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What is the name of the largest planet known to us? The largest planet in the solar system. Moons of the largest planet in the solar system

What thoughts come to your mind when you look at the night sky strewn with billions of stars? That the universe is huge, and does it have a beginning, or which planet is the largest? And where is the end of this infinity? This mysterious and enigmatic world has attracted scientists and astronauts for many years.

The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter

Scientists claim that our Earth is what it is only thanks to Jupiter. It was this planet that was one of the first to form after the big bang and helped in the formation of the remaining planets.

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and is in fifth place in terms of distance from the Sun. Its radius is 69,911 km. It will take about two years to get from Earth.

Jupiter has 67 satellites, which are arranged in such a way that they resemble a system of planets around the Sun. Its satellite Europa is of particular interest. Scientists admit that life is possible on it. And the satellite Ganymede, whose surface is covered with craters, is also the largest in the solar system.

The surface of Jupiter, which has no solid spots, is a boiling ocean of hydrogen and is a heat producer. The amount he gives is much more than he receives from the Sun. If he was 30% bigger, he could very well be a star.

This planet has the shortest rotation period in the entire solar system. Because of this, winds constantly blow there, the speed of which reaches 600 km/h, which leads to the formation of atmospheric vortices.

The largest has been known for about three hundred years and is called the Great Red Spot. Its impressive size (41 thousand km) is several times larger than the Earth. But in Lately it is noticeably decreasing, today its value is 18 thousand km.

The smallest planet in the solar system is Mercury

People have been observing Mercury since ancient times. Its appearance at different times and on different sides of the Sun made it possible to think that these were completely different planets. It received its name in honor of the god of trade, Mercury.

Our Solar System is one of the components of the Galaxy. Here the Milky Way extends for hundreds of thousands of light years.

The central element of the Solar System is the Sun. Eight planets revolve around it (the ninth planet Pluto was excluded from this list because it has mass and gravitational forces do not allow you to be on the same level with other planets). However, each planet is different from the next. Among them there are small and truly huge, icy and hot, consisting of gas and dense.

The largest planet in the Universe is TrES-4. It was discovered in 2006 and is located in the constellation Hercules. The planet, called TrES-4, orbits a star that is about 1,400 light-years away from planet Earth.

The planet TrES-4 itself is a ball that consists primarily of hydrogen. Its dimensions are 20 times greater than the size of the Earth. Researchers claim that the diameter of the discovered planet is almost 2 times (more precisely 1.7) larger than the diameter of Jupiter (this is the largest planet in the solar system). The temperature of TrES-4 is about 1260 degrees Celsius.

According to scientists, there is no solid surface on the planet. Therefore, you can only immerse yourself in it. It is a mystery how the density of the substance that makes up this celestial body is so low.


The largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, is located at a distance of 778 million kilometers from the Sun. This planet, the fifth in a row, is a gas giant. The composition is very similar to that of the sun. At least its atmosphere is predominantly hydrogen.

However, under the atmosphere, the surface of Jupiter is covered with ocean. Only it does not consist of water, but of rarefied high pressure boiling hydrogen. Jupiter rotates very quickly, so fast that it elongates along its equator. Therefore, unusually strong winds form there. Appearance The planet is interesting because of this feature: in its atmosphere, the clouds lengthen and form varied and colorful ribbons. Vortexes appear in the clouds - atmospheric formations. The largest ones are already more than 300 years old. Among them is the Great Red Spot, which is many times the size of the Earth.

Earth's Big Brother

It is worth noting that the planet’s magnetic field is huge, it occupies 650 million kilometers. This is much larger than Jupiter itself. The field partially extends even beyond the orbit of the planet Saturn. Jupiter currently has 28 satellites. At least that much is open. Looking into the sky from Earth, the farthest one looks smaller than the Moon. But the largest satellite is Ganymede. However, astronomers are especially actively interested in Europe. It has a surface in the form of ice, and is also covered with stripes of cracks. Their origin still causes a lot of controversy. Some researchers believe that under balls of ice, where the water is not frozen, there may be primitive life. Few places in the solar system are worthy of such an assumption. Scientists plan to send drilling rigs to this satellite of Jupiter in the future. This is necessary just to study the composition of water.

Jupiter and its moons through a telescope

According to the modern version, the Sun and planets were formed from one gas and dust cloud. Jupiter accounts for 2/3 of the total mass of the planets in the solar system. And this is clearly not enough for thermonuclear reactions to occur in the center of the planet. Jupiter has its own heat source, which comes from energy from the compression and decay of matter. If heating came only from the Sun, then the top layer would have a temperature of about 100K. And judging by the measurements, it is equal to 140K.

It is worth noting that Jupiter's atmosphere consists of 11% helium and 89% hydrogen. This ratio makes it look like chemical composition Sun. Orange color obtained due to compounds of sulfur and phosphorus. They are destructive for people, as they contain acetylene and poisonous ammonia.


It is the next largest planet in the solar system. Through the telescope it is clearly visible that Saturn is more flattened than Jupiter. There are stripes on the surface parallel to the equator, but they are less distinct than those of the previous planet. The stripes show numerous and subtle details. And it was from them that the scientist William Herschel was able to determine the period of rotation of the planet. It's only 10 hours and 16 minutes. The equator diameter of Saturn is slightly smaller than Jupiter. However, it is three times less massive than the largest planet. In addition, Saturn has a low average density - 0.7 grams per square centimeter. This is because giant planets are made of helium and hydrogen. In the depths of Saturn, the pressure is not the same as on Jupiter. In this case, the surface temperature is close to the temperature at which methane melts.

Saturn has elongated dark stripes or belts along the equator, as well as light zones. These details are not as contrasting as those of Jupiter. And individual spots are not so frequent. Saturn has rings. Through the telescope, “ears” are visible on both sides of the disk. It has been established that the rings of the planet are the remains of a huge circumplanetary cloud that stretches for millions of kilometers. Stars are visible through the rings that revolve around the planet. The internal parts rotate faster than the external parts.

Saturn through a telescope

Saturn has 22 satellites. They have the names of ancient heroes, for example, Mimas, Enceladus, Pandora, Epimetheus, Tethys, Dione, Prometheus. The most interesting of them: Janus - it is the closest to the planet, Titan - the largest (the largest satellite in the Solar system in terms of mass and size).

Film about Saturn

All of the planet's satellites, with the exception of Phoebe, orbit in the forward direction. But Phoebe is moving in orbit in the opposite direction.


The seventh planet from the Sun in the solar system, therefore it is poorly lit. She quadrupled more than Earth by diameter. Some details on Uranus are difficult to distinguish due to their small angular dimensions. Uranus rotates around an axis, lying on its side. Uranus orbits the Sun every 84 years.

The polar day at the poles lasts 42 years, followed by night of the same duration. The composition of the planet is a small amount of methane and hydrogen. By indirect evidence there is helium. The planet's density is greater than that of Jupiter and Saturn.

Journey to the planets: Uranus and Neptune

Uranus has planetary narrow rings. They consist of individual opaque and dark particles. The radius of the orbits is 40-50 thousand kilometers, the width is from 1 to 10 kilometers. The planet has 15 satellites. Some of them are external, some are internal. The most distant and largest are Titania and Oberon. Their diameter is about 1.5 thousand kilometers. The surfaces are pitted with meteorite craters.
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Once upon a time, people thought that the Earth was the center of the Universe. Today we know about hundreds of thousands of galaxies, thousands and millions of solar systems, an indescribable variety of other planets, all the time discovering new and new types of them. It is almost impossible to remember them all - they have long and complex names. But highlighting some is a joy.

This planet is about 2.3 times larger than Earth, which does not mean that it is very large. In terms of size, it can be called a “mini-Neptune”. However, the planet is 17 times Earth's mass, much larger than expected.

The density of a planet shows that it is made of rocks and other solids, and this is important. Typically, a planet this size would be a gas giant like Jupiter or Saturn because its gravity would hold a mass of hydrogen and helium.

Wettest planet

GJ 1214b

This planet is also much larger than Earth. However, the mass of this planet depends not on rocks, but on water. Scientists estimate that most of GJ 1214b, discovered in 2009, consists entirely of water, although the surface temperature of this world is much higher than ours.

Scientists analyzed the planet's atmosphere by observing its passage against the background of a star. They found that the planet's atmosphere consists mostly of water, and therefore the surface is most likely watery. However, this is no ordinary water. Because of high temperature and pressure, this water could be called more likely “hot ice” and “superliquid” water.

This planet was apparently created far from its sun, in places where ice and water predominate. Over time, it gradually moved closer to the star. Scientists plan to begin an in-depth study of the planet in 2018.

Youngest planet

BD+20 1790b

Keep in mind that hardly any planet can be called “young.” Here, for example, is a planet 35 million years old. Compared to Earth, it is practically a child - Earth is about 100 times older. The planet in question slightly beat the record of the previous “youngest” planet - it was only 100 million years old.

Scientists hope this discovery will allow us to better understand how planets develop, especially since finding a young planet is incredibly difficult. Young planets are still more active compared to older ones, causing intense magnetic fields, which generate sunspots and flares. All these phenomena throw off the indicators, so it is difficult to determine whether we see one planet or, for example, two. Until now, scientists do not know for sure whether the BD+20 1790b has a twin or not.

Oldest planet

Kapteyn B

The oldest known planet that could theoretically support life formed just two billion years after the Big Bang. This world is close enough to its star Kapteyn to support the existence of liquid water on the surface, unlike its twin, which is too distant and completely frozen.

The Kapteyn system itself is quite interesting. Firstly, it is close to our own system. The system and its planets once belonged to a completely different mini-galaxy. Scientists suggest that our own galaxy absorbed this galaxy and destroyed it, scattering its systems along the outskirts. The remains of this devoured galaxy are found in Omega Centauri, a galaxy 16,000 light years away whose planets are not much younger than Kapteyn B.

Fastest planet


This world weighs almost eight times more than Earth, but is half the size. In addition, this planet has one of the fastest orbits that scientists have observed.

While our planet completes its orbit around the Sun in almost 8,766 hours, this nimble planet orbits its star in 20 hours. Although it is not the hottest planet of all (we will talk about that later), it is among them. Scientists believe that the lava covering the surface of the planet is heated to 1000 - 1500 degrees Celsius.

This planet is also unique in how it was found. It is the first planet discovered using the transit method, which scientists typically use to measure planetary masses and radii.

Coldest planet

OGLE-2005-BLG-390L B

The coldest planet ever found is so far from its star that it takes 10 years to complete its orbit, and the star itself is tiny compared to ours. The average temperature of this barren world is about -200 degrees Celsius.

It also breaks the record for the farthest exoplanet from our world. It is more than 28,000 light years from Earth.

Hottest planet

Kepler 70-B breaks not just one, but several records. Not only is it the hottest exoplanet, with a surface temperature of over 7,000 degrees Celsius, but it is also the closest orbit to its star. The distance between Mercury and the Sun, by comparison, is 65 times greater than the distance from Kepler 70-B to its star. The planet also moves at incredible speeds and is one of the smallest exoplanets.

The star on this planet is also very interesting. Typically, when a star becomes a red giant, it explodes. However, this star stabilized and returned to average size. In the process, planets - gas giants - were formed from its atmosphere.

Lightest planet


This planet sets the record for the lightest exoplanet (size relative to mass). Although it has the same mass as Earth, its huge, plump atmosphere of hydrogen and helium makes it 60% larger than our world. In fact, it may once have had an even larger atmosphere, but the red dwarf burned away most of it.

To analyze the planet, scientists compared KOI-314c with its neighbor. The two worlds tug at each other by their own gravity, resulting in slight changes in transit time through the star. The second planet, KOI-314b, is much denser and weighs more than four times as much as Earth.

Darkest planet

TrES-2b, despite its relative proximity to its star, is the darkest exoplanet yet discovered. In our own system, Mercury is also considered a very dark planet, reflecting only 10% of sunlight. This "darkness" prevents scientists from discovering the world - only by chance. TrES-2b reflects less than 1% of its star's light, making it almost as dark as charcoal or black acrylic paint.

Scientists are unsure as to why the planet's atmosphere is so dark. Some believe this may be due to the huge amount of sodium or titanium oxide in gas form.

The planet with the strangest orbit

Fomalhaut B, Zombie Planet

This planet got its creepy nickname when it seemed to rise from the dead. In 2008, the planet looked like a simple cloud of dust, but then returned to normal. And in the literal sense - this planet also moves like a zombie.

This planet has one of the strangest orbits among the planets, zigzag, and it is not clear why. At the closest point of its orbit it comes within 7.5 billion kilometers of the star, but sometimes the orbit lies 45 billion kilometers from the star.

Perhaps the planet was pulled out of its original position by a large planet. Adding to this suspicion is a large gap in the cloud of dust and ice surrounding the star, so perhaps this other planet is there.

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The planet Jupiter was first seen 400 years ago. Then the first telescopes were just appearing, and through them it was possible to see this planet. The planet Jupiter captivates with its volume and scale. It is the largest planet in the Solar System in terms of volume, mass, and area.

By the way, there are planets that are 15 times larger than Jupiter, but this is only in theory. The planet was named Jupiter by the Romans, in honor of the supreme deity.

The largest planet in the solar system: interesting facts about Jupiter

It is one of the largest gas giants. Divided into internal space and atmospheric layer. The air is filled with 90% hydrogen and 10% helium. The planet also contains methane, silicon and ammonia. Carbon, oxygen, neon, and phosphine are present in small quantities.

The interior of the planet contains dense materials. A mixture of liquid hydrogen with helium and an outer layer of molecular hydrogen is called the core. It's not clear yet, but some believe the core may be rocky.

The question of the core was raised 20 years ago. It was assumed that it could reach from 12 to 45 Earth masses and cover from 4 to 14% of the mass of Jupiter. The closer you are to the core, the higher the temperature and pressure become. Near the core, the temperature reaches 35,700 degrees and about 4000 GPa, on the surface itself 67 degrees and 10 BAR.

There is a family of 67 moons near Jupiter. Galileo Galilei discovered 4 of the largest ones in the distant past. This:

  • Io (active volcanoes);
  • Europa (subsurface ocean);
  • Ganymede (the largest moon);
  • Callisto (underground ocean).

Auroras are observed near the north and south poles.

The largest planet in the solar system: top 8 planets

  • Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system. But it is closest to the Sun. There is no change of season on this planet, because the axis of rotation is perpendicular to the rotation of the Sun. It is somewhat similar to the moon, the surface is rocky, covered with craters, such as on the Moon. Like the Moon, Mercury has no atmosphere. This planet occupies 8th place;
  • Mars – unlike Mercury, Mars is located in 4th place from the Sun. It is also rocky like Mercury. This planet has been visited many times by terrestrial spacecraft. By the way, Mars rovers are currently working there. The average temperature on Mars is -153 degrees. This planet occupies 7th place;
  • Venus is also called “sister of the Earth”. It is closer to the Sun than the Earth, but this is not very important. The average temperature is +470 degrees. Carbon dioxide is used instead of oxygen. This planet occupies 6th place;
  • Earth is located 3rd from the Sun. The only planet where life is in full swing. 70% of the planet is covered in water. This planet occupies 5th place;
  • Neptune is the most distant of all the major planets. Neptune is 17 times heavier than Earth and has a larger diameter. In 1846, astronomers identified this planet, and then looked at it through a telescope. This planet occupies 4th place;
  • Uranus is the 3rd planet of all the major ones. The average temperature is -220 degrees. It is named after an ancient Greek god, not a Roman one like most others. There are 27 satellites in its orbit. This planet occupies 3rd place;
  • Saturn - this planet is also one of the largest. Saturn has the largest number of satellites, about 62. This planet ranks 2nd;
  • Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Gas giant. The average temperature is about -140 degrees. Jupiter has many satellites that can be seen with any binoculars, the most popular being Europa, Io, Ganymede and Callisto.

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