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How to distinguish a GMO orange from a natural one. List of GMOs – genetically modified products. What does the “non-GMO” label mean?

The introduction of foreign genes into food began with the discovery of DNA in 1944. However, this phenomenon reached production scale only at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, having managed to acquire supporters and opponents during this time.

The role of genetically modified products in modern society is great, they occupy a special place in the agricultural industry. So called transgenic plants partially solved the problem that humanity faced in the 70s: soil pollution with pesticides and chemicals on a colossal scale.

Some transgenic plants contain genes that protect them from diseases or pests, thereby saving the land. At the same time, there was hope that increasing the yield due to special genes would help overcome hunger throughout the world, but, unfortunately, the expectations did not materialize.

Expectations regarding the success of this invention were not met; scientists are still struggling with the question of how useful and harmful its use is. What is GMO and how to distinguish it from a natural product?

Without GMO

Without GMOs - this is the motto chosen by Austria, Greece, Poland, Switzerland and Japan, declaring themselves completely free from genetically modified products. A large number of countries are free from them partially - by regions, many are just coming to this.

So, no one in the world has proven the direct harm of transgenic plants to the human body. However, unconditional harmlessness has not been confirmed. There are two obvious disadvantages GMO. No, this is not cancer, and certainly not the risk of mutations.

Transgenic organisms are highly unpredictable. The simplest example: they germinate quickly and in any conditions. You just bought tomatoes, and they already have sprouts, and it’s not that they are overexposed.

Cause allergies. Let's say you purchased a vegetable with genes from peanuts, to which you are allergic. You can only find out about this by looking at the labeling, but what to do if the manufacturer is found to be unscrupulous?

If you are only attracted to natural food, there are several ways to distinguish it from transgenic.

1. As we have already said, labeling. Typically, manufacturers who produce natural products, designate them with the label “100% natural” or “Non-GMO”. If they contain any modifications, they amount to no more than one percent.

2. Beautiful, smooth, shiny vegetables that are “ideal” in shape and color should arouse your suspicions, and if they are all the same in size, this could not have happened without intervention. Look for traces of worm bugs. As a rule, traces of insects indicate the naturalness of the product.

3. Seedless. It's hard to imagine that nature came up with something so useless from a productivity point of view. Seedless watermelons are a prime example of this. There are also the most harmless characteristics. For example, apples that do not darken.

4. Code can say a lot about a product. For example, bananas with code 4011 or 94011 are naturally grown. At the same time, US products with a five-digit code that begins with 8 are transgenic.

It will be useful to know that three quarters of all soybeans in the world are GMO, as well as a third of corn and one fifth of rapeseed. By the way, the petunia gene was introduced into peanuts. Please note that insects avoid these nuts.

It should also be distinguished selection from genetic engineering: watermelons, eggplants, bananas, carrots, peaches in the form in which we know them were bred artificially, but do not pose any even ghostly threat.

Benefit or harm, with GMO or without, but you always need to know what is in your plate.

The following definition of GMO seems to us to be the most accurate and simple:

A genetically modified organism (abbreviated as GMO) is a living or plant organism whose genotype has been changed using genetic engineering methods to give the organism new properties. Today, such changes are made almost everywhere when creating food products for economic purposes, and sometimes for scientific purposes.

The difference between genetic modification is the purposeful construction of the organism's genotype, which is in contrast to the random one characteristic of natural and artificial mutagenesis.

How do GM foods affect health?

Today it has been absolutely proven that GMOs have a very detrimental effect on the human body. Due to the influence of such products, the process of hematopoiesis may be disrupted in humans. People who consume GMO foods are much more susceptible to cancer than others.

An interesting effect of GMOs on the body is that the human body ceases to respond adequately to medications. In other words, it will be much more difficult to cure a GMO consumer from a disease. Genetically modified organisms, as well as products containing them, provoke the development of skin diseases, allergies, digestive disorders, and various disorders nervous system.

These studies were conducted on adults with a mature, strong body. One can only imagine how destructive the use of GMOs in children's nutrition will be. By the way, in some European countries the use of GMOs in children's nutrition is prohibited. Now manufacturers are dumping low-quality goods into third world countries.

Are genetically modified soybeans unsafe?

Experiments prove that genetically modified soybeans are particularly harmful to the health and procreation of mammals. Besides high level mortality among experimental rats, studies also revealed increased level anxiety and even aggression among males, females, and pups fed foods containing GMOs.

Today, store windows are simply full of a variety of baby food. There are vegetables, cereals, soups, cottage cheese - everything your heart desires. In fact, not everything is so wonderful.

You should use exclusively natural products in your child’s diet, since only in this case can you be sure that they do not contain GMOs and you will not harm your child’s health.

Which baby food products are especially dangerous in terms of GMO content? These are absolutely all canned meat and fish, products containing soy additives, soybean oil. Since most often, soybeans are a genetically modified product. Almost all mixtures replacing breast milk, contain soy additives. Now, when buying boxes and jars, think about this. Let your baby get used to healthy food and a healthy lifestyle from birth.

But are there any benefits from GMOs?

GMOs against cancer

In the USA, scientists based on GMOs have developed a drug against cervical cancer. Already 13 women have tested this drug on themselves. They were given this terrible diagnosis. In 4 women the condition improved significantly. In 1 patient, the cancer was completely gone. 2 years have passed since then, and the disease has not returned. In another 3 women, the tumor decreased by 20%. 7 patients who participated in the experiment, unfortunately, still died from cancer.

Vaccine manufacturers believe that if the vaccine is used for more early stages disease, the results will be much more impressive. Today, scientists are also working with GMOs on vaccines for ovarian, prostate, breast, and brain cancer. In modern ecology, unfortunately, even a healthy lifestyle will not protect one hundred percent from cancer.

In England, transgenic chickens are being bred, the eggs of which are important for medicine. The proteins from the eggs of these birds are taken to make a drug that can cure malignant tumors. This important event took place in the very same research facility where the famous sheep Dolly was once created.

Ten years have passed since then. This discovery Scientists are on the verge of developing completely new drugs. These drugs will become much cheaper, their production will be easier, because to produce it you just need to have a chicken coop and feed. The work of scientists from England will, without a doubt, be a new milestone on the path to healing humanity from a terrible disease.

What do GMO supporters say?

It is GMOs that will help solve food problems on our small planet. With the help of this technology, it is possible to develop plants that will not mind African droughts or plant diseases. It is also possible to breed special, genetically modified types of farm animals; they will produce a lot of products and will not be picky about food and resistant to diseases.

Using this technology, it will also be possible to grow organs for transplantation and grow plants that are suitable for producing tissue.

What do GMO opponents say?

It turned out that GMO corn, potatoes and soybeans are much more expensive. In addition, genetically modified plants do not produce viable seeds at all. That is, first of all, this is beneficial only to suppliers of planting material.

Another important disadvantage is that cultivated GMO plants in the field produce hybrids with wild plants. One can only imagine what kind of mutants will be on our planet in a few decades.

Among other things, international terrorism may take a new direction. After all, you can create so many new and unknown viruses, which will be very, very difficult to cope with, since when creating them it is possible to introduce any qualities.

In most countries today, special labeling is placed on food products, which indicates that it does not contain GMOs. Whether to buy GMO products or not - the choice is always yours.

And although many of us have never seen the label “containing GM components,” this abbreviation itself does not cause anything but negativity.

What do these three scary letters actually mean and how not to confuse GM technologies with the achievements of science and industry?

Fears and scandals

These technologies have supporters who claim that they make it possible to significantly increase yields and thus overcome world hunger, significantly speed up selection, and produce crops containing large amounts of vitamins and at the same time inedible for pests.

But more - opponents. They accuse genetically modified foods of crossing organisms that would never occur in nature, manipulating genes, entailing risks to human health and the environment.

If you weigh the pros and cons, it turns out that what people fear most is an invisible threat. They are afraid that GMOs will enter their body with food, integrate into their DNA - and from there they are not far from mutations and diseases. It is believed that the range of consequences of contact with genetically modified organisms is wide: from allergies and poisoning to decreased immunity, reproductive dysfunction, infertility and oncology.

Fears are most often unsubstantiated, but scandals that arise every now and then during transgene research only increase anxiety.

For lunch... transgenes

Two years ago, an experiment was conducted at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution. A. N. Severtsov RAS, the results of which are simply frightening. The third generation of hamsters that were fed turned out to be unviable - they developed more slowly, and some lost the ability to reproduce.

The results of this experience cannot be directly associated with a person, she emphasized Elena Sharoykina, Director of the National Association of Genetic Safety, one of the organizers of the experiment. “But it can be completely projected onto other animals.”

It hasn’t reached Russia yet. Today in our country the industrial cultivation of any genetically modified organisms is legally prohibited. However, import and sale are allowed, but only through 17 permitted lines - mainly soybeans and corn. Moreover, you can get approval only after a comprehensive safety test, which includes over 80 items.

In addition, according to the Consumer Rights Law, the label “containing GM components” must accompany products containing 0.9% transgenes or more.

In June of this year in State Duma Parliamentary hearings were held on the topic: “Legislative regulation of the turnover of genetically modified products in the Russian Federation.” Their participants expressed the opinion that genetic engineering is the future of the food industry. The goals, as usual, are good: improving the health of Russians and supporting domestic producers.

These are all imported products. “I would like this niche to be filled by Russian-made biotechnologies,” he said during parliamentary hearings Gennady Ivanov, head of department of Rospotrebnadzor.

Today in the world no one can provide accurate scientific data that transgenes are dangerous to human health. To confirm this, serious research is needed. By the way, Russian scientists are going to conduct one of the experiments open to the public in 2013. Animals that will be fed GM soy or corn can be monitored on the Internet.

According to the organizers, this experiment will have to prove the harm or safety of products with altered genes. In the meantime, the area of ​​such crops in the world is increasing. Last year, for example, it grew by 8%; transgenes occupied 395 million acres of farmland - almost “half” of Russia! Two years ago the growth was even greater - 10%. The leader is the USA. There are no barriers to their industrial cultivation at all, and at the same time a large-scale campaign is being carried out to increase . Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay are not far behind in GMO crops. In America, as in Canada, the “Contains GMOs” label on packaging is not required. In Europe, the production of GMOs is officially prohibited, but import and sale are allowed - with the appropriate stamp.

Soy - the “star” of GMOs

So far, only plants have been put on the conveyor belt for introducing GMOs - it’s easier with them. Favorites are soybeans, corn, oilseed rape, cotton, sugar beets. Next come GM papaya, potatoes, rice, tomatoes. Tomatoes, for example, “charged” with an integrated gene, ripen faster, and potatoes become more starchy.

But they also experiment with animals. In New Zealand, a cow was bred that produces hypoallergenic milk, and in China, according to rumors, a cow has appeared that can produce milk with a reduced lactose content.

What, for example, do the animals whose milk we drink eat? Even if they are not given special drugs, they may be given food that contains GM grains and beans.

Soybean plays a special role: it is the main component of livestock feed, its share in food products is up to 60%. According to the International Grain Union, Russia, Ukraine, France, Germany, Sweden and other countries, as well as large agricultural producers around the world, use GMO plants to feed animals. EU countries annually import about 40 million tons of modified soybeans. Two-thirds of the corn that grows in Europe and is intended to feed pigs and corydalis is also a variety improved by genetic engineering.

Islands of freedom

But there are countries where the use of GMOs is prohibited by law. The strictest measures have been taken in Finland, Australia, Venezuela, Greece, Switzerland, and Poland.

In 2013, the EurAsEC Technical Regulations “Milk and Dairy Products” will come into effect, which requires informing consumers about the presence of GM components (if they are more than 0.9%).

A complete ban on the use of GMO plants in the menu of cows is also in force in our neighboring Finland. And the authorities of two Finnish cities and two municipalities introduced a ban on the use of GMOs in public institutions.

Back in 2003, the Association of Finnish Dairies declared its negative attitude towards GMOs. Farmers are proud of their long-eyed beauties and feed them only with herbs grown in their native meadows: the basis of the diet is rapeseed. Neither corn, nor soybeans, nor other transgenic crops are on the menu of Finnish cows.

In Russia there are also such products - from the famous Finnish concern Valio. On the packages the inscription “Does not contain GMOs” is highlighted in white and blue. But even if there is no such mark, then by default you will not find transgenes either in the product or even in the feed of cows.

Unfortunately, there are few such transgene-free islands today. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to understand what we are fed. After all, the taste of GMO fruits is the same as natural ones. And even if GMOs are not indicated in the product, they may be modified nutritional supplements, and potatoes grown with your own hands will turn out to be flawed, since altered genes were contained in seeds or fertilizers.

What should an ordinary consumer do under these conditions?

In order not to “eat GMOs,” you need to carefully read the information on the packaging, advises Piri Jamalova, engineer for GMO research, Test-St. Petersburg Federal Budgetary Institution. - The manufacturer is obliged to inform about the content of such additives in the product. This is a requirement of federal law, and the sanctions for violating it are very serious. Unfortunately, the average consumer cannot independently check a product for GMO content. Research is carried out only in laboratory conditions and can take up to one and a half days.

Nowadays, more and more people are trying to eat healthy and pay increased attention to the quality of the products they eat. This is especially true for parents, since the child’s health directly depends on his diet.

In the wake of the popularity of principles healthy image life, so-called pure organic bioproducts have also become in great demand. The inscription on the packaging “non-GMO” has become a kind of sign of high quality, safety and naturalness.

What actually lies under this abbreviation GMO and how is it translated into simple human language? Are genetically modified foods really that bad for our health? We will try to answer these questions further.

What is GMO?

So, what is GMO and, as they say, “what do they eat it with”? Genetically modified organisms (hereinafter GMO) are organisms whose genome (DNA) has been purposefully changed (improved, supplemented) using genetic engineering methods (source - Wikipedia). It is important to note that changes specifically made by humans to genotype Such organisms would be impossible in living nature due to the mechanisms of natural recombination and reproduction.

This is due to the fact that most living organisms on Earth develop gradually, i.e. generation after generation, adapting to changing conditions of existence. That is why people have learned to influence the process of evolution of plants and animals in order to use the advanced achievements of genetic engineering for scientific as well as economic purposes.

In principle, the decoding of GMOs itself gives a minimal idea of ​​what a genetically modified product is.

In simple words, this is a product for the production of which genetically improved raw materials were used. For example, bread made from wheat that is resistant to temperature changes, products made from modified soybeans, and so on.

Currently, GMOs are produced using transgenes , i.e. specific pieces of DNA that scientists insert into the original genome of an organism. As a result we get transgenic organisms , which, by the way, are capable of passing on improved DNA to their offspring ( transgenesis ).

Genetic engineering has provided modern breeders with an advanced method for improving the DNA of plants and animals. This makes it possible to solve global food problems in those countries where people do not have enough food due to climatic conditions or other unfavorable conditions.

GMO creation process or editing genome consists of the following main steps:

  • isolating isolated gene responsible for certain exceptional properties of the organism;
  • introduction of genetic material into a nucleic acid molecule (DNA vector) for further transplantation into a cell of a new organism;
  • transfer of the vector into the DNA-modified organism;
  • cell transformation;
  • sampling of GMOs and elimination of unsuccessfully modified organisms.

Genetically modified organisms use:

  • In applied and fundamental scientific research. Few people know that thanks to GMOs, scientists are learning more and more every year about the mechanisms of regeneration and aging, about the work nervous system , as well as about such serious diseases as or .
  • In pharmacology and medicine. Genetic engineering insulin person was registered in 1982. From that moment on, a new era began in the development of modern medicine. Thanks to breakthroughs in genetic engineering, there are now many life-saving drugs produced from recombinant human proteins, for example, vaccines .
  • IN agriculture and in livestock farming. Breeders use GMOs to create new varieties of plants that will produce greater yields while being resistant to diseases, climate change and other external factors. Improved animal DNA helps protect them from certain diseases. For example, genetically modified pigs do not become infected African swine fever .

There have been fierce debates over GMOs for a long time. The thing is that opponents of genetically modified products argued that they can cause irreparable harm to human health (provoke the development cancer , cause mutations ). In addition, the altered DNA of products will have a negative impact on the health of future generations, causing terrible diseases in such genetically modified people.

However, today proponents of genetic engineering have irrefutable evidence of the safety of products improved with transgenes. At the dawn of the development of selective agriculture, scientists such as Michurin tried to improve food plant species using various tricks.

If we talk about GMOs in a broad sense, then these are organisms of the future, obtained thanks to the ability of humans to influence the process of evolution. Scientists involved in genetic engineering set themselves noble goals - to provide people all over the earth with food in the required quantities.

And this is really not easy to do, because there are places where it is really very difficult to grow crops or raise livestock for food. So, we learned how the abbreviation GMO stands for, now let’s talk about the painful stuff.

Harm and benefits of GMOs

As we found out above, GMO products contain components of genetically modified organisms. It turns out that not only the fruits and vegetables themselves and grains (corn, potatoes, rye, wheat, soybeans, and so on) can be called GMO food, but also the products in which they are found.

For example, soy sausages or liver sausage, baked goods, ketchup, sauces, mayonnaise, sweets, and so on. It is important to note that meat from cattle or poultry fed with GMO plants cannot be classified as genetically modified products.

It was previously assumed that altered cells of genetically modified foods are capable of integrating into the DNA of the organism that consumes them. However, as scientists have proven, this statement is false. Any food, even if it contains GMOs, under the influence of gastric juice and enzymes breaks down in the human body into fatty acid , sugar, amino acids And triglycerides .

This means that regular foods, like genetically modified ones, are equally digestible and do not cause harm to health. Another talk of the town about the connection between GMO products and the risk of development oncological diseases , and mutations at the DNA level has been debunked by the scientific community.

In 2005, domestic scientists conducted an experiment on mice and received sad results. As it turned out, the mortality rate of mice from cancer that ate genetically modified soybeans increased sharply. Similar experiments were carried out around the world.

Researchers were in a hurry to publish the sensational results of their observations, sometimes forgetting to double-check everything thoroughly. Facilities mass media, who are in a state of eternal pursuit of “fried facts,” have been relishing this topic for several years and writing exclusively about the possible harm of GMOs.

Indeed, only a few tried to understand the issue without emotions and get to the truth. As a result, mass hysteria about GMOs reached its apogee and hundreds of thousands of people around the world firmly believed that there was nothing more terrible in their lives than Genetically modified foods .

On forums on the Internet, at home in the kitchen, on the street and in the store, mothers shared their concerns about baby food, which contains ominous GMOs. Grandmothers could not sleep peacefully and thought only about the benefits and harms of Nesquik cocoa, chocolate and other sweets that their grandchildren love so much, and fathers and grandfathers lamented the “no longer the same” meat products and chemical bread.

Actually for Lately Scientists have not been able to find evidence that eating GMOs increases the risk of developing cancer or other diseases. And all previously conducted experiments could not resist comprehensive criticism and verification.

It turned out that the mice and rats that were used to conduct the experiments also died en masse both when GMOs and regular food were used in their diet. The problem was not with the fruits of genetic engineering, but with this particular species of rodents used in laboratory research. They are genetically more susceptible to cancer, regardless of diet.

According to the World Health Organization, talking about the dangers of GMO products can only be based on the results of specific studies of one type or another. Available worldwide, genetically modified products undergo rigorous quality and safety controls. They are consumed as food by entire isolated nations without any mass negative consequences, therefore can be considered safe.

In fairness, it is worth talking about some, albeit not fatal, but still negative aspects associated with GMOs:

  • It has been proven that where genetically modified plants once grew, conventional varieties will never be able to grow again. This is due to the fact that the soil where GMO plants grow is poisoned by pesticides, herbicides and other toxic compounds used in agriculture to combat pests and diseases. They kill conventional crops, but cannot harm genetically modified crops.
  • GMO plants can accumulate toxic substances (pesticides, poisons).
  • Due to changes in DNA structure, not only the positive, but also some negative properties of plants are enhanced. For example, GMO soybeans or potatoes can cause persistent.
  • GMO plants displace other varieties of their species. This is due to the peculiarity of their pollination.
  • GMO plant seeds are disposable material that does not produce offspring. This important point, which is primarily associated with commerce. When the state switches exclusively to GMO plants, abandoning its own crops, it automatically becomes dependent on seed producing companies.

List of GMO products

In 20016, there were more than a hundred world-famous scientists (chemists, biologists, doctors), among whom there were Nobel laureates contacted open letter to the UN and Greenpeace with a request to stop the persecution of GMOs. Even devout Jews recognized genetically modified products as kosher, Muslims that they are halal, and Catholic Church says that GMOs will help solve the world's food problem.

However, if you still want to know what exactly you are eating, then below is a list of manufacturers who use GMOs and their trade names in their products.

The product's name Trade name
Chocolate Hershey‘s, Fruit&Nut, Milky Way, Mars, M&M, Twix, Snickers, Cadbury, Ferrero, Nestle, M&M’S
Cocoa, tea, coffee, chocolate drinks Cadbury, Nestle, Nesquik, Kraft, Lipton, Conversation, Brooke Bond
Soft drinks Soca-Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, Fanta, 7-up, Dr. Pepper, Kinley tonic, Mountain Dew, Fruittime, Fiesta
Cereals and breakfast cereals Kellogg's, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Frosted Flakes, Corn Pops, Froot Loops, Smacks, Apple Jacks, Chocolate Chip, All-Bran, Raisin Bran Crunch, Honey Crunch Corn Flakes, Cracklin'Oat Bran
Cookies and sweets Parmalat, Kraft, Yubileynoe, Hershey’s products (Toblerone, Kit-Kat, Mini Kisses, Kisses, Milk Chocolate Chips, Semi-Sweet Baking Chips, Milk Chocolate Chips, peanut butter Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Strawberry Syrup, Chocolate Syrup, Special Dark Chocolate Syrup), Pop Tarts, Crispix
Canned soups Campbell
Rice Uncle Bens
Sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise, salad dressings), seasonings, dry soups Gallina Blanca, Knorr, Hellman's, Heinz, Ryaba, Vprok, Baltimore, Calve, Maggi
Meat and sausage products Minced meat and pate from Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant CJSC, minced meat from Cherkizovsky MPZ OJSC, pate from MK Gurman LLC, Klinsky Meat Processing Plant LLC, MLM-RA LLC, ROS Mari Ltf LLC, Bogatyr Sausage Plant LLC ", LLC "Daria - semi-finished products", LLC "Talosto-products", CJSC "Vichyunai", MPZ "KampoMos", MPZ "Tagansky".
Baby food Similac, Hipp, Nestle, Kraft, Delmi Unilever
Canned vegetables Bonduelle
Dairy Danon, JSC "Lianozovsky Dairy Plant", Campina, Ehrmann
Ice cream Algida
Butter, margarine, spread Puffy, Delmi
Chips Russian potatoes, Lays, Pringles

This is not an exhaustive list of trade names and manufacturers that use GMOs. Since many people have a very negative attitude towards genetically modified organisms, not all companies want to spoil their image and openly declare that they use the achievements of genetic engineering. And although the problem of GMOs is overblown, and the harm from such products is clearly exaggerated, only the person himself can decide for himself whether to eat them or not.

Considering the ubiquity of unadvertised chemical additives, the use of GM raw materials and other nasty things, you need to be very careful about what you buy in grocery stores. The article gives some recommendations for choosing healthy foods.

GMO - not GMO? How to distinguish?

Firstly, I’ll start with the fact that it is quite difficult to determine the presence of GMOs in a product in a laboratory. There is a huge margin of error.

And two is that the determination method itself is far from perfect. The gene is inserted into a specific section of DNA. And if, for example, the gene is inserted incorrectly, not into this designated link, then it will not be detected. Just like they won’t detect the built-in gene of any other type of GM organism - because it’s a different gene, and built into a different link. And they are looking for a specific match.

Well, for example. Let's take potatoes. GM potatoes with the scorpion gene. When entering the laboratory, the first thing they will do is check how many registered types of GM potatoes are allowed for sale in the Russian Federation. For example, 3. One - with a snowdrop gene inserted in one part of the chain, another with a crocodile gene inserted in a completely different place, and a third with a Colorado potato beetle gene inserted in a different section of DNA. Thus, even if your potato is definitely GMO, but certification for this type of GMO has not been obtained, the scorpion gene will never be determined. Simply because going through the entire DNA strand and checking it thoroughly for ALL POSSIBLE invariant insertions is an almost impossible task! In any case, it is so expensive and time-consuming that it is unrealistic.

And now - attention. In Russia there are very few types of registered and approved for sale of GM products.


Therefore, forget about labeling. We will go a different way.

To begin with, it should be clear that the GROWING of GM products is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation, but their sale to the public is permitted. Naturally, they, the bastards, need our lands, and we ourselves are the ballast that they are trying to get rid of.

Therefore, products grown on state farms in the Russian Federation are most likely not GM products. If state farms purchase seeds from a reliable source, or use their own seed fund, then this is definitely a pure species.

However, the problem is that today there are almost no state farms left. All the land was bought or leased by foreign agricultural holdings (of course, registered under the Russian Uncle Vasya). So, these agricultural holdings are sowing and planting outright disgusting things in our country. And they sprinkle it generously with the same nasty stuff.

Especially in the case of rent. They take the land for 5 years and kill it thoroughly during this time. All sorts of GMOs, fertilizers, growth hormones and Roundups.

Basically, these products were used for processing - into chips, for example, canning, soups and fast food, briquettes... etc. Because before people didn’t take such fruits and vegetables. While there were still normal ones, people could compare and choose.

Therefore, try to buy as few semi-finished products as possible - dumplings, dumplings, pancakes, pizza, etc. These products, as a rule, are simply stuffed with transgenes.

However, now there are almost no quality vegetables left. Private farmers just have fewer and fewer of them. Again, how conscientious are they and what seeds do they buy?.. Basically, everyone has already been taught about GMO poison, and in any case, IN THEIR REGION they don’t sell nasty stuff. If they grow something nasty, they go sell it away from home.

By the way, in our country we still grow a sufficient amount of truly high-quality, elite products. Only all of it is exported. And in exchange we are supplied with GMOs.

Now about specific products.

I am convinced that hypermarkets mainly sell poison. In any case, imported products that fall into our hypernets are products of large food transcorporations. It’s stupid to think that their food can be natural. Ordinary Russian farmers will not end up on the hypermarket counter. In order for, for example, CROSSROAD to take your goods, you need to pay several tens of thousands of dollars in bribes. The same goes for other networks.
However, for the most part, all of our traditional grains are non-GMO. Including edible peas and beans. Bye. (I'm not talking about green pea). They are already starting to buy American GMO wheat, and they are exporting their own quality wheat.

Basically, our wheat is still good. Like flour and pasta. Rice. Question. Krasnodar seems to be natural. Expensive varieties of rice, famous ones, are also real. Basmatti, for example. Anything steamed and polished there is highly doubtful.

Buckwheat. Ideal cereal. It is also a raw food grain - buckwheat can be poured with water or kefir overnight and it will swell and become porridge. This porridge can be eaten raw. This is most useful!!! In extreme cases, you can boil it. And buckwheat is also valuable because it cannot be modified genetically. :))) In a word - blissful food.

The same goes for white cabbage. It is not GMO. Can not be. Therefore, eat with confidence. Stew, boil, make salads, ferment, bake, nibble on leaves... It’s so healthy! Especially for our region.

All other crops are genetically modified.

So how can we determine them?

Let's start with fruits then.

Fruit trees of countries former USSR Definitely not GMO. Therefore, you can take Russian apples, Abkhaz tangerines, Uzbek pomegranates, and grapes... Russian cherries, berries... all this is ours, native and natural.

But with the countries of Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Israel, India, China, Latin America, Argentina, USA, Canada, Europe are not at all so rosy. Transgenes have been grown there for a long time. Transgenic bananas, oranges, kiwi, grapes, and the list goes on... Ending with corn, tomatoes and green peas. Therefore, I do not advise you to take risks. Yes, avocados seem to still be real - they smell good, and have a distinct taste... and there are quite good pineapples... but you can't run into trouble...

Imported strawberries will definitely not come to us natural. You know yourself how strawberries smell and last for how long they last from the garden. Or from grandma's basket. It has nothing in common with what is called strawberries and sold in stores.

By the way, this is one of the basic rules: a natural product smells. It smells like nectar. It smells fragrant. GMOs either don’t smell, or they smell “somehow wrong”, unpleasant. For example, do you like the way bananas smell? I don't. I lived in Egypt for a long time, and I know what REAL bananas smell like. It's the same with taste. The natural product is delicious. I want to eat it. GMO - has a somewhat repulsive taste.

Remember this rule. If you bought a product, but its taste seems repulsive, unpleasant, or tasteless to you, do not eat it. This is a sure sign of poison. It will not bring you health.

A few words about China.

I wouldn't buy Chinese products at all. Except for dried seaweed. Everything else is doubtful. Even the tea is GMO. Absolutely GM Chinese pears. In the state where they grow these pears, all the bees have died out. And they pollinate these pears by hand. Tobacco, it was with GMO tobacco that China began its transgenization many years ago.

Yes, here’s another important point. GM products are sterile. And it has little or no growth momentum. That is, if you eat a tangerine, and the seed already contains a green living embryo, it is a real tangerine. And he is full of vitality. This rule applies to all products. Potatoes, if they grow, are already a good indicator. It is most likely non-GMO. And certainly not treated with radiation. Yes, yes, now to store the potato harvest, it is industrially irradiated with radiation. So that it doesn't germinate. And then in the spring they sell it to us.

Regarding cheeses and milk. Basically, now they have begun to add GM yeast to cheeses. By the way, Oltermani is also in doubt. Because wherever microbiological starter is written, we are talking about GM bacteria.

GM leaven is found in almost all sour creams. The best option- cream (sour cream) from a private milkmaid. Absolutely precisely modified all dairy products bear the “BIO” sign. biokefirs, bioyogurts, etc. I looked at the certificates. These are GM components.

All modified soybeans. DO NOT believe that they sell you a good one. As well as powdered milk, dry cream. They are almost always diluted with soy milk. Soy is also found in candies and butternut tins. Confectioner - cakes made with vegetable cream - this is GM soy cream.

They make the same cottage cheese. Read the composition carefully. Taste it. Find one that's good and stick with it. Or buy from a private seller.

One of the most reliable sources of healthy products is our Slavic grandparents (not to be confused with migrant stalls, where they mainly bring the same low-quality imported products)

Bread that stays fresh for a long time almost certainly contains GMOs. The products of companies such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Mars, Cattberry, and Snickers were exposed by Greenpeace as using transgenes. Absolutely do not buy NESTLE, DANONE, Similac products. That's where the weapon of genocide is. They screwed up on many counts. And GMOs are among the first. In general, it’s better not to take imported goods... Although. now almost everything Russian enterprises bought out by the same foreign transcorporations. And they sell the same nonsense there under Russian brands...

GMOs are not planted in Belarus. You can buy green peas and other canned goods from them. That’s why their milk is of high quality. It tastes so different from ours. In Russia, too, there are zones that have declared themselves GMO-free. For example, Belgorod region. Feel free to buy their products. From potatoes to granulated sugar and milk.

There are a lot of GMO drugs now. It's better to avoid them altogether. Starting from GM interferon... and ending with GM insulin... GM food supplements...

BUT IN GENERAL, YOU CAN LIVE. It's difficult at first, but then you can learn to navigate. Follow the basic rules and trust your body. Eat more homemade, natural foods, then your sensitivity to chemicals will increase sharply.

Well, land already. Have your own potatoes, currants, strawberries, cherries and apples from the garden…. - this is so wonderful!!!

Good health to you. And prosperity.