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Characters of the comedy Woe from Wit, their characteristics. The main characters of Griboyedov's comedy Woe from Wit. Useful video: the system of images in the comedy “Woe from Wit”

Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov is a versatile personality. He was a polyglot, musician, politician. He also proved himself to be a brilliant dramatic author. Truly the pinnacle of his work is the comedy “Woe from Wit.” It is this work that has firmly entered the treasury of Russian classics. Thanks to comedy, the modern reader knows and remembers who he is. The description of the characters will allow you to best perceive and understand the work.

Alexander Andreich Chatsky

A landowner who has about 400 serfs under his command. Chatsky is young and does not have his own family. He is an orphan. Chatsky’s dad was once close friends with Famusov. Famusov raised the boy, but as he grew up, Alexander Andreich separated. Chatsky has a long-standing, warm relationship with Sofia. He likes the girl.

Chatsky is a member of the “English Club”, that is, he is a member of a prestigious public institution of that time. Alexander is smart and knows how to beautifully express his own thoughts. The young man always makes fun of human stupidity. The tone of Chatsky's speech is harsh, he has a sharp tongue. Society considers Alexander Andreich “proud,” not understanding that this is not pride, but the independence of a young man.

Since Chatsky’s views on life are liberal, Famusov’s society declares him crazy. For this reason, Alexander Andreich is forced to leave the capital.

Useful video: the image of Chatsky in the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov

At the time of the actions described by Griboyedov, the man buried his wife and is raising his daughter Sophia. He is already old enough, but he is cheerful and full of strength. Famusov lives with his daughter in the capital and serves as a manager in one of the institutions.

Taking advantage of his official position, Famusov promotes his relatives and gives them undeserved awards and titles.

He has income, but, apparently, at the present time things are not going as well as he would like, and therefore he is looking for a profitable match for his daughter. Famusov is also a member of the English Klob. Pavel Afanasyevich is a flighty man. This can be judged by the fact that he shows signs of attention to the maid Lizaveta. Famusov is often dissatisfied, grumbling with or without reason.

One of his favorite pastimes is scolding servants. Knows how to flatter and please to the right person. It is impossible to characterize Famusov without emphasizing how important it is to him what society says about him.

Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin

An adult man who has been serving as Famusov’s secretary for the last 3 years. Alexey Stepanovich lives, so to speak, at his place of duty, that is, in a separate room with his employer. Formally, Molchalin works in the archives, where Famusov arranged for him, using his connections. Alexey Stepanovich receives ranks there.

Silently a flatterer and a suck-up. He knows how to please Famusov, who feeds him, waters him and promotes him through the ranks. Alexey Stepanovich has little money. Besides, he is a provincial. Until the moment described in the work, this hero lived in Tver. His last name is telling; it only once again emphasizes that the hero knows how much and with whom to talk.

Chatsky considers him a pathetic person. By and large, Molchalin can be said to be a modest person. But his attitude towards Lisa suggests that nothing masculine is alien to him. The man is silent and does not make critical remarks about anyone. This is his tactic.

She, in his opinion, will allow him to achieve his goal. Chatsky considers him a liar, a cunning and a scoundrel. He maintains a relationship with Famusov’s daughter for the sake of career advancement. Molchalin does not have feelings for her. He loves Lisa, but behaves very freely towards the girl.

Sofya Pavlovna Famusova

A young girl who is turning eighteen. A rich bride who can become a profitable match. Sophia is pretty and pretty. The girl’s mother died long ago, and she was raised by her father and governess from Paris. The father gave his daughter a good family education.

Sophia learned to sing, play music, in a word, do what a girl from a decent family should be able to do. Sophia loves to read, mainly French novels. The father does not share his daughter’s passion for reading; he believes that it is a harmful activity.

Sophia easily flirts with her suitors. For this, her father reproaches her and compares her to her late mother. The girl is in love with Molchalin, but does not risk admitting it to Chatsky. At the same time, Sophia is very naive, because she does not understand that Alexey Stepanovich is using her for his own purposes.

Quote from Sophia:

  • “Happy hours don’t watch…”
  • “Just think how capricious happiness is! It could be worse, you can get away with it..."
  • “How sweet!... I don’t care what’s for him, what’s in the water...”
  • “He knows how to make everyone laugh nicely; chatting, joking..."
  • “I was very careless, perhaps I acted, and I know, and I’m guilty, oh where did I change?...”

Other characters

  1. Sergey Sergeevich Skalozub. A military man who rose to the rank of colonel. Moves in secular circles of Moscow society. He is in middle age, but not yet old. His appearance and the timbre of his voice indicate that he is a hero. Skalozub is characterized by panache. Follows fashion. And he even tries to adjust the timbre of his voice to the requirements of the fashion of the time. Skalozub's development is quite limited. All his thoughts are only about military service. Sergei Sergeevich doesn’t even know how to properly carry on a conversation. Skalozub can be called a careerist, because this person has moved well up the career ladder in a short period of time. He has several military awards. Sergei Sergeevich is far from averse to marrying Sophia. According to Famusov, this is an excellent option. But Sophia does not look at the colonel. She likes Molchalin.
  2. Lizanka. This is a servant in Famusov's house. About the same age as Sophia. The girl is very pretty and spontaneous. Tries to behave “decently.” She is not fooled by Molchalin’s gifts and promises. Superstitious and fearful. Lisa is often involved in the mischief of her mistress. For this reason, the girl is afraid of Famusov’s anger. Both Famusov and Molchalin are trying to enter into a relationship with her, but Lisa’s heart is given to the bartender Petrusha.
  3. Repetilov. An old friend of Chatsky. Very awkward, and therefore funny. He tried to make a career as an official, but failed. Constantly lies. In addition, Repetilov is superstitious. The man is kind, but leads a stupid life. In terms of mental development, he falls short. Moreover, Repetilov approaches himself self-critically and admits his own stupidity. He doesn't like to read. He treats his wife and children with insufficient care. He is a reveler. I lost my estate at cards. On Thursdays this person attends a certain secret society. Very lazy.
  4. Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky. This man is a regular at all social evenings. Moreover, he leaves only with the onset of morning. Zagoretsky likes to watch theatrical performances. He is a cheater and lies a lot. Anton Antonovich cheats in card games, and many people know about it. He loves to gossip. Zagoretsky likes to read fables, but he does not understand their allegorical meaning at all.
  5. Anfisa Nilovna Khlestova. The woman is the sister of Famusov’s now deceased wife. She is 65 years old. Khlestova of noble origin. Anfisa Nilovna is very angry. It is important for her to be fashionable. For this reason, she got herself a Pomeranian and goes with him to social events. Her maid is a dark-skinned blackamoor. And this is also a tribute to fashion. Khlestova's gossip. For this reason, Anfisa Nilovna knows everything about everyone. Education is not important to her. She doesn't read books. But she is always happy to play cards.
  6. Platon Mikhailovich Gorich. This is an old friend of Chatsky. He is now retired. Gorich's life is calm and measured. The man is married to a young woman, but this marriage cannot be called happy. He often yearns for his old military life. Platon Mikhailovich is bored and plays music on the flute. The wife takes care of the man like a weak child. His wife loves to attend social events, so Platon Mikhailovich goes with her. He is kind and gentle. Smart. But at the same time, Platon Mikhailovich can be called henpecked.
  7. Natalya Dmitrievna Gorich. She is the wife of Platon Mikhailovich. The woman is young and pretty. She likes to attend social evenings. Keeps her spouse “under her thumb.” To some extent, their family is a projection of the possible development of relations between Sophia and Molchalin.
  8. Pyotr Ilyich Tugoukhovsky. Aged and possibly ill. He and his wife have six daughters. His last name is telling. Tugoukhovsky “doesn’t hear too much” or doesn’t want to hear. Pyotr Ilyich with his wife and daughters goes to social events to find a profitable match for the heiresses.
  9. Marya Alekseevna Tugoukhovskaya. Wife of Pyotr Ilyich. She loves to command her husband, and he obeys her. Marya Alekseevna is an avid gambler, she loses to Khlestova at the evening. Tugoukhovskaya considers education useless. The main thing for a woman is what rank this or that person wears.
  10. Countess Khryumina. There are two of them: a granddaughter and a grandmother. The author does not call them by name. But the surname suggests certain thoughts. The granddaughter of evil, from the category of old maids. Tries to follow fashion. Gossip. The grandmother attends social events to successfully marry her granddaughter.
  11. Parsley. This is a serf in the Famusovs' house. He is literate. Helps Famusov keep notes. Lisa is in love with Petrushka.

Brief description of the heroes

An even more succinct and brief description of the comedy heroes can be presented in the form of a table:

1. ChatskyIn love with Sophia. Smart, brilliantly educated. Witty and proud. Condemns Famus society.
2. FamusovWealthy. He wants to marry his only daughter Sophia to Skalozub. Considers rank and wealth important.
3. MolchalinA vile, hypocritical person. Serves with Famusov. It is important for him to please, so that he can later use it for his own purposes. Uses Sophia.
4. SophiaYoung and windy. Well educated. She loves Molchalin and therefore does not notice that he is a scoundrel. Enjoys reading books.
5. SkalozubSoldier. Career is important. Undeveloped Single. Famusov sees him as a profitable match for his own daughter.
6. LisaMaid of the Famusovs. Not stupid, but windy. Its old owner likes it.
7. RepetilovFunny and clumsy. A liar and a deceiver. I lost my estate at cards.
8. ZagoretskyA thief and a gossip. Cheats at cards.
9 KhlestovaOld. She attends balls and pays tribute to fashion by keeping a Pomeranian and a blackaa girl in the house. Plays cards, most often dishonestly.
10. GorichiHusband and wife. He is old and considers the marriage a failure. Is under the influence of his wife. She is young and bosses her husband around.
11. TugoukhovskieA husband and wife who go to balls in the hope of finding suitable grooms for their six daughters.

Useful video: the system of images in the comedy “Woe from Wit”

The events depicted in the play take place in the post-war years (after the War of 1812), when two opposing camps begin to emerge. These are advanced nobles and conservatives. In the play, Chatsky represents the progressive nobles, and all the conservatives


The private conflict reflected an epoch-making conflict. But the public would not have become so significant if it had not been associated with specific individuals, albeit fictitious ones. An intelligent, honest, open young man fights against the vicious age of the past.

The work has two storylines: love and social. The comedy begins with a love affair. Chatsky, who had been absent for three years, arrives at Famusov’s house and is met by the owner’s daughter, Sophia. "Woe from Wit" presents a love story. Chatsky is in love and expects reciprocity from the girl. Further, the love line intertwines with the social one.

Chatsky and Famusov embodied two opposing camps in society. Alexander Andreich's conflict with the past century becomes inevitable as soon as Chatsky crosses the threshold of Famusov's house. With his honest views and ideas, he encounters depravity, mustiness and servility.

Speech of heroes and speaking names

If we talk about the speech of comedy characters, it quite clearly characterizes their characteristics. For example, Skalozub often uses military vocabulary, which indicates his profession. Khlestova uses rich, rich vocabulary. The main character Chatsky masterfully speaks Russian, which is worth only in his monologues, filled with such liveliness and beauty (“And who are the judges?”). Chatsky is not only a young man in love, he is, first of all, an ardent denouncer of the vices of Famus society. Only with words and nothing else does the truth-seeking Chatsky stigmatize those around him. Many phrases put into the mouth of the main character became catchphrases. Chatsky’s speech, on the one hand, was close to Radishchev’s language, on the other, it was very original. A.S. Griboyedov fundamentally abandoned book speech and foreign words in comedy in the monologues of the main character.

The names of the characters can be safely called telling. Molchalin in the comedy “Woe from Wit” (from the word “to be silent”) is a taciturn, quiet young man. This list can be supplemented with such surnames as Tugoukhovsky, Repetilov, Skalozub.


The writer considered the main task of the comedy to depict the images of Famus society. There are no unnecessary characters in the work. All images are important for characterizing both the main characters and their entire environment.

Skalozub is a rude lout with characteristic manners and appearance. The speech reveals the ignorance, stupidity and spiritual impoverishment of this person. This typical representative of Famus society opposes science and education as such. Naturally, Sergei Sergeich Skalozub is a welcome guest of the Famusov family and others like him. In addition, it is in the image of Skalozub that Griboyedov shows the type of careerist who does not disdain any means when moving up the career ladder.

Prince and Princess Tugoukhovsky, Khlestova

The Tugoukhovskys are shown in a satirical manner. Prince Tugoukhovsky is a typical henpecked wife. He hears practically nothing and only obeys the princess unquestioningly. The prince represents Famusov in the future. His wife is an ordinary representative of the surrounding society: stupid, ignorant, and has a negative attitude towards education. In addition, both are gossips, since they are the first to spread rumors that Chatsky has gone crazy. It’s not for nothing that critics divided all the minor characters into three groups: Famusov, a candidate for Famusov, Famusov the loser.

Khlestova is presented as a smart lady, however, she is also subject to the general opinion. In her opinion, a person’s honesty and intelligence directly depend on social status and wealth.

Repetilov and Zagoretsky

Repetilov is the type of Famusov the loser in the comedy “Woe from Wit.” A character who has absolutely no positive traits. He is quite stupid, careless, and loves to drink. He is a superficial philosopher, a kind of parody of Chatsky’s line. The author made Repetilov into a parody double of the main character. He also promotes social ideas, but this is just following fashion and nothing more.

Another Famusov loser is A.A. Zagoretsky. In the characteristics given to him by the other characters, one can see several times words synonymous with the term “fraudster.” For example, Gorich says: “An out-and-out swindler, rogue: Anton Antonich Zagoretsky.” However, all his fraud and lies remain within the confines of everyday life, otherwise he is a completely law-abiding citizen. In Zagoretsky there is even more from Molchalin than from Famusov. Everyone needs him, despite the fact that he is a gossip and a liar. He not only picks up the rumor about Chatsky’s madness, but also complements it with his own fantasies.

The character for whom Griboedov showed a little sympathy is Gorich. “Woe from Wit” brings onto the stage Chatsky’s friend, who arrived at Famusov’s ball with his wife. He a kind person, soberly assessing the surrounding reality. It is not included by the author in any group. Chatsky’s friend and ally earlier, now, having heard about his “illness,” does not believe it. But it is not without its shortcomings. Having a gentle character, after marriage Gorich became henpecked by his wife and forgot his beliefs. His image is that of a servant husband.

In other words, in the comedy “Woe from Wit” this character and a number of others personify the “past” century with its rules, ideals and habits. All of these are individuals limited in their development, who are categorically against everything new, and most importantly, against the open truth.

The difference between comedy and literature of the 18th century

The huge and fundamental difference between Griboyedov’s comedy and the works of the 18th century is that almost all the characters in it are not just positive or negative types, they are shown in many ways. In “Woe from Wit,” the character of Famusov is depicted not only as a person who is in spiritual stagnation; Famusov is a good father of his family, a real gentleman. Chatsky is very passionate and sensitive, at the same time witty and intelligent.

Chatsky in the comedy “Woe from Wit” leaves, disappointed in the object of his love. To the question of who he is - a winner or a loser, one can answer this way: Chatsky was broken by the amount of old power, but he defeated the past century with the quality of the new power.

This is how the social typification of characters manifests itself. If here the author departs from classicism, then in the love affair, on the contrary, he tries to comply with the laws of this particular direction. There is a heroine and two lovers, an unsuspecting father and a maid covering for her mistress. But otherwise there is no similarity with the classic comedy. Neither Chatsky nor Molchalin are suitable for the role of the first lover. In the comedy "Woe from Wit" there are no heroes-lovers from classicism: the first one loses, the second one is not a positive hero in all respects.

Sophia cannot be called an ideal heroine either. “Woe from Wit” presents to our attention a girl who is not stupid, but is in love with the worthless Molchalin. He's convenient for her. He is someone who can be pushed around for the rest of his life. She does not want to listen to Chatsky and is the first to spread the rumor about his madness.

Lisa is more of a reasoner than a soubrette. Among other things, the comedy traces a second, comic love line and a third, related to the relationship between Liza, Molchalin, Petrusha and Famusov.

Off-stage characters

In addition to the main and minor characters, off-stage characters were introduced into the work by the skillful hand of the writer. They are needed in order to increase the scale of the conflict of two centuries. These characters embody both the past and the present century.

Just remember the chamberlain Kuzma Petrovich, who was rich himself and was married to a rich woman. These are Tatyana Yuryevna and Praskovya, narrow-minded foreigners who came to Russia to earn money. These images and a number of others lead the reader to the idea of ​​the large-scale conflict presented vividly in the play “Woe from Wit.” The character who shows the reader that Chatsky is not alone, behind him there are those who will promote ideas that support him, is also presented, and not in one way, but in several. For example, the comedy mentions Skalozub’s cousin from the village, a relative of Princess Tugoukhovskaya.

The main task that the writer performed when portraying the characters in the play was to show their views on society, and not to reveal them psychological characteristics. Griboyedov is first and foremost a writer-educator, therefore in each image he clearly outlines certain moral qualities or the lack thereof. He typifies character traits and qualities and immediately individualizes them.

Chatsky has surpassed his age in everything. That is why he became a model of sincerity and nobility, and Famusov and Skalozub became a symbol of vulgarity and stagnation. Thus, using the example of 20 individuals, the writer reflected the fate of an entire generation. Chatsky's views are the views of the entire progressive movement of future Decembrists. Chatsky and Famusov are representatives of two generations, two centuries: the enlightened century and the obsolete century.

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In Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit", there are many characters. Most of them are used by the author as a background or confirmation of certain principles of secular society.

The main characters of the comedy

Despite the large number of heroes, the main action in the comedy is centered around four characters - Chatsky, Famusov, Sophia, Molchalin.
Alexander Andreevich Chatsky

Alexander Chatsky

This is a young nobleman who was left an orphan at an early age. A family friend, Famusov, was involved in his upbringing. Having matured, Chatsky begins an independent life.

He spent three years abroad and after returning from the trip he visits his teacher Famusov and his daughter Sonya, for whom he has tender feelings and with whom he hopes to marry.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the “image of Chatsky in the comedy “Woe from Wit,” written by Alexander Griboyedov.

However, the picture he saw greatly discouraged him - Famusov was far from that childhood memory of his teachers.

Thanks to a trip abroad, Chatsky was able to learn about the excellent relationships between people and their goals in life, so the corrupt aristocracy, mired in clichés and empty, meaningless actions, disgusts Chatsky. Chatsky’s attempts to explain his position and convince others of the opposite do not lead to success - at the end of the work he leaves Moscow, because he sees no other way out.

Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov
Famusov is the teacher of Alexander Chatsky. At the time of the story, he is the manager of a government agency. His wife died long ago, leaving him a daughter, Sophia. The image of Famusov is very contradictory; on the one hand, he is a person who is not devoid of positive character traits - for example, he takes Alexander into his upbringing after the death of his parents and treats him as his son. On the other hand, he is a dishonest and hypocritical person. The main measure of a person’s success and integrity for him is financial security and a high position. Famusov is a bribe-taker and a deceiver, which is why he has a conflict with his pupil.

Sofia Famusova
Sophia is the daughter of Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov. In the comedy she is depicted as an adult – a girl of marriageable age.

Despite the fact that she is not so mired in the aristocratic swamp, the girl is still a partially negative character - her disregard for true feelings pushes her away from this character.

The girl loves when people please her, and she doesn’t care much about the fact that such behavior looks humiliating.

Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin
Molchalin is Famusov’s personal secretary, although officially he is an archive worker at the government agency where Famusov works. Molchalin is a simple man by birth, so for the sake of the title and the right to belong to high society, he is ready to do anything. Molchalin pleases Famusov and his daughter in every possible way in order to make his dream come true. In fact, he is a hypocritical, stupid and dishonest person.

Minor characters

This category includes characters who have a significant influence on the formation of the plot of the comedy, but at the same time they are not active characters. In addition, this also includes heroes who have overly generalized and vague character traits, such as Lisa.

Repetilov is an old friend of Famusov. During his youth, he led a dissolute and stormy life, giving in to balls and social pastimes. Due to absent-mindedness and lack of concentration, he was unable to provide himself career.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the “characteristics of Famus society in the comedy “Woe from Wit,” written by Alexander Griboyedov.

Sergey Sergeevich Skalozub

Skalozub is a rich officer. By nature he is a prominent person, but stupid and uninteresting. Skalozub is too fixated on military service and his career and does not see the point in anything else.

Lisa is a young girl, a servant in Famusov’s house. She has an attractive appearance, which turns out well in her case negative trait- Famusov and Molchalin pester her. In Liza’s case, life in Famusov’s house is further complicated by her complex relationship with Sophia – Famusov’s daughter from time to time drags Liza into her love affairs, which can cause the latter to have serious problems.

Tertiary characters

In a comedy there are the largest number of characters whose action occupies a fragmentary, episodic period of time. However, it cannot be said that their presence in the text is unjustified - in fact, they play a very important role. With their help, the main types of personalities of aristocratic society and the main negative qualities of representatives of this stratum are depicted.

Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky
Zagoretsky became famous in society as a rogue and deceiver - he has an extraordinary passion for playing cards, but always plays in a dishonest way. In addition, Anton Antonovich prefers to lead an active social life - he is a regular person at theaters, balls and dinner parties.

Anfisa Nilovna Khlestova
Anfisa Nilovna is a relative of Famusov. At the time of the story, she is already an old woman. Khlestova was once a maid of honor, but now, in her old age, no one needs her.

Because of such dissatisfaction with life, the old woman acquired a bad character and is an extremely unpleasant person.

Her house is full of young girls whom she has taken in and dogs - such company allows her to seem important and necessary and entertains the old woman in times of despondency.

Platon Mikhailovich Gorich
Not all representatives of the aristocracy are people with leveled qualities. Examples of people who have retained their moral character are Platon Mikhailovich Gorich. He is a kind and sincere person, with a sound mind and the ability to think, but he has too soft a character, which made him a confident henpecked man.

Natalya Dmitrievna Gorich
Natalya Dmitrievna is Platon Mikhailovich’s wife. The woman is much younger than her husband, and in contrast to him, has a special love for social life, which terribly burdens her husband, but Gorich is unable to resist his wife’s desires.

Pyotr Ilyich Tugoukhovsky
The surname of Pyotr Ilyich fully corresponds to his essence, or rather to his physical defect. The prince is terribly hard of hearing, which makes his life much more difficult. Hearing problems became the reason that Pyotr Ilyich rarely appears in public, and his wife became the commander of her husband and their life in general.

Marya Alekseevna Tugoukhovskaya
Marya Alekseevna is Pyotr Ilyich’s wife. They had 6 daughters in their marriage. All of them unmarried girls, at the time of the story. The prince and princess are forced to constantly appear in public with their daughters in order to successfully marry off their daughters, but so far the hopes of these nobles have not been justified.

Countesses Khryumina
The grandmother and granddaughter are hiding under the name of the countesses Khryumin. The main emphasis in the comedy of the two of them is on the granddaughter, who remains an old maid, and therefore she is always angry and offended by the whole world.

The Grandmother Countess is a decrepit old woman who can no longer afford dinner parties and balls, but she still tries to attend them, apparently in order to find a husband for her granddaughter.

The image of Petrushka, although in no way connected with aristocrats, since this character is a simple peasant by origin, nevertheless, due to his significance in the comedy, Petrushka should be classified as a tertiary character.

Petrushka works as a bartender in Famusov's house - he is a poor man, but a pure soul. The maid Lisa is in love with him.

Thus, in Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” we can see a kaleidoscope of diverse characters. Basically, the author does not describe their characters in detail, but this does not interfere with the perception of comedy and understanding of the essence of the work.

One of the main features of the comedy “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboedov is the presence in the play of two conflicts that are closely related to each other. One of them is love, the other is social. This determines the arrangement of the heroes of the comedy “Woe from Wit”. The love line is represented by Chatsky, Sophia and Molchalin. The social line is expressed by the opposition between the conservative nobility, the main exponent of which is Famusov, and the progressive views on the structure of society, which Chatsky preaches. Molchalin, Sophia’s lover, also belongs to the Famus society. Love and social conflicts are united by the image of Chatsky, the main character of “Woe from Wit”.

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky returned from abroad and immediately went to Famusov’s house, where he had once been brought up and where he had been absent for three years. Chatsky dreams of meeting his beloved Sophia, Famusov’s daughter. But Sophia greets him with extreme restraint, because she is in love with Molchalin. The hero does not understand the reasons for the girl’s cooling towards him. He begins to ask her, her father, about this. And in the verbal battles between these heroes, serious contradictions appear on issues of morality, culture, education, and the structure of society.

Famusov in comedy it represents the “past century”. main feature The worldview of the conservative nobility is that they do not want any changes, because changes threaten their well-being. In the noble society, at which Griboyedov’s satire is directed, only rank and money are valued. And Famusov is no exception. He speaks with pride of his uncle, Maxim Petrovich, who knew how to “curry favor” and therefore “knew honor before everyone.” The only thing that Famusov really cares about is society’s opinion of him.

On behalf of the “past century” also speaks Molchalin. Its main advantages are “moderation and accuracy.” He is a worthy successor to the views of Moscow high society. He knows how to curry favor and strives to make and maintain useful contacts. Even his relationship with Sophia is nothing more than serving her father.

Chatsky is sharply opposed to these heroes. Their views on the structure of society are alien to him. Chatsky is the owner of an active, creative mind. He wants to serve “the cause, not individuals,” because he highly values ​​individual freedom, honor and dignity. Chatsky is the only comedy hero who represents the “present century.” It expresses the ideas of the author himself - ideas of morality and enlightenment that conservative nobles are not ready to accept.

When characterizing the characters in “Woe from Wit,” the most difficult thing to interpret is the image Sofia Famusova.

It cannot be attributed either to the “present century” or “to the past century.” Unlike her father and Molchalin, Sophia is not afraid of the opinions of society. She tells Molchalin as much when he asks her to be careful and not show her feelings in public. She plays music and reads books, which Famusov considers unnecessary and even harmful. But Sophia is not on Chatsky’s side, since his accusatory monologues threaten not only the comfortable life of the nobles, but also her personal happiness. That is why Sophia starts a rumor that Chatsky is crazy, and society is so actively spreading this gossip.

The list of characters in “Woe from Wit” is not limited to the main characters. To understand the issues, the secondary characters of “Woe from Wit” are also important. For example, it is impossible to imagine the development of a love affair in a comedy without Lisa's maids, who helps Sofya and Molchalin keep their dates secret. Also, the image of Lisa participates in a more complete disclosure of other characters in Griboedov’s “Woe from Wit”. Molchalin shows her signs of attention, and it immediately becomes clear to the reader that he has no feelings for Sophia.

Colonel Skalozub also participates in the development of the love line. He is tipped to be Sophia's groom because he has money. The only pity is that I have no mind at all. But this helps to portray the army in a satirical way.

Off-stage characters carry a special meaning. They do not participate in the actions of the comedy, but other characters talk about them, which allows us to more fully imagine the mores of the noble society of that time. The most famous off-stage character is Maxim Petrovich, Uncle Famusov, who deliberately fell several times at the empress’s reception in order to amuse her and earn respect at court.

It should be noted that all the images of the comedy heroes acquire a deeper sound than was customary before the appearance of the play “Woe from Wit.” There are no absolute villains here, no heroes without flaws. Griboyedov refuses the traditional division of characters into good and bad. So Famusov is a caring father for his daughter, and Chatsky in some moments shows excessive ardor and unceremoniousness.

The characters created by Griboyedov do not lose their relevance today. After all, the problem of replacing old views with new ones is always topical. At all times there are people who bring progressive ideas to society, and those who refuse to accept the new, defending their outdated views.

This article describes the main characters of Griboedov's comedy. A description of the heroes and their characters will be useful to 9th grade students when preparing a report or essay on the topic “The main characters of the comedy “Woe from Wit”.”

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Famusova .

Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov - an elderly man, buried his wife, the mother of his daughter, Sophia, whom he raises with the help of governesses, but loves endlessly. He lives in Moscow and, despite his age, Pavel is quite energetic; he serves as a manager at a state enterprise, where he got almost all his relatives to work. He regularly gives them awards and ranks; almost the entire enterprise is occupied exclusively by Famusov’s relatives.

Pavel Afanasyevich took Chatsky into his care when his parents died. It is important to him what they say about him, he is dependent on other people’s opinions, and likes to spread rumors. Famusov is hypocritical, often fussing, witty and resourceful, loves to flatter people, evaluates people by rank (honor of rank). He doesn’t notice anything around him, likes to put himself above everyone else, always defends his point of view, which is why he talks a lot, often interrupts everyone, often gets angry, likes to swear at his servants with or without reason. The author also notes Paul’s loud voice.

Famusov considers education an unnecessary waste of time. He also considers himself hospitable and attaches importance to visiting. He can often be seen at all important events of the city, at balls, christenings and so on. Pavel Afanasyevich believes that Chatsky cannot marry his daughter Sophia because he has no money, and his father demanded an exceptionally rich groom, despite his comfortable financial situation, he was not averse to becoming related to the young Colonel Skalozub. Plus, according to Famusov, one could only expect troubles and disruption of order from Chatsky. Pavel and Chatsky were opposites of each other; during an argument, each defends their point of view, they do not hear each other.

In the person of Famusov, Griboyedov expresses a typical Russian nobleman, and in the person of his retinue and friends - a typical Russian society. Everyone is having fun, but underneath this lies selfish goals: to find a profitable match, make new acquaintances, find patronage. All of Famusov’s guests and himself are united by the search for personal gain and hypocrisy. In such a society, sincerity is considered bad manners or madness, where everyone is trying to impress each other. good impression, forgetting about your inner world.

A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” boasts of its unique images. One of the central images of the work is the imageSophia .

Sophia is the heroine of Griboyedov’s story “Woe from Wit.” This girl is a very unusual character in Griboedov's story. She is both the product of lies and benevolence and strength, albeit only external.

Sophia is a girl who is the one from whom all the threads came, both the mood and the grief of many people. She, like a puppeteer, skillfully took advantage of their weaknesses, and strengths. She's a manipulator, to say the least. modern language. But at the same time, with these qualities and such character, Sophia - beautiful girl, who also knows how to use her appearance. She has many fans, and for good reason, because she is strong in this.

This girl is strong personality who will not miss hers. In addition, by nature, she is also very mocking, her sarcasm reaches many ears, she loves to make fun of her and tell some jokes. But she is not too cheerful, one can more accurately say that she knows how to speak sarcastically, her irony can both offend someone and make her an enemy.

Sophia grew up in a good family, rich, well-off in everything, which did not know the costs of the strong in anything. That is why this girl is young and grew up to be a wealthy, bright and courageous person. She was not afraid of anything, and knew how to skillfully be a hypocrite and lie when necessary. And, to justify her, we can say that she is not entirely to blame for this, since such actions and character traits were not new at that time. That is precisely why she was like that, because she was brought up that way, raised in such an environment where it was impossible to be and act differently. Otherwise, it caused gossip and rumors, as well as contempt and ill will.

A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” boasts of its unique images. One of the central images of the work is the imageMolchalina , a man from the common people striving for career growth

Molchalin seems to be a decent young man, distinguished by his kindness and modesty. But in fact, all these qualities are just a mask that the hero uses to achieve his goals. His dream is a career, high rank and wealth. Respect among high society is the limit of his happiness. There are many different ways to achieve these goals. But Molchalin chooses the fastest and most negative one. He takes steps towards his dream with the help of flattery, hypocrisy and duplicity. He does it so subtly and imperceptibly that many may envy.

The hero worked as a secretary for Famusov, a rich and respected man. He did all the work conscientiously, spoke kindly and carefully, which is why Famusov liked him. He treated his master's daughter, Sophia, even better and even dared to play a young man in love. Naturally, he does not experience any high feelings towards the girl. On the contrary, he despises her and establishes relationships solely for his own benefit. Once, having offended a girl, he throws himself at her feet. The reason for this was far from repentance, but the fear of losing the trust of his master Famusov. Another person who was lucky enough to hear lies from Molchalin was Khlestova. He kindly played cards with her and complimented her dog. In fact, people are very pleased with such behavior towards them. Molchalin showed hypocrisy and helpfulness towards everyone living in the house: from servants to management. This was the hero's plan, which he strictly adhered to.

Thus, Molchalin in Griboedov’s comedy is a negative character. The reader cannot see any positive traits of the hero, but sees only hypocrisy and the desire to achieve a dubious goal through dirty means. With the help of this character, the author reveals serious problem, which still exists today. People who do not strive for anything high, but for fame and money, are ready to go over their heads and put on a mask of sincerity. Usually, having achieved their goals, such people live unhappy and lonely.

A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” boasts of its unique images. One of the central images of the work is the imageChatsky

Chatsky is the only person of the new generation who opposes the conservative majority. It is obvious that the play is devoted from start to finish to the ideas of Decembrism. Here are Chatsky’s patriotic spirit, and loud statements in defense of science and education, and critical remarks regarding serfdom, as well as the idea of ​​​​the identity of the Russian people, the peculiarities of Russian national culture.

I wonder what main character a work is, at its core, the embodiment of the author, his ideas and passions. Chatsky traveled around the world for a long time, as a result of which he was inspired by the ideas of equality, brotherhood and personal freedom. But upon returning to his homeland, the hero sees that nothing has changed around him, the people have remained the same. Famusov’s house is not happy about Chatsky’s arrival, and the main character immediately notices this. He sees that society in the country is built on hypocrisy and deception, and the main activities of the Moscow nobility are endless celebrations, dances and feasts.

Chatsky belongs to the nobility, is not rich, at one time he refused military service. He explained his action by saying that he did not see any benefit in this matter and that he would be glad to serve, and not to be served.

Chatsky confronts the residents of Famusov’s house: Skalozub, Molchalin, Repetilov and Famusov himself. In the comedy, the author ridicules and condemns these people as representatives of the secular society of that time.

The reason for the return of the main character to his homeland was his boundless love for Sophia. Once in Moscow, he immediately goes to Famusov’s house and confesses his feelings to the girl. Based on this act, Chatsky can be characterized as an ardent, passionate and romantic person. Love for him is the highest feeling, a shrine. What pain he has to experience when he finds out that Sophia loves Molchalin.

Chatsky is educated, has a subtle, sharp mind and resourcefulness. But those around her seemed not to notice all these qualities, and only the maid Lisa was able to note them in a conversation with Sophia. But she didn’t pay any attention to the girl’s words. The main character harshly condemns serfdom, calling them a source of misfortune. He despises the Moscow “aces”, for whom life ideal is wealth and career growth. Chatsky notes the inability of the older generation to defend their positions and express opinions. In a confrontation with Famus society, the hero suffers a terrible defeat: Sophia prefers him to Molchalin, society does not accept him and ridicules him. Shocked by these circumstances, Chatsky leaves the city. According to I.A. Goncharov, Chatsky was broken by the quantitative superiority of the “old force,” but he himself dealt a crushing blow to it with the quality of the force of the new generation.


Lisa is a young girl, her age is not indicated in the comedy. She is cheerful, cunning and resourceful. He has a pleasant appearance and the ability to support any conversation, and sometimes help with practical advice. Lisa helps Sophia hide her relationship with Molchalin from her father. Life in the Famusovs’ house is not easy for the girl; she has to be responsible for the young lady’s tricks.

Despite the fact that Lisa considers her judgments stupid, the girl is smart and has a good understanding of people. From her speeches you can understand what a particular comedy character is like. This is how the girl reveals Molchalin’s true face. It is to Lisa that he admits that he “loves” Sophia only for personal gain. In fact, he likes Lisa, and he regrets that she is only a servant in the young lady’s house. You can also notice the differences in Molchalin’s behavior with Sophia and Liza: in conversations with the first, the hero is timid and modest, in communication with Liza he behaves pompously and cheekily.

Another difficulty in the girl’s life is Famusov’s sympathy for her. This hero is a moral image for his daughter, because he is known in society for his “monastic behavior.” But secretly from everyone, Famusov very openly seeks to impose his feelings on Lisa. Thus, the character of this character, like Molchalin, is more fully revealed thanks to Lisa.

The girl herself experiences a timid feeling towards a person in her circle - the bartender Petrusha. Lisa has certain moral principles and rules that she will not violate. She delicately and tactfully avoids the love affairs unfolding in Famusov’s house.

The girl, despite the fact that she is a minor character in the play, greatly influences its development. After all, if you remove it storyline, then the ending of the play will change. She becomes the connecting link between the heroes of the work.

A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” boasts of its unique images. One of the secondary images of the work is the imageSkalozub

Skalozub holds a military rank, his goal in life is to achieve good place or rank at any cost. He “made a fortune” and is therefore popular with the ladies. Even Famusov himself prefers Skalozub as his daughter’s husband.

Skalozub, although a military man, does not know how to think for himself. He follows society, follows those who are beneficial to him or support those who are more noble. The hero does not really love Russia, he says this himself. He received a high military rank only because there were places, and not for his exploits and devotion to the Motherland. Skalozub is a collective image, his behavior corresponds to other military men who tried to make their careers after Patriotic War, and, it should be noted, they had every opportunity to do this.

Skalozub is a typical liberal of that time, who clings to the old, because only by those laws and rules can he live; it is more convenient for him to adapt to someone than to act on his own.

Also, the image of Skalozub helps to fully understand Chatsky, who is opposed to the “past century”; the reader notices the deceit, depravity and stupidity of the Famus society, which includes Skalozub. Skalozub has a special attitude towards learning; he does not understand why he needs to study, and he tries to show himself as smart, but in dialogues with other characters he only answers with memorized military phrases. Skalozub does not bring anything useful to society, he only satisfies his own needs, goes over his head for the sake of his goals. This attitude towards the world is the basis of the old system, which Chatsky does not like so much. The hero did not receive an education, he grew up in a military environment, so he was used to speaking rudely, not taking anyone into account, and giving orders. Skalozub is rude, does not listen or understand others, he lives according to the laws of the army. His attitude towards reading is terrible - he despises books. The reader notices this when the main character assures that it is better to equip schools in a new way, like in the army, where they will teach what is really important, and not science. And talking about his distant brother, who loves to read and lives in the village, Skalozub humiliates him, he does not understand how one can read books. Sophia sees Skalozub as a stupid and backward person; she is not interested in his money. In a dialogue with Chatsky, Skalozub does not understand what the hero is talking about, but out of habit he agrees with what was said.

Skalozub is accustomed to benefiting from any situation through flattery and agreement with others. He does not want to develop, but there is only one goal - to succeed in a military career, this shows the limitations of the protagonist and his ideals.