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The conspiracy against chondrosis is the most powerful. Prayer for cervical osteochondrosis. Conspiracy for rheumatism


This good plot for osteochondrosis, it helped many to quickly relieve pain from the lower back or neck. Exacerbation of osteochondrosis, what to do and how to quickly cure osteochondrosis of the spine, neck and lumbar region? In folk medicine there are many remedies that are effective cure osteochondrosis and one of them is casting a spell. Conspiracy for osteochondrosis you need to read on an aspen stick with a knot (a shoot from the main branch), which after reading the plot must be burned, so it must be dry. While moving an aspen stick over the sore spot, say plot for the treatment of osteochondrosis :

Oh, you aspen knot, you have no sorrows,
No illness, no hardship, no aches,
No burning, no irritation.
So my back wouldn't ache,
It didn’t hurt, didn’t burn, and didn’t tingle.
Where did you come from, pain, go there
Not once, not twice, not three, not four,
Not five, not six, not seven, not eight, not nine.
The ninth force drives the first,
(name) frees me from pain and sorrow,
Not nine, not eight, not seven, not six,
Not five, not four, not three, not two, not once.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

After reading the words of the conspiracy three times - spells for the treatment of osteochondrosis, burn the stick completely, and take the ashes to any aspen tree and throw it under the tree trunk.

© Copyright: Magician


  • A conspiracy to heal from an illness should be read into the wind, this is the only way to let go of the illness and quickly recover by getting rid of any ailment that has not responded to treatment for a long time. The village conspiracy of the Old Believers helps to quickly recover from the most common human diseases. Both men and women can read this plot, for example, to treat women’s diseases, colds, and even sore throats from a sore throat. You need to read the plot for all diseases on your own outside in windy weather; after reading the plot, the wind will take the disease and carry it away, healing you from the disease and helping you quickly recover and regain your health. Going out into the yard and standing facing the wind, say a spell to heal from illness:

  • A good spell for eye health and restoration of vision should be read on Easter morning. To treat eye diseases using a spell, you need holy water and any icon. After reading this conspiracy, your eyes will instantly feel better and this is not surprising, because the conspiracy to restore vision and treat eye diseases has been helping people treat their sore eyes with Easter magic for several centuries. If your eyes hurt, your sharpness constantly decreases, or your vision deteriorates even worse, on Easter Day, wash your eyes with holy water while kneeling under the icon and say this spell:

  • Traditional medicine contains many magical ways that can be carried out using a spell without the use of medicine. effective treatment joints. On the night of the full moon, sit by the window so that you can see the moon; if this is not possible and the windows face the other way, go outside, but be sure to look at the full moon. Looking at the full moon, say the words of the spell for treating joints:

  • Quick treatment of herpes in children and adults can be carried out using a conspiracy. This one is easy to do and very effective method how to quickly cure herpes on the lips is very common in Siberia where treatment of herpes on the lips in children and adults is very common. After the conspiracy, herpes on the lips will disappear within 24 hours without leaving any trace on the face. If you have herpes on your face, light a match and while it is burning, looking in the mirror, read this really working plot on herpes:

  • This plot helps to instantly cure any toothache in an adult (even when the wisdom tooth is cutting). Relief comes almost immediately and the enchanted tooth will never disturb its owner again. To cure toothache yourself, you need to crush 2 cloves of garlic. Next on church candle you need to calcinate coarse salt (3 pinches) and salt the crushed garlic with all the salt and read a strong spell on it for any toothache. Apply the spoken paste of garlic and salt to the aching tooth, which will stop hurting almost immediately and there will not be even a hint of toothache left. This is the best conspiracy to treat teeth and relieve any toothache using garlic at home.

  • What to do when a small child has a toothache, of course, read a conspiracy against toothache. For severe toothache in young children when they are teething, a good spell will help, which will immediately relieve the baby’s pain and give relief to the child and mother. To cast a spell and relieve a child from toothache, dry drying is needed. The spell to relieve a child from toothache needs to be read three times, after which hang a ribbon with a steering wheel around the baby’s neck. As soon as the baby starts playing with it, gnawing and procrastinating, the child’s toothache will completely go away, and this will happen almost immediately. Taking the dryer, thread a red ribbon through it and tie it with three knots. Now you need to take the dryer with the tape into left hand, cross yourself three times with your right hand and say the words of the spell for severe toothache:

  • There is a good spell for a sore throat that should be read if an adult has a sore throat. This conspiracy helps against purulent sore throat and flu; after a simple ritual, the patient will feel relief and get better. You need to read the plot for a sore throat at noon with a glass of strong moonshine. Moonshine needs to be poured nine times from a bottle or decanter into a small glass, then you need to lower a silver cross into it and cross it three times and read the Our Father. Put the moonshine away in the kitchen until the evening so that no one drinks it by covering the glass with a white saucer. In the evening, between 10 and 11 o’clock, turn off the lights in the entire house and sit down with a lit church candle in the kitchen, place a glass of moonshine in front of you and say a spell on it to treat a sore throat from a sore throat:

  • This white spell will help with sharp and twisting pain in the abdomen in adults and children, which will very quickly relieve any, even the most severe, pain in the abdomen with its magical effect. To soothe a stomach ache you need a stale crust of rye (black) bread. If you don't have any crackers, cut off a thin layer of the top of the loaf and air dry it - 10 minutes is usually enough. Taking a crust of bread in your left hand, christen it with your right hand and say the words of a prayer - a spell to treat stomach pain:

  • A strong spell can help with severe pain in the back and lower back, which you read on your own so that your back does not hurt. A sore back causes a lot of trouble, the pain interferes with sleep and work, but not everyone knows that you can quickly soothe pain in the back and lower back by saying a quick and very effective conspiracy from a sore back, after which the pain will go away almost immediately and the person will stop suffering. For the spell you need 2 cups of wheat grains. Pour 3 glasses of running water into the pan and when the water boils, brew the wheat in it for 7 minutes, leaving it on low heat. After the wheat has steamed, drain the water and let it cool enough to handle. A person who has back or lower back pain should lie on his stomach, undressed to the waist. Spread the wheat over the sore spots on your back so that it covers the entire surface. Place your hands on wheat-free areas and say the words of the spell for back pain three times:

The conspiracy against osteochondrosis has always come to the aid of those in need. Modern world progresses so much that the work consists, in most cases, in a sedentary form. If the muscles are not trained, the body stops defending itself. At such moments, all vital functions slow down, which leads to the development of osteochondrosis. This disease means that the vertebrae of the back become unable to work. At such moments, patients begin to turn to magic and use a spell for osteochondrosis.

Traditional medicine comes to the rescue

Medicine does not stand still and is constantly progressing. Modern methods solutions to the problem are quite actively used by medical workers. Here are just the recipes traditional medicine are used most often, because people trust more what has been passed down from generation to generation. Psychology is structured in such a way that traditional methods are especially popular for several reasons.

  1. The first reason is that many generations have used these recipes, and there has not been a single complaint. The rituals are so effective that no one has ever been dissatisfied.
  2. The second reason is that modern medicine is quite expensive. Not every person is able to pay for treatment. But traditional methods are always free. Ingredients for treatment can be found in the field or in the garden. It is only important to follow all the conditions correctly.
  3. A conspiracy against osteochondrosis should always be at hand.

Treatment with bay leaf

If you can't in this moment use a spell, then carry out the next treatment option. First of all, prepare a bay leaf and pour plenty of boiling water over it. Close the jar with a lid and place it in a dark place. If possible, you can put it in a cold place. Leave it in this position throughout the night. The tincture should be consumed daily, three times a day. After you drink the tincture, do not drink it or eat it. The course of treatment lasts about a week. It is important to remember that the duration of treatment must be clear. You do not have the right to extend or reduce the length of the period. This may bring you unpleasant side effects, which will ultimately turn out to be even stronger than the initial stage of the disease.

In combination with the tincture, you can apply compresses. Apply the leaf to the sore spot and keep it warm. It is worth keeping it for as long as possible. Soon the symptoms will become less pronounced.

Magic to help

In order to get rid of osteochondrosis, you need to use special spells for osteochondrosis. The most commonly used ritual is one that uses salt. Place salt in a small bag and warm it up before going to bed. You can use a regular stove and frying pan, or microwave. While the salt is heating, you should read the “Our Father” prayers. Apply the bag to the most painful place and read the words written by the traditional healer. Only she knows the most effective words aimed at quick help.

You should never exceed the level of treatment. It is worth remembering that traditional methods are always used in conjunction with traditional medicine and sports activities. The only condition is that before this you should be diagnosed by a doctor and get his advice. This is the only way you can minimize the damage you can cause to yourself.

Effective words for the treatment of osteochondrosis

This method is quite effective and has a quick duration. For this plot against osteochondrosis, you should prepare a stick made of aspen. It is important that there is a knot on it. Apply the stick to the most painful place.

“A bitch has no right to have illnesses and hardships. May I, the servant of God (name), get rid of the disease and regain my former health. Let my back get rid of the disease and become more mobile. I can no longer live with the fact that my back does not allow me to move normally. You bitch, come to my aid. My word will forever remain unchanged. May my back pain disappear forever and never return. A branch attached to my neck will help me. I need my neck so that I can work and enjoy life. It seems to me that I have already said the right words, and soon the heavenly powers will come to my aid. Amen".

After the ritual, do not forget to consume medications. Soon, the desired result will be achieved, and you will be able to return to normal life. Magic, of course, can help in any situation. It’s just that it requires special conditions to be met. You should not change the words of the conspiracy, or change the order of actions. It is necessary to read such conspiracies only during the waning moon. It is this that contributes to the fact that the disease stops progressing and begins to gradually subside. Once the moon completely stops waning, your disease will disappear forever and can never return.

Attitudes towards conspiracies and prayers for the treatment of various manifestations are ambiguous.

Someone, tired of constant pain in the spine that traditional medicine is unable to cure, turns with hope to sorcerers and healers, someone snorts contemptuously, confident that since they did not help, then words will do nothing.

So is there a conspiracy that can relieve back pain or is it just another hoax?

When word therapy helps

The very plot to prevent back pain is not capable of healing damaged intervertebral discs or restoring the elasticity of cartilage tissue.

But if carried out correctly, it can relieve pain for a long time. This is not always possible, but only if:

  • The ritual is performed by a “sorcerer” who has already helped a friend or relative, or maybe is simply well known as a “strong magician.”
  • The prayer is read by a loved one whom the patient trusts.
  • Independent reading of the therapeutic text, focused and with confidence in success. It is advisable to observe additional details of the ritual (reading into the wind or into the water) - such little things help you concentrate and increase the likelihood of success.

Complete trust in the doctor and confidence that healing prayer will have a healing effect can awaken the body’s defenses, give the necessary “push” to the body, an incentive to cope with pain, and ensure the success of recovery with the help of and.

People wondering whether it is possible to heal a herniated disc in order to get rid of this disease forever should understand that it is impossible to restore damaged cartilage.

You can only stop the development of the destructive process, reduce pain and partially restore the mobility of the damaged area of ​​the spine.

What to read

There are many conspiracies for the spine and for exacerbation of osteochondrosis. There are general ones, and there are individual ones, for a specific area of ​​the back, for example, the cervical region.

With their help, you can help yourself during a painful attack, when it is not possible to immediately see a doctor. For self-help or helping a loved one, you can read such texts.

For lumbar pain

It should be read into milk or water, and then the patient should be given this liquid to drink. The text can also be used when your neck hurts. Healers claim that correct performance of the ritual can relieve back pain for a long time.

If the disk is damaged

There are several therapeutic texts that tell you how to heal a vertebral hernia in an adult. For example, a conspiracy with the moon ()

Traditional healers believe that in this way you can speak not only from or another hernia - this method can cope with almost all spinal problems; you only need to carry out these rituals for several weeks.

Turning to healers or reading healing prayers yourself can bring significant relief, especially during a painful attack.

But even if this technique helped, you should not rely only on it, neglecting therapeutic exercises and the recommendations of doctors - this can only harm yourself, aggravating the course of the disease, especially during an exacerbation.

Healing magic is used in combination with other methods or as primary therapy. The result of such treatment depends on the choice of ritual. A conspiracy for lower back pain can be read by a caring parent or the patient himself. Universal conspiracies are used for urgent treatment or prevention of disease.

Using magic to relieve back pain

Healing magic

Magic is used to heal all parts of the body. For children who cannot take care of themselves, secret magical actions are carried out by parents - during such treatment, children can sleep or be present while the plot is being read. Self-medication is practiced by adults who do not always trust traditional medicine. They use magic for prevention, when there is no need to weaken the body by constantly taking medications.

Healing magic is used:

  • before the main treatment, so that it does not allow you to live fully;
  • during the main treatment to speed up the work of medications and therapy;
  • after treatment for quick recovery when the patient is weakened physically and spiritually.

Magic not only reduces the level of pain, but also helps to tune in to the right mood, perk up and believe in a speedy recovery.

If a person is far from home, quick spells temporarily relieve pain - such magic does not cure, but gives time to get to the hospital. Conspiracies are also used in cases where a person is tormented by chronic diseases, which are difficult and expensive to combat with the help of traditional medicine.

One or more spells are used to treat diseases. The duration and course of treatment directly depends on the patient’s condition. It is important that a person believes in the forces to which he turns. If one spell does not help, the magical treatment is changed. You need to find your own plot that will work quickly and effectively. Magic works from attributes, so you cannot use old things unless there is such a prescription. With the correct implementation of therapeutic measures with the help of magic, it will be possible to contain chronic diseases and

Conspiracies from the lower back

Back pain is the result of injury, poor lifestyle or chronic fatigue. Whatever the cause of constant or recurrent back pain, magic will help improve your quality of life. First of all, the patient needs a diagnosis - without defining the disease, it is impossible to choose a slander. For the magic to work, preparation is necessary.

Magical preparation consists of cleansing the home and body. For this, two additional rituals are used:

  • allows you to drive away all the negativity. If it is the cause of constant back pain, over time, after several cleanses, all symptoms will go away. If the cause of lower back pain is different, cleansing is used as preparation for a quick recovery. To do this, carry out a general cleaning of the entire house using a concentrated solution of salt water. After this, the owner walks around the home with a candle, reciting the “Our Father” prayer.
  • To cleanse the body before using the healing ritual, a prayer is read at dawn. The conspirator goes outside, washes himself with the morning dew and reads the words

General preparation prepares human energy for future influences. The person also prepares himself for the fact that he will soon stop suffering from lower back pain.

Conspiracies for lower back pain work in the shortest possible time. Effective and fast-acting spells to soothe lower back pain:

  • for the treatment of osteochondrosis and similar symptoms;
  • for the treatment of scoliosis.

Children's slander is more gentle, because Children's energy is not protected and may suffer due to outside interference.

For an adult, performing the ritual does not require assistants. How less people will know about treatment methods, the better the slander will work. Children, especially small ones, also do not need to know about magic: the entire ritual is translated into a playful form or carried out while the baby is sleeping. It is important that the child is not afraid, otherwise the magic will be harmful.

Universal conspiracy for osteochondrosis

Treatment of osteochondrosis takes place in several stages, because a person lives with such a diagnosis for years, and over time the situation only gets worse. Osteochondrosis can be chronic, which complicates the treatment process. A universal conspiracy will help cure your back at any stage. Folk rituals are carried out during this period; the heavenly body helps to get rid of everything that worsens a person’s life. The spell for osteochondrosis is learned by heart; you cannot change the sequence of words in the magic text or stammer during the ritual.

Preparing the ritual

Universal that protects a person, protects him from any danger. Turning to the Angel will activate his help, and back pain will immediately go away. For the conversion to be successful, holy water and a church candle are prepared. The patient also needs to attend Sunday service. It is better to go around all the icons and ask the higher powers for blessings - their help will strengthen the main prayer. At home, no one should touch candles or water until the evening. As soon as the sun sets, the ritual begins.

Reading the plot

A prayer read over a glass of holy water will help heal your back. In the evening, a candle is lit, which is the only lighting in the room where the ritual is being held. The back needs to be exposed so that the candle light falls on it. The patient puts his hands on the lower back and waits until warmth comes from his hands, and only then begins to read the magic words:

“My guardian angel, patron saint, cleanse my body from pain and torment. Bless me, help me, save me. Let it be so. Amen".

You need to read the plot three times. Without removing his hands from his back, a person imagines how the light from a candle heals. He visualizes recovery, imagines how he can lead any lifestyle with a healthy back. After this, he takes three sips of holy water, and washes his back with the remaining liquid.

If the pain does not go away the next morning, the ritual is repeated.

A simple spell for diseases

Universal plot for scoliosis

A conspiracy in the bathhouse saves you from scoliosis. This is a simple but effective ritual that cannot be performed anywhere else. Strong conspiracy Do not repeat it more often than once every three months, otherwise it will be of no use. Back treatment is carried out in a complex - before the ritual in the bathhouse, a simple conspiracy is used to reduce pain syndrome, and then prepare the main ritual.

Preparing the ritual

Magical healing is not complete without attributes. For the bath you need to prepare several birch twigs - the straightest branch is used as the basis of a broom. A lush broom is made from the remaining branches, tying them with a new red ribbon. The branches must be fresh, then the treatment will go faster. The patient collects the broom with his own hands; no one else, not even close people, can do this for him. A strong conspiracy is read on a full moon or on a new moon. For the treatment to work, the ritual is carried out for three days in a row, using the same broom. If the back pain intensifies, additional cleansing is carried out before the ceremony: at dawn the patient washes himself with dew and reads the Lord’s Prayer.

Reading the plot

A strong ritual is performed alone. The patient must light the bath himself and prepare all the attributes. When the skin has steamed, the whole body is fanned with a homemade broom: the place where it hurts the most is carefully beaten. Repeat the action until you feel warmth in your back. After this, you can start reading the plot:

“I hit, I knock out, I get rid of the pain. As soon as she came, she left and never returned. I restore my health, and knock out the pain with a birch tree. They block the path of the disease, it can no longer get through. Amen".

You need to read the plot for lower back pain slowly, continuing to hit the sore spot with a broom. New pain should not be allowed to occur. Complete strong ritual When the pressure in the back decreases, the stiffness of movements goes away. After the bath, the patient returns home and, without talking to anyone, goes to bed. In the morning, treatment continues. The patient washes himself with holy water at dawn and reads the “Our Father” prayer three times.

While reading the plot, you should hit the sore spots with a broom.

Universal plot for children

To save a small child from pain, you need the powers of Saint Anastasia to save children from suffering. On Sunday, the whole family needs to go to church and pray for the well-being of the family; if the child is able, he independently turns to the saints asking for help. To help the pain leave the child’s body faster, holy water and 9 wax candles are taken home after the service. At home, an additional ritual is performed for children’s pain when the child feels discomfort in the back.

Preparing the ritual

The ritual is carried out while the child is sleeping, on the day of a major religious holiday - on such days it will be possible to free the baby from constant pain. The candles need to be sprinkled with holy water, and the remaining liquid should be poured into the basin. In the room where the ritual is performed, all windows are opened.

Reading the plot

A candle is left near the child's head. On it, the parents of a sick child recite the “Our Father” prayer nine times. After this, another 8 candles are placed near the bed. The child's back is carefully washed with water prepared in advance. If the baby wakes up, you should not scare him. While washing the baby’s body, parents say:

“As water cleanses, as it washes, it saves from pain. Let him free, let him save, let him save God’s servant (name) from harm. No refund. Pain go away, don't come again. Amen".

The incantation is repeated three times, after which the used water is poured under a dry dead tree. The candle stubs are stored until the child has fully recovered. If necessary, the magical effect is repeated after 2-3 weeks.

Conspiracy against child illnesses

A conspiracy against scoliosis in children

To treat childhood scoliosis, they use a special spell for severe lower back pain on food, which the child will then eat. Before preparing food, a close relative of the child speaks about the ingredients from which the meal will be prepared. For children, this treatment is the safest and most harmless.

Preparing the ritual

The treat is prepared early in the morning, before the child wakes up. For products, use the first part of the spell:

“Food nourishes, food saves, from trouble, from illness. As I prepare it, I will save God’s servant (name) from eternal harm. I'm driving away the illness. She can’t find her way back, she can’t cross the threshold again. Amen".

Reading the plot

The second part of the spell is pronounced in ready dish. While it is hot, the magic words are spoken:

“Food will heal, food will save. Just as the treat was prepared with good intentions, it saved and protected from pain and illness. No pain will return again, no illness will grow in this body. Let it be so. Amen".

While cooking, the mother or father thinks about the child’s recovery. As soon as the baby wakes up, he must eat all the treats.

If necessary, the ritual is repeated after a week. The same spell is used to charge any drink that can be given to a child.


Magic not only creates new opportunities, but also helps in the treatment of serious illnesses. Back pain can turn a person's life into a complete misery. To help an adult or a child, use a universal or special spell. Magic words are read on a sleeping child, or food is charmed with their help. For adults, use treatment in a bathhouse with a homemade broom or a morning cleansing ritual.

Almost every person in his life is faced with various diseases of the joints or musculoskeletal system. In addition to application medications, it is recommended to carry out various rituals and ceremonies that will help cope with diseases. But at the same time, experts in the field of esotericism still recommend not using magic as a panacea, using spells and prayers for back pain. It is imperative to combine them with traditional methods of treatment and medical prescriptions.

To get rid of back discomfort and reduce the severity of symptoms of musculoskeletal diseases, it is recommended to follow certain rules when reading prayers and spells:

  1. When pronouncing a prayer or spell, you should speak quietly, without pronounced intonation; it is better to let it be a whisper. Pronounce each word clearly, and if water or any other ritual object is spoken, there must be aspiration. This way the enchanted object will receive more positive energy, and the ritual will be more effective.
  2. It is better for the rituals to be performed by a healthy person, a blood relative.
  3. It is very important to believe in the power of words and magical action.
  4. With the help of magic you can heal even a person who does not believe in it.
  5. Before using magic, it is recommended to pray to your guardian angel or patron saint.
  6. If a ritual is performed using water, after it is performed, pour the water into a deserted place so that no one accidentally steps on it and takes the disease with them.

By following these recommendations, you can quickly get rid of back problems. But keep in mind that it is impossible to protect yourself from them using magic. Also, if a person suffers greatly from pain, it is necessary to go to representatives of official medicine. In some cases, only medication or surgical treatment, without which a person will not be able to move independently. In such cases, magic is powerless.

Effective spells for back pain

An effective conspiracy against osteochondrosis for a person who is suffering from pain can be carried out using a simple pin. In order for the ritual to bring the desired result, it is spoken and fixed on the inside of the attire of the sick person. Traditional healers believe that such a talisman can not only cure, but also protect in the future from exacerbations of chronic ailments. To make the ritual for back diseases effective, read the following words on an open pin:

“Metal pin, take away your ailments, take away your pain. May the sick (name) be healed, healthy and happy. Let metal save you from pain and heal. May the magical words spoken and whispered by me come true. Key, lock, tongue."

Attach the charmed pin to your clothes and wear it without taking it off. When a person feels relief from his condition, remove the pin and bury him in a deserted place, whispering:

“I will bury you deep in the ground. I will bury my illness with you forever. Let it be so".

With spindle

When medicine is powerless, your back hurts and aches, and treatment pharmaceutical drugs helps only for a while, a spell for back pain using a spindle will help. Of course, acquiring such an antique item can be difficult. But you need to try, because such a ritual is very powerful. They whisper secret words during sunset. The patient should face the sun's rays, and sore spot The back is circled with a spindle and the text is spoken:

“I will speak to the patient (name). The sun goes to sleep, leaves the earth for a while. But let the spinal ailment go away forever. Oh, you are a red sun, my dear brother. As you circle the earth, you will take my ailments with you forever. Let my words be strong. Nobody can break them. Lord, let your will be done. I will speak in holy words and ask for help from higher powers. Amen".

When saying a prayer, move the spindle along the back, from the back of the head to the tailbone. Next, the patient should lie down to rest. Hide the spindle in a secluded place.

For milk

This conspiracy is one of the simplest and does not require anything other than a glass of milk, knowledge of the right words and sincere faith.

The milk spell is one of the simplest.

To get rid of cervical, thoracic or lumbar osteochondrosis, the simplest ritual is performed. You will need a glass of fresh milk. Place it on the table and read the following slander:

“I will speak milk with holy words and pure deeds. Let all the ducks go. From the back, neck, arms, legs, all over the body. Veins, bones, joints, vertebrae, cartilage. Everything is healthy, whole and strong. Amen".

In the bath

For lower back pain you can also read a spell or good prayers that relieve pain. But they can only help if you sincerely believe in their power and have pure thoughts. You will need a birch or oak broom that has already served its purpose. Heat the bathhouse, lie down on the shelf. While stroking the sore spot with a broom, speak a conspiracy. While reading, imagine how this object takes away all the pain and ailments:

“I’ll stroke you, duck, and speak with a strong oak broom. Just as this strong broom does not break, so may your back, joints, bones, cartilage, and veins not break. Take with you, strong oak, all the pain and illness. Let it be so".

Then bury the broom in a deserted place. But you can’t take a steam bath if you have hernias, and if you have severe pain, it’s also not allowed. Rub the affected area with camphor oil after the bath. You also need to maintain secrecy. No one should know about the rituals performed, otherwise they will lose their power.

Prayers for pain relief

“I will speak the sacred water and drive away all ailments and pains. Now your back will not hurt, your heart will rejoice, your soul will become pure, your body will be free from suffering. The pain stops, all ailments go away, the back is healed from the hernia, and does not suffer from illnesses. Key, language."

For a hernia, charm your back three times, then carefully rub your back with the charmed church water. Very quickly the ritual will bring the desired results.

Venerable Agapit

This great martyr helps those people who suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal and joint system. Read prayers before the icon of the saint:

“Jealous of God-bearing Anthony’s humility, like some kind of medicine, potion, you healed the sick, Reverend Agapit, thus convincing the doctor that he was unfaithful, you guided him on the path of salvation. Heal our illnesses too and pray to the Lord for those who sing your praises.”

If such a text is difficult to learn by heart, it is better to read it from a piece of paper, but at the same time very sincerely believe in the help of higher powers.

Great Martyr Panteleimon

To prevent back pain, there is another conspiracy, prayers to Saint Panteleimon. Whisper a petition in front of his icon:

“Oh, great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and much-merciful physician Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the heavenly, supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may He grant me healing from the illness that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man above all. Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal my body and sinful soul, may I be healthy forever in my soul and body, the rest of my days, by the grace of God I will bow, I will be able to spend in repentance and pleasing God and I will be worthy to receive a good end my life. Helper and God's servant! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant health to my body and salvation to my soul. Amen".

With the help of such a prayer, pain relief will occur quickly. The vertebrae will no longer break and hurt. This saint will also help if there is a case of spinal curvature deformity.