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What is cheating when losing weight? Loading days cheating in the diet for effective weight loss. What can you eat with this method of losing weight?

Nobody likes crooks! But what if the deceiver is going to cheat a little not in order to gain something dishonestly, but on the contrary - in order to lose it? When it comes to kilograms, the “deceptive” method of diet cheating is impeccable from a moral point of view and, judging by the reviews, quite effective. But what do nutritionists think about such weight loss?

It’s easy for cheaters to diet - they know exactly when the “holiday of disobedience” will come on their street and they can have a blast!

Cheating: cheating on a schedule

“It’s not difficult to deceive me, I’m glad to be deceived myself!” - Pushkin had no idea that the immortal lines of his love lyrics would become a vivid illustration of the emotions of a losing weight person who decided to cheat - an original method of “accelerating” metabolism.

The ringing word “cheating” translated means “deception, scam.” It is proposed to misinform your own body: cheating theorists are sure that if you have stopped losing weight, then you need to... start eating! It is advisable to eat more, and it is often recommended to indulge in completely non-dietary foods: pizza, buns, milkshakes. It is important not to delay the “belly celebration” longer than 48 hours (the main types of cheating reserve a weekend or one of the weekends for this purpose) and carry out it at regular intervals, no more than once a week or even less often.

4 purposes of cheating

  • 1 With the help of a “planned breakdown,” you can avoid the psychological stress that often haunts women who are losing weight.
  • 2 Reduce the risk of nutrient and macronutrient deficiencies (especially fats) characteristic of low-calorie and.
  • 3 Eliminate the possibility of a “plateau effect”, that is, stopping weight loss.
  • 4 Diversify your weight loss diet, making it less monotonous and potentially longer.

Why does the hormone make you angry? Because someone is starving

Judging by the reviews about cheating, the most attractive thing about it is the psychological aspect. seriously depends on hormonal state and phase menstrual cycle, and many people who are losing weight are familiar with the following situation: today you are cheerful and determined to eat only arugula until the end of time, and tomorrow the cake disappears by itself, followed by another.

Indeed, often it is not you, or rather, not all of you, who are to blame, but the mechanisms regulating ovulation.

It is so arranged by nature that for a full-fledged education corpus luteum female body fats are needed, and carbohydrates are needed to maintain the optimal energy level of the process. It is this ancient call that makes us reach for the coveted forbidden bag of French fries, completely forgetting about the dream bikini and weeks of weight loss efforts.

Moreover, in reality, the body does not need kilograms of oiled potatoes, but, say, one additional egg yolk on the decisive day of the cycle. However, if you are on a restrictive diet or experience hormonal imbalance, the process gets out of control, and you have to prepare for either the hellish torment of cravings for forbidden foods or the feeling of guilt due to relapse and overeating.

Also, feeling a sucking emptiness in the stomach is often due to stress and lack of sleep, seasonal affective disorder (caused by lack of sun) and even gastritis and peptic ulcer stomach.

Therefore, before you decide that a gastronomic “indulgence” in the form of cheating will allow you to better control yourself and lose weight, it is a good idea to at least see an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist.

An endocrinologist may also help you cope with the “plateau stage,” the nightmare of those who decide to lose weight. “Plateau” in one form or another - by-effect almost any long-term diet. The reasons why the initially enthusiastically melting weight freezes at a dead point, or even begins to grow again against the backdrop of a meager menu and even increased physical exercise, not mystical at all. Again, the responsibility lies with hormones that regulate cellular metabolism and manage fat reserves. Realizing that the recent menu is noticeably more modest than usual, and the accumulated fat is being used up, they decide that the “housewife” is in trouble and not only block the use of fat reserves, but with all their might they create new ones.

It is assumed that cheating deceives precisely this process: a well-timed “sip” in the form of a change in nutrition plan (for example, from protein to carbohydrate) or an increase in daily calorie intake lulls the vigilance of hormones.

They decide that the trouble is over, the body is fed again, and they can part with the fat. As soon as the metabolism senses a catch and gets ready to lock the bins again, a new cheating day will arrive. This is how supporters of “diet cheating” who fear a “plateau” argue.

Types of cheating: many options, the essence is the same

The idea of ​​cheating as a kind of opposite fasting day is quite clear, but there are a number of practical approaches to it, differing in nuances. Here are the most common and popular of them.

Cheating Paul Rivas: "The Cheating Diet"

American obesity specialist Paul Rivas introduced the word “cheating” into the official dietary dictionary. Having published his instantly popular “cheater diet” in 2005, he became the first of a series of theorists and fans of the “metabolic swing”, proposing to “decorate” a low-calorie diet like , but with a reduced carbohydrate component, a “festival of disobedience” with pizza, peanut butter , ice cream, cheese and nuts. The duration of cheating on the “cheating diet” is two days off, during which the doctor recommends eating whatever your heart desires, but, nevertheless, controlling the amount of food.

Cheating Joel Marion: “Lose and good”

Cheating trainers Powell: “The classic diet cycle of protein-carbohydrate alternation”

This plan was developed by husband and wife team Heidi and Chris Powell, specialists in... sports nutrition, and is one of the varieties of the hyper-popular diet in the fitness environment. The approach requires attention and calorie counting. “Classic cycle” - a plan designed for 12 weeks. Starting with a luxurious cheating day of 2500 kcal, when you can load up on whatever your heart desires, followers of the diet will have to alternate protein (1200 kcal) and carbohydrate (1500 kcal) for six days, to complete their shift with the seventh day, on which they are allowed to “eat” 2000 kcal from any sources. On the eighth day the cycle repeats, and so on for three months.

Cheating Marissa Lippert: “Life is too short to chew celery”

A food blogger and TV chef from New York City offers a hedonistic approach to cheating. Her original method is a typical “delicious” low-calorie diet, which is suggested to be followed for 8 weeks. Marissa promises that you will easily and happily lose weight if you eat light, varied meals, but at the same time allow yourself the “sin” in the form of a portion of your favorite and desired high-calorie food twice a week. “But let it not be the muck of vending machine, and the most beautiful cupcake in the world!” Lippert admonishes his followers. She also generously allows them to enjoy alcohol from time to time: maybe a lager or wine with plenty of ice.

What do experts think about the practice of cheating: expert reviews

Yulia Chekhonina, nutritionist, Ph.D., Researcher Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences: “If the diet is structured correctly, then cheating will not be needed”

Let's compare the cheating nutrition system with the basic scheme of one of them. It includes 3-4 protein dishes, 500 g of vegetables and fruits, 1 side dish of cereals, pasta, potatoes or pastries (only for breakfast, to choose from), 3 fermented milk products and a serving of soup . The list makes you happy, doesn’t it?

And at the same time, this set does not exceed 1500 kcal and replenishes the body’s daily need for basic nutrients. Such a nutritional system is quite comfortable, which allows you to follow it for many weeks and even months, and forms correct eating behavior. The same cannot be said about the cheating system. Needless to say, it’s a complete “scam”. Firstly, it is not clear what cheaters eat on other days, but it is clear that this diet is not suitable for them, since it legalizes and justifies regular breakdowns. If the chosen nutritional system is burdensome, it means that this diet is “not yours”, do not exhaust yourself!

The cheating system is like a swing - we lose weight for 4-5 days, bring ourselves to the point of breakdown with carbohydrate-fat “loading”, then for 4-5 days we get rid of its consequences. Isn't it easier to distribute all these carbohydrates throughout the week, one serving in the morning in addition to breakfast or as a snack 2-3 hours after breakfast? In such quantities, these calories will not be superfluous and will allow you to do without the eagerly awaited “load”.

In my opinion, the cheating system is an example of an eating disorder. Self-deception to justify inevitable breakdowns, so as not to be burdened by feelings of guilt. Such a diet undermines health in general and the digestive system in particular.

Natalya Fadeeva, nutritionist, endocrinologist, candidate of medical sciences: “There is a rational grain in this idea, but a better solution can be found”

Here we can draw an analogy with clothes: there is everyday clothing, which we wear on weekdays, and there is festive clothing, worn on a special occasion. It's the same with nutrition. The main task of food is to provide our body with all the necessary macro- and microelements, so we must eat a balanced and healthy diet. But, since many of us are accustomed to receiving pleasure from certain taste sensations, with which foods and dishes that are undesirable from a dietary point of view are most often associated, it is sometimes better to allow yourself to consume a harmful delicacy as a special occasion than to bring the matter to a breakdown.

I usually recommend to my patients when they experience strong desire allow themselves to eat a portion of what they dream about and get rid of the obsession. But the “forbidden fruit” can be consumed no more than once a week, for example, on Saturday or Sunday, and then eat properly again. It is better if the treat is eaten in the first half of the day, and after that you can move more, go for a walk.

It’s still not worth it to eat “harmful things” the entire day specially designated for this. In this case, all efforts to lose weight during the week may go down the drain. But if you still decide to cheat and “load up” to the fullest extent of the program, it makes sense to make every effort to spend the extra energy that you received. The average calorie content of a piece of cake weighing 100g can be consumed with an hour and a half of brisk walking, an hour of active dancing, running, swimming, skating or skiing.

American nutritionist Paul Rivas, observing his patients, became convinced that it was impossible to force them to honestly follow a low-calorie diet. Sooner or later people fall for fat and Tasty food and begin to deceive both the nutritionist and themselves.

For such impatient people, Dr. Rivas developed a diet that he called the Cheater’s Diet. In Russia it is known as the Cheating Diet or simply Cheating.

The idea is simple: on weekdays, you eat according to the rules, wear to work and eat only what your diet allows. On weekends you eat and drink what you want. But on Monday you return to the diet again. A complete break on the weekend, according to the nutritionist, will boost your metabolism and help avoid the plateau effect (when you started to lose weight, and then suddenly). In addition to this diet, you need to exercise and take natural dietary supplements for weight loss. Use a sweetener instead of sugar.

Sample menu and cheating rules

Nutritionist Rivas advises eating in, but not overdoing it with carbohydrates (potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, flour). Try to eat bread and other carbohydrates only at lunch, and prepare protein dishes with vegetables for breakfast and dinner.

There is no need to count calories, just focus on the plate: half the plate should be vegetables, one-fourth of the plate should be protein (meat, fish, poultry), and one-fourth should be carbohydrates (brown rice, whole grain pasta, baked or boiled potatoes).

Or follow these rules:

A piece of meat, fish, poultry or a portion of low-fat cottage cheese should be the size of a deck of cards;
- Rice, buckwheat and other cereals are served in the size of one regular tennis ball;
- Vegetables - in the volume of two of your fists folded together;
- Berries and fruits – no more than one cup or one medium fruit;
- Nuts – a handful or 30 g, and vegetable oil– one tablespoon per serving of salad

So, for breakfast you eat proteins for five days in a row - cottage cheese, eggs, omelet, buckwheat with milk, fruit or berries and sugar-free drinks.

For lunch you take a small plate, fill half of it with fresh vegetables, one quarter with a small portion protein product and one quarter carbohydrates - brown rice, boiled or baked potatoes (cooked without oil), whole grain pasta, buckwheat. You can use yeast-free or whole grain bread. Drink without sugar.

For dinner, you eat protein with vegetables, such as a salad with chicken breast or seafood.

Sample menu for a working day at Chiting:

Breakfast: 4 egg whites+ 1 yolk, prepared without fat, plus half a grapefruit, tea or coffee with sweetener
Lunch: 1 half thin pita bread filled with poultry or tuna and vegetables
Snack: a handful of almonds
Dinner: chicken breast with grilled vegetables
Snack: a cup of cocoa with sweetener

On weekends you can have a blast, and the nutritionist gives a list of products on which he advises to have a blast:

Pizza, wine, chocolate, peanut butter, cinnamon rolls, ice cream, strawberry milkshake, cheese, bread, meat, nuts.

Of course, even these days it is important to be guided common sense and don’t eat too much if you feel strong enough to refuse. You shouldn’t make it your goal to overeat these days. Just try to enjoy the food you miss. And having received this pleasure, stop.

Additionally, the nutritionist advises taking to speed up metabolism and burn fat:

L-tyrosine – 250 to 1000 mg twice daily
Yerba Mate – Paraguayan Mate tea (extract) in the amount of 225 mg per day
5 HTP – natural mood improver, 50 to 100 mg 20 minutes before each meal
Green tea extract – 200 mg twice daily
Mucana Pruriens – herb from Ayurveda, 50 mg twice daily

Pros and cons of cheating diet

What well:

No need to count calories
You can eat healthy foods and have a nutritious diet
The diet is psychologically very comfortable - you don’t need to give up your favorite high-calorie foods forever, just until the weekend
You can stick with it for a long time
The diet is combined with any type of physical activity

What's not so good:

The diet is not calorie-adapted. Petite girls may find it too high in calories, and athletes may find it not filling enough.
Dr. Paul promotes artificial sweeteners Splenda and Aspartame. Modern dietetics considers them more harmful than beneficial.
The diet is not suitable for those who cannot control themselves on the weekend “eat anything” does not at all mean “eat anything in any quantity”, you will still have to give up too much food
The Cheater's Diet is suitable for those who don't lose their heads on weekends and can reasonably limit themselves to their favorite foods.

How many diets have been invented by man in order to gain a beautiful body and increase self-esteem! But not all attempts to lose weight end equally successfully - they give up halfway, resorting to forbidden sweets. Today the world is talking about a new trend in the world of diets - the so-called cheating.

Cheating promises not only to help in the process of losing weight, but also to improve the results already achieved. What is cheating and why is it needed on a diet?

Cheating (from the English “cheating” - deception, scam) is the complete opposite, during which you are allowed to eat a minimum amount of any product.

    Cheating allows you to deviate from a strict diet and treat yourself to something forbiddenly delicious. This newfangled trend is already supported by a large number of diet lovers who see in it a salvation from the boredom of mono- or too strict diets.

In an effort to achieve the desired ideal forms, many women (and men) exhaust themselves with almost hunger strikes, lose weight, get angry, gain almost the desired weight and break down. The lost pounds return, and along with them, hopes of having a luxurious body fade away. What and how can a planned glutton help them?

First, let's look at the process of losing weight: any diet, carefully selected from an endless list of various food combinations, is based on one simple rule: eat less - you lose weight faster:

  • someone chooses mono-diets and is content with one or two products for a long time;
  • some people prefer to reduce the amount they eat per day to a dangerous minimum.

At the same time, the body of someone losing weight experiences a real shock and begins to produce energy, which is required even for simple walking, from the reserve of fat folds. The folds melt, the scale shows a significant loss of kilograms, but soon the person losing weight notices that the process has slowed down or stopped completely.

What's the matter? Is this really not enough? Well, the amount of food consumed is mercilessly reduced, curtailed and controlled in every possible way. Added to this is heavy physical activity. But the weight is at a dead point. But irritability, fatigue, and an unimaginable desire to sit down, lie down, or lean against something appeared, just so as not to make unnecessary movements.

Here the person losing weight is faced with the main mistake of fans of fast and hungry diets- the body, already almost accustomed to eating once a day, or even every two days, begins to store substances that come to it so occasionally. Where do energy and good mood come from?

Let us recall that a calorie is a unit of energy contained in a particular product. And the meager amount of calories eaten led to a loss of strength and poor health, anger and a gray complexion. Physical exercise They simply exhausted the unfortunate organism, which is ready to do anything to save itself.

But does someone losing weight know this? With redoubled energy, he devotes himself to exercise and tightens his diet rules. The metabolism slows down completely, the body has literally given up, and the desired result is still far away. And then the person losing weight realizes that he is tired. I’m tired of counting calories, tired of exercising, and how long has the smell of those wonderful cheesecakes from the nearby bakery beckoned me!

And then what happens is what usually ends the whole stubborn struggle for beauty - the loser loses weight on forbidden delicacies. It starts small and ends with the grandiose devastation of the refrigerator and, if it goes very far, nearby stores.

The body is shocked again; not knowing what to do with such a huge amount of “happiness” in the form of a huge amount of all kinds of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, he begins to store them in case of a new hunger attack. And here is the result - the extra pounds are back, and not alone - with them a couple or three new ones. Strict prohibitions and strict control over calories led to exhaustion of the body and psyche.

A loading day will help not bring the diet to such a sad end.

    Cheating- planned errors on diet days, “programmed breakdowns”, “or planned gluttony” - this is the main salvation of diet lovers. Even on the most strict diet, you can give yourself a cheat day (or a loading day) by pampering yourself with your favorite foods.

But cheating also has rules that will help you not only relax during the diet, lose weight, but also not break down to the point of uselessly throwing all the products into yourself.

Rules for a loading day on a diet

1. Diet for “loading”: you can eat everything! Cheating does not prohibit high-calorie treats, but it is better to give preference to foods that help you not feel hungry for a long time (vegetables).

2. How many are there? Of course, you should not eat cakes and pastries in unusual quantities. A sense of proportion is above all! The shorter the planned “glutton” lasts, the more you are allowed to eat. If it lasts for several days, you need to monitor the amount of goodies you eat.

3. Cheating by time? Usually this is 1-2 days, but if you want, you can arrange “loads” for 4-5 days, but don’t forget to keep an eye on the menu!

4. While cheating, drink as much water as possible (about 2 liters per day).

These are the simple rules that should help you enjoy your diet and sometimes allow yourself small “belly holidays.” Cheating is aimed at the body understanding that it does not need to store any food for future use.

However, planned gluttons are not only about helping the body, but also about helping the person losing weight. Any breakdown in sweets strikes a huge feeling of guilt, and it seems that all efforts are in vain, since now it is impossible to stop. Loading days give you the opportunity to pick wisely and with health benefits. You shouldn’t reproach yourself for having an extra bun while on a diet – it’s just a “planned breakdown” today! Love yourself and know that tomorrow everything will be better than today!

Good day to you, Dear friends! Do you know what cheating is? From native English, the word cheating is translated as “fraud”, and in “dietary” language it is interpreted as, which is also a kind of deception in relation to our body. Cheating helps return a diet-depleted metabolism to its normal speed. True, it only works if certain conditions are met.

What are these conditions, and what rules of loading days cannot be ignored, so that as a result of loading you do not gain weight, but actually lose weight?

Cheating – what is it and why is it needed?

Cheating is a method that allows you to speed up your metabolism through... increased nutrition.

When we limit the caloric content of our own diet, then in response to this step after a while our body also limits its spending. He receives less energy from food, but also spends less. As a result, we stop losing weight, although we eat very moderately.

Cheating is designed to bypass this mechanism designed by nature and convince our body that no one is going to limit it. As a result, metabolism becomes the same, and with food restriction, weight decreases again.

How often should I use it?

If you have not been on strict diets and have maintained the lower calorie limit (1200 calories), then cheating once a week is enough.

If this is not your option, and the food restrictions were quite strict, then the loading can last up to 3 days - but it must be done very carefully, otherwise a large weight gain will be inevitable. How exactly – more on that later.

And, of course, such a long loading day cannot happen once a week - long loading days are carried out no more than 2 times a month.

How much to eat while cheating?

I have repeatedly read that during fasting days you can eat as much as you want and whatever you want. If you want, do not even try to follow this advice - such a mistake can negate all your results!

The cheating method has nothing to do with gluttony. Rather, it is controlled satiety.

A reasonable calorie range during cheating is 2000-2700 calories, and 2700 is the maximum, which is undesirable to achieve. Otherwise, the number of calories in one loading day will exceed everything that you “undernourished” during the previous ones.

What can you eat?

There are two options:

  • Option one, which involves best result . Eat nuts, meat, fatty sea ​​fish– healthy high-calorie foods. Be sure to have a lot of protein - cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products, bird, and complex carbohydrates- it's basically porridge. Don't forget about vegetables and fruits.
  • Option two. You can eat everything, but in very small portions. To prevent a day like this from taking too much of a toll on your waistline, try to end it with a dinner of lean protein and vegetables, and don't ignore protein throughout the day either.

An important condition for success

It is always important, and especially on busy days.

Drink at least 2 liters of water to enhance metabolic processes, help the body process food, and also to reduce appetite, which, as you know, likes to come during meals :)

By the way, you can combine the download with weekends or holidays when you don’t want strict restrictions, but don’t go to extremes. By overeating even on a fasting day, you will not lose weight - so eat for your health, but little by little. Use cheating wisely - remember that this is not a “belly festival”, but your deliberate trick. And I, as always, wish you beauty, slimness and health!