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How to smell good without perfume for women. Ayurvedic secrets of pleasant body odor and fresh breath. Experiment with layering

Feminine scent. Smell delicious as always: small but important nuances

The aroma emanating from a woman should be light, alluring, barely noticeable and in no way aggressive. It should attract, excite, dizzy, seduce, and not suffocate or knock down! So how to smell delicious in order to charm and captivate, and not repel? Take these tips to yourself so that you always leave behind a pleasant, fresh, tasty and subtle trail of aroma.

A woman's scent is a secret weapon of seduction

1. There is no need to pour a huge amount of perfume on yourself; there is nothing good if you smell all over the street. This is a sign of bad manners and bad taste. Always remember that even if you no longer smell your perfume, other people smell it very well.

2. It happens that some women do not smell of perfume, which can cause suffocation. But they smell of sweat, which is generally unacceptable. Be sure to maintain your hygiene by showering every day and using antiperspirants. This is banal advice, however, there are women who do not bother with such banalities.

3. You need to take care not only of hygiene, but also of your food and drinks. Everything we eat and drink gives our body either a pleasant aroma or an unpleasant one. Fatty, spicy and fried foods directly affect our body odor. From heavy food the smell becomes heavy. In addition, this negatively affects the figure. You need to watch not only what you eat, but also what you drink. It’s not even worth talking about alcoholic drinks, it’s clear that they don’t add an aroma of freshness and purity to a woman, but it’s worth talking about coffee. It is important to know that if you drink a lot of coffee, your breath will smell bad, which you may not even notice.

4. Before going out, especially if it’s a date or an important meeting, put one drop of perfume on your palm. This will give your hands a light aroma, and if you touch the hands of your interlocutor, this aroma will remain on his palms and will remind him of you. And if it is an exclusive perfume with pheromones, then your chosen one will not be able to resist you. Such perfumes should be purchased only from those manufacturers who have a certificate and the right to sell.

5. Spray a little eau de toilette onto your comb before combing your hair. You are guaranteed a pleasant and light scent all day long.

6. In your wardrobe, spray all the hangers with your perfume or eau de toilette.

7. Place a handkerchief or woven bag in a drawer or box with linen, sprinkling it with your perfume before doing so.

8. When taking a bath or shower, place a few drops of aromatic oil on the wall near the bathtub or on the shower floor. Soon the aroma will smoothly envelop your body thanks to the steam, and when you leave the bathroom, a pleasant and light aroma will emanate from you.

9. And, of course, don’t forget to apply perfume correctly. They should be applied to those places where the pulse is felt (temples, wrists, neck, elbow bends, area under the knees).

Smelling pleasantly is an aspect of self-care that also promotes self-confidence. The point is not to smell nice to attract partners, although such a desire is also quite understandable. The main point is to build confidence, create your own unique image and lasting associations with the help of smells.


Part 1

How to use scented products

    Shower regularly. A shower or bath allows you to wash away dirt and old odors from your body. To stay fresh in hot weather, you may need to take short showers twice a day - morning and evening (do not use too much water).

    • Use scented shower gel to enhance the scent. Choose a scent that suits you completely. If this is just your gel, then store it in another place or designate the container.
    • Buy soap with a pleasant scent for your bath or shower.
  1. Use shampoo and conditioner regularly.“Regularity” depends on hair type and age. Buy shampoo with your favorite scent and choose a conditioner that matches the scent.

    Use quality scented soap. Soap is an indispensable thing not only in the shower or bath. It can be found on the sink to wash your hands with soap after going outside or using the toilet, as well as in the kitchen, laundry room and other similar places. A small piece of soap or other pleasant-smelling disinfectant should always be on hand for hygiene purposes.

    • Soap is also indispensable outside the home. A bottle of scented disinfectant gel will always be in place in your bag or backpack, in the glove compartment of your car, in the office or on your desk.
  2. Choose a scented deodorant. Be careful not to let the deodorant overpower your scent. A mild scented deodorant will help you not only stay fresh but also smell good. Try it different variants to choose a few suitable products to combine with your favorite perfumes. Make sure the deodorant doesn't overpower the perfume. There are alternatives like unscented or lightly scented deodorants that will also do the job without overpowering other scents.

    • Always keep deodorant on hand to use as needed.
  3. Choose a recognizable perfume. For a daytime scent, it is best to choose floral, fruity, or fresh scents without being too overpowering. chemical substances in composition and without a pungent odor. For the evening, it is better to choose a perfume with a more persistent scent that will linger in the air, but do not overdo it.

    • Recommendations for choosing the right perfume can be found on the Internet.
  4. Choose a body spray. If you are not a teenager, then it is better not to buy the cheapest products in this product category, since they smell exactly worth their price. Choose a spray that you can afford. It is important not to use the spray at the same time as perfume or eau de toilette, otherwise the not-so-pleasant combination of smells may discourage people around you.

    Part 2

    How to combine scents

    Part 3

    How to keep an eye on other aspects
    1. Control your odor during your period. IN critical days An increased odor may emanate from the body. It is recommended to use scented pads, change hygiene products regularly and shower twice a day. There are also special sprays, but keep in mind - the fewer products used for a given area of ​​the body, the better for health.

      Watch out for foot odor. Don't forget to take proper care of your feet. Never wear a pair of socks two days in a row and remember to wash your feet when you shower. Add a couple of drops of tea tree oil or a pinch of baking soda to improve the smell of your shoes. Additionally, tea tree oil has antibacterial properties, which is also beneficial for the odor of your feet.

    2. Avoid foods that contribute to bad breath. These include tuna, garlic and onions. For lunch, it is better to choose fruit dishes with a pleasant smell that will not get stuck in your teeth (for example, apples or blueberries).

      • If you like garlic (at least for its health benefits) and other foods with a strong smell, then try snacking on them with parsley.
    3. Keep your clothes fresh. Don't wear things for more than a day. For washing, use powders with pleasant aromatic additives.

      • Wash your pajamas at least once a week, and even more often during warmer months.
      • Underwear and other things that come into contact with the body need to be changed more often than outerwear. If you wear the same T-shirt for two days in a row, sebum may change the color of the item and the T-shirt will absorb odors. On the other hand, coats can be washed much less frequently. In most cases, stains on outerwear can be washed out without washing the entire item.
    • The smell should not be excessive, otherwise those around you will wrinkle their noses and shy away from you. If in doubt, it is better to ask the opinion of your mother, sister or friend.
    • Don't forget that sunscreen often has a strong smell on its own. Choose a cream with a scent that you can easily tolerate, or even better, unscented.
    • Use rinse aid for oral cavity and toothpaste to keep your breath smelling good, and floss your teeth at least once a day to remove stuck food.
    • Carry a small bottle of perfume, deodorant, or body spray, but it's even better to use a deodorant that lasts all day to free up your purse and keep you confident.
    • Choose scents that complement your clothes. For example, it is better not to combine a blouse, floral skirt and sandals with a strong scent like Poison. In this case, slim fit jeans are a better choice, while bohemian scents are best paired with boho blouses and tall gladiator sandals.
    • Don't wear the same things every day, otherwise they will absorb your body odor.


    • Make sure you are not allergic to any ingredients in the product you choose. Allow your skin to rest from the product over the weekend. Human skin is not designed to be permanently coated with alcohol-based substances. It also doesn't hurt to check your skin's photosensitivity - some people have very sensitive skin and may experience burns when applying cosmetic products.
    • Please note that many people are very sensitive to odors or have allergies to perfumes. If you work or study with them, be courteous and wear less intense scents.

There are some people who are very difficult to forget because they smell absolutely wonderful. What do they do to achieve this effect? Rose petal bath? In fact, everything is much more trivial. A good smell, like good digestion, for example, has its own formula. How good you smell often depends not only on how often you shower and what exquisite products you apply to your body, but also on your lifestyle. Fortunately, there are a lot of tips for achieving natural beauty, and we have chosen the most effective ones for you.

1. Eat a proper diet

The phrase “you are what you eat” can finally be justified by facts. Indeed, everything that your body absorbs during the day is also released as odor, so you need to watch what you eat. Eating spicy food, onions, garlic and even red meat is, of course, pleasant and healthy, but not for the smell. Depending on the intensity of your daily activity, odor emissions from these products can last up to 48 hours.

By the way, foods that affect your natural aroma can also affect the perfume you wear, changing its structure and distorting the release of the scent. Therefore, a diet of fresh produce, fruits, vegetables and clean proteins is the key to smelling good. The skin becomes cleaner and softer, and this is an excellent base for any fragrance. Alcohol also has a negative effect on the natural odor; during consumption, sugar is released from the pores, creating a cloying aroma that is completely far from pleasant. So, more natural juice.

2. Don't forget to hydrate

Water should become your best friend, and not only because it is basically good for your health. Water is natural hydration, and if you want your perfume to last longer, your skin needs to stay hydrated throughout the day. Dry skin absorbs the applied fragrance much faster, especially if it consists of natural ingredients rather than synthetic ones.

3. Use the right powder

This point seems too obvious, but there are some nuances that many are not aware of. It’s clear that your clothes should be clean, only then will your natural smell be fresh, but the most interesting thing is that what you wash your clothes with is much more important than perfume. The right powder and a good rinse can make all the difference in creating a scent that lasts all day. Choose products with additional fragrances, which will make your clothes smell fresh for much longer, and the aroma itself will be more pleasant and subtle than regular Tide.

4. Apply perfume correctly

The process of applying perfume to the body has become a routine, since all women know the main places that are most suitable for, roughly speaking, smelling. But in reality, there is a certain system to the way you spray perfume on yourself. The aroma applied to the body tends to unfold, and this process occurs from the bottom up, that is, it makes sense to apply perfume not only to the neck and hair (and the latter is generally not recommended unless you are preparing to conquer everyone on the dance floor by waving your hair) , but pay attention to the lower part of your body. As Coco Chanel said, apply perfume where you want to be kissed.

There is some truth in this, because your erogenous zones partially coincide with the areas of the skin where the smell is revealed to the maximum, and all because of the blood flow and the thinness of the skin in these special places. So, let's go from bottom to top. It is best to apply perfume to the following places: ankle, area under the knee, pubis, stomach, chest, areas under the lobes, back of the head, wrists and, of course, temples. These places are considered the “hottest” due to the constant circulation of blood, so every time your pulse changes, the smell will begin to spread. This amount of perfume on the body may seem excessive, so you can skip some places, while maintaining a “bottom-up” scheme, and most importantly, apply perfume half an hour before leaving the house.

5. Experiment with layers

You can get lost in the number of perfumes available today, but instead, use a variety of products to highlight your scent. When choosing a perfume, you can consider purchasing a body lotion, cream or spray with the same scent to make your scent layered and more long-lasting.

In order not to distort your natural scent, it is better to abandon perfumed products with preservatives or synthetic additives, and replace them with aromatic oils that perfectly complement the perfume you have chosen. A universal option is musk. It is great for any time of year, goes harmoniously with perfume, and also serves as an aphrodisiac, making your aroma deeper, lasting and sexy.

6. Reapply perfume

Our skin is a living organ that absorbs moisture and oils, so the fact that the smell disappears during the day is due to physiology. If you want the scent to last longer, then you should give your preference to perfumed water rather than eau de toilette, whose consistency is much stronger. Also, it is worth paying attention to such natural notes as sandalwood, tobacco and vanilla, which are more sugary than, say, citrus. This smell will last longer. But this does not mean that your favorite perfume will have to be replaced. All you have to do is renew the scent throughout the day, three times will be more than enough to ensure that your scent lasts no matter the intensity of your life.

7. Spray more than just your body.

How you smell depends not only on whether you apply the perfume directly to your skin, but also on how the things your body comes into contact with during the day smell. Spraying a small amount of perfume on your clothes in cold weather can be a good idea to always maintain a pleasant scent, and you can also add aromatic notes to your decor: spritz a couple of drops on your linens while drying, get scented candles and scented sticks, all this will bear fruit.

The main thing to remember is that almost any perfume contains alcohol, which means you need to be careful when adding fragrance to objects around you. To avoid wasting your precious perfume into the wind, buy a fragrant spray and use it to create and maintain a scent in your apartment.

8. Make the right choice

Well, the main point in creating the perfect aroma that can become your calling card is right choice. You will have to spend some time to correctly select a scent that will ideally unfold on your body and combine with others. cosmetics, which you use, and does not stand out from your image and style. Determine what exactly you like about your perfume. Before you buy new ones, carefully study the ingredients to see if they are repeated in all your perfumes, and don’t forget that each season has its own scent, but otherwise, don’t be afraid to experiment.

In fact, knowing how to smell pleasant always and everywhere will be useful to even the most irresistible beauty. Therefore, for every female representative, in order to be attractive and self-confident, it is very important not only to have a pleasant appearance, be “friends” with water and be able to sleep properly, but also to exude the appropriate smell.

It’s no secret that individual smells often complement a person’s “self-portrait” and, like favorite melodies, are firmly and long-lasting in memory. And no one will deny that a man, having caught, for example, the familiar pleasant aroma of women's perfume, instantly completes the corresponding image in his imagination.

Here it is appropriate to recall a funny anecdote. One priest had a young wife whom he adored, and who, like most young women today, put culinary art on the list of boring and burdensome activities. Therefore, any culinary process in her kitchen ended with either the product burning, or the liquid boiling away, or something overcooked.

By chance, the priest's wife fell ill with a serious illness and died suddenly. But, after some time, on the advice of caring parishioners, the clergyman took as his wife a very economical widow, who, moreover, also possessed a rare gift, even in our time - she knew how to cook superbly. However, for some reason, all the dishes she prepared did not receive the praise of her new husband. And this continued until one day his new wife served him burnt porridge for breakfast. Having tasted this morning dish, the priest suddenly joyfully exclaimed: “Finally, you have found that smell and taste that I love so much!”

And the conclusion is this: the fragrance emanating from a woman should always be individual and unforgettable. And, of course, pleasant too. While showering his beloved with kisses, a man is faced with a huge “bouquet” of the most diverse odors exuding from a woman.

From time immemorial, representatives of the fairer sex have valued only clothes and incense. And rarely do any women pay attention to the beauty of the sound of speech or the manner of conversation, but perhaps everyone strives to have a dress that has no analogues, and an irresistible fragrance that is unique to her.

Smells nice as always

Many ladies who take good care of themselves know for sure that poorly chosen combinations of perfume, shampoo and soap can ultimately create a very unpleasant odor. Cosmetic companies also paid attention to this at one time - in an attempt to remove this problem from the agenda, they have long been producing perfume sets.

The next thing you should focus on when planning the use of various aromatic substances is their quantitative presence when consumed. Women who are “stuffed” with incense to such an extent that a “smelly” multi-meter trail moves behind them, as a rule, cause panic in those around them, especially in the summer. But an elegant woman, skillfully using perfume, makes a man feel the full power of a formidable aromatic weapon only at the moment of a kiss or when approaching quite closely.

It must be remembered: each person’s skin has its own specific smell. By applying any cosmetics to the skin, we cause a certain reaction between the aroma of the substance and the smell of our skin, resulting in the formation of a combination of two fragrant components. And if the cosmetic product is chosen correctly, it usually makes the natural smell of the skin even more attractive. But if there is a miscalculation in the choice of means, then the smells “announce” bilateral “military actions”, from which those around them first of all suffer “defeat”.

How nice it is for a woman to smell

Depending on the “changes” in fashion, temperament, and most importantly on the natural smell of one’s own skin, which “merges” with the aroma of the perfume used, a woman must choose “her” smell (or “bouquet” of smells) and strictly adhere to it, since otherwise it will be impossible to consolidate the desired conditioned reflex It’s hard to count on your partner. The chosen aroma - an integral part of a woman's sexual attractiveness - should attract a partner. The smell inherent in the beloved, duplicated in her linen, clothes and bedding, evokes in the male mind an association of the image of this particular woman.

The aromatic agents chosen for sexual arousal should be used only during the processes of love contacts, and they should be used only in areas of erogenous zones. It is worth emphasizing that each aroma chosen for sexual attraction must certainly arouse interest in its own odors. A woman should not smell only of perfume, eau de toilette and soap - she, first of all, needs to smell of herself. This means that maintaining a sense of proportion in the use of perfumes should come first.

Smelling like yourself is, of course, wonderful, but you should firmly understand that a pleasant smell primarily depends on maintaining personal hygiene. And if a woman underestimates her, then she will not be able to get rid of unpleasant “aromas” even with the help of the most expensive perfumery products. In addition, such odors have a very insidious property: the person to whom these “aromas” belong does not feel them. But for those around him, this is sheer torture.

To summarize, we note once again that the smell - like a hairstyle, outfit or style of behavior - emphasizes the unique charm and originality of every woman. And we think that our story today about how every woman can smell pleasant always and everywhere will bring you at least some useful information.

You can start your day with freshness and a pleasant aroma, ready to complete your planned tasks. However, in the middle of the day you may feel that your freshness has disappeared somewhere. Do not worry! You just need to follow a few simple steps to ensure you smell great from morning until night! Take a bath or shower every day, wear fresh, clean clothes, and use deodorant at night instead of in the morning to ensure you smell fresh all day.


Part 1

Maintain personal hygiene

    While you are showering, use a scrub. Wash with soap and a washcloth. Special attention Focus on the areas behind the ears, back of the neck, feet, and other particularly sweaty areas (armpits, inner thighs). Don't forget to wash your chest, pelvic area and back.

    • If you have sensitive skin, avoid using soaps with strong fragrances and antibacterial ingredients.
    • Do not use natural sponges - they disperse bacteria! Use a regular washcloth or simply wash your body by rubbing it with your hands.
  1. Stay hydrated. Proper drinking regimen allows you to keep your skin hydrated, which is why the aroma of different body lotions is much better absorbed into the skin. Men need to drink 3.7 liters of water per day, and women - 2.7 liters.

    Use a moisturizer with a pleasant scent. After a shower, you can apply a body lotion with a pleasant aroma to your skin. If you plan to apply perfume or cologne later, it is important to make sure the scents are similar, otherwise the scents will mix and create an unpleasant scent. You can reapply body lotion as needed (for example, after washing your hands).

  2. Spray on your favorite scent. Try spraying perfume or cologne on pulse points on your body: wrists, behind the ears, back of the knee, inner elbows. In such places, the scent lasts longer because it is absorbed into the skin, warmed by body movements and gradually released throughout the day.

    • If you prefer a lighter scent, spritz some perfume/cologne upwards and walk under the cloud.
    • Don't rub cologne into your skin! For example, rubbing your wrists together. Otherwise the scent won't last as long.