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How often children are named after Trofim. The meaning of the name is Trofim. Negative traits of the name

Career, business and money

Trofim is a straightforward and self-critical man who likes to act according to a clearly drawn up task. He will make an ideal military man; such a person is capable of becoming a sailor or financier. He doesn’t know how to plan at all, but he does the assigned tasks well. Trofim cannot be called untalented, he has creative abilities, and he is able to realize himself in the sphere of social activities.

This man's career in politics will be good. Such a person will not achieve success in business. The leader from Trofim is also not the best. A man should find creative work combined with the support of reliable people. It should be mentioned that he will not like routine or monotonous activities at all. This person knows perfectly well what exactly he needs and is able to choose from an early age the right way which will allow you to achieve a decent income.

Marriage and family

For married Trofim, family is of great importance. This man is diligently trying to turn his home into a cozy fortress, in which he is always comfortable and comfortable. Best qualities this man manifests himself precisely in family life. A soft and flexible woman, devoid of ambition, can become the wife of such a man.

The wife has one main task - to support her husband in all decisions, in response to this Trofim is ready to provide her with everything she needs. This man turns out to be a strict father, but he loves his children very much, whose upbringing he actively devotes time to. For such a person, the education and level of culture of his offspring means a lot. He sits at home a lot and doesn’t like to visit or host friends.

Sex and love

Trofim is one of those people for whom meeting representatives of the opposite sex is not an easy task. A monogamous person, for whom love is a long-term union of two people. He tries to choose a girl with similar interests and character traits as his chosen one. This is a difficult task as the friend must also be a modest girl who likes to stay at home.

But if he still finds the right one, he will be happy, and marriage will happen in the future. He deliberately chooses women with a gentle character, devotes little time to intimacy, support, reliability and understanding are much more valuable to Trofim. He also likes neat young ladies; the man himself values ​​order.


Trofim cannot be called the owner of iron health. As a child, he is a rather sickly boy, whose well-being is seriously dependent on his condition. nervous system. With age, stress becomes more and more difficult to endure; if a man does not monitor his psychological state, he will face heart problems.

Little Trofim is a child like a child: moderately capricious, moderately restless and disobedient, except that he is much more lazy than other children. With age, his character changes, and for Trofimov, born, for example, in winter, it is not at all the same as for those born in the fall.

Interests and hobbies

For the “winter” Trofimovs, childish capriciousness develops into conflict, although it does not lead to open quarrels: they know how to stop in time, harboring a grudge in their souls. They are unable to look at themselves from the outside: they will notice a speck in someone else’s eye, but they will not see the log in their own. Nevertheless, they have many friends who are ready to support them in difficult times. In principle, these are people who are open to both friendship and love, but they are just a little stingy.

The “summer” Trofimovs have an iron grip; they know perfectly well what they need from life. If it’s required for business, don’t mind lying. Pedants value accuracy above all else in a woman. Every thing in their home should know exactly its place. Trofim are very homely, one of those about whom people respectfully say: “strong masters.”

A man born in autumn with the name Trofim is a selfish and proud nature, and all his actions are dictated by these very qualities. He has almost no friends, marries late and lives with his parents. The first marriage named Trofim, as a rule, breaks up. He does not like to visit or receive guests; in general, he leads a secluded lifestyle. The only exceptions are fishing, hunting, and outdoor trips. Some “autumn” Trofimovs make good military leaders. Trophimas should take care of the heart and pay attention to the nervous system.


Meaning: The name Trophim is of Greek origin. From the tongue Ancient Greece translated as "breadwinner". Many experts associate the interpretation with maternal feeding and its impossibility. Although this statement is not very popular. There is a second version according to which this name can be interpreted as “pet”.

The male name Trofim is not common today, but is still on the list of the most popular names. He gives the guy he named a huge number of interesting characteristics, and they all fit together quite well. It has good compatibility and belonged to many famous personalities

Popularity: On this moment the name Trofim is still among the hundred most famous Russian male names. It occupies consistently 82-85 positions. Accounts for 4-8 boys out of 10 thousand newborns.

Conversational options: Trokha, Trosha

Modern English analogues: Trofimos, Trofimus, Trophemes

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Trofim can influence the entire line of fate of the boy named by him, and this is one hundred percent fact. But if about the main thing, it can be noted that the person named usually has such character traits as mobility, restlessness, efficiency, restlessness, inconstancy, instability, unpredictability, sociability and friendliness.

For the most part, bearers of this name are sociable, sociable and very friendly representatives of the male half of humanity. Plus, most of them are very successful people, realizing themselves in a variety of professions: surgery, medicine, politics and more.

Advantages and positive features: the most important advantage of all bearers of the male name Trofim lies in their excessive mobility. It is this that allows them to achieve great success in a variety of professions. Another advantage that can be considered is their friendliness.

Trofim has a bad attitude towards people who take advantage of his trust and try to manipulate him. Plus, bearers of this name hate and despise liars, selfish people, and too frivolous women.

Interesting things about the name Trofim: B Soviet time the name Trofim was quite popular, but today the demand for it is falling even more every year, and very soon it will be relegated to the category of the rarest male names.

Character of the name Trofim

It is difficult to say exactly what the character of the bearer of the name Trofim will be, but we can say with one hundred percent confidence that it will be in general good man. Well it can't be bad person with such a big heart, with such devotion and fidelity as are raging in Trofimy. These are, for the most part, very devoted people, moreover, devoted to their comrades and friends until their last breath, which is a rarity in our time.

It would also be worth saying that the character of the bearer of the name Trofim will never allow him to become henpecked in marriage, a sycophant at work, or just an ordinary worker who will be pushed around by his superiors. This person will never tolerate bosses over him. He belongs only to himself, has his own unique opinion on everything, and tries to be the first in everything. That is why entrepreneurs, bosses and managers are most often found among the Trofimovs.

And those with the name Trofim are those rare men who never leave anyone in trouble, even if they have nothing to do with it. These are men who cannot stand aside in the face of injustice; these are people who are destined to protect the weak and help the disadvantaged.

Early childhood

This name initially bestows upon a newborn boy such traits as restlessness, self-indulgence, activity, indiscipline, and lack of responsibility. This child endlessly rushes from corner to corner (figuratively) and is looking for adventure, he needs to be on the move, have fun, enjoy life itself, but often this leads to parental disappointment, and later to punishment.

But communication skills are present in a disproportionate amount - he easily charms and wins favor, communicates well with peers and often becomes their leader. At the same time, it is important for him to feel special, to hear praise, flattery and compliments. And this will remain with him until the very end.

Parents should pay attention Special attention his upbringing, because in otherwise his future will be even more unpredictable, and he will not be able to achieve success, at least in his career.


School years will bring a lot of problems not only to the guy himself, but also to his parents. Mother and father will often be at school on call from teachers, and the reason is not so much poor academic performance as behavior. But underachievement is also a reason, because due to self-indulgence and endless fun, this boy is always behind the program. His peers adore him, girls are drawn to communicate with him, but I will despise the teachers, because they cannot tolerate such an irresponsible and undutiful person.

Another unpleasant little thing is stubbornness. He is so stubborn that he will never accept or admit guilt in anything, and he does not even accept obvious things, no matter how important they are. But despite all this, this is a person in whom integrity, kindness, goodwill, sincerity and willingness to help rage. This kind of person will not betray or deceive, he will always help and lend a shoulder in difficult times.

Grown man

An adult man named Trofim is a completely different person - everything will change in maturity, his character, his attitude to life, his relationships with people, and much more. But for the most part, the changes will only bring positive results. For example, he will have responsibility, attentiveness and diligence, perhaps he will become a leader, but unofficial, but rather informal, someone who is listened to by his superiors and respected by everyone around him.

Mature Trofim has an excellent understanding of people, he immediately sees fools and flatterers. He loves deceivers and potential traitors - he loves open people, but he doesn’t push away closed people either. The main advantage is the ability to forgive mistakes and misdeeds.

Trusting and shy, at times, but not so much as to be deceived all the time - he has many ill-wishers, but he tries to keep them all at a distance. But with women he becomes blind - he doesn’t see anything wrong with them, he admires everyone without exception, his amorousness rages too strong in him.

Interaction of Trofim’s character with the seasons

Spring - a boy named Trofim, born under the auspices of the spring season, is ruled by erudition, intelligence, seriousness, discipline, diligence, charm, sociability, sociability, hard work, assertiveness and good nature. This one is likely to reach great heights, both in career and in terms of personal happiness. But getting used to his violent temper is very difficult.

Summer - the meaning of the summer season gives rise to a complex and rebellious character. Vulnerability, emotionality, capriciousness, touchiness, poise, prudence and gullibility are the main traits. Such a person suffers from loneliness, often withdraws into himself and is depressed, but cannot live even a day without communication. He does not know how to forgive insults, his vulnerability is off the charts.

Autumn - here are characterized by such properties as gentleness, good nature, straightforwardness, activity, cheerfulness, sociability, incredible willpower and the desire to develop and move forward. This man faces only success and popularity, which can turn him into an egoist and an overly narcissistic “male.” Representatives of the fairer sex need to be more careful.

Winter - and three winter months give birth to a person of strange and too feminine origin. Impressionability, sensitivity, dreaminess and romance - they turn him into an effeminate man. But there is also something worthy of respect in him - reliability, tact, diplomacy, sincerity. In theory, he will become an exemplary father and a wonderful husband.

The fate of the name Trofim

It is even more difficult to say what the fate of the bearer of the name Trofim will be in relationships with representatives of the fair sex, in love and personal life in general. Moreover, throughout their lives, the very attitude of the bearers of this name towards women can change beyond recognition.

So, in their youth, Trofimovs usually turn out to be womanizers, which ones to look for. They take pleasure in each new passion and look after the girls with pleasure, trying to show their best side. But later, having achieved their goal, they quickly calm down and switch to the next “candidate.” They leave behind many broken girls' hearts, and yet they do not regret doing so.

But in adulthood, fate can play a cruel joke on the bearer of this name. The fact is that with age, Trofimas tend to change for the better. They begin to dream of stability and constancy, of a faithful and devoted spouse and love until the grave. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this. But alas, there is one problem - criteria that not every woman in this world can meet.

Love and marriage

To say that Trofim should be good husband, this is the same as saying nothing. The bearers of this name become excellent husbands in almost one hundred percent of cases. But there is only one “but”, which is that they become them only in adulthood, when they have already had enough fun, when they find their soul mates and consider themselves ready to start a family. Otherwise, he will definitely not become a good husband.

Trofim can search for a soul mate for a long time, and even then, he will begin his search only in deep maturity, when he is already ready for this. And finding him a girl who will meet all his criteria and requirements without exception will be very difficult. Only a polite, patient, willful, persistent, stubborn, assertive, purposeful woman who respects a man’s personal space can meet them. Only with this can he be truly happy.

He will give his whole self to his soulmate, who will satisfy him in all directions without exception. He will become a good husband, a faithful and devoted lover, an excellent owner and an excellent gentleman. And he will never allow anyone to offend his soulmate.

Trofim as Father

As for paternity, it’s quite difficult to confirm anything here. But we can say for sure that Trofim cannot be a bad father. Responsibility, punctuality, commitment, restraint, seriousness and determination of a mature Trofim, ready for the birth of a child, will make him a good father, ready for any tests, difficulties and problems. But there is one “but” - you should not allow the child to be spontaneous - the pregnancy must be planned and agreed upon with the bearer of this name, so that he himself can decide whether he is ready for this. That's when he will become a really good father.

It is difficult to say which of the children he will have a closer relationship with, but the fact that he will place much higher hopes on his son than on his daughter remains a fact. Most likely, he will not be involved in raising his daughter, but will work closely with his son, seeing in him his chance to correct all the mistakes of his youth.

A father named Trofim is a responsible and obligatory dad, ready to do anything for the sake of his children and their happiness. He will work day and night for their financial well-being, give them any gifts they order, give them everything. whatever they want, but at the same time they will also demand a lot in return - at a minimum, a child needs to be prepared to always act only as his dad sees fit.

Horoscope named after Trofim


Aries - a boy named Trofim, who was born under the influence of this zodiac sign, is serious and disciplined, responsible, hardworking, does not sit idle and dreams only of well-being in terms of career growth. Work is “everything” for him - he lives by it, places his hopes on it. May seem boring.


Taurus - the meaning of this zodiac sign promises a difficult character. He is smart and talented, erudite, narcissistic and self-confident, he plays a lot to the public in order to achieve popularity. Everything is complicated with women - he doesn’t know how to care for them because of his strong love for himself.


Gemini is cheerful and charming, friendly, and cannot live a day without communication and fun. Having fallen in love, he considers each new companion his true love, but in the end he becomes disappointed and looks for a new passion. Superficial in assessing people. But he is popular in society, not a single holiday goes by without him.


Cancer - and this representative of the male half of humanity is vulnerable and emotional, infantile, amorous and constant. He adores strong and decisive women, does not like to make responsible decisions, and in family life he will shift responsibility for all matters to his wife.

a lion

Leo - here, the boy who received the name Trofim usually grows up to be a careerist and a hard worker, a little man who devotes his whole life only to financial development. He is too demanding of himself and other people, he demands from everyone what he himself can never give to anyone.


Virgo - this bearer of the name Trofim is calm and balanced, but vulnerable. It can be boring with him, because he is predictable and does not know how to have fun. He is also distrustful, which makes him lonely. Does not like noisy companies, prefers spending time in a narrow circle of friends. He will become a good father.


Libra - a guy named Trofim, born under the auspices of Libra, has excellent compatibility. Well, by origin he is good-natured and optimistic, easily wins people’s favor and never causes negative perceptions among people. Ideal in almost everything.


Scorpio is tough, straightforward, fair, honest, powerful. He loves to dominate and, moreover, cannot help but demonstrate his dominance. He does not forgive insults and defends his point of view to the last. He is self-centered, and also narcissistic, and does not take off his imaginary “crown.”


Sagittarius is cheerful, cheerful, active, mobile, restless, restless, does not sit idle. His main advantages are charm, tenderness, the ability to be gallant and attentive. Women adore these guys, they are very popular. But he himself is a “womanizer.”


Capricorn - here, the bearer of the name Trofim, is a serious, reasonable, calculating, unprincipled man. He is looking for the same kind of friends. Hates falsehood, lies, liars and flatterers. Values ​​creative potential in people and the ability to be responsible for their words. Reliable, will never betray.


Aquarius - and this representative of the male part of the planet’s population is completely feminine and gentle. Friendly, sincere, kind, polite, tactful, impressionable. Any other person's grief can become a reason for his personal depression. Such a man needs a decisive and self-sufficient lady as his wife.


Pisces is already a dreamer by nature, who is compatible with equally dreamy ladies. He doesn't need a queen for his personal life, he needs one who will support him in all his dreams and endeavors. Prone to disappointment due to attributing qualities to others that they do not have.

Compatibility with female names

The best thing about the male name Trofim is considered to be compatibility with such female names as Alexandra, Augusta, Stefania, Isolde, Capitolina, Kaleria, Margarita and Tatyana. There is every chance of building a really strong union, full of passion, mutual understanding, love and devotion. Astrologers recommend such couples to avoid long separation.

Alevtina, Agatha, Nadezhda, Nellie, Susanna, Elvira and Vasilisa - in the case of a union with a woman named one of the listed variations, the chances of a happy marriage are less, but they are also available. The main thing is that jealousy and mistrust do not get in the way, because they can destroy a couple once and for all.

Well, researchers do not recommend creating a couple with Emma, ​​Stanislava, Eleanor, Ekaterina and Vladislava, because nothing good will come of such a combination anyway. Although, everything can work out in an inexplicable way...

The name Trofim originated in Ancient Greece from the word “breadwinner” or “pupil”. They were called boys who, for some reason, could not be fed by their own mother or were raised by strangers. In each country the name is pronounced differently: in China - Tilyufima, in Japan - Torofi, in Belarus - Trafim, in Ukraine - Trokhim.

Diminutive and affectionate form of the name: Trokha, Trofimushka, Trofimka, Fimka, Fimochka, Trosha, Trofka, Trofa, Fima.

By church calendar Trofim celebrates name day 9 times a year:

  • January 14 is the day of the holy martyr Priest Trofim Myachin.
  • January 17 is the day of the Hieromartyr Trophimus, one of the 70 apostles.
  • March 29 is the day of the Hieromartyr Trophimus of Laodicea, presbyter.
  • March 31 is the day of the martyr Trophimus of Nicomedia.
  • April 28 - the day of the holy martyr Trophimus.
  • August 5 is the day of the martyr Trophimus of Lycia.
  • September 2 is the day of the martyr Trophimus of Sinad.
  • October 26 is the day of the martyr Trophimus.
  • November 13 - the day of the martyr Trophim.

Depending on the time of year of birth, Trofim’s character differs:

  • Winter - Conflictful, vindictive, friendly, stingy.
  • Spring - Capricious, restless, disobedient, lazy.
  • Summer - Purposeful, pedantic, neat, homely.
  • Autumn - Selfish, proud, withdrawn, uncommunicative.


Little Trofimushka grows up as a slightly complex, contradictory, but non-conflict child, who loves to be praised, especially in front of everyone. He is often capricious and finds it difficult to sit in one place. He gets along easily with guys with whom he likes to play noisy and active games. Calm Board games he is not interested. He likes to run around the entire apartment, carelessly knocking over things around him, for which he is often punished by his parents. He easily charms others with his communication. So that the child does not lose faith in himself and his work, parents should praise him more often, remembering that Trofim’s praise will not spoil, but will make him act even better.

Trofim belongs to that category of guys who do not like to study, but like to play around. For which his parents are often called to school, because of his hooliganism, restlessness, poor performance, and irresponsibility. The hooligan and cocky Trofim is popular among his classmates; often, under his leadership, they can disrupt a lesson. Trofim never admits his guilt to his teachers and parents. Despite his irresponsible behavior, Trofim is always ready to help, treats others kindly, and will never deceive or let you down.

After graduating from school, Trofim becomes more responsible, more serious, and some shyness appears. Childish carelessness disappears, giving way to energy and determination. He knows how to understand people, immediately sees unreliable people, and easily forgives the mistakes of others. He is respected and his opinion is listened to. Because of his kindness, he is sometimes naive and can become an easy prey for scammers. In a critical situation, he can flare up, but quickly moves away and begins to think adequately. To reduce his own outbursts of aggression, Trofim should perceive surrounding events with humor.


As a child, Trofim was often sick colds, during adolescence, his body strengthens. In adulthood, due to stress and impressionability, the nerves and heart can play havoc.


It should be remembered that if Trofim is often praised, then he will give out more and more good results. They are one of those people whom praise does not spoil, but improves. His superiors and colleagues respect him for his hard work and determination. Trofim easily finds mutual language with strangers, can get even an unsociable person talking. Thanks to this quality, he will be able to achieve greater success in a profession based on communication: journalist, TV presenter, diplomat, politics, acting. Trofim has a difficult relationship with finances; he doesn’t know how to save them, he spends everything on expensive things and gifts, and then asks to borrow money, which, as a rule, he returns.


Trofim is not ready for family relationships until middle age, so he prefers short-term romances. He falls in love with women sincerely, until the last moment he does not see any flaws in his chosen one. He may reassure her that he will marry her and leave her as soon as the love passes or another, more spectacular girl appears on the horizon. Leaves behind a lot of broken women's hearts.

Trofim usually marries in middle age. He marries a reliable and thrifty woman who is capable of creating home comfort, taking full responsibility for everyday life and knowing how to manage finances. But Trofim will not always be faithful to his wife. Trofim marries twice in his entire life. Trofim raises his children in strictness, tries to give them an excellent education and can help them choose a suitable profession. It is important for Trofim that children find their rightful place in life and settle down Good work. For this he is ready to do anything.

Horoscope named after Trofim

Aries – Serious, responsible. He doesn't like to sit idle and makes a dizzying career. Boring and predictable in communication.

Taurus – Talented, narcissistic. He has talents and reads a lot. He prefers women to look after him.

Gemini - Friendly, sociable. Not a single party goes by without it, not a single skirt is allowed to pass by. Easily falls in love and is disappointed.

Cancer - Amorous, infantile. Avoids responsibility. He is easily offended by a carelessly thrown word. Marries a strong and strong-willed woman.

Leo - Hardworking, careerist. Ready to live at work in order to move up the career ladder. Makes excessive demands on others.

Virgo - Balanced, vulnerable. Does not like entertainment, is boring in communication. He will be a wonderful family man.

Libra – Optimistic, good-natured. A positive man in everything, easy to get along with people and non-conflict.

Scorpio - Straightforward, fair. He can be tough, he always defends his opinion to the last, and does not forgive insults.

Sagittarius – Restless, gentle. He is a favorite of women, whom he changes like gloves. Loves to travel.

Capricorn - Reasonable, calculating. He selects friends like himself and cannot stand liars. He will always come to the rescue and will not let you down in difficult times.

Aquarius - Impressionable, polite. May become depressed for a long time from bad news. Sincere and friendly in communication. He needs a determined wife.

Pisces - Dreamy, depressive. Lives his dreams, marries the same woman. He idealizes people, and then is severely disappointed in them.

The name Trofim gives the owner a cheerful, cheerful character. He does not enter into open conflict, and his sense of humor helps him perceive any situation in a humorous manner. His lightness of character makes him the soul of any company. Let us consider in detail the meaning of the name Trofim and its influence on the fate of the owner.

The origin of the name Trofim is associated with the culture of Ancient Greece. It appeared on Russian territory in connection with the spread of the Christian faith.

Meaning of the name

The meaning of the name Trofim translated from ancient Greek means “pupil”. Experts note that this was the name given to a baby who was fed by a nurse, and not by his own mother.

Name meaning by letters:

  • T – sensitivity, creativity, developed intuition, ambition and arrogant character.
  • P – hard work, ability to analyze and correctly assess what is happening, explosive character, impulsiveness.
  • O – sensuality, kindness, determination.
  • F – constant need for attention and recognition, practicality, pragmatic views, sociability.
  • And - sentimentality, refined taste, romantic nature.
  • M – kindness, responsiveness.


The meaning of the name Trofim for a child gives him activity, from which he sometimes goes too far. At the same time, little Trofim is often lazy, but in childhood this does not cause him or his parents much trouble. The boy is not as simple as he wants to seem at first glance, he does not know how to get along with his peers, does not take criticism well and comes up with problems out of nowhere. Another shortcoming of the boy is vanity; it is important for him to know that he is proud and admired. Lack of regular praise can trigger self-doubt.

The meaning of the name Trofim for a teenage boy reveals his sociability. He easily meets new people and becomes the life of the party, and can take a leadership position among his classmates. But at this time Trofim has big problems with his academic performance. The boy shows himself to be an irresponsible, lazy and frivolous student. Teachers often complain about him because he doesn’t learn at all. school curriculum. However, this difficult period of time has nothing to do with the guy’s future lifestyle.

The boy loves to read books, especially classical literature, and often writes something on paper. He can make an excellent journalist, writer or reporter if he stops perceiving his talent as a mere hobby and wants to take it to the next level. new level. Another weakness of Trofim is sports. He prefers wrestling or football and can become a professional athlete if he has the desire and enough discipline.

An adult Trofim is responsible, attentive, efficient, and his developed intuition helps him to easily understand people. He quickly recognizes lies and falsehood in communication, but does not suffer too much from their presence. There are enough people around him that he can rely on if necessary. This is an honest and decent man, but if his pride is hurt, he becomes angry and does not control his emotions. At such moments he is very hot-tempered.

A man named Trofim gets married quite late, and sometimes more than once. It is difficult for him to choose for himself suitable girl. He can be harsh and hot-tempered, looking for a calm, non-conflict, gentle companion who will obey him in everything. He is afraid of strong-willed, strong, emotional women and tries to avoid them. Trofim loves children, but does not express it too much. He considers the manifestation of feelings to be a weakness of character and is confident that only tough upbringing will help children grow up to be full-fledged people.


Trofim’s character largely depends on the season of birth:

  • Trofim, born in winter time- a man with a difficult, conflictual and capricious character, but he does not go into open conflict, holding back at the last moment. He is vain, sees all the shortcomings in others, ignoring his own. A difficult character becomes the reason for late marriage.
  • “Spring” is bright and positive, it combines all the positive qualities of the name. Those around him love him and listen to his opinion. An easy-going character makes a man the life of the party, and his responsiveness allows him to help those who need it, even without benefiting himself. His wife will be a smart, economical young lady who does not know vulgarity and vulgarity.
  • “Summer” is very purposeful, knows what he needs and goes towards it by any means, even if for the sake of the goal he needs to cross moral and some legal norms. A pedantic character and love of order makes him choose a neat, thrifty girl.
  • “Autumn” is a narcissistic egoist, this character trait greatly affects his life. He has almost no friends, his marriage is usually late and most often more than one. Not every woman is able to withstand his oppressive character.

Meaning of the name Trofim for zodiac signs:

  1. Aries is serious, disciplined, hardworking. This man lives by what he does. Girls find him boring, so he starts a family late.
  2. Taurus is a narcissistic man who believes that the whole world was created for him, does not like to show concern for others and to look after. Erudition and intelligence allow him to successfully position himself in the eyes of other people.
  3. Gemini is an adventurous romantic who loves travel. Sociable, easy to talk to, but very independent.
  4. Cancer - vulnerability, emotionality, changeability of moods - the main features of Trofim, born under this sign. He chooses a strong, decisive companion as his wife, to whom he shifts responsibility for both household management and relationships.
  5. Leo - he is distinguished by incredible endurance and hard work. Most of all in life, he strives for financial well-being, which makes him slightly stingy. He will choose as his wife a simple woman without whims and pretensions, for whom family will always be at the forefront.
  6. Virgo is a calm man, floating with the flow of life, he is not interested in mountains of gold. He prefers time with family or reading to noisy company.
  7. Libra - emotionality, temperament, activity - are his main traits. His feelings are impetuous, but he solves problems peacefully. His sociability allows him to easily make friends. He marries a girl who will not infringe on his freedom and personal space.
  8. Cruelty, straightforwardness and the desire for power are the character of Trofim-Scorpio. The desire to dominate makes him choose a quiet woman who indulges him in all his whims.
  9. Sagittarius is shy and timid, but these qualities are perceived by the environment as arrogance of character. Very vulnerable, wants communication, but is afraid of deception and betrayal. He will choose a girl who has earned trust as his wife.
  10. Capricorn is calculating, does not know how to find compromises, is reasonable, tries to select an environment with a character similar to his own. He cannot tolerate lies and insincerity, breaking off relations with deceivers and traitors once and for all. He will marry a strong, self-sufficient woman in whom he will see a partner.
  11. Aquarius is friendly, tactful and kind. Even minor troubles are difficult to experience, easily falling into depression. His wife will be a self-sufficient girl, capable of guiding and controlling a man.
  12. Pisces is a philosopher-dreamer, helpless in matters of everyday life. He needs a woman who has her feet firmly on the ground and can provide comfort.

Name day

Name day of Trofim according to the church calendar:

  • January 14, 17;
  • March 29, 31;
  • April 28;
  • 5th of August;
  • October 2, 26;
  • the 13th of November.

Name color

Trofim's lucky colors are brown and yellow. Brown often gives the owner of the name a difficult fate due to his overly emotional nature. But the “browns” are hardworking, responsible and responsive.

Yellow is the color of vitality, intelligence and rationality. These are creative and practical people who know how to prioritize.

Name flower

Trofim's mascot plants:

  • Peony is a symbol of love, sensual emotions and romance. Awakens passion in existing relationships and helps single people find a match.
  • Ginger – removes negativity, obstacles to goals, attracts what you want, love, financial well-being.
  • Wild rose or rose hips - helps to attract love, ignite feelings of passion, protects against witchcraft and evil spirits, and imparts vitality.

Church name

Trofim's church name does not change.

Translation of name in different languages

IN English language the name Trofim is spelled transcribed as Trofim. The same variant is used in Estonian and Persian. Translation of name in other languages:

  • In Ukrainian – Trokhym.
  • In Belarusian – Trafim.

Full name, shortened, affectionate

Shortened and affectionate forms of the name Trofim:

  • Fima.
  • Fimka.
  • Fimochka.
  • Trosha.
  • Troshka.
  • Troshechka.
  • Troshenka.

What names are suitable for patronymics?

The patronymic for a boy named Trofim is Trofimovich. Suitable names for a son:

  • Andrey.
  • Anatoly.
  • Nikolai.
  • Yaroslav.
  • Stanislav.
  • Michael.
  • Oleg.
  • Vladimir.

The middle name for a girl is Trofimovna. Names for daughter:

  • Elizabeth.
  • Varvara.
  • Zinaida.
  • Catherine.
  • Maria.
  • Olga.
  • Irina.
  • Anna.
  • Christina.
  • Alyona.


A man named Trofim will build a happy family relationship with:

  • Varvara.
  • Polina.
  • Alena.
  • Tatyana.
  • Irina.
  • Julia.
  • Christina.

According to Higir

Of ancient Greek origin, means: well-fed, pet.

Little Trofim is a child like a child; moderately capricious, moderately restless and disobedient, except that he is more noticeably lazy than other children. With age, its character changes, and for those born, for example, in winter, it is far from the same as for those born in the fall.

Among the “winter” ones, childish capriciousness develops into conflict, although it does not lead to open quarrels: they know how to stop in time, still harboring a grudge in their souls. They are deprived of self-criticism and are not able to evaluate themselves from the outside: they will notice a speck in someone else’s eye, but will not see a log in their own. Nevertheless, they have many friends from whom they can always find support in difficult times. In principle, these are people who are open to both friendship and love, but they are just a little stingy. The “summer” Trofimovs have an iron grip; they know perfectly well what they need from life. If it’s required for business, don’t mind lying. Pedants value accuracy above all else in a woman. Every thing in their home should know its exact place. Very homely - the kind of people they say about: strong owners.

“Autumn” Trofim is a selfish and selfish nature, and all his actions are dictated by these very qualities. He has almost no friends, marries late and lives with his parents. His first marriage, as a rule, breaks up. He does not like to visit or receive guests; in general, he leads a secluded lifestyle. The only exceptions are fishing, hunting, and outdoor trips. Some “autumn” Trofims emerge as military leaders.

Trophimas should take care of the heart and pay attention to the nervous system.

By D. and N. Zima

Meaning and origin of the name: "Breadwinner" (Greek)

Energy of the name and character: It is not difficult to notice that in the name Trofim the decisive and firm melody gives some glitches on the second syllable. Alas, this seemingly not very significant fact largely determines the character of Trofim and, which is also significant, leads to the fact that these days the name is falling out of use. Indeed, with Trofim’s rather strong-willed and persistent character, his main shortcomings are usually increased irritability and a painful reaction to external influences. At the same time, unfortunately, the energy of the name is directed not at solving the situation, but at dull internal discontent. Often touched to the quick, Trofim simply gives up and loses control over the situation, indulging in gloomy pessimism.

The matter is further complicated by the fact that the name is not only quite outdated, but in addition to everything, it is difficult to find a convenient and adequate diminutive form for it. There are not a lot of options here - either Trosha or Fima, and if the first option is not very harmonious, then the second simply does not correspond to the energy of the name. All this leads to the development of Trofim’s rather vulnerable pride and inclines him to an overly serious attitude towards life, especially in those cases when Trofim prefers to introduce himself in the full form of his name. Well, given this state of affairs, Trofim will have more than enough reasons for irritation and discontent.

There is, perhaps, only one way to avoid such a nuisance - it is very desirable if, in the process of raising Trofim, his seriousness and painful pride are smoothed out by the development of his sense of humor or simply the ability to relate to life more easily. In this case, they may come to the fore positive sides energy, of which, by the way, there are also a lot. First of all, this concerns Trofim’s determination, perseverance and colossal capacity for work. And in family relationships, conflict situations will sharply decrease.

Secrets of communication: Sometimes, when communicating with others, Trofim hides his irritation so deeply that one can only guess about it by how he loses the desire to continue the work he has started. Another thing is relationships with loved ones, here his dissatisfaction usually pours out without delay. However, he is very ambitious and susceptible to flattery, so sometimes it is enough to praise him for the relationship to improve again.

The name's trace in history:

Trofim Lysenko

The name of the creator of the so-called Michurin system, Trofim Lysenko (1898–1976), is now well known mainly as a scientific curiosity. Indeed, it is now difficult to believe that the ideas of this man, rejecting classical genetics as “bourgeois” and developing the theme of the transition of one species to another, at one time became so widespread, becoming the Soviet official point of view.

Having placed a Marxist foundation under his teaching, Lysenko quite easily achieved the support of Stalin, after which scientific schools in genetics were barbarically destroyed, scientists who preached “bourgeois science” were persecuted in every possible way, while the great agronomist himself gave agriculture all kinds of advice on super-fast breeding of new varieties. And although all attempts to put his ideas into practice ended in failure and enormous material damage, Trofim Lysenko sincerely believed that if a birch tree, for example, grows next to a pine tree, then birch shoots may well appear on the latter from such a neighborhood. In full accordance with the popular saying: “Whoever you mess with...”.