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Register in RSA personal account. Registration of motor vehicle insurance through a single RSA agent. How to restore KBM in the RSA database

ATTENTION! This site is informational. This is not an official site. Official website of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers -

August 2002 is the starting point for the beginning of the functioning of the MTPL market: it was during this period that RSA (stands for the Russian Union of Auto Insurers) was created, which is a link between the state, vehicle owners (hereinafter referred to as vehicles) and insurance companies.

The main tasks of this organization are the formation and control of compliance with the rules of interaction between participants in the MTPL market. It is curious that the word OSAGO itself came from colloquial practice: in fact, liability cannot be called civil liability, but the beautiful-sounding abbreviation eventually began to be used officially. In the same year, the official website of the organization appeared:

The creation of this structure was necessary in connection with the adoption of the law on compulsory motor liability insurance, which came into force a year later, in July 2003. Initially, the organization included 48 insurers, but this figure changes periodically: current information can be found on the corresponding page of the RSA website

Meanwhile, Special attention has been attached to the RSA website since 2017. This is due to an innovation in the field of online sales: all insurers that have the right to work in the field of compulsory motor liability insurance were required to create and post calculators on their official websites. Thanks to them, compulsory insurance can be purchased while sitting at home at the computer. This idea was implemented through the “Unified Agent” and “E-Garant” systems, and RSA committed to guarantee the sale of electronic compulsory motor liability insurance to any client from any insurer.

What is E-Garant?

It arose in connection with insurers’ refusals to accept the liability of individual car owners for insurance, including citing technical problems on the website. In such cases, RSA has made it mandatory to automatically redirect clients to the website of the replacement insurer so that the car owner does not depend on the technical problems of his main company.

This system has significantly simplified the process of online purchase of compulsory motor insurance. “E-Garant” is implemented according to the following scheme:

  1. The car owner goes to the website of any insurer engaged in the sale of compulsory motor liability insurance, or to a specialized aggregator website, where you can compare the conditions of all insurers.
  2. Then everything necessary to calculate the policy price is indicated.
  3. Next on the web page the cost of insurance is automatically calculated. If there are no problems on the site, then the policy can be purchased immediately; If there are any technical problems, a link appears: when you click on it, you will be taken to the E-Garant system.
  4. This system is located on the official website of RSA. You must enter the vehicle passport number, as well as the region of its operation. After this, the system itself appoints a replacement insurer, who is obliged to sell the MTPL policy.
  5. Following this assignment, a button appears, after clicking on which you will be taken to the official website of this insurer.

What is bonus-malus equal to?

Checking KBM online

The main (and perhaps the only) indicator when calculating the price of an MTPL policy is the so-called, which is briefly referred to as KBM. It is individual for each vehicle owner and reflects the degree of accident risk of his driving. Depending on their history, drivers are assigned penalty points for short driving experience and frequent accidents; on the contrary, careful drivers are given a discount in the form of a reduction factor. The RSA website provides the most detailed explanation of the logic for calculating this indicator:

In addition, you can also find out your current coefficient values ​​there. The procedure is as follows:

  1. You need to go to the appropriate section on the official RSA website:
  2. Fill in the fields marked with an asterisk.
  3. Wait until the information is verified in the unified RSA database. If everything is done correctly, the current KBM value will be displayed on the screen.

However, do not forget that the cost of the policy depends not only on your driving history. For example, for different regions the increasing coefficient will be different: in Moscow there are many more vehicles registered than in Lipetsk, therefore the probability of an accident and, accordingly, the increasing coefficient in the capital will be higher. In addition, insurance companies have a small price band within which they can set the cost of policies; However, given the unprofitability of this type of business, you should not count on special incentives within this corridor.

Is the policy genuine?

Despite the obvious convenience and time savings that electronic compulsory motor insurance provides clients with, it also has disadvantages. Thus, e-OSAGO has not avoided the problem of counterfeit policies. On the one hand, the official websites of insurance companies guarantee complete transparency of the policy purchasing process. On the other hand, there are many offers on the Internet and on third-party sites, where prices are often lower than those offered by insurers, but there are no guarantees of the authenticity of the policy. In this regard, it is necessary to remember that compulsory motor liability insurance is a compulsory type of insurance, therefore, firstly, only certain companies can deal with it, and secondly, its tariffs are in a very narrow range. Accordingly, it is always better to buy e-OSAGO on official websites, and the current list of companies working with motor vehicle insurance is always available in RSA.

At the same time, there are aggregator sites where you can compare the conditions of insurance companies. They are partners of insurers, so when choosing optimal option The purchase of the policy is still carried out through the official website of the selected insurer.

After purchasing a policy, you need to check whether it is a fake and whether it will be recognized by insurers in the event of an accident. For this purpose, you will again need the official RSA website: it allows you to obtain information on any combination of available data.

For you need:

  1. Visit the RSA website:
  2. Next, enter the policy information.
  3. After clicking the “Search” button, information on this policy is displayed. If an error occurs, a corresponding message is displayed with its description.

It is possible to check which vehicle is indicated in the insurance:

  1. We go to the corresponding section of the RSA:
  2. Similarly, enter your insurance information.
  3. Select the date at which you want to download the data.
  4. If everything is done correctly, the site will provide information about the car that is covered by the MTPL policy.

You can also do a reverse check: using the vehicle data, you can find out whether insurance is tied to it.

  1. Visit the Union website:
  2. Enter the vehicle registration plate, and also fill out the remaining fields if we are not talking about a car.
  3. After clicking the “Search” button, the system will display the result of the check: whether this vehicle is included in the MTPL policy or not.

How much do spare parts cost?

You can issue an electronic MTPL policy through RSA. Procedure using this method is carried out much faster, since there is no need to wait in line at the insurer’s office. The main condition in this case is the availability of Internet access and the availability of information about the car and car owners on the official RSA website.

Who can issue a document

The legislator has not established restrictions regarding who has the right to buy electronic MTPL at RSA. This suggests that all citizens or organizations can purchase insurance through the resource in question. The following requirements are presented to citizens:

  • having citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • reaching the age of 18;
  • availability of legal capacity;
  • registration at permanent place of residence.

Organizations must go through the registration process with government agencies, have a mark in Unified register legal entities, as well as register with the tax authorities.

Where to go

The policyholder can independently choose an insurance company, that is, they can contact any company that carries out this type of activity. Upon application, a contract is concluded, as well as a policy is issued. Obtaining the necessary information can be done using the insurer's website. In addition, using an electronic resource, you can issue e-OSAGO.

Registration in RSA

Today it is possible to issue an insurance policy in in electronic format via the RSA website. To do this you need to have access to the Internet. The right to conclude an agreement in this way belongs to companies that have gone through the licensing process to carry out insurance activities. The portal contains a list of companies that have the right to conclude an agreement

RSA has been operating in the market for about 10 years. The union is presented in the form of a non-profit company. The main operating principle is the insurer's membership in such an organization if it sells auto insurance.

Conclusion of an agreement

Now motorists complete insurance documentation for a car without leaving home. An application to the company is submitted via the Internet. The review is carried out within a short period of time. The information contained in the application will be verified by comparison with information stored in the database of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. When the submitted data is considered unreliable by the system, the policyholder is sent a corresponding notification to Personal Area and by email.

In addition to the fact that you need to draw up and send an application, you also need to submit copies of documentation in electronic form. Copies reflect the same information as the original. The text should be easy to read.

In a situation where the policyholder has provided false information, the insurance company has the opportunity to recover from him the insurance amounts that were paid. When the data completely matches those stored in the database, the insurance company sends the calculation of the insurance premium.

Transfer of funds is made according to the data reflected in the sent letter. After payment, the completed e-MTPL form is sent to the email address specified by the policyholder. The driver can print out the received document and take it with him in case the traffic police stop him and check the documentation.

The electronic version of the insurance has the same power as the paper version.

Cost calculation

When calculating the cost of an electronic policy, the tariffs in force in the insurance industry, as well as accumulated coefficients, are taken into account. It should be noted that the insurance company does not have the right to adjust the amount of the established cost. Insurers cannot independently calculate discounts, make gifts and carry out all kinds of promotions.

For calculations, specially developed formulas are used, which reflect coefficients and tariffs. At the state level, base rates are fixed, which are influenced by the type of vehicle, coefficients that increase or decrease depending on the conditions of insurance that were previously carried out.

The owner of a vehicle is required to conclude a civil liability insurance contract. This can be done in one of several ways. If the driver does not have free time to visit the insurance company’s office, he can conclude a contract via the Internet. Registration of compulsory motor liability insurance online through RSA is allowed, but with some conditions. The procedure for purchasing a policy does not occur directly, but by selecting an insurer in the appropriate section of the service.

Many citizens mistakenly believe that the Russian Union of Auto Insurers is a regulatory organization. However, it is not. The function of the regulator in the insurance market is performed by the Central Bank of Russia, which issues and revokes licenses, and also monitors the activities of each company. RSA is a professional non-profit association where citizens can obtain the information they need and download document forms on the union’s portal. In addition, on the official website of RSA you can select an insurance company.

Through RSA, owners of automobiles and motorcycles can use the system for guaranteeing the conclusion of an electronic OSAGO contract. It allows you to minimize the risk of refusal to issue a policy if technical problems appear on the insurer’s website. In such a situation, the application will be processed directly through the PCA service. After this, the policy form is sent to the citizen by email.

registration on the site

The RSA service consists of two parts. One of them is open to all visitors. Its pages contain introductory information as well as reference materials. Access to another part of the site is possible only from your personal account after registration. This gives you the right to use all the functions of the service.

How to register on the RSA website? Creating an account is available only to members of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers using a special link. Registration of vehicle owners is possible only within the E-Garantiya service. Its functions suggest that if technical problems are detected on the insurance company’s website, the client will be automatically “transferred” to a closed section of the RSA, which will allow the registration of a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement.

How to contact the organization

Since the union in question is interested in maintaining high level provision of services, citizens have the opportunity to receive qualified advice here or file a complaint. This can be done by telephone or by mail (regular or electronic).

To complain about an insurance company under compulsory motor liability insurance to the RSA, you need to go to the “Contact the RSA” section from the main page of the site. The link to it is located in the navigation menu. It is important to remember that complaints will only be accepted if they relate to the unfair work of insurance companies. Technical errors, including incorrectly calculated KBM value, must be resolved where the MTPL policy was issued.

When filing a complaint via email, citizens must attach a scanned copy of their driver's license. In the text of the application, you must accurately indicate your passport information.

Who can take out a policy

You can buy insurance online from any company that has a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and a website that processes applications online. To conclude an MTPL agreement, the vehicle owner will need to submit a number of documents. If registration takes place via the Internet, then electronic form Only the series and number of each are entered on the website. Presentation of the documents themselves may be required only if representatives of the insurance company have questions about the discrepancy between the entered data and the information from the PCA database.

A completed policy issued via the Internet is issued by email. It is presented as an electronic file in PDF format. In the future, you need to make a printout of the document, which will make it possible to use it in any institution on a par with a regular OSAGO policy.

The necessary conditions

Now you can insure your car without even leaving your home. However, this does not eliminate the requirement to submit documents. Without them, issuing a policy will be impossible. So, what exactly do you need to prepare? The list of required papers is as follows:

  • completed application;
  • general passport;
  • driver's license;
  • registration certificate;
  • diagnostic card (only for cars and motorcycles over 3 years old);
  • MTPL policies issued in previous years (if available).

The listed documents will be required when applying for insurance at the company’s office.

Procedure for concluding an agreement

To apply for electronic MTPL through RSA, you must visit the appropriate section by clicking the link in the navigation menu. On the page that opens, you need to select and click on the name of the insurance company from the list provided. Some links lead directly to the customer registration section. Others – only to the main page.

You can issue a policy through RSA only when it is not possible to conclude an agreement on the website due to a technical problem. In all other situations, the application procedure occurs by entering information into the online form.

If a citizen does not have the necessary skills and simply does not know, then he can ask for advice from a company employee. As a rule, for such cases the number is specifically indicated on the website free phone support services.

Cost and terms

In most cases, citizens can find out the exact price of an MTPL policy during a preliminary calculation using an online calculator. After registration of the insurance contract and transfer Money The form will be sent to the client’s email within 90 minutes. Exceeding this period is a violation of the rules of the RSA. Citizens can pay for the policy with their own

Checking KBM OSAGO takes no more than 20 seconds. The data is sent directly to the databases of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers on the specified date. This is important, because firstly, when applying for a new policy, the insurance company will look at the start date of the new policy, i.e. it changes on the next day after the current policy ends. Secondly, if you are included in a certain number of MTPL policies, then when applying for new insurance, they look at the coefficient in accordance with the last ended policy. Because of this, it is possible for different meanings to exist on different days, keep this in mind.

Registration of motor vehicle insurance through the Unified Agent RSA

The sale of policies through the Unified Agent RSA began in mid-2020. This system is designed to solve the problem with the availability of compulsory motor third party liability insurance policies. Initially, the effectiveness of the program was tested in nine of the most difficult regions, but later their number was increased to fourteen. The introduction of the Single Agent RSA is temporary and, perhaps, in the near future some areas may be excluded.

T-verba › Blog › 7 circles of hell, or how to apply for E-Osago without additional... 10 insurance RSA

I wanted to renew my existing VSK policy, registered on the website, painstakingly filled out all the points - full name, passport details, registration, PTS number, VIN of the car, data on all registered drivers, etc., attached all the documents - all checks were passed, I was calculated the insured amount of 2,899.07. Great, the only thing left to do is to enter the confirmation code to electronically sign the application for compulsory motor liability insurance and pay for the policy...

Articles and notes

The received electronic OSAGO policy must be printed and carried with you when driving a vehicle. An electronic MTPL policy has the same legal force as an insurance policy issued on a strict reporting form at the insurer’s office.

KBM bonus-malus coefficient when purchasing OSAGO

I would like to note that when purchasing compulsory motor liability insurance I calculated incorrectly insurance policy cost in every second case. If we consider each of the cases separately, it seems that the manager just made an accidental mistake. However, in practice such deception appears to be systematic.

Are you here

People over 50 years of age will feel discomfort when using them. For such owners, it is recommended to print out the issued electronic policy and store it as usual or issue it personally at the insurance company - it is prohibited to buy a compulsory motor liability insurance policy through various intermediaries.

Registration of compulsory motor liability insurance on the State Services website

  1. Log in - log into the State Services website using your password and login, and then immediately go to the services section.
  2. Select the “Transport and Driving” subsection and in the list that opens, point to the “Electronic Insurance” item. If the registration procedure on the portal has been completed completely, it should be in the list of available services.
  3. The policyholder will be offered a list of insurance companies to choose from. It is recommended to choose the one with which the client has experience of cooperation. In this case, you can avoid erroneous calculation of the bonus-malus coefficient (BMR).
  4. The client will be directed directly to the official website of his chosen insurance company.
  5. Each insurer uses an individually designed application template, but in general they are similar. It is necessary to enter information about the car and its owner, as well as about the drivers who will be included in the insurance.
  6. After filling in all the data, a message will appear on the computer screen asking you to wait. The system will check the information, calculate the cost automatically (this takes from 5 to 10 minutes) and offer to continue registration.
  7. Next, the policy is paid. As a rule, all insurers accept payments using online banking, mobile banking and e-wallets.

Electronic OSAGO policy: Purchasing guide

For example, you can change your full name if it is officially changed, your state license plate if you receive a new one, the series and number of the vehicle registration certificate, the series and number of the PTS, etc. in case of replacement of official documents on a vehicle by the traffic police.

How to check the KBM using the RSA database on the official website

How to avoid losing accumulated bonuses. The only way– agree on the spot. It is advisable to take advantage of this opportunity in the event of a minor accident, when the cost of compensation for a scratched bumper or fender is several thousand rubles, and the costs of the increased cost of insurance will be significantly higher. If the damage to the cars is serious, then you will have to file a full-fledged insurance claim, after which changes to the RCA database will be made without fail.

Checking KBM, OSAGO and vehicle data in RSA

  • An error occurredwhen you enter data into the search window.
  • Information enteredinto the SAR database, differs from real data. To avoid such a problem, it is necessary to immediately check the PTS data and the vehicle registration certificate upon receipt.
  • Made a mistakeinsurance company when entering data into the RSA database.

Car enthusiasts know firsthand that all issues with the MTPL policy and others go through the RSA department - this name flashes when checking data on the websites of insurance companies, in their leaflets and rules for issuing electronic policies.

The Union of Auto Insurers is the only centralized association of insurance companies that sell and service policies for drivers. Its database is used daily by hundreds and thousands of insurance company systems for issuing compulsory motor liability insurance.

The union has several areas of activity:

  1. Interaction – more precisely, its provision between insurance companies, control over them.
  2. Setting rules for insurers.
  3. Regulating technical inspections and accompanying documents.
  4. Stopping fraud among insurance companies.
  5. Protection for both insurers and drivers in the event of disputes.
  6. Formation, replenishment and management of the database of vehicle owners, recording of accidents and accidents.

In fact, RSA is an association of insurance companies. All individual insurance companies that have joined RSA use its driver base for and application of KBM to the specific car owner who applied. When a driver contacts his insurance company, which is associated with the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, he can be sure that the information will be included in the general register and will be taken into account at the general civil level.

Such a database allows insurance clients to easily move from one company to another if the service does not suit them. After all, all information is stored centrally and is available to any insurance companies in the association. This makes it easier to use the information and apply it in insurance cases.

In addition, RSA often finances campaigns designed to keep drivers safe on the roads and reduce the number of vehicle breakdowns. Activities are aimed at minimizing damage, including at the international level– the union actively interacts with similar insurance associations abroad. Some insurers included in the RSA receive permission to issue international MTPL policies - the so-called Green Cards, which are required when driving a car to another country.

All this helps ensure the operation of the insurance system, establish it centrally and apply the laws and regulations of the Russian Federation more effectively in relation to insurers and drivers.

registration on the site

Only insurance companies can register with the RSA; to do this, they must join a union. Drivers and owners have access to registration in the Personal Accounts of selected insurance companies.

In order for an insurer to become a member of the RSA, he must:

  • be engaged in issuing voluntary auto insurance policies for at least two years;
  • provide documents confirming the legality of their activities on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • provide reports and statistics on indicators for two years;
  • prove that the company operates in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • pay the fee.

In each specific case, RSA makes a decision individually; the company undergoes a check on the legality of its activities, turnover of funds, accounting of income, payment of taxes, etc. The union's decision is made at a meeting of its board, and the information is received by the insurance company within 5 subsequent days. After which the resources of the RSA website become available to her.

Individuals register through their insurance companies and on their websites:

  1. They provide documents for the car, drivers and owner.
  2. Provide contact details and registration addresses.
  3. Buy an MTPL policy or any other type of car insurance.
  4. After this, the information is automatically transferred to the RSA database.

Only insurers and the Central Bank have access to the database. Changes are made to it according to the occurrence of insured events. If the insurance company made a mistake and provided false information to the RSA, then such changes are made with the permission and by order of the Central Bank as a response to an official complaint.

Compensation payments

During an accident on the road, injuries and death of passengers, drivers, and pedestrians are possible. In order to protect the rights of all traffic participants, the “On compulsory insurance civil liability." In other words, drivers are required to obtain compulsory motor liability insurance in order to drive on public roads. However, the second part of this law implies that the auto insurers union pays compensation to victims in addition to the insurance payments of the insurance companies. More detailed information can be found on the RSA website

This is done if the victims cannot receive compensation under the MTPL policy:

  1. In the event of bankruptcy of the at-fault insurance company or revocation of its license.
  2. When it is not known who was at fault in the incident.
  3. When the driver whose actions led to the accident does not have compulsory motor insurance.

Such payments are made as compensation for harm to health or life. If damage has been caused to property and it is necessary to compensate for it, then RSA provides compensation in the following cases:

  • if the insurance company has become bankrupt;
  • if the insurance company has lost its license to operate.

In all these cases, the following may be reimbursed:

  • earnings lost due to an accident;
  • expenses for treatment, medications, special food during treatment of the victim, prosthetics, etc.;
  • expenses incurred by the victim as a result of his injury - for example, if he was forced to change jobs;
  • the cost of repairs or the entire property if repairs are not possible.

However, the amount that RSA pays to victims depends on the incident itself and can vary greatly from case to case. Also, it depends on when exactly the person responsible for the accident entered into the MTPL agreement.

Receiving payment occurs as follows:

  1. The victim contacts the RSA directly or an authorized insurance company.
  2. Gives the statement to employees.
  3. Presents and provides documents - passport, license, STS, ownership of the car, evidence of expenses incurred and damage caused, court orders, etc. (for example, evidence that the insurance company at fault is really bankrupt).
  4. Indicates the account to which the payment should go.
  5. Waiting for the application to be reviewed - no longer than 30 days.
  6. Receives payment or refusal.