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Algorithm of actions of employees when attempting to discredit. Protection of honor, dignity and business reputation of police officers. Scope of evidence when considering a dispute in court

This fate does not escape those who, due to the nature of their activities, most often encounter the needs of ordinary citizens - police officers. Numerous attacks and public caustic comments against them, unfortunately, have taken root and have become not only a common occurrence, sometimes even the norm. The trouble is that numerous information resources popularize a negative attitude towards the Russian law enforcement system and civil servants. In this way, a subconscious negative public opinion is formed. Meanwhile, targeted actions to undermine authority and trust can be qualified as discrediting.

The campaign to discredit the internal affairs bodies has been going on for several years now. Its surge, which occurred in the period after the breakup Soviet Union, was primarily due to the activation of criminal circles during the period of market reforms. It seems that for them this form of struggle was a relatively simple means of countering the efforts made by the state to bring to justice for the crimes committed. Protecting the honor, dignity and business reputation of employees and units of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system is today one of the most important areas of the ministry’s work.

The attention paid to issues of protecting an agency from discredit is evidenced, for example, by the following fact: the term “discredit” is enshrined in departmental documents that regulate activities to ensure one’s own security. The department for protecting the business reputation of internal affairs bodies and organizing propaganda work, created within the structure of the Main Directorate for Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, deals directly with these issues. The algorithm of its work established by the regulatory documents of the ministry is based on tracking, or, as they say, organizing monitoring of publications published in the press. This makes it possible to identify defamatory materials that do not correspond to reality in the press and on various Internet sites. In the event of the dissemination of false information, checks are carried out, and at the final stage, protective measures are taken such as refutation of false information and its removal, as well as assistance to employees in protecting their interests in court.

When considering forms of discrediting employees of internal affairs bodies, it is necessary to note those that pose the greatest public danger - insult to a government official, deliberately false denunciation and slander.

This applies to employees who, by the nature of their activities, most often come into direct contact with citizens: employees of the patrol service, private security, traffic police units and local police officers. It is they who, for the most part, form the image of a police officer in the eyes of the population.

Over two decades, operatives of their own security units have solved many crimes in which law enforcement officers were involved. However, in addition to ensuring the “cleanliness of the uniform,” a little-known page of work remains the protection of police officers. In a conversation with the editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Shield and Sword”, the First Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Main Security Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Police Major General Viktor BALASHOV, spoke about how the service resists discredit and participates in upholding the honor, dignity and business reputation of the Russian police and its employees.

The label was tried on everyone

- Viktor Vasilyevich, protecting employees of internal affairs bodies from discredit is perhaps the youngest area of ​​activity of the internal security units of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system. Why was the decision made to carry out this work?

The need to protect law enforcement officers from retaliatory measures from criminals has existed throughout, perhaps, the entire three-hundred-year history of the police in Russia. However, in our information age this issue is especially acute.

It is not difficult to remember the public outcry that press publications about crimes committed by law enforcement officers caused several years ago. In fact, the label “werewolves in uniform” was created, which was “tried on” even to employees who honestly and professionally performed their duty, saved people from drunk drivers, freed hostages, and solved crimes. In a word, they did everything for the well-being of citizens.

By the way, the internal affairs bodies were by no means the main target of information attacks. The ultimate goal was to deprive citizens of all state and public institutions of trust.

For example, a priest became the culprit of an accident, and the entire church is stigmatized, and as a result, people lose confidence in steadfastness moral values. Also with employees of internal affairs bodies. As a result, citizens become convinced that the best defense against crime is self-defense.

So what's the result? Undisguised rudeness towards employees on duty, nagging at guards and posting sarcastic videos on the Internet.

For many years, the Main Directorate of Internal Security has been monitoring any high-profile emergency involving internal affairs officers. However, the use of exclusively internal departmental measures to counter slanderers did not help reduce the activity of opponents “from the outside.” We can’t count how many times we have unsuccessfully invited the authors of the videos to come to us for explanations.

Therefore, the Minister of Internal Affairs Russian Federation since 2012, it was decided to use the combined resource of internal security units, legal units and units for interaction with the media to protect the honor and dignity of employees and the business reputation of internal affairs bodies.

By the way, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs became the first department that began work to combat discredit against its employees.

- What are the methods of discrediting in information resources is it most often used by slanderers to impose “necessary” stereotypes about law enforcement officers on readers and viewers?

First of all, this is a biased way of presenting information by journalists and bloggers. Thus, we often have to deal with a situation where the author gives a personal assessment of the legality of what is happening. For example, he became a victim of a thief, and the investigator, from his point of view, is investigating the case “in the wrong way”, asking the “wrong” questions, which means, according to the author of the publication, he is at one with the criminals. The journalist then lists similar cases. Sometimes they even took place in reality, but were stopped by their own security units. The picture is completed by pointing to specific officials who condone violations of the law. This is how, out of the blue, a myth is created about the criminal inaction of the police.

Another method of manipulating public opinion is to draw attention to the headline, but not to the event itself, which served as the basis for publication. Moreover, the article itself may not contain false information, but the reader will remember precisely the catchy headline that distorts the facts. Links are added to the opinions of various kinds of “experts” and “sources” in the law enforcement system. And now the whole structure has already been built.

Bloggers, Internet channels, representatives of the journalistic community who violate the boundaries of professional ethics - all of them are only means of achieving the goal of discrediting an employee.

The cost of their services ranges from several thousand rubles to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the object of denigration. The task of the internal security units is to study the situation and identify the possible customer of the discreditation.

There is another problem related to the leakage of information from the police environment. Currently, the Main Directorate of Internal Security is conducting several inspections regarding the disclosure of official information on the Internet.

The name must be protected as well as property

- And how is work organized today to protect internal affairs bodies from discredit?

First of all, systematically. Two years ago, a department for protecting the business reputation of the Department of Internal Affairs and organizing propaganda work was created within the structure of the Main Directorate for Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Its main functions and powers include immediate response to materials in the media and the Internet that discredit employees and units of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system. The trouble is that the topic of police officers’ offenses is a sore point for our society: hundreds of such reports appear in the media and on the Internet every day. As an example, I will give the following figures: in the first half of this year alone, 74,676 negative materials about the activities of internal affairs bodies were published in the media and the Internet, which amounts to almost 5% of the total flow of information about the police.

To promptly identify facts of discreditation, publications are monitored around the clock. All data is carefully checked, and if the fact of slander is established, the employee is recommended to protect his good name. Of course, we don’t have enough human resources to deal with every case of slander, but in the most difficult situations, especially if the heads of territorial bodies are included in them or an entire department is slandered, our specialists go to the site and conduct inspections, based on the results of which they recommend to the managers a further algorithm of actions for protection.

The mechanism of protection against discreditation for each specific problem situation is described in detail in methodological materials, which we have repeatedly sent to territorial internal affairs bodies. Just this year, together with the ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, we prepared and sent to the regions recommendations on how to determine at the initial stage whether published information is defamatory or not and whether there are judicial prospects for protection.

- What if the policeman does not want to defend his honor, dignity and business reputation? This is common in Europe and the States. It is quite unusual for Russians to defend their good name in court.

You are absolutely right. In our country, the legal tradition of protecting and restoring a citizen’s good name in the event of discredit has only just begun its development.

Unfortunately, employees do not always have a convincing, primarily for themselves, motivation to take independent action to legally protect their good name. You know, many do not risk acting for fear of greater publicity of compromising information. But this is a counterproductive position.

Information that got into the press or left a mark on the World Wide Web will cause much greater damage if it is not responded to in a timely manner. This has a direct analogy with medicine: if measures are not taken to treat a cancerous tumor, it will metastasize.

It’s the same with information: an unrefuted fact, left without attention, forms an erroneous opinion about a person. Therefore, your good name, like your own property, must be protected by all available means.

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs has the following practice: if, during internal inspections, an employee’s guilt in committing the offense charged in the publication is not established, the right to judicial protection must be explained to him. And the materials of the corresponding verification can be provided to the court for study and evaluation along with the publication material.

Based on the principle of equality of arms

- But they defamed him as a representative of the authorities! Should he justify himself as an ordinary citizen?

I draw attention to two important points. First. If illegal actions are committed against an employee, liability for which is provided for in the relevant articles of the Criminal Code, then in these cases there are mechanisms for criminal prosecution of the offender. For example, in cases of public insult to a police officer who is on duty. Unfortunately, there are many such facts.

The second is when civil remedies are used to protect the honor and dignity of an employee. In these cases, he acts in court proceedings as a citizen. Because this method legal protection is based on the equality of the parties. In turn, the employee can take advantage of the opportunity of departmental support in the form of legal advice and the use of inspection materials. But, as you understand, tracking all the processes in which employees take part is a very time-consuming task.

Unfortunately, in regulations there is no rule that would oblige an employee to inform the manager about his participation in trials. Although I admit that we are currently exploring the possibility of establishing such an obligation for employees.

- Do police often refuse to file lawsuits on these grounds?

Unfortunately yes. It happens that, having conducted a check on the facts stated in the next libel and established the innocence of an employee, we are faced with his reluctance to defend his good name. I will give such cases as an example. An article was published on the website of one of the Irkutsk newspapers, which reported on the falsification of a criminal case, the concealment of a crime by traffic police officers of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Irkutsk region. Based on the results of the verification, the information was not confirmed. A refutation was not published, the defamatory content was not removed, and a claim for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation was not filed.

Another website posted information about the beating of a citizen by police officers. According to the results of an inspection carried out by the Internal Security Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow, the information was not confirmed. A refutation was not published, the content was not deleted, and a claim for protection of honor, dignity and business reputation was not filed.

And we want the public to trust the police after this? That is why we always talk about the need to file claims and initiate criminal proceedings in cases where the good name of an employee is discredited.

You mentioned that your own security service monitors the Internet in search of defamatory publications about the police. And which of them do you have to respond to most often?

Often during checks it is established that the described event did not happen or that the participant in it was not a police officer, but an ordinary citizen. In the most problematic situations, it turns out that the employee was deliberately provoked into a negative reaction and tried to destabilize his work.

But in order to check each such publication, the time of our employees and the material resources of the ministry are spent! And everything goes into the sand.

When a drop of water undermines a monolith

- How do you evaluate the results of the work to combat discreditation of police officers?

To date, we have accumulated a large amount of judicial practice in such cases. As part of the implementation of the Concept for ensuring one’s own security, the Main Directorate for Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia annually studies and summarizes information received from the territorial police departments of Russia on the protection of their employees from discredit, on the basis of which the corresponding reviews are formed. The results of judicial practice on protecting the honor, dignity and business reputation of police officers are summarized and disseminated in the regions, taking into account both positive and negative court decisions.

If we analyze the data on filing claims in defense of honor, dignity and business reputation, we can talk about an increase in the activity of employees in protecting their intangible benefits. If for the whole of 2013 there were only 70 such claims, then in 2014 there were twice as many of them - 134, and this year the positive trend continued.

In addition, with the participation of territorial departments of information and public relations, 40 refutations were made regarding untrue materials published in the media and on Internet resources.

As for crimes, according to official statistics, discreditable acts account for half of all crimes committed against employees of internal affairs bodies. Based on the results of nine months of this year alone, 9,326 criminal cases were initiated based on these facts, of which 9,276 were under Art. 319 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Insulting a representative of authority”), 46 - under Art. 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Knowingly false denunciation”) and 4 - under Article 128.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Slander”).

For example, on the Internet portal YouTube, a certain citizen posted a video in which a man in the uniform of a police officer, intoxicated on the streets of Nizhny Novgorod with a weapon in his hands, provokes a conflict with citizens. On the same day, the OIiOS service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod Region organized a live television speech by the author of the publication, where he made an official apology to the police officers, saying that the video he shot was staged, and gave a refutation about this. He voluntarily removed the defamatory content from the Internet portal.

However, the main consequences of posting negative information about the police in the public domain lie outside the scope of the legal response. We can and do bring the perpetrators to justice, but the mechanism they set in motion is irreversible. Each such publication can be compared to a drop of water that undermines the monolith of public trust in the police.

- And what is the current image of a policeman created in the public space?

Unfortunately, it is far from not only ideal, but also from reality. It just so happens that our citizens are accustomed to trusting what is written.

This year, on the initiative of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the RGSU conducted a study of public opinion on the activities of internal affairs bodies. It showed that almost 80% of citizens are ready to believe the negative information about the activities of police officers presented in the media and on the Internet. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of respondents themselves have never encountered facts of violation of laws by police officers.

As for the television and film industry, which is the most important tool for shaping public opinion, in modern conditions its main goal is to obtain maximum profit. This is what the products being created are oriented towards, when, to the detriment of objectivity, stories are invented that do not stand up to any criticism.

We have experience in viewing working materials from a film dedicated to the activities of our service. In this film there were scenes of operational search activities being carried out in the absence of witnesses, which is absolutely incompatible with the requirements of the law, the police heroes allowed offensive expressions towards their colleagues, communication was in jargon and vernacular. Based on the results of the work done, the filmmakers were asked to cut out certain scenes disgracing the police and re-voice some lines and episodes.

Last year, at the request of the Main Directorate for Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Autonomous non-profit organization for the development of sociocultural activities “Center for Sociocultural Expertise” conducted a study of a number of popular films and TV series. It showed that in the film products submitted for research, a social anti-image of police officers is artificially created. They are endowed with qualities inherent in people from the criminal world: indiscipline, greed, unreliability, and the habit of deceiving everyone and everything. Under the influence of this image, the social role of the policeman and the entire police force as a whole is deformed.

And here we come close to the problem of the lack of a consultation system, the consequence of which is not only legally illiterate films, but also defects in legal information to the population. When preparing news stories on a number of Russian channels, the specifics of the regulatory framework are not taken into account. legal regulation issues of serving in the internal affairs bodies, and this contributes to the audience’s ambiguous perception of the information provided.

Currently, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs has taken the initiative to restore the institution of specialist consultants in the production of television and film films covering the activities of employees of internal affairs bodies.

The main thing is not to be silent!

- At the end of the conversation, what advice could you give to law enforcement officers who have become victims of libel, as well as to the heads of internal affairs bodies?

What we always advise in such situations: under no circumstances remain silent. We need to defend ourselves, defend ourselves in all available ways, and their law provides us with enough. And the very mechanism of conducting checks on facts of discredit can provide a fairly solid foundation for employees to defend their good name. During the inspections, a colossal amount of materials is studied, specialists who already have experience in combating discredit are involved, if necessary, they go on business trips and commission expert studies to confirm the defamatory nature of the information. And the refusal of individual employees to waive the right to defense negates the results of the work done.

Another important aspect is that insulting a police officer casts a shadow on the entire system. Our almost biblical long-suffering towards unfounded accusations only convinces citizens of a negative opinion: if they are not justified, then they are guilty. Moreover, the public perception is such that any actions of an employee are transferred to the entire system of internal affairs bodies as a whole. Public trust is falling.

And the lack of partnerships with the population can significantly complicate the fight against crime, and we are already seeing the fruits of this: the number of criminal acts committed against our employees is growing. Moreover, 75% of such cases occur during the performance of official duties by employees: these include murders of police officers and intentional harm to health. Disobedience to the legal demands of police officers is widespread. There is a reluctance of citizens to cooperate with internal affairs bodies as witnesses. People do not believe in the ability of the police to protect their legitimate rights and interests, and, like the police, they do not trust the entire state power generally. This is why a tough response to the false and defamatory information disseminated against the Russian police is so important.

Protecting the honor, dignity and business reputation of employees and units of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system is one of the most important areas of work today.

The campaign to discredit the internal affairs bodies has been going on for several years now. Its surge, which occurred after the collapse of the Soviet Union, was primarily due to the intensification of criminal circles during the implementation of market reforms. For them, this was and remains a means of preventing prosecution for crimes committed. As for the forms of discrediting employees of internal affairs bodies, it is necessary to note those that pose the greatest public danger. This is an insult to a government official, a deliberately false denunciation and slander.
Today it is obvious: it’s time to give up the habit of putting up with the flood of unjustified negativity pouring from television screens and the Internet. Organization of monitoring of publications published in the press makes it possible to identify untrue and defamatory materials in publications and on various Internet sites. In case of dissemination of false information, checks are carried out, and at the final stage, protective measures are taken such as refutation of information and its removal, as well as assistance to employees in protecting their interests in court.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 2012 No. 900 “Issues of organizing the protection of honor and dignity, as well as business reputation in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” approved an algorithm for the departmental protection of honor and dignity, as well as business reputation of both the body as a whole and employees of the internal affairs department. The system " hotline Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" for receiving and recording citizens' reports of crimes and offenses committed by police officers. All territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia have comprehensively and on an ongoing basis issued orders regulating the provision of legal assistance to police officers and the algorithm of actions for their protection. Daily monitoring of the media is carried out in order to identify negative publications about the activities of the police. When publications related to negative information regarding law enforcement officers are identified, an internal investigation is immediately appointed and carried out to determine the validity of the information stated. If the data given in the article or report is true, then strict legal measures will be taken against the guilty employees. It should be noted that in the current year 2015, discrediting publications in the media regarding employees Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nagaybak region was not published.

The internal affairs bodies, being the executive authorities of the state in the field of law enforcement, have the status legal entities and have the right to be a plaintiff and defendant in court. Therefore, protecting the business reputation of employees and departments of the internal affairs department is a rule of law in accordance with the civil and civil procedural legislation of the Russian Federation. During their service, employees have the right to protection of honor, dignity and business reputation as citizens with a special status. Protection of honor and dignity is formally the right of every employee and every citizen, but at the same time, in order to create a positive image of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in society, this right must also be considered as a duty. The presence of duties increases the requirements for police officers, which makes it possible and necessary for the state to provide and exercise certain rights and freedoms by the police officers themselves. The presence of rights and freedoms requires increased attention to the performance of duties by a police officer, which are determined in accordance with his status.

A police officer is an important link in the state and society, therefore he must be especially protected by the state. In addition, his honor, dignity and business reputation are subject to special protection, since discrediting a police officer as a representative of the authorities cannot affect the authority of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs as a whole.

Legal Adviser of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nagaibaksky District Kristina Kirtyanova

The other day, Nurgaliev said that dissent marches are held specifically to discredit employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, although on the one hand, of course, our police are discredited further than ever, but one cannot disagree with him - after all, this is really so. Discredit is possible when the trust of almost every citizen in the Ministry of Internal Affairs system is undermined. Moreover, the same Evsyukov in “Island” discredited the police much less than the actions of a bunch of Evsyukovs at the marches - thanks to the larger number of people involved, in the latter case, in the process.

But still, let’s look at how and what stages the police went through in its complete degradation, how it reached the bottom that causes complete idiosyncrasy in the average person.

Our people have never had much love for the police. And it couldn’t be - after all, almost every fifth person, according to statistics, in our country was in places “not so remote.” But it’s too early to talk about discrediting - after all, they were in those places “for the cause.” Yes, of course, we heard that a confession was extracted from someone, that evidence was “planted” on someone. But they “planted” it on a plucker from a tram, and the thief should be in prison. It is difficult to disagree with such an argument. passed on from mouth to mouth horror stories, how one student, an acquaintance of an acquaintance was detained in the subway by angry police officers to check documents, and then on the way out, in the presence of attesting witnesses, they took out the drugs that had been planted earlier. But the level of reliability of these rumors was so low that they could not significantly damage the image of the police. Even the shooting of German Galdetsky, who tried to independently investigate the facts of rape of women by cops in the subway, although it shook up society, but not for long. Moreover, Nurgaliev then swore and swore that he would take the matter under personal control, and that the “werewolves in uniform” would be punished.
Even ten years ago, human rights seminars were held on atrocities and abuses in the police, at which Solzhenitsin’s works on the actions of the NKVD during the times of repression were mainly discussed, less often his own experiences thirty years ago, during the dissidence of his youth, and any particular case from human rights practice was rarely discussed. , when the defendant - “of course a rather vile person” - was forced to confess under torture, and although he is guilty, the police cannot let such things get away with it.
I remember I brought a natural, former prisoner to one of these seminars, so that he would at least know how their rights are protected. The prisoner listened for a long time, and towards the end of the seminar, he still could not stand it and turned to the audience: “Yes, you know what is happening in prisons” - which immediately occupied all the attention of the audience - none of the participants in the seminars could ever personal experience tell how they “sew things” “how they lead you through the stages” in post-Soviet Russia, how they press, where they hit so that there are no traces left.
However, a significant blow to the prestige of the police was dealt by the withdrawal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Committee for Combating Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and the creation of State Drug Control. In the eyes of the average person, state drug control continued to be a structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but its actions did not live up to expectations at all. It seemed to the average person that they would begin to put pressure on drug dealers, that heroin would not be openly sold at metro stations, but instead the situation has not changed, and in some ways has even worsened. Veterinarians were identified as the main drug dealers, and the main drug users were dogs and cats with broken legs. The average person could not understand the reasons for the fight against poppy seed buns - they say if you eat 20 kg of such buns, the result will be like a gram of heroin. Smoking mixtures, which have always been recommended for the treatment of tobacco addiction, suddenly became illegal. The average person did not understand why potassium permanganate, sage and iodine disappeared from pharmacies - how can they be used as drugs? And the situation with “digital drugs” has become completely unclear - an unsuccessful attempt to recreate electrohypnosis, popular in holiday homes in the USSR, with sound waves. As it turned out, the very word “drug” is the basis for an inspection by state drug control, and the promise that they will also fight this “infection”. Of course, they heard that the state drug control banned the circulation of a number of books that, in their opinion, promoted drugs, but they did not expect to hear from the lips of senior officials of the State Tax Committee that the real threat comes exclusively from the word “drug” itself. This “halva” no matter how much you pronounce it, it will not become sweeter in your mouth; the word drug has such waves that after saying it three times you can get a buzz.
But this did not significantly harm the prestige of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - are there many veterinarians among the intelligentsia? We do not use smoking mixtures. We can live without poppy seed buns. Iodine was replaced with brilliant green. But they didn’t indulge in digital drugs and electrohypnosis either then or now. And it seems that the appearance of fighting drug addiction is being respected - especially since this is sacred, they protect our children from drug threats.
All this would have been the same, and would have remained extremely far from the average person, if the Department for Countering Extremism “Center E” had not been created last year on the basis of the Department for Combating Organized Crime. The average person still hoped that they would take on real extremists (well, those who are really against Russia and are hiding in the greenery of the southern federal district). At worst, they will take on Limonov again (after all, he was for the Gulag - he got it, and we, as liberals and humanists, would only welcome this). But by this time Limonov had already served his time, and E was not of interest to the center. Don’t present Limonov to management every time as proof of the effectiveness of your own activities. And if he is imprisoned again, who will he show next time? They didn’t climb the “greenery” either - this is the domain of another structure. Ensuring the safety of some Evkurov is scary, they’ll probably shoot you. And they firmly took on the average person. When any person can be grabbed in the subway, dragged to the police station and accused of plotting something extremist. In response to the argument that what am I planning - there is nothing in my hands or pockets, an immediate argument follows - “that means, bitch, I threw it off while you were being dragged.” After that, in the same department, on whatman paper purchased for a modest cop salary, some “extremist” slogan is written, with it the detainee is taken to court, given a fine of 500 rubles and the next day invited to the investigator to find out what still planning.
And then the gears in the man’s head began to turn - he knows that he was not planning anything. So why? For what?
But it turns out that the number of security forces in Russia exceeds 3 million people. While the number of prisoners currently does not reach a million. In fact, for every identified and convicted criminal, we have 4 security officials! And if there are no criminals, then there is no job, no next title, no salary - and in general they can fire you!
Well, of course, if tomorrow they tell you that there will be layoffs in the office, you will immediately begin to pretend to be vigorously active, proving to your superiors your own importance and worth. And the police are the same employees. Naturally, they are also afraid of being fired - they certainly won’t hire them anywhere: they don’t know how to do anything at all (otherwise they would have long ago gone to other structures, to private business). But what to do if a real dangerous criminal shakes hands with Himself, and the main Drug Lord is generally a member of the Federation Council or the State Duma - and “running into” them will not be safe for your career, or even your health? This means we need to invent crimes ourselves and successfully investigate them! This means that our veterinarians will become drug lords, and students, journalists and random passers-by will become extremists! What happens when the police handle the bulk of cases? She is degrading - she has already stopped working on real matters - always trying to act as she has mastered - doing business. Just sew.
This is where I agree with Nurgaliev - yes, “dissenters’ marches” indeed discredit the police, precisely due to the fact that more and more random people who, in other conditions, as detainees, due to their intelligence, end up in the “authorities” could never get in. They could never sit “in a cage,” ride in a goat, or get hit on the back with a baton. We never learned from our own experience how they can simply attach any, even the most delusional, accusation. How can a court completely agree with the police’s arguments, without even considering the counterarguments. At the same time, naturally, the police disavowed themselves in their eyes as a law enforcement system - becoming exclusively a weapon of political suppression of dissent. The only task of which is not to fight crime (to fight crime, the police can safely be reduced by three, or even four), but solely as a means of suppressing the speech of pensioners dissatisfied with the social policy of the state.
True, this still does not discredit the police in full. No, for this it was necessary to appoint Kadyrov as a police general. Actually, after this, the police ceased to exist as a reasonable structure in the eyes of the average person. She simply disappeared. A possible wave of dismissals from the authorities did not follow after this - are the employees themselves quite satisfied with the current state of affairs? And after his appointment as a police general, no one even noticed Medvedev’s Decree, in accordance with which the functions of using units of the Joint Group of Forces in the North Caucasus on the territory of Chechnya are assigned to the operational headquarters of the republic. Those. Kadyrov became the commander of the united group in Chechnya - this is no longer interesting to anyone, and I would even say it is logical.

Why would I write all this?

To the rally on November 28, for the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In my humble opinion, reforming a structure that has passed the point of no return in its degradation is pointless - you can only recreate it anew. Although, on the other hand, if the task of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is to suppress those dissatisfied with the state’s social policy, then it’s probably worth reforming, otherwise, in no time, the police themselves will come to the rally – precisely as dissatisfied with the state’s policy.

Most police officers are honest, decent and conscientious people.
However, it is often the active life and professional principled position of employees who are at the forefront of the attack that is often the basis for slander and discrediting the employee.

Thus, in 2017, the former head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Rostov Region, Evgeniy Vasilievich Germashev, and the former head of the department for combating organized crime, Nikolai Vasilievich Germashev, became the object of a targeted campaign of slander on the Internet. Custom-made videos were posted regarding them, which were refuted by operational video recordings. Instead of protecting the employee from an unfounded slander, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs sent groups of 10 employees of the Central Office to the Rostov region, who within 3 months. Instead of checking the information, they tried to collect dirt on Germashev. Moreover, in 2016, a division led by E.V. Germashev entered the top five units out of 85 units of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Not only did they get dismissal from the Germashevs at will, but also fired another 25 employees who worked with them.

Human rights activists often and reasonably criticize the work of the police. The police should have detained one, but they detained the other. They detained whoever was needed, and they brought charges against him, as they say, both for himself and for that guy. Those accusations turned out to be correct, but the cell was so stuffy and dirty that it is unclear who did worse - the citizen who drank a bottle of vodka in the park, or the employee who kept him in inappropriate conditions.
Every day, members of Public Councils, PMCs, and ordinary citizens in different regions identify dozens of violations by the police. All this exists, and it cannot be denied.

But sometimes we see a completely different picture. A detained hooligan, who first beat his own family and then attacked the policeman calming him down, presents himself as a victim of arbitrariness: they say that he did not beat anyone, he was peacefully washing the floor, and the police, out of the blue, broke into the house and began to brutally muzzle him.

You often hear: all police are the same, they are all rude, they all beat, they all take bribes, etc. and so on. 15 years of experience in regular inspections of police work led me to the conclusion that this is not the case at all. When a werewolf policeman and a human policeman are put on the same level, when society, faced with a slander against an honest policeman, refuses to understand the essence of what happened, and waves its hands, saying “they are all tarred with the same world,” a very dangerous situation arises.

The line between good and evil, between right and wrong is blurred.

A police officer who works honestly and competently is deprived of his most important moral and psychological resource: public support.
The impact of the reason why he must work honestly, risk himself, and not succumb to temptations, which are always associated with the test of power, the test of money, the test of hatred, is weakening (and the policeman, by the nature of his work, is constantly in a zone of conflict of interests, where negative traits of human character are manifested yourself in all its ugliness.

1. Grant the Public Councils under the internal affairs bodies the right to issue conclusions on the materials of inspections regarding employees in high-profile cases.

2. The internal security bodies of the internal affairs bodies should pay attention to the protection of police officers from unfounded slander, for which:
- develop methodological recommendations for protecting the reputation and good name of police officers in case of slander;
- give Special attention protection of employees of internal security agencies;
- when posting materials discrediting police officers on the Internet, with the help of the Information and Public Relations Department, prepare adequate response material, incl. from the point of view of demand by the viewer and reader.

3. The Public Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to conduct an investigation into the facts of the slander of the former head of the Organized Crime Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Rostov Region, Evgeniy Vasilyevich Germashev, and the former head of the department for combating organized crime, Nikolai Vasilyevich Germashev, and raise the issue of their rehabilitation and reinstatement in service.

4. Restore the institutions of officer assemblies and courts of officer honor in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

5. To the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia:
- cancel the order prohibiting police officers from giving interviews;
- create under the Minister of Internal Affairs a special group consisting of prominent public figures and veterans of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs to protect police officers from unjustified persecution, directly subordinate to the minister;
- at the regional level, create a commission of internal investigations, including representatives of internal affairs bodies, government agencies, the public, scientists, starting as an experiment in the Rostov region.

6. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:
- monitor negative information about police work on the Internet, and if it is unreliable, post a refutation.