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What is spiritualism and how dangerous is it? Calling spirits at home Who comes to spiritualistic seances

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Fashion for mysticism. Spiritualistic seances in the salons of Russian high society

In the second half of the 19th century, St. Petersburg salons were at the peak of fashion. In some they played music and talked about literature. In others, they argued heatedly about politics and lost fortunes at the card tables. Thirdly, they shared gossip and pretended to be in love. But all the salons became infected with the new overseas entertainment - spiritualism.

The emergence of spiritualism in America and Europe

The nature of spiritualism was first touched upon in 1760 by the Englishman George Littleton in his book Contact with the Other Side. But the practice really became popular in the USA and Great Britain only in the middle of the 19th century. Myself The White house fell before the onslaught of this mysterious ritual. Then-President Abraham Lincoln and First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln conducted seances after the death of their son.

The Fox sisters from New York State, USA, were recognized as the first mediums. They heard strange knocking noises in their house, the source of which was unknown to any of the household members. One of the girls, Kat, expressed a theory that some intelligent but incorporeal entity was trying to communicate with them. The girls communicated with the “entity” using a special method that resembled Morse code: one blow is “no”, and two blows is “yes”. From the “conversation” the sisters learned that this was the soul of a murdered traveling merchant. Soon everyone in the area was talking about the girls, and then throughout the country.

Other specialists in contact with spirits began to appear in the United States. Competition forced them to leave America in search of adherents, fans and patrons. First France, then Italy and finally Russia surrendered to the spiritualists without a fight. The Romanov family was one of the first in Russia to fall before outright mysticism.

How Alexander II evoked the spirit of his father-emperor

The first fan of spiritualism in the imperial family was Alexandra Iosifovna, the wife of Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich. In 1853, the maid of honor of the wife of the heir, Maria Alexandrovna, Anna Tyutcheva, wrote with irritation in her diary about seances How about fun “after tea”: every evening before going to bed, the Tsarevich’s entourage “interrogated” the tables and hats.

After his coronation in 1856, Alexander II was preparing a large-scale reform - the abolition of serfdom - and felt an urgent need to talk with the spirit of the late priest. It was then that the famous European medium David Hume was invited to Russia.

In total, “table spinner Hume” held three sessions. They were attended by members of the imperial family and some close associates of high society. After the first session, Anna Tyutcheva wrote down: “The table rose to a height of half an arshin above the floor. The Empress Mother felt a hand touch the flounces of her dress, grabbed her hand and took off her wedding ring. Then this hand grabbed, shook and pinched everyone present, except for the Empress, whom it systematically walked around. She took the bell from the sovereign’s hands, carried it through the air and handed it to the Prince of Württemberg.”.

At both the first and second sessions, the spirits of Emperor Nicholas I and the little Grand Duchess Alexandra allegedly appeared. They also appeared in the second session. Both answered questions from Emperor Alexander II, indicating the letters of the alphabet by knocking. He himself wrote down the answers on paper, but they were “worthless and empty.”

Anna Tyutcheva was not allowed to attend the third session, but the empress’s pallor and nervousness after it deeply shocked the maid of honor. According to the empress, she wrote down:

“The table suddenly rose, spun and knocked, beating out the beat of the anthem “God Save the Tsar!” The knocking spirit could be heard: three times for “yes”, once for “no”, five times for the letters of the alphabet. Everyone present, even the skeptics Gorchakov and Vladimir Bobrinsky, felt the touch of mysterious hands and saw how they quickly ran across the tablecloth. The Emperor says that he saw the fingers of his hand, transparent and glowing. Lieven claims that their touch is something between a material touch and a light electric shock.”

The spirits did not tell the emperor anything sensible, and his interest in David Hume dried up. But the rumor that the sovereign himself was calling on the spirits had already spread throughout the country. There was no turning back - spiritualism went to the people. After a few years, the entertainment, which was perceived as fun for bored nobles, became universal hysteria.

Spiritualistic seances as an alternative to balls and opera

Russian society was split into three camps regarding fashionable spiritualism: some perceived it as amusing indulgence, some took it seriously, and some condemned it. Anyone who thought that spiritualism was only a temporary phenomenon was mistaken. Table turning has been relevant in Russia for almost 60 years. So are political circles and dinner parties.

The tentacles of spiritualism penetrated almost every home, where people became bored with talking about poetry and dancing square dances. Not only the progressive high society, but also representatives of the bourgeoisie and even the philistinism became fascinated by the new entertainment. However, they tried not to talk about holding evenings with the participation of mediums. On the one hand, this practice was condemned Orthodox Church, and on the other hand, spiritualistic seances were still considered vulgar.

The mystical surroundings were important to spiritualists. They prepared for contacts with spirits just as carefully as for a social event. To turn the tables, they always gathered in the salon at night and removed all the icons. Several people took part in the action, one of them was supposed to be a medium - an extremely sensitive person playing the role of an intermediary between the worlds. Ladies and gentlemen sat down at the table, joined hands and invoked the spirit. Even more interest from the public appeared when they were going to summon a demon. The appearance of evil spirits during table-turning was recognized even by scientists - admittedly those who themselves were fond of spiritualism. Among them are Gustav Fechner and Alexander Butlerov.

The main adherents of spiritualism in Russia were the wealthy landowner Alexander Aksakov and professor Yegor Wagner. They organized a thematic circle in St. Petersburg. Its participants studied mediumistic phenomena and organized “séances.” In 1871, they invited the medium David Hume to Russia, who had previously conducted sessions for Emperor Alexander II. And now the legendary Scottish perfume specialist has conquered the Russian intelligentsia with his “work.”

“Everything that I managed to see during this time was quite enough to convince me of the objective and real existence of mediumistic phenomena and the absence of any charlatanism on the part of Hume.”

Alexander Butlerov

Campaign against mediums

In 1874, members of the spiritualist circle of Alexander Aksakov signed the American medium Bredif on tour to St. Petersburg. His ideas caused fierce controversy in society and in the press. For example, Bredif sat behind a curtain with the lights off, and the outlines of luminous female hands appeared on the fabric. He was called a charlatan, a deceiver and a person who plays with the feelings of people whose relatives died. A whole campaign against mediums began.

The scientist Dmitry Mendeleev spoke out against spiritualist madness in Russia. In 1875, a commission for “mediumistic phenomena” was created at St. Petersburg University. It included 12 prominent physicists and chemists. Loud revelations of mediums began - both famous and not so famous.

By that time, every second adventurer had declared the “gift of seeing.” These were maids and midwives, milkmen, grocers and women of easy virtue. It was not only Dmitry Mendeleev’s commission that declassified the scams of pseudo-mediums. Among the charlatans outraged by the impudence was the American Harry Houdini, a professional magician whose name thundered throughout the world. He arrived in St. Petersburg and in the house of the editor of the magazine “Nature and People” Wilhelm Casimir Bittner exposed one trick after another, amazing the audience with the simplicity of the explanations. Harry Houdini demonstrated 17 techniques, invisible to people, with which he made “mediumistic sounds.”

The last powerful wave of spiritualist mania covered Russian society at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1906, a major congress of spiritualists took place in Moscow, in which 97 delegates took part. At this time, the circulation of the Spiritualist magazine reached an astronomical figure for those times of 30,000 copies, and the number of spiritualist circles reached 160. Over time, many followers of spiritualism became disillusioned with mediums, and the passion for table-turning gradually began to weaken until it came to naught.

Many people dream of talking with their deceased relatives, so they resort to the services of mediums. Spiritualistic seances can be carried out at home, but the main thing is not to forget about precautions.

Previously, we shed light on what spiritualism is - fact or fiction. Even the church admits that this is a dark ritual that is better not performed at all. Various precautions, according to expert mediums, can negate any negative consequences of the ritual of communicating with spirits.

How to conduct a séance

Firstly, don't spend it alone. Fear is your main enemy when communicating with dead people, because in the other world there are not only good, but also bad spirits. They feed on your fear and can take over your body and mind. If you don't take precautions, you can simply go crazy. So, the first rule is not to act alone.

Secondly, the ritual must have a leader. Basically, this is someone who knows how to communicate with spirits - a medium. Mediums usually know about their talent, so they develop it. It is better for inexperienced people not to engage in dialogue with spirits, because it must be completed so as not to anger the entity.

In addition to the fact that making contact alone is scary, it is also ineffective. Try to conduct seances with at least four people.

The ritual takes place at night, after midnight, when the spirit world begins to come to life. The day you choose depends on whether you know the person's date of death or their date of birth. These days it will be easier to get in touch with him. Do not close the doors so that spirits can easily walk around the room.

Spiritualism. Progress of the ritual

Place the deceased's belongings or images on the ritual table. If it is not the soul of a person that is invoked, but another spirit, then its images will also be needed. When everything is ready, you need to hold hands so that they form a circle. After this, the leader makes an inviting speech. This is a key point, for it is important to invite the spirit, not force it to come.

Communication is usually done through a spirit tablet on which letters and numbers are written. Sometimes a spirit can take on a physical form or an incorporeal form. This can frighten you, so never call spirits without someone who has some experience in this. There are many techniques, but the call itself is made in ordinary words: “Spirit (name), come to us.” The medium pronounces these words, and the other participants concentrate on this action and repeat the call, starting for the third time. Sometimes the leader himself says everything, and others just listen. The main thing is to hold hands and never let them go. Introduce one of the alternative methods of calling spirits, which will help you get answers to your questions.

Safety precautions

Mediums call a spiritualistic session a very dangerous journey to the border of the worlds, so it is important to always remember the main rules:

  • People who call spirits should not have spiritual burden. A person who has committed great evil will certainly be exposed to danger. Avoid emotions such as fear, envy and anger during the spirit summoning procedure.
  • A seance should not be carried out by people under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Limit communication with the dead and do not repeat seances too often.
  • Do not intentionally summon evil spirits alone or without someone who is experienced in doing so.
  • Properly end the session with words of gratitude and an apology for the disturbance. Do not end the session by simply turning on the light - this will anger the spirits.

Now you know that spiritualism can be dangerous not only for those who call obviously bad spirits, but also for those who are unclean in soul. Always follow the rules and do not endanger yourself and your loved ones. The energy of the entities that come to us from the other world is very strong, so precautions are paramount.

Live well and do not forget that God sees everything and does not always rejoice at such challenges. From the point of view of Christianity, this is a sin that can only be redeemed by those who renounce spiritualism once and for all. If you have ever performed such rituals and then repented, tell the priest about it at confession and communion. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.07.2016 02:00

One of the main questions for everyone remains the question of what awaits us after death. ...

A spiritualistic seance is a special action that allows you to get in touch with the other world. How to do it correctly?

What is a seance?

A seance¹ is the practice of invoking spirits, used by people with little esoteric training or professional mediums. The simplicity of the ritual and the effectiveness of the result brought spiritualistic seances great popularity among young people interested in the unknown.

But a spiritualistic session is not as simple as “knowledgeable” people might say.

A seance is usually conducted by several people, one of whom is the leader. For the desired result, this must be a person with mediumistic abilities and experience in conducting spiritualistic séances.

  • Optimal number for a session: 4-6 people, the medium uses the energy of attention of all people to manifest the result.
  • The sacrament is held from 12 at night to 4 in the morning. If the summoned spirit has any memorable days, then it is better to conduct a seance on this day.

For example, if a spirit is summoned historical character, then it will be the day of his birth or death.

The full moon will also be an advantage; it activates spirits and enhances a person’s mediumistic superpowers.

  • You need a semi-dark room, candles and incense.
  • The tradition is to leave the door and window ajar so that the spirit can enter the room.
  • It is desirable to have items associated with the summoned spirit. It could be a photograph of a deceased person; if a non-human spirit is invoked², then its images, pictures, names will do.


You cannot use pentacles and spell seals! A seance is an invitation to the spirit, not a coercion.

How is a seance performed?

1. Participants in a spiritualistic seance are seated around the table, a spiritualistic circle is placed in the middle, candles are placed, and an arrow is drawn on the saucer. Next, it is slightly warmed up on a candle flame and placed in the center of the spiritualist circle.

2. Participants in the session place their fingertips on the saucer, touching lightly. In this case, the fingers of one participant should touch the fingers of another, preferably closing a circle (if possible)

3. People in chorus begin to pronounce a simple formula of invocation: “Spirit (name), come!”

The call is repeated a sufficient number of times: you need to be prepared in advance for the fact that it may take more than one hour to call the spirit, and the capricious spirit may not come at all!

4. The appearance of a spirit can be determined by the behavior of the saucer. Without effort on the part of those gathered, it will begin to turn and can rise above the table.

Participants will not be able to imitate turning the saucer: fraud is very noticeable. In addition, the appearance of a spirit is usually accompanied by quite specific sensations that are difficult to confuse with something else.

5. Now you need to ask questions. They are asked by one person, first the presenter.

To begin with, the questions should be monosyllabic, implying “yes” or “no” answers.

We must remember that spirits can be very capricious, they can get angry, swear and tell lies. When a session is conducted by amateurs, it is difficult to count on truthfulness.

In order to check how truthful the spirit is, you need to ask several questions, the answer to which is definitely known to someone present.

Under no circumstances should you ask questions regarding death, the afterlife and details of the life of the spirit on the other side of our reality!

6. When the session comes to an end, you need to politely thank the spirit, turn the saucer over and knock it on the table three times, saying that you are releasing the spirit of such and such.

It is strictly prohibited:

  • engage in spiritualistic seances for more than one hour a day;
  • call more than three spirits in one session;
  • Before the session, drink alcohol and eat a lot, especially fatty and spicy foods.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ A seance is a mystical ritual, usually held in a special room, the participants of which seek to see or receive some message from the soul of a deceased person (

Everything connected with death and the inhabitants of the afterlife usually causes us fear and at the same time irresistible interest. There is hardly a person who has never wanted to lift the veil and look into the world of the dead, communicate with their deceased ancestors and ask them the most intimate questions. This is where spiritualism comes to the rescue. You can watch the video - documentary BBC on spiritualism:

The history of spiritualism goes back centuries.

Fortune telling, spiritualism, various rituals - all this has always attracted and will attract people. There are references to the fact that the ancient Greeks and Romans practiced summoning spirits. However, the first reliable reports of the phenomenon of spiritualism appeared in the mid-19th century, when throughout America people began to hear strange knocking noises in their homes and tried to decipher it. Entire schools and institutes appeared in which students were taught the basics of spiritualism.

In general, we can say that spiritualism is an attempt to call upon the spirits of already dead people and establish communication with them using special techniques and tools. It is believed that a session of spiritualism should be conducted by a professional medium, that is, a person who has experience in such activities and, in addition, has some paranormal abilities and special sensitivity to the vibrations of the world of the dead.

However, curiosity usually wins; people try to summon spirits on their own, without having sufficient knowledge and skills to do so. Sometimes everything ends with fear, but it also happens that the consequences of spiritualism turn out to be much more serious.

The safest outcome is that you simply won’t succeed. The spirit will not appear and tell you nothing. But it happens that the spirit comes, but does not want to leave or cannot. It happens that the doors to their world are simply closed in front of the spirits and they are forced to stay in the house to which they were called. Naturally, this does not bode well for the inhabitants of the house. The residents begin to get sick, often quarrel, and strange and inexplicable sounds are constantly heard in the house.

People sometimes begin to almost physically feel the presence of an otherworldly presence in the house: cold and causeless fear. Pets also react very painfully to dead souls. Usually even the calmest of them begin to behave aggressively, rushing and trying to escape. The Christian Church is very categorical about spiritualism: anyone who practices spiritualism or fortune telling will go to hell.

There are many references and warnings on this topic in the Bible. For example, it says:

When you enter the land that the Lord your God is giving you, then do not learn to do the abominations that these nations have done: you shall not have anyone who leads his son or daughter through fire, a soothsayer, a fortuneteller, a sorceress, a sorcerer, a charmer who calls up spirits. , magician and questioner of the dead; For everyone who does this is an abomination to the Lord, and for these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from before you.

If all of the above does not frighten you and you firmly decide to call on the spirit, then you need to clearly know how to conduct a session of spiritualism.

How to summon a spirit at home?

Spiritualism, the practice of which seems quite simple, requires certain actions and tools.

You will need:

  • Stable table
  • Ouija board and saucer
  • Alternatively, instead of a saucer, you can use a needle and thread
  • It is advisable to have a photo of the person whose spirit you are calling nearby (but not necessary).

If you don’t have a special board, it’s easy to make it yourself. Take a piece of Whatman paper and draw a circle. Along the diameter of the circle, write all the letters of the alphabet in random order, as well as numbers from 1 to 10. Write the word “yes” on the right and “no” on the left. If you want, you can add “I don’t know” at the top so as not to bother your spirit by writing this phrase, which you will probably see quite often.

Draw an arrow on the saucer, which will subsequently point to the desired letters. Instead of a saucer with an arrow, you can use a needle, which is tied to a finger with a thread and held above the board, but this is a much less reliable and more tedious way of summoning spirits.

So, everything is ready, the saucer is on the board, you and your friends have gathered around it, now, in fact, spiritualism itself will begin. How to summon a spirit? Place your palms on the edges of the saucer, without pressing it to the board, and say three times:

“Spirit (name and surname/patronymic of the spirit you are calling), come!”

After this, wait for a while and ask the spirit if he has arrived. If the spirit is in place, then the saucer will begin to move, pointing with an arrow to the necessary letters, which will form words. If the saucer does not move, it means that the spirit did not want to come, you need to try again or postpone calling this spirit until next time.

Now that the summoned spirit is in the same room with you, you can begin to ask questions. Ask them clearly and loudly, try not to ask nonsense. When the spirit tells you everything you would like to know, say goodbye to it and say three times: “Spirit (name), we are letting you go, go away!”, and then make sure that the spirit has really left you by asking a question about its presence. The saucer should not move. So that your actions do not have negative consequences, you need to follow some basic rules.

Precautionary measures

  • You cannot conduct a session under the influence of alcohol or drugs. People in this state become easy prey for spirits. There are many stories of spirits driving mediums crazy and even driving them to suicide. An ideal medium is a person who has no bad habits and lives a quiet and calm life, who does not envy or experience negative emotions towards anyone, because it is precisely such a person who attracts evil spirits least of all. As you understand, finding such a person in our time is quite difficult.
  • You cannot summon the spirits of people who died a violent death, even if they are spirits famous people. Many of them can be extremely aggressive and refuse to leave your home. Communication with such spirits can only be carried out by very experienced and powerful mediums.
  • During the session, be sure to open the window or at least open it slightly so that there is a small gap. The spirit needs to somehow get into the house and, which is very important, leave it.
  • Ask questions loudly and clearly, do not irritate the spirit by repeatedly repeating the same question, communicate with him politely and in no case be rude. Thank him after every answer to your question.
  • DO make sure the spirit has left your home. It is better to repeat this question several times than to later solve problems with expelling otherworldly forces from your home.
  • There is a version that you can summon spirits only on church holidays and call only the souls of saints or guardian angels. Whether you believe this theory or not is up to you.

Alternative methods of summoning spirits and manipulating them

Over several centuries of the popularity of spiritualism, people have come up with many ways to call upon spirits, some of which were a direct path to falsification of what was happening and the usual deception of all those present at the session. One of these methods is the so-called automatic writing. This is the process of direct transmission by the medium of information that the spirit communicates to him.

Simply put, the medium enters a kind of trance state and begins to write information supposedly coming to him from the afterlife. There is also a special device for automatic writing - a board on wheels with a hole for a pencil. Summoning a spirit using such a tablet follows the same principle as in the traditional method: those present place their palms on the tablet and call upon the spirit. Under its influence, the tablet begins to move and the pencil writes down on paper the text that the spirit wants to convey to the medium.

It's hard to say how effective this method is, but you can try it. To receive information, you must be as relaxed as possible and at the same time focused on what you are doing. Take a pencil in your hand and place its tip on the paper without pressing. Summon the spirit and see what happens. But don't be upset if you don't succeed. Only people with a very high sensitivity to otherworldly vibrations are adapted to this type of spiritualism.

Another equally popular method in the 19th century was communicating with spirits through knocking. To communicate in this case, they did not use a Ouija board and saucer, but called upon the spirit and asked him questions, to which he answered with a different number of taps. As a result, many devices went on sale that allow one to falsify a knocking sound supposedly coming from a spirit. Such a device was placed in a pocket or hidden in a sleeve, then, when the lights in the room were turned off, the device was activated, and those present heard various sounds that seemed to come from all sides, but in fact came from the pocket or from under the medium's legs.

Perfume in modern times

IN last years spiritualism reached a new level. They communicate with the spirits of the dead using electronic devices trying to hear something hidden behind the “white noise” of televisions and radios. Many mediums have appeared, both talented and simple charlatans, who, for a certain fee, agree to become intermediaries between you and the spirits of your deceased loved ones or famous people, even going so far as to conduct virtual sessions in the online space.

If you still decide to communicate with the world of the dead, then it is better to first read various stories of eyewitnesses, of which there are many on the Internet or thematic books, or watch videos filmed during such rituals. Many channels regularly broadcast programs dedicated to the phenomenon of spiritualism, among which one of the most popular is “I invoke the spirit of Macedon. Spiritualism". In any case, be extremely careful, follow the above tips and do not joke with the world of the dead. The consequences may be the most tragic.

Communication with spirits (spiritism), in particular, dead people have been practiced at all times. Obviously, the ability to speak with the dead is based on the belief that a person has an immortal soul, which after death goes to the afterlife. The opportunity to touch this mysterious world, receive information, knowledge and secret signs from its ethereal inhabitants excites the imagination.

Also very common among all peoples are the practices of communicating and obtaining strength and protection from animal spirits. It is believed that dead animals willingly cooperate with the person they like. They are attracted by the prospect of exchanging their strength and special qualities for the opportunity to continue their lives with the help of the energy of the practitioner who called them.

For example, having asked the question of how to make a love spell, we are faced with the fact that rituals can be performed with the help of a variety of Powers. Not the least place in magical love practices is occupied by rituals performed with the help of the power of a totem animal. Parts of the animal, special secret sounds and words are used, which are known to attract the help of the animal chosen for the ritual.

With the help of people's spirits, you cannot make a love spell, but you can get important information about your chosen one, about the prospects of your personal life, or ask for help in winning the love of the chosen character.

The method of communicating with spirits is called spiritualism. Spiritualism has been known since ancient times, for example, the Bible describes how King Saul summoned the shadow of the prophet Samuel. As children, many of us dabbled: we called upon the brownie, the spirit of Pushkin, and various other spirits. It usually didn't work out very well, but if done correctly, it could be successful.

We will look at the most common technique of spiritualism. To do this, we need a Ouija board, a group of people, preferably at least 3 people, a quiet room and patience.

Making a magic board.

You can purchase a Ouija board at a store or make your own. They are completely different in the arrangement of letters and numbers. Let's consider the simplest option. We take a smooth board approximately 50 cm wide by 100 cm long, draw on it the letters from “a” to “z” in two semicircles at the top and bottom. Approximately in the middle we write the numbers from 0 to 9. You can also draw various symbols, for example, just above the numbers, draw the sun and next to the word “yes”, below the numbers the moon and the word “no”. And finally, you need to make a pointer; it can be cut in the shape of a heart from the same wood as the board, or you can use a porcelain saucer with an arrow. To make the pointer slide easier, the board should be varnished. In the absence of a board, some use a large sheet of thick paper or laminated cardboard and draw symbols on it.

Team selection.

It is ideal if five people participate in a spiritualism session, but life is harsh and it is not always possible to find the required number of participants. As a last resort, the ritual can be performed alone, although success in this case cannot be guaranteed. Participants must not be under the influence of drugs or drunkenness, before the ceremony it is forbidden to eat a lot. It is better for impressionable people not to participate in a session of spiritualism. Also, this activity does not tolerate skepticism; there is no need to invite erniks and jokers to the session.
The primary task is to choose your medium, the person through whom communication with the spirit will take place. You also need a person whose responsibility will be to record the testimony.
Think carefully in advance and write down the questions you want to ask the spirit. Questions should concern your affairs; asking spirits about their affairs is unacceptable. If you are interested in love affairs, then you can ask the otherworldly guest about how your chosen one treats you, whether it is worth doing a love spell or whether there is a chance to do without magic.

Preparing the room.

The most ideal time for a session is late at night, after midnight. Be sure to open the window or window slightly. In the room in which the ceremony is performed, electrical appliances and candle lighting must be turned off. Participants should remove all metal jewelry. During the session you cannot speak out loud, only in a whisper.

Calling spirits.

Place the board you made on the table. Holding hands, stand around the table, look at the quiet flickering of the candles, gradually clear your thoughts of vanity, and fully concentrate on the upcoming action. After you put your thoughts in order, you can slowly sit down.

Next, the medium places his fingers lightly right hand to the sign, the rest of the participants join him and all in a harmonious chorus begin to say: “Spirit (name of the river) come,” until signs of the presence of the spirit appear:

  • the pointer may start to move
  • you may have a strange uneasy feeling
  • there may be something like a breath of draft, a chill
  • the most spectacular manifestation of the spirit is in the form of a ghostly cloud, although only experienced spiritualists achieve this.

When a messenger of the other world appears, you can begin to carefully ask questions. The dialogue should be conducted as follows:

“Spirit (name of river) are you here?”
The arrow should move to the word “yes”.
“Are you ready to talk to us?”

If the answer is “yes,” continue to ask questions tactfully and quietly.

It is recommended that beginner spiritualists conduct a session for less than an hour, because you will not have enough concentration to hold the spirit for longer. If contact is interrupted, the door between the worlds will close and the ethereal creature may remain with you, manifesting itself in the form of a poltergeist.

At the end, it is important to end the session correctly: thank the spirit for the conversation and say goodbye by knocking on the table three times.

Spiritualism - classification of spirits

The spirits themselves can be divided into three categories:

  • informative (exactly what we wanted)
  • crafty
  • background.

At first, mainly the crafty and background ones will come: the spirits of primitive people, the spirit of those who died suddenly, the spirits of suicides who cannot leave the lower layers of the astral plane. Information from them is of little value, but there can be a lot of harm. Be careful with them, be critical of their responses, and say goodbye and end contact as quickly as possible.

After the ritual, you need to reinforce your strength with food and rest. We must discuss what happened among ourselves carefully and with restraint. They may listen to you from there, and rudeness, skepticism, and jokes will harm further attempts to talk with spirits.

For the first time, do not demand much from yourself; only as you acquire the skill will you be able to communicate with spirits for a long time and efficiently. If the session did not work out, then do not be upset, but try to repeat the experience after a while.