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The meaning of a house church in the Orthodox encyclopedia tree. House churches: history and modernity House church who can have

House church, in the broad sense of the word, was what it was called in the Synodal period and is now called a church that is functionally different from cathedral, parish or monastery churches in that it is located in institutions, especially often in hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages and shelters and other similar them in charitable or charitable institutions, as well as in secondary and higher educational institutions, in the premises of private societies, especially religious ones. appointments, or brotherhoods and is intended for participation in the worship of those who permanently or temporarily reside or study in these institutions. Openness or closedness of D. c. for “outsiders” it usually depends on the regime of the institution under which it exists.

In most cases D. c. has an “assigned” status and belongs to the parish in whose territory it is located. In some cases, it may be assigned to another parish or represent an independent church institution. Currently time, in case D. c. is not assigned to a parish, it is managed on a different basis than parish churches, i.e., neither a parish assembly nor, accordingly, a parish council is formed under it. In Moscow, such churches can, for example, have the status of Patriarchal metochions (see Art. Metochion). During the synodal period, according to the status of D. c. had some similarities with palace, military, i.e., regimental or ship, embassy and prison churches, which, however, were not classified as D. ts. in the proper sense of the word, differing from them ch. arr. independent, non-attributed status. A special type of D. c. is the so-called cross church, located in bishops' houses or residences (chambers) of bishops.

In the narrow sense of the word D. c. during the Synodal period, it was called a temple located in the home of a private person. Arrange D. c. allowed by the diocesan authorities, and in Moscow and St. Petersburg - by the highest permission sought through the Holy Synod, only to persons who had the right to special respect due to their high position or exceptional merits and, at the same time, due to old age or illness, were not able to visit parish churches or significantly difficult to do so. Similar D. c. certainly had an “assigned” status and belonged to the nearest parish. Upon the death of a high-ranking person who had a D. ts. in the house or apartment, as usual it was subject to abolition, and all its property, including sacred vessels, other sacred and consecrated objects, regardless of the fact that they were acquired with funds the person who enjoyed such a privilege, as usually happened, did not pass to the heir, but was subject to transfer to the parish church to which the abolished church was assigned. In exceptional cases and only by the highest permission after the death of a person who was allowed to have a church in his house, this church was not abolished, but remained in the house or apartment passed on to the heir.

Church of the Saints Equal to the Apostles

Konstantin and Elena

The home church of Saints Constantine and Helen, which is the solid foundation of spirituality at our university, dates back to 1869. Even in the first land management educational institution in Russia, the Konstantinovsky Land Survey Institute (KMI), which originated from the land surveying school founded by Catherine II in 1779 and gave birth to the State University of Land Management, there was its own house church. At that time it was located in the institute building on Staraya Basmannaya Street. After the institute moved to a new building located in Gorokhovsky Lane, construction began on a new church of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, and on March 24, 1874, the temple was consecrated again. The status of the new large church has changed, now it has become the home church of the KMI, and the priest Andrei Grigorievich Polotebnov became the rector of the church. A large number of famous architects, artists, woodcarvers, icon painters and other craftsmen participated in the construction and arrangement of the KMI house church. The choir of students from the Survey Institute also became widely known in Moscow. All the parishioners loved the temple. And the students of the university were deservedly proud of the unique church, built exclusively at the expense of graduates and teachers of the institute, who took care of its splendor.

Church of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen at the Konstantinovsky Land Survey Institute.

More than 50 years before the time of the liquidation of the temple, it played a leading role in the spiritual and moral education of students, and during periods of difficult trials and during the war, it provided material assistance to the state.

With the advent of Soviet power, persecution of the Church began. Having separated the Church from the state and the school from the Church, the Soviet government took away from the Church all Legal and civil rights, which created conditions for the closure of churches and monasteries. In 1918, the KMI house church was sealed by decree on the closure of churches. In 1920, the temple was closed completely, and the church ensemble was destroyed.

Many years later, by the grace of God, the country turned to its Orthodox origins and traditions. Rector of the University, Honored Scientist Russian Federation Professor S.N. Volkov, on May 25, 1999, proclaimed a program for the spiritual revival of the university, and above all the reconstruction of the house church. Architectural and planning solutions and a design for the iconostasis of the church were developed, and with the blessing of Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II, construction, planning and artistic work began.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II and university rector S.N. Volkov on the day of the consecration of the university’s house church on June 6, 2001.

In addition to professional craftsmen, teachers and students of the Faculty of Architecture took an active part in the reconstruction of the temple, who took upon themselves the preparation of historical and artistic materials related to the house church at the KMI, as well as the actual painting of the walls and ceiling.

Students of the university's Faculty of Architecture paint the walls of the house church.

The rector of Epiphany has provided and continues to provide great assistance in the matter of spiritual and moral revival of the university cathedral in Moscow the protopresbyter is Father Matthew Stadnyuk.

The rector of the Epiphany Cathedral, Protopresbyter Father Matthew, and the rector of the university, S.N. Volkov, in the home church of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen.

In addition, the care of the construction of the temple was entrusted to the cleric of the Epiphany Cathedral, Archpriest Nikolai Stepanyuk.

In April 2001, the construction of the house church was completed, and on June 6, 2001, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' consecrated the house church.

Consecration of the university's house church by Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus'.

The newly recreated church of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena, received his new life, and, as before, became the pillar of morality and spirituality of the university, strengthening the hearts of all who come to it in faith and piety, love for the Motherland and their profession.


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A home temple or home church is a temple located at any building, institution and intended for a corresponding group of believers: for example, students of an educational institution, hospital patients, factory workers, etc. This is the difference between a house church and a parish church, which is intended for all believers, especially those living nearby - i.e. in the parish of the church.

Architecturally, house churches are very diverse. A home church can be either a separate building (for example, a church in the courtyard of a prison); or built into the mundane, but highlighted by some architectural features in the overall structure of the composite building (for example, a dome crowning a multi-story building); the interior space is not allocated in any way appearance building.

Sometimes everyone can get into the house temple; in other cases, access to outside visitors is closed.

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See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what a HOUSE TEMPLE is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • BOWNIE in the Encyclopedia Galactica of Science Fiction Literature:
    In the minds of superstitious people, it is a kind of supernatural creature that lives in every inhabited house. There is nothing supernatural about brownies. It's either...
  • TEMPLE in the Architectural Dictionary:
    a religious building intended for worship and religious ceremonies. Architecture of the main types of temples (sanctuaries, Christian churches, Muslim mosques, Jewish synagogues, ...
  • TEMPLE in the Dictionary of Fine Arts Terms:
    - a religious building intended for worship and religious rituals. Architecture of the main types of temples (sanctuaries, Christian churches, Muslim mosques, Judaism...
  • TEMPLE in the Dictionary of Church Terms:
  • TEMPLE in Orthodox Church terms:
    a building intended for the celebration of liturgy and public prayer, specially designed - having a throne and consecrated by a bishop. The temple is divided...
  • TEMPLE in the Bible Dictionary:
    - the central and only place of worship of the Israeli people to their God, the house of the name of the Lord (1 Kings 5:5), built according to the will and drawings of David...
  • TEMPLE in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". Orthodox Church According to patristic teaching, Orthodox church- The House of God, in which the Lord dwells invisibly, surrounded by...
  • BOWNIE in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a place of worship intended for worship and religious ceremonies. The types of X. and the history of their development are determined, in addition to cult requirements, also ...
  • BOWNIE in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    in the religious beliefs of the Slavic and some other peoples, a “spirit” living in the house. Belief in D. is a relic of primitive family and tribal cults. ...
  • BOWNIE V Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (French Lutin, German Kobold, Nachtm?nnchen, English Goblin) - the deity of the hearth (see Home Gods), replacing the pagan Rod, or Chur. Various …
  • TEMPLE in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • TEMPLE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    religious building for worship and religious ceremonies. The construction of temples began in ancient times (ancient oriental, ancient temples). Main types - Christian church...
  • TEMPLE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. 1. Building for worship, church. Old Russian temples. Buddhist x. 2. transfer A place of service to science, art, high thoughts...
  • BOWNIE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , wow, m. IN Slavic mythology: a fairy-tale creature that lives in the house, an evil or good spirit...
    religious building for worship, performing religions. rituals Building X. is known from...
  • BOWNIE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    DOMOVOY, in the beliefs of the Slavs, a guardian spirit...
  • BOWNIE in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    (French Lutin, German Kobold, Nachtm an nchen, English Goblin) ? the deity of the hearth (see Household gods), replacing the pagan Rod or ...
  • TEMPLE in Collier's Dictionary:
    (Hebrew "bet ha-mikdash"), in Jewish history the name of two successive main sanctuaries of the ancient Jews. The first temple described in detail in...
    temple"m, temple"we, temple"ma, temple"mov, temple"mu, temple"m, temple"m, temple"we, temple"mom, temple"mami, temple"me, ...
  • BOWNIE in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    brownie, brownie e, brownie, brownie x, brownie, brownie, brownie, brownie, brownie, brownie, brownie, brownie, brownie, brownie, brownie, brownie, brownie, brownie, brownie
  • BOWNIE in the Cheerful Etymological Dictionary:
    - manager …
    -a, m. 1) A building intended for worship and religious ceremonies. Ancient temples. Rural temple. Am I wandering along the streets...
  • BOWNIE in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    - "wow, m. According to superstitious beliefs: a supernatural creature that supposedly lives in every house and protects it. The invisible patron of peaceful estates, you...
  • TEMPLE in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
    House …
  • BOWNIE in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords.
  • TEMPLE in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    chapel, prayer house, prayer place, place of prayer, sanctuary (church, cathedral, chapel, kirk, synagogue, mosque, temple, temple, shrine, datsan, burkhanische, keremet, pagoda). God...
    aditon, aivan, amphiprostyle, basilica, pilgrimage, burkhanische, vimana, tabernacle, datsan, diptera, ziggurat, kaaba, temple, keremet, kirk, church, condo, church, shrine, martyrium, ...
  • BOWNIE in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    drummer, goblin, brownie, spirit, mans, undead, poltergeist, ...
  • BOWNIE in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. Dobry or evil spirit, living - according to superstitious beliefs - in ...
  • BOWNIE in Lopatin's Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    temple, …
  • BOWNIE in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • TEMPLE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    temple, …
  • BOWNIE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    Poet is a place of service to science, art, and the lofty thoughts of X. science. temple building for worship, church Old Russian temples. Buddhist...
  • BOWNIE in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    In Slavic mythology: a fairy-tale creature that lives in a house, an evil or good spirit...
  • TEMPLE in Dahl's Dictionary:
    husband. , old mansions, residential building, women's temple. Entering the temple, Matt. | Temple and temple of God, a building for public...
    religious building for performing religious ceremonies. The construction of temples began in ancient times (ancient oriental, ancient temples). The main types of temples are the Christian church, ...
  • BOWNIE in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
    in the beliefs of the Slavs and other peoples, the spirit lives in the house, the guardian of the house, sometimes punishing for violation...
    temple, m. (book). 1. Building for worship, church (church). 2. transfer, what. A place intended for doing something. (rhetorician.). Temple of Science. ...
  • BOWNIE in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    brownie, brownie. 1. Same as brownie (colloquially). 2. in meaning noun brownie, brownie, m. According to popular belief - supernatural ...
    m. 1) Building for worship; church. 2) transfer A place intended for doing something. and awe-inspiring. 3) transfer Sphere of high...
  • BOWNIE in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    brownie m. A good or evil spirit living - according to superstitious beliefs - in ...
  • TEMPLE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. 1. Building for worship; church. 2. transfer A place dedicated to doing something and inspiring awe. 3. transfer Sphere of high...


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House churches, unlike parish churches, are usually intended for a limited circle of people (for example, a family) and were located not in a separate building, but in one of the premises (rooms) of the house.

The establishment of house churches for persons who have acquired the right to special respect, and for those who, having zeal for the temple of God, cannot attend the parish church due to their illness or advanced years, is permitted by the diocesan bishop, and in the capitals - by the Holy Synod. The existence of a house church was allowed only until the death of the person for whom its establishment was permitted; after his death, all belongings of the house church become the property of the parish church, unless a new resolution takes place.

Emperor Peter I completely prohibited the establishment of house churches; in 1722 (April 12) and 1723 (October 5), the Holy Synod allowed “notable and elderly persons, in extreme cases, to have in their house chambers movable antimensions with the decoration necessary for sacred rites, but without special clergy.” In 1762 it was again allowed to have house churches.

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See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what the HOME CHURCH is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • CHURCH in Miller's Dream Book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
    Seeing a church in the distance in a dream means disappointment in events that have been awaited for so long. Entering a church immersed in darkness is a sign...
  • CHURCH in the Architectural Dictionary:
    same as the Temple...
  • CHURCH in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    (Greek - kyriakon - house of the Lord) - a specific type of amateur and self-governing religious organization that unites fellow believers and contrasts them with non-believers...
  • CHURCH in the Dictionary of Fine Arts Terms:
    - the same as a temple. (Ill.: Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary on the Nerl. 1165 ...
  • CHURCH in the Concise Religious Dictionary:
    1. In a general sense (and only in the Russian language) an organization of followers of a particular religion based on a common belief and...
  • CHURCH in the Brief Church Slavonic Dictionary:
    1) a society of people who truly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ; 2) a building dedicated to God; ...
    is a society established by God of people united Orthodox faith, the law of God, the hierarchy and the sacraments. From this concept of the Church it is necessary...
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". Attention, this article is not finished yet and contains only part of the necessary information. The Church is a community of believers...
  • CHURCH in Statements of famous people:
  • CHURCH in the Dictionary One sentence, definitions:
    is a place where gentlemen who have never been to heaven extol it to people who will never go there. Henry...
  • CHURCH in Aphorisms and clever thoughts:
    it is a place where gentlemen who have never been to heaven extol it to people who will never go there. Henry...
  • CHURCH in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    [from Greek kyriake (oikia) lit. - God’s house],..1) the concept specific to Christianity of the mystical community of believers (“faithful”), in which ...
  • CHURCH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    [from Greek kyriake (oikia) - God's house], 1) a special type of religious organization, an association of followers of one or another religious movement based on ...
  • CHURCH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    can be considered 1) according to the etymological meaning of the word, 2) as a subject of teaching of faith, religious views and science, 3) as a fact in ...
  • CHURCH in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • CHURCH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    [from the Greek kyriake (oikia), literally - the Lord's house], 1) the concept specific to Christianity of the mystical community of believers ("faithful"), in which ...
  • CHURCH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -kvi, pl. -and, -ey, -am, w. 1. An association of followers of a particular religion. organization in charge of religious life and related...
    CHURCH [from Greek. kyriak; (oikia), lit. - the Lord's house], a mystical concept specific to Christ. community of believers ("faithful"), in which unity is realized...
  • HOME in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    HOUSE MOUSE, family mammal. mice. Dl. body 7-11 cm, tail 4-10 cm. Widely distributed, following humans it populates new regions...
  • CHURCH in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? Ts. can be considered 1) according to the etymological meaning of the word, 2) as a subject of teaching of faith, religious views and science, 3) as ...
  • CHURCH in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    church, church, church, church, church, church, church, church, church, church, church, church, church, church, ...
  • CHURCH in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    churches, plural tserkvi, churches, -"am and -"yam, -"ami and -"yami, (o) -"ah and -"yah, f. 1) For Christians: organization, in charge...
  • CHURCH in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    cm. …
  • CHURCH in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    autocephaly, Anglicanism, chapel, kirk, church, church, parish, sanctuary, cathedral, temple, church, ...
  • CHURCH in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    and. 1) Religious organization clergy and believers, united by a community of beliefs and rituals. 2) The building in which Christian worship takes place; ...
  • CHURCH in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    church, -kvi, tv. -kovyu, pl. -kvi, -kvey, -kvam and -kvyam (religious organization; temple) and Church, -kvi, tv. -kovyu (Divine institution, ...
  • CHURCH in the Spelling Dictionary:
    church, -kvi, tv. -kovyu, pl. -kvi, -kv`ey, -kv`am and -kv`yam (religious organization; temple) and church, -kvi, tv. -kovyu (divine institution, ...
  • CHURCH in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    an association of followers of a particular religion, an organization in charge of religious life; religious community Orthodox church Catholic church church orthodox temple Stone ...
  • CHURCH in Dahl's Dictionary:
    husband. church, south , app. , Nov. place, building for Christian worship, temple, God's temple. Our church is different from...
  • DOMOVAYA in Dahl's Dictionary:
    noun , female cook, housewife at the stove and table in a peasant house. Domovnyy, homey, domestic, related, belonging to the house or ...
  • CHURCH in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    [from Greek kyriake (oikia), lit. - God’s house],..1) the concept specific to Christianity of the mystical community of believers (“faithful”), in which ...
  • CHURCH in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    (church region), churches, pl. churches, churches, churches (colloquial churches), g. 1. The building in which worship takes place. Stone Church. Wooden church. ...
  • CHURCH in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    church 1) A religious organization of clergy and believers, united by a community of beliefs and rituals. 2) The building in which Christian worship takes place; ...
  • CHURCH in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I Russian Orthodox Church as a divine institution. II The Christian community, led by Jesus Christ, understood as the mystical union of all...
  • HOUSE MOUSE in the Encyclopedia Biology:
    , small rodent subfamilies of mice. Dl. body 7-10 cm, bare tail almost the same length. The color of the fur is gray, on the abdomen...
  • HOUSE MOUSE in Collier's Dictionary:
    (Mus musculus). Although many small “mouse-like” rodents are called mice, especially from the mouse family (Muridae), with this term in our minds...
  • MICE in the Encyclopedia Biology:
    , subfamily of rodents fam. mouse. Of the 400 species in the family, 300 belong to this subfamily. Dl. bodies from 5 cm (tiny mouse) ...
  • CANDLEMAS in the Dictionary of Rites and Sacraments:
    Candlemas to Anna Akhmatova When she first brought her child into the church, there were inside from among the people who were constantly there, Saint Simeon...
  • ANNUNCIATION in the Dictionary of Rites and Sacraments:
    THE HOLY VIRGIN (April 7/March 25) A dark-faced angel with a bold branch says: “Hello! You are full of beauty!” Jonah trembles before the passionate message...
  • JERUSALEM in the Bible Encyclopedia of Nikephoros:
    (foundation, or dwelling place of the world; - this world-famous city, the oldest and most famous of the cities of the Promised Land, was called in ancient times Jebus...
  • JUVENALIY (KILIN) in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". Juvenaly (Kilin), in schema John (1875 - 1958), Archbishop of Izhevsk and Udmurtia. ...
  • UFA DIOCESE in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". Ufa and Sterlitamak diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. Diocesan administration: Russia, 450103, Republic of Bashkiria, ...
  • SMOLENSK ASSUMPTION TEMPLE in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". Temple in honor of the Assumption Holy Mother of God in the village of Smolensk (Pereslavl deanery of the Yaroslavl diocese) Address: ...
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". Rostov Spaso-Iakovlevsky Dimitrievsky Monastery (Yaroslavl diocese). Address: 152100, Yaroslavl region, Rostov...
  • NIKOLSKY VASILIEVSKY MONASTERY in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". Nikolsky Vasilievsky Monastery (Donetsk diocese). Address: Ukraine, 85720, Donetsk region, Volnovakha district, ...
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". Moscow courtyard of Savvino-Storozhevsky stauropegial monastery with the house chapel of St. Savva Storozhevsky. Address: 103009, Russia…


Rectorate of the State University for Land Management, one of the oldest educational institutions Russia, which celebrated its 220th anniversary in May 1999. Restoring the historical and spiritual traditions of survey engineers, the Academic Council of the University decided to recreate the house church of the Konstantinovsky Survey Institute, which existed since 1869 and was destroyed at the beginning of 1918. The house church was consecrated in the name of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine and his mother Helen, and Saint Constantine became the heavenly patron of survey engineers. Work to recreate this monument of history, Russian culture and architecture was carried out during 2000 Highest blessing His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II and the Rector of the Epiphany Cathedral, Protopresbyter Father Matthew. On June 6, 2001, in the main building of the university, a solemn consecration of the restored House Church of the State University for Land Management took place by His Holiness Patriarch ALEXIY II of Moscow and All Rus'

In the church the word of God is read, prayers are offered, the Holy Mysteries are performed (St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, 4:395)

Since the reconstruction of the House Temple, it has been the spiritual heart of the University and plays a large role in the spiritual and moral education of students.

Bishop's services have become traditional for the patronal feast of Saints Constantine and Helen, Equal-to-the-Apostles, and for other significant events at the University. In 2006, in connection with the 5th anniversary of the revival of the University's House Church, the festive service was led by His Eminence Alexy, Archbishop of Orekhovo-Zuevsky, vicar of the Moscow diocese. On May 25, 2009, a solemn service to celebrate the 230th anniversary of the founding of the University, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', was led by His Eminence Ignatius, Bishop of Vyborg and Priozersk, Chairman of the Synodal Department for Youth Affairs, member of the Supreme Church Council. June 3, 2011 The festive service in honor of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen was led by Bishop Mercury, Bishop of Zaraisk, now Metropolitan of Rostov and Novocherkassk. On June 5, 2012, the solemn service on the occasion of the patronal feast of the church, Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, was led by His Eminence Savva, Bishop of the Resurrection, vicar of the Moscow diocese.

Bishop Savva at the festive service in the University's Home Church.

On June 3, 2013, in honor of the patronal feast of the Church of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, the festive Liturgy was led by His Eminence Theophylact, Bishop of Dmitrov, vicar of the Moscow diocese.

His Eminence Theophylact, Bishop of Dmitrov in the House Church of the University.

The Rector of the University presents His Eminence Theophylact with icons and books.

The 235th anniversary of the founding of the University falls in the year of the 700th anniversary of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the glorious saint who determined the spiritual and state power of our Fatherland for centuries. It is no coincidence that the current Christmas educational readings, dedicated to the anniversary of St. Sergius, were opened precisely at our University, November 19, 2013.

The ceremonial events began with the Divine Liturgy in the House Church of the University, which was led by His Eminence Arseny, Metropolitan of Istra, Vicar of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

After the solemn service, the readings themselves took place in the assembly hall of the University, at which reports were heard on the life of St. Sergius, his miracles and intercession for the Russian land during the years of hard times and the invasion of foreigners. The meeting was headed by His Eminence Arseny and addressed the audience with a welcoming speech. The Bishop once again emphasized the invaluable role of the House Church both in the education of youth and in the preparation of future scientists who love and care for the land on which we live. It was also said about the importance of readings for our education and reflection. The Christmas readings made the greatest impression on young people and University students. The solemn and joyful atmosphere of the holiday and interesting historical reports will remain in their memory for a long time.

His Eminence Arseny blesses the worshipers in the House Church of the University.

A ceremonial meeting in the University assembly hall on the opening day of the Christmas educational readings. honor of St. Sergius.

The feast of St. Sergius of Radonezh is especially significant for our church, and every year on this day a festive service is held.

It is interesting that the name of the reverend was borne by the first director of our institute, Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov, and is borne by the current rector of the University, Sergei Nikolaevich Volkov. It was he who initiated the restoration within the walls of the University of the House Church of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, which breathed new life into our University.

At our University, the feast of St. Sergius is still especially revered because people pray to him for help in his studies. And often students light a candle with a prayer in front of his icon.

Icon of the Holy Venerable Sergius of Radonezh on the feast day in honor of the saint.

In addition to the bishops, students and staff see many wonderful clergy in the church: these are the rector of the Epiphany Cathedral, Protopresbyter Fr. Matthew Stadnyuk and Archpriest Fr. Alexander Ageikin, Fr. Nikolai Stepanyuk, rector of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God of the Sign in Pereyaslavskaya Sloboda, Archpriest Fr. Theodore Rozhik, Archimandrite Fr. Dionysius Shishigin, dean, rector of the Church of St. Nicholas in Pokrovsky, archpriest Fr. Alexy Ladygin, rector of the Church of St. Euphrosyne of Moscow, priest Fr. Konstantin Korneev, and Archpriest Fr. Sergius Tocheny, deputy dean, rector of the Church of the Apostle Jacob Zavedeev, protodeacon of the Novospassky Monastery Fr. Gennady Kuznetsov, protodeacons of the Epiphany Cathedral Fr. Sergius Sapronov and Fr. Mikhail Grechishkin, prominent bass protodeacon Fr. Nikolai Platonov and many others. A notable contribution to the temple was made by Fr. Konstantin Korneev, a graduate of our University, he renovated the tarnished golden decoration of the temple with his own hands. It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of the rector of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God of the Sign in Pereyaslavskaya Sloboda, Archpriest Fr. Theodore Rozhik, who constantly donates wax candles, lamp oil, bells and much more to the temple.

Rector of the Epiphany Cathedral Father Alexander Ageikin

The cleric of the Epiphany Cathedral, Fr. Nikolay Stepanyuk.

Priest Fr. Konstantin Korneev at the sermon.

Rector of the Znamensky Church in Pereyaslavskaya Sloboda, Archpriest Theodore Rozhik

In our Home Church, services are held on all major holidays, akathists are read on the days of the celebration of the icons of the Most Holy Theotokos and saints, everyone has the opportunity to confess, partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, or simply go into the temple and pray. Also, all significant events in the life of the University are inextricably linked with prayer and services in the House Church. The school year, as usual, begins with a prayer service before the start of the school year.

Temple before the start of the prayer service.

On such a holiday, many students, their parents and teachers usually come to the prayer service. The service is also broadcast on the large screen in the lobby, so that those who, due to the large number of worshipers, were unable to enter the church, have the opportunity to see the prayer service from the screen and join in the general prayer. At the prayer service, prayers are offered for all teachers and students, for their well-being, longevity, and diligent learning.

Father Nicholas blesses with the cross and sprinkles with holy water after the prayer service before the start of the school year.

Teachers led by University Rector S.N. Volkov and students at a prayer service before the start of the academic year.

After a very festive service, on the eve of training, new experiences and a new student life, the eyes of all first-year students, and not only those, glow with inspiration and joy. And their parents once again rejoice that, first of all, their children’s education began with a blessing in the temple!

Even before the start of training, many parents of applicants and future students first of all came to the temple, admired it and the opportunity for their children to join spirituality.

“We really want our children to enter your University” - the first words of the parents. Everyone, without exception, notes the presence of a temple as an important argument in choosing a place to educate their children; all parents want to see their children under the spiritual guidance of the temple. Throughout the academic year, students have the opportunity to visit church, listen to sermons and receive the blessing of our dear priests. And throughout the school year, the temple is open not only during services, but also simply for everyone who wants to come in and pray, and for some, perhaps this will be their first acquaintance with the temple and the first step on the path of moral growth and salvation.

In the House Temple of the University.

Students approach the cross after the thanksgiving service at the end of the school year and are sprinkled with water.

Presentation of diplomas in the assembly hall.

The rector of the Epiphany Cathedral, Fr. Alexander Ageikin congratulates the graduates on receiving their diploma. Assembly hall of the university.

Students in the University's House Temple.

Students at the Akathist.

Guests of the University also first of all come to our wonderful temple.

June 27, 2013 State University Minister for Land Management visited Agriculture Russian Federation N.V. Fedorov.

In a solemn atmosphere, the Minister of Agriculture awarded a permit to the first consolidated All-Russian student land management team.

During Nikolai Vasilyevich Fedorov’s acquaintance with the University, he visited our House Church, joyfully noted its splendor and prayed before the icon of St. Nicholas.

Minister of Agriculture N.V. Fedorov in the House Church of the University.

On June 3, 2013, our home church was visited by the Ambassador of the Republic of Benin, Aniseet Gabriel Kochofa, who came to the University on a friendly visit.

Ambassador of the Republic of Benin Aniseet Gabriel Kochofa and his assistant at the house temple.

The Ambassador and his assistant visited the church with pleasure and lit candles to the icon of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, patrons of our University, whose feast day was celebrated on this day. The guests also heard about the history of the temple, its significance, the students who took part in the restoration of the temple, and the patronal feast.

In honor of the holiday, they were presented with icons of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, which they accepted with joy and gratitude.

The temple plays a huge role not only in the life of the University as a whole, but also in the lives of many employees and students. Both students, teachers, and even guests of the University take part in its beautification with pleasure.

It is impossible not to mention our constant benefactors of the temple. On the feast of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called, they all celebrate their Angel Day.

Benefactors of the House Temple of the University of A.L. Likefet, A.S. Smirnov, A.A. Shimkevich, A.E. Guskov.

From the first days of the restoration of the temple, students also take part in its beautification.

On November 15, 2013, before the Christmas educational readings of the Central Vicariate of Moscow, held at our University, students of the Faculty of Architecture helped restore the painting in the House Church. There were a lot of people who wanted to take part in this wonderful and interesting activity, including first-year students, second- and third-year students, and even fifth-year students.

Beginning of work. Color selection.

The work was very easy, pleasant, it was a joy to do something for the temple, and even at my University. And the work itself was completed unexpectedly quickly. Now, when children come to church to pray or attend a service, they probably feel that the church has become even closer to them!

Zyuzin Vladislav, Lavrov Roman.

Kochetkova Polina.

A very beautiful photograph in which Venerable Sergius Radonezh seems to bless the students decorating the holy temple.

Summer internship is a significant event in the life of students of the Faculty of Architecture. If desired, some of the children undergo it in monasteries, where they use the knowledge acquired during training to help the monastery.

According to an established tradition, some students of the Faculty of Architecture undergo construction practice at the Holy Annunciation Monastery in the city of Kirzhach, Vladimir Region. First of all, the guys participated in construction and architectural planning work to restore the monastery church of All Saints. In addition, students worked on the interior decoration of the icon-painting workshop, and also carried out landscaping and landscaping work, applying their knowledge of landscape design.

Sketch of the Church of All Saints


The most important feature of the practice was the introduction of the children to the spiritual life of the monastery. Thanks to the attention of the nuns of the monastery, students were given a tour of the monastery and church; those who wished could always attend any service. A bonfire and a conversation with Father Alexander were organized in the monastery courtyard.

Conversation with the priest by the fire

The guys listen carefully. Alexandra

Nuns of the monastery. Abbess Theodora with her sisters

The extraordinary combination of useful work for future architects, wonderful relaxation, and the atmosphere of cleanliness and morality of the monastery made a special impression on the guys. Many expressed a desire to come to the monastery for services or to work again during the summer holidays. Thank God that the students of our University have a wonderful opportunity to provide all possible assistance in the restoration of the monastery and touch the origins of spirituality. The beginning of such spiritual and moral education was laid by the temple of our University.

Summer 2012 students of the Faculty of Architecture of our University completed an internship in the village of Naberezhnaya Sloboda. The guys helped in designing the restoration work of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in the early 18th century. The two-story, single-domed church, built at the expense of the Shuvalovs in the late Baroque spirit, was abandoned at the beginning of the 19th century, and began to be restored only in 2002.

The guys from our University took part in the measurement work. In addition, they made drawings of the church and drawings of facades in watercolors.

Vera Eveliovich and Nastya Vertyankina working on the drawings.

Alexander Konstantinovich Sixtel and Father Mikhail at measuring work.

The rector of the temple, priest Fr. Mikhail Geronimus expressed great gratitude to the rector of the University S.N. Volkov for the invaluable assistance to the restored temple provided by students of the University’s Faculty of Architecture, as well as to the children who came to work for the temple.

From July 2 to July 16, 2013 several 3rd year students of the Faculty of Architecture of our University had an internship in Nikolo-Solbinsky convent in the Yaroslavl region.

Our student girls, Ekaterina Bakulina, Natalya Konyukhova, and Anastasia Ponomareva, contributed to the restoration of the monastery.

Abbess Erotiida, the abbess of the monastery, happily accepted assistants from our University, and the girls not only helped the monastery, but also consolidated their knowledge as future architects and partially applied it in practice.

In July 2013, again, some of the students of the Faculty of Architecture completed an internship at the Holy Annunciation Monastery, where they are always welcome and happily welcomed. And as usual, the guys provided invaluable assistance to the monastery and its courtyard. Measurements were taken of the cell building and its main facade. as well as the overhead chapel, which were then compared with the construction drawings. Based on these data, drawings were made.

Execution of drawings based on measurement results

Students in practice at the Holy Annunciation Kirzhach Monastery.

So, every year and every day, the presence of a church at the University reveals a priceless treasure of bishop's services and bishop's sermons, spiritual conferences and good deeds, restoration of churches and much more that opens up to students new world and makes them better.

House Temple of the University.