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Artistic techniques in the fairy tale geese and swans. Analysis of works of oral folk art. The sacred meaning of the fairy tale

Fairy tale"Geese-Swans" is one of the most widespread, beloved and frequently published works of oral folk art. This story is about how a sister searched for her stolen brother. The kids will find out who helped her in this and how it all ended by listening to the audio version of the story. The expressively performed audio fairy tale “Geese-Swans” captivates from the very first lines and is very popular with both children and adults.

Variation in the plot of a fairy tale

In A. Afanasyev’s version, among the assistant characters there is also the wise Hedgehog. In A. Tolstoy's adaptation, this hero is absent, and the heroine finds her brother on her own. In Afanasiev's case, she simply ends up in Baba Yaga's house and takes her brother away. In Tolstoy's work, a girl talks to a witch, sits down to carry out her instructions, but, seizing an opportune moment, runs away with her brother. According to this version of the tale, Baba Yaga wanted to destroy her sister, not her brother. From this same version it becomes clear that Baba Yaga steals children without having a specific goal. This is indicated by the fact that when the girl came to the hut, she saw her brother sitting and, as if nothing had happened, playing with silver apples.

The heroine of the fairy tale is often called Alyonushka, and the brother - Ivanushka, although this is incorrect. These are the names of the heroes of a similar plot, but completely different fairy tale - “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.”

The moral meaning of the fairy tale "Geese-Swans"

There are two interpretations of the moral of this magical story - everyday and sacred:

Audio tale "Geese-Swans" for iPhone/iPad in simple language will explain to the child how to realize their mistakes and take responsible decisions. The sister forgot her parents' order and started playing - as a result of her carelessness, the Geese-Swans kidnapped her brother. She had to go on a long and extremely dangerous journey, full of difficult trials. At first the girl acts irresponsibly and arrogantly - she refuses the stove, and then the apple tree and the river. But then she realizes how badly she did, corrects herself, passes all the tests and saves her brother. The audio fairy tale “Geese and Swans” is useful for a child because it makes them aware of the social responsibility of elders to the younger ones. It is especially useful to listen to a fairy tale if there is not one child in the family, but two or more.

Analysis of the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” - theme, idea, what the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” teaches

“Geese and Swans” analysis of the fairy tale

Subject: The fairy tale tells how the Swan Geese who served Baba Yaga stole his brother when his sister was playing with her friends, then she rushed to save him and saved him.

Idea : Nothing can replace your native home, native land, love for your family. Kindness, resourcefulness, and ingenuity are praised.

What does the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” teach?

The fairy tale “Geese and Swans” teaches children love for family and friends, responsibility, determination, courage, and the ability to achieve goals. The fairy tale also teaches respect for the requests of loved ones.

The main meaning of the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” is that the most precious thing to a person is his family. Love for family and friends, responsibility for their fate - such themes run like a red thread through the entire fairy tale. The fairy tale also teaches the reader to be resourceful and decisive, and not to get lost in difficult situations. Although the sister made a mistake by leaving her brother unattended, she made every effort to correct the situation and was successful in returning the little brother home. The sister set a goal for herself - and she achieved this goal, despite the obstacles put in her way.

Heroes of "Geese-Swans":

  • Brother
  • Sister
  • The stove, the river and the apple tree- wonderful helpers
  • Baba Yaga.
  • Swan geese

Features of the composition of the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”:

  • Start fairy talestraditional: Beginning (Lived once….)
  • Exposition (parents' order)
  • The beginning (I kidnap my brother by geese and swans, my sister went in search of her brother)
  • Climax (sister found brother at Baba Yaga)
  • Denouement (escape from Baba Yaga's hut and return to her parents' house)

The tale is very dynamic, there are many verbs of movement conveying sudden and quick action. For example, about Geese - Swans they say: “They swooped in, picked them up, carried them away, disappeared” they convey the severity of the situation.

The main characters of the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”:

  • Brother- in some versions it is named Ivashushka, but is usually not called by name.
  • Sister- a brave girl, not afraid of Baba Yaga and her geese; in some versions it is called Alyonushka or Masha, but more often it is nameless.
  • The stove, the river and the apple tree- wonderful helpers, but only on the way back (the girl fulfills their demands), they help hide from the swan geese.
  • Mouse- exists only in the adaptation of A. N. Tolstoy (helps the girl escape from Yaga).
  • Baba Yaga.
  • Swan geese- Baba Yaga's assistants.

The fairy tale reveals the theme of responsiveness and gratitude. When the girl refused the requests of the magical characters to try the treats, she did not receive any help. But when, on the way back, the sister tasted the treats offered to her, help was immediately provided to her. Learn to be responsive and grateful and goodness will return to you a hundredfold.

In the fairy tale “Geese and Swans,” the positive hero is the sister who saved her brother, and the negative hero is Baba Yaga, who planned to eat the girl.

The plot of the fairy tale is built according to classical canons. It has a beginning in the form of the words “Once upon a time..”, and an exposition when the parents instruct the girl to keep an eye on her brother. The moment of the kidnapping of the brother by the birds is the beginning of the plot, and the discovery of the kidnapped boy from Baba Yaga is its culmination. Escape from Baba Yaga and return to her home is the denouement of the plot.

In the Russian folk tale, Baba Yaga, who is helped by swan geese, marks the sacred space between life and death and has a dual nature - she can help the hero, or she can eat him. And this is natural, because in Sanskrit Yaga means sacrifice, yag means sacrificer, donor. Baba Yaga holds the thread of human life on the edge of existence, and the victim can go forever to the “world of ancestors,” or she can return to the world of people, having received a new appearance, new knowledge, that is, in a new quality. But for such a return one must pass certain tests and perform the necessary ritual actions. It is precisely this way there and back that the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” tells.

The geese carry the boy almost from the threshold of his parents' house into the world of Baba Yaga. His sister sets off after him, and the first thing she meets on the way is a stove - a symbol of human social existence. After all, indeed, we are the only living beings that maintain and receive fire artificially, the only ones in living nature that thermally process their food.

In the oven lies a rye pie, the oldest form of artificially produced food. The oven and bread are two symbols of human community, family. But the heroine of the fairy tale needs to go beyond the boundaries of human society and she does not eat ritual bread.

Further along her path she encounters an apple tree. And again a symbol, this time of health, vitality, beauty, wisdom (remember the life-giving, rejuvenating apples of fairy tales, the apples of the Hesperides, etc.). And again the heroine refuses what could detain her in the world of the living.

And at the end of her journey she encounters a milk river with jelly banks - a terrible borderland between two worlds. Let us remember that it is oatmeal jelly with milk that is a ritual dish, and the last one, of the memorial and funeral table in the Russian North. It is with oatmeal jelly and milk that parents are remembered on the so-called “parental” days.

Until recently, in the eastern regions of the Vologda region, such jelly was necessarily made in the evening dawn, cooked in the morning, using wooden dishes into which hot stones were lowered and the jelly was stirred with a boat oar (a boat, as we know, was considered a means of crossing to the next world, It is no coincidence that even in the early Middle Ages, the Scandinavians and Russians buried their noble dead in boats).

Without performing the funeral rites and without tasting the ritual food, the heroine of the fairy tale “Geese-Swans” entered the interworldly space, into the domain of Baba Yaga.

The behavior of both boys and girls when returning to the human world is different. They drink milk and eat oatmeal jelly, making sacrifices to their ancestors. They eat apples, regaining their vitality. They eat rye pie, a symbol of human community, and, in addition, climb into the oven. It is after this that the swan geese stop chasing their brother and sister. Why? The fact is that, climbing into the oven, a boy and a girl perform an ancient ritual of re-baking, which has been preserved in the Russian North until the present day. It is believed that if infant If he confuses day with night, constantly cries, gets sick, then it’s as if he has been replaced and this child needs to be rebaked.

The ceremony of rebaking must be carried out by two people - the oldest woman in the house and the smallest child capable of standing. Actually, the child does not do anything, he is simply present during the ritual. The grandmother, having tied the baby to a bread shovel, thrusts him into a warm Russian stove three times, saying: “We bake the substitution, we bake the hare.” After this, the child is considered to have been brought to required condition and as if born again.

It is interesting that in Sanskrit the word “paripakva” means: ready, baked, ripe, ripe (with the mind), and “paripacya”: to be cooked, fried, ripened. By the way, this is exactly what Baba Yaga strives to do with her victims - boil them, fry them, that is, bake them for the “other world,” bring them to maturity for existence in another world.

In the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”, a brother and sister are baked for this world - the world of living people, they gain maturity and emerge from the oven as qualitatively new people: not a boy and a girl, but a boy and a girl. Thus, in the fairy tale we actually see a description of the rite of passage to a new age category, a change in the social status of adolescents, the so-called initiation rite.

From the book “Golden Thread” by S.V. Zharnikova.

Olga Bazarya
Literary and artistic analysis of Russian folk tale"Swan geese"

Literary and artistic analysis of Russian folk tales

« Swan geese»

1. « Swan geese» Russian folk tale – magical.

2. Theme: IN the fairy tale tells about, How Geese- the swans who served Baba Yaga stole his brother when his sister was playing with her friends, then she rushed to save him and saved him.

3. Idea: Nothing can replace your native home, native land, love for your family. Kindness, resourcefulness, and ingenuity are praised.

4. Characteristics of the main heroes:

In this fairy tale There is positive hero sister and negative hero Baba Yaga.

Sister: Loves his brother:

She gasped, rushed back and forth - no! She called him - Brother does not respond.

I started crying, but tears won’t help my grief.

Brave: Ran out into an open field; darted in the distance geese-swans and disappeared behind the dark forest. Geese-swans have long gained a bad reputation for themselves, they did a lot of mischief and kidnapped small children; the girl guessed that they had taken her brother away and rushed to catch up with them.

She knows how to correct her mistakes - It’s her own fault, she must find her brother herself.

Baba Yaga: Angry

A Baba Yaga sits in a hut, with a sinewy face and a clay leg;

She called Geese - swans: - hurry up Swan geese, fly in pursuit!

5. Artistic originality works:

Features of the composition:

o Traditional start fairy tales: Beginning (Lived once….)

o Exposition (parents' order)

o Tie (the abduction of her brother by Geese and Swans, the girl went in search of her brother)

o Climax (found my brother at Baba Yaga)

o Fairy tale ends traditionally: Denouement (escape from the hut and return home). -And she ran home, and it’s good that she managed to run, and then both father and mother came.

The tale is very dynamic, it contains many verbs of motion conveying sudden and quick actions. For example, about Geese - Swans they say: “They swooped in, picked them up, carried them away, disappeared” they convey the severity of the situation.

IN fairy tale the technique of personification of an inanimate is used peace:

Stove said; The apple tree helped cover it with branches; River said.

IN fairy tale the law of three is used repetitions: three tests three times chasing geese-swans. Characteristic language: Colorful, emotional, expressive. For example: Geese-swans have long gained a bad reputation for themselves, they did a lot of mischief and kidnapped small children; "Apple tree, apple tree, tell me where the geese flew My brother is sitting on a bench, playing with golden apples.

6. Conclusions:

Fairy tale teaches children to love their motherland, your family and friends. Teaches you to keep promises, believe in goodness and good people, helps in the formation of moral values.

Publications on the topic:

"Swan geese". Choreographic composition based on the Russian folk tale of the same name Video Raising patriotic feelings in children preschool age, through folk and classical music, is my life’s work.

Goal: To develop interest in physical exercise, form motor imagination. Cultivate a friendly attitude, arouse desire.

Game-dramatization based on the Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans”“Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the physical development of children No. 47 “Forest Fairy Tale” - branch.

Summary of open direct educational activities based on the Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans”. OGO "Orphanage for children with disabilities in Cheremkhovo" Abstract of open direct educational.

Abstract - script of the Russian folk tale "Geese - Swans" middle group Abstract – script of the Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans” middle group Program content: Developmental objectives: - Develop skills.

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