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Hierarchy of values. The highest moral values ​​of a person One of the highest values

Values ​​in human life play a huge role.

They determine his thinking and guide his actions.

Each person has his own hierarchy of core values.

Definition of the concept and signs

What it is?

Life values- these are the views and beliefs that a person adheres to when committing his actions.

Based on his own life values, a person makes a decision about what is acceptable to him and what is not.

Despite the fact that people themselves determine life guidelines for themselves, in the process of constant existence in society, they gradually begin to automatically obey their own attitudes and act in accordance with them.

This is explained by the fact that the existing norms and rules that a person adheres to are inherent in himself.

If he betrays his own views and beliefs, this will invariably lead to, and demotion.

List of main features:

A life position that affirms the value of a person as an individual is called humanism.


Components of personality

Values ​​are an integral part of personality person.

If a person tends to love his family, strive for career success, and engage in spiritual development, then other people can use knowledge about his values ​​when characterizing his personality.

Love for family characterizes a person as responsible, loving and caring. Career success They talk about discipline and determination. The desire for spiritual development indicates high morality and intelligence.

Prerequisites for behavior

At the same time, values ​​are motivation of human behavior.

If for a person, among life values, a priority place is occupied by own health, then all his behavior will be aimed at observing this value - maintaining a healthy lifestyle, constant monitoring of your health, avoiding situations dangerous to the body, etc.

If for a person kindness, decency and sincerity are integral elements of spiritual values, then meanness, betrayal, and lies cannot be expected from him.

The exception is cases when a person departs from his life goals under the influence of external factors: thirst for profit, avoidance of responsibility, etc.

In this case, it is possible to commit actions contrary to existing principles.

Often the result obtained does not bring the expected satisfaction to a person due to the contradiction that has arisen between internal principles and committed actions.

How are they formed?

A value system begins to take shape in childhood during the process of education and life. Change your own views and beliefs, being a mature, formed personality, almost impossible. The main factors influencing the formation of internal attitudes:


What are a person's values? Pyramid of human values:

Examples of life values:

  1. Relationships with a loved one. Having a permanent relationship with a like-minded person plays a big role for a person. Such people have a predominant need for affection, care, tenderness, and mutual understanding. Having found a suitable partner, they strive to maintain the relationship with him and get married.

    In marriage, such people turn out to be faithful and caring spouses, for whom personal life always comes first.

  2. Money. Material gain, financial well-being and prosperity are the main goals in the life of a person for whom money is the highest value. His actions are primarily aimed at generating income and achieving material wealth.
  3. Power. People who value power above all else strive throughout their lives to improve their social status. They want to occupy a certain position in society that allows them to influence others.

Classification in the table

The variety of values ​​can be classified by combining them into the main parts that make up a person’s life:

Basic, true values


Intelligence, education, upbringing, decency, self-control, working on oneself, health.

Relationships, family

Trust and mutual understanding with a partner, raising children, comfort at home, relationships with relatives.

Communication, mutual assistance.

Material values

Success, professionalism, prospects, respect in a professional environment, income.

Position in society

Social status, influence, power, money, popularity.

Spiritual values

Spiritual development

Education, self-education, self-knowledge.

Secondary values


Fun pastime, travel, new experiences, gambling.

Value system for men and women

Historically, the main value of men is implementation in society, and the main value of women is implementation in the family as a mother, wife.

Creating a comfortable environment at home by the wife guarantees the husband success in his endeavors thanks to the support and understanding that is provided to the man at home.

Nowadays, women often choose fulfillment in society as an important life value. Creating a family and having children remain no less important tasks.

The general value system of men and women primarily includes the following factors: health, material well-being, family well-being (having a spouse and children), personal development, career success.

The value of human relationships

Human relationships are of great value, since any individual is social creature. Not a single person can live in society without communicating with other people, without entering into social relationships - friendships, love, partnerships.

Of particular value to humans are friendly and love relationship , because in them you can find support, understanding, support.

In relationships that inspire trust in a person, he can reveal himself and develop.

Having like-minded people nearby gives, endows with positive emotions.

Hierarchy of values

Each person's hierarchy of values ​​has its own characteristics. Each life value in such a hierarchy takes its place depending on the degree of its significance for the individual.

If we summarize the results of numerous studies, we can determine the following common hierarchical sequence of life values:

  • family;
  • children;
  • health;
  • career;
  • money;
  • self-realization;
  • Friends;
  • entertainment;
  • public acceptance.

Thus, basic personal and family values ​​are at the top of the hierarchy, and material and other values ​​are at the very bottom.


There are certain signs by which a person understands that his value system needs rethinking:

Thus, life values ​​not only determine our behavior, but also guide our lives. A clear understanding of your own life values ​​is the key to satisfaction with your life and a full, successful existence in society.

Each of the highest values:
1) is something that can be experienced in one way or another personal experience(experientiality);
2) is something whose fundamental impracticability cannot be reconciled (necessity);
3) is something to which you can devote your whole life or for which you can give your life (existentiality);
4) can be the main subject of aspirations and all activities (teleological);
5) can be that for the sake of which everything else is, and not that which itself is for the sake of something else (ultimacy);
6) can be the source of all assessments, sets a rating scale within which any phenomenon or behavior can be assessed (normativity);
7) opens and reflects a certain dimension of being and a certain aspect of personality (ontology);
8) can be acquired by any intelligent being, regardless of its individual characteristics or belonging to one or another category (universality);
9) independent of circumstances and retains its significance in all possible worlds (analyticity);
10) sets a picture of the world, and does not follow from a pre-given picture of the world (metaphysical neutrality);
11) cannot get bored or otherwise reveal its limitations (inexhaustibility);
12) is something that can be stopped at, can be projected into eternity (eternity);
13) can be presented as an absolute beyond everyday life or nature (transcendability);
14) is not reducible to other values, is not derived from them (primacy);
15) is a dominant around which one or more historical and ideological traditions or spiritual movements have been formed (cultural and historical significance).

1. Complementary higher values
These values ​​may come into situational conflict with each other, but on the whole they contribute to each other’s implementation and strategically complement each other.

General definition: distance from death.
Semantic field: self-preservation, survival, vigor, energy, longevity.
Opposite: disease.
Extreme points of the scale: Eternal youth- death.
Psychological correspondence: joy of being (joie de vivre).
Correspondence in Indian culture: ayus (life, आयु).
Correspondence in Chinese culture: kang ning (bodily and mental well-being, 康寧), shou (longevity, 壽), xian (immortality, 仙).
Historical and ideological correspondence: Taoism.

General definition: the ability to control circumstances exactly as planned.
Semantic field: benefit, benefit, wealth, power, strength, freedom, dominance, power.
The opposite: helplessness.
Extreme points of the scale: absolute power - slavery.
Psychological Compliance: Feeling in control.
Correspondence in Indian culture: artha (benefit, अर्थ).
Correspondence in Chinese culture: fu (wealth, 富), gui (career, 貴), li (profit, 利).
Historical and ideological correspondence: materialism as a way of life.

Social harmony
General definition: mutual agreement with others.
Semantic field: mutual sympathy, mutual understanding, unanimity, conformity, tact, rank, harmony, good fame.
Opposite: disharmony.
Extreme points of the scale: cosmic order - chaos.
Psychological compliance: rapport.
Correspondence in Indian culture: yazas, yaschas (honor, यशस्).
Correspondence in Chinese culture: shu (mutuality, reciprocity, 恕), li (order, 理), li (decency, 礼), da tong (great unity, 大同).
Historical and ideological correspondence: Confucianism.

Freedom from addictions
General definition: overcoming painful dependence on anything.
Semantic field: peace, serenity, detachment, dispassion, freedom from suffering.
The opposite: enslavement and blindness by desires.
Extreme points of the scale: nirvana - unquenchable thirst.
Psychological compliance: calmness.
Correspondence in Indian culture: nirvana (निर्वाण), bodhi (बोधि).
Corresponding in Chinese culture: nepan (涅槃).
Historical and ideological correspondence: Buddhism.

Prosperity of the race
General definition: surrounded by relatives.
Semantic field: reproduction, nepotism, clans, numerous relatives, prosperity of the people, merging with existence.
The opposite: loneliness.
Extreme points of the scale: unity with all that exists - complete alienation.
Psychological conformity: feeling of being part of the whole (participation, oceanic feeling).
Correspondence in Indian culture: moksha (मोक्ष), tat tvam asi (you are, तत्त्वमसि).
Correspondence in Chinese culture: Zi sun zhong (many sons and grandsons, 子孫眾多).
Historical and ideological correspondence: tribal religions (paganism).

General definition: the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, and not for the sake of anything else.
Semantic field: curiosity, desire for something new, research interest, impartiality, doubt.
The opposite: ignorance.
Extreme points of the scale: absolute truth - delusion.
Psychological compliance: awareness.
Correspondence in Indian culture: jnana (knowledge, ज्ञान), satya (truth, सत्य).
Correspondence in Chinese culture: zhi (knowledge, 知), di (truth, 諦).
Historical and ideological correspondence: skepticism as a way of life.

General definition: any pleasant sensation.
Semantic field: pleasure, contentment, pleasantness, fun, euphoria.
Opposite: dissatisfaction.
Extreme points of the scale: bliss - torment.
Psychological correspondence: pleasure.
Correspondence in Indian culture: kama (passion, काम).
Correspondence in Chinese culture: si (joy, 喜), feng liu (wind and flow, 風流).
Historical and ideological correspondence: hedonism.

General Definition: Inspired helping of others.
Semantic field: active love, vocation, favorite thing, diligence, enthusiasm.
The opposite: vegetation.
Extreme points of the scale: eternal inspiration - disgust for everything.
Psychological compliance: flow.
Correspondence in Indian culture: dharma (duty, धर्म).
Correspondence in Chinese culture: ren (philanthropy, 仁), li ai (beneficial love, 利愛).
Historical and ideological correspondence: Christianity.

General definition: refusal to grant to imperfect people those rights that only an all-perfect being can have.
Semantic field: inflexibility, inflexibility, steadfastness, monotheism, restlessness.
Opposite: groveling.
Extreme points of the scale: trampling on all idols is idolatry.
Psychological conformity: self-esteem.
Correspondence in Indian culture: isvara-pranidhana (surrender to God, ईश्वरप्रणिधान), nirguna bhakti (devotion beyond images, भक्ति).
Corresponding in Chinese culture: jun zi (noble husband, 君子).
Historical and ideological correspondence: Islam.

General definition: making anything.
Semantic field: creativity, constructiveness, productivity, creativity, invention, production, construction, collecting.
Opposite: destruction.
Extreme points of the scale: endless creativity - destruction.
Psychological correspondence: creative itch (élan créateur, élan vital).
Correspondence in Indian culture: nirmana (creation, निर्माण).
Correspondence in Chinese culture: zhuangjian (creation, 创建).
Historical and ideological correspondence: creativity.

2. Borderline/mixed higher values
These values ​​may not only come into situational conflict with others, but in general may not contribute to the implementation of other higher values.

General definition: suppression of any hostile action.
Semantic field: dominance, superiority, triumph, triumph, success in the fight, defeat of the enemy.
Opposite: defeat.
Extreme points of the scale: destruction of the enemy - victory of the enemy.
Psychological Compliance: Feeling of superiority.
Correspondence in Indian culture: vijaya (विजया).
Corresponding in Chinese culture: shengli (胜利).
Historical and ideological correspondence: Zoroastrianism.
General definition: the complete absence of any anger or desire to harm someone.
Semantic field: non-violence, peace, silence, goodness, benevolence, tranquility.
Opposite: violence.
Extreme points of the scale: war against everyone - friendliness to everyone.
Psychological compliance: lack of aggression.
Correspondence in Indian culture: ayoga kevali (silent omniscience, अयोग केवली).
Corresponding in Chinese culture: an le (calm and joyful, 安樂).
Historical and ideological correspondence: Jainism.

General definition: removal and revaluation of all existing values.
Semantic field: self-awareness, criticality, wisdom, meditation, creative search.
Opposite: narrow-mindedness.
Extreme points of the scale: going beyond the ordinary - automatism.
Psychological compliance: introspection.
Correspondence in Indian culture: prajna (super-realization, प्रज्ञ).
Correspondence in Chinese culture: zhi (cunning, 智), sheng (perfect wisdom, 聖).
Historical and ideological correspondence: philosophy as a way of life.

General definition: the frequency of all kinds of adventures.
Semantic field: saturation, richness of events, intensity, turbulence, ebullience, brightness, energy.
Opposite: calm.
Extreme points of the scale: fullness of life - emptiness.
Psychological compliance: agitation.
Correspondence in Indian culture: karita (movement, चरित).
Correspondence in Chinese culture: i (change, 易).
Historical and ideological correspondence: futurism as a way of life, punk and rock movements.

General definition: unpredictability of current and upcoming events.
Semantic field: surprise, spontaneity, arbitrariness, chance, uncertainty, confusion, anarchy.
The opposite: boredom.
Extreme points of the scale: fireworks of surprises - hopelessness.
Psychological compliance: anticipation.
Correspondence in Indian culture: abdhuta (divo, अद्भुत).
Correspondence in Chinese culture: hundun (confusion, 混沌).
Historical and ideological correspondence: discordianism, chaos magic.

3. Non-complementary highest value
This value may situationally contribute to the implementation of other higher values, but in general it contradicts them and excludes their implementation.

General definition: elimination of the very possibility of any perceptions.
Semantic field: destruction, destruction, death, extermination, destruction, decay, disappearance, emptiness.
Opposite: life.
Extreme points of the scale: nothingness - a whirlwind of existence.
Psychological correspondence: oblivion.
Correspondence in Indian culture: samhara (destruction, संहार), pralaya (dissolution, प्रलय), bhedika (destruction, भेदिका).
Corresponding in Chinese culture: wu (absence of absence, 無無).
Historical and ideological correspondence: nihilism as a way of life.

For double combinations of complementary higher goals, see

Turning to the topic “May 1st - Spring and Labor Holiday”, we would not only like to congratulate our readers on the upcoming holiday, but also wish it to pass with great benefit for each of us and those around us, but also to use the opportunity that has arisen for a serious conversation about such a concept as work.

Moreover, we already wrote about the holiday itself in the note “” (), in which we outlined our position on the origin of the holiday, on its purpose from the point of view of officialdom, various political forces and the majority of Russian citizens.

But be that as it may, May Day was and remains, at least for now, in the worldview of a significant part of the population, the Day established precisely in honor labor(the word spring came into the name of the holiday clearly at the suggestion of the liberals, who reigned supreme in the power structures in 1992 during its renaming, and obviously with the aim of contrasting the name of the holiday in the USSR - International Workers' Solidarity Day, and reducing the meaning of the keyword in the name - work).

Notes in the margins

Let us immediately make a reservation that, taking into account the fundamental difference, the substantive difference between the concepts of “labor” associated with goodness, justice and God, and “work” associated with the cognate words slave and slavery, despite the fact that they, it would seem, have a similar meaning (details on the website in the article “”), in our material we use exclusively the term work, since it is this definition that includes spiritual and moral content, including “the need of a person who seeks to restore the lost connection with God.”

In doing so, we proceed from the fact that in public opinion work always had the meaning of the highest moral value. According to N.A. Dobrolyubova:

By the degree of greater or lesser respect for work, by the ability to evaluate work more or less according to its true value, one can determine the degree of civilization of a people.”

It is in relation to work, to work motivations, that a person’s moral character is refracted. Labor itself, as an important moral category, is not limited to its external results produced by material and spiritual values. Creative work also carries another, no less important, moral result. The point is that in the process of free labor, the subject of labor itself—man—develops. In the process of labor, he not only satisfies his needs, but also receives moral satisfaction.

But at present we have to admit that in conditions when, during last decades true values, including respect for honest work, were consistently washed out of people’s worldviews, and instead they were introduced - and far from unsuccessfully - such “meaning” as money, money and again money in the appropriate “wrapper” of liberal “values”, with with all decisiveness became the question of the formation of principles based on morality, that is, on the indissoluble connection of justice, expressing itself in public morality and human personality, sociocultural guidelines in society. Here's how the President of Russia talks about it:

Unfortunately, many moral guidelines were also lost at that time. In a sense, we are together with dirty water and the child was thrown out. Today this often manifests itself in indifference to public affairs, in a willingness to put up with corruption, arrogant money-grubbing, and manifestations of extremism and offensive behavior. And all this sometimes takes on ugly, aggressive, defiant forms... We must fully support institutions that are carriers of traditional values... We must not act through prohibitions and restrictions, but strengthen the strong spiritual and moral foundation of society ( ).

Among the main traditional Russian values ​​that make us a single whole, gives us a new quality, new opportunities and which include, first of all, love for the Motherland, truthfulness, kindness, mercy, support and mutual assistance, is far from the last place. work.

It should be emphasized that this is not just our opinion. Accepted in Lately measures at the state level confirm this. The most striking evidence is the decision to establish the title of Hero of Labor Russian Federation:

“To be awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation for special labor services to the state and people associated with the achievement of outstanding results in the state, public and economic activity aimed at ensuring the well-being and prosperity of Russia.”

By the way, the presentation of the Hero of Labor gold medals is traditionally timed to coincide with May 1. By the way, this to some extent confirms our conclusion that the main component of the holiday is still the concept work, and not the word spring artificially added to the name.

In the same direction, one can consider the measures carried out by state and public structures to popularize and raise the prestige of labor professions in the real sector of the economy, such as regional and all-Russian competitions of professional skills “Best in Profession”, although, frankly speaking, information support from the media, where liberals still play a leading role is far from commensurate with their importance. Moreover, it seems that facilities mass media the topic of the working person is deliberately hushed up.

The recent statement by V.V. also inspires some optimism. Putin on the advisability of recognizing labor education as an integral part of education:

But I completely agree with you that something needs to be done; we definitely need to move in this direction. The only question is - at what pace, how exactly to register all this and not do harm, but rather make it better.”


If we approach it objectively, it must be noted that although steps to return the concept work into the value consensus of Russian society and are done in the right direction, their effectiveness leaves much to be desired. It is always easier to destroy and lower people to primitivism than to rebuild, and even to defend the highest values, the manifestation of which in practice, in life, also requires considerable labor effort.

And here it is appropriate to give an example that concerns each of us. It is known that if a child does not watch his parents and loved ones work (even in everyday life: in the kitchen, around the house, on the plot), then by the age of five or seven he develops into a complete lazy person, moreover, into an immoral person.

And since nature cannot stand emptiness, the soul, unoccupied with anything, is filled with all kinds of evil. This can also be attributed to the worldview of the population. And its foundations are formed at a very early age, actually up to five years.

Therefore, radically change the attitude towards labor, first of all, among young people, in order not to lose the younger generation, and therefore the country, is only possible if each of us in our place really works honestly, taking responsibility for the results of our work, in the name and for the benefit of Russia , showing an example of hard work to our common future - children.

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Sooner or later, every person thinks about the meaning of life, about why he comes to this planet and what he will leave behind. We read philosophical treatises of the best thinkers from different eras and understand that regardless of time, human values ​​remain unchanged. Countless attempts have been made to classify goods, however, so far no one has come to a consensus.

The deepest foundations of existence

In order to determine the meaning of life, it is necessary to consider several aspects at once. First, let's find the value of man and society within life itself. Everything that is inherent in the natural processes of existence is beautiful in itself. Every person values ​​life and realizes that he came into this world not in vain, but with some kind of mission. Awareness of one's own necessity, the search for an important mission already fills a person's existence with deep meaning.

Simple, but such important human values ​​have a sensual and emotional beginning. We are talking about love and friendship, devotion and honesty, selflessness and kindness, mercy and compassion, respect and honor. All these feelings, coupled with fidelity, hope, courage and conscience, help a person cope with internal demons, with the contradictory imperfections of existence. Speaking about the highest human values, one cannot fail to mention spirituality, which fills existence in its entirety.

Action in totality

Philosophers argue that a person cannot use the deep foundations of existence separately. In this case, the deeper meaning is distorted. All the qualities we have listed cannot work separately. Thus, the desire for love without selflessness and compassion can turn into selfishness. Courage and bravery without goodness and conscience turn into cruelty.

Each person in the process of being is repeatedly given the right to choose. Human existence is contradictory, but it is impossible without overcoming difficulties, without fighting temptation, without freedom. After all, only by having inner freedom do we gain value. A person can be taught to appreciate life even through suffering, deprivation and adversity.

What is happiness?

In this regard, happiness is never an absolute state. As you know, what matters to a person is the path he takes to achieve his dream, and not the fact itself. The more thorny and tortuous the road leading to happiness, the deeper the awareness of the meaning of existence. People of creative professions, who are not placed in strict conditions, always experience happiness. They enjoy the process, sometimes despite the lack of material wealth. These people are confident that they have found the meaning of existence in their works (paintings, sculptures, songs). These works reflect all the best that is in our life, and this best will live on for centuries. So we smoothly approached the second aspect of human values, to what awaits a person outside of life.

Religious component

By leaving behind a legacy, people are able to perpetuate their existence in the memory of their descendants. And each of us has at least once thought about what awaits us after death? The highest human values ​​cannot be considered without a religious component. Various theological teachings say that people came into this world not in order to die, but in order to live forever, being reborn after physical death in a different form.

It is believed that the soul of every person is immortal. She will exist in the other world forever. And it is within the power of every person to make sure that this otherworldly eternity is filled with peace, harmony and goodness. To do this, you just need to give up many worldly goods, pleasures and material values. People leading an ascetic existence, deeply religious individuals, are confident that their soul, after the physical shell dies, will definitely go to heaven.

Search for the meaning of life by an individual

In addition to the deep vital foundations of existence and religious teaching, there are also unknown human values. Personal values ​​are formed depending on each individual, through their search during their stay in this world. Such values ​​do not have a single meaning. A person comes into this world in order to find and define them. Each person has the right to decide whether the highest values ​​are absolute in nature, whether this is an axiom, or whether this concept is purely individual. A differentiated philosophical approach to this issue indicates that there are only self-sufficient values, for example, justice or happiness. Everything else in this world is relative.

Depending on eras

Each era of human existence brought something of its own. For example, ancient Greek philosophers promoted theocentrism. In their opinion, people come to this world in order to lead a modest existence and prepare for eternal life in heaven after physical death. Ascetic values ​​in human life in ancient times were replaced by the search for happiness and earthly bliss in the Renaissance.

At that time, so many individualists flourished, believing that the meaning of life lay in being itself. Asceticism was forgotten for a long time, replaced by various kinds of worldly pleasures. However, this is a dangerous path for the development of the individual, because in this way he opposes himself to society. It is necessary to develop your abilities comprehensively in order for them to bring maximum benefit to society. True, the Renaissance gave us something more: it brought to the fore the principles of humanism, relegating the religious essence to the background.

Modern approach

And these days, philosophers argue about the meaning of life, they adhere to different currents and create completely new theories. However, values ​​are increasingly viewed as a specific item that can benefit or satisfy human needs. The world has become increasingly financially dependent. This is not our only difference from ancient or medieval ideas about values. also in modern society human social values ​​come to the fore.

Classification of values

It is conventionally accepted to adhere to the following classification of values. They are divided according to content and form of existence.

The form of values ​​includes spirituality and commitment to ideals.

Morality and piety do not go hand in hand. If religion teaches a person to care only about representatives of his community and think about the afterlife, then morality and ethics are aimed at all representatives of society. People learn to be merciful, show compassion not only to their neighbors, but also to everyone in need. This is how patrons and philanthropists appear. Each person forms his own idea of ​​good and evil, of good. This is how spiritual ideals appear. Spirituality in our classification is placed both in the content and in the form of being.

Concept of value, hierarchy

The concept of value itself is quite difficult to characterize; most often it does not have a shell, but it has meaning. This is how one person relates to another. It is aimed at the will of a person and forces him to comprehend his own existence. There is a hierarchy of highest values:

  1. Health;
  2. Goodness, truth, beauty;
  3. The desire for good, for the knowledge of truth;
  4. Achieving a goal, using strong-willed qualities;
  5. Achieving a state of peace (nirvana).

Values ​​undergo transformation in stages, however, one concept does not replace another. Also, none of the steps can dominate the other.

Morality or morality is an absolute criterion by which relationships between people are regulated. Moral values ​​are the highest, since they are universal for different societies and social groups. These are the principles that stand above everything else, and by which actions in difficult or controversial situations are verified by people who are guided by Everyday life a variety of scales of measures and assessments. Fundamental Principle morality: “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” The highest moral values ​​equalize people's rights and become the standard for everyone. Morality is an internal attitude of a person that encourages him to behave ethically. Higher moral values ​​play a big role in a person’s life, and in order to know them better, you can attend special or special lecture classes.

  • Good as opposed to evil is a person’s selfless and sincere desire for good (help, salvation) in relation to others and himself. A person simply initially consciously chooses the side of good, further developing in this direction, coordinating his actions with what is associated with good.
  • Mercy or compassion predetermines leniency toward the weak, crippled, sick, or even simply imperfect. Refusal to judge and willingness to help, regardless of the degree of its merits, is mercy.
  • Universal happiness is the projection of one's own well-being onto humanity as a whole, also known as humanism. Contrasted with misanthropy and selfishness.
  • Salvation is a state of spirit cultivated by various religious and philosophical teachings, to which a person should strive, and for the sake of which moral actions and way of life make sense.
  • Honesty is another of the highest moral values. The easiest way to determine a person's level of morality is to see how often he lies. The only practical justification for lying is a white lie.

Through observance of morality, a person can grow internally, performing noble deeds and self-improvement. It doesn’t matter that for many others such nobility and kindness seem meaningless and unjustified. For the most moral person this is the only way develop and rise to a new level of your spiritual life.

For anyone who wants to learn in detail what the highest moral values ​​of a person are, how to relate them to the basic values ​​of life, it is recommended at the M.S. Center. Norbekova