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Walnut compatibility with other plants. What to plant under a walnut? What to plant in the shade of a nut tree

It is impossible to imagine courtyards in the southern regions of our country without walnuts growing in them. As it turns out, popular beliefs do not recommend this at all.

Why you shouldn’t plant a nut near your house

Walnut is a large and spreading tree, it needs a lot of free space

Walnut is a heat-loving tree; it can be found in the southern regions, where it grows in almost every yard. But when planting it on your site, you need to remember that an adult tree will have a spreading crown, creating shade underneath. And other features of the tree also need to be taken into account.

Objective reasons

Dendrologists advise planting walnuts at least 8–10 meters from buildings. The tree has a powerful root system and a dense crown that creates dense shade.

An adult tree produces not only tasty fruits, but also dense shade in which nothing grows

Signs and superstitions

Among the superstitions associated with planting walnuts in the yard of a house, there is one very gloomy one. It claims that such a landing promises death to the owner of the house.

What could be the reason for this belief? Perhaps these are precisely the features that characterize the nut:

  • the roots of an adult tree can even destroy the foundation;
  • nothing grows next to the tree;
  • fruits falling on the roof can damage the roof;
  • crows, wanting to eat nuts, throw the fruits to the ground to break them, they can fall on cars and buildings standing next to the tree.

In contrast to this belief, there are many positive beliefs:

  • In order for a young family to have their first child faster, in many European countries there is a tradition for newlyweds to plant a walnut tree;
  • The walnut symbolizes financial well-being. Therefore, there is a belief that a tree growing near the house will protect the family from financial problems.

Walnuts are considered a symbol of fertility by many peoples.

If you are lucky enough to find a walnut with two kernels, then you need to eat one immediately and throw the other over your left shoulder. And then your cherished wish will definitely come true.

I personally don’t have any useful advice of my own on this matter. But what is clear is that the tree can grow simply huge. And so that your descendants do not have to reap the fruits of your rash act, be very responsible when planting a walnut tree.

There are different rules for combining plants and trees on a site, because not all of them can live together. For example, hydrangeas and roses should not be planted next to trees. As for the walnut, in today’s article we will look at what to plant under it.

We learned and practiced the technique. Our tree has most likely already come a long way; now, having a desire to further develop a vegetable garden, we are thinking about what to plant under the nut tree.

Features of planting a nut and plants near it

Walnut is a massive tree with good growth dynamics. The crown grows at least 8 meters, and the root system even more. Many gardeners note that nothing grows under the walnut , But in practice some grass, weeds or clover may be seen. By the way, the latter can be planted near the nut, creating a composition in the spirit of the unforgettable Irish forests.

What to plant under a walnut:

  • Hosta;
  • Clover;
  • Raspberries;
  • Irises;
  • Artichoke;
  • Periwinkle;
  • Calendula;
  • Pyrethrum;

Hostas are planted at a distance of 1-1.5 meters so that the plant does not look depressed. Most of the listed flower plants develop well under walnut, but cases of poor flowering are not uncommon. For example, irises will not produce such lush flowering as in the garden on their own plantings, since they need a lot of sunlight, and the walnut provides shade.

You can plant any shady plants or those that tolerate partial shade well, placing them on the east or south sides of the walnut tree. Experienced gardeners have noticed that tulips, especially Darwinian, And lupins They develop well near the tree, but not near the trunk itself, but a little further. Of course, they cannot be planted on the north side. They performed well primroses, so you can plant them too. Not far from the walnut can develop chrysanthemums. Can make a beautiful edging of the walnut with a mixborder from low-growing primroses or an eclectic combination of tall and short plants.

If you want to fill your garden not only with beautiful walnut plants, but also with unique properties, pay attention to Echinacea. Ferns They fascinate with their appearance, and they have a legendary past. Most varieties are adapted to shady and semi-shade conditions, but it is worth considering the degree of soil moisture for development. You can familiarize yourself with the list to choose whatever suits your taste for planting under a walnut.

In any case, you can create favorable conditions for the development of picky plants near the walnut by retreating a sufficient distance, fertilizing the soil at the planting site and observing basic care. It is best to select plants with similar care conditions to walnuts, so that there is no conflicting care on the site. decide what is most important to you - walnut or planted plants? Perhaps leaving the tree in splendid isolation is not so bad, and planting beautiful flowers in another part of the garden.

↓ Write in the comments what plants you know grow under walnuts and have you tried planting the ones listed above? We are waiting for your response - your opinion is important to us!

Our reader R.V. Shevchuk (Florino village, Vinnytsia region) is interested in the following question: What can be planted under a walnut?

Let's look at this issue more specifically.

Miracle tree walnut

Many gardeners and gardeners do not like the walnut tree. And precisely because practically nothing grows under it. However, such “dislike” is not justified.

Yes, nut roots grow very extensively: deep, upward, and to the sides. But they take the main nutritional components from the soil, which synthesize many substances beneficial to human health. These substances accumulate in large quantities in the leaves of the plant, as well as in the pericarp and, of course, in the kernels of ripe fruits .

As a result, we have a most valuable product - nuts, which can not only feed, but also heal a person in every possible way.

Useful properties of walnuts

In Ancient Greece, nuts were called the acorns of the gods. Nowadays, walnuts are considered food for the mind. With the help of nuts you can prevent and even cure atherosclerosis.

Walnut fruits can relieve severe nervous tension. For this purpose, according to the advice of oriental healers, it is necessary to eat several walnut kernels per day.

In addition, the green walnut peel (as well as the leaves, stems and roots) contains an antibiotic - juglone, which has high bactericidal activity and antifungal properties. Yuglone is a universal remedy for many diseases, with a wide spectrum of action. The usefulness of walnuts is very high. So this tree must be protected.

Useful properties of walnuts

Well, as for what can be planted under a walnut, the experience of many gardeners testifies to this:

  • Shrubs grow well under the nut - black currants, raspberries, gooseberries.
  • You can also plant plants that favor shade: parsnips, parsley, zucchini.
  • While the tree has not yet blossomed its lush leaves, under the crown of the walnut you will be pleased with the early planted irises, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and peonies.
  • Medicinal and fragrant herbs grow quite calmly under the nut - tansy, mint, lemon balm, marjoram.
  • Try planting garlic. In spring it emerges early, and when the leaves of the nut bloom, they will shade the garlic in the heat.

Walnut trimming

Walnut is a flexible tree that can be easily trimmed. Therefore, feel free to thin out the crown - this will only benefit the nut.

Walnut tincture

Walnut tincture for food poisoning

I also want to tell you how to cook excellent folk food poisoning remedy, which, moreover, improves liver function. This remedy has been tested by more than one generation of Bessarabian Bulgarians.

Pick some young nuts (when they still have milk), cut them into slices (along with the peel), cover with sugar and place in the sun for at least a month. Then add alcohol or vodka. The product is ready.

Walnut is a large plant that produces tasty and healing fruits. In addition, walnut leaves have medicinal properties. Therefore, many gardeners, if possible, grow on their own plot.

For those who have fruit-bearing walnut trees in their summer cottage or garden plot, the topic of using its leaves for the needs of the garden is relevant, as is the topic of the possibility of planting plants under the crown of this tree.

About planting under the walnut crown: fears are exaggerated

The fact is that various printed publications publish articles with warnings: that it is pointless to plant flowers under walnut trees. This warning is based on the fact that a toxic substance (juglone) contained in walnut leaves that fall in autumn kills all other plants. And that under no circumstances should this foliage be used for various garden purposes - covering plants for the winter, obtaining and introducing walnut leaves into.
These articles then provide a long list of plants to which juglone is harmful.

I believed this information, so for a very long time I did not plant anything under the crown of a young walnut in our garden. This tree grew successfully, regularly supplying us with an excellent harvest of nuts every year.
And then, about ten meters from the adult walnut, another such tree grew by self-sowing. I simply couldn’t raise my hand to dig it up and throw it away. Although, of course, having two large walnut trees on a small plot (6 acres) covering quite a large part of the garden with their powerful crown is already too much...

The walnut trees were growing, and the shortage of free space in our garden was increasing every year.
Once it happened that after dividing the overgrown bushes of some fairly shade-tolerant perennials (, etc.), it turned out that I simply had nowhere to plant them...
Then I planted sections of my perennials under the walnut crown.
And what?

Nothing! Perennials grow beautifully under walnuts. They have been living under a dense crown for several years now.
A couple of years after the start of my experiment, I planted other shade-loving plants under these trees: two types, etc. At the beginning of summer, I also plant them there in the free places.

Using Walnut Foliage in the Garden

Due to the proximity to the walnut, the perennials planted under its crown did not see any problems with growth and flowering. All plants are quite healthy and developing normally.

Not noticing any negative effect of the walnut on the plants closely adjacent to it, I expanded my experiment. I began to gradually use fallen walnut leaves in the fall as winter shelter for these and other flowers. The result was quite decent.
Moreover, I noticed that after this many garden plants stopped suffering from fungal diseases!
And walnut leaves dug into the ground in the area of ​​the dacha where potatoes grow even made it possible to get rid of the larvae.

Of course, our walnut trees provide powerful shade in the garden. But in the morning and evening (about 2-3 hours in general) the sun still comes to the flowers growing under the crowns of walnuts. And in the summer heat, the shade from these trees saves my flowers from the midday heat.

I hope that the results of my experiment on growing perennial flowers under the crown of a walnut, as well as the experience of using the leaves of this tree for various garden purposes, will be useful to other gardeners.

Evgenia Golovinskaya (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

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