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Child body mass index calculator. Calculation of normal body weight (BMI). Depends only on age

Child's height and weight, head and chest circumference are the main anthropometric indicators of physical development.

Thus, body weight is the most sensitive parameter with the fastest dynamics in diseases and malnutrition of a child.

And based on growth indicators, the doctor can judge the development of the body as a whole. When a child’s growth slows down, growth and development simultaneously slow down to varying degrees. internal organs, including the brain and heart.

The physical development of a child occurs according to certain patterns, which we will talk about in this article.

Child's height and weight from birth to one year

In the first 6 months of life, children grow at their fastest rate, gaining about 200 grams of weight and almost 1 cm per week.

Body length(height) of a full-term newborn baby ranges from 45 to 55 cm (average 50 – 53 cm).

The increase in height in the first year of life is:

— in the first quarter (from 0 to 3 months) — 3 cm per month;
- in the second quarter (from 3 to 6 months) - 2.5 cm per month;
- in the third quarter (from 6 to 9 months) - 1.5 - 2 cm per month;
- in the IV quarter (from 9 to 12 months) - 1 cm per month.

Thus, over the entire first year, the child gains about 25 cm (this is approximately 50% of his height at birth), and in a year his height reaches 75-76 cm.

Body mass(weight) of a full-term newborn 2500 – 4500 g (average 3200 – 3500 g).

After birth, body weight decreases by 6-8% (but not more than 10%), which is associated with the release of meconium and urine, drying of the umbilical cord remnant and evaporation through the skin and lungs - physiological weight loss. It is maximum on days 3-5 of life, and by days 6-7 (maximum by the 10th) body weight is restored to its original value.

Due to physiological weight loss and difficulties in establishing lactation, body weight in the first month of life increases relatively little - by 400 - 600 grams; in the 2nd month the increase reaches almost 1 kg.

It is believed that in the first half of the year a child gains on average 800 grams per month (but not less than 500 g, or 125 g per week).

In the second half of the year, the average increase is 400 grams per month:

— 600 grams for the 7th month;
— 550 grams for the 8th month;
— 500 grams for the 9th month;
— 450 grams for the 10th month;
- 400 grams for the 11th month;
— 350 grams for the 12th month.

The weight reaches approximately 8 kg by six months, and 10 - 10.5 kg by one year.

At 4.5 - 5 months, body weight doubles, and by one year it triples.

The patterns of changes in body weight described above apply to full-term children born with normal body weight. The dynamics of body weight in premature and low birth weight infants is significantly different.

Chest circumference a newborn is about 34 cm, at six months – 44 cm, by one year it reaches 48 cm.

Head circumference equal to 35-36 cm at birth, and 46-47 cm by year.

For an approximate calculation of the main anthropometric indicators in children under one year old, the following methods exist:
(n is the child’s age in months, h is body length in cm):

  • Body Length(cm):

- the body length of a child at 6 months is 66 cm;
- for each missing month up to 6 months, subtract 2.5 cm from 66 cm: 66 – 2.5×(6 – n) ;
- for each month over 6 to 66 cm, add 1.5 cm: 66 + 1.5×(n - 6)

  • Body weight (g):

- body weight at 6 months is 8000 grams (relatively);
- for each month up to 6, 800 grams are subtracted from 8000 grams: 8000 – 800×(6 – n) ;
- for each month over 6, 400 grams are added to 8000 grams: 8000 + 400×(n - 6)

  • Body weight (g) by body length (cm):

- with a body length of 66 cm, the weight is 8200 grams;
- for every centimeter missing up to 66 centimeters, 300 grams are subtracted from 8200 grams: 8200 - 300×(66 - h) ;
- for each additional centimeter to 66, 250 grams are added to 8200 grams: 8200 + 250×(h - 66)

  • Bust circumference (cm):

- chest circumference at 6 months is 45 cm;
- for each missing month up to 6 months, subtract 2 cm from 45 cm: 45 – 2×(6 – n) ;
- for each month over 6, 0.5 cm is added to 45 cm: 45 + 0.5×(n – 6)

  • Head circumference (cm):

- the head circumference of a child at 6 months is 43 cm;
- for each month up to 6, subtract 1.5 cm from 43 cm: 43 – 1.5×(6 – n) ;
- for each month over 6, 0.5 cm is added to 43 cm: 43 + 0.5×(n – 6)

You can also use the formulas:

  • To calculate body weight (g):

— in the first half of the year: birth weight + 800 × number of months ;
— in the second half of the year: birth weight + 4800 + 400 × (number of months – 6) ;
- for ages from 3 to 12 months (kg): (number of months + 9)/2

  • To calculate head circumference from 0 to 12 months (cm): (height in cm + 19)/2

Height and weight after one year

During the second year of life, the child grows by 12-13 cm, in the third year - by 7-8 cm. In the future growth increase averages 5-6 cm per year.

The doubling of growth occurs by the age of 4, tripling by the age of 11.

There are 2 peaks (maximum) of growth rate. The first occurs between 4 and 5.5 years in boys and after 6 years in girls. Then the growth rate decreases and becomes minimal at 9.5 years in boys and 8.5 years in girls.

The second maximum growth rate in boys occurs in the range from 13.5 to 15.5 years (maximum height increase is 10 cm), followed by a sharp slowdown. For girls, this period corresponds to 10–11.5 years (maximum height increase is 8 cm).

The cessation of growth in length occurs at 17 years and 9 months in boys and 16 years 3 months in girls.

Weight gain in the second year of life it is about 2.5 kg, at 3 - 5 years - about 2 kg, in early school age 3 - 3.5 kg per year, and in prepubertal and pubertal age it can reach 5 - 8 kg per year.

Rate of increase chest volume after a year it decreases to 2-2.5 cm per year. After 11-12 years, the development of the chest intensifies again.

Head circumference increases to 50-51 cm at 5 years and to 53-54 cm at 12 years. At this age, the brain reaches the size of an adult.

  • Height (cm):

- at 4 years old, the child’s height is 100 cm;
- for each missing year up to 4 years, 8 cm is subtracted from 100 cm: 100 – 8×(4 – n) ;
- for every year over 4, 6 cm is added to 100 cm: 100 + 6×(n - 4) ;

- at 8 years old the child’s height is 130 cm;
- for each missing year up to 8 years, 8 cm is subtracted from 130 cm: 130 – 8×(8 – n) ;
- for each year over 8 to 130 cm, add 5 cm: 130 + 5×(n - 8)

  • Body weight of children 2-11 years old (kg):

— the body weight of a 5-year-old child is 19 kg;
- for each year up to 5, 2 kg are subtracted from 19 kg: 19 - 2×(5 - n) ;
- for each year over 5, 3 kg is added to 19 kg: 19 + 3×(n - 5)

  • Body weight of children 12-16 years old (kg):

- age is multiplied by 5 and 20 is subtracted from the product: 5n – 20

  • Body weight (kg) by body length (cm):

- with a height of 125 cm, body weight is about 25 kg;
— for every 5 cm missing up to 125 cm, 2 kg are subtracted from 25 kg: 25 - 2×(125 - h)/5 ;
- for every additional 5 cm to 125 cm, 3 kg is added, and for children entering puberty - 3.5 kg: 25 + 3×(h - 125)/5

  • Bust circumference (cm):

- a 10-year-old child has a chest circumference of 63 cm;
- for each year up to 10, subtract 1.5 cm from 63 cm: 63 – 1.5×(10 – n) ;
- for each year over 10, 3 cm is added to 63 cm: 63 + 3×(n – 10)

  • Head circumference (cm):

- at 5 years, the head circumference is 50 cm;
- for each missing year up to 5 years, 1 cm is subtracted from 50 cm, the formula in a simplified form looks like this: 45+n ;
- for each year after 5 years, 0.6 cm is added to 50 cm: 50 + 0.6×(n – 5)

To calculate the weight and height of children after one year, you can use the formulas:

  • Calculation of body weight (kg):

- 16 years: number of years × 2 + 8 ;
– 7 – 12 years: (number of years × 7 – 5)/2 ;

  • Height (cm) at 2 – 12 years: number of years × 6 + 77

There are also several ways to predict final growth child. One of them is calculating the child’s height by the end of the period based on the average height of the parents.

Formula for calculation:

- for boys - 0.5×(father's height + mother's height) + 5 cm ;
- for girls - 0.5×(father’s height + mother’s height) – 5 cm .

The final height can be calculated based on the child’s height at 3 years:

- for boys - 1.27 × height at 3 years + 54.9 cm ;
- for girls - 1.29 × height at 3 years + 42.3 cm .

All the formulas given above allow us to determine only approximate indicators of physical development for a certain age.

Child's height and weightindividual. For a more accurate assessment, they use special tables of standards of sigmal and centile types, but this is a topic for a separate article.

The birth of a child is a great joy in the family. Pleasant chores of preparing for a new family member, changes in life, the first trip to the children's clinic. Every mother knows how much her baby weighed at birth.

All children are weighed from the first minutes of their life, and a visit to the pediatrician is not complete without this. This procedure is considered one of the most important during the examination. But not every mother can assess whether the child’s body weight is normal.

It is very important to monitor children's body mass index to prevent weight from getting out of control.

Read also

What is body mass index?

Body mass index is a value that represents the ratio of weight to height. Abbreviated BMI indicates the physical condition, determines whether a person’s weight is normal, overweight or underweight.

This term is considered indispensable in diagnosing obesity and other diseases directly related to excess or deficiency of mass. The weight of both adults and children should always correspond to their height.

Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator

How to correctly calculate body mass index yourself?

If you don’t have the Internet at hand, but you just need to find out your body mass index, then it’s very easy. In children, body mass index is usually calculated using the Keele formula. Exact weight The baby is divided by twice the height. The result will be a two-digit number.

Basic BMI indicators

After determining the child’s body mass index, it is necessary to compare the obtained figures and determine which parameters it falls into. The normal BMI value for children over one year of age ranges from 18.5 to 25.

  • If the indicators are below normal by more than 2.5 points, this may indicate a significant lack of body weight in children. A body mass index below 16 suggests possible serious problems with health, development of anorexia.
  • Value is higher than normal neither is good result– it indicates the beginning of the development of obesity. Body mass index up to 30 is small overweight, which can be managed by introducing a diet and increasing physical activity. A body weight score of more than 30 confirms the development of obesity. These numbers should force parents to act as soon as possible. In this case, the help of a specialist is mandatory.

All this does not apply to babies from birth until they are one year old. Their norm values ​​are slightly different and range from 13 to 21.

The easiest way to calculate

The easiest way to find out your child's body mass index is through the Internet. It will take just minutes and will give the most reliable results.

The online calculator takes into account the gender, height, weight and age of children. The result should be a two-digit number, which is the body mass index.

A special program will not only calculate BMI itself and show acceptable limits, but will also identify the presence of a problem situation or its absence.

It must be remembered that all children are different and in certain children, a body mass index exceeding the normal limits does not always signal a disease. About 10% of children will never meet the set limits, which is considered their individual norm. Remember that only a doctor can determine this.

What is the weight:

In accordance with age standards and calculated body mass index, children are divided into categories:

BMI table for children

Read also

What to do if you are overweight or underweight?

Weight problems should never be ignored. Osteoporosis, anemia, weakened immunity, disorders in the endocrine system - this is a small part of what threatens a child with a large deviation in weight.

When malnourished, children may experience dysfunction of vital organs, hair loss, general apathy and fatigue. With obesity, the spine is the first to suffer and the risk of heart disease increases. If measures are not taken in time, the consequences may be irreversible.

Measures to take:

Parents should not forget that their own lifestyle directly affects their children. Social factors such as lack of mobility, overeating, excess fatty and high-calorie foods in the diet of adults are copied first.

About BMI centile tables

Children and adolescents grow every day. Of course, they all develop differently, but increases also have their own established measures. For a more accurate assessment of full development in pediatrics, centile tables are used.

Parents can use them themselves so as not to miss the development of pathology in the baby from birth. These tables estimate the ratio of height and body weight and indicate the norms of physical development of children.

All you need is a scale and a measuring ruler. For children under two years of age, you should find special scales to ensure accurate data. If there are none, then you can first weigh the adult, then pick up the child and repeat the procedure.

What are centiles?

Centile is a value that indicates some parameter that corresponds to a certain number of subjects who have good health and development. IN in this case- height, weight, head and chest circumference. All this must be measured before using the table.

There are a large number of centile tables and graphs. There are tables for girls and boys, since gender determines the presence of different development standards. Boys are taller than girls, and girls mature faster sexually. In such graphs you can track the average performance of children from birth to 17 years.

The purpose of all of them is that in the center there is an average amount, which most children have. The lowest and highest values ​​are indicated along the edges of the table. This way you can determine how close the child is to the average that corresponds to the norm.

These are some growth corridors according to WHO, showing us children of the same age starting from the shortest to the tallest. The closer the readings are to the edges of the table, the greater the deviation from average size, a signal about the presence or possibility of developing a disease.

When working with the table, you need to determine which column contains your child’s indicators. Find which centile corridor your measurements fall into. Depending on the measurements, children's development indicators are assessed in points.

The range of points is from one to eight. Indicators ranging from three to six are considered the norm. It is important that these scores do not differ by more than 2 points with age. IN otherwise certain health problems may be expected.

These tables must be used during routine examinations of children under one year of age. On their basis, the pediatrician judges the proportionality of the children’s physical development.

You should not make any diagnoses after comparing the indicators of centile tables with the indicators of your children. After all, these tables are just conditionally normative values. You should know the hereditary and characteristic indicators of each child. Only a doctor will determine whether development is harmonious.

The health of children directly depends on their body weight, which is why it is so important to monitor this. This is especially true for children from birth to three years old. After all, such children cannot tell themselves what worries them.

Only some external signs can give a signal that problems have begun in the body. Excess body weight inhibits physical development; it is difficult for a child to roll over, stand up and take the first steps.

Lack of weight can cause a lack of nutrients and developmental stunting in children. may directly depend on the condition of the child. Taking care of your baby’s body mass index will help identify developmental pathologies and promptly eliminate them.

Each child at birth is checked for weight and height, the norms of which are presented in the corresponding centile tables developed by the World Health Organization. Another way to verify data is to use online calculators. They usually include parameters that children must have from birth to 12 years of age. For parents, these numbers are of particular importance, as they are a sign of normal growth and development of the child or signal deviations from standard indicators.

Height and weight calculator

The child's height and weight calculator is a special program designed to determine the normal weight and height of a child in accordance with his age (from 0 to 12 years). In addition to those existing on this moment parameters, the calculator allows you to predict future height and weight indicators. To do this, you need to fill in additional fields.

On a note. In each individual case, the baby’s development occurs individually, as a result of which the dynamics of growth and weight gain may differ from the average parameters.

To make sure that your baby is developing normally, it is useful to check the WHO standards from time to time and also get information about the projected figures. If the parents’ concerns about the child’s health are confirmed, it is necessary to find the cause of the deviations and select the appropriate method to eliminate the defect.

The result of calculations in the calculator is displayed in the following versions:

  • According to centile tables;
  • In the form of a ratio of the child’s weight and height.

For example, you can consider the following option. The boy's age is 9 years. The child’s height is 148 cm, weight – 33 kg. If you compare the obtained data with generally accepted standards presented in centile tables, you get:

  • Height is high, since at the age of 9 years the norm is 126-136 cm;
  • Weight is overweight, since the norm is within the range of 25.6-31.5 kg.

If we consider the boy’s weight in accordance with his height, then the indicator is low - normal body weight for a height of 148 cm is 35-38 kg.

So, the child’s weight is above average, while the boy’s height is even greater than the norm, therefore, the weight to a certain extent lags behind the growth parameters. Based on the centile tables, the child’s weight is excessive for the standard, but at the same time insufficient for the boy’s height.

Important! All data obtained using the calculator, including predicted figures, must be analyzed. If obvious deviations from the norm are observed, you should consult a doctor for advice.

The method for using the online application is as follows:

  1. Select the gender and age of the baby. The program will display the parameters that the child must meet according to the generally established standard.
  2. Click "Calculate".
  3. Measure the child's height and weight.
  4. Compare the result with the calculator parameters.

Interesting. The weight of a newborn is the main indicator that determines the baby’s vital activity. This is why babies in the maternity hospital are weighed every morning. The normal weight of a newborn should be between 2.5-4.5 kg. Inconsistency with the lower limit indicates malnutrition, which can be caused by serious developmental disorders. Exceeding the upper limit indicates overweight body of the baby, in this case it is recommended to change the feeding regimen.

Modern standards for child development are based on the fact that breastfeeding is a biological norm. The standard is a healthy full-term baby who has no weight problems and is on breastfeeding. The previous standards, unlike the new ones, were based on the parameters of children who were both breastfed and bottle-fed.

To establish standards, experts examined about 9 thousand babies who met all the necessary parameters. The data obtained was used to plot the weight and height of children aged 0 to 10 years and by gender.

Child details

To get the initial data to check them in the calculator, you need to correctly measure the child’s height and weight. To determine height indicators at home, you can use a measuring tape or a stadiometer. The child is placed barefoot on the floor with his back to the ruler. It is important that the baby stands straight, his arms are lowered along the body, his knees are straightened, and his feet are shifted. The child's head should be positioned so that the edge of the lower eyelid and the upper edge of the ear are in line. During the procedure, the baby should touch the plane with his heels, buttocks and shoulder blades.

An anthropometer is also used to determine the child's height. During the procedure, the doctor asks the baby to stand up straight and turn his right shoulder towards him. The device is placed vertically in front of the child. A barbell with a scale is held right hand, the movement of the measuring ruler is done with the left. As a result, the value located at the top edge of the ruler is considered. The error is approximately 1 mm.

Good to know. If you need to determine the body length of a small child, then you need to use a stadiometer for infants. In this case, measurements are taken in a lying position. After 2 years, height is measured in a standing position.

If we talk about body weight, then this parameter is determined using scales. It is best to use electronic scales for this. The child must stand on the central part of the device during the measurement process. The position in which the baby is (sitting, lying or standing) during the procedure depends on age.

On a note. If a baby is weighed in a diaper, then the weight of the diaper is subtracted from the result obtained. Measurements are taken in the morning, when the child has not yet eaten, but has already gone to the toilet.

Result and evaluation

Using the calculator, you can determine normal weight, height, BMI in accordance with the child’s age, and also get an analysis of the identified indicators. The result could be as follows:

  • Very low;
  • Reduced;
  • Below the average;
  • Moderate;
  • Above average;
  • High;
  • Elevated.

A very low growth rate indicates a significant developmental delay and (often) the presence of extra pounds. In this case, a medical examination is required to determine the cause and further treatment.

A low rate indicates a slight developmental delay, which can also lead to the appearance of excess weight. A visit to a specialist is recommended. Below average means within the normal range. Average is the most common value, which is typical for healthy children.

The figure above average is also within the normal range. High is rarely determined and most often has a hereditary nature. It is not a sign of developmental disabilities.

A very high growth rate may be the norm if the parents have similar parameters. In other cases, such a result indicates an endocrine disorder, then it is advisable to visit a doctor.

As for weight, determining this parameter does not allow an objective assessment of the child’s development. However, indicators such as very low or elevated indicate a deviation and are a reason to visit a doctor.

The calculator estimates look like this:

  • Very low - indicates the likelihood of exhaustion of the body. Medical attention is required;
  • If the indicators are low, exhaustion is also possible;
  • Below average - within the normal range, but it is advisable to reconsider the diet and diet;
  • Medium – optimal value for healthy children;
  • Above average - within normal limits, however, it is recommended to carry out an assessment taking into account the child’s BMI; the calculator will do an excellent job of this task;
  • Increased – also requires a BMI assessment.

The baby's weight can change under the influence of various factors, which include:

  1. Heredity;
  2. Malnutrition;
  3. Low quality food;
  4. Stress (in mother or child);
  5. Bad ecology;
  6. Mother's smoking.

The listed factors most often lead to malnutrition, with the exception of the first - heredity can cause both lack of weight and its excess to an equal extent.

Other reasons:

  1. Energy imbalance. Occurs as a result of receiving more or less calories than the body needs.
  2. Internal pathologies. The most common reason is a change in hormonal levels, which leads to metabolic disorders.
  3. Gender (boys weigh more than girls: 3.2-3.5 kg and 3.0-3.25, respectively).
  4. Pregnant health.
  5. Quality of nutrition of a pregnant woman.
  6. Control of the gestation process. It is important to do an ultrasound in a timely manner to check the health of the baby in the womb.
  7. Binge eating. It is a consequence of excessive feeding, when the baby is forced to eat against his desire.

On a note. According to centile tables, normal values ​​for a healthy full-term baby are from “below average” to “above average.” The weight of the baby at birth is not as important as the same indicator in terms of its correspondence to the gestational age.

How to calculate the BMI of a child up to one year old

To assess excess weight, the World Health Organization uses BMI - body mass index. This parameter is based on the ratio of height and weight and further calculation of the proportion of fat mass in the child’s body. The author of the method was A. Quetelet.

To determine the parameter, you can use the BMI calculator using Quetelet’s formula. Since the child’s body gains in weight and height very rapidly, the child’s BMI can change significantly over a short period of time. Therefore, the standard BMI assessment intended for adults is not suitable for children.

To obtain a correct estimate of BMI, experts studied the height and weight ratio of several thousand children. Thanks to the identified values, it is now possible to compare the BMI of an individual child with the average of a huge number of other children in the same age group. The data obtained when measuring BMI falls into one of the following categories:

  • Underweight (BMI is below the 5th average);
  • Normal weight (the value is between the 5th and 85th indicator);
  • Overweight (the parameter is located in the range between the 85th and 95th value);
  • Obesity (the index falls within the range of 95 and above).

On a note. To obtain more accurate data for children under 2 years of age, special charts of height and body weight are used, and a thorough medical examination is performed.

BMI is not a perfect way to check your body fat. Sometimes such studies can be misleading. For example, a teenager with a strong physique and developed muscles may have a high BMI, but not be obese (muscle, not fat, in this case increases body weight). In addition, the index can be difficult to assess during puberty, since at this time adolescents go through stages active growth and development.

There is also a formula for calculating BMI, which includes 3 main steps:

  • Measure the baby's height in meters;
  • Square this value;
  • Divide the child's body weight by the resulting figure.

On a note. The BMI indicator is individual for each person. At the same time, there are a number of reasons that influence the decrease or increase of this parameter.

Height and weight standards for boys

The normal height and weight indicators for boys under one year of age are as follows.

Height and weight standards for girls

The normal height and weight indicators for girls under one year of age are as follows.

Height to weight ratio

The table for the relationship between a child’s weight and height is as follows.

A child's weight and height calculator allows you to calculate the ideal weight range for a given height. These parameters are calculated based on medical statistics.

A calculator for the height and weight of an infant, as well as an older child, will allow you to monitor the baby’s development process, determine how much he weighs and what his current height is, predict these indicators and promptly identify possible deviations from the norm.


Often, children's appetite is one of the main indicators of health for parents. A child, happily devouring lunch, seems to be signaling with his whole appearance: “Everything is fine with me.” A child sadly picking at his food with a fork, leaving half the portion on the plate, quite naturally causes anxiety. It is important to remember that lack of appetite and avoidance of certain food categories for several months or more can result in a lack of important nutrients for full growth and development. If the baby is not sick, feels well and develops normally, weight may be one of the markers of his health. To assess how your child’s height and weight correspond to accepted standards, you can use special tables for assessing a child’s height and weight developed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Weight and height calculator

The calculator on our page will help you get clear and accessible information about child development. Many mothers are familiar with the situation when a “little one” refuses certain categories of products or simply does not have time to have a full lunch due to a busy schedule. How nutritious is your child's nutrition? Is he getting all the nutrients he needs in the right amounts? We offer a simple and convenient way to find out how you can improve and diversify your children's diet.

Height to weight ratio in children

The height and weight calculator performs a very important function - it helps parents get rid of doubts. How many times, while walking in the park or on the playground, have you noted with alarm that your baby seems half a head shorter than his peers? Or they dissatisfiedly parried the comments of others who remarked: “He’s so thin!”

In reality, assessing height and weight by eye does not provide any accurate data about the child.
The main indicators to focus on:

  • 1. Height and weight of the child depending on age and gender
  • 2. Height to weight ratio

Standards for height and weight of children in accordance with WHO criteria:


Age Height Weight
1 year from 73.4 to 78.1 cm from 8.6 to 10.8 kg
2 years from 84.1 to 90.9 cm from 10.8 to 13.6 kg
3 years from 92.4 to 99.8 cm from 12.7 to 16.2 kg
5 years from 105.3 to 114.6 cm from 16 to 21 kg
7 years from 116.4 to 127 cm from 20 to 26.4 kg
10 years from 131.4 to 144.2 cm from 26.7 to 37 kg
Age Height Weight
1 year from 71.4 to 76.6 cm from 7.9 to 10.1 kg
2 years from 82.5 to 88.9 cm from 10.2 to 13 kg
3 years from 91.2 to 98.9 cm from 12.2 to 15.8 kg
5 years from 104.7 to 114.2 cm from 15.8 to 21.2 kg
7 years from 115.3 to 126.3 cm from 19.3 to 26.3 kg
10 years from 132.2 to 145 cm from 27 to 38.2 kg

Parents should focus specifically on these intervals, and not on an approximate comparison of the child with his peers. Try to provide your child with a healthy routine, feed him tasty and healthy food, walk outside together - and you will have no reason to worry about a temporary lack of appetite or insufficient weight. And the weight and height calculator will always help you easily monitor your child’s development.

1) Skurikhin I.M., Tutelyan V.A. Tables chemical composition and calorie content of Russian food products:
Directory. -M.: DeLi print, 2007. -276 p.
2) USDA SR-23 USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
3) Norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various population groups
Russian Federation. Guidelines MP -08
4) The WHO Child Growth Standards:

Each child’s parameters are checked at birth, and his height and weight are measured, including determining the norm using WHO centile tables, or calculators similar to what is presented below (from birth to 12 years). For every mother, these are long-awaited numbers, and she will remember them all her life.

Traditionally, after the birth of a child, he is weighed, because such a parameter as weight is extremely important

The child’s weight is very important, because it is the main factor in determining the baby’s life activity. That is why newborns are weighed every morning in the maternity hospital. In this regard, there is a very actual question- What is the absolutely normal weight indicator for a newborn?

Having collected all the information together and made a generalized report, we can say that the normal weight of a child is between 2.5 kilograms and ends with a weight of about 4.5 kilograms. However, there is a certain barrier, upon reaching which we can confidently say that the baby’s weight is good.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky talks about what height and weight a child should have

Factors influencing a child's weight

Some excess weight in a baby is not as bad as underweight (hypotrophy), because this may indicate worrying symptoms. In the first case, the doctor will simply advise changing the feeding regimen, and in the second, it is necessary to understand the reasons.

Hypotrophy in a child is a significant cause for concern

As is known great importance has heredity. If one of the parents had a lot of weight, then their children, as a rule, will also differ in these indicators. But if the parents are small in height and weight, then their child will not exceed the minimum size.

It also happens that in the first month the child does not gain weight well. It is for such cases that experts have established standards that the child simply must achieve. This question is very important, because if a baby’s body weight has increased by less than 500 grams, then this is a very bad sign and an urgent need to intervene in this aggravated situation. Otherwise, the baby's health will be at risk.

Remember the circumstances that have a negative impact on weight loss (hypotrophy):

Malnutrition or poor quality food. If a child consumes little food in his diet, then he does not get the necessary calories and naturally his weight will have nothing to grow from. Look very carefully at the baby's throat and whether the mother is applying it to the breast correctly. If you refuse breastfeeding You need to make sure once again that the baby is getting the right amount of formula. Check the proportions, and read the instructions carefully.

A necessary condition for good digestibility of food is its quality and suitability for the child’s age. must be natural.

The baby’s nutrition should be of high quality, food should be easily digestible

If the baby’s nutrition is of high quality, but the substances are poorly absorbed, this may indicate the following diseases (but not necessarily):

  • pancreatitis
  • celiac disease
  • cystic fibrosis
  • allergies to certain foods
  • low intestinal absorption capacity

Basically, these diseases are identified during the first screening of a newborn, and the doctor can prescribe treatment from an early age.

Mom and baby stress. This often occurs in families where mothers provide little help and a depressing atmosphere prevails in the family. The child immediately feels a lack of attention, he often begins to cry and worry. This condition also leads to weight loss.

Toxic factors. Unfavorable environment, contaminated water, taking certain medications are possible factors that can lead to a deterioration in the child’s health, and as a result, weight loss.

Also smoking of a nursing mother. Perhaps this is one of the most common reasons for underweight of a newborn from the toxic category.

It is impossible to identify any sign or cause of weight loss. It is necessary to comprehensively and objectively evaluate all factors, and only then come to a reasonable conclusion in order to correct everything later.

Determination of normal weight - calculator

This calculator will help determine the norm, range of weight and height in accordance with his age (from newborn to 12 years). It can also predict weight and height if you fill out additional appropriate fields.

The calculation is carried out:

  • according to centile tables developed by the World Health Organization
  • weight corresponds to the height of the child

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that all children are different, therefore, the dynamics of weight gain/height of your particular child may differ from average standards.

Child's weight and height chart

Those who find it more convenient to use tables can use centile tables developed by WHO.

Table of height and weight norms for girls under one year old

Table of height and weight norms for boys up to one year old