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Atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes. Presentation on technology on the topic Milk and its properties. National dishes made from milk Presentation on business plan for atelier


"Fashion studio" Cloth.

Yarn and fabrics."


Primary school teacher

MBOU Buturlinovskaya Secondary School

Ustimenko Yulia Anatolevna


Guess the riddle:

The wise man and the ignorant know:

People all need.....

So, today we will talk about clothes - what they are like, what they are made of.

Nowadays, clothes are sewn in factories and sold in stores.


If you want to dress original, you can sew your own clothes or go to a tailor.

An atelier is a place where clothes are modeled, cut and sewn.

There are people of different professions in the studio:

Fashion designer– a specialist who creates models (clothing samples)

Cutter- a master who cuts material for sewing shoes and dresses.

For this he needs patterns.

Tailor, seamstress- a specialist who sews clothes.

Clothing protects a person from various influences: from cold, heat, dirt, rain.

People of different professions need different clothes. This type of clothing is called - working.

Often people of the same profession wear the same style clothes - uniform. Based on the uniform, you can determine which organization the person wearing it belongs to.

These clothes are called - uniform.

What are clothes made from?

The main material used to make clothes, hats, and bed linen is fabric. Fabrics are made from yarn - threads twisted from fibers: natural or chemical.

Natural, or natural, fibers are formed in natural conditions. They are contained in cotton bolls, flax tow, and the wool of various animals. Natural fabrics are obtained from them: cotton. Linen, wool and silk.

Chemical fibers people mine industrially, produce in factories. Synthetic fabrics are made from them: viscose, nylon, nylon, acrylic.

I suggest decorating your work apron with a fabric appliqué. What is an application?

Applique is a method of creating an image by gluing or sewing pieces of paper, cardboard, fabric, etc., of different colors and shapes onto any base.

Applications come in different types.

Despite the variety of products in stores, shoppers often find it difficult to choose the right clothes. The client may not be satisfied with the size, quality of tailoring or material, style and design. Most of the products offered today are not very good quality from cheap mixed or synthetic fabrics. It is these clients who make up the target audience of the studio. In this article we will look at a business plan for a clothing repair and sewing studio.

An atelier for sewing clothes from natural fabrics is a good alternative to clothing stores. The final cost of clothing is comparable to store-bought clothing, since the cost of work in the studio does not exceed the trade markup.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a studio

In the table below we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of opening a studio business. It can be noted that the main target audience is people who need custom-tailored clothing (this could be obese people or those who want to look more fashionable and elegant).

Let's give some statistics from Gomkomstat on clothing turnover. The leader is the Central Federal District (~50%) and, in particular, Moscow (~40%). Retail turnover of clothing in St. Petersburg amounted to ~3%.

Regions are leaders and outsiders in the purchase of clothing (data from Gomkomstat)

From the diagram we can conclude that it is most effective to open a studio in Central federal district in Moscow, since that is where the greatest demand for purchasing clothes is. The lowest profitability will come from the clothing business in the Far Eastern and North Caucasus districts.

How to open a studio from scratch: registering a business with the tax authorities

To register with the tax office, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is created. The table below analyzes the main advantages, as well as the necessary list of documents for each form of business. When registering under OKVED, select the main activity: 52.42 “Retail trade in clothing”, 52.42.1 – “Retail trade in men’s, women’s and children’s clothing”, 52.42.8 – “Retail trade in clothing accessories (gloves, ties, scarves, belts, suspenders and etc.)".

Form of business organization Benefits of use Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to open a small studio (50-80m²). Number of personnel 3-5 people
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • a certified statement from a notary in form No. P21001;
  • application for transition to UTII or simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • a copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Used to open a large studio (>80m²), take out loans, and scale.
  • application in form No. Р11001;
  • LLC charter;
  • decision to open an LLC or protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of state duty (RUB 4,000);
  • copies of the founders’ passports certified by a notary;
  • application for transition to UTII or simplified tax system.

According to the law, the authorized capital of an LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

If you provide services to the public, you can use a SSR (strict reporting form) rather than a cash register.

OKVED codes for studio registration:

  • 10.18 – production of leather clothing
  • 18.2 – sewing accessories and textile clothing;
  • 18.21 – production of workwear;
  • 18.22 – making outerwear;
  • 18.24 – sewing accessories and other clothes(for the main studio, choose this code) ;
  • 52.41 – retail textiles and haberdashery products
  • 52.74 - repair of clothing and household products that are intended only for personal use and not included in other groups.

How to open a fashion studio (case from Masha Umanskaya)

In an interview, Masha Umanskaya will talk about the intricacies of running a fashion studio.

Studio business plan: project presentation

We choose large cities (as shown above, Moscow is better) with a large number of solvent clients interested in individual design and preferring high-quality fabrics. We focus primarily on a female audience.

We also repair textile products at the same time. The business plan includes the presence of a store of European high-quality goods. Price categories in the store range from everyday to evening.

To ensure a constant workload of equipment and personnel, you can make clothes that will be sold outside the studio (in our opinion, it is better to focus on individual tailoring, rather than sewing everything in a row).

Product samples are displayed on mannequins in the reception hall. Working hours are from 10 to 20 hours seven days a week, on Saturday and Sunday we work 1 hour less.

Selecting a room

We choose high-traffic areas for the studio, the first floors of residential buildings, shopping centers or consumer services complexes.

It is better to start with a small area of ​​the room - up to 50 m². As the business expands, we are moving to a larger premises, but located nearby, so as not to lose clients.

The atelier business plan provides for at least 3 types of premises:

  1. Reception area with fitting booths containing samples of fittings and fabrics.
  2. Cutting and sewing shop, where fabrics are ironed and processed before cutting.
  3. Sanitary rooms - storage rooms for cleaning supplies, toilet, room for eating.

We provide lighting for the place where seamstresses work according to special standards, which are five times higher than the requirements for residential premises. Professional sewing equipment requires a voltage of 380 volts.

Other conditions for the premises are minimal: good ventilation, light walls that can withstand frequent wet cleaning, absence of surfaces that retain small sewing waste.

If the business is planned to expand and produce wholesale quantities of products, we will entrust some of the operations to seamstresses at home to save rent.

Initial costs

First, we purchase a minimum of sewing equipment, then we purchase additional equipment as needed. Equipment list:

  • sewing machines, overlockers – 150,000 rubles;
  • mannequins – 10,000 rubles;
  • ironing equipment – ​​40,000 rubles;
  • furniture for the reception and sewing room - 40,000 rubles;
  • repairs – 200,000 rubles;
  • accessories – 20,000 rubles;
  • purchase of goods for sale – 100,000 rubles.

Total - 460,000 rubles.

To save money, you can buy used equipment, but you will have to pay a mechanic to check and install it.

Studio advertising

After preparatory activities We launch advertising, designing it in the form of an announcement. We start the advertising campaign a few weeks before the opening.

  • information on notice boards in the workshop area;
  • advertisements on the Internet, print media, local television;
  • distributing invitations to mailboxes;
  • mutual advertising in stores that are partners.

First, we reach residents of the nearest neighborhood. We offer discounts on tailoring and repairs. We are gradually forming a circle of regular customers from other territories, using advertising in the media.


We accept on permanent job initially two seamstresses, one cutter and two receptionists, who also performed the duties of salespeople in the store. Requirements: work experience, recommendations from previous employers.

We contract out accounting services and cleaning work to third parties. For one-time orders, if necessary, we involve a designer.

We give sellers a fixed salary of 12,000 rubles (average for Russia), shop employees - a constant minimum payment and 1/4 of the cost of completed orders.

Costs in the first year of operation

Consumables are included in the order price. Their costs will be about 20,000 rubles/month.

  • Rent of premises, utilities – 70,000 rubles.
  • Advertising – 10,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of accessories and fabrics for the store - 40,000 rubles.
  • Salary with deductions, including payments under contracts – 60,000 rubles.

Atelier profitability

  • The cost of an average order is about 350 rubles. We predict 9 orders per day.
  • The annual total revenue is planned to be about 1,100,000 rubles, after deducting salaries and deductions - 850,000 rubles.
  • The average order for tailoring is 3,000 rubles, the amount for the year is 1,350,000 rubles.
  • Sale of fabrics without sewing - up to 800,000 rubles per year. Total revenue – 2,600,000 rubles.
  • Income from the sale of finished products – up to 200,000 rubles with subsequent increase.

As the number of orders increases, we attract additional employees and purchase equipment. Advertising costs are gradually decreasing. Taking into account taxes, the investment will pay off in 1-1.2 years.

Read similar articles on selling clothes for adults and children: and.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business by the magazine website

Business profitability

(3.5 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Project payback

(3.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.5 out of 5)
Atelier is a promising business in major cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, since this is where there is a high demand for the purchase of new clothes. The payback period for the initial costs is ~1 year. It is important to have sewing experience, since only through high-quality work can repeat sales be ensured.
  1. 1. “Some people treat the clothing reform with complete indifference, while others treat it with contempt, because there is a cross in this reform. I am grateful to God for this cross. This is exactly what we need to somehow distinguish the commandment-keeping people of God from the world. Dress reform is to us what the blue ribbon was to ancient Israel." (SC vol. 3 p. 171) “...Even the style of clothing reflects the gospel truth...” (SC vol. 6, p. 96-97) Clothing is a distinctive sign.
  2. 2. The purpose and mission of the enterprise: To bring Light to this world through the message of the Gospel and our principles To create Christian clothing that ◦ will influence the world ◦ say that we are the special people of God
  3. 3.  Today the market offers a very large selection of fashionable clothes. It is available because prices are not high. But what is behind this? The absorption of harmful substances occurs not only with food or through the lungs, but also through the skin. The penetration of harmful substances into the body is only the first disadvantage of synthetics. The skin does not breathe in it, the synthetics do not warm. Today, most synthetic fabrics are made from industrial waste.
  4. 4. WHAT CLOTHES DO WE OFFER  Comfortable  Simple and harmonious  Modest but tasteful  High quality natural materials: linen, cotton, nettle, wool  Meeting Christian standards  Clothes that will say that we are the special people of God
  5. 5. Our “Atelier”
  6. 6. OUR TEAM
  7. 7. Selection of fabrics
  8. 8. The process has begun. Let's cut!
  9. 9. Scribbling. We sew. Let's unpick...
  10. 10. Everything worked out...Finished products
  11. 11. ROLLER
  12. 12. Our plans:1. Continuous development2. Development of new models and patterns3. Clothes repair4. Tailoring to order5. Opening a ready-made clothing store6. Publish a magazine “Christian Clothes” with patterns7. Conduct cutting and sewing training courses
  13. 13. Opening of the workshop (Lena)
  14. 14. Our fruits:1. With the opening of the workshop, we provided 10 jobs, using church members who did not have jobs2. We provide training in tailoring3. We distribute missionary literature to our clients4. In our team there are 2 non-church members who attend church (Anya’s experience)

vContribute to expanding ideas about work;

vCreate conditions for knowledge about labor actions performed by adults, about the results, equipment, tools necessary for work;

vTo stimulate curiosity and interest in adult activities.

vEnrich the relationship between parents and children with the experience of dialogic, emotionally rich communication.



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Prepared by the project: Educators: Vlasenko L.N. Monakhova N.A. Speech therapist teacher: R ogova T.A. MBOU No. 132, Astrakhan Project: “World of Professions - ATELIER”

Project type: Information and research; Senior preschool age; Open; Group; Short;

Goal: Contribute to expanding ideas about work; Create conditions for knowledge about labor actions performed by adults, about the results, equipment, tools necessary for work; Encourage curiosity and interest in adult activities. Enrich the relationship between parents and children with the experience of dialogic, emotionally rich communication;

Forms of work on the topic: “The world of professions - ATELIER” ATELIER Play activity: desktop-printed, plot-role-playing, didactic, theatrical; Productive activities: drawing, appliqué, design; Excursions, observations Lessons: speech development, FEMP, Physical Culture, musical and rhythmic classes; WORKING WITH PARENTS

CONVERSATION. Look at each other and say: What are you wearing? Where do we get clothes? How did the clothes get into the store? Look what beautiful models clothes in this fashion magazine. (Looking at a fashion magazine with children). I liked this dress. But I can’t find the same thing in the store. What should I do? (children's answers). What are the people who sew clothes called? Do you want to know how and where clothes are sewn?

SPEECH DEVELOPMENT: Introducing the work of adults.



MORNING GYMNASTICS. "We are tailors"


Manual labor. "Sewing on buttons."

THEATER ACTIVITIES. Tell a poem with your hands "Favorite dolls"


Didactic games. “Name which one”; Browsing fashion magazines; d/i "Doll's wardrobe"; d/i “Clothing and professions”; d/i “Decorate clothes with details”


BOARD – PRINTED GAMES: “Professions”; "Let's dress up the dolls";

WORKING WITH PARENTS. Album making: Fashion magazine for girls;

Collection of fabrics.

Decoration Materials.

Collection of buttons.


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes


Project “All professions are needed, all professions are important” (about parents’ professions)

The goal of this project is to expand the range of children’s knowledge about professions, to form clear ideas about work as a social phenomenon that meets human needs. Let me introduce you...

Project on the professions of studio workers

This project reflects work with middle-aged children for the school year according to the professions of studio workers...

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Anya: - Our next stop is a fashion studio. At this stop we will learn where and how clothes are made, and what specialties people do. Vanya: - What does the word “atelier” mean? Let's look it up in the dictionary.

Anya: - Nowadays, clothes are mainly sewn in factories and sold in stores. But if you want to dress original and choose fabrics to suit your taste, you can sew your own clothes or order them from a tailoring studio. Let's go into the studio and see who works there.

Vanya: - Clothing should protect a person from external influences, for example from cold and heat, from rain and dirt. Depending on this, clothes can be warm, light, waterproof, etc. Anya: - And clothes can also be casual, festive and work. It is important to learn how to choose the right clothes. Describe clothes that can be worn to the theater, to a party, and to work in the garden.

People of many professions need work clothes special clothing: firefighters, steelworkers, doctors, etc. Such clothes are called work clothes. To make it comfortable for a person to work in these clothes, work overalls, for example, have pockets for tools, they do not restrict movement and are easy to wash.

Vanya: - And there are also special clothes for sports. It is called sportswear or sportswear. Anya: - Here is the uniform that fashion designers developed for the performances of Russian athletes at competitions.

Vanya: - I would like to try myself as a fashion designer. Let's draw sketches of models of school or sports uniforms for our class at home and bring them to class, and arrange an exhibition of sketches in the classroom.


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Do you know what natural fabrics look like? Look at the pictures and try to find linen and silk products in them. When in doubt, ask an adult.

Name the tools and devices you know that are necessary for working with yarn and fabric.

Vanya: - To create fabric products, you need to learn how to perform different types seams and stitch lines. Anya: - You are already familiar with some of the stitches. Remember what types of stitches you know and in what projects you used them. A seam is a place where sewn pieces of fabric, leather, paper and other soft materials are joined, as well as a method of sewing and embroidery. Vanya: - I know the following types of stitches: straight, interlaced, oblique and chain stitch.

New types of stitches for sewing and embroidery

2. Again step 10mm to the right and 3mm down, pierce the fabric and bring the needle to the right side in the middle or at the end of the previous stitch. 3. Make stitches of equal length and close to each other. Then the stitching will be neat. 1. Make stitches from left to right, pointing the needle away from you. Bring the working thread to the front side of the fabric, step back on the fabric 10 mm to the right and 3 mm down, pierce the fabric and bring the needle to the front side of the fabric in the middle or to the end of the resulting stitch close to it.

1. Make stitches from left to right, pointing the needle towards you. Step back 10mm from the edge of the fabric. Bring the needle to the front side. Step back 10 mm to the right on the fabric, pierce the fabric, leaving the thread under the needle. 2. Pull the thread until it lies snugly without distorting the fabric. 3. Sew the second and subsequent stitches in the same way at equal distances from each other. Leave the thread under the needle at all times.

Selecting a subject and drawing up a sketch of future work. Choice of material. Selection and preparation of the base. Selection of the required amount of material that matches each other and harmoniously combines colors. Cutting, tearing off parts: - silhouette; - symmetrical (little book, accordion); - along the contour; - according to a template, etc. Laying out the composition on the base. Gluing (sewing) parts onto the base. Registration of work. Drying the work under light pressure.

Prepare the basis for the applique - an apron and the necessary materials.

5. Sew the basted shapes around the edges with loop stitches. Remove the basting thread. 2. Lay out a composition of these parts on the apron. 3. Pin them to the fabric with pins. 4. Baste the pieces onto the apron using straight, wide stitches. 6. Embroider the flower stem using chain stitches. Design the product. 1. Trace the template from the workbook on paper and cut out the pattern. Using this pattern, cut out 7 fabric applique pieces in different colors.


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Weaving is the process of producing fabric in the form of long strips of varying widths from yarn using loom. The threads in fabrics are intertwined with each other during creation: the weft is the transverse threads of the fabric, the warp is the longitudinal threads of the fabric.

A loom is a device that interweaves longitudinal and transverse threads to produce fabric.

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Crocheting in Russia was originally done by women. Craftswomen knitted mainly lace, borrowing for them patterns used in folk cross-stitch and weaving.

For crocheting, you can use different types of threads: cotton, iris, floss, wool. Hooks of different thicknesses (from 1 to 6 mm) are made from various materials: metal, bone, plastic and wood.

Before you start, clean up your desk. Only work in good lighting. In dim light, your eyes quickly get tired and it is difficult to follow the knitting pattern. Work with clean and dry hands. From dirty hands threads, especially light ones. They get dirty quickly.