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Why fat may not be lost. How to get rid of visceral fat on the stomach for men and women. Exercises and other ways. How fat is burned

Have you ever thought about this question: where does fat actually go? Communicating with people on forums, we noticed that the vast majority are so accustomed to the wording “fat burning” that they have no idea, moreover, have not even thought about this issue.

Some firmly believe that fat leaves the waist along with sweat, which is why cling film wraps and all sorts of sauna belts and suits once became popular. Others think that fat is removed from the body in a rather prosaic way 🙂 And still others naively believe that fat turns into muscle (oh, if only that were true: imagine working out and voila, you’re not fat, but muscular).

Let's finally figure out what goes where when losing weight and find out what happens to fat cells: can fat return to the same place?


Before we find out where, let’s find out how fats “disappear” when you lose weight! We already have a cool article about this, but let’s briefly consider this process, because repetition is the mother of learning:

  1. To begin with we need reduced caloric intake, in order to generally create a need to replenish energy from its reserves. Those. when you want to eat, but you clenched your will into a fist and endure it, then your body understands: “there’s no point in relying on you, you’ll have to do it yourself!”
  2. Next the body releases fatty acid from cells and releases them into the blood. Moreover, it is absolutely unclear where exactly they will be taken from: targeted local fat burning, alas, does not exist!
  3. After fatty acids enter the blood, they need to be consumed, i.e. any activity that requires calories! Otherwise, they will return back to storage places if the energy demand does not reach certain heights.

An interesting point from the article: fat is most actively used as a source of energy during low- and moderate-intensity cardio (pulse 120-160 beats/min, calm deep breathing). However, in the end, it doesn’t matter at all for losing weight :)

“So, so what?” you ask. How does this explain to us where subcutaneous fat goes during weight loss? Don't worry, everything will be clear now!


So, where does fat go when a person loses weight? The most popular answers were:

  • comes out with feces
  • with sweat,
  • turns into energy
  • processed into muscles.

In 2014, the British Medical Journal published the results of a survey of 150 therapists, nutritionists and fitness trainers on a given topic. The results speak for themselves :)

Regarding the fourth answer, we immediately and categorically say - this is complete nonsense! Read the article! Fat and muscle are completely different tissues. Fat and muscle have nothing in common; these cells differ both in their content and purpose. And it is impossible to make others from some cells.

Let's now look at the remaining options.

    With feces. The option with feces seems quite logical - the fat has broken down and left the body in a completely, uh, natural way. But don’t lose sight of the fact that ¾ of our feces is just water, the rest is undigested fiber, bile, and bacteria. Normal fat content in feces is about 5%. If this percentage increases, then this is already a disease - steatorrhea and you should definitely consult a doctor!

    With then. Many newcomers to the world of sports seriously believe in this. In fact, sweat includes products of protein metabolism, which it is important for the body to get rid of (urea, lactic and uric acid, ammonia, some amino acids), but not fat.

    Two sweatshirts in a warm gym, exhausting intensive training- various means are used to get a good sweat. Alas, with this barbaric method you do not burn fat, but you ensure yourself dehydration, causing serious harm to your well-being and, by the way, to your muscles, which are 75% water. Dehydration can lead to fainting, hyperthermia (excessive heat buildup) and slower fat burning. In addition, with water imbalance, the consumption of fat reserves is inhibited, and protective function body: it is necessary to use the remaining resources for normal functioning.

    Turns into energy. So, in the article we discussed a very important point: fat cannot be melted, “split” using mechanical action (yes, a scam), washed with water, expelled by a spell or a nasty broom from the body. We can do one thing: “burn” it in muscle mitochondria.

    Let us remind you that to meet energy needs, the body does not take fat directly from the abdomen and other loin areas. First, fatty acids enter the blood and only then are used to benefit the cause, or are returned back to storage places if the need for energy does not reach certain heights.

    Those. In principle, the option about energy has a place to be. However, fat cannot “convert” into energy - this violates the law of conservation of mass of a substance (in case anyone has forgotten: “The weight of all substances that enter into a reaction is equal to the weight of all reaction products”). Because?

In fact: energy is stored in the chemical bonds between atoms in a molecule. When a molecule breaks apart, the energy that was holding the atoms together is released. The body uses it. The released atoms combine with oxygen - this is how it turns out carbon dioxide And water. It is in them that fat turns and leaves the body.

You can create the following portrait of a fat molecule: 6 oxygen atoms, fifty carbon atoms and a hundred hydrogen atoms. In order for fat to leave our mortal body, it must oxidize, i.e. oxygen is needed. Under the influence of oxygen, fat breaks down into carbon dioxide and water, releasing energy at the same time. Carbon dioxide is eliminated through the lungs, water is excreted through sweat and urine, and energy is used to power the body.

Fat + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water + energy

Important point: After such information, the question may arise, what happens to fat cells when losing weight? Answer: they don’t go anywhere, the darlings remain in place, albeit in a significantly reduced size, i.e. as if deflated, so that later, if you start overeating, you can safely “grow” again.

The conclusion that comes to mind is: if you need oxygen to lose weight, do you need to breathe more to lose weight faster? There are even breathing and weight-loss training methods that promise rapid weight loss - the famous bodyflex, for example.

Of course, in reality it doesn't work like that. Energy from fat is taken exactly in the amount that the body needs. Oxygen is one of the conditions for fat combustion, but this is not an impetus for its extraction from fat cells. And the process of losing weight begins precisely with this: fat must first be removed from the cells, and... The signal is given to them by the central nervous system which sees a lack of energy. Forced breathing only leads to hyperventilation, dizziness, rapid heartbeat and fainting.

Basically, nothing new: you need a nutritional deficiency and movement :) There is no Medzhik, but you hang in there!

If you like to eat sweets, are fond of sandwiches at night and don’t mind eating to capacity at some holiday, then it’s not surprising why your stomach doesn’t go away. With this diet, you consume a lot of calories, that is, more than you burn during exercise. Additionally, as you age, your metabolic rate slows down. The calories you consume are harder to burn.

Try reconsidering your diet. For example, avoid processed foods and focus on incorporating whole foods into your diet. Whole grains, beans, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables. These nutritious and fiber-rich foods will not only improve your health, but will also ensure that your meals leave you feeling full, which will prevent you from overeating.

As for a stressful psychological state and lack of healthy sleep, both of these factors increase cortisol levels. Our body begins to worry and increases fat reserves.

This is interesting! Time is not on your side. When a woman reaches menopause, estrogen levels decrease and fat redistribution occurs. Fat on the thighs rises towards the stomach. This will not lead to weight gain, but belly fat may not go away for a while.

One more thing. Perhaps you don't exercise enough. Not enough to burn the calories you consume in a day. Then you should reconsider your training plan and add loads. If you only do cardio training: running, walking, cycling, aerobics. Then try adding power training with additional weights and on exercise machines in the gym.

Advice! If you only use your abdominal muscles in exercises, then this is an ineffective method. During training, put stress on all muscle groups and place more emphasis on the problem area. An integrated approach will lead you to results much faster.

So, eating right, reducing stress and sleeping well are all lifestyle adjustments that should help you with that stubborn tummy.

But the fat still doesn’t leave the belly, what should I do?

If your lifestyle already consists of proper nutrition, exercise, healthy sleep and psychological well-being, then most likely you should have a great tummy with six-pack. But if this is not the case, then you (God forbid, of course) may have gastrointestinal diseases or diabetes. In this case, be sure to consult a doctor and get examined.

This is interesting! Belly fat is the last to be burned. There may be other problem areas with fat reserves on your body. First of all, when proper diet and training, fat will go away from these problem areas on your body.

Video why belly fat does not go away after training:

How to remove excess belly fat and achieve a thin and beautiful waist? You may have already tried dozens of different diets and regularly do physical exercise, but it’s impossible to achieve the desired result.

Why is it that sometimes, despite all our efforts, we cannot get rid of it?

Today we will tell you what exactly the problem may be. We hope that in the future our recommendations will help you find a thin and beautiful waist.

1. Elimination of all types of fats from the diet

When we want to lose weight, there is often a dangerous temptation to completely eliminate all types of fat from our diet. We think this is quite logical.

Carefully! Do you think that a diet that excludes fats is healthy? You are mistaken, and now we will explain why:

  • There are fats that useful and necessary for our body. For example, monounsaturated fatty acids.
  • As a rule, many people replace fats with carbohydrates, which does not help remove fat deposits in the abdominal area.
  • To fight excess weight, our body need fatty acids. These are what we call “healthy fats.” They are found in foods such as avocados, olive oil and walnuts. Their daily use, on the contrary, contributes. In addition, these products are very filling.

2. Our mood

How do you feel when you are on a diet? Sadness, anxiety, nervousness - these are the feelings that usually accompany a person who is trying to lose weight.

Emotions are changeable and unstable: our desire to become more attractive and beautiful, despite stress, fights against the constant feeling of hunger if we stick to a diet. We cannot afford small joys in the form of, for example, a cake, which improve our mood.

According to a study conducted by Rush University Medical Center (Chicago, USA), most women who often feel sad or have excess belly fat.

Therefore, do not forget: to have a toned and flat stomach, it is very important to take care not only of nutrition, but also of your emotional state.

3. Magnesium deficiency

We have already talked about the health benefits of magnesium more than once. But did you know that does this mineral play a very important role in the process of getting rid of extra pounds?

  • Magnesium helps balance blood sugar and insulin levels.
  • Sources of this mineral include nuts (for example), as well as legumes and cereals. Can also be purchased at a pharmacy or specialty store vitamin complexes who will help make up for the deficit of this substance.

4. “Light” carbonated drinks will not help remove excess fat.

One of the most common mistakes is not eliminating completely carbonated drinks from the diet, but choice of “light” soda, which is usually denoted by the word "light". In this case, the amount of belly fat only increases. This happens because the sweetener included in such drinks provokes the release of insulin while blood sugar levels remain unchanged. As a result, sugar levels drop and this leads to strong feeling hunger.

Remember: if you decide to lose weight, you must completely eliminate sugary carbonated drinks from your diet.

5. Are you over 50 and neglecting exercise?

After 50 years, our metabolism changes and it becomes more difficult for us to lose weight, despite all our efforts and careful attention to our diet. Therefore it is very important to combine healthy eating with physical activity.

The main thing to remember is - exercise should be aerobic. Such loads train our heart and lungs, the breathing rhythm accelerates, and the functioning of these organs improves.

Such exercises help reduce the amount of belly fat, because during physical activity our body needs energy. Problem areas in this case become good “fuel reserves”. That's why go for a walk, jog, ride a bike, dance as often as possible.

6. Eat more “brightly colored” foods

What products exactly do you mean? According to a recent report in The Journal of Nutrition, people who eat red, orange, and yellow fruits and vegetables every day have slimmer waists and slim stomach.

For example, take a look at these products:

  • Lemons
  • Oranges
  • and broom
  • Red pepper
  • Watermelon
  • Strawberry
  • Red grapes
  • A pineapple
  • Pumpkin
  • Papaya
  • Carrot

Try making some changes in your diet from today - this will help you lose weight with greater health benefits. Don't forget that motivation and attention to your physical and emotional health will help you have a slimmer and more beautiful figure.

Keep in mind that excess fat in the abdominal area is very dangerous for our health, because it can cause a heart attack.

If you want to lose excess belly fat, you can work your butt off, spend weeks or even months on it, but still not get the desired result. Failures are frustrating, frustrating, and disheartening, especially when it's holiday parties or (even worse) beach season.

Many people dream of making their abs look like a washboard. But is it really necessary to get rid of all the fat cells located in the area? abdominal cavity? According to experts, a little belly fat is still good for you. The thin layer provides reliable protection internal organs, including the stomach and intestines. The key phrase in this statement is “small thickness.” And if you have too much tissue volume in the abdominal area, it extends deeper into the body, creating what is scientifically called "visceral fat."

The compounds contained in this layer cause inflammatory processes in the body and also increase the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. However, we also have good news, according to which it is easier for women to get rid of visceral fat compared to men (by about 30 percent). Here are the most common reasons that prevent you from getting rid of this bulging lump on your stomach once and for all.

Your menu is not colorful enough

Natural foods that are brightly colored contain more vitamin C, which is responsible for reducing the level of the hormone cortisol. Constant stress prevents your body from losing fat even in a calorie deficit. But as soon as you diversify your diet with vegetables of bright colors (red, yellow, orange and green), your business will go uphill. So don't be lazy adding mango pieces to your fish dish or red bell pepper in coleslaw. Use grapefruit, spinach and oranges as a snack.

You have eliminated all types of fats

Paradoxically, some types of fats are very good at targeting fat cells in the abdominal area. And if you didn't know about this feature, you could completely exclude this nutritional group from the menu. Monounsaturated fatty acids, which are colloquially called “healthy fats,” will be your reliable allies. They are responsible for the absorption of vitamins and the elimination of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Monounsaturated fats can curb your appetite and prevent cravings for unhealthy foods. They are found in red fish, nuts, olive oil and avocados.

Processed meat is not good for your diet

In one recent scientific experiment, two groups of people were given 750 extra calories on a daily basis. Some of the volunteers received a “supplement” of saturated fats, and the other part received a “supplement” of unsaturated fats. After seven weeks, half of the participants had twice as much visceral fat. It's easy to guess that those who were in the processed meat eating group gained extra inches around their waists. Try getting your calories and protein from fish rather than cutlets. The ideal option would be salmon, trout or dietary chicken. But minced meat used to make cheeseburgers and hamburgers will not be the best choice.

You drink Diet Coke

A recent scientific study published in the journal Obesity found that diet soda drinkers had a higher percentage of body fat. This is because you are overestimating the number of calories "saved." If you are not ready to part with your favorite drink, you will have to reduce the number of calories in your daily menu.

You have a magnesium deficiency

People who do not get enough of this valuable macronutrient from food experience physical consequences in the form of increased blood glucose levels and more. high level insulin. You may not attribute these manifestations in any way to a lack of magnesium, which is key chemical elements in the body, performing up to 300 different functions. There is a good reason to include foods like bananas, soybeans, and green leafy vegetables in your diet.

You eat packaged foods

Food products that are sold in boxes or packages are seriously harmful to your health. But the worst thing in this case is that they do not relieve you of excess belly fat, as they contain quickly digestible carbohydrates (chips, cookies) and a huge amount of refined sugar. When you eat these foods as a snack, insulin is released and your blood sugar levels immediately rise. An excess of this hormone causes excess glucose to be transported to storage areas on the sides and abdomen.

We all know how difficult it is to give up junk food in our diet, how difficult it is to give up cookies, chips and soda once and for all. Therefore, we offer you an alternative, more gentle option, in which organic products will gradually replace everything harmful. Therefore, add even more fruits and vegetables to your daily menu (especially during lunch and dinner). Plant fibers take a long time to digest and provide a feeling of fullness for a long time, in addition, they are low in calories.

Do you like beer

In 2013, scientists from Denmark found that beer is directly linked to belly fat. And if you love this drink, you won't be happy about this news. There is another depressing fact: wine is also correlated with the accumulation of excess body weight, especially in women. What should ladies who like to “relax” at the end of the day on a regular basis do? Try cutting down the quantity alcoholic drinks to seven or less per week. Beer has a high calorie content, so limiting tactics should be beneficial for the stomach.

You're missing out on the benefits of doing yoga

Unfortunately, when a woman's body goes through menopause, it begins to hold onto belly fat more and more. That's why after 45 years it becomes more and more difficult to keep your abs in good shape. However, middle-aged ladies can breathe a sigh of relief. Scientific research, conducted in 2012, found that practicing yoga could reduce your waist size by one and a half centimeters. According to the conditions of the experiment, women at the age of menopause studied in class three times a week.

Start exercising yourself, do it on a regular basis, and after a few weeks you will notice a significant improvement in your results. If you are not at all comfortable with yoga, but want to get the benefits of this Eastern practice, treat yourself to something relaxing and enjoyable. Relaxing procedures on a daily basis reduce the production of stress hormones.

You are depressed

Women who experience depression are more likely to develop excess belly fat. This can be explained by apathy, decreased physical activity and poor eating habits. What to do to overcome the blues? Put on your workout clothes and head to the gym. Physical activity increases the production of chemicals in the brain that are responsible for good mood and increased metabolism.

Your training complex is ineffective

Research shows that high-intensity interval training is the best way for burning fat. In this case, intense vigorous exercise should be accompanied by short periods of rest. This method burns more calories in less time and also reduces insulin and cortisol levels. Therefore, you should avoid low-intensity training in favor of HIIT.