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1987 who according to the eastern horoscope. Cat, Hare, Rabbit. Characteristics of people born in the year of the Cat, Hare, Rabbit. Elemental signs of men Rabbit

12 Animals of the Chinese Zodiac

Chinese zodiac ( Eastern zodiac) is based on a 12-year lunar cycle, with each year represented by a specific animal. It is believed that the sign of the zodiac animal influences the character of each person. The traditional order of the zodiac animals is: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig!

What is your zodiac sign?

The Chinese zodiac (whale, "Sheng xiao") literally translates to "to resemble birth." It is determined by lunar calendar- With the advent of the Chinese New Year, the zodiac year begins.

Chinese New Year falls on a different date each year, between January 21 and February 20. That's why, if you were born in January or February, then be especially careful when determining your zodiac animal.

Our special calculator will help you determine who you are based on your Chinese zodiac sign! Enter your date of birth and find out the sign of your zodiac animal!

Horoscope zodiac signs by year

Animal Year
Year of the Rat - 鼠年 (子) 2020,2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936
Year of the Ox - 牛年 (丑) 2021,2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937
Year of the Tiger - 虎年 (寅) 2022,2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938
Year of the Rabbit - 兔年 (卯) 2023,2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939
Year of the Dragon - 龙年 (辰) 2024,2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940
Year of the Snake - 蛇年 (巳) 2025,2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941
Year of the Horse - 马年 (午) 2026,2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942
Year of the Goat - 羊年 (未) 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931
Year of the Monkey - 猴年 (申) 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932
Year of the Rooster - 鸡年 (酉) 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933
Year of the Dog - 狗年 (戌) 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934
Year of the Pig - 猪年 (亥) 2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935

Determine your zodiac sign

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Chinese eastern calendar:

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Chinese zodiac compatibility in love

What will bring good luck in the year of your animal?

In China there is the concept of "Benmingnian" - this is the so-called Year of Destiny, i.e. the zodiac animal in whose year you were born. In 2019 Benmingnian in people, born in the year of the Dog.

The Chinese are traditionally very sensitive to the Benmingnian offensive. This is a very special year for everyone and its arrival is awaited with joy and impatience.

However, in China they believe that those people whose year has arrived are insulting the great deity of time, Tai-Sui, and may face trials. Therefore, the Year of Destiny is considered a time of unexpected changes and anxieties here.

Find out, How to keep good luck in your year (Benmingnian) and about the traditions of modern China.

Zodiac signs - why these 12 animals?

The 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac were not chosen by chance. These were animals either closely related to everyday life Ancient China, or those that, according to Chinese beliefs, brought good luck.

Ox, horse, goat, rooster, pig and dog are the six animals that were traditionally kept in Chinese households. A famous saying in China says: "Six animals in the house means prosperity". This is why these six animals were chosen.

The other six - rat, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake and monkey - are animals much loved in Chinese culture.

Zodiac signs - why in this order?

12 Animals of the Chinese Zodiac presented in a certain order according to the teachings of Yin and Yang.

The Yin and Yang of animals is determined by the number of their claws (paws, hooves). Even is pure for Yin and odd is pure for Yang. The animals in the zodiac are arranged in an alternating Yin-Yang order.

Animals usually have the same number of toes on their front and hind feet. However, the rat has four toes on its front paws and five on its hind paws. As they say in China: "Things are valued by their rarity". Therefore, the Rat comes first among the 12 animals of the zodiac. This unique animal combines both odd Yang and even Yin traits:
4+5=9, where Yang is dominant and therefore the rats are ultimately classified as odd (Yang).

Symbolic meaning of the 12 zodiac signs

IN Ancient China Each zodiac animal was endowed with a certain symbolic meaning - a sign. 12 animals were divided into 6 pairs in such a way that the characteristics of one animal in the pair were opposite to those of the other animal from this pair. This is how harmony was achieved - Yin and Yang.

The order of the zodiac animals is presumably not chosen by chance: in China it is customary to start with the most important, and then put all the other signs in descending order. Just as in the beginning there is always a strong, dominant beginning of Yang, and then Yin gives harmony.

Animal of the Zodiac Sign Proverb
Rat Wisdom Wisdom without hard work leads to mediocrity.
Bull Hard work Hard work without wisdom leads to meaninglessness.
Tiger Bravery Bravery without caution leads to recklessness.
Rabbit Caution Caution without courage leads to cowardice.
The Dragon Force Strength without flexibility leads to destruction.
Snake Flexibility Flexibility without strength leads to infringement.
Horse Striving forward Striving forward without unity leads to loneliness.
Goat Unity Unity without striving forward leads to stagnation.
Monkey Changeability Changeability without constancy leads to stupidity.
Rooster Constancy Constancy without changeability leads to stiffness.
Dog Loyalty Loyalty without a smile leads to rejection.
Pig Friendliness Friendliness without loyalty leads to immorality.

Time was determined by the Chinese zodiac

Everyone knows that in the Chinese zodiac every year is associated with a certain animal, but not everyone knows that in Chinese culture there are also 12 zodiac signs used to indicate time.

In ancient times, before the invention of clocks, the earthly branches (the cyclic signs of the duodecimal cycle of the Chinese zodiac) were used to indicate time in China. For convenience, we resorted to the names of the 12 animals of the zodiac, allocating 2 hours for each sign.

According to Chinese astrology, a person’s character and life are largely determined not by the year, but by the hour of birth. And these data are widely used in the analysis of personality type and fate.

Legend of the Animals of the Chinese Zodiac

We'll talk about how Jade Emperor- the lord of heaven - decided to choose 12 animals so that they would guard his peace.

Modern people know that there are several different horoscopes that can characterize a person not only regarding the month of his birth, but also the year. This article will be useful to those for whom 1987 is important. Who, that is, what animal does he represent? This will be discussed now.

Fire Cat

Everyone knows that every twelve years the horoscope repeats itself. However, there are certain nuances here. Take 1987, for example. Who does he represent? Not just a Cat (Rabbit). Absolutely right, this is the Fire Cat. So what could this mean?

The main characteristic of such a person is intuition. This is especially true for those individuals whose element is Fire. These are people of a subtle nature who are sensitive to everything around them. Otherworldly good magicians and soothsayers are open to them. If such a person manages his energy correctly, everything will turn out great. If you do not listen to your intuition, life will be in complete disorder and chaos, which will lead to undesirable consequences.

Fire Cats need support and praise from loved ones very much. In this case, everything will work out for them in the best possible way. They are also born diplomats, people who can solve all problems with words. Well, Fire Cats are excellent comrades and friends who can not only listen, but also really help in a difficult situation.

Basics about character

Having figured out who 1987 represents, it is necessary to say a few words about such people. So, these are persons born under the sign of virtue. Such people are always ready to help not only their family and friends, but also complete strangers, without demanding anything in return. Also, Cats do not accept unnecessary disputes in their home; they are generally ready to resolve everything in a peaceful, calm way without raising their voices. These are peace-loving individuals who get along with many people without problems, but not everyone is ready to be friends or have close relationships.

Positive and negative qualities

So, 1987, who does it represent? Cat (Rabbit), according to eastern horoscope. What positives can be identified in such people? So, these are very smart and observant individuals who know a lot. Among other things, Cats are peace-loving, calm and very devoted to their other halves. As for the negative aspects, they are often fearful, rarely decide to take risky steps, being content with little. They are also terrible pedants. Well, often these people do not take good care of themselves, giving preference to mental development rather than external beauty.

Family and love

Understanding whose year is 1987, it is also worth saying a few words about what can await these people in family life. So, Cats may not be too picky about their relationships, but they only marry those they really love. These are individuals who welcome romance; it is not at all alien to them. In marriage, they are faithful and compliant, often giving their partner more than they receive.

Cat women are good housewives, but they do not dare to devote all their time to this business, doing only the most necessary. As for male Cats, they are ready to help their other halves in everything, right down to washing the dishes every day. However, if such a person is offended, he most likely will not forgive it, although for a long time he will create the appearance that everything is normal. The only thing that is important for the Cat is to be the center of attention at home and always receive praise. If such a small nuance is present in a relationship with a loved one, everything in such a family will be fine.

Working life

Knowing who the year 1987 represents according to the horoscope, it is necessary to say a few words about what positions are suitable for such people. So, these are excellent specialists in almost any field of activity who can combine several specialties without any problems. The cat is a good worker who will not waste time. It is good for such people to receive payment from production, because it will always be quite high for them. Positions in economics and services, science and entrepreneurship are suitable for such individuals. Such a person is unlikely to become a civil servant, because they care about either earnings or career growth.

Life stripes

If the year of birth is 1987, in what year was the person born? Of course, the Fire Cat, as you already know. In childhood, such a child will be distinguished by calmness. He will never get into a fight, however, he is unlikely to be able to defend himself in this or that controversial situation with his peers. IN adolescence everything will change somewhat. The child will begin to feel more confident. Friends can help with this, as well as certain successes in studies or other activities (for example, a passion for sports).

As for the adult Cat, he is a personality, a full-fledged person, not shy about being active. public life. However, if you keep telling him that he is a loser, then he will be. His life is unlikely to be successful. As for old age, Cats are wise, they are not in a hurry and are not going to lecture anyone. The elders of such people turn out to be pleasant, not grouchy.

1987 was the year of the fire rabbit. The “Spring Festival,” as the Chinese call it, then fell on the twenty-ninth of February. The Chinese are coming New Year V different days, but always between the twentieth of January and the twentieth of February. People born under this sign have character traits that distinguish them from those born in other years. Most living Fire Rabbits were born in 1987, since 1927 (the previous year of the red hare) was too long ago, and 2047 will not come soon.

1 Features

All people born under the sign of the Rabbit (Cat or Hare) according to the eastern calendar have refined taste and an excellent sense of beauty. They always strive for harmony and love stylish things. Representatives of this sign are artistic and sentimental, and love art very much. They have the gift of impressing other people. Women of this sign are romantic and emotional. Men are gallant and diplomatic. Rabbits love comfort, including psychological comfort, so they easily avoid conflicts when communicating with other people.

Thanks to these characteristics, people born in the year of the Cat make excellent professionals:

  • Lawyers.
  • Diplomats.
  • Antique dealers.
  • Entrepreneurs.

These people are resourceful, inventive, have a developed mind and are ready to do a lot for those chosen ones whom they allow into their social circle.

2 Characteristics of a fire rabbit

Those belonging to the element of fire often have a reddish skin tone, a large hooked nose and thickly growing hair. Red rabbits love summer very much and tolerate heat well, although with age their heart does not work as well as in youth and requires special measures to strengthen it. For the same reason, those representatives of this sign live longer who, throughout their lives, have learned to restrain their emotions and deal with stress. Young fire rabbits are very dependent on the opinions of others and generally do not have stress resistance. In favorable conditions, they like to surround themselves with a large number of different people, but when there is a serious threat, they just as easily get rid of most of the environment, leaving only the closest and trusted ones.

3 Men

Men of this sign have the following character traits:

  • By willpower. Those born under the sign of the Fire Hare are more strong-willed than other rabbits. They are born leaders, especially in a favorable environment, but they are less able to cope with the strings of life’s adversities that unexpectedly befall them. This is due to the developed instinct of self-preservation of all rabbits.
  • Vulnerability in the face of unexpected troubles. In unfavorable conditions, they can fall into prolonged depression, from which they easily recover once things get better. Fire rabbits overcome ordinary difficulties quite easily thanks to their inner strength, extrasensory abilities and endurance.
  • Impressionability. Men are more pronounced leaders, but are more susceptible to outside influence. More often they experience stress from the pressure of circumstances than from relationships with people. Despite their conservative character, they are often imbued with mysticism, work well with numbers and do not give up their intuition. Such is the dual nature of the fire cat man.

4 Women

Fire rabbit women often combine opposite traits and have the following features:

  • Stealth. Women of this sign do not clearly demonstrate their authority and strength; at first glance, they seem soft and obedient. Thanks to their developed intelligence and ability to manipulate, they achieve their goals without resorting to open confrontation. But in some circumstances, for example, with a large crowd of people at a ball or dinner party, they are able to cast aside modesty and shine like queens.
  • Emotionality. Fire sign rabbits are doubly emotional. They live by feelings, premonitions and sensations. Possessing strong-willed qualities and developed logic, they sometimes abandon their abilities and plunge into the abyss of passions and mental torment.

5 Compatibility

The Rabbit (Cat) is capable of loving and being a gentle, attentive partner. But he chooses his partner extremely pickily. Representatives of this sign start relationships several times serious relationship, up to marriage with different people before they find their ideal partner. But having already made the final choice, those who are under the protection of the sign of the rabbit continue to live a measured life.

People born in 1987 are compatible with almost all signs, but achieve the greatest harmony with those born in the year of the Ox (Ox).

6 Ox (Bull)

Calm and leadership skills bulls balance the emotionality of rabbits and give them self-confidence. An animal such as a bull does not pose a threat to a rabbit, and hares, concerned about their own safety, subconsciously feel this.

Even if the bulls are quite down-to-earth and do not have enough romance and imagination, the hares have more than enough of these qualities for two. The most preferable for friendship and love with a fiery hare is an ox born in the cold season - autumn or winter.

A man born in 1987 would be a good match for a woman born in 1997. Age difference in in this case will strengthen this union, since the younger female ox will more easily become led by a more experienced cat. A rabbit man and an ox woman form a very strong union if the woman was able to selflessly trust her partner. Rabbit charm causes attacks of jealousy in women. And it is especially difficult for oxen to overcome this character trait. If the cat found the strength to demonstrate his feelings to his partner every day, and was able to convince her that there is no one more unique to him than his beloved, then this union will be eternal.

A female fire rabbit born in 1987 will be matched with a male born in 1985. Cat woman and ox man according to the horoscope - perfect combination. They are harmonious in everything, their union is strong and unshakable. Both of these signs love children very much and value their home, which they can jointly turn into a model of style and comfort. The rabbit, thanks to its sociability and diplomacy, will surround the bull with comfort, and the ox will become a reliable protector and patron for the female rabbit. She will provide the house with a beautiful and thoughtful design, and he will provide all the necessary material resources for a cloudless life.

7 Tiger

It is better if in this union the tiger is a man. A calm, diplomatic rabbit will be behind him like behind a stone wall, with her ability to smooth out conflicts, promoting both her husband’s career and improving relations with neighbors. It is more difficult for a male rabbit with a tigress, but such a union is quite possible thanks to the rabbit’s resourcefulness and ability to compromise.

8 Rabbit (Cat)

The two rabbits get along well with each other. This is a union of two polite, well-mannered and diplomatic people. It is unlikely that Shakespearean passions will run high in such a family, but tenderness and calm will be more than enough. This family will achieve great wealth only if one of the spouses has outstanding abilities in his profession. A joint business is unlikely to be successful.

9 Dragon

If the rabbit is a man, then an alliance with a female dragon is possible only as lovers, maximum guest marriage. The dragoness is too bright and independent, she requires a lot of men and worship; a quiet rabbit, with all her resourcefulness, is simply not able to constantly be with such a scorching bright nature. A dragon man is quite capable of making a rabbit woman happy. Inspire in her optimism and confidence both in herself and in tomorrow. A calm, sociable rabbit will suit the dragon quite well, since he must stand out against someone’s background and emit flames.

10 Snake

We have to admit that a snake is not the best match for a rabbit. Snake men, for all their analytical abilities and ability to solve everyday problems, are too cold and not ambitious and energetic enough to create a feeling of complete security in the rabbit. Women of this sign are too prone to change to agree to a calm rabbit; a successful and rich hare will tolerate a snake and even agree to moderate its impulses.

11 Horse

A hot-tempered, impulsive, loose-tongued horse can seriously hurt a sensitive rabbit. The horse woman is not very domestic, it’s cramped for her to sit at home, and this does not suit the zealous cat man. A horse man in alliance with a rabbit woman is capable of pulling the whole family along with him, becoming a root in this team. Such an alliance is more durable. The independence and independence of the man of this sign impresses the rabbit woman and calms her down.

12 Sheep (Goat)

Both the sheep and the rabbit are quite calm signs, this brings them closer together. Those born under the sign of the goat are quite dreamy in nature, this awakens the imagination of rabbits and pleasantly excites them. The sheep woman will not suppress the cat man, and he will gratefully take on the main male responsibility - raising finances for the family. And that’s all the goat needs. If this pair is a sheep-man, then everything turns out less positively. Female rabbits love strong and down-to-earth partners who give them confidence in the future. Men of the Goat sign are eccentric and out of touch with reality.

13 Monkey

The monkey is smart and inventive. A monkey woman is able to tire a man with her activity and desire to dominate him; with high strong-willed qualities, both of these signs are able to come to an agreement, but the union of a monkey man and a cat woman will be more successful. The first one will be happy to go after prey and return to his cozy, ideally furnished home for his partner. And the rabbit woman is able to sincerely admire the monkey’s confidence and love of life. Moreover, men of this sign are quite clearly focused on achieving success.

14 Rooster

Not best compatibility in any of the possible combinations. The rooster is too adventurous for the cautious, even timid rabbit. Rabbit women are infuriated by the recklessness and riskiness of the rooster man. He is clearly not suitable for their sweet family nest. A rooster woman is even less suitable for a cat man. Her causticism does not allow him to live and feel at ease, and the inability of the rooster woman to create a quiet, cozy atmosphere in the house simply deprives the rabbit of the strength and desire to somehow fight to preserve this union.

15 Dog

A faithful and patient dog is not the best and not the most worst sign for the rabbit. A rabbit man and a dog woman can form a strong union if the woman is calm enough. A dog's loyalty and affection for home go well with the inner values ​​of a rabbit man. The downside is that the dog is not always ready to support its partner psychologically. The rabbit can survive this. A man-dog and a woman-cat combine worse, due to the fact that in a masculine dog the sense of duty prevails over the sense of family. For a rabbit, everything related to home and family is quite important, and neglect of these values ​​can greatly hurt a woman of this sign.

16 Boar (pig)

A boar is a good partner for a rabbit. From the point of view of the eastern horoscope, this is one of the most successful combinations. The only difference is that the pig is, at first glance, less delicate and refined than the rabbit. But a closer look reveals her rich inner world. The Pig woman is quite capable of taking care of the comfort and order in the house, and this suits the cat man one hundred percent. Sensitive and gentle, she does not hurt his feelings, and the fact that the pig is slightly simple suits the rabbit, because simplicity does not frighten him as much as something incomprehensible and complex. The male boar is able to disappoint the female rabbit by the fact that he may in fact turn out to be not as strong and courageous as he pretends to be at first. With the support of the rabbit woman, the pig man is quite capable of becoming strong and active.

The Eastern calendar is quite popular in many countries. This popularity is based on the accuracy of the description of the characters of the Zodiac signs. Naturally, some people disagree with this. Very often you can hear the phrase: “I don’t have that kind of character at all! This is all untrue! At the same time, many emphasize that the description is suitable for a friend, neighbor, relative or just an acquaintance.

Denying obvious things is common among people. This is just about the log in someone else's eye and the speck in your own eye. Each sign has its own advantages and disadvantages. Advantages are gladly recognized, and shortcomings are vehemently denied. Smart people They try to take both into account.

The Eastern calendar will tell you about your character

Astrological tradition of the East cultivates not only familiar zodiac signs, but also a 12-year cycle, where each year is designated by a certain symbolic animal. The cycle begins with the year of the Rat (Mouse) and ends with the year of the Pig (Boar).

Astrological schools in China arose about four thousand years ago. Unlike Western schools, where the zodiac circle is based on the rotation of the Sun, in the East when drawing up a personal horoscope Special attention given to the phase of the moon at the time of birth. It is very important to consider the relative positions of the Sun and Moon. To do this, use special tables and relevant knowledge about other planets.

General knowledge about the characters of people born in the year of the symbolic animal has been collected for thousands of years. These observations formed the basis of the Eastern Zodiac calendar.

Zodiac circle

As already mentioned, The 12-year cycle begins with the Year of the Rat. What sign do you need to be born under to be happy? Under any! You just need to take advantage of the advantages of the sign and take into account all the disadvantages.

  • Rat (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984.1996, 2008). The pleasant appearance, attractiveness and determination of this sign attracts people. The Rat is hardworking and always strives for wealth. She is economical and thrifty. She can throw money around when she is in love. Shows generosity to those he loves. Very neat. Sometimes accuracy comes to the point of fanaticism. She is ambitious and almost always achieves her goal. More often he succeeds in life, despite his illogicality. Hot-tempered. Rarely knows how to maintain self-control. The Angry Rat is not a sight for the faint of heart. She is honest and open, but sometimes likes to gossip.
  • Bull (1937, 1949, 1961. 1973, 1985 1997, 2009). Patient and taciturn, he inspires confidence. Can be eccentric at times. Sometimes he loses his temper and gets angry. At such times it is better to stay away. The Ox in love becomes eloquent. Smart and in good physical shape. Stubborn, does not like to be contradicted. In general, he has an easy character, if you don’t hurt his pride.
  • Tiger (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010). Often thinking about beauty, he can be irritable. He enjoys well-deserved respect from other zodiac signs, but conflicts with superiors and elders. Courageous and strong, the Tiger often makes rash decisions. If you give him time to think, he will make the right choice.
  • Cat (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011). This is always a bright personality. Talented and ambitious, he has virtue, is quite reserved, and has impeccable taste. Those around him admire him and trust him in everything. More often rich than poor. Likes to gossip, but without anger. Tactful and gentle with loved ones, but almost indifferent to relatives. He is calm as a boa constrictor and rarely loses his temper. Conscientiously fulfill their obligations. Sometimes they are pedantic and have a tendency towards melancholy. Prudent and conservative.
  • Dragon (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012). Sometimes stubborn and harsh, has good health. Energetic, easily excitable and decisive. Quite frank, but his opinion is justified. The character is willful. Doesn't like making speeches or borrowing money. Soft-hearted, he can allow himself to be controlled, but only for a short time. Those around him love him. Gets married early or doesn't do it at all.
  • Snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013). The character is complex. The wise and taciturn Snake manages its affairs well, despite some stinginess. Vain and sometimes selfish. He often helps his friends and acquaintances, not forgetting to remind him of his duty. Relies only on his own judgment and does not listen to advice. Decisive, purposeful, outwardly calm, but actually passionate. He is acutely worried about failures. Outwardly attractive, but flighty. She creates all the complications in family life herself.
  • Horse (1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014). Thanks to his cheerful character, he is very popular. Distinguished by his ability to handle money. She is smart and insightful, although she speaks little. She loves flashy clothes, has a casual demeanor, and is very talented. A self-confident person who knows her worth. Men of this sign are not indifferent to women. He loves to be the center of attention, so he often attends various gatherings and loves entertainment. She is independent, rarely listens to other people's advice, and always acts in her own way.
  • Goat or Sheep (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015). Endowed with aptitude for the fine arts. Shy, pessimistic, often indecisive, unable to accept independent decisions. She is often religious and attends church. Usually loves his job and defends his beliefs. She is okay with money, she appreciates the conveniences associated with it. Quite reasonable, soft and friendly, she has good taste.
  • Monkey (1932, 1944, 1956,1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016). The character is contradictory and unreliable. Smart and dexterous, inventive and original, she is able to solve all her problems. Any field of activity is suitable for her. He's in a hurry, he wants everything at once and immediately. Easily gives up on things he has started, being distracted by others. Any obstacle can disrupt her plans and ruin her mood. Willful and temperamental, she is quick-tempered, but quickly moves away. Not deprived common sense, knows how to make decisions. He is able to achieve fame if he can overcome obstacles and does not give up on the business he has started, as often happens.
  • Rooster (1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017). A gifted and thoughtful personality. Loves to work. He is committed and very upset if he fails to fulfill what he promised. Does not always and does not immediately find contact with other signs. Closed and often lonely, the Rooster is always confident that he is right. Timid by nature, he can come across as a determined person. Rarely implements his plans. In his life there is almost always an alternation of white and black stripes. Capable of desperate actions. Can be selfish. In general - a straightforward and courageous sign.
  • Dog (1934,1946,1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018). The best human qualities are inherent in people born under this sign. A faithful and honest Dog knows how to keep other people's secrets. She is stubborn and a little selfish, but she inspires trust. He does not strive for wealth, although he does not live without money. She can be uncommunicative and may seem emotionally cold. He has a sharp tongue and looks at many things critically. He is distinguished by his fairness and ability to see things through to the end. I'm used to winning. Can be a good leader.
  • Pig (1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007). A distinctive feature is the ability to self-sacrifice. These people don't know how to retreat. Honest and courageous, they walk the straight path. They are faithful in friendship and never leave friends in trouble. They love to read, are inquisitive and well informed about what is happening around them. Kind and attentive, they do not like conflicts, although they can be quick-tempered. They never give up and work with full dedication.

Characteristics of individual characters

Born 1987

A man born under the sign of the Cat or Rabbit, distinguished by ambition, modesty and restraint. He is a good speaker, but does not delve into the essence of the matter; all his knowledge, like his qualities, is rather superficial. He has a certain snobbery. He, like women, loves to gossip, but does it carefully, trying to be tactful.

He is loved in the society he frequents. The cat is always calm and calm. He is quite sentimental, but his own troubles are much closer to him than the troubles of others. He hates everything that can cause complications in life. Always strives for safety and comfort. Very careful when resolving any issues. Enjoys people's trust.

Finance loves him. He is smart in business. In the 90s, among the numerous speculators there was a large percentage of people born in the year of the Cat. They easily achieved success in trading matters.

There are many lawyers, jurists and diplomats among the Cats.

A woman of this sign can master any task., if it requires her hospitality, impeccable taste and representation of something. Secular and at the same time modest Cat knows how to shine. To do this, she is ready to thoroughly study some subjects.

She is sophisticated, has a pleasant appearance, and her melancholy nature gives her a special charm. The cat is whiny, but it is easy to console her.

In general, Cats can live quietly throughout their lives if they do not encounter a personal dramatic situation. They don't care at all about everything else. They don't care about revolutions and disasters.

Cats need to resist problems that arise.. Without this, they may go crazy or commit suicide.

Nowadays, astrologers clarify the name of a particular symbol. For example, 2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. You can consider some signs of the Eastern calendar from this point of view.

Patronage of the Zodiac signs

People born in a certain year want to know what character traits he gave them. Those born in 1976 are interested to know which animal this is the year of and under whose protection they are.

Red Fire Dragon (1976) . Main character traits:

If a person was born in 1987, this is the year of which animal?

Red Fire Rabbit (1987). Main character traits:

  • intuition;
  • subtle perception of the surrounding world;
  • diplomacy;
  • peacefulness;
  • the ability to sympathize;
  • pedantry;
  • observation.

For those born in 1983, this is the year of which animal according to the horoscope?

Blue Water Pig (1983). Distinctive features character:

For those born in 1990. This is the year of which animal?

White Metal Horse (1990). Main character traits:

  • straightforwardness;
  • determination;
  • courage;
  • love of freedom;
  • love of discussions;
  • ability to study well;
  • hot temper;
  • passion for sports;
  • tendency to bad habits.

It is believed that additional qualities appear under the influence of the movement of stars and planets, which determine the elements of the year. Signs may or may not be compatible with each other. Family relationships largely depend on this.

Compatibility chart for zodiac signs in love

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Year of birth of the man of the year Rabbit according to the eastern calendar: 01/25/1963; 02/11/1975; 01/29/1987; 02/16/1999; 02/03/2011;.

The Rabbit man gives the impression of a pleasant and easy-to-communicate person. Always tactful, even and flexible, he almost never creates problems for others, even unwittingly. He prefers not to get involved in disputes and conflicts and extremely rarely speaks badly about anyone. In this he is helped by his unique innate talent as a diplomat and his inherent courteous manners. This well-groomed and correct person can literally “evaporate” as soon as he feels the slightest trouble approaching.

The Rabbit man builds his life according to his own plan, which does not include impulsive actions. He carefully develops his survival strategy and plans every next step in detail. This person knows how to turn any situation to his advantage and knows how to win the favor of people who can help him.

The true intentions of a Rabbit man are always hidden under the guise of courtesy and friendliness. He is extremely smart and able to cooperate with other people. A man of this type values ​​external impressions more than content, so he pays a lot of attention to the material attributes of success: proper clothing, a decent social circle and appropriate manners. He consistently creates and strengthens his own image of an even, charming and pleasant person in all respects. The Rabbit man remains a refined gentleman in any situation.

Elemental signs of men Rabbit

The Rabbit man of the Wood element is a true gentleman, rational, correct and stable. He is easy to talk to and kind. A man of this type is very concerned about the well-being of his loved ones and is capable of much for the sake of harmony and peace in his home, but this must be appreciated. In return, he needs support and decorum. Without regret, he will leave someone who will undermine the respect of others for him or put him in an uncomfortable position.

The Rabbit man of the Fire element is less secretive than his brothers, he loves to joke, but is also sarcastic. In general, he is as positive and friendly as other Rabbits, but his inherent egocentrism can make him arrogant, detached and indifferent. If this person succeeds, he can turn into a real snob, but at the same time he will be just as kind to those who can be useful to him. The Fire Rabbit is a recognized master of hypocrisy, which invariably helps him survive in this cruel world.

The Rabbit man of the Earth element has a deep and cunning mind, which is rarely noticeable from the outside. This man's insight is hidden under pleasant appearance and smooth handling. He often looks a little aloof, although he has a more pronounced style than his brothers. A man of this type is an ardent adherent of conformity in all areas of life and usually disdains those who are inclined to violate established social norms of behavior.

The Rabbit man of the Metal element is receptive, noble and purposeful. Possessing a strong character, he always achieves his plans and is capable of achieving serious success. At the same time, he has good manners and excellent taste. A man of this type can take his companion to the top with him if she is completely honest with him and devoted.

The Rabbit man of the Water element is charming and sophisticated. This gentleman is often well educated and well read, has broad interests and exudes self-confidence. He can give a lot to his chosen one, including fidelity and the fruits of his hard work, however, she must maintain decorum.