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What is dark chocolate called? What is the difference between dark chocolate and bitter chocolate? . Dark Chocolate Recipes

There are plenty of chocolate lovers not only among children. Almost every adult will not deny himself the pleasure of enjoying this product, and dark chocolate has always been the most popular among those with a “big sweet tooth.” The benefits and harms, calorie content, composition and production features of this product are described in our article.

Chocolate varieties

Everyone knows that there are many types of chocolate. But what distinguishes dark chocolate from white or milk chocolate? Few people asked themselves this question. But it’s all about the cultivation and variety of cocoa beans. The fruit of the cocoa tree is considered ripe if it has Orange color. It is in this form that they are collected. There are several varieties: "criollo", "national", "forastero" and "trinitario".

“Forastero” is considered the cheapest, since it is the most abundant, and the production of chocolate from this variety is more than 80%. Chocolate made from the criollo variety is called elite, and its production is less than five percent.

The Differences of Dark Chocolate

Dark bitter chocolate is considered the healthiest, because it contains little or no sugar, much more cocoa powder than other varieties, and it has the lowest calorie content.

Dark varieties of chocolate with a deeper taste have a slight bitterness and can only please true gourmets. Dark chocolate differs from milk chocolate in that it does not contain milk powder, which changes color, taste, and aroma. Dairy products are more popular with children and those with a real sweet tooth.

Absolutely different products are white and dark chocolate. The composition of the first completely excludes such an ingredient as cocoa powder, and it gets its chocolate taste thanks to cocoa butter.

Composition of dark chocolate

There are many varieties of dark chocolate. The real thing is made from ingredients such as cocoa powder, cocoa butter, and powdered sugar. The higher the powder content, the darker and more bitter the product turns out.

For example, consider dark chocolate, which contains 70 to 80 percent cocoa liquor. Such a product in one hundred grams will contain 48% carbohydrates, 8% proteins and 44% fats. Also, this chocolate (real chocolate, without other additives in the form of vegetable and palm oils, milk) will contain many microelements, including: sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron. Vitamins here include E, PP, B 1 and B 2.

Real dark chocolate should not contain a large amount of sugar; powdered sugar is considered the sweet component. Also, such chocolate should not contain foreign fillers, and if you see a bar with nougat or jam in the store, then this product is not of high quality. The only exception is dark chocolate with nuts.

Calories in dark chocolate

The calorie content of chocolate containing 70-80% cocoa powder will be approximately 550 Kcal per 100 grams. Many women who are losing weight firmly believe that dark chocolates do not harm their figure, but this is not true. Everything should be in moderation.

For example, to lose weight, you are allowed to eat no more than five grams of dark chocolate per day, but to maintain your figure, more than 25 grams of it per day is contraindicated.

The calorie content of chocolate, even the darkest, is very high, and it is advisable to exclude it completely during the diet in order to achieve the desired result.

Variety of dark chocolate

Dark chocolate can be divided according to consistency:

  • monolithic, prepared in the form of a single tile, without dividing into cubes;
  • tiled, prepared in the form of several connected slices, and it is easy to break into even pieces;
  • porous, cooked with many people's favorite "bubbles", its texture is more airy and soft.

By amount of cocoa powder:

  • regular dark chocolate contains powder from 40 to 55%, sweeter and softer than bitter chocolate;
  • bitter contains over 55% powder and has a bitter taste.

For additional ingredients:

  • with nuts;
  • pure chocolate without additives.

Cooking technology:

  • dessert product;
  • ordinary.

Everyone can find out the requirements and classification of goods according to GOST 31721-2012.

Chocolate production

Various factories have their own technological and recipe rules, which are not disclosed. The only thing we can write about is the main process - preparing the main ingredients, and then we will share a recipe for making real chocolate at home. So where do cocoa powder and butter come from?

Ripe fruits of the chocolate tree are cut into halves. Ideally, lay these halves on banana leaves to dry. This process takes about two weeks and is necessary to ferment the natural sugar contained. This gives the beans the same aroma and taste that everyone knows from childhood.

Subsequently, the fruits are thoroughly dried and, already dry, sent to factories for roasting. At factories, raw materials are cleaned of foreign impurities and debris, fried, and they begin to prepare a paste from the resulting product by grinding. The cocoa butter content in this paste is not enough to produce chocolate, so it is put under a press to separate the cake from the butter. The cake is ground into powder and the required amount of oil is added to it.

Making chocolates at home

Making chocolate at home is quite possible. If you don’t trust store-bought products or real chocolate is too expensive, then use our recipe. The ingredients needed for cooking are now easy to find in specialized stores.

You will need:

  1. Cocoa butter (75 grams).
  2. Cocoa powder (125 grams).
  3. Powdered sugar (about three tablespoons, more or less depending on taste preferences).
  4. Nuts if desired.

Organize a water bath and melt the cocoa butter in it. Add the powder to the completely melted ingredient, stirring constantly with a whisk. When the mass becomes homogeneous, slowly add powder and completely dissolve it in the total mass. Add the nuts last. When everything is mixed and dissolved, remove the product from the bath and pour into molds. The chocolates should cool at room temperature, and after that they should be placed in the refrigerator until completely hardened.

Homemade chocolate production is complete!

Benefits of dark chocolate

Dark chocolate, the benefits and harms of which are little known to many people, still brings more benefits. But this only applies to using it in small quantities. So, what are the benefits of dark chocolate?

  1. Due to their high cocoa content, dark chocolates are excellent antioxidants. This property has a beneficial effect on health, cleanses the body of toxins and waste, and prolongs youth.
  2. Improves insulin sensitivity, which reduces the risk of diabetes.
  3. Normalizes blood circulation in the brain. This is precisely the reason for the strong memory of those with a sweet tooth and a good mood after eating a piece.
  4. Prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, helps maintain the health of people with weak hearts.
  5. Helps normalize blood pressure in obese people.
  6. Helps the body absorb sugar due to the large amount of flavonoids.
  7. Fights inflammation due to its ability to reduce the development and levels of C-reactive protein.
  8. Dark chocolate is an excellent antidepressant. Surely many have noticed that in case of nervous shock and bad mood, a piece of chocolate can calm you down.

If you do not overeat chocolate, then thanks to its properties you can significantly improve your health and even increase your libido. Like this useful qualities endowed with dark chocolate!

Harm of dark chocolate

Even dark chocolate can be harmful to your health. This mainly concerns low-quality products that can be distinguished by taste. High-quality chocolate (dark) will have a bitter taste, while low-quality chocolate will become sour. Eating such chocolate can have a detrimental effect on gastrointestinal tract, increasing acidity, and thereby provoking the appearance of gastritis.

Chocolate is a high-calorie product, and its amount per day should not exceed the recommended dose (no more than 45 grams!). It can cause obesity, or simply be deposited as excess on the waist.

If you are allergic to chocolate products, you should never eat dark chocolate, because it contains a large amount of cocoa powder and butter.

Chocolate is the most popular dessert, without which not a single tea party goes by. But have you ever thought about the benefits and harms that a delicacy that everyone has loved since childhood brings to the body?

There are many types of chocolate: milk, white, dark chocolate with thousands of filling options. Few people today will be surprised by chocolate with sea ​​salt, bacon, herbs or flowers such as lavender. On store shelves you can find chocolate with red chili pepper, seaweed or wasabi. The world's chocolate factories produce products with the smell of cologne and gold shavings.

The choice is incredibly large, so everyone can find their own dessert to suit their taste. But have you ever thought about the benefits and harms that a delicacy that everyone has loved since childhood brings to the body? It turns out that you need to choose chocolate no less carefully than other food products.

We have looked at the main types and beneficial properties of chocolate. Eat healthy and healthy!

Dark chocolate contains at least 55% natural cocoa. On the contrary, there is less sugar in this chocolate than grated cocoa, so the taste of dark chocolate differs from its counterparts in its pronounced aroma and bitter notes.

Dark chocolate is considered most useful for the body, but due to its specific unsweetened taste, such a product is very much for everyone.

The younger brother of dark chocolate. This product usually contains at least 40% natural cocoa. Dark chocolate is more popular among lovers of sweets, especially due to the fact that nuts, dried fruits and other fillings are often added to the finished product, making it even tastier.

Dark chocolate is also extremely useful for the body, takes an honorable second place.

The most common chocolate product. In addition to cocoa, this chocolate contains: powdered milk or cream, hence the name - milk. The taste of milk chocolate is sweeter and softer than previous varieties. Just like dark chocolate, many fillings are added to milk chocolate, which makes the product universal: even the most sophisticated gourmet and sweet connoisseur can choose a chocolate bar to taste.

The amount of sugar in milk chocolate prevails over the amount of cocoa mass and cocoa butter, so those with a sweet tooth Not recommended Eating this kind of chocolate too often is bad for your figure.

It is difficult to call such chocolate real, since it does not contain natural cocoa at all. The product also differs in color - unlike its natural predecessors, it has a creamy color and taste with bright notes of caramel and milk. White chocolate is the least healthy of all varieties due to great content sugar and others food additives. Excessive consumption of such delicacies leads to excess weight and metabolic disorders.

As it turned out, the most beneficial for the body And harmless to the figure are bitter and dark chocolate. What exactly are these foods useful for and how often can they be eaten?

Let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties of bitter and dark chocolate.

  1. Natural chocolate contains antioxidants that fight free radicals and slow down the aging process of the body.
  2. Consuming chocolate in moderation has a beneficial effect on blood health.
  3. Positively affects the nervous system, promotes the production of the hormone of happiness - endorphin. Due to this, it helps fight stress, depression, nervous tension and is a great mood lifter.
  4. Natural chocolate recommended eat during heavy physical and mental stress. Increases performance, gives additional energy to the body.
  5. bitter chocolate favorable affects the condition of tooth enamel, protecting teeth from caries, unlike milk and white teeth, which in turn destroy the enamel.
  6. Natural chocolate contains fluorine, phosphorus, iron, potassium and magnesium and other minerals that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body.
  7. Bitter and dark chocolate are low in calories, so recommended for those who struggle with whitespace excess weight. This chocolate does not cause a rapid rise in blood glucose and reduces the level of bad cholesterol.

Thus, chocolate, which contains natural cocoa products (cocoa mass and cocoa butter), is beneficial for the body and is recommended for consumption as a dietary product. If chocolate contains cocoa powder or palm oil, then this is a chocolate substitute and such a product is not recommended to be consumed in large quantities.

Recommended The norm for consumption of bitter and dark chocolate for an adult is 50-60 grams per day. Milk and especially white chocolate - no more than 25 grams, due to the high sugar content in the product.

There is an opinion that healthy food a priori cannot be tasty - this article will dispel such a myth. We will look at a useful and very delicious product, which is loved by adults and children, and which is deservedly called the king of delicacies - dark chocolate.

History and origin

Dark chocolate is perhaps one of the most ancient delicacies the origin of which is attributed to several centuries BC. He is the founder and forefather of all modern derivatives of dark chocolate - milk, white, black and other types.

If we consider the Mayan era to be the starting point for the emergence of the delicacy (it was there that historians found the first mention of chocolate), then its evolutionary indicators are estimated at 3 thousand years. The Mayans and ancient Indians liked the taste of cocoa treats so much that they even worshiped the God of Chocolate.

Cocoa beans they surpassed precious metals in value, and it was with them that they decorated the walls of the temples of pagan deities - I think the aroma there was excellent. It is noteworthy that the Mayans used cocoa beans as the basis for a chocolate drink - the fact that chocolate could be in solid form was not yet thought about in those days.

More ancient aborigines of the countries of modern USA invented adding spices to a chocolate drink- these were sweet vanilla, and reed branches, and hot chili peppers, and all kinds of roots. This gave the drink even more popularity.

After Columbus made his famous journey and brought tobacco, sweet potatoes, allspice and vanilla from open America to Europe, he also grabbed amazing cocoa beans, thereby giving rise to an era of popularity of this product in Italy and Spain. At first, Europeans could not figure out how to use the unusual spicy beans. And only decades later, one man named Hernan Cortez brewed a dark chocolate solution, which he presented to the Spanish king. Having tasted the delicacy, the king was delighted with its taste and gave the go-ahead for the production and popularization of the product.

Did you know? Until the beginning of the 19th century, chocolate was only a drink made from cocoa beans, and only in the 20s of the 19th century did it receive its modern appearance - a bar.

In Spain, vanilla began to be added to soft cocoa products, cane sugar, nutmeg, opening up new facets of taste. Later, when the Spanish princess became engaged to Louis XIII, she took with her cocoa beans as a dowry, they were so priceless. Of course, only the richest and most famous people could taste chocolate drinks in that era, they were so expensive. With the princess's marriage, a chocolate wave swept through France - entire chocolate houses began to be opened here for those who wanted to taste the exquisite delicacy. Later, the popularity of the cocoa product reached England - it was there sweet drink first called "chocolatte".

Today, a range of products that are made from cocoa beans or have this component in their composition, occupies 90% of the confectionery market. There is probably no person on Earth who has not at least once tried chocolate in any of its forms - and for this we can thank Columbus, who brought cocoa to Europe and gave impetus to its subsequent spread.

What is the difference between dark chocolate and dark chocolate?

Dark chocolate may not always be bitter, but any dark chocolate is dark. The bitterness of such a delicacy made from cocoa beans depends on the percentage of cocoa in its composition - a real bitter product should have at least 75-80% cocoa (this also includes cocoa butter). The taste of such a delicacy should be close to the authentic ancient Indian chocolate solution.

The bitter variety of cocoa product should not contain milk, nuts, jam and other additives that distort the original taste - therefore it cannot be milky, much less white. The color should be close to the color of the grain - dark brown, not black. The black type of product is not always bitter - if it contains less than 75% cocoa products, then it is simply called dark chocolate.

Composition and calorie content

A bitter cocoa treat has or may have the following components:

  • cocoa beans - at least 80%;
  • sugar or powdered sugar;
  • vanilla;
The calorie content of a dark chocolate bar (100g) ranges from 520 kcal to 600 kcal - depending on the percentage composition of cocoa beans. - 6 g, - 49 g, - 35 g.

The best chocolate in the world is Belgian th - it was there that they patented a quality standard according to which no vegetable oils are added to the product at all.

Benefits for the body

Concentrated cocoa beans in the form of dark chocolate have great benefits for the body.- it contains the most important active substances for the human body. It not only tones, but also increases the activity of many organs and vital systems.

For joints

A delicacy like dark chocolate has unconditional benefits for large and small joints(unlike other sweets). Due to the fact that it does not contain salt, it is not deposited in the bones and does not violate their integrity and strength. Magnesium in the bitter cocoa treat has a positive effect on the condition and strength of the nerve tissues that are responsible for the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, chocolate can act as a lubricant on damaged cartilage and joints - the bones will wear out and age less. Consumption of the bitter delicacy made from cocoa leads to stronger joints, less wear and tear and brittleness of bones and interosseous cartilage.

For heart

Cocoa beans have the greatest benefit for the heart system- they contain components (polyphenols) necessary for the quality of the heart. The walls of the heart capillaries become much more elastic, softer, and blood clots are less likely to form in them.

The bitter delicacy made from cocoa beans has a vasodilating and diuretic effect, due to which blood pressure is normalized. Contrary to popular belief, caffeine in chocolate does not increase blood pressure, since its amount in chocolate is very small. In addition, the antioxidants contained in cocoa beans successfully remove toxic substances from the body, which also reduces the load on the heart muscle.

For women

Since ancient times, women have enjoyed chocolate, to relieve fatigue, stress and lift your spirits. According to legend, Cleopatra also loved to take chocolate baths to rejuvenate her body and lift her spirits. A bar of such a cocoa product contains a lot of so-called joy hormones - endorphins and serotonins, which instantly affect nervous system and produce a calming effect. This is especially true for depression and PMS. In addition, bitter cocoa beans:

  • have an anabolic effect (successfully relieve migraines and spasms);
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • reduce some inflammatory formations;
  • tone;
  • produce a rejuvenating effect;
  • reduce weight.

In order for a cocoa product to have a truly beneficial effect, You need to consume this sweetness only of the highest quality. Dark chocolate really helps you lose weight - it is easily absorbed by the body and quickly dulls the feeling of hunger. It is only important not to exceed the daily consumption limit: no more than 25-50 g.

Did you know? There is chocolate with a cocoa bean content of 99% - it is noteworthy that without preliminary preparation it is impossible to eat it, it is so bitter. An unprepared person can consume such a delicacy only in tiny pieces, slowly dissolving it in the mouth.

Can it be used if you have diabetes?

Modern research proves that eating a bitter treat made from high-quality cocoa in diabetes is not only not harmful to the body, but on the contrary, brings great benefits. Flavonoids, which are one of the components of cocoa beans, reduce cell resistance, which is why glucose accumulates less in the body.

Cocoa also increases the activity of insulin, which also helps glucose not stay in cells, but be converted into energy. Blood pressure decreases, blood circulation improves, and sugar is quickly absorbed and eliminated in the body. With the help of a bitter type of chocolate product, you can improve the condition of type 1 and completely eliminate the pre-diabetic period.

How to identify real dark chocolate

A high-quality cocoa product should always have a high percentage of cocoa beans in its composition. Under no circumstances should there be a light coating on the tiles - this indicates the age of the product, its staleness. A real cocoa delicacy always melts quickly in the mouth and has a pronounced bitter taste (if sourness is present, then the chocolate is of low quality).

This chocolate should not contain vegetable fats, palm oil or any preservatives. Also undesirable are any components that interrupt the taste of the real bitterness of cocoa beans - for example, nuts, alcohol, meringue, milk, etc. Remember: The more any additional sweet components or fillers in the bar, the lower the percentage of cocoa beans in it.

Cacao butter- an essential component in high-quality chocolate products, it is very expensive, so you will have to pay a considerable amount for real chocolate. A high price is also a criterion for the quality of cocoa delicacies, although it is not always reliable and accurate.

Important! If cognac is present in a chocolate bar, it interrupts the natural taste and smell of cocoa beans, which may indicate a mask of a low-quality product.

Harm to the body and contraindications

The bitter cocoa treat contains a high concentration of certain substances that can, in some cases, negatively affect the human body:

  • Thus, it is not recommended to give this bitter delicacy to young children and people with metabolic disorders in the body;
  • You should not consume too much of this product - dizziness, gastritis, severe vasoconstriction, the appearance of kidney stones and even
  • you need to remember that the bitter product is useful only in small doses - due to its high calorie content, the fat layer may increase, which will not lead to weight loss, but will have the opposite effect;
  • It is worth limiting the use of this product to those suffering from gout and other serious joint diseases.

If the bitter product is of poor quality, it can even have complex negative effects on the body due to the content of oils, flavors, and substitutes for natural ingredients in its composition - therefore it is very important to consume only high-quality products.

Did you know? Until the 16th century, rich Europeans consumed exclusively a bitter cocoa-based drink instead of coffee, and it was only in the early 1600s that Francesco Carletti, a resident of Florence, came up with the idea of ​​adding sugar to the drink, which subsequently gave rise to the production of sweet chocolate.

Making chocolate at home

A high-quality cocoa product can be prepared at home. To do this you will need:

  • 1-2 tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • 60 g cocoa butter;
  • 130 g of high quality ground cocoa;
  • vanillin, cinnamon - to taste.


  1. Cocoa butter needs to be melted in a water bath, add cocoa, mix the warm mixture well so that there are no lumps.
  2. Then add powdered sugar, vanillin and cinnamon. The consistency of the resulting mixture should not be dense, but light.
  3. Pour the mixture into molds (you can use ice containers) and place in the freezer until completely frozen (about 5 hours).

Dosage per day

To avoid the negative effects of cocoa products on the body You should consume no more than 25-50 g per day. People who are prone to allergies and those who are at risk (type 2 diabetics, gout sufferers, etc.) need to either completely exclude such a product from the diet, or take it in minimal doses (in consultation with the doctor! ).

How to store

The main enemy of cocoa beans is excessive heat and sunlight. High-quality chocolate is best preserved in the freezer - it can remain fresh in such conditions for several years. It is preferable to keep chocolate in a cool, dark place.

Everything is healthy in moderation - this rule also applies to dark chocolate. By following consumption standards and eating no more than a quarter of a bar per day, you will improve your mood, reduce stress and significantly increase your performance.

Dark (bitter, black) chocolate – chocolate, which is made from cocoa butter and cocoa powder, adding sugar and vanilla, but without milk.

Differences between dark and bitter chocolate

Many people believe that dark and bitter chocolate are the same thing. In fact, there is a difference between them. Dark chocolate contains 55% or more cocoa products. At the same time, 33% comes from extremely valuable cocoa butter. Dark chocolate is a product that is subject to less stringent requirements - the proportion of cocoa solids should not be less than 40%, while the proportion of cocoa butter should be 20% or higher.

When reading the label, remember that using cocoa butter substitutes is illegal - but cocoa powder is. The latter, however, is an ordinary cake - essentially, waste after squeezing the oil out of cocoa beans. The product is second-rate. As is known, the best varieties chocolate is made from grated cocoa. Keep this in mind when choosing between products from different manufacturers.

Given, however, that dark and bitter chocolate have a lot in common, we will use them interchangeably from now on.


Certain conclusions about the quality of chocolate can be drawn from its appearance. The product should have a glossy surface and a rich dark brown color. But the black color is too much, since it indicates that a dye was used in the production of chocolate.

Dark chocolate should not melt in your hands - only in your mouth. It should be quite hard and make a specific crunch when breaking.

Chocolate can be stored for a year and a half (without any preservatives). The product owes this to natural antioxidants, which are found in abundance in dark chocolate. There is a simple rule - the higher the percentage of cocoa butter, the longer the product can be stored.

Benefits of dark chocolate

Champions healthy image life and a slim figure, they never cease to repeat: if you cannot live without chocolate, give preference to dark (bitter) rather than milk, and especially not white chocolate. Milk chocolate contains a lot of fat and sugar, but less benefits. It’s a stretch to call white chocolate chocolate, because it contains no cocoa beans at all, and, therefore, it is a completely useless product for health.

Chocolate with high level cocoa is compared to vitamin complexes. This is a product rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains antioxidants - substances that protect a person from serious diseases and aging. In general, the benefits of antioxidants can hardly be overestimated. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels, preventing atherosclerosis and the formation of blood clots.

Students and people of creative professions have long included chocolate in their menu, since the bar contributes to the successful solution of creative problems, helps to absorb large amounts of information and update information. The dessert owes this property to flavonoids, as well as caffeine and theobromine, which also help cope with heavy loads. Instead of drinking half a dozen cups of coffee a day, it is better to eat 20 grams of dark chocolate with tea. The effect will be the same, but it will be much healthier for your health. It should also be taken into account that chocolate helps to cope with stress, which is very important in the crazy pace of life in which we live.

It is in vain that dark chocolate is accused of causing caries. True, the reason for this attitude towards chocolate is also well known - milk “brother”. Due to the presence of high sugar content in milk chocolate, this product is really bad for your teeth. But chocolate really has nothing to do with it - it's all about sugar. As for chocolate itself, on the contrary, it protects teeth. Therefore, it is better to give children chocolate than to buy cakes, cookies and caramel. The latter cause much more harm to tooth enamel.

Chocolate and weight loss

Despite the fact that most diets prohibit the consumption of any confectionery products, dark (bitter) chocolate is one of the most harmless foods for your figure. Of course, with reasonable use.

As proof of this, a chocolate diet has even been developed - a nutrition system in which a person is encouraged to eat chocolate at all meals. This diet is quite effective. Its second advantage is the absence of hunger during the diet, which is characteristic of most nutrition systems with severe restrictions. Finally, this is a diet during which you will not faint from weakness and suffer from the lack of desserts in your diet.

Finally, during this diet you are guaranteed a good mood - no irritability or tearfulness.

Chocolate will not only help you lose weight, but will also strengthen your immune system and protect you from exhaustion and colds.

But even if the chocolate diet seems dubious to you, it doesn’t matter. You can stick to a protein-vegetable diet, eat healthy carbohydrates and at the same time eat 20-30 chocolates a day. Believe me, this will not harm your health or figure in any way, because this is truly a wonderful product. Don't believe me? Watch the film Chocolate (2000), directed by Lasse Hallström, based on the novel by British writer Joanne Harris.

Myths and truth about chocolate

Myth 1. Chocolate increases blood pressure

100 grams of chocolate contain only 20 mg of caffeine (compared to 120 mg in a cup of coffee), so even a whole bar will not cause hypertension.

Myth 2. Coffee is bad for a sore throat, irritating it.

On the contrary, chocolate can be used as cough tablets.

Myth 3. Chocolate, like all sweets, destroys teeth

Quite the opposite - chocolate contains an antiseptic substance that neutralizes harmful bacteria that cause the formation of tartar.

Myth 4. Chocolate can cure depression

Chocolate can drive away bad moods and blues, but it cannot cure depression, since it is a serious illness. This was proven in a study conducted by Australian scientists from the Institute of Dejection and the Prince of Wales Hospital. Experts have found that chocolate cannot be used as an antidepressant. On the contrary, it can make depression worse.

Many lovers of chocolate treats don’t even think about the difference between dark chocolate and dark chocolate. After all, both are wildly popular among consumers different ages. But the difference between these two types of sweets is quite significant.

Useful properties of chocolate

Many people believe that chocolate is harmful product. However, it is not. Dark and bitter chocolate is one of the most... healthy products, which has a number of advantages:

  1. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, and therefore is often used for cosmetic masks.
  2. Cocoa has a beneficial effect on hair, supporting its growth and healthy condition.
  3. High-quality chocolate is a dietary product. In moderation it is treats are allowed even with very strict diets.
  4. Cocoa stabilizes blood cholesterol levels and prevents the appearance of varicose veins.
  5. Chocolate is an excellent means of preventing cardiovascular diseases.
  6. The delicacy can provide a person with a huge amount of energy.
  7. Cocoa is rich in active antioxidants and is a preventative against cancer.

A high quality product can improve a person’s emotional state.

Which chocolate is called dark and which is bitter?

The main component of chocolate, both dark and bitter, is cocoa. During the production process, the proportions of the main ingredient and sugar change. Thus, the taste of the original raw material changes from bitter to sweeter. Bitter chocolate is the one that contains more cocoa, and the product with a predominance of sugar is called dark.

Some varieties of dark chocolate contain additional components that improve the taste and add interesting “notes” to it. Typically, manufacturers use nuts, raisins, vanilla, and dried fruits as auxiliary ingredients. Some trademark They offer customers chocolate with saltine crackers or peanuts.

What is the difference between dark chocolate and dark chocolate?

As mentioned, the main difference lies in the proportions of sugar and cocoa liquor present in the chocolate bar. There are other differences between dark chocolate and its dark counterpart.

The first, oddly enough, is healthy treat. Moderate consumption of the product may even promote weight loss. The reason is its composition.

The proportion in dark chocolate should be at least fifty-five percent. More than thirty percent comes from whole cocoa butter. In addition, dark chocolate must meet all requirements and comply with GOST.

Dark chocolate is widely used in making desserts, ice cream, cakes and other delicious dishes. Unlike its bitter counterpart, it has a number of minimal and not very strict requirements. Thus, the mass fraction of cocoa in such chocolate should be at least twenty percent.

This is the main difference between dark chocolate and dark chocolate.

Health benefits of dark chocolate

Dark chocolate has a very rich assortment. Products containing at least forty percent grated cocoa have good taste.

In addition, one hundred grams of dark chocolate contains:

  • 48% carbohydrates;
  • 44% fat;
  • 8% proteins.

The components of the treat are potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron (in small quantities). Chocolate contains vitamins. The calorie content of one hundred grams is on average 550-650 kilocalories.

You can see the delicacy on the shelves of grocery stores different types. Depending on the shape and consistency of the product, there are slab, monolithic and porous dark chocolate. The first is produced in the form of identical tiles. Monolithic chocolate has no decoration and is produced in one piece. This delicacy is quite difficult to find in mass consumer stores. Porous chocolate has an airy structure. One of the most popular products in this category is Air chocolate.

The delicacy may contain additional components, or may be produced in its pure form. According to production technology, dark chocolate can be ordinary or dessert. The latter type belongs to the elite category. This is a very delicate product with a unique taste. Its distinctive feature is that only noble varieties of cocoa are used for production. That is why the cost of such a product is quite high.

Composition of dark chocolate

All types of dark chocolate differ depending on the percentage of crushed cocoa beans and the taste characteristics of the product. On store shelves you can find treats containing 55%, 65%, 70%, 80%, 90% and even 99% of the main component.

In addition to cocoa, dark chocolate contains sugar and cocoa butter.

According to taste characteristics, dark chocolate is divided into two types - bitter and sweet. And they, in turn, are characterized by corresponding tastes.

The first one can be very bitter, semi-bitter and moderately bitter. Bittersweet chocolate has similar degrees.

The first is produced from cocoa beans that are not of the highest quality, the second is made from selected varieties by long-term kneading of the chocolate mass, which makes the taste noble and subtle.

One hundred grams of the treat, which contains at least sixty percent cocoa, contains:

  • water - 0.8 g;
  • proteins - 6.2 g;
  • fats - 35.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 48.2 g;
  • dietary fiber - 0.8 g.

The calorie content of the product is on average 540 kilocalories.

Which is healthier?

Once it becomes clear how dark chocolate differs from dark chocolate, another question arises. It worries consumers no less, and sometimes even becomes the main one at the delicacy counter. Indeed, everyone is interested in which chocolate is better: dark or bitter.

The greatest benefit for the body is a product with a high cocoa content. Accordingly, to improve your health, it is better to consume dark chocolate. The dark analogue contains the same beneficial substances, only in smaller quantities.

What should chocolate be like?

When choosing special attention deserves not only the product label with its composition, but also appearance treats. It is necessary to pay attention to the surface of the chocolate: it should be glossy, shiny and have a rich brown color. If the color of the product is too dark, close to black, it indicates the presence of dyes in the composition. A white tint on the surface indicates the presence of foreign components, so-called additives. Very often, preservatives are contained in products from unscrupulous manufacturers.

Dark and bitter chocolate - there is no difference - It should be hard (under no circumstances melt in your hands), and during the breaking process should not crumble, but produce an attractive and distinct crunch. In the cut, have a matte texture, remain dense and solid.

How to store

The shelf life of high-quality chocolate is usually a year, maximum one and a half. The storage temperature should be seventeen to twenty degrees. For long-term preservation of the dessert, foil or original packaging is suitable.

So, the main difference between dark and bitter chocolate is the percentage of cocoa mass (only high-quality treats that do not contain preservatives are taken into account). The selection criteria for both species are identical. Therefore, the main factor when buying a delicacy is often taste preferences and its quality characteristics.