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Dietary recipes from celery root. Celery for weight loss, celery root benefits for weight loss How to use celery root for weight loss

Celery is a nutritious, healthy product. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, improves metabolism and helps shed extra pounds. By consuming vegetables, you can significantly lose weight. The product is ideal for body shaping, which is why celery dishes are included in many diets.

The vegetable contains beneficial vitamins, amino acids and mineral compounds. The plant contains many essential oils, helping to stabilize sleep, functions of the pancreas, heart, and liver. Celery can increase the overall tone of the muscle system and charge you with energy for the whole day. How to properly consume this vegetable when losing weight? What healthy and tasty things can you make from it if you are on a diet?

How to use a healthy vegetable when losing weight

The vegetable can be consumed in various variations. Its root is boiled and baked in the oven. Vegetable stems are consumed raw, boiled, or stewed. They can be used as a dressing in soups and salads. Celery leaves are used as greens, and the seeds are used to season various dishes.

Experts recommend using this product not only when following a diet. The vegetable is so beneficial for the body that it is very useful to include it daily in your usual diet. Celery enriches the body with essential substances. The vegetable should be served with meat dishes, seafood, as soups and salads.

Celery can be used as a single product, as well as in combination with other dish ingredients. This low-calorie vegetable will never add extra pounds to you. In ancient times, our great-grandmothers used celery in their diet to preserve youth and figure. Neither peasants nor ladies from high society avoided this healthy vegetable.

Celery has long been known for its nutritional and healing properties. If you regularly consume celery in your diet, you can easily lose 2-4 kilograms weekly. In this case, the weight will not come back.

Celery contains:

  • a lot of fiber;
  • B vitamins;
  • potassium compounds;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus compounds;
  • iodides;
  • iron compounds;
  • zinc compounds

The vegetable increases muscle tone, has a calming effect, normalizes sleep and cardiac activity. Its use has a beneficial effect on the functions of the entire body. Celery root has a more specific flavor than leaves and stems. However, it can also be used in preparing nutritious and healthy dishes.

Celery can be grated, chopped in a blender, or squeezed juice from the vegetable using a juicer. Some vegetable lovers nibble on a piece of raw celery, which is also very healthy. Celery stalks can be safely added to stews and other vegetable dishes. Moreover, they are even pickled and salted.

Celery juice

Green vegetable juice is very useful. This product is especially suitable for correcting your own curves. In the human body the juice:

  • removes excess fluid;
  • eliminates stagnant processes;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • stabilizes metabolism;
  • cleanses biological fluids of toxins.

Juice improves digestion and promotes better absorption of incoming food. Thanks to the substances contained in celery, fat breakdown, protein reactions and interactions occur faster chemical elements. As a result of daily consumption of juice from this vegetable:

  • blood is purified;
  • energy increases;
  • fat is burned;
  • skin problems disappear.

For quick weight loss, drink green vegetable juice together with carrot juice. It is also useful to add juices of other edible plants to the drink. Nettle has a powerful antioxidant effect, removes fat deposits and inhibits the aging process.

Drinking a glass of celery and carrot juice before breakfast will significantly reduce your appetite. You can also add a spoonful of honey to the juice. This delicious drink stabilizes the digestive process. With regular consumption of vegetable juices, the weight loss process occurs without loss of fluid and is quite safe for the body.

Celery soup

Light celery soup is an ideal dish for effective weight loss. Soup made from this vegetable is particularly nutritious. It has a delicate taste and quickly fills the stomach. It is beneficial to consume celery soup 2-3 times a week.

When preparing the dish, celery root is lightly fried in vegetable oil. This gives the soup a spicy kick. Potatoes, carrots, onions and chopped garlic are also added to the soup. Add white cabbage or cauliflower. You can experiment with vegetables in various options. The main thing is that the celery dish turns out to be extremely tasty and healthy.

Cooking method:

  • take 350 g of leaves, boil for about 10 minutes;
  • add some shredded cabbage;
  • chop, add 2 bell peppers;
  • add parsley.


The green vegetable goes well with oatmeal. Oatmeal saturates the body and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. The product is good for metabolism. The dish is well digestible and nutritious.

To prepare cutlets take:

  • 350 g oatmeal;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 350 g green vegetable;
  • bulb;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • breadcrumbs.

Pour boiling water over oatmeal and leave for about 30 minutes. Next, the excess liquid is drained. Finely chop the celery and onion, then add the vegetables to cereals. Add lemon juice and mix the mixture thoroughly. The cutlets are formed and cooked in vegetable oil in a frying pan. They come out with a beautiful golden crust and are very tasty.

Celery salads

Celery is an ideal vegetable for salads. It goes well with turnips and carrots. To prepare a healthy salad, you will need:

  • 250 g celery rhizome;
  • 250 g turnips;
  • carrot;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • parsley and dill.

All ingredients of the dish are crushed and mixed thoroughly. Do not dress the salad vegetable oil, and lemon juice. It gives the whole dish a piquant and subtle taste. The salad turns out to be very nutritious, tasty and is an ideal dish for quick weight loss.

Another celery salad is based on the use of yogurt. The dishes are prepared like this:

  • take 200 g of celery stalks;
  • add chopped carrots;
  • add chopped cucumber;
  • boil and chop 2 eggs, put them in the salad;
  • season with 50 g of yogurt.

A healthy, nutritious salad with celery and eggs will not add any extra pounds. The dish is completely digestible and provides the necessary energy. Celery is a great helper in any weight loss diet.

There are a large number of recipes for delicious nutritious dishes with this vegetable. You can prepare a salad according to a cookbook or use your grandmother’s family recipe. It is useful to add boiled chicken, apples, and Chinese cabbage to salads.


Green vegetable smoothies make for a nutritious snack. They are prepared with the addition of tomatoes and apples. To do this, mix:

  • 300 g celery;
  • green apples;
  • 100 ml tomato juice;
  • greenery.

All components are pre-cleaned and washed under running water. Next, the ingredients are crushed and the juice is squeezed out. The greens are finely chopped and decorated with a glass of vegetable cocktail.

By consuming celery leaves, you can lose weight and improve the health of your entire body in a short period of time. Just as we habitually eat carrots and potatoes, we should accustom ourselves to frequent consumption healthy vegetable. Celery is useful for various ailments and for general strengthening of the body. The vegetable is traditionally present in many Russian dishes.

There are a lot of options for using healthy and nutritious celery. The stems, leaves, and roots are very useful. They are suitable for preparing first and second courses. The vegetable goes well with meat, beans, and garlic. To lose weight, it is better to choose fresh greens, add vegetable leaves to salads and as a dressing for main courses. A diet containing celery will help you shape your figure in a short time.

Video: how to lose weight with celery

If you decide to lose a little extra kg gained over the winter, then a wonderful root plant will help you.

This is an excellent root that will help not only reduce weight, but also calm nerves and normalize blood pressure. Very good grass. Those people who want to lose weight regularly eat celery root for weight loss. Nutritionists love to recommend this product. After all, celery root is a low-calorie product, and besides, when assimilating it, our body spends much more energy, what he gets.

Also, with constant use of celery root for weight loss, the body cleanse yourself of toxins, and the breakdown of subcutaneous fat reserves occurs much faster. The result is a slim figure, healthy and beautiful skin.

So adding celery root to any salad, you will only do better for your loved one. After all, in addition to helping you lose weight, it will also improve your health. Since celery root contains a lot useful vitamins, such as vitamin A, C, B6, E, PP. In addition, it is rich in minerals such as potassium, zinc, iron, phosphorus and magnesium. Celery root for weight loss is indispensable for diseases of the nervous system, stomach, obesity and rheumatism.

Eat celery root! By adding celery root to your diet, you will improve your health. health. What could be better? healthy body? Probably nothing. Health is priceless and must be protected, and celery root for weight loss will help you with this. Now it will be easier than always to lose weight, without exhausting diets, just by eating celery root. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, eat celery.

Need to remember: nothing will make you slimmer and lighter if you move little, but eat a lot and high in calories.

Celery root for weight loss cannot allow you to lose weight once and for a long time
. The faster you lose weight, the faster it will come back. You need to lose weight not in a hurry, but by losing weight, monitor your diet. You need to drink a lot of water, especially green tea and not sweet natural juices. You need to eat 5-6 times a day, and it is advisable not to eat after 18.00 hours.

It is advisable to replace sour cream and mayonnaise with yogurt or kefir, eat less fried food, it is better to eat boiled or baked food. Under no circumstances should you go to the grocery store hungry and, of course, don’t go hungry, don’t let your body make reserves, use celery root for weight loss. And most importantly, love yourself for who you are.

Celery adds flavor to any dish. That is why it is so popular. It is loved due to its taste and beneficial properties; it is simply a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It slows down the aging process, has a beneficial effect on the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular system. It should be noted that celery root is actively used for weight loss.

Benefits of celery root for weight loss

  • The calorie content is very low - about 30 kcal per 100 g of fresh product.
  • Many people use celery root for weight loss because of the minimal amount of fat it contains.
  • Eating celery root stimulates the production of gastric juice, which has a positive effect on digestive processes. That is why this vegetable is recommended to be eaten before meals.
  • The plant fiber contained in celery also improves digestion, making the product great for people prone to constipation. Fiber keeps you feeling full longer, which helps you avoid unnecessary snacking.
  • Celery is an excellent diuretic. It removes excess moisture from the body, therefore preventing the appearance of edema.
  • This is a product with low glycemic index. Feel free to eat it without worrying about your blood sugar levels rising.
  • The product contains vitamins B, C, E, K, PP, choline, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, etc. Celery helps normalize hormonal levels in women, and is an excellent aphrodisiac for men.

How they eat?

If you stick proper nutrition, then be sure to include celery root in your diet. It can be consumed both in its original form and subjected to heat treatment. It is boiled, baked, added to soups, snacks and other dishes. What is especially important is that not only the root, but also the stalks of celery are used for weight loss; you can also prepare a lot of dietary dishes from them. Do you love healthy and low-calorie drinks? Feel free to add any part of celery to juices and smoothies. If you like to experiment with diets, you can find a lot of nutrition systems that feature this product.

Celery Diet

The nutrition system, which is based on celery, is considered low-carbohydrate and monocomponent. Therefore, it is quite effective: in a week you can get rid of 3 kg or more. This is an excellent option for those who are looking for simpler ways and dream of gaining ideal shape in a short time. So, how to eat celery to lose weight in a week? Like most dietary programs, the celery diet involves giving up baked goods, reducing the amount of salt and sugar, useful ways cooking. You will have to eat in small portions - 4-5 times a day. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before going to bed.

You should eat celery soup every day for lunch. To prepare it, for 2-2.5 liters of water you will need:

  • 1 celery root;
  • small zucchini;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 medium tomatoes;
  • bell pepper

Place a saucepan of water over medium heat. Cut all the vegetables into small cubes, after boiling the water, add celery root to the pan, and after 10 minutes add the rest of the vegetables. The soup should simmer for 10-15 minutes. It is better not to salt the dish. But, if you cannot completely give up salt, try to add it as little as possible. If you prefer pureed soups, use a blender to reach the desired consistency.

For dinner you need to prepare a diet salad with lentils. To do this you need:

  • 100 g lentils;
  • 200-250 g of celery leaves and stalks;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • low-fat or low-fat yogurt without additives.

Rinse the lentils and boil until tender (about 30 minutes). Finely chop the celery and cucumber. Mix the ingredients and season the salad with yogurt. By the way, you can choose the gas station at your own discretion. The main thing is that it does not contain a large number of calories.

Diet menu

A sample menu looks like this:

  • breakfast: a cup of coffee or tea, if desired, you can add a spoonful of sugar or honey;
  • snack from days 1 to 3: salad of apple, celery stalks and leaves;
  • snack from days 4 to 6: grated celery root salad with white cabbage, it can be seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice;
  • lunch: vegetable soup according to the recipe;
  • dinner: on days 1, 3 and 5 of the diet, have dinner with salad according to the recipe, on the remaining days, except the last, dinner should consist of 100 g of boiled chicken breast;
  • 2-3 hours before bedtime you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • diet last day diet should consist entirely of vegetable soup, it can be eaten in any quantity.

The benefits of this diet are obvious. But it’s worth talking about the disadvantages. It is quite strict, so it is quite difficult for many to survive a week on such a food system. The diet consists of almost nothing but vegetables, and an unprepared body may suffer from such a sudden transition. Finally, celery has a specific taste that not everyone can get used to. If you wince at the taste or smell of this product, it is better to choose another diet rather than torment yourself.

Fasting day

The set of products for the daily diet should consist of 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir, 300 g of celery and 1 kg of any other fresh vegetables. Drink water during fasting days simply necessary. You can lose about 1 kg per day. But you should continue to use only kefir with celery for weight loss for no more than two days. A similar diet can be repeated after 10-14 days. Try to unload your body on weekends, when you don’t have to waste energy on intense physical or mental work.

Diet salad recipes

If you are not ready to strictly follow a certain diet, but are still wondering how to lose weight with celery, adopt a few simple and delicious recipes. You just need to replace your usual hearty dinner with a healthy salad.

Simple Celery Root Salad

To prepare it, take celery root weighing 400-500g. For dressing you will need 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, olive oil or a couple of tablespoons of salad mayonnaise, your favorite spices. Peel the celery, cut it into thin strips and mix with the prepared dressing. The dish can be placed on lettuce leaves and garnished with leaf celery, parsley or dill.

Salad with celery and apple

For a serving of salad you will need a medium-sized unsweetened apple and 150-200 g of celery root. Grate the ingredients on a coarse grater or cut into thin strips, mix and season with low-fat yogurt. If you prefer more satisfying salads for weight loss with celery, add boiled celery to the dish chicken fillet. You can also add greens and flax seeds to the salad.

Salad with tuna

You will need the following components:

  • 150-200 g celery root;
  • can of canned tuna;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • classic yogurt for dressing.

Grate the celery on a coarse grater, cut the egg and cucumber into half rings, and chop the fish with a fork. Mix all ingredients and top with yogurt.

Salad with avocado and Chinese cabbage

Required ingredients:

  • 250 g celery;
  • 1 ripe avocado;
  • 200-250 g Chinese cabbage;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 2-3 tablespoons olive oil, salt to taste.

Remove the pit from the avocado and cut the fruit into small cubes, cut the cucumbers and celery into strips, and chop the cabbage. Mix the ingredients, season with olive oil, add salt if desired.

Salad "Slimness"

With just three ingredients you can prepare a low-calorie and delicious salad. You will need celery root, turnips and carrots. Grate the vegetables on a coarse grater, add a little salt, stir and sprinkle with lemon juice. It is better to prepare the salad 15-20 minutes before the meal, so that it has time to brew and release juice.

Fat burning juice

It is believed that the juice from celery root is much more healthier than a drink from the stems and leaves of this plant. It is absorbed much faster, so the body will receive all the beneficial substances immediately. To prepare the drink, just pass the product through a juicer. This juice is thick, aromatic and, perhaps, too rich, so many people dilute it. By the way, recipes from celery root are not limited to salads and soups. Cocktails are prepared from it, mixed with the juices of other vegetables and fruits: beets, carrots, cabbage, apples. To lose weight, it is enough to take 2-4 teaspoons of freshly squeezed juice 30 minutes before a meal.

Select and store correctly

We found out how to use celery root. But in order for it not only to help you lose weight, but also to bring benefits to the body, you need to think about choosing a product and its proper storage. When choosing, first of all pay attention to the integrity of the fruit. There should be no damage or rot on it, it should be solid. Size does not affect the vitamin composition. But it is worth knowing that the smaller the root, the softer it is.

Celery root can be stored for only a few days. In many ways, the benefits and harms of celery depend on the time and storage conditions. Over time, its taste changes for the worse, and for health long-term storage The product is not very useful. Freshly squeezed celery root juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Harm and contraindications

Celery root is not recommended for use by people with ulcers, as well as people with serious disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. If the acidity of the stomach is increased, then drinking juice can cause discomfort. Thrombophlebitis and varicose veins veins are also contraindications. It is worth excluding celery root from the diet or reducing its consumption to a minimum for pregnant women and mothers during lactation. It is also necessary for older people to observe the measure.

Vegetables such as celery are considered healthy food product. It helps get rid of many diseases, as well as improve the general condition of the body: normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the heart muscle and the walls of blood vessels, helps improve the functioning of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

One of the advantages of this product is its low calorie content, which allows it to be used as a “weapon” in the fight against extra pounds. But does celery root really help you lose weight? And what dishes can be prepared from this vegetable? Let's figure it out together.

There is an opinion on social networks that celery root is famous for its negative calorie content. Most sources claim that celery, when consumed internally, requires an incredible amount of energy to digest. To digest this food product, it seems that more calories are expended than are contained in celery. Which, in turn, leads to rapid weight loss.

Of course, this is all a lie. Negative calorie foods are just a myth. Yes, the body needs to spend some of the energy we received with food on processing and assimilation of nutrients. However, this amount is only from 10 to 30%, depending on the components that are in the products. In addition, the body spends the largest amount of energy on processing proteins, which are practically absent in celery.

Therefore, you should not rush headlong to the store and stock up on celery for future use in order to get rid of extra pounds. You will not lose weight if you eat this product around the clock. Celery root will be beneficial for the figure only if it enters the human body along with flour, fatty or sweet foods.

Composition and benefits of celery

This spicy vegetable has a delicate, piquant taste and is endowed with a lot of useful substances. Celery contains a huge amount of plant fiber. It contains vitamins A, B, K and C. As for minerals, celery contains carotene, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, magnesium, etc.

The beneficial properties of celery are as follows:

  • due to its unique composition, this vegetable is often used to cleanse the body of “bad” cholesterol and other harmful substances;
  • beneficial features This product has been proven to enhance sexual function;
  • it contains diuretics that help remove excess fluid from the subcutaneous tissue, sand and small stones from the kidneys;
  • potassium helps normalize the functioning of the central nervous system, which affects improved sleep and overall emotional state;
  • restores iron levels in the blood and is also a preventative against anemia;
  • strengthens the skeletal system;
  • increases testosterone production, which is important for the stronger half of our population;
  • helps strengthen the immune system;
  • the beneficial properties of celery improve blood circulation in the brain;
  • normalizes intestinal function and helps get rid of constipation;
  • reduces the likelihood of gallstone disease;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • It has a low calorie content, which is why it is often included in various recipes for weight loss.

It is known that the human body is saturated not only with useful substances, but also with the amount of food consumed. Celery root is very voluminous, so it can saturate the human body very quickly.

Today, you can prepare a wide variety of snacks, soups and salads with this vegetable. Moreover, all dishes will be low-calorie, which allows you to include these recipes in the weight loss menu. On average, the calorie content of celery is 30 units per 100 grams of product, which is very little.

Making celery soups

Using the recipes that we have given below, you can prepare dishes with celery at home.

The most common of all is soup, which you can prepare right away.

Dietary soup No. 1

To prepare this soup we will need:

  • white cabbage - a small fork;
  • tomatoes – 5 pieces;
  • celery root is a small root vegetable;
  • green beans – 350 grams;
  • onions – 300 grams;
  • carrots – 400 grams;
  • bell pepper – 1 piece;
  • tomato juice – 1.5 liters;
  • greens - to taste.

Let's start cooking: cut all the vegetables into small cubes and place them in a saucepan. Pour in tomato juice and put it on fire. Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. We time it for exactly 10 minutes, and then reduce the gas to a minimum and leave to simmer for another 10 minutes, covering the saucepan with a lid. One minute after the end of cooking, add finely chopped herbs.

As a result, we get a very satisfying tomato soup, the beneficial properties of which are very great. Bon appetit!

Dietary soup No. 2

This soup includes following products power supply:

  • weak vegetable broth - 3 liters;
  • white cabbage - half a head;
  • onions – 300 grams;
  • tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • sweet green pepper – 1 piece;
  • herbs and spices - optional.

The recipe for this dish is very simple: pour the broth into a saucepan and put it on the fire. When it boils, add finely chopped vegetables and bring to a boil. After 10 minutes, add pepper and spices to the boiling vegetables. After a few minutes, add the greens, cover the saucepan with a lid and remove it from the heat. The soup is ready, eat to your health!

Dietary soup No. 3

To prepare this dish we will need:

  • potatoes – 300 grams;
  • carrots – 80 grams;
  • celery root is a small fruit;
  • garlic – 5 grams;
  • nuts – 15 grams.

Preparing this soup is very simple: grind the nuts with garlic (ideally, you need walnuts, but if you don’t have any, you can use any others). We put some water in a saucepan and put it on the fire. When the water boils, you can throw the potatoes cut into strips into it.

Grate the carrots, cut the celery root into strips and place them in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Simmer for 5-10 minutes and add to the broth with potatoes. At this stage, you can add a little salt to the soup. We wait for everything to boil and remove from heat. Add the grated nuts and garlic and cover with a lid. The soup is ready, bon appetit!

Incredibly tasty and healthy celery salads

The salad with the addition of this vegetable will become even tastier.

And its beneficial properties will help you saturate your body with all the useful substances, as well as get rid of annoying centimeters on your body.

Salad with turnips and carrots

To prepare this salad we will need:

  • celery root is a small fruit;
  • turnip – 2 pieces (small ones only);
  • carrots – 100 grams;
  • lemon juice – 10 ml;
  • greens - optional.

The salad is prepared very simply: grate turnips, celery root and carrots on a coarse grater. Place everything in a deep bowl, season with freshly squeezed lemon juice, add the herbs you like and mix everything thoroughly. The salad is ready, bon appetit!

Salad with chicken eggs and carrots

This salad will perfectly satisfy your hunger and saturate your body with vitamins and microelements.

  • celery – 200 grams;
  • carrots – 100 grams;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • cucumber – 1 piece;
  • homemade yogurt – 5 tablespoons.

We prepare the salad as follows: first, boil the carrots and eggs (previously washed well) in lightly salted water. Grate the celery on a fine grater, and cut the carrots, eggs and cucumber into thin strips. Place everything in a deep bowl, add yogurt and mix thoroughly. You can add the greens you like to the salad. Bon appetit!

Salad with pickled mushrooms and bell peppers

To prepare we will need:

  • celery root – 200 grams;
  • pickled mushrooms – 300 grams;
  • bell pepper – 3 pieces;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • vegetable oil – 10 ml;
  • red wine – 30 ml;
  • Apple vinegar– 10 ml.

Preparation: take a deep plate and grate celery root into it on a coarse grater. Cut the pepper into small cubes and grind the garlic using a press. Add mushrooms. Prepare the dressing: mix vegetable oil, wine and apple cider vinegar. Season the salad with the resulting sauce. You can add a little salt and ground pepper.

In fact, there are a lot of recipes using celery. All you need to do is choose what you like.

Lose weight with pleasure!

Celery root is a product that is gaining popularity at an astonishing rate. Just like celery stalks and greens, it is used in a wide variety of recipes across many cuisines and food styles around the world due to its ability to cook different dishes and experiment with diets. In addition, celery root for weight loss is now used almost more often than other products, because it has a set of completely unique properties, uncharacteristic of any other food.

Benefits of celery root

It is quite possible to grow root celery at home, in a small apartment or small house, even in a small pot on the windowsill, or at any time of the year you can find it in almost every store. Doctors advise using this useful product V different types as often as possible, ideally daily. Celery root is the most useful for weight loss, the recipes for which are often simple and economical. It has such an effect on weight due to its ability to restore normal metabolism and get rid of unnecessary “reserves” that have stagnated in the body, but celery root can also help prevent the occurrence of a number of diseases.

Firstly, this product will help to completely get rid of vitamin deficiency and its manifestations. The content of vitamins and a whole list of other useful substances in it is extremely high! This rich variety consists of vitamins of various groups (A, C, E, B) and potassium, boron, iron, zinc, phosphorus and other elements vital for the body, easy to absorb and contained in sufficient quantities. Secondly, this product helps nervous system function without failures, protects against stress and irritability, maintains overall tone, good health and high level performance. Thirdly, celery root helps fight many diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire circulatory system of the body.

The overall effect is observed in maintaining wellness, fight against colds, strengthening immunity and memory. But, despite all the benefits, you shouldn’t overuse celery. It is contraindicated in women who are recent months pregnancy and already nursing mothers, as it reduces the amount of milk produced. You should not eat it if you have gastritis or stomach ulcers, as well as varicose veins.

How to lose weight with celery

A large number of options and the possibility of improvisation are a huge plus of celery root - you can find a variety of recipes for weight loss that will appeal to almost any person. In addition, unlike stalks, celery root does not have such an unusual taste; it is perceived as more traditional and does not have a nutty aftertaste.

You can use celery root for weight loss in four different ways:

  1. in the form of a salad;
  2. as the main ingredient in soup;
  3. as a base for juice;
  4. as a healthy substitute for a heavy side dish.

The last case is the simplest - you just need to boil the product until soft and puree it in a blender with various additives to taste (soy or skim milk, herbs, other vegetables such as cauliflower or sweet potato). There are no diets based on such puree, but this dish can easily replace a high-calorie potato side dish, heavy pasta or any other unhealthy food.

Celery root juice is increasingly used in diets as a medicine - it should be taken in very small doses before each meal (one or two spoons so that the total amount of juice drunk does not exceed one hundred milliliters per day). It will improve the functioning of the stomach and everything gastrointestinal tract, and will relieve you of any metabolic problems for a long time.

Roasted Celery Root Recipe

Salad is a completely complete and independent dish. One of the most popular diets is the monotonous diet of celery salads. One option is a mixture of several bell peppers of any color, several large bunches of parsley and three to four large celery roots, seasoned with low-fat yogurt. You can eat such a salad without any restrictions as many times as you like during the day, but the benefits of celery root for weight loss in this case end on the fourth day - then a monotonous diet can already cause really significant damage to the body. But in three days it is possible to cleanse the body of a variety of harmful substances accumulated in it and immediately lose about three kilograms of excess weight.

Another salad recipe is a combination of half a kilogram of grated celery root and a whole kilogram of grated fresh cucumber, seasoned with a small amount of oil and even less lemon juice. This salad should be divided into five equal parts and eaten throughout the whole day with breaks of three hours. You can also stick to this diet for no more than three days. If you get bored with the salad too quickly, then you can alternate it with a dish of apple and celery, in which sour apples take the place of cucumbers, and lemon-oil dressing takes the place of lemon-oil dressing. soy sauce mixed with sesame oil.

Celery Root Salad Recipe

The same principle is used to build protein diet, only together with celery they consume an equal amount of boiled chicken breast or completely low-fat fish, cooked exclusively for steam. This salad is best seasoned with a minimal amount of lemon juice and a few bunches of greens.

And the last option, the most famous of all, is consuming celery soup daily. This is not a monotonous diet at all; soup leaves the opportunity to eat light salads, lean meat and, if desired, fish, steamed vegetables, fruits and nuts, as well as dishes based on them.

A standard celery root soup recipe includes:

  • one medium celery root;
  • three to four stalks of celery;
  • two bell peppers;
  • five medium tomatoes (fresh or canned);
  • half a kilogram of white cabbage;
  • three or four bunches of any greenery.

All ingredients are added to boiling water and after boiling again, cook for about ten minutes. It is advisable to eat the resulting amount of soup per day, about a bowl at each meal. There can also be a large number of soup options: with fish, with carrots and asparagus, lean meat, potatoes and cauliflower. So many recipes are enough to choose a really tasty option and with maximum pleasure use celery root recipes for weight loss.

Quitting the diet

Before choosing celery root for weight loss from all the possible products, you should study the reviews very carefully. For some, after such a diet, only strict restrictions for a long time help - otherwise the lost kilograms quickly return. Others, on the contrary, very easily return to their previous diet, somewhat “lightening” their weight.

Most best option- a gradual increase in calorie intake and dietary diversity over several days after stopping the diet. At the same time, for some time (a week or two) it is worth eating a celery salad once a day. In this case, you can choose more complicated options, for example, a salad of carrots, turnips, celery, with vegetable oil, lemon and herbs. Or an option with celery roots and leaves, tomatoes, cabbage and bell peppers, seasoned according to individual preferences.

Another more convenient option is to switch to a normal diet, the total amount of which does not exceed one and a half thousand calories per day. You need to spend a week in this rhythm, after which you can return to normal portions.

These features apply to both salad diets and the celery soup diet. It is very important to continue to eat this dish after completing the diet to maintain the results obtained. As for juice, the main thing is to take breaks from using it from time to time, alternating, for example, a week with using juice and a week without it.

To summarize, we can say that the main steps to exit the celery root diet are:

  1. a gradual increase in the variety of foods and dishes consumed;
  2. slowly increasing the calories eaten per day;
  3. gradual reduction in the amount of celery-based food eaten per day.

If you approach each stage responsibly, then the body will receive exceptional benefits, and returning to a nutritious diet will not cause any harm to your figure.

The benefits of celery root for weight loss are undeniable. This product should be used by every person who wants to correct their figure through dietary changes or who wants to switch to eating exclusively healthy foods.