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Donbass militia riflemen today. Pathetic coward Igor Girkin (Strelkov). Social movement "Novorossiya"

Here are the first points of my future program for the elections of the head of Novorossiya:

1. Any customs and border institutions on the Russian-Novorossiysk border on the part of Novorossiya are completely abolished as such.
2. Similarly, customs and border institutions between Lugansk, Donetsk and other republics that will become part of Novorossiya are abolished.
3. All border and customs authorities will be relocated to the Ukrainian border (in the future, on the territory of the Odessa People's Republic - also to the Romanian and Moldavian ones). In the event of continuation of hostilities, all military personnel and customs officials are temporarily transferred to the PS and TS reserve with immediate mobilization to the Armed Forces of Novorossiya.
4. Tougher penalties for drug trafficking to death penalty inclusive of the consideration of cases of this kind in a special expedited manner by a military court (the composition of the court is appointed personally by the head of the republic, and the head of the republic bears full responsibility for its activities).
5. After the election, the introduction of a provision into the constitution of Novorossiya is initiated, according to which the term of governance of Novorossiya by the Head is limited to 4 years with the possibility of a one-time extension for 2 years based on the results of a popular referendum. Repeated election of the same person to the highest office is prohibited forever. The law establishes the provision that at the next election of the Head of State, a plebiscite is simultaneously held to evaluate the performance of the previous one in the specified post according to 4 options: “unsatisfactory”, “satisfactory”, “positive”. If more than half of those who voted assess the management as “unsatisfactory,” the next head and the legislative body immediately create a special commission to organize an investigation into the activities of the head, the result of which should be an open trial with the participation of specially selected jurors, who are assigned the right to a final verdict of “guilty” or “not guilty.” If less than a quarter of the participants gave a “positive” assessment, the former head of the republic is prohibited from holding any public office in the future, including elected ones. Until the results of the plebiscite, the outgoing head of state is prohibited from crossing its borders even for a short time. A specially appointed parliamentary commission is responsible for the implementation of this provision.

P.S. - this is all within the framework of those very specific positive proposals, the absence of which I am regularly accused of.

My comment is traditional - apart from “Potemkin villages” and false facades made of papier-mâché, the “chicks of Surkov’s nest” do not know how to do anything, do not want to and never will. A swindler will always remain a swindler until he is (forcibly) provided with a prison uniform, given a pick and sent to socially useful (in war conditions - trench) work under the supervision of a very sympathetic machine gunner, waiting for the slightest reason to “thank” the worker rear for previous good deeds.

Five years ago, on April 12, Igor Strelkov’s detachment entered Slavyansk, and with its capture, the conflict in eastern Ukraine turned from civil confrontation in regional centers into a real, bloody war with firearms, the use of the army, special forces and heavy equipment. The next day, Ukrainian authorities announced the start of an anti-terrorist operation in Slavyansk. Over the course of three months, at least five hundred people died in the battles for the city, and Strelkov became a symbol of the pro-Russian militias.

Today I invite you to look at photographs from Slavyansk in 2019 and compare it with Slavyansk five years ago.

“Today is April 12, 2019, a warm spring morning, and I am in Slavyansk, a small city in the north of the Donetsk region of Ukraine. It’s quiet, people are busy with their own affairs, provincial life goes on as usual, and you need to try hard to find traces of the events that began in this city five years ago, when at dawn it was captured by a group of armed people. Then no one knew who these people were, where they came from and who commanded them. Today they are known as the “Strelkov squad” after the pseudonym of their leader Igor Strelkov (Girkin). Later, it was he who took responsibility for the beginning of the bloody conflict that continues to this day, directly saying in an interview with the Russian newspaper Zavtra:

I finally pulled the trigger of war. If our detachment had not crossed the border, in the end everything would have ended, as in Kharkov, as in Odessa. There would have been several dozen killed, burned, and arrested. And that would be the end of it. And practically the flywheel of the war, which is still going on, launched our detachment.
Remark: I had the opportunity to work in Slavyansk then, in April - May 2014. I have my own clear opinion about those events, but now I will deliberately avoid subjective assessments and expressions so that you can draw your own conclusions. I'll just show you the city today and tell you what happened here five years ago.

Contrary to popular belief, Donetsk region and Donbass are not synonyms at all. For example, Slavyansk is the Ukrainian historical region of Slobozhanshchyna. There is no coal or waste heaps here, but there are salt lakes with healing water and ceramic production.

Until 2014, there were no military units or large security forces bases here - except perhaps the Internal Affairs Directorate and a small unit of the SBU. It was they who became the first targets of Strelkov’s detachment on the morning of April 12, 2014. In a peaceful, calm city, no one expected an attack, and the assault turned out to be quick. The detachment itself, consisting of fifty armed fighters, Russians and Crimeans, had illegally crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border a few hours earlier. Local pro-Russian activists provided him with assistance. After capturing the buildings, they were given the weapons found in them.

Recently, a well-known supporter of the unrecognized republics, Alexander Zhuchkovsky, published the book “85 Days of Slavyansk.” In particular, there are these words:

At the border, Strelkov, in the presence of a driver shaking with fear, without ceremony, asked those greeting them: “Did you drive your own or for use?” They replied that they didn’t need their own and they didn’t need to use it.
Do you know how the Strelkovtsy differed from the locals? They smelled of war and some kind of inevitable determination. They came in and basically understood that they would have to fight and shed blood. Strelkov’s fighters came in, already psychologically prepared for anything. They came to fight.
And this is what the police department building looked like that day and today:

Photo: Ilya Pitalev / Kommersant

The city administration building was also captured:

Photo: Ilya Pitalev / Kommersant

Photo: Ilya Pitalev / Kommersant

Photo: Ilya Pitalev / Kommersant

The SBU building, an old one-story mansion of the merchant Rabinovich, housed Strelkov’s headquarters, and in its basements there was an improvised prison. However, now it is difficult to surprise anyone with the expression “getting into the basement” in the so-called people’s republics. But five years ago this was unusual in Slavyansk, and now few people remember it.

The building of the local administration of the SBU today:

And this is what the path there looked like for some in the spring of 2014:

Photo: Ilya Pitalev / Kommersant

Now on the building hangs a memorial plaque to the deputy of the Gorlovka city council Vladimir Rybak. When the local city council was seized and hung the DPR flag on it, it took it down and returned the state one. Armed people took him to Slavyansk, to the militia headquarters. Later, the mutilated bodies of deputy Rybak and Kyiv student Yuriy Popravka were found in the Kazenny Torets River near Slavyansk.

Barricades were erected near the captured buildings:

Photo: Ilya Pitalev / Kommersant

Photo: Ilya Pitalev / Kommersant

Roadblocks appeared at the entrances to the city. This one, for example, was called “Mixed Feed” after a nearby plant with a high elevator:

Photo: Ilya Pitalev / Kommersant

On May 2, it was recaptured by Ukrainian troops, after which it was repeatedly shelled from the city. On the elevator you can still see traces of mine hits. There he is on the horizon, visible beyond the lake:

The buildings were decorated with pro-Russian graffiti:

Photo: Ilya Pitalev / Kommersant

Now it’s hard to even remember, but I came across one in the yard where there used to be a town hall of local communists. With user comment.

There was a barricade at this intersection, and on the other side of the street too - it was all blocked off to ordinary people, since Strelkov’s headquarters was located right in the middle of it (he can be seen on the right in the depths):

The cathedral on the main city square has remained virtually unchanged, only the surroundings have changed.

Photo: Ilya Pitalev / Kommersant

By the way, this is the same “Lenin Square” from the old ballad about the boy in shorts crucified by the evil Binderites. Only it has never been Lenin Square in its history, and boys were never crucified on it either.

The city administration building had playgrounds then and now. Children played there then and play there now:

Photo: Ilya Pitalev / Kommersant

Cafe " White Night", near which I parked military equipment, suddenly turned into “Fed Hedgehog”:

Photo: Ilya Pitalev / Kommersant

Many establishments in the spring of 2014 are still in place...

But new ones have also opened:

The tiles are either laid or shifted:

The hotel, where almost all the journalists lived at that time, was slightly updated - attic windows appeared, and instead of a restaurant, a poker club opened:

The city has nice old mansions and strange squatter buildings, flowering fruit trees and political advertisements. But what is missing is war.

But, unlike the city center, the heavy battles of 2014 are more than clearly reminiscent of the ruins of the regional psychiatric hospital in the suburban village of Semyonovka. In its buildings on a hill above a strategic intersection, the rebels gained a foothold, and during the fighting the hospital was almost completely destroyed. Behind last years A couple of buildings have been restored, the central one is being built anew, but the spectacle still cannot be called cheerful.

There are also monuments to fallen Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers...

And the first victim of the conflict, captain of the Alpha special squad of the SBU Gennady Bilichenko. He died the day after the capture of the city, April 13, 2014 - his car was fired upon even before entering Slavyansk.

But in general, in Slavyansk they talk about the war exclusively in the past tense, and nothing else thunders here except thunder during a thunderstorm. No one can even remember that five years ago they could have been detained here for looking too hipster, as a “non-local”. And I’m not exaggerating, I observed this myself then.

And yet the war is not over yet, but it began here. Five years ago. And the front line from here is 57 kilometers in a straight line.

Now, outside of your knowledge, likes and political preferences, try to abstract yourself and imagine that you wake up one morning, and your city has been captured by strange armed people in masks. Introduced? Or with difficulty? If it’s difficult, then you may be lucky.”


Born on December 17, 1970 in Moscow, in a family of hereditary military men. Since childhood I have been interested in history. Married, two children.

According to rumors, Strelkov is currently married for the third time (according to another version, he was divorced after his second marriage).

Mother Alla Ivanovna, sister - that’s all that is known about his family.

In September 2014, information appeared that he lives in one of the regions of Russia.


Since 1989, he has been interested in military reconstruction and the history of the White movement. Adheres to monarchist beliefs.

In 1993 he graduated from the Moscow State Institute of History and Archives.

In 1993-1994 he served in the Armed Forces Russian Federation, gunner of the security company of the 190th missile technical base in Golitsyno (military unit 11281 Air Defense Ministry; now disbanded).

After completing his military service, he remained to serve under a contract: first as part of a motorized rifle brigade, and then as a military intelligence officer.

He took part in hostilities in Transnistria in June - July 1992 (volunteer of the 2nd platoon of the Black Sea Cossack army, Koshnitsa - Bendery), in Bosnia from November 1992 to March 1993 inclusive (2nd Russian volunteer detachment, 2nd Podrinskaya light infantry and 2nd Mayevitskaya brigades of the Republika Srpska Army, Visegrad - Priboj), in Chechnya (166th Guards Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade, March - October 1995, and in units special purpose from 1999 to 2005), carried out special assignments in other regions of Russia.

From January 6, 1998 to October 2000, published in the newspaper "Zavtra", writes about Russian volunteers who fought in Bosnia, about the situation in Chechnya and other hot spots in Russia, criticizes the national policy of the authorities. In the newspaper I met Alexander Borodai.

In August 1999, special correspondents of the newspaper "Zavtra" Alexander Borodai and Igor Strelkov prepared a report from the Kadar zone of Dagestan about how special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs carried out a cleansing of several villages where Wahhabis lived.

He worked as a correspondent for the independent Internet agency "ANNA-News", which was registered in Abkhazia in July 2011.

According to some reports, after retiring, he worked as the head of the security service of the investment fund "Marshal-Capital" of the Russian entrepreneur K. V. Malofeev. For a long time, a friend of Igor Strelkov, Alexander Boroday, also worked as a representative of this investment fund.

At the end of January 2014, he ensured the safety of Athonite shrines - the Gifts of the Magi - delivered to Kyiv from Greece, and also visited Euromaidan.

Well known among military historical reenactors in Moscow. On one of the Internet forums dedicated to re-creating the Napoleonic War of 1812 and the Civil War, he is a moderator. He led the club "Composite Machine Gun Team", formed on the basis of the military-historical club "Moscow Dragoon Regiment". He took part in such reconstructions as the "War of '16" in August 2009, the festival "In Memory of the Civil War" in February 2010, " Civil War in the South of Russia", "Valor and Death of the Russian Guard". He was a member of the military-historical club "Markovtsy".

In May 1996, he was enlisted in the Drozdovsky formation with the rank of non-commissioned officer.

According to Strelkov himself, he is a retired colonel of the Russian FSB (he retired on March 31, 2013).

According to the British BBC, Strelkov’s last place of service was the department for combating international terrorism of the “2nd Service” (Service for the Protection of the Constitutional Order and Combating Terrorism) of the Russian FSB.

According to Ukrainian media mass media, which began to appear after April 15, 2014, Igor Strelkov was an active GRU special forces officer of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. The Ukrainian side, however, did not provide evidence for these allegations. Strelkov denies this information.

Participation in the Ukrainian crisis (political activity)

According to Strelkov, he came to Ukraine on his own initiative, guided by personal convictions. He gathered around himself local opponents of the new Ukrainian authorities and organized a detachment of people's militia.

According to information voiced by one of the heads of counterintelligence of the Security Service of Ukraine, Vitaly Naida, during the Crimean crisis, Igor Strelkov was an assistant on security issues to the Prime Minister of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Sergei Aksenov.

According to journalist Oleg Kashin, on March 2, negotiations with the newly appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Navy D.V. Berezovsky were conducted by the same person who later headed the self-defense of Slavyansk - Aksenov’s ally Igor Ivanovich, who was recommended to him as an active GRU employee.

According to the SBU, it was stated that Strelkov crossed the state border of Ukraine on April 12 “to implement a forceful scenario of hidden aggression” in the south-eastern regions of Ukraine.

On April 13, a group of SBU officers traveling in cars was ambushed in Slavyansk. They were fired upon by unknown persons. As a result, one officer was killed and three more were injured. According to the SBU, Igor Strelkov led the attackers.

On April 16, in the area of ​​Slavyansk, militia forces blocked units of the 25th Dnepropetrovsk Airborne Brigade of the Airborne Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to information announced by the SBU press center, the seizure of weapons and six units of military equipment (BTR-D and BMD) from Dnepropetrovsk paratroopers was carried out under the leadership of Igor Strelkov. The SBU also claims that Strelkov took part in the recruitment of military personnel from the airmobile brigade, as a result of which some of them went over to the side of the militia.

On April 14, recordings appeared on the Internet, designated as negotiations between “separatists” operating in the territory of the South-East of Ukraine, in which a person with the call sign “Strelok” reports on the successful liquidation of representatives of the leadership of the SBU in the Slavyansk region during the anti-terrorist operation launched by the security forces of Ukraine.

In comments to these negotiations in the media, it was suggested that the person with the call sign “Strelok” is one of the leaders of the “separatists,” Igor Strelkov, and his interlocutor is Russian businessman Alexander Borodai, who worked in the investment fund “Marshal-Capital” of Konstantin Malofeev.

According to the SBU, Strelkov’s group is involved in the murder of Vladimir Rybak, a deputy of the Gorlovka City Council of the Donetsk region from the Batkivshchyna party, who was kidnapped on April 17. On April 29, Strelkov was included in the list of persons against whom Western sanctions were imposed - a ban on entry and a freeze of assets in the EU. On June 20, he was included in the US sanctions list.

According to media reports, on April 26, the temporary leadership of the Donetsk People's Republic entrusted Igor Strelkov with the leadership of checkpoints. Igor Strelkov himself was named the leader of the Donbass people's militia.

On April 26, Igor Strelkov for the first time publicly gave an interview to Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondents, in which he described the latest events involving his subordinates, their composition, motivation, and also outlined the immediate goals and objectives of the forces under his control.

On May 2, Ukrainian security forces resumed their offensive in the area of ​​Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, Strelkov led the militia defending Slavyansk.

On May 12, the state sovereignty of the DPR was proclaimed. On the same day, Igor Strelkov announced that he had accepted the position of commander armed forces DPR, and announced the introduction of a counter-terrorist operation (CTO) regime.

The order issued by Strelkov called on the Russian Federation to “take measures adequate to the situation to protect the population of the DPR, including the possibility of bringing in a contingent of peacekeeping forces from the eastern border.” It also stated that “within the framework of the CTO, all militants of Ukrainian neo-Nazi groups (the so-called “National Guard”, “Right Sector”, “Lyashko battalion”, “Donbass battalion”, etc.) are subject to detention, disarmament, and in case of armed resistance, they are destroyed on the spot.” On May 15, the Supreme Council of the DPR appointed Igor Strelkov as head of the Security Council and Minister of Defense of the DPR.

Strelkov decisively and brutally fought against looting in his units - on May 26, his order was published, which announced that two commanders of the “people's militia” in Slavyansk were shot by order of the military tribunal “for looting, armed robbery, kidnapping, abandonment combat positions and concealment of crimes committed. Strelkov tried to create an army based on the traditions of the Russian Imperial Army and Christian values.

During the defense of Slavyansk, the leadership of the Russian Federation was in no hurry to provide assistance to the rebels. Individuals in the Russian leadership actively opposed the rebels, and even recommended Strelkov to “close the shop.”

On the night of July 5, 2014, a group of militias numbering about two thousand people with a column of armored vehicles fought their way from surrounded Slavyansk to neighboring Kramatorsk, from where they later headed to Gorlovka and Donetsk. According to Strelkov, 80-90% of the equipment, weapons and personnel of the militia, their families, as well as those who helped them, left the city.

On July 16, Strelkov, who declared himself the military commandant of Donetsk, introduced martial law in it in order to prepare the city for a siege.

On August 13, a report appeared in the media about Igor Strelkov being seriously wounded, but a few hours later it was refuted by representatives of the DPR.

On August 14, Strelkov resigned from the post of Minister of Defense of the Donetsk People's Republic "in connection with a transfer to another job." His place was taken by Vladimir Kononov. On August 15, the head of the DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, announced that Strelkov was going on a month-long vacation, after which he “will have new assignments on the territory of Novorossiya.”

On September 11, Strelkov gave an interview in which he stated that he did not intend to return to Donbass, and also called for political support for President Vladimir Putin and to counter the activities of the “fifth column” in Russia.

On October 4, Strelkov gave an exclusive interview to the Novorossiya agency, in which he directly accused Vladislav Surkov of striving for destruction and plunder instead of help:

“Unfortunately, those people who are now dealing with the issues of Novorossiya on the territory of Russia, who are authorized to do this, in particular, the notorious Vladislav Yuryevich Surkov, are people who are aimed only at destruction, who will not provide any real and effective help. Specifically, V. Yu showed himself brilliantly in this regard in South Ossetia, in other regions, wherever he was, we dealt with “cuttings” and looting instead of real help".

Participating in the forum under the nickname Kotych, he regularly posted reports of military operations in the DPR and commented on the situation in the DPR and LPR. Videos of his statements, including from besieged Slavyansk, are posted on YouTube. After his resignation on August 14, 2014, he did not appear on the forum and on YouTube for almost a month, but a photo of him with blogger el_murid was published.

Strelkov’s statements during the period of his activity on the forum when he was the head of the DPR militia were transmitted in the form of answers to questions, daily summaries, as well as brief comments and were reposted by numerous users of LiveJournal and other social networks. Usually the primary source is the forum (some reports are also published on the website or in the form of videos on YouTube and their transcripts).

10.30.2014 Igor Strelkov gave a press conference where he announced the creation of the Novorossiya public movement.

He emphasized that the movement does not set itself political, but exclusively humanitarian goals - the collection, delivery and transfer of collected humanitarian (non-military) assistance to the defenders of Donbass. Unfortunately, the assistance that the Russian Federation officially provides to Donbass is not enough, so Novorossiya will not be able to cope without the support of all residents of Russia. According to the ideologists of the social movement, the process of helping Novorossiya should be structured, centralized, and also freed from dishonest people profiting from this good cause.

People who have known Strelkov personally and for a long time describe him as a man with a core of steel. "War became his path. He has a strong character, a brilliant education, a broad outlook. Now everything is his best qualities appear in Slavyansk. I would say of him that he is a figure of the caliber of Garibaldi."

Scandals, rumors

On April 15, 2014, the SBU opened criminal proceedings on the facts of “organizing a premeditated murder by a citizen of the Russian Federation, Strelkov, and committing actions to the detriment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine, carrying out sabotage and subversive activities, as well as organizing mass riots in the eastern regions of our state.”

On May 21, 2014, the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine opened criminal proceedings against Igor Strelkov on suspicion of creating a terrorist group or terrorist organization (part 1 of article 258-3), organizing mass riots (part 1 of article 294), committing a terrorist attack (part 1 Art. 258).

He is charged with the fact that “during March - April 2014, to carry out terrorist attacks in Ukraine, he created a terrorist group, directed its activities, organized mass riots in the Kharkov, Lugansk, Donetsk regions, Autonomous Republic Crimea, accompanied by violence against citizens, as well as pogroms, arson, destruction of property, seizure of buildings and structures,” and also “committed a terrorist act that led to the death of people and other grave consequences.”

There is a myth spread on the Internet that Igor Strelkov is a Mossad colonel, a Jew, and his name is Yigal Girkind. Strelkov himself refutes this opinion.

In December 2014, it was reported that the former head of the DPR Ministry of Defense, Igor Strelkov, married his assistant Miroslava Reginskaya. According to rumors, Reginskaya is a citizen of Ukraine. The Russian Freedom portal reported about the marriage of Reginskaya and Strelkov. According to rumors, the marriage took place on Igor Strelkov’s birthday.

Igor Strelkov's wife Miroslava Reginskaya is the head of the apparatus of the head of the Novorossiya movement - that is, directly her husband. Moskovsky Komsomolets reports that Miroslava Reginskaya is also a student at the Rostov State University of Economics.

In June 2017, Strelkov decided to emerge from political obscurity and enter into battle with.

As it became known from a statement by Igor Strelkov himself on his page in Contact, he constantly receives proposals from readers to hold some kind of “debate” with Navalny.

Therefore, Strelkov invited Navalny to engage in political confrontation.

In The Pathetic Coward Igor Girkin (Strelkov)

From strelkov_i_i Another opus appeared on the topic of protecting the “Russian world”. This pompous asshole is going out of his way to demonstrate his concern for the fate of the Donbass militia commander. It looks funny and stupid, because everyone knows that Girkin is a hypocrite, trying in vain to regain his trust.

Igor Girkin (Strelkov)

Yesterday on VKontakte Strelkov asked to disseminate information about the detention of Vadim Pogodin, the commander of the battalion with the call sign “Kerch” of the DPR in 2014. He pretended that he was concerned about this “unfair” situation, because Strelkov’s relationship with Pogodin was not the warmest. Here's what he said about Kerch:

Igor Strelkov about relations with Vadim Pogodin

And is Girkin drowning for this “dirty liar”? Strelkov doesn’t care about him, he only needs PR. These ostentatious intercessions for Pogodin are another reason to throw mud at Russia. Girkin showed us all his insides when he began scribbling useless scribbles in in social networks. From commanding a battalion he slid to absorbing gossip. How many times have I read how he criticizes the leadership of the DPR or the Russian authorities. Tons of accusations rained down on Moscow for its reluctance to intervene in the Ukrainian conflict or succumb to the provocations of the American coalition in the Syrian Arab Republic. At the same time, Strelkov, as a military man, does not understand at all what the consequences will be if there is a clash of interests between Russia and the United States in Syria. Strelkov criticizes Moscow for the wrong course chosen and the wrong government. Well, naturally, only he knows what our country really needs. Girkin talks about foreign policy like an expert, but he doesn’t even understand what he’s talking about. All his ridiculous statements are populist nonsense that is not worthy of the attention of a normal person.

And what’s most disgusting is that Strelkov pours all this bile on the leadership of the DPR or Russia just for the sake of showing off, to draw attention to how his poor man was allegedly offended and almost by force forced to collect his coins and leave. Strelkov is a man seemingly of military training, a former commander of the DPR, but he behaves like Small child, whose toy was taken away and therefore he is now playing dirty tricks. And after all, he is not a hero, but a pathetic coward who fled to Russia at the first serious difficulty.

Girkin surrendered Slavyansk. No fight. He simply lost territory that was important for the militia, and then retreated. His colleagues simply did not believe that the man in whom they believed and hoped had abandoned his comrades and the residents of Donbass without any regret. But now they all, without regret, call Strelkov a traitor and a coward. Here are just some statements about him:

Dan the Peacemaker about Strelkov

Evgeniy Kryzhin about Girkin

The mayor of Slavyansk about Strelkov:

And this coward teaches us life? Seriously? He was unable to realize himself as a commander, but he succeeded in the blogosphere. Now Strelkov sits and scribbles with his disgusting stamen fingers on the keyboard in the hope that he will be respected. Why respect, excuse me? For spinelessness and weakness? For arrogance and hypocrisy? This decrepit old man, who found himself a young wife, can only slander and crap on the Internet. Fuck him.

The military considers will to be the main trait of a commander, followed by prudence, moderation and self-control. When the military-political conflict in Donbass (Ukraine) was just beginning to flare up in 2014, Igor Strelkov showed all these qualities. Strelkov’s role is complex and ambiguous, but his contribution to the formation of Donbass as a separate republic is extremely great.

Childhood and youth

Girkin Igor Vsevolodovich (better known as Strelkov Igor Ivanovich) was born in Moscow on December 17, 1970. Considering the military career of Igor Vsevolodovich, the facts of his biography are not advertised. According to unofficial information, Igor Vsevolodovich’s father is also a military man by profession. From early childhood, Girkin was interested in history. The boy studied diligently, read with pleasure, for which he received the offensive nickname “nerd” among his peers.

Having received a basic education at Moscow school No. 249, the young man at the age of 18 became a student at the State Institute of History and Archives in Moscow. A year later, the young man developed a hobby that was rare for that time - military-historical reconstruction.

Military service

Having received a diploma about higher education, Igor did not work even a day in his specialty - the young man chose to follow in his father’s footsteps. Igor's military career began in 1992 as a Cossack army shooter and mortar gunner. At the same time, Girkin visited the war for the first time: first in Transnistria, then in Bosnia. Upon his return, the young man published a "Bosnian Diary" with notes about the events of that period and personal experience.

The young man served in the air defense forces as a gunner in a security company. Having started his service as a private, by June 1994 Girkin received the rank of junior sergeant. After serving his military service, the young man remained in the army, but under a contract as a platoon deputy and commander of the Arcadia self-propelled artillery unit. After only 5 months, Igor received the rank of guard sergeant.

In 1995, Igor Girkin gained serious experience of real combat operations by going to the Chechen Republic. Returning from the war, in 1996, Igor joined the Federal Security Service as an investigator (at the same time he received the rank of lieutenant). Simultaneously with his work, Igor took courses at the FSB, after which he received a promotion, taking the position of deputy head of the department (with the rank of senior lieutenant).

Igor Strelkov in the army

From 1999 to 2005, Girkin visited the Chechen and Dagestan republics in order to fight the gangster underground and terrorism. By December 2005, Igor Vsevolodovich received the rank of colonel. For his contribution to the fight against terrorism, Girkin was awarded the Order of Courage and a medal.

In 2005, Igor Vsevolodovich was transferred to Moscow, where he worked in Federal Service Security until 2013. In 2013, Igor Vsevolodovich was dismissed due to length of service. Girkin's total length of service military service was 18.5 years.

Igor Strelkov in Chechnya

Returning to Moscow, Igor Vsevolodovich remembered his youthful hobby and became the leader of the Combined Machine Gun Team, created on the basis of the military-historical club “Moscow Dragoon Regiment”. The main goal of the organization was the reconstruction of historical battles, in which Igor gladly took part, most often in the lower military ranks.

Donbass period

In February 2014 (a month before the referendum on the status of the peninsula), Igor Vsevolodovich was appointed to the position of freelance adviser to the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Crimea. At the same time, Igor Vsevolodovich headed a separate special forces volunteer battalion, ensuring the establishment Russian authorities on the peninsula after the referendum.

The intensification of hostilities in the Donbass forced Girkin to take the post of commander of the DPR militia on April 12, 2014. On April 12, Girkin (under the pseudonym Strelkov) with a team of armed people and activists occupied the administration building of the city of Slavyansk (Donetsk region), announcing the annexation of the city to the Donetsk People's Republic. For three months there were battles for the city, and on July 5, Strelkov, at the head of his group, was forced to leave the city, handing it over to the Ukrainian authorities.

After the referendum on May 11, 2014, according to the results of which the Donetsk People's Republic was proclaimed, Igor Ivanovich Strelkov was appointed to the post of Minister of Defense of the DPR. But two months later, on May 15, 2014, Strelkov left the territory of the DPR, leaving for the Russian Federation.

In his speech, Igor Ivanovich voiced the reason for his departure as a political decision on the part of the authorities. According to the ex-leader of the militia, the Russian government betrayed the people of Donbass. At the same time, the former Minister of Defense of the DPR emphasized that he continues to closely monitor the fate of the Republic, especially war crimes by Ukraine.

The pseudonym Strelkov was chosen by Girkin not out of fear of political persecution and a desire to remain incognito, but based on the fact that this surname is easier to remember and reflects the owner’s connection with military affairs. Although entire fortunes are often made in war, Igor Ivanovich Strelkov always emphasizes that he does not even have a personal car, and donates most of his finances to charity and an old hobby - military-historical reconstructions.

Social movement "Novorossiya"

After leaving the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic in May 2014, Strelkov took up organizational activities in the Novorossiya social movement. The official website of the movement reflects information about its activities: the leader’s analytical notes on the military-political situation in the world, fundraising and organizing events to provide assistance to victims on the territory of the DPR, the population and the army of the republic. Help is provided in the form of food, clothing, and medicine.

Igor Strelkov organized the Novorossiya movement

The main and only goal of the movement and Strelkov as a leader is to help the people of Donbass. Novorossiya has nothing to do with politics. Igor Strelkov expressed his opinion in an interview posted on the official website of Novorossiya that in the armed conflict in the Donbass, the fate of not Kyiv and Donetsk, but Russia, is being decided.

Personal life

Almost nothing is known about the personal life of the ex-minister of the Donetsk People's Republic. Igor Vsevolodovich Girkin is married to Miroslava Reginskaya. Miroslava helps her husband in all endeavors, has an active political position and is a member of the Novorossiya social movement, headed by Girkin. The married couple has a daughter, Ulyana Igorevna Girkina. The baby was born in August 2016.

The family devotes all their free time to socio-political problems and work in Novorossiya, and Igor and Miroslava spent a short vacation on the Crimean peninsula.

Igor Strelkov now

As Igor Ivanovich Strelkov emphasizes, now the main goal of his activities is the organization of humanitarian assistance to the people of Donbass. In addition, Girkin, within the framework of the Novorossiya OA project, also deals with socio-political problems in Russia.

Thus, on October 28, 2017, members of the public movement took part in the congress of national patriotic forces of Russia, where they discussed the creation of a Team of People's Leaders. The purpose of creating the Team is the planned reform of the economic and social policies of the Russian Federation by combating corruption, nationalizing strategically important resources and electing local Councils.

According to Strelkov, the Novorossiya OD is a third force along with official authority and the opposition. As for the comrades in the fight for Donetsk People's Republic, then here too Igor Ivanovich is opposed to other parties to the conflict.

Thus, in October 2017, a skirmish occurred on the Internet between Strelkov and the former Prime Minister of the DPR, now the head of the Union of Donbass Volunteers, Alexander Borodai. Alexander Yuryevich in an interview called the appointment of Strelkov to the post of Minister of Defense of the DPR in 2014 a personnel “mistake.”

In addition to political issues, the OD "Novorrossiya" is also engaged in solving social problems in Donbass. Strelkov and his team publish reports on monthly humanitarian assistance to the people of the DPR on the official website of the movement, as well as on the page in