is not always time to go to the hospital to see a nurse.

It is still better to trust intravenous injections to people with medical education. And everyone can handle intramuscular ones, but you shouldn’t treat it negligently.

It is important to adhere to all the rules, not to be afraid, to act calmly, carefully and carefully. Then everything will end well for yourself or a loved one.

The gluteal muscle is thick enough to allow an injection without damaging the periosteum. The main large neurovascular bundles in the buttock area run deep. Therefore, the chances of damaging them are much less than injecting the medicine into other muscles.

Which syringe and needle is best to use for injections?

To administer the drug intramuscularly, use a syringe equal in volume to the injected solution.

In most cases, children are administered the drug in a volume of 2-3 milliliters. For adults, 5 milliliters is most often required. Sometimes 10 milliliters are administered.

For intramuscular injections, it is better to choose a needle with a length of 4-6 millimeters. This makes it possible to eliminate deep insertion and not to injure large vessels and nerves that are located deep.

In order to give the injection correctly, you should know in which part of the buttock to place it. It is better to choose the upper outer part.

You can mentally divide your buttocks into 4 equal quadrants. The middle of the upper outer quadrant is optimal for injection.

The injection area, which will be the safest area for the injection, can be easily determined if you step back 5-8 centimeters from the most protruding level of the pelvic bones. This is the best place to inject.

Intramuscular injections can be made with both aqueous and oil solutions. The annotation for the drug must indicate that they are intended for this purpose.

Before drawing the medicine into the syringe, experts advise holding the ampoule in your hand for a while. Thus, it will warm up to body temperature. A warm solution is easier to administer and dissolves much faster.

When using an oil-based medicine, you need to check whether the needle has entered the vessel. To do this, pull the plunger towards you and make sure that no blood enters the syringe. If it is absent, you can begin to gradually introduce the solution.

But if it is present in the syringe, you need to choose a different place. You can do it on the same buttock, stepping back 2 centimeters from the first puncture.

In addition to correctly determining the injection site, other preparatory work must be done:

How to give injections correctly and how to inject yourself

There are situations when mothers are forced to learn how to give injections to their children at home. Indeed, in certain situations, not everyone is ready to leave their baby in the hospital, and some do not have the opportunity to pay for the services of a nurse. Therefore, such skills will be very useful in the most unexpected situations.

First of all, you need to prepare everything you need for the procedure:

  1. Medicine. It must be prescribed by a doctor. Use the dosage that corresponds to the prescription. Checking the expiration date is mandatory.
  2. Medical syringe.
  3. Sterile cotton wool.
  4. Correctly selected syringe for injecting a child. The choice depends on the age and build of the baby.

You should find a place in advance where it will be more convenient to give your baby an injection. It should be comfortable for the baby, with bright lighting.

Instructions for performing the injection are the same as for adults. While doing this, it is very important to remain calm. Otherwise, the child will immediately feel the mother’s panic. It will be very difficult to give an injection.

You need to believe in yourself and make sure that the baby is relaxed. This will allow the needle to enter the muscle more easily.

All preparatory manipulations must be carried out so that the baby does not see them. There is no need to scare the baby in advance.

The prepared syringe with the medicine and the cap on the needle should be left on a clean saucer and only then call or bring the child into the room.

Before the procedure, you should massage the baby’s butt warm hands selected location for the procedure. This will help circulate the blood and relax the gluteal muscle.

It is very important to distract the child during the procedure.. You can turn on cartoons and bring his favorite toys.

The most important thing is to make sure that he doesn’t see the syringe hovering over his butt. Only then will the gluteal muscle be relaxed, and the injection itself will be almost painless and quick.

For faster absorption of the medicine, you need to draw a funny iodine mesh at the injection site. To prevent a lump from appearing, the buttock should be massaged regularly. It is important not to forget to praise your child for a well-done procedure.

If there is a need to give an injection in the buttock yourself, then when performing the procedure it is important to adhere to some rules:

  1. Sometimes you have to give several injections at the same time. In this case, it is better to alternate the buttocks.
  2. When giving injections frequently, small hematomas may form on the buttocks, and the injection sites may hurt. An iodine mesh will help alleviate the situation.
  3. You should always remember to maintain hygiene. Needles, syringes, used cotton wool, empty glass ampoules should be thrown into the trash immediately. Under no circumstances should disposable syringes be reused.

Everyone can learn how to give injections at home. The procedure itself is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

To do this, you should study the basic rules of such a procedure, preparatory work, and strictly follow the instructions. Then everything will be easy and almost painless.

If children need to be given an injection, they should be distracted as much as possible. They should not be afraid and be in a tense state.

Problems may occur with intravenous injections. Therefore, it is better to entrust them to medical professionals.