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Business plan for opening a canteen. How to open a canteen. Organization of the technological process in the canteen

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Guidelines for obtaining a sanitary-epidemiological certificate

1. To open trade, catering, and small-capacity enterprises, it is necessary to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for trade and catering services from the territorial administration Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human protection on _________________. For this:

1.1 An application of a certain sample is submitted to the Rospotrebnadzor TU to receive
sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the possibility of locating a particular enterprise, or allotment land plot under construction.
The following package of documents is attached to this application:
Legal certificate

What documents are needed to open your own canteen?

persons or individual entrepreneurs;
Land lease agreement or certificate of ownership;
Those. passport;
Layout of the land plot.

1.2 After receiving a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the possibility
placement, design and estimate documentation is being developed
(D&D) for the placement, reconstruction or construction of a particular facility.

1.3 The design documentation upon application is submitted to the TU “Rospotrebnadzor in ____”.
The Federal State Institution "TsGiE in ___" carries out an examination of the project with the issuance of a sanitary and epidemiological examination on the basis of instructions from the TU "Rospotrebnadzor in ____".
Based on the sanitary and epidemiological examination approved by the chief physician of the Federal State Health Institution “TsGiE in _____”, the TU “Rospotrebnadzor in __________” issues a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the design and estimate documentation.

1.4. In accordance with the design and documentation agreed upon with all services, the construction or reconstruction of the enterprise is being carried out in accordance with the procedure established by law.

2. To obtain a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the type of activity
(opening of the facility) an application for a certain
After which, on the basis of the order, specialists dignity. The service conducts a sanitary and epidemiological examination of the facility for compliance with its sanitary norms and rules and prepares a sanitary and epidemiological examination.

3. When producing products outside the enterprise, it is necessary to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological examination of the product.
Certification bodies obtain a license for the type of activity, and then a certificate of conformity for the manufactured products.

3. When opening a facility, the following package of documents must be present:

1) sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the possibility of placement;
2) sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on project documentation;
3) lease agreement or certificate of ownership;
4) contract for centralized waste removal;
5) agreement with prof. disinfestation department for carrying out deratization and

6) when receiving products from another enterprise, have a supply agreement
7) logbook of controlling organizations;
8) reject log;
9) journal of pustular diseases;
10) a journal for recording the quality of frying fats using a point system;
11) logbook for the operation of refrigeration equipment;
12) logbook for the operation of refrigeration equipment;
13) list of employees indicating their position;
14) a production control program agreed upon by the head of the TU “Rospotrebnadzor in _____”;
15) an agreement with the Federal State Institution “TsGiE in ______” for instrumental measurements
microclimate, lighting in workplaces, noise; conducting laboratory
testing of food raw materials and food products. To the agreement
Attached is a schedule of instrumental measurements and laboratory tests.
16) measurements of microclimate and illumination at workplaces;
17) a passport for the ventilation system with measurements of its efficiency;
18) medical books with marks of medical completion. examinations;
19) conducting hygienic training with certification of the level of knowledge at the base
educational center of the Federal State Institution “TsGiE in _____________”;
20) sanitary passport for vehicles for transporting food;

4. When putting the facility into operation, the following measures must be taken:
1) all production and cleaning equipment is marked and equipped;
2) detergents and disinfectants were purchased;
3) instructions for washing tableware and kitchen utensils are posted, instructions for
processing raw eggs, preparing disinfection. solutions.
4) personal hygiene items and sanitary items were purchased. and special cloth.
5) cassettes for storing cutting boards and knives are installed in each production room;
6) all cutting equipment ( cutting boards and knives) are marked according to their intended purpose;
7) a trash bin with a pedal device is installed in the bathrooms,
kvacha with rich des. solution, soap, electric towel;
8) faucets with devices are installed above the sinks for washing hands
preventing re-contamination of hands after washing;
9) production and washing baths are connected to the sewer system with
compliance with 20 mm. air gap;
10) purchase dishes with lids for storing preparations in refrigerators;
11) in cream production, install disinfection barriers (mats) in front of the entrances
soaked in disinfectant solutions);
12) purchase thermometers to determine the temperature of 1 and 2 dishes to be served;
13) purchase a “first aid kit”;
14) in case of accidents on the water supply and sewerage networks, suspend
operation of the enterprise and notify TU “Rospotrebnadzor in ________” about this;
15) requirements for interior decoration:
V production premises and breccia corridors;
walls in production premises are tiled,
In other cases, the finishing is chosen by the manager in accordance with the requirements of sanitary standards and regulations.

Note: when changing a legal entity, opening an enterprise is carried out in the same sequence

Cafe, pizzeria, sushi bar, restaurant - these are very popular areas of business. They can bring in considerable profits, but with the current decline in demand for their services, competition will be fierce. A canteen will require less investment, and such an establishment may currently be in very high demand.

The main thing is to choose the right format

If you are thinking about how to open a canteen from scratch, then you should first carefully plan the format of your enterprise. The dining room is the place where people come to eat. IN in this case Visitors are not tasked with “spending time.” Potential customers want delicious food quickly and inexpensively. Fast, because the lunch break time is limited, and inexpensive, since for most, lunch in the canteen is a regular event, which has a significant impact on the personal budget. This is exactly what we need to proceed from when developing a business model for a canteen.

Canteens can be divided into closed and open. In the first case, we are talking about a public catering establishment available to employees of a single enterprise and operating on the territory of this enterprise. The obvious disadvantage of this business model is the dependence on relationships with the management of a particular company. For those who are not planning to organize a network of canteens, it is wiser to think about opening an open-type canteen.

Important advice for entrepreneurs: do not waste your time, even on simple routine tasks that can be delegated. Transfer them to the freelancers “”. Guarantee of quality work on time or refund. Prices even for website development start from 500 rubles.

The dining room menu should focus on “home” cuisine. 2-3 first courses, 3-4 second courses and 3-4 salads will be enough. It is important that the selection of dishes offered varies slightly throughout the week.

Business idea – How to open a canteen

Don't forget that most of the cafeteria's customers will visit it regularly, and monotony will greatly reduce the attractiveness of the establishment.

The normal operating hours of the canteen are 5 days a week, from 8:00 to 17:00. You can increase the workload of the establishment by offering your clients budget banquets, weddings, and funerals. This will require expanding the menu somewhat, but this problem can be solved.

By the way, it is advisable to hire a professional to develop the menu. The services of this specialist will not be expensive. In the provinces, a qualified technologist will train your cooks in 2–3 days, asking for no more than 5,000 rubles. Once every six months, adjustments should be made to the weekly menu.

The right choice of location is something without which success is impossible

If you are going to open a canteen and are wondering where to start, then it would be most reasonable to complete the paperwork necessary for work at the same time as searching for premises. Please note that you will need a room that can accommodate about 50 people at a time.

The ideal location is an industrial area or area near university educational buildings. If you decide to open near office centers, then you need to pay attention to the design of the premises. In times of crisis, clerks are ready to leave expensive sushi bars, but neither in the interior nor in the name of your establishment should anything be reminiscent of Soviet-era canteens. For white collar workers, this is unacceptable from the point of view of their view of “lifestyle”.

Once you find a suitable location, study the work of your potential competitors located within a 15-20 minute walk. In this case, you can ignore special attention to restaurants. You should be concerned about inexpensive cafes, other eateries, street food outlets and shops selling reheatable convenience foods. It is important to find what will become your competitive advantage. Tastier food, faster service, and even just clean tables and a tidy room - all this can attract regular customers to you.

When thinking about how to open a cafeteria from scratch and attract customers, you don’t have to worry about advertising. All you need is a good sign and 2-3 hundred flyers posted around the area. If the entrance to the premises is in a courtyard, a sign may also be required.

Equipment and personnel

The staff of a small canteen should include:

  • manager,
  • two cooks,
  • dishwasher,
  • auxiliary worker,
  • two kitchen workers capable of performing the functions of waiters if necessary,
  • cleaning lady

You will also need the services of an accountant.

The minimum set of equipment for a canteen consists of:

  • stoves for preparing hot dishes,
  • desktops,
  • sinks,
  • frying and cooking cabinets,
  • refrigeration chamber,
  • necessary set of utensils for serving dishes,
  • tables and chairs for clients,
  • distribution lines,
  • cash register.

The initial costs also need to take into account the initial purchase of products.

When thinking about what is needed to open a dining room, do not forget the possible costs of cosmetic repairs and minimal decoration of the hall itself, as well as the annual prepayment for renting the premises.

The rental cost depends on the region, and the listed equipment will cost approximately 1.5 million rubles. Please note that in the first two months of operation, your revenue may not even cover the current costs of staff salaries. Because of this, you will have to lay down a reserve working capital. It is better to start work in the fall, in summer period The demand for canteen services is falling, and it is somewhat more difficult to start.

The format of the canteen assumes that dishes are prepared in advance, and then heated and placed on plates. For this reason, at first, some of your products will remain unclaimed, which means additional costs.

Thus, the correct answer to the question of how much it costs to open a canteen may sound like 2.5–3.5 million rubles.

Your staff may turn out to be the bearer of the bad habits of old Soviet canteens. It is possible that at the initial stages you will have to control the consumption of products and strictly suppress theft or inappropriate behavior towards customers. It will be very good if in the first year of operation of the canteen you personally begin to act as manager.

The average payback period for such projects is 2 years. In the future, a small canteen can generate a profit of about 1.5 million rubles a year.

What documents are needed to open a canteen?

To organize the work of a small canteen, the optimal organizational and legal form is an individual entrepreneur. A larger enterprise may require registration of a legal entity (LLC).

Organizing the work of a canteen will require the following documents:

  • program for organizing and monitoring compliance with sanitary standards when working with food products(in agreement with Rospotrebnadzor),
  • quality certificates for products,
  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor to accommodate a canteen and its sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of the premises with the necessary standards,
  • contract for work on disinfection of the ventilation system,
  • contract for recycling and removal of solid waste.

We develop business

The most popular area for expanding such a business is the delivery of hot lunches. This will require an increase in staff, the purchase of vehicles and obtaining additional permits related to the delivery procedure itself.

Another promising event is organizing a mini-bakery. It will be difficult to compete with bread producers, but pies, pies and pizzas may be in demand. It is possible to establish their production in the evening, and sell them through food stores operating in the “convenience store” format.

The success of this approach may be based on the fact that these additional types of business will not require the cost of renting premises, which will increase their profitability.

What documents are needed to open a cafe? What documents are needed to open a canteen?

Good afternoon! As I understand, your premises are already ready for use?

Below is the main list of documents.

1-Constituent documents

Currently, to open a catering establishment you must:

1) Register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity (you choose the organizational and legal form yourself).

To register as an individual entrepreneur, you need to provide the following documents to the Federal Tax Service:

— application for state registration (form P21001);

- copy of the passport;

— receipt for payment of state duty (800 rubles).

To register a legal entity:

— application for state registration (form P11001);

— decision to create a legal entity in the form of a protocol, agreement or other document;

— constituent documents (originals or notarized copies);

— document confirming payment of state duty (4,000 rubles).

The easiest way to organize work is as an individual entrepreneur, but, despite the apparent simplicity, tax authorities are more careful about checking this form of legal entity.

2-Documents for the right to use the premises

In your case, a lease agreement

3-Permits and documents

A production control plan, which is prepared by the enterprise itself (that is, you yourself). The plan must indicate actions to comply with sanitary standards during the activities of the canteen. The plan will need to be provided when applying for notifications and conclusions from the SES.

Registration of cash register machines with the state tax inspectorate at the location of the enterprise;

Registration of a passport for the sign of the facility;

Obtaining a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on compliance with sanitary rules of economic and other activities, works, services;

Registration of a sanitary passport for specially designed or specially equipped vehicles for transporting food products;

Registration of personal medical books for employees with a note on the results of preliminary (upon employment), periodic (once a year) medical examinations and hygienic certification;

Conclusion of an agreement with a specialized organization on the removal of solid household waste;

Agreement with prof. disinfestation department for carrying out deratization and

disinfestation measures (to combat rodents and flying


When receiving products from another enterprise, have a supply agreement


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In the article we will look at such a promising line of business as the creation of public catering facilities, namely a canteen, student or located at an enterprise, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it is small in size, with about 50 seats. We will try to provide you with a ready-made business plan for a canteen with approximate prices for some Consumables and with specific advice on how to properly conduct business in modern Russian realities.

Please note that the number of canteens available to the general public is quite small, either in the capital or in the provinces. Why is this happening, since during the Soviet Union every school and every enterprise had its own public catering outlets? And lunches in the student canteen are remembered with gratitude by all the people who graduated from universities in those blessed times when our great Motherland had not yet collapsed due to the machinations of the West.

Then funding for state canteens stopped, businesses closed and, as a result, there was nowhere to eat cheaply and tasty. There are only restaurants around for the elite, where the common man goes only on holidays, and even then not always.

Prerequisites for starting a business

And people who do not have enough time to cook their own food at home, for example, business travelers or workers, have to snack on shawarma and hot dogs during their lunch break. Consequently, such a mini-business as opening a canteen with 50 seats is very promising, both in the capital and in the regions.

But, before you start this business, you need to draw up a business plan for opening your own mini-canteen or cafe with 50 seats. A newcomer to entrepreneurship may be intimidated by this word, but, in essence, it means a list of actions and purchases that need to be made in order to ensure your business with everything necessary for its normal functioning.

Ready-made company development plan

let's consider ready-made example a short business plan for opening a canteen. You can take it as a basis, and then, at your leisure, sit, read, think and adjust it to the size of your future cafe, as well as to the specifics of local realities.

The closest competitors, who have long and firmly occupied the catering niche, are fast food establishments such as McDonald's, hot dog stands and the like, as well as restaurants. But the dining room is quite different from both.

Fast food is a snack a quick fix dry food, the consequences of which are not only satiety, but also digestive problems. People who pounced on this curiosity in the early years of capitalism are gradually seeing the light and understanding the health problems that frequent visits to such places can bring.

Restaurants, of course, serve mostly more or less healthy food, but the prices there are affordable only for the management staff of enterprises. And the niche is inexpensive, healthy food Perhaps it’s up to you to master and expand.

So, let's look at the business plan for a cafe or canteen with about 50 seats.

First of all, it is necessary to legally formalize your activities in the registration, control and fiscal authorities.

Company registration

The optimal registration option is individual entrepreneurship. You can, of course, open entity, but this is more troublesome and expensive, and it makes no sense for the relatively small turnover of a cafe or a canteen with 50 seats.

Price policy

Since the business plan involves serving middle-income clients, the prices on the menu should be appropriate. Here you can give an example of a student canteen, remember the size of the scholarship, divide it by 30 days, and then by three more meals and draw a conclusion. You can focus on the already established prices of competitors and dump them whenever possible.

A cafe or canteen must provide a certain standard set of services expected by potential clients from such places:

  1. Production and sale of hot breakfasts, lunches and dinners;
  2. Preparation and holding of corporate events, weddings, memorial services, birthdays, alumni meetings and the like;
  3. Possibility to take food to go.

Studying local market characteristics and competitors

This item should include all canteens, cafes, restaurants, stalls that sell ready-made food, fast food establishments and the like in your locality.

  1. Determine which of them you have to compete with, and which ones are either far away or in a very different price niche;
  2. Study the mistakes of everyone and do everything to prevent them from happening at your enterprise;
  3. Find out as much as possible about those who will directly control your establishment from government agencies, get to know them and try to establish human relations. This can serve a good purpose in the future.

Layout of the production part of the establishment

The first step is to find a room to open a dining room. This place should be located in a business area where there are many offices, or in an industrial area, but next to factories that do not have their own canteens, or in places where student life is concentrated, near universities, or where students undergo practical training.

It would also be good to locate your office in some new large retail enterprise - a supermarket or shopping and entertainment center. Moreover, it is better to launch before its opening, since hundreds of builders are involved in its construction, and they will all eat from you. Yes, besides, there will be time to debug before the massive influx of clients manufacturing process. And, of course, if you find an empty room, which is very difficult, in the city center, places of mass public celebrations, and so on.

When choosing a room, you should focus on the standards that you must comply with by law.

Example: the presence of two exits, dividing the room into two parts - kitchen and living room, area, ceiling height, ventilation, etc. Everything must comply with the requirements of regulatory authorities.

The next one is very important aspect– equipment procurement plan. It is quite difficult to compile it, since the choice of industrial units is a responsible decision. They are very expensive and, in case of an error, you will have to spend quite a significant amount of money to correct it.

An example of the minimum equipment that should be included in the plan is as follows:

  • Gas, wood or electric stoves, depending on local conditions;
  • Cooking and frying cabinets;
  • Cutting and production tables;
  • Sinks;
  • Tables and chairs for visitors;
  • A complete set of dishes and accessories for cooking and serving.


A separate conversation should be held about personnel, because your profit depends on the professionalism and speed of work of people. Therefore, the selection of employees should be approached with great responsibility. Chefs must be able to prepare dishes of various cuisines, but, first of all, Russian.

A catering establishment such as a canteen with 50 seats must operate at least:

  1. One manager;
  2. A couple of cooks;
  3. A couple of kitchen workers;
  4. Dishwasher;
  5. Handyman;
  6. Cashier;
  7. Cleaning woman.

It is equally important to correctly create a menu that should include the most popular dishes in your area.

As an example that is suitable for most regions of our country, we can offer the following list:

  • Borsch;
  • Several types of soups;
  • Several options for potato dishes;
  • Solyanka;
  • Meat dishes;
  • Various salads.

Advertising campaign and the opening itself

If the location of the canteen is successfully chosen, then no large-scale event dedicated to its opening will be needed. It will be enough to focus attention on the building and its entrance using a garland of balloons.

Colorful announcements about the start of work should be hung at all checkpoints and main entrances to dormitories and institutes. You should also hire several people to distribute advertising brochures for at least one week, with a route to the dining room, and give examples of some dishes with their prices.

All necessary documents for opening a catering establishment

Canteen financial plan

This includes expenses and estimated income, based on which a conclusion should be drawn about the average payback period for the establishment.

Attachment structure:

  • Rent is on average about 1,000,000 rubles per year;
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​about 500,000 rubles;
  • Annual staff salary – 2,000,000 rubles;
  • Overhead costs – 100,000 rubles.

Total 3,600,000 rubles – initial investment.

The income structure highly depends on local realities and is calculated individually.

The average payback period for such a business is from a year to a year and a half. A well-chosen location can begin to generate income even earlier. The business is worthwhile and there is still enough free space in this niche. Do not miss your chance!

Opening a canteen is a real opportunity to successfully invest money in a low-budget anti-crisis enterprise. The reason is the high market demand for inexpensive but high-quality catering services. At the same time, it is important to know the requirements for organizing a dining room and follow them from the very beginning.

Catering has already become a part of our lives. Everyday life in a modern city cannot be imagined without business lunches and relaxation after a hard day with a cup of coffee. Among the various formats, one of the most popular is the dining room. Reasons: democracy (visitors are ready for full or partial self-service “in exchange” for the low cost of dishes), demand (more and more people prefer to dine outside the office), a good alternative to fast food. But before opening a canteen, you need to choose the format of the establishment, find out the requirements from regulatory authorities, and take into account your risks and opportunities.

In order not to make mistakes when drawing up a business plan, you need to not only present your business in detail, but also predict its profitability. To do this, you should start by analyzing the prospects.

Prospects for opening a canteen during a crisis

IN last years The catering industry developed especially vigorously in large industrial centers. According to VTsIOM data from 2014, 62% of the urban population uses catering services. In the first half of 2014, growth compared to the same period in 2013 was about 9%. However, many megacities still lag significantly behind cities in terms of the number of seats in public catering establishments Western Europe. According to, there are 120 people per catering outlet in the USA, 300 in Europe, and about 2,000 in Russia.

Here are the statistics provided by Deputy Mayor of Moscow A. Sharonov (see Table 1)

*Data 2013

Since the purchasing power of the population has decreased, but the habit of dining in public catering establishments has remained, canteens are becoming more and more in demand.

GOST 31985-2013 defines a canteen as a public catering establishment, open to the public or serving a specific group of consumers, producing and selling dishes and culinary products in accordance with a menu varied by day of the week.

Canteen formats have their own characteristics (see Table 2)



Canteen at the enterprise


On the territory of a plant, factory, organization



In a residential, office, shopping center

Special: sales of home-made products according to a special recipe for dietary nutrition

Student (school)


On the territory of the educational institution

General: sales of finished products from other catering establishments

Network (franchise)


On the territory of a shopping and entertainment center, in a residential or separate building, etc.

Special: sales of branded assortment, which can be represented by semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness



In an industrial zone, in a residential or detached building and near enterprises and office centers

General: sales of self-made products

The profit of the establishment directly depends on the quantity and quality of services provided.

Documents for a cafe, restaurant, canteen (catering)

However, the service line also depends on the concept. Let's compare the capabilities of the three most popular dining room formats (see Table 3)

*In the canteen at the enterprise it is possible to hold banquets for third parties, if there is permission from management and a collective reception of guests through the entrance is organized. Ordering culinary products is available only to employees (or additional sales points are organized outside the enterprise)

Summary: The greatest freedom for the development of different directions is provided by the public canteen and network (franchise) formats. This is due to their territorial accessibility and affordable prices.

How to attract additional funds for opening?

Although, in general, opening a canteen from scratch requires less initial investment than a cafe or restaurant, in a crisis you can get by personal funds may be difficult. Considering this circumstance, many banks offer budding entrepreneurs to open a franchise or a ready-made business plan. In particular, talks about the project of Sberbank, which developed the credit product “Business Start” together with the leading consulting firm ZAO Gorislavtsev and K. Audit. As part of the project, clients are offered not only an attractive loan interest rate, but also support at all stages of building a business. There are similar offers in other banks.

Choice of legal form

Owners of canteens often choose the organizational form of individual entrepreneurs. State duties and fines in this case are lower than with an LLC, but the entrepreneur is responsible for all violations, incidents and debts with all his property, even those that are not involved in the business (dacha, apartment, etc.).

The taxation regime is selected in accordance with the organizational and legal form. UTII is considered the most profitable and easiest to account for, but many entrepreneurs choose the simplified tax system for income reduced by the amount of expenses.

What requirements must a canteen meet?

You have decided to open a canteen. Where to begin? Study the legal requirements for public catering and carry out the necessary approvals.

Coordination with Rospotrebnadzor

The selected premises must be approved by Rospotrebnadzor in a notification manner. This means that the use of the premises as a dining room does not require prior permission from this regulatory organization. However, you need to know the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, because non-compliance during inspection in the future threatens with serious fines and even suspension of activities. Since January 1, 2016, GOST 30389-2013 has been in force, recommended for use by catering establishments as a national standard.

Important! According to Federal law 532-FZ dated December 31, 2014, as amended, from January 23, 2015, Rospotrebnadzor received the right to inspect public catering establishments without prior notice (previously, it had to notify the entrepreneur about his visit 24 hours in advance).

According to the current requirements for the canteen (recommended by Appendix B to GOST 30389-2013), it must have

  • signboard
  • entrance for guests, separate from the service entrance for staff
  • hangers in the hall or vestibule (hall)
  • service hall
  • toilet room (own or shared with the enterprise where the canteen is located)

Requirements for technical equipment (coordination with the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations):

  • stationary generator or batteries to provide emergency lighting
  • hot and cold water supply
  • heating (for catering establishments, the recommended temperature range is 19-23°C)
  • ventilation system providing acceptable temperature and humidity parameters
  • fire extinguishing system
  • security alarm
  • Availability of fire extinguishing means (fire insulation, fire extinguishers)
  • Illuminated exit signs
  • if the dining room is located in a residential area, sound insulation must be provided (permissible noise level less than 35 dB)
  • toilets should be equipped with cubicles, washbasins with a mirror, electrical sockets, toilet paper, soap or liquid soap dispenser, paper towels or electric towels, coat hooks, waste baskets

Important! To obtain permission to operate the selected premises from the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, it is necessary to study in advance the requirements for equipment from this authority and bring the premises into compliance with them.

Personnel requirements

In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 N 302n, catering establishment personnel must undergo medical examinations both before hiring and periodically (once a year).

By complying with legal requirements when opening a business, you save your future profits, as this will help you avoid sanctions from regulatory authorities.


The catering market in Russia is far from saturated. During a crisis, a canteen as a business, if properly organized, can generate stable income due to a regular audience and high traffic. However, at the initial stage, the enterprise will require investments in equipment and rental premises. With proper organization of activities, a good location of the enterprise and high-quality service, you can achieve a good payback in a short time. For a quick start-up, you can take advantage of franchises and preferential lending programs from banks.

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World trends in the development of canteens

TOP 10 options, formats and “tricks” that will turn any dining room into the most progressive establishment


Lunch is now not only “about food”, but also “about health”. Everything has changed: now guests want to improve their health. Some new corporate canteens employ full-time nutritionists, and chain establishments organize special projects together with the best clinics.


Organization of catering at the enterprise. How to open a canteen?


In corporate, student and even school canteens, areas are organized where you can relax with a cup of coffee or hold negotiations. For chill-outs, separate zones with a special calming design and even special audio branding are organized.


Some business centers and campuses are refusing human factor and organize food from grocery stores. Grocery stores still have fewer options than people, but it is much cheaper, more reliable and faster.


Today's consumers value lean producers. Stories about saving resources are becoming one of the most popular marketing tricks.

Bread pies and other items are being added to the menu in canteens. traditional dishes“from leftovers”, and some advanced cunning people invite fashionable chefs to develop breakfasts with casseroles from day-old bread and buns.


Porridge, omelettes and scrambled eggs all day? Yes! McDonald's has proven that guests want a breakfast menu not only in the morning, but also in the afternoon and evening. And after the fast food giants, corporate catering also entered the game.


Salads, burgers, woks have only basic ingredients (and even then not always). And then the guests assemble “their own” ideal dish from the proposed ingredients. We know this practice from the fast casual segment - and today canteens borrow the best “tricks” of the restaurant business.


The simple set of “first, second and compote” is no longer suitable even for soldiers’ canteens. Restaurateurs try to please as many guests as possible with the most diverse and even bizarre tastes. For this purpose in canteens closed type They even conduct special surveys to take into account all the religious and ideological characteristics of the audience.


In the fight against queues, all means are good: mobile payments, automatic queues, service with subscriptions and official passes are being introduced in canteens.


The work and life patterns of new consumers have changed dramatically, and a good dining room is no longer empty in the evenings and even at night. For guests in a hurry, it is worth considering the opportunity to pack food to go.

Based on, National Restaurants News,

The niche of food and products never loses demand even in times of crisis for the country. People need to eat in any case, and if they don’t have money, they switch to cheaper products and restaurants, but do not give up eating food, unlike entertainment. In this article we want to look at a business plan in which we will tell you how to open a canteen with 20, 50 and 100 seats. We will provide all the calculations and you will find out how much you can earn in this niche.

Positive aspects of a niche

The advantages include the following:

  • Ability to quickly serve all visitors
  • The ability to accurately calculate a business strategy due to a limited set of dishes on the menu
  • No need for a large staff
  • Clear calculation of the amount for each visitor
  • No need for a lot of equipment

As for the downsides, they include the limited number of dishes on the menu.

Today the most popular dining format is free-low. This is the option chosen by many entrepreneurs who decide to figure out how to open a canteen from scratch. The equipment is divided into several blocks - the so-called “islands”. The visitor can move from one block to another and choose the dishes he likes. This saves time and reduces the need for additional personnel.

Due to its convenience and prospects, the same format is often chosen by other entrepreneurs - owners of cafes and even restaurants. But they may not be considered as direct competitors - if people come to a restaurant to relax, then to the canteen they just come to eat.

Dining room format

There are several basic formats for canteens. Let's look at them below:

  • At the enterprise— operate on the territory of the enterprise, designed to organize meals for employees of a company or factory. The main emphasis is on dietary food.
  • Dietary- a public establishment specializing in dietary dishes. The optimal location is near large offices, shopping centers, and in large residential areas.
  • In schools, technical schools, universities and other educational institutions— the menu contains only home-cooked dietary dishes. It is particularly strict in terms of documentation and undergoes a special check by Rospotrebnadzor.
  • By franchise— these catering establishments usually have their own network and are located in shopping centers, entertainment venues, and near residential buildings. The list of products allowed for sale is determined by the franchisor.
  • Public- these are public canteens that are located in places where people gather - near factories and enterprises, business centers, educational institutions, offices, etc.

Closed canteens are usually tied to the organization they belong to, so opening them is not an easy task. To understand how to open a canteen at an enterprise, it is important to conduct successful negotiations with management. This is the first and most important step. But it is better to opt for open-type establishments. This provides more room for maneuver and more options in terms of business management. In addition, this allows you to get additional profit by organizing various events, weddings, banquets, and large wholesale orders.

As for the theme of the establishment, “homemade” dishes are the most successful option. This subconsciously attracts people, even if the set of dishes on the menu is not very large: several first courses, several second courses, 3-4 salads, several types of bread, drinks. You can also add a few seasonal items: fresh fruits and vegetables in the summer, pumpkin in the fall, etc. For large celebrations, you can develop an additional menu with a wider range.

It is better to choose the standard operating hours: from 9 to 18 on weekdays, from 10 to 15 on Saturday, Sunday is a day off. But if you know the operating hours of enterprises and establishments located nearby, then it is better to adapt to them. So, if the canteen is located near a university, where classes start at 8.30, then it is better to start work at 7.30 - perhaps one of the guys will want to have breakfast before the start of the school day. If there are offices nearby that are open until 19.00, it is better to extend the opening hours until 20.00, etc.

About clients

The main visitors to canteens are office workers, students, and employees, so the main load falls on the lunch break - from about 12 to 14 o'clock. But there is another category of people who are not tied to such a strict schedule - workers, drivers and taxi drivers. But it is still better to focus, first of all, on the first segment and look for premises near large business centers, institutes, and government departments. And if you want to open a canteen from scratch, the business plan must definitely include this item.

Do you need permits to open a canteen?

Now let’s answer the question: what is needed to open a canteen (in terms of documents)? Opening canteens does not require any specialized licenses. You will only need standard permits: from Rospotrebnadzor, the sanitary and epidemiological station, and the fire service. You also need to have quality certificates with you for all products that are used to prepare the food presented in the assortment.


Renting premises is one of the important issues facing budding entrepreneurs. Its cost depends on many factors: location, area, condition, etc. If we talk about where to open a canteen, then it is better to choose a specialized room for this purpose, where there have already been similar establishments (catering places or cafes). Renovating and refurbishment of non-food processing premises can result in significant costs. So, a complete renovation from scratch will have to include engineering design. But you can’t do without technological design, design development, creating a corporate identity and outdoor advertising even if the premises are specialized.

Engineering design

Engineering design includes the creation of a communications plan: water supply, sewerage, electrical wiring, ventilation systems, general design. This will cost at least 60-70 thousand rubles. If you have chosen a premises that was previously used for the food industry, then you can save on this point.

Process design

Process design includes compiling a list necessary equipment, as well as developing a plan for its placement and docking with engineering networks. The cost of this type of work is approximately 200-300 rubles. for 1 sq.m.

Design development

Although the design of dining rooms is usually quite simple, it still needs to be developed first, a computer model of the room must be created, and all the necessary Decoration Materials, make visualization of the facade and architectural supervision. A full package of such projects from a designer will cost about 200 thousand rubles, a compressed package - 140-160 thousand rubles.

Creating a corporate identity

The creation of a general visual concept for an establishment occurs when developing a corporate identity. Especially if you plan to create a network of establishments in the future. It is necessary to create a logo, select corporate colors, fonts, recognizable elements, etc. In short, it is necessary to develop a full-fledged brand book. It will cost about 40-50 thousand rubles. It will also be possible to immediately engage in online advertising: creating your own website, its SEO optimization, creating a page in in social networks, launching advertising, etc.

Outdoor advertising

Advertising creates visitors - this is one of the main laws of doing business. Therefore, it is necessary to place advertisements for the establishment on billboards, create a bright, memorable sign, and place passing signs. The cost here is calculated individually depending on the type of advertising and the customer’s specifications.

Necessary equipment

The set of necessary equipment largely depends on the format of the establishment. If this is a closed establishment for a small enterprise, then it will be enough to buy the most basic equipment without a distribution line. If it is assumed that there will be more than a hundred places, then the necessary full set equipment, including a distribution line.

We decided to choose a middle ground and show what you will need to buy to open a dining room with 50 seats.

As for canteens with 20 and 100 seats, the investments in these cases will be different. Also, if you purchase used equipment, you can save 30%, but it is worth considering that it may suddenly fail.

Below you can see a comparison table of equipment costs.


When the premises have been found, permits have been obtained, and equipment has been purchased, you can proceed to hiring staff. This is another important step to consider before opening your dining room. Recruitment begins with the vacancy of a chief cook-technologist, as well as a production manager. This is best done before the menu is created. The entire staff must be recruited in full no later than a week before the expected opening date.

As a result, the figures will be as follows, monthly expenses for salaries of canteen employees:

For 20 seats— 130.000r
For 50 seats— 260.000rub
For 100 seats— 520.000r

Business plan for a canteen for 20 seats

Opening a canteen with 20 seats will be an excellent option for beginning entrepreneurs who are not ready to invest a huge amount of millions of rubles in their first business. Let's calculate how much money we need to open a business and how much we will have to spend monthly to keep it running.

Name Sum
Initial costs
Equipment RUR 670,000
Business registration 5.000rub
Room renovation RUB 300,000
other expenses RUR 50,000
Total: RUR 1,025,000
Monthly expenses
Staff salaries RUR 130,000
Renting premises 40.000rub
Communal expenses 20.000rub
other expenses 10.000rub
Total: RUR 200,000

Let's assume that the average bill in your canteen is 200 rubles, 40% of this will go towards food costs. This means that from each order you will earn 120 rubles. The canteen will be open for 8 hours and every hour the canteen will be half full. Income without monthly expenses for the month will be 297,600 rubles. From here we subtract monthly expenses and it turns out that the net profit will be 97,600 rubles, and the payback of the business will be 11 months.

Business plan for a canteen for 50 seats

A canteen with 50 seats is already a more serious business, it is much larger than the previous one, which means that the initial investment and subsequent net profit will be greater. Let's do the calculations.

Name Sum
Initial costs
Equipment RUR 1,340,000
Business registration 5.000rub
Room renovation 400.000rub
other expenses RUR 50,000
Total: RUR 1,795,000
Monthly expenses
Staff salaries RUR 260,000
Renting premises RUR 70,000
Communal expenses RUB 30,000
other expenses 10.000rub
Total: RUB 370,000

Despite the fact that this is more of a canteen, it still remains an establishment with cheap food. Therefore, we cannot increase the average check in any way. Such a business will easily generate 150,000 net profit and will pay for itself in 12 months.

Business plan for a canteen for 100 seats

If you are absolutely sure that if you open a dining room with 100 seats, it will not be empty, then you can make good money. Such large establishments usually open next to large office centers or factories that employ a huge number of people.

Name Sum
Initial costs
Equipment RUR 2,680,000
Business registration 5.000rub
Room renovation 900.000rub
other expenses 100.000rub
Total: RUR 3,685,000
Monthly expenses
Staff salaries RUR 520,000
Renting premises RUR 170,000
Communal expenses RUR 50,000
other expenses 40.000rub
Total: 780.000rub

The net profit of such an establishment will reach 250,000 rubles, and the payback period will be 15 months. Be careful when opening such a large business. Many entrepreneurs do not analyze the local situation in sufficient detail and open a canteen in a place where people simply do not go.

  • 1 Making a dining room project
  • 2 Market analysis for drawing up a business plan for a canteen
  • 3 Organizing a dining room: choosing a format
  • 4 Dining concept
    • 4.1 Location of the establishment:
    • 4.2 Target audience:
    • 4.3 Location area:
    • 4.4 Staffing:
    • 4.5 Additional services
    • 4.6 Dining room menu plan
    • 4.7 Choosing a room for the dining room
    • 4.8 Repair
  • 5 Technological and engineering project dining room
  • 6 Interior of a catering canteen
  • 7 Marketing campaign
  • 8 Equipment for canteens
    • 8.1 Dispensing line
    • 8.2 Kitchen equipment and dishes
    • 8.3 Crockery and cutlery (50 pieces each)
    • 8.4 Furniture
  • 9 Recruitment
  • 10 Dining room menu: sample
  • 11 Canteen registration
  • 12 Specified OKEVD codes for the canteen
  • 13 Documentation required by Rospotrebnadzor
  • 14 Required documents to Gospozhnadzor
  • 15 Taxes and other payments
  • 16 Options for the operation of the simplified tax system
    • 16.1 Profitability
    • 16.2 If you haven’t been able to recoup your business in a year, start thinking more about:

How to open a canteen that will make a profit? It’s simple - draw up a business plan correctly, calculate all items of expenses and income, think over the concept and take care of advertising.

Why a dining room? Because the dining room is always relevant for a wide audience. The main guarantor of the stable operation of the canteen is the correct price/quality ratio and the correct location.

Making a dining room project

When starting to think through your dining room project, approach your calculations responsibly. Below we provide a sample business plan for a canteen based on average values. When making your business plan, use only the numbers that are relevant to you.

Here are approximate numbers to guide you by:

  • 1 million rubles are needed to cover initial costs;
  • 1 - 1.5 years of business payback;
  • Calculations will be made for an area of ​​180 square meters. m. (this is 50 seats).

The canteen business plan will include:

  • market analysis,
  • description of the format and concept of the dining room,
  • description of the premises,
  • interior description,
  • advertising and marketing campaign for the canteen,
  • canteen equipment,
  • canteen staff,
  • analysis of all costs
  • analysis of expected income,
  • determining the break-even point, profitability level, expected net income and other financial indicators.

Market analysis for drawing up a canteen business plan

Any crisis in the market first hits the public catering industry, but the canteen,unlike a cafe And restaurants, financial difficulties will affect you least of all. Demand for inexpensive, but delicious food for students, office workers, and enterprise employees there will always be.

What other arguments are in favor of opening a canteen:

  • Poor development of the corporate catering industry. Far from every enterprise has its own canteen, and eating in restaurants and cafes every day is expensive for most people.
  • Every potential client knows well what a canteen is. This is a simple and understandable catering format;
  • Menu. The menu is the trump card of canteens, because it is designed for a wide range of visitors. There may not be fancy sushi there, but there will always be borscht and cutlets;
  • Excellent combination of price/quality. On average, the cost of lunch in the canteen is 250 rubles. At the same time, the number of dishes is huge - up to 50. This, in fact, makes the dining room attractive to different segments of the population: students, working people and retirees;
  • In addition to traditional service, canteens can host banquets, organize catering (delivery of dishes, remote catering for events) and simply work for a client “from the street.” And all this is additional income.

You don’t have to “run after clients” - if the canteen is well located and the food is delicious, clients will soon find you.

Today, all areas of cities, not just the center, are actively developing and improving. The main thing is to focus on crowds of people (shopping centers, organizations and enterprises, etc.).

Opening a new business, much less a food outlet, is not easy. For this reason, beginning entrepreneurs often resort to the services of specialists: expert consultants, specialized companies. You can also use their services, although the very format of your enterprise allows you to do it yourself.

Organizing a dining room: choosing a format

Not so long ago, canteens worked exclusively for the organization to which it belonged, and the enterprise’s canteen was closed to the mass consumer. Today, canteens are hardly inferior to cafes, except that the prices are lower, the dishes are a little simpler and the design is a little more modest.

There are several options for organizing canteens:

  • Urban. Any audience. As a rule, a city canteen is located near a large enterprise or organization, and perhaps an educational institution. The list of services provided includes banquets and catering.
  • On the territory of the business center. Such a canteen will belong to the corporate catering segment. Mainly focused on serving employees of the selected organization, but also a certain percentage of visitors “from the street”. It may well be a venue for corporate events or business negotiations.
  • Dining room budgetary institution, for example, student. Location - administration, hospital, school (or other educational institution), etc. works exclusively for the audience in the given room. The sample canteen menu contains dishes for workers or students.
  • Dining room in a shopping center. It can be part of a large food court/food court. It is important to lead in area so that it can accommodate about 40-50 seats.

We will be writing a business plan for an urban canteen that can accommodate 200 visitors per shift (this is approximately 50 seats). Our future canteen is focused on working in the open market, providing food services and organizing banquets.

Dining concept

The concept is a document that describes in detail each section of opening a dining room. To create a competent concept, set your goals:

Location of the establishment:

  • Select a room;
  • Assess the location in terms of transport accessibility. Will the establishment be visible from the street or roadway?
  • What is the condition of the premises: engineering Communication, sanitary conditions;
  • Design and equipment issues.

The target audience:

  • Describe your client;
  • Assess the needs of your potential audience;
  • Means of communication with visitors;
  • Determine the client's price expectations.

Location area:

  • Assess the infrastructure;
  • Think about possible competitors;
  • Are there business centers nearby, educational establishments, shopping centers, small shops.


  • Service by waiters or clients themselves;
  • Semi-finished products or own production;
  • Recruiting employees or training at your own expense.

Additional services

Availability of a banquet menu;

  • Catering work;
  • Food delivery or the ability to pack a dish with you.

Dining room menu plan

The dining room menu plan includes:

  • Several types of salads (5-10)
  • Several types of soups (2-5)
  • Several types of main dishes (meat, chicken, fish - up to 10),
  • Several types of side dishes (5-7),
  • Several types of desserts and sweets (2-10),
  • Several types of drinks (water, juice, compote, tea, coffee, cocoa).

Choosing a dining room

Most often, they rent space for their own business. The rent depends on the territorial features. For example, in the Moscow region, the rental price is 10,000 rubles per square meter. The area of ​​the Third Transport Ring dictates a price of 50,000 rubles per square meter.

The best room for a dining room would be one in the common area of ​​which there is already a store or catering facility.


The estimated area of ​​the premises is 180 sq.m. The premises need major renovations and cosmetic finishing. Repair work VIP categories cost 15,000 per square meter; for cosmetic work, teams of workers charge 1,500 per square meter.

Here's everything you need to know about space for your business.

Technological and engineering design of the dining room

When it comes to design, we mean two types: technological and engineering. They are the ones who will fully prepare the premises for work. We provide you with a list of necessary work for the projects.

Let's start with engineering design - this is the development of communications projects:

  • Ventilation and air conditioning;
  • Sewerage and water supply;
  • Electricity supply;
  • Architectural project.

Keep in mind that if the room is immediately intended for organizing a dining room in it, then you can save a lot on engineering design. If a major overhaul is required for repurposing, the complex of work will cost you at least 60 thousand rubles.

Process design is the selection of professional equipment to perform production tasks, as well as the development of schemes for its installation and interaction with utility networks. Technological design is mandatory and cannot be excluded.

The cost is approximately 200 rubles per square meter. But, here's a little advice: some companies give technology projects to their customers when ordering equipment from them. Study the market, try to find a suitable option for yourself.

Catering canteen interior

The interior of a catering canteen allows you to be creative, because it should nominally be a canteen, but in fact it should resemble a cafe. A design project for a dining room includes the development of a design concept, 3D visualization, selection of materials, selection of decor, development of a facade project, as well as on-site supervision.

When choosing a complete design project package, which includes the design of the surrounding area, expect a cost of 200 thousand rubles. If you choose a shortened design project, the cost will drop to 150-160 thousand rubles.

When choosing an interior, you must also choose a corporate style - this is the visual image of your future dining room, which is especially important for a corporate project. The cost of developing and creating a corporate identity for our dining room will be 50,000 rubles. What is it about:

  1. Logo creation;
  2. Selection of color and font according to style and color;
  3. Selection of style-forming elements;
  4. Development of three position examples of branded elements;
  5. Logobook layout.

Marketing campaign

Advertisers today work individually for each customer. But if the cafeteria is well located, you can get by with a good sign and handing out flyers. You also need to create a page on social networks and promote it.

Canteen equipment

How much should you invest in your business? Let's count. Calculations are carried out for a canteen with 50 seats. Prices are indicated in rubles.

Distribution line

Name Cost, rub.
Cutlery counter 25200
Refrigerator display 153900
Food warmer for first courses “Convito” type 4869
Counter-bain-marie for soups 48200
Counter for hot dishes (second courses) 70300
Tea/coffee counter 33900
Rotary module 28700
Cash register33100

Dining room equipment

Electric 4-burner stove with broiler"ERGO"56000
Contact grill (frying surface)"ERGO"40000
Tilting electric frying pan"ERGO"80000
Electric cooker"ERGO"85000
rice cooker"ERGO"2400
Single burner pancake maker"ERGO"14700
Flood boiler"Convito"7500
Refrigerator cabinet"Ariad"45600
Freezer cabinet"Ariad"53700
Bread slicerAHM-300T65000
MixerCOUPE Mini21400
Potato PeelerMOK-300M38500
Meat grinder"ERGO"21200
Single-section washing bath (5 pcs.) 19500
Washing two-section bath 7300
Production wall table 4000
Rack with solid shelves (2 pcs) 26800
Solid wall shelf (2 pcs) 1700
Wall shelf for drying dishes 3600
Exhaust hood 2500
Touch hand dryer"ERGO"9800
Washstand (5 pcs.) 26200
Total 713600

Kitchen equipment and dishes

Name Quantity, pcs Price
Gastronorm container "Luxstahl" made of stainless steel GN 1/1 4 2500
Aluminum frying pan"Luxstahl"2 2000
Cast iron frying pan with wooden handle"Luxstahl"1 2000
Professional boiler 25 liters"Luxstahl"3 11200
Deep tray 600/400/48 mm 3 2000
Chef's knife 200 mm"Profi Luxstahl"2 600
Utility knife 145 mm 2 700
Vegetable knife “Profi Luxstahl” 75 mm2 500
Polypropylene cutting board 2 2600
Beech cutting board 3 1400
Square baking dish 2 270
Ladle 250 ml2 550
Universal pliers 300 mm 2 180
Angled Bamboo Cooking Spatula 2 120
Combined large grater on 4 sides 1 100
Whisk 280 mm1 220
Table tray made of polypropylene 490/360 40 3400
Set for spices (salt and pepper) 25 4300
Apron6 3000
Total 37640

Crockery and cutlery (50 pieces each)

Name Volume/size Price
Shallow round plate 200 mm2500
Deep round plate 250 ml2500
Round salad bowl 300 ml3000
Hot drink mug 200 ml1700
Highball glass200 ml650
Table fork 2200
Table-knife 3550
Tablespoon 2250
Tea spoon 1500
Total 19850


Thus, the total cost of the equipment necessary for the canteen is 957,190 rubles. For a small dining room you can get by with less. You can also save money by purchasing used refrigerators and other equipment.


Canteen employees must be professionals in their field; the profit of the establishment depends on this. Personnel selection should begin with such specialists as a chef-technologist and production manager.

Moreover, you should start looking for employees when developing the concept and approving the canteen menu. Important rule- seven days before the start of the canteen, the staff must not only be fully staffed, but also thoroughly trained.

Who should be on the staff and what salary should the employee receive?

Job title Size wages, rubles
Production director 50 000
Accountant40 000
Delivery driver 25 000
Cook-technologist40 000
All-round cook30 000
Working on the distribution line 25 000
Cashier20 000
Cleaning woman15 000
Dishwasher15 000

We add it up and get a figure of 260,000 rubles - the total cost of monthly payments to the payroll fund.

Dining room menu: sample

The following dishes can be offered as a sample canteen menu. You can edit prices and assortment at your discretion. For example, different salads and main courses (or all dishes in general) can be changed on the menu depending on the day of the week.

Such dishes are suitable as a canteen menu for workers, but they can also be used for students and retirees. For office employees, it is recommended to expand the menu - these are more paying clients who usually want to see a variety of dishes in the canteen.

Name of dish Price
Fresh cabbage salad 100
Salad "Carrots with sour cream" 90
Salad "April"100
Salad "Men's Dreams" 100
Salad “Herring under a fur coat” 100
Salad "Josephine" 100
Millet milk porridge 200
Cheesecakes with sour cream 120
Rassolnik "Leningradsky" 250
Meat okroshka250
Meat “Appetizing” 120
Roast beef 50
Pork pilaf50
Chicken fillet covered with cheese crust 100
Stuffed cabbage rolls with meat and rice 100
Boiled dumplings 200
Dumplings with potatoes 200
Fried potato 150
Buckwheat porridge with vegetables 150
Steamed vegetables (vegetable stew) 150
Tea with sugar and lemon. 200
Coffee 3*1200
Fresh berry compote 200
Sour cream100
Flour culinary products
Pancakes with butter100
There is an assortment of thin pancakes. 100
Pancakes stuffed with apples 100
Pancakes stuffed with meat and egg 100
Pancakes stuffed with cabbage and mushrooms 100
Sweet pie140
Butter pie with cabbage and egg 60
Pies with potatoes 60
Pies with cabbage 60
Pies baked with onion and egg 75
Baked pies with apples and berries 75
Pie with cabbage and egg 100
Milk bun 50

Canteen registration

First of all, you need to choose your preferred form of ownership: . Please note that if your canteen does not sell alcoholic drinks, you can safely choose an individual entrepreneur. By the way, the sale of alcohol or lack thereof - key factor work of a public catering enterprise.

In the city of Moscow, the only place of registration of individual entrepreneurs is MIFNS No. 46. Before you look at them, get a TIN (taxpayer identification number).

To register an individual entrepreneur you will need:

  • Application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur;
  • A copy of your passport (you are a citizen of the Russian Federation);
  • Receipt for payment of state duty (the latter is 800 rubles).

Here's more you should know about IP:

  • Registration at the place of residence is required;
  • Registration of individual entrepreneurs is possible only for one citizen;
  • You can do without a charter, as well as authorized capital and current account;
  • An individual entrepreneur is responsible for all obligations with existing property, even if the individual entrepreneur closes.
  • There is no need to report for the use of equipment in business activities;
  • Funds in the current account are freely available;
  • IP is not for sale and is not re-registered. Only closure, and then in its place something new can be opened;
  • All economic activities need not be recorded;
  • There is no tax on property used in business.

Specified OKEVD codes for the canteen

  • 55.30 Opening of restaurants and cafes;
  • 55.40 Bar work;
  • 55.51 Operation of canteens at institutions/enterprises;
  • 55.52 Supply of catering products.

Among other things, in order for you to be given permission to entrepreneurial activity, take care of preparations in advance for organizations such as Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor. Let's talk about it.

Documentation required by Rospotrebnadzor

  1. Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur;
  2. Certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  3. Premises rental agreement;
  4. Production control program;
  5. Availability and data of employee medical records;
  6. Certificates for all products;
  7. Concluded contracts for waste removal.

Required documents for Gospozhnadzor

  1. OGRN or certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  2. Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, also known as an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  3. Individual tax number;
  4. Information letter about registration with the Statregister of Rosstat;
  5. An organization card containing contacts (telephone, fax, address);
  6. Premises rental agreement;
  7. Explication of the premises;
  8. Documents according to which data on the installation of fire alarms is known;
  9. Agreement for Maintenance alarms;
  10. Certificate that the person responsible for fire safety, has completed the necessary training;
  11. Availability of an order appointing a separate employee who will be responsible for fire safety.

Taxes and other payments

Dining room, the approximate area of ​​which is approximately 180 square meters, created in the form of an individual entrepreneur, can be taxed according to the simplified taxation system. In addition, if in your city it is possible to apply UTII (Unified Tax on Imputed Income), you can do this and pay a fixed amount of tax. This special regime is excluded on the territory of Moscow.

Options for the simplified tax system

  1. Pay 6% of all proceeds that were posted to the cash register or current account;
  2. Pay 15% of the difference between income and expenses.

If you use the simplified tax system, you don’t have to pay VAT, as well as corporate income tax.

In addition to taxes, you will need to carry out insurance premiums to social fund accounts. This is also a kind of expense. So, if your employee’s salary is less than 711 thousand rubles per year, you must contribute 22% to Pension Fund, 2.9% - to the account of the Social Insurance Fund, 5.1% - to the Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund.

If the employee’s salary is more than the amount indicated above, then 10% of the excess amount will need to be transferred to the Pension Fund.

The contribution to the social insurance fund for public catering against accidents at work and occupational diseases will be 0.2%.

Income tax individuals is 13%.

Among other things, do not forget about utility tariffs. For our dining room, electricity, gas and water can cost approximately 50 thousand rubles.


We have already said that you will be able to recoup all the costs of the dining room in about a year and a half.

The markup on meals in the canteen usually ranges from 150 to 300%. This is not a very high figure, because the emphasis is on the permeability of the seat and its turnover. But still, think carefully about the dining room menu plan - after all, first of all, people will come to you for a delicious meal. And if your visitors like it, they will definitely tell their friends about the quality dining room.

If we talk about bare numbers, then the average bill for visiting a canteen will be somewhere around 250-300 rubles. Traffic capacity, with established capacity and location, is 200 people per day. With an average check of 250 rubles, we get revenue of 50,000 per day or 1.5 million per month. Of this, about 500,000 rubles will be spent on food, 260,000 will go to the wage fund, and about 300,000 more will go to pay for rent, utilities, and taxes. Net income can be up to 500,000 rubles, but this is with good traffic in the dining room.

Weddings, corporate events, and catering can provide another 500 thousand. In this case, get net profit in the amount of 500,000 - 600,000 rubles monthly is quite realistic.

If you haven’t been able to recoup your business in a year, start thinking more about:

  • Poor management;
  • Wrong concept;
  • Honesty of staff;
  • Low quality of food served,

Incorrect location of the dining room.

A food service business can be very lucrative, especially when it comes to cafeterias. If you think through all the details, correctly assess the demand and open a dining room with delicious dishes in a place with good traffic, this business will bring good income.

Read more business ideas in the catering industry:lunch delivery to the office, discoveries pizza delivery services And healthy food cafe.