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Why I love the Donbass project. I love you, dear Donbass. Looking at illustrations of your native land

Municipal preschool educational institution

Department of Education of the city of Shakhtersk

"Miner's Nursery - Garden No. 6"

Additional material for conducting

classes in the senior group on the topic:

“My homeland is Donbass.

Legends of my land."

Prepared by:


Kochura Natalya Nikolaevna

Additional material for conducting classes in the senior group on the topic:"Legends of my land."

Program content:

Teach: Continue acquaintance with folk traditions and customs. Expand words knowledge. Strengthen your knowledge of labor proverbs.
Develop: Curiosity. Attention, memory, speech.
To foster: Interest in studying the culture and customs of one’s ancestors. Love for one’s native land and work.

Target: To identify the level of children’s knowledge about the flora and fauna of the Donetsk region, about its minerals. To consolidate children's knowledge about their region and the legends of its origin. To form and develop feelings of mutual assistance and support. Cultivate love for your native land.
Vocabulary work: Local history museum, nature reserve, Sea of ​​Azov, coal, feather grass,

1.Introductory conversation.-What is the name of the edge? In which . we are living?

Reading a poem "Donetsk region"

Donetsk region, mining region,
My beloved dear,
Bloom like a beautiful rose,
Edenic, unearthly!

You won't find a place like this -
Take off into the clouds!
Bloom unfadingly
For many centuries!!!

Hear, dear lands,
Words of my love:
Donbass, oh, my Motherland,
Live blissfully!
Give a bountiful harvest,
Salt, coal and metal!!
Donetsk region is a GREAT EDGE!
And who didn't know about it? ( Sergey Ajax)

2. Consideration of illustrations of the native land.

“The waste heaps stand majestically and proudly. Clouds float above them, as if eternity itself is passing over them.
There is something poetic in the thoughtful and wise appearance of waste heaps. How much human labor is there! Don't calculate, don't measure! They were poured by more than one generation of miners. They stacked up stone by stone, block by block. Many are already old, with wrinkled slopes overgrown with weeds, with removed rails, humpbacked from time to time. There are also new ones, just being born, they are not yet taller than one-story buildings . Mining mountains- close, foggy, ash-gray, steep-topped, reddish-brown, oblong, withered helmets like giantswick. In summer, they are scorched by the scorching sun. In winter, they are snow-covered, and if the wind blows the snow away from the top, it seems as if the mountains are waist-deep in snowdrifts. The waste heaps are especially beautiful in the morning: from a distance they are pale lilac, purple. At night it’s full of flickering lights, as if the mountain inside is red-hot and fire breaks through here and there. Many waste heaps have stood in the Donetsk steppe for at least a century. They have seen vines and blizzards, withering heat and threatening downpours like floods. They are shrouded in bluish haze, like degends. A low bow to them, timeless monuments to the hard work of miners!" (L. Zharikov)

“O Donets! Much glory to you for cherishing the prince on the waves, spreading green grass for him on your silver shores, dressing him with warm mists under the shade of a green tree, guarding him with goldeneye on the water, seagulls on the waves, ducks on the winds.” ("The Tale of Igor's Campaign")

"Donbass is a land of strong people, people with a beautiful soul and a great heart" (L. Lukov)

"Donetsk is beautiful with its people, its achievements, beautiful with itself. And these sweet and familiar corners of our beloved city are in us, in our memory. A small drop of the beauty that surrounds us. We live nearby and sometimes we don’t notice. Take a closer look at your city, look around heart. A pink dawn, when the first rays illuminate the tops of waste heaps. Or on a sunny day, without disturbing his work rhythm. In the evening, with the appearance of twinkling stars on the silk of the sky. Or on a moonlit night, inhaling the delicate aroma of blooming roses. Look closely, and let the thin string ring in your soul unity and belonging to this big, noisy and so dear Donetsk" (V. Bychkova)

3. Meet the legends


The first mine of Donbass was built in Lisichaya Balka above the Donets. The miners were slowly biting into the belly of the Earth. The deeper they went underground, the harder the rock became. It was as if nature itself was resisting, did not want to open the storerooms to people. The miners are chiseling the rock with picks, chiseling with picks, but there is nothing to fill the bucket for lifting to the surface. And so they scooped up the last handful of small fragments of rock, threw them into the bucket and thought: “What to do next? How to get to coal? The breed was tougher than the pack. In addition, a huge wild stone was encountered on the way and did not allow the miners to turn around. The miner Ivan got angry and swung his pickaxe with all his might. And he was powerfully built, seasoned in work. How can he hit that stone? The blow turned out to be so powerful that a bright sheaf of sparks flashed from under the pickaxe, and a strong deafening sound was heard, reminiscent of spring thunder. And that thunderous roar began to roll underground throughout Donbass. At the same moment, something crackled and scraped around. And suddenly the stone fell off. A wonderful sparkling dungeon appeared before the miners' eyes. The miners were dumbfounded. They look and don’t believe their eyes. An underground gallery opened in front of them, similar to the hall of an ice palace. Sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow, a bright column of light poured from above. With its many facets it was reflected on the floor and walls, creating an unprecedented spectacle that could enchant anyone. The miners slowly went down, looked around, and carefully touched the shiny black crystals of the dungeon walls with their hands.

One miner says with admiration:

Look how beautiful it is! Like black gold!
Another immediately clarifies:

That's the thing! This is coal. What a joy!

At the same time, a light breeze blew from the depths of the hall and measured steps were heard. Out of nowhere, some huge creature appeared before them. At first it was something vague, unclear, like a transparent cloud, then it began to thicken and took on a human form. Now it was like a fairy-tale giant standing in front of them. His huge body, strong muscular arms, powerful heroic legs seemed to be carved from a block of coal. Approaching the aliens, he spoke in a human voice, which echoed in the dungeon.

I am the owner of underground storerooms. Please introduce yourself: who are you and why did you come here?

The miners were momentarily confused. But only for a moment. Remembering the rule that nature is conquered only by the strong, brave and skillful, they again regained courage and confidence. One of them, Ivan, took a decisive step forward.

He introduced himself as a workman at the Lipetsk Metallurgical Plant, holding his head proudly and looking at the giant. - On the Lipetsk River he mined and smelted iron

ore. 1 Now, according to the Tsar’s regulations, I came to the Donets to mine coal.

His partner stepped forward behind him and smartly introduced himself:

Peter from Olonets province. At the Aleksandrovsky plant in Petrozavodsk he smelted iron ore and cast cannons. And now Ivan and I are the first miners of Donbass.

It was clear from everything that the owner of the underground storerooms liked the aliens. He spoke to them simply naturally, as if they were equals.

I have been keeping these underground riches for millions of years. More than once people tried to take them. But not everyone received such an honor. In one case, the coal went deep underground, disappearing without a trace. In another, he was flooded with water. The underground storerooms were tightly locked and waited for their time. Now that time has come.

The underground giant approached the miners and looked into their eyes:

You are people of a fiery profession, akin to Prometheus. You have dared to do great and glorious things. I've been waiting for these for a long time. I hope you will manage this countless wealth wisely. Coal, like the sun, will give people warmth and light and bring happiness to many. I solemnly present you with the keys to the underground storerooms. Keep them forever. Discover wealth with them only for the benefit of the people.

The giant jingled a bunch of golden keys and handed them to the miners. Such a strong golden glow emanated from the keys that, like the sun, it was impossible to look at them for long. And the rich melodic ringing, emanating from the keys, as if from a thousand Voldai bells, floated like a silver stream through the dungeon and slowly faded away in the coal seams. And the underground giant said:

Let these keys, as a most valuable relic, be forever kept on this hill, which from ancient times was called the Falcon Mountains.

^ The miners, with great enthusiasm, reverently accepted this priceless gift. The words of the giant, the owner of the underground storerooms, sank deep into their souls. They perceived them as a testament to all generations of the emerging mining tribe.

It’s hard to even imagine what the first miners of Donbass experienced in these minutes. The underground giant breathed enormous strength into them, filled them with great energy, gave

a charge of vivacity for many, many centuries. And since then there has been an endless stream of black gold from the underground storerooms of Donbass. And the golden keys are still kept in Lisichaya Balka


The viper, their mysterious land or earthly paradise is not like the birds. The bird is somewhere on the warm waters, behind the forests and behind the heroes, and the viper is in the Russian land. This is what old people say about him.
A weak girl went into the forest and fell into this hole. She fell through, fell to the bottom, and the vipers hissed. And the biggest and, probably, the wisest of them, hissed at them - they all fell silent. They themselves are weak and can barely crawl.

And a gray stone lay there by itself. Whatever viper gets close to him will lick and lick that stone. And then she moves away to the side, and much more quickly than she approached.

And the eldest one hangs around that girl and bows, nodding her head indicating that she too should lick that stone.

“I,” the girl later said, “took a long time to strengthen myself: as much as nine days!” And then she licked it herself. And I immediately recovered and the hunger disappeared - I didn’t even want to eat.
And when the time came for the vipers to come out, everyone went wild. The eldest stood in an arch, and the girl stood on top of her and climbed out.
Who knows, perhaps the gray stone was the prototype of the “lick” that is made from rock salt for animals to this day.
Snakes are known to be wise! It’s not for nothing that people have long had a saying: “Wise as a snake.”

It is possible that the primitive and ancient people already knew about the benefits of salt and used it. Or they sensed it instinctively, adopting the habits of animals.

What remains unknown to us, distant descendants, is neither the discoverer of that time, nor the exact date of discovery of this useful mineral, of which the Donetsk Ridge is so rich. It is known only from retellings that salt production was practiced on the Tor River back in the 13th century. And in the 16th century, under Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the first settlers allegedly appeared -

salt workers and on the Bakhmutka River.


And when the ore miners

We joined the search for a strange flammable stone, and then things got much more fun.
Against my will, I return again and again to that thought, or maybe just a guess-assumption, that the first settlers, its discoverers, could hardly have done without the help of chance and the wild animals that lived next to them in the hitherto sparsely populated, almost deserted steppes.

The writer Leonid Zharikov has either a legend, a fairy tale, or a real fairy tale about this.

Donbass is a happy land. And there is a fairy tale about how underground treasures were discovered.

A villager with a gun was walking along the steppe. He looks at a deep hole in the ground. I looked into it, and the fox cubs were hiding there. He pulled everyone out one by one and rejoiced: “Hey, my hat will be good!” And then the mother fox came running, saw her children in the man’s arms and said:

Give me my children, man, I’ll open a treasure for you. I thought

the guy thought and decided: what if the truth gives

treasure, it’s not for nothing that the fox asks so pitifully.

Okay, fox, you have your babies on you, and for this, show me the treasure.

Take a spade,” says the fox, “and dig here.”

You will find the treasure.

Again the man believed the fox, took a pick and shovel and began to dig. At first the ground was soft and it was easy to dig. And then the stone began to fall, and I had to take a pickaxe. He hammered and hammered, he was sweating all over, but there was no treasure.
“Well, the cheating fox apparently cheated.” Our guy thought so, but he continued to dig - he was interested, and he had made such a hole, it was a pity to give up work: what if he really gets to the bottom of the treasure? He went to dig again and looked: black, black earth appeared. The guy is dirty from head to toe - only his eyes sparkle, but there is still no treasure. He spat, climbed out of the hole and lit a cigarette out of frustration. He sits and smokes, thinking: how did this happen and why did he believe the fox? Who doesn’t know that the fox is cunning... He finished his cigarette and threw the cigarette butt to the side.

How much time has passed there, but he can only smell the smell of smoke. He looked one way, the other, looked back - there was no fire anywhere, only in the place where he threw the cigarette butt, fragments of black stones began to smoke. He himself broke them out of the ground and threw them to the surface with a shovel. He looks and is amazed: the stones are burning! He collected other pieces nearby, threw them into the fire, and these started working, and how hot it was! And then our treasure hunter realized: he collected black stones in a bag and brought them to his hut, threw them into the stove, and the stones lit up and hummed before our eyes. The next morning I ran to my pit and again screamed at flammable stones. And here comes a fox.

Hello, kind man. Am I happy with me?

You are a cunning one, Patrikeevna, you deceived me: look what a hole you dug, but there is no treasure.

I didn't deceive you, man. You have found a treasure, because combustible stones are the richest treasure!

“And that’s true,” the man thought to himself and said to the fox:

Well, if so, thank you, little fox... Live in the world, enjoy your children.
He put the bag of flammable stones on his back and carried it.
And again a hot flame blazed and hummed in the stove, so much so that you could even open the windows and doors and run out of the house.

The guy didn’t say a word to anyone in the village about the lucky black stones. But can you hide from people? We looked at him, where he walked with the sack, saw how the stones were burning, and let us dig and praise our neighbor, saying, what a profit he made for us.
Rumors spread about black stones throughout the area. Glory reached Tsar Peter. He asked that guy to come to him: “What kind of miracle stones did you find, as if there was a great heat from them?” Well, he told the king the whole truth and did not forget about the fox. Tsar Peter was surprised and ordered to call the most distinguished nobleman to send him and a man to those steppe regions and the Cossack city of Bystryansk and there to look for flammable stones, burn them and try to repair them.
The nobleman talked with the uncle, learned the secret about the fox and the black stones. The nobleman listened and rejoiced: it means that there are many fur-bearing animals in those parts, if a simple fox is capable of | (and such things. He quickly took a double-barreled gun, belted himself with three bandoleers and appeared before the clear royal eyes:

Ready to go, Your Royal Majesty!

Why did you take the fusée? - Peter asks about the gun.

Hunt, Your Majesty... The man said there are a lot of foxes there.

The king says to him:

This means that you, nobleman, are not capable of conducting state affairs if, first of all, you think about yourself and about hunting. And if so, then go serve in the kennel...
Instead of the nobleman, the tsar ordered to call a man intelligent in the sciences named Kapustin. The king gave him his pick and shovel and ordered him to go to the Cossack steppes to look for deposits of combustible stone.
It was then, my friend, that its treasures were discovered in Donbass - coal seams. And from that time on, mines went all over our vast Donetsk land.

Go to the city of Lisichansk - you will see Grigory Kapustin, there is a monument to him made of pure bronze. And if you go to the steppe and meet a little fox, bow to her.

Once again I remembered the popular legend about how Peter the Great himself discovered a stone that could catch fire and give off intense heat. This was allegedly when he was returning from the next Azov campaign. The soldiers allegedly threw those coals into the fire, and they caught fire. At that moment, the king, marveling and rejoicing, seemed to utter the historical words: “This mineral, if not for us, then for our descendants, will be very useful.”
I won’t repeat myself - this legend has been rolled and rolled from generation to generation, this way and that, in different ways.

A legend is a legend, but Peter the Great actually said these words. Maybe after tests that foreign craftsmen performed on the found stone.


Once upon a time, a hunter wandered through the wild steppe, through ravines and clearings, through ravine copses in search of prey. I'm already a little tired. Meanwhile, the sun had moved westward since midday, and it was time to return home - wow, it was a long walk to get home!

And he decided to rest a little, and at the same time eat something to replenish his strength and warm his insides with boiling water. He took from his shoulder a hare caught in a hunt, a black grouse caught by villagers, a bag of matting with several perches, which he caught by the handful on small and narrow rifts in Lugan. And on the way here he noticed a spring in the bayrak, and he went down to it.
Then he began to collect dried wood for the fire. He sees that at the foot of the steep slope of the ravine there is a fresh slope - a fox hole. However, what a miracle: the earth that the redhead was raking out with her paws was somehow unusual - black, very black in appearance, and black pebbles, large and small, glittered in it. I looked around the hole. There was no doubt: fox. Yes, the reddish fur got stuck in the weeds.

The hunter returned, cleared out the old shepherd's fire pit, lined it with black stones brought from the fox hole, and struck a fire. When the dried fire flared up, I placed the whole perch wrapped in burdock in the heat, and sprinkled the same black earth on top so that it would evaporate faster and bake evenly. And lay down to rest...

After some time, he rushed to look at the baking fish and was terribly surprised: the earth and pebbles brought from the hole were now not black, but red, covered in blue lights on top. I quickly cleared away the fire, but only ash remained from the perch - it burned down along with the burdock leaves.
- Are you looking? - the hunter was amazed. - The earth is burning! Or is it a demonic obsession?
He sat, in thought and bewilderment, looking at the hitherto unheard-of phenomenon, and then he took the same stones from the hole and threw them into the heat. At first it began to smoke slightly, and then small tongues of greenish-red flame poked out through the smoke.
“What a miracle! - the hunter was even more amazed. “The earth is burning!”
He forgot about fatigue and food. He quickly filled the empty bag with those pebbles and black earth, picked up the game, hare and fish, tightened his walking belt and hurried into the settlement to tell his fellow villagers about the unprecedented miraculous find. And before his eyes all the time he had a vision of the recently burning earth.


They say that the hero Svyatogor once met with the Pechenegs. There were many of them, but he was alone.
And a battle ensued between them. The fierce battle lasted for a long time. Many Pechenegs were killed by Svyatogorov’s great sword. And he, wounded, continued to fight.
But then the enemy’s poisoned arrow pierced the body of the hero... Svyatogor felt weakness throughout his body... The giant understood - the end had come.
He looked at the white light: at the high chalk steep mountains, at the blue waters of the Donets, bowed to the mane of his faithful maned friend and quietly crawled off him, lay down under the rock above the Seversky Donets. He died there.
And people named this area after him - Svyatogorye.

Among the Azov Pomeranians, there have long been their own legends about the name of the Sea of ​​​​Azov. They are connected with the name of a fisherman’s daughter, a certain Aza.

According to one legend, Aza lived on the very shore of our sea with her old father. And she was so beautiful that all the boys couldn’t take their eyes off her. She didn’t pay attention to anyone, because, they say, she was too proud. She also boasted that she didn’t like anyone.

All the guys who lived nearby agreed, came to Aza and invited her to choose a groom among them. The beauty looked at them, thought, and then said:

You will compete. Whoever of you defeats his comrades will be my betrothed.

And the fellows began to compete. Odin came out of that competition victorious, but Aza refused him and even began to mock the boys. She deceived her opponents. They were angry with the proud woman, they took her and drowned her in the sea.

Until now, when the water approaches the shore, either crying or a groan is heard from the sea. Old people say that it is the beautiful Aza who is crying about her unfound betrothed. And the sea is supposedly called Azov on her behalf...

According to another legend, Aza also lived on the shore of our sea and was also indescribably beautiful, but, unlike the first, this one loved a good-looking, wonderful guy. Yes, the alarming hour came, and Azin’s beloved went to war with the Turks. And before the hike, he gave the girl a gold ring so that she would wait and not forget her beloved. With the verdict he gave:

If you lose this ring, I will know about your infidelity.
Several years have passed. Aza treasured the gift like the apple of her eye. And she kept waiting and looking out for the lad from the hike, but he still didn’t return. And then one day trouble happened. The girl went to the sea to wash her clothes, got lost in thought and accidentally dropped the ring into the water. And then, out of nowhere, a wave muddied the water - and the gift disappeared. Poor Aza got scared, rushed into the waves to get her dear loss, and drowned.
Since then, they say, the sea is called Azov after the name of a mediocre girl who never saw her sweetheart back from the trip.

The third legend tells about two sisters.
Near the big water (that is, somewhere near our sea), they say, there once lived an old fisherman. His wife died long ago, leaving the unfortunate woman with two daughters. One of them, the eldest, was called Aza, and the other, the smaller one, was called the Golden-Braided Gerbil. The sisters were so beautiful that whoever saw them would forget about the dream from that moment on: he kept thinking about them. And the girls were choosy in their search for happiness; none of the local boys were dear to their hearts.

Every day Aza sat on the seashore, on a high cliff, and kept looking out for someone. Perhaps his betrothed, who sailed to distant alien worlds and there, as people said, died from an enemy saber.
And once, when the girl was sitting in the same thoughtfulness, a strong wind suddenly blew. Tall waves rose on the sea. They ran to the shore, hit the cliffs and moaned terribly. Suddenly, a large piece of land broke away from the cliff and, together with Aza, fell into the raging waves. The Golden-Braided Gerbil saw this and rushed from the mountain into the sea to save her older sister. And so they both drowned...
The next morning, when the sea had calmed down, the old fisherman returned from visiting, went out to the seashore and saw that his daughters were not on the steep slope, and in the place where Aza liked to sit, there was a fresh landslide. The father looked down - and there, under the very steep slope, such golden sand sparkled in the sun that it blinded the eyes! And the sea is quiet, quiet and as affectionate as its children... And the unfortunate one whined and cried bitterly...
From then on, the sea began to be called the Sea of ​​Azov, because the beautiful Aza drowned in it. And there are so many long sand spits in this sea because her younger sister, the Golden-Braided Gerbil, drowned along with Aza.


Once upon a time, a mighty and bloodthirsty snake supposedly lived on earth. He devoured many people, for there was no one stronger than him in the world.
At the same time, the blacksmiths, by the grace of God, Kuzma and Demyan, also lived. And so they decided to destroy that snake from the world in order to free their Slavic tribesmen from its terrible burden.

Once a snake came to them, and they went into the forge. And they locked the iron doors with all the unbreakable bolts of the Snake and said:

Kuzma, Demyan, God's forges, open, otherwise I will swallow you along with the forge!
And they answer:

If you have superhuman strength, then lick the doors. And then we’ll sit on your tongue - and swallow.

The snake began to lick it passionately, and in the meantime the blacksmiths heated the iron red-hot and forged huge pincers from it.
As soon as the snake licked the door and stuck out its tongue, Demyan and Kuzma grabbed that tongue with their pincers! And they started hitting with hammers...
They killed the snake thoroughly, and then harnessed the plow, which was designed for twenty pairs of oxen, and let’s plow.

They screamed across the wild steppe along and across. And no matter how much the snake asked, they did not give him anything to drink or eat.

You will also get the fat that you accumulated in public! - they refused.
- Well, if so, then before the Last Judgment I will illuminate the whole world with my fat so that you will go blind! - the snake threatened.

How long did they shout, no, but they reached the sea. The snake rushed into the sea and, well, rashly drank. I drank and drank and drank the sea. And it burst.
Kuzma and Demyan took and buried that snake under the mountain, which people then called it - Serpent Mountain.

God knows when this happened in this world. But only over time, kerosene began to flow from that mountain. It seems that the end of the world is about to come... Yes, God, thank you, as long as you have mercy. Although in the settlements even now not everyone shines with kerosene, because he is unclean...

Kuzma and Demyan, until the snake was completely tired, screamed deeply - and rivers flowed there, and when he was completely exhausted, they screamed shallowly - and beams appeared there.

This is where the rivers and ravines in the steppes came from!


Even earlier, when there was a merciless war between the Polovtsians and the Russian princes, the opponents sent, on their side, and on their side, the nosy Typchak, the daughter of the Polovtsian khan, and a brave Russian warrior named Kovyl, on reconnaissance. At night they almost collided among the Stone Graves. The moon illuminated them with bright light at that moment. The girl was struck by the fabulous beauty of the young Russian. And he, too, was captivated by her indescribable appearance. They couldn't kill each other. Just as they couldn’t betray their own. When the first rays fell on the earth, they were seen standing together in the mountains.
- Treason! - the opposing sides shouted.
Arrows flew at them from both camps. Yes, it’s high - you can’t reach it. But they didn’t have time to execute them either.

The lovers threw themselves down from a high stone and fell to their deaths.
Where drops of their blood fell, grass grew - low typchak and tall feather grass. Nature immortalized the lovers in the form of two stone bodies lying with their heads facing each other.


Nowadays, Araucarias, these evergreen conifers, are preserved only in South America, Australia and the New Caledonia Islands in the Pacific Ocean.

We, on the Donetsk Ridge, have petrified trunks of these trees, which have preserved the original internal structure, in the place where the main spur of the ridge approaches Alekseevo-Druzhkovka, on the steep slope of the gully. These trees, their petrified trunks, go ten meters deep into the ground, and their tops stick out. They occupy up to one hectare in area. Unique witnesses of the great past!

There is an interesting legend about the origin of this stone forest.
One of the goddesses - the patroness of forests - wandered for a long time in a forest rich in game. She was tired, and she wanted to eat. He sees the little bunny hiding behind a bush. She waved her magic wand and struck the gray one and was about to fry him. I inadvertently looked up, and there the tops of the trees were on fire. It turns out that they felt sorry for the poor hare, and they rebelled: the branches on the tops of their heads caught fire of their own accord.

The goddess became furious. And so that the trees could never catch fire again, she turned them into stone forever.

According to another legend, a long time ago, in the ancient forest that grew in this area, a young hunter appeared. He was handsome, brave and daring. Over his shoulders hung a sagaidak, or quiver, with arrows, and at his belt was a large hunting knife.

One day, while hunting, a young man met a girl of unprecedented beauty on a forest path. She sank deep into his heart. And she took a liking to the young hunter. And this was a slave from the courtyard of a cruel forest mistress who lived on a high hill in the forest. From the day they met, the young man and the girl began to date secretly so that the dashing lady would not find out.

Somehow they stood under spreading green branches, as if in a living tent. Suddenly an unusual rider appeared in front of them: a young, still attractive woman was sitting on a large she-wolf, covered with a colorful blanket. Her long dark hair was caught in a golden hoop.
The girl was completely numb and couldn’t open her lips. The guy guessed that this was the owner of these forests and the forest palace on the hill. There was a bad reputation about her throughout the area. And the young man became wary.
The lady liked him at first sight. She peered into his black eyes for a moment and examined his blond hair.
- Who are you, where did you come from to my lands? - she finally asked.
The young man did not answer, he only hugged the girl, who was dead with fear, tighter.

The lady's face suddenly turned red and filled with anger. She told the girl to go to her chambers, but the young hunter stood up for his beloved and did not let her go. The owner looked at the impudent guy for some time, looked at the slave, waved her whip menacingly and rushed away.
The young man grabbed the girl by the hand and led her deeper into the forest, away from trouble.
However, lightning suddenly flashed, the sky roared with thunder, and a terrible downpour fell on them. An elastic, biting wind bent the branches down and broke the trees.

This is her doing. Let's run, darling, from here quickly! - the girl exclaimed in fear.

They rushed to run, hoping to quickly escape into the Zalessi expanse.
They ran and ran, and meanwhile the forest hid, the thunderstorm and downpour subsided. And the fugitives felt that recently the soft needles on the trees had hardened, turned like stone, and these sharp needles were painfully pricking their shoulders and arms, tearing their clothes.

Do you see the forest has turned to stone? This is truly an evil trick of my mistress,” the girl lamented even more.

Bending down and dodging the sharp stone branches of pine trees, they ran on.

And here is the end of the forest. A young man and a girl climbed a mountain. And behind them there was a furious roar. A menacing stream of silt and stone slowly consumed that part of the forest that grew in a deep depression and where they met in secret, hiding from the unkind ruler. A little later, over the plain where the heavy waves splashed, only the lonely tops of petrified trees remained.


They say that in the 18th century there was a Tatar city here, there were mosques, the ruins of which can still be discerned.
Well, no, but among the German colonists who lived nearby in the village of Gros Verder, a legend was indeed passed down from mouth to mouth that in the old days, in this place, there was indeed a beautiful city with magnificent palaces, in one of which she lived young queen.

No one knew why the city turned into heaps of stones, they only said that it could be restored from the ruins, for which it was necessary to find an incredibly brave young man. On the night of June 23-24 at 11 o'clock that queen appears on the highest stone, and next to her is a wonderful flower, supposedly a fern. The young man must take this flower from the queen and bring it to his village. And then, they say, the city will be reborn again. Yes, it is incredibly difficult to do what you want. Because while the daredevil is carrying the flower, a terrible stomp, screams will be heard behind him, and ghosts will begin to haunt him. He shouldn’t look back or utter a word.

The colonists said that there was a young man in their village who was not afraid of anyone or anything.

So he went to Stone Graves that June night. And he waited: at 11 o’clock he saw the queen on the stone, and next to her was the desired flower. But as soon as he intended to tear it off, the queen began to ask him not to touch it. It seemed that even a stone heart would melt from her persuasion. However, the young man still picked it and took it to the village. When he walked, it seemed as if all the demons had broken free - such a hubbub arose behind him. And the earth just groaned from the trampling of someone’s feet. Yes, the daredevil did not look back, he continued his path.

His brother hurried towards him and asked to show him the strange flower.
- Look! - said the young man and gave him a flower in his hands.

And all at once the footsteps, the ghosts, and the flower itself disappeared.

The young man did not dare to go to the Stone Graves a second time.
So the mysterious, enchanted city remained, unsaved by anyone to this day.
And the legend, together with the German colonists, migrated to Germany and from there came to us at the beginning of the 20th century.


The Legend of Salt // Kostyrya I.S. Thoughts on Donbass: In two parts. – Donetsk: Kashtan, 2004. – P. 181-182

The Tale of Coal // Kostyrya I.S. Thoughts about Donbass: In two parts. – Donetsk: Kashtan, 2004. – P. 254-257.

The Legend of Svyatogor // Kostyrya I.S. Thoughts on Donbass: In two parts. – Donetsk: Kashtan, 2004. – P. 207.

Legends about the fisherman's daughter Aza (why the Azov Sea is called the Azov Sea) // Kostyrya I.S. Thoughts on Donbass: In two parts. – Donetsk: Kashtan, 2004. – P. 63.

Legends about the origin of rivers and ravines // Kostyrya I.S. Thoughts on Donbass: In two parts. – Donetsk: Kashtan, 2004. – P. 162-163.

The legend of the low typchak and high feather grass // Kostyrya I.S. Thoughts on Donbass: In two parts. – Donetsk: Kashtan, 2004. – P. 56-57.

Legends about the emergence of the stone forest // Kostyrya I.S. Thoughts on Donbass: In two parts. – Donetsk: Kashtan, 2004. – P. 154-156.

Every person has a place that he considers his home. Everything here is expensive and familiar from early childhood, it’s easy to breathe here. It doesn’t matter whether we live here or have moved away a long time ago, the image of these places is always in our hearts. This place is our small homeland.

My native land is Donbass. I love its austere beauty: the silhouettes of waste heaps against the background of the sunset sky, flowering apricot branches on a piercing blue spring day, the mysterious shadows of acacias on a quiet summer night, the steppe, hot August wind that drives white lambs across the Sea of ​​Azov and shaggy tops

Beautiful coastal poplars, the rustle of autumn maple leaves on the boulevard, the cheerful pre-New Year bustle of Christmas tree markets. I love our ordinary residents, workers with a broad soul, who do not carry a stone in their bosom, and know how to work and relax. These people do not seek benefits, do not weave political intrigues, do not incite ethnic hatred, because they are of different nationalities:

Balkan Serb, Pskov peasant

Enough land and space for everyone

Fugitive Cossack and Greek of Azov

Settled nearby, lived together

For the most part, these are people who want to live peacefully, work and raise children. They are willing to work hard

And they want their work to be adequately rewarded. We love beauty. Everyone knows that our Donetsk is a city of roses. A special pride of our city is the Shcherbakov Park. How beautiful it is in autumn, when the rose alleys are in bloom! And a few years ago, a museum of forged figures appeared in the city center; beauty and talent embodied in metal.

Some of my classmates dream of going to live abroad, to countries where the standard of living is higher. But personally, I like it when my neighbors are people whom I have known since childhood, people with whom I share common memories and similar moral values.

I am glad that my region has many educational institutions and developed industry. This means that I don't need to go anywhere. I can study and find a job here.

I was born here, grew up, study here, all those who are dear to me live here. This is where I want to work and raise my children in the future. I love my native land and am proud of it, I dream of glorifying it. And sometimes, returning home on a warm evening, I just want to repeat the words of my great fellow countryman Vladimir Sosyura from the book My Donetsk:

I will fly with a song

Over the expanse of fields,

(4 ratings, average: 3.75 out of 5)

Essays on topics:

  1. Your native land is the country where you were born, grew up and lived your life. The warmest memories, funny stories,...
  2. Your native land is the country where you were born, grew up and lived your life. The warmest memories are associated with him, funny...

Topic: I love you, dear Donbass ! Yenakievo is my hometown.

Target: deepen and expand students’ knowledge about the history of their native land; to form and develop a personality with a deeply conscious position, a system of knowledge about history, nature, people, ready to choose their place in life; continue the formation of communicative, research, creative competencies; cultivate respect and pride for their fellow countrymen, instill love for their native land.

Progress of the lesson

The heart and soul of the native land...

And the smell of the steppe is bitter and intoxicating.

Made of coal, roses, the crown is good!

In it is the light of the future, the pride of the present!

V.V. Bobrova

Homeland, native land is everything that surrounds us, it’s everything that from the first days of our life becomes as dear to us as air, water, bread, like the smile of a loved one. This is the place where our family lives, where we grow, learn, and work. The homeland is what it is today: our cities and villages, our meadows and forests, our people, our school. But this is also what we had here before: our ancient history and culture, our monuments and traditions.

So, the Motherland is everything that a person simply cannot live without.

Our Fatherland, our Motherland... Our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers lived here from time immemorial, we were born here, they speak our native language here, and everything here is native to us!

Our native land fed us with its bread, watered us with its waters, it protects, takes care of us... And when we die, it will also cover our bones...

1. Donbass through the eyes of poets (literary page).

There are many other lands in the world, but a person has one mother, and he has one homeland!

Everyone contributes to what we call our homeland.

At all times, many poets wrote about their Motherland, wrote different things: about a beautiful country, about a poor country, but everyone, without exception, loved their Motherland and admired it. They reflected their love in poetry. Let's listen to some of them.

1. Nikolai Stepanovich Antsiferov- Soviet poet. Born into a miner's family in Makeyevka.

Donbass is written about in geography,

That Donbass is the land of coal and metal.

Right. But for a complete biography

It's very dry, very little.

2. Anatoly Ivanovich Kravchenko- poet. Born in 1937 in the city of Yenakievo. He was brought up in an orphanage, then studied at Yenakievo school No. 7.

Donetsk region, dark-skinned,

With gold in his eyes.

It's not easy to fall in love with you,

It's impossible to stop loving you

3. Vladimir Zaitsev - literary editor of the LPR State Institution "Lugansk Philharmonic", poet.


The nightingales sang over the Donbass,

The winds smelled of wormwood.

As an eternal explanation of love

To your steppes, spacious and epic.

Donbass is my Fatherland, Donbass!

The centuries have tested your strength!

You have shown your power more than once

The warmth of coal, the elastic shine of steel!

There are many beauties in other lands,

But this region is dearer to us than all of them!

We are from Donbass, we are such a people

Who will master everything and can do everything!

Donbass! My Fatherland is Donbass!

Mighty land of my native state!

For centuries this layer will not become scarce

Workers' Honor, Courage and Glory!

4. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Rybalko - Soviet poet. Born in the village of Orekhovo-Vasilievka (near Artyomovsk). Then the family moved to Kramatorsk, which became his hometown.

Of course, there are no bright colors here,

Like in the Caucasus and Crimea,

And over the factories of Donbass

Sometimes the sky is all in smoke,

But there is a different kind of beauty...

Take a look at this beauty

2. I turn to time (from the history of Yenakievo)

Each person has his own one and only city, the main city, which imperceptibly over the years becomes his symbol, his second “I”. Cities are like people. There are impressive beauties, expensive and glamorous. There are generally recognized authorities in the world of culture. And there are ordinary hard workers, cities that we used to call industrial. In the multimillion-dollar Donbass, the city of Yenakievo looks similar to dozens of similar cities. But take a closer look and you will definitely see something special and unique. At first glance, nothing special is visible, but, like any person, our city has those features of charm that, once you see it, you won’t take your eyes off it.

5. Among the steppes, on the ledges of the Donetsk Ridge, a city stretches. The road winds like a black ribbon among houses buried in gardens, then goes out to modern microdistricts, then encircles industrial enterprises. Working people live here. Mainly metallurgists and miners. This is Yenakievo - our hometown.

Did the founder of the city, engineer Fyodor Enakiev, think that here, on the site of a workers’ settlement, there would someday be an industrial center? Of course, he believed in the future of this rich region, that factories and new roads would be built on the site of the empty steppe. Despite its venerable age, Yenakievo looks young and beautiful.

6. I appeal to time, you can, freeze! For posterity who did not know you, repeat!

The territory on which the city of Yenakievo is located was inhabited already in ancient times. Within the city limits, Stone Age sites, burial mounds of the Copper and Bronze Age, Scythians and late nomads were discovered.

From printed publications on the history of our city it is known that in its place only 120 years ago there was a feather grass steppe in which the tiny villages of Fedorovka and Zhukovka were hidden.The first mention of Yenakievo as a populated area is found in the “Lists of populated places of the Russian Empire,” where it is indicated as “the village of Fedorovka, the possession of Second Major F.I. Zhmenev.”

1897 - an iron smelting plant was built near the village of Fedorovka, named Petrovsky

1898 - the village was named after the railway engineer Fyodor Egorovich Enakiev, one of the founders and members of the government of the Russian-Belgian Metallurgical Society.

7. Fedor Enakiev was a nobleman, a man of remarkable intelligence. A travel engineer by training, he became a businessman, basically, by accident. However, it was to his managerial talents that the Yenakievo Metallurgical Plant, several mines and coal mines, as well as the North Donetsk Railway owe their appearance. The entrepreneur became one of the “fathers” of Donbass.

Having established connections among the capital's financiers and entrepreneurs, Fedor Egorovich placed his bet on metallurgy. It was metal that was the basis of the industrial boom that the country was experiencing in those years. Enakiev decided to build a metallurgical plant in the south of the empire - in the current Donbass. He involved his former colleague, an engineer at the Ministry of Railways, Boleslav Jaworski, as well as Belgian investors Octave Neuf-Orban and Oscar Bie. The four of them established the Russian-Belgian Metallurgical Society with a fixed capital of 8 million rubles. On July 2, 1895, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the charter of this society.

Then Enakiev leaves St. Petersburg and goes to Donbass. It was he who proposed building a plant in the village of Sofievka. The choice was excellent: nearby there were deposits of coking coal and ore, as well as water (Sofievka is located on the banks of the Sadki River), nearby there was a railway, which solved the issue of exporting finished products.

The Russian-Belgian society acquired land from Prince Sergei Dolgoruky and began construction of the Petrovsky plant. In November 1897, the first blast furnace was blown out - the new plant produced the first metal.

The very next year, the Bakhmut district zemstvo assembly proposed to name the area where the Petrovsky plant with adjacent mines and workers' settlements was located after their creator and patron Fyodor Enakiev. This idea was also supported by the Ekaterinoslav Provincial Zemstvo Assembly. And soon the village of Yenakievo appeared on the map of the empire.

8. The village also grew. If shortly after the launch of the plant the population of Yenakievo was 2,700 people, then in 1916 there were already 16,000 inhabitants. In the center of the village there were two stone churches, a church, a church, a synagogue, four two-story houses and two dozen cottages for Belgian specialists, as well as two hotels, a post office, a canteen, and two bakeries. The workers were treated in the factory hospital with 185 beds. Leisure was spent at the Illuziya cinema, and amateur artistic activities took place at the People's House and the metallurgical plant workers' club. Book lovers visited the library of the consumer association. The children of workers of the Russian-Belgian Society studied in four schools: two four-class schools - a village and a factory, a three-class parish school and a two-class Association for Assistance to Poor Jews. There was also a commercial school in Yenakievo.

9. In January 1915, the millionaire went on vacation to one of the sanatoriums near Moscow and died there unexpectedly at the age of 63. The relatives carried out the will of the deceased and buried him in Yenakievo, near the church there is a high-quality forged fence, a cast-iron monument and a tombstone. On the top bar of the cross there was an inscription in large letters: “To engineer Enakiev, the founder of the city.”

During Soviet times, the church was dismantled, and the tombstone and fence were destroyed. As a result, the exact burial place of Fyodor Enakiev was lost. In addition, the name of the founder was taken away from the village, which became a city in 1925 - it was renamed first to Rykovo, then to Ordzhonikidze. In 1943, the city returned its historical name.

In 2010, a bronze bust of the founder of the city and the Yenakievo Metallurgical Plant was solemnly opened in the center of Yenakievo. The author of the sculpture was the Honored Artist of Ukraine Petr Antyp.

3. The pearl of industrial Yenakiev is the Bulavinka River.

Leaving our native places in search of impressions, we forget about the modest beauty of our region, which we don’t know much about...

10. The pearl of industrial Yenakiev is the Bulavinka River. Bulavinka is relatively large among the so-called small rivers of Donbass. It has more than 40 tributaries, and its length is 39 kilometers. The name of the river was most likely given to people from central Russia, who made up the Don Cossacks. Since the 18th century, the Bulavin (Bolavin) river has appeared on topographic maps of Russia. Where it came from and what the name of this river means remained unclear to this day. Previous attempts by researchers to connect the name of the river Bulavin (emphasis on the last syllable) with the word mace were unsuccessful. Local residents associate the origin of the name of the river with the name of the rebellious ataman Kondraty Bulavin, who rebelled in 1708 against the oppression of the Cossacks by Tsar Peter I. The writer Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin in the story “On the River” introduced the legend of Kondrat Bulavin into his plot. True, the legend does not entirely correspond to historical reality. According to local historian G.G. Gorbuneva - the river was not navigable.

11. Small river Bulavinka

The breadth did not take in the depth,

So, not a river - only half,

And even less in the summer heat.

I'm walking slowly.

The little river makes noise, going around the plant diagonally.


Why is it so loud

Does every syllable leave your lips again?

The mace is not a simple thing:

The hetmans were supported by the authorities.

But there was a different mace,

The one who nailed the Janissaries to her heart's content!

There is a word left in the name,

Fate took care of that:

Bulavin rushes,

Ready for anything

And behind him is a Cossack horse.

Oath of vengeance -

Not for life, but for death -

The ravine echoes:

In the noose of the vile commanders - and that’s it!

To the fire of the snickering boyars!..

Small river,

A trickle river,

But come and listen to the fishing line:

Exactly on a multi-stringed bandura

Glorifies the Cossack ataman.

He took five steps - and the middle,

Five more - on the other shore!..




A self-binding fairy tale about the past.

(Dmitry Radkov, teacher at Yenakievo Mining College)

12. The poets A. Grishin, A. Kravchenko, D. Radkov dedicated their works to the Bulavin River. The river is also significant because borders pass along it: the modern one - from its sources to the village. Ilyinka - between the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, the ancient one - along the Olkhovatka and Bulavin rivers (left bank) - between the Don Army region and the Yekaterinoslav province. The border was established on April 30, 1746 by the Cossack Kalmius palanka in order to avoid unforeseen incidents between the settlers of the Ekaterinoslav province and the Don Cossacks and existed until the October Revolution of 1917.

13. The poem “Bulavinka” by Anatoly Kravchenko reflects a modern bitter picture:

My town above the Bulavinka river...

It has no granites or bridges.

Among the urban communities, a teardrop shines,

In vacant lots it meanders between bushes.

Her long path is broken and narrowed.

And the stroke of the fisherman's oar is forgotten.

Here, instead of a seagull, a rare raven circles,

Not a white sail - gray smoke flies,

But once upon a time I wore Cossack boats,

I went on a rampage in the spring,

And my mother forded the river in half an hour,

I stepped over in an instant.

Among the city communities, shining like a teardrop,

In vacant lots, meandering between bushes,

The forgotten pin flows -

A river of both daredevils and masters.

4. Yenakievo is a city “from an honest working family.”

14. Yenakievo is an amazing city. Donbass province, outback, as journalists like to write. In fact, the “outback” is located only sixty kilometers from the regional center, and the population in this city is 160 thousand! So it is more correct to say about Yenakiev that it is a typical proletarian city, with an amazing labor history, a city, as they say, “from an honest working family.”

From here came people who are known throughout the world. Who knows, perhaps precisely because living here at all times was not easy - the ecology is not easy, and the work of miners and metallurgists is not sugar, tough and persistent characters were forged. And if a person set a goal for himself, he moved forward, then until the very end. Without discounting difficulties and looking back. During the war years, 29 residents of the city were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union

15. Look at what names are included in the history of Enakiev:

Travel engineer, member of the board of the Russian-Belgian Metallurgical Society Fyodor Enakiev, a man who did so much for the development of the region that the city was named after him!

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Alla Bogush.

Doctor of Geographical Sciences, participant of 50 expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctica Pavel Gordienko.

Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, basketball player Anatoly Polivoda

People's Artist of the Soviet Union Yuri Bogatikov is an inspired performer of songs about the Donbass, the author of the miners' "hymn" - "Dark Mounds Are Sleeping."

Mikhail Spartakovich Plyatskovsky. Mikhail Spartakovich was born in the city of Yenakievo. The poet wrote a large number of children's songs that became “hits” of this genre - “True Friend”, “Smile”, “It’s Fun to Walk Together”, “Childhood’s Last Call”, “Flaked Girl”, “Song about a Magic Flower”, “Friends” children on the planet”... All of them are imbued with kindness, cordiality, warmth, sincerity and, therefore, are very loved by different generations.

Cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Georgy Beregovoy.

16. The pride of Yenakievo is twice Hero of the Soviet Union, head of the Cosmonaut Training Center in the 70-80s. G.T. Beregovoi. He glorified our city as a courageous ace pilot during the war and post-war years, already as a test pilot, and in October 1968 - as the commander of the Soyuz-3 spacecraft. During the Great Patriotic War, Guard Captain Beregovoi G.T. made one hundred and eighty-five combat missions on airplanes. In 1911, Tsiolkovsky uttered prophetic words: “Humanity will not remain on Earth forever, but in pursuit of light and space, it will first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and then conquer all the near-Earth space.” Among those who conquered near-Earth space was our fellow countryman, Georgy Timofeevich Beregovoy.

G. T. Beregovoy was a bright personality. After all, he achieved stellar heights thanks to his talent, work and desire for heights. And most importantly, he always remained a Man with a capital “H”, in whom the warmth of the Sun, the beauty of the Universe and the inexhaustible energy of the Earth were harmoniously combined.

The memory of people like G. T. Beregovoy is alive and will live on. And not only on earth, but also in heaven, which he was in love with and aspired to. A minor planet discovered several years ago by a Belgian astronomer is named after G. T. Beregovoy.

These are just a few names; if desired, the list can be continued indefinitely, because there are a great many people who were born in Yenakievo and managed to leave a mark on the history of the city, region and even the world. And now a younger generation is growing up here, which will certainly glorify their hometown even more than their predecessors.

17. Pavel Besposhchadny is a Soviet poet, he worked as a miner in the Donbass, and in the early 50s he returned to Gorlovka forever. Criticism has called him the Donbass Burns, the singer of miners' labor.


Such an aroma will waft,

Such a vast expanse of fields:

Wheat, lungwort, mint, -

Inhale and drink!

And in miraculous sunsets

Sweet clover mixed with thyme,

Lilac with bluish periwinkle...

Both reality and dream.

And bells and peas,

And the sky is all covered in violets...

In the steppe on a sunny path

Dawn is singing!

Unforgettable colors...

Don't take your greedy eyes off

Oh, how we love the Donbass region,

Raised us!

Midnight domain of blaze,

A wave of lights - flowers of labor...

Donbass is dear to us, like our breath,

Always always!

“One of the easiest ways to love the city you live in is to look at it through the eyes of a stranger from time to time.” (Max Fry)

Donetsk is one of the most impressive cities. I was born in it, grew up, went to one of the schools, experienced thousands of different emotions every day: from the joy of a new dawn to a little sadness from the next sunset. Needless to say, I love my city?! My mother, grandmother and closest friends live here - all loving hearts. It is known that our home is a place where they always wait, remember and believe in us. Donetsk is my foundation, support, core and root.

Donetsk is an industrial center, noisy and bustling, with many plants, factories and coal mines. And he grew up from the small factory village of Yuzovka, founded back in 1869. It got its name from the beautiful, wide and majestic Northern Donets River, on the banks of which lies the Holy Mountains National Natural Park.

How beautiful our city is in spring! The delicate green leaves and soft young grass on the lawns make it young, bright and somehow shiny. The sun floods the clean, wide streets, is reflected in colorful shop windows, and sparkles in the windows of slender high-rise buildings and fountains. It is especially beautiful and elegant on the eve of the holidays, when houses and streets are decorated with lanterns, flags and signs, and concerts are held on the main square. Most likely, someone will say: “An ordinary city, of which there are many.” And I will answer: “No, it is the best, my hometown.”

Russian scientist Dmitry Mendeleev, having once visited our city in 1888, wrote: “I was amazed by the inexhaustible wealth of this land...” And this is not surprising, because geologists claim that there are 240,620 million tons of coal deposits in the Donetsk land. It is often called the “mining” capital, because twenty-four mines worked in it.

A wonderful, hospitable city! It has many cinemas; drama, opera and puppet theaters; a circus and beautiful parks, thanks to which Donetsk is called the “city of a million roses”, a library named after Nadezhda Krupskaya. The building of the keeper of books is a valuable architectural monument. We are very proud of the memorial complex to the Liberators of Donbass in the city center, dedicated to the memory of those who liberated Donbass during the Great Patriotic War. The monument to Taras Shevchenko is interesting. It is an exact copy of the monument located in Canada, in the city of Ontario. And the Mertsalov Palm, forged at the Donetsk Metallurgical Plant, still adorns the Mining Institute in the cultural capital of Russia - St. Petersburg.
Wonderful people with their own joys and problems live and work in Donetsk. Great workers and incorrigible dreamers. There is a special feature in the Donetsk characters that cannot be ignored - it is durability, like first-class steel, which does not bend or crack. Only on Donetsk soil were people famous all over the world able to strengthen their character and reveal the full power of their talent: the “golden voice of Ukraine” - Anatoly Solovyanenko, the “bird man” - Sergey Bubka, the holder of the title “Dancer of the World” - Vadim Pisarev. The Donetsk region has become the homeland for many prominent figures in culture, sports, and medicine. Among them are the great composer Sergei Prokofiev, artist Arkhip Kuindzhi, popular researcher Georgy Sedov, founder of Russian cinema Alexander Khanzhonkov, poets Vasily Stus and Vladimir Sosyura, writers Pavel Baidebura and Ivan Kostyrya, oncologist Grigory Bondar and many other equally outstanding people. Famous Donetsk residents have glorified and continue to glorify our city.

From the moment the war came to Donetsk, it ceased to be similar to the city of my childhood, but it still remains as dear and close as a friend whom you have known for many, many years. My city is at war. Living in Donetsk now is not at all easy because of the feeling of anxiety and danger. Empty streets, boarded up doors, broken traffic lights and dark windows of high-rise buildings in the evenings. But he's alive! Just wounded. My beloved, native land. My Donetsk. My Donbass.

For now I can only guess how it happened, but I don’t want verdicts. Now I want only one thing: for the bloodshed to stop and for peace to return to our city, to our homes.

We will all take care of you together, my native land. Carry out cleanup days. Remove garbage and traces of war. Road workers will lay asphalt, your skin, crippled by tanks. Tanks! Just think about it! And postmen will again carry newspapers and pensions without fear. Who knew that the professions of a postman or electrician would become heroic? Will doctors perform operations accompanied by machine gunners?

My hometown! What did the war do to you... I remember how we were preparing for Euro 2012! How solemnly and proudly the airport and the new railway station terminal were opened, how the unique football stadium “Donbass Arena” was created. We were proud that we had the best runway in Europe, on which the world's largest airliner could land. People in the city even got scared when they saw such a huge monster in the sky. How glad we would be to see it again... instead of military planes! Our airport has been under fire for more than a year. There was no trace left of him. Debris and smoke. The whole world saw photographs and reports from the destroyed Sergei Prokofiev International Airport in Donetsk. War is the worst thing that can happen. The front line was not on the ground; it separated best friends and even entire families. Today many have quarreled over different views: husband and wife, father and son... Someday the passions will subside. I believe in it. Propaganda is the most powerful weapon. Stronger than anti-aircraft guns and Grads... We are literally surrounded by myths about separatists and terrorists; they have been trying to “civilize” us for quite some time. But is this necessary? If only they knew that our drama theater is always sold out, and most of the productions are given in Ukrainian. More precisely, they gave it before the war. And they will give after. In the meantime, the leading actor of the drama theater, Andrei Romaniy, is conducting a roll call by district on social networks. This is how people live in Donetsk: from roll call to roll call, but the airport continues to be bombed. They shoot at the guys holding this strategic facility. “Survive, boys, hold on!” strangers write to them on social networks.

Are I and my family scared? Yes. Because we love our region. Every street, albeit unlit, even in pits, but so dear. It’s scary, but the city will survive and cope with all difficulties. People are loving you all over the world! Someday everything will return, and my Donetsk will flourish. And again, the names of microdistricts destroyed during the war will appear on the signs of minibuses and buses: Tsvetochny, Goluboy, Shiroky. The city will be reborn from the ashes like a phoenix from fire.

Just hold on, dear! Just live, my wounded Donetsk!

I will always love it because there is a city inside me too. My feelings, thoughts, dreams and memories, which are closely connected with my father’s house - the beginning.

Probably every person feels something similar about their homeland. But I consider Donetsk not just a city, but my friend. He knows all my secrets, the addresses of all my friends and acquaintances, you can’t hide anything from him - this is what it is, my Donetsk. He can love and hate, help and punish, monitor the lives of his inhabitants, silently observe and remember various events, but he will never stop being mine, never!

It seems to me that someday, when I have adult children and little grandchildren, I will be able to tell them about the war of my distant youth, as my grandmother, who survived the Battle of Stalingrad, once told me. I’ll tell them how my mother and I hid from the bombings, how we sat in the hallway because our house didn’t have a basement, how the glass in the window frames shook, how my mother cried and prayed. I’ll also tell you about how my best friends and girlfriends left the city, and there was even no one to call just to meet and talk. I will teach them to appreciate the peaceful sky above their heads and enjoy every new day!

And I believe that friendship with him, with my Donetsk, will never end!

Where the sun shines generously,
Where are the mining lands?
There's only one in the world -
My Donetsk, my destiny.
I sing about you in love,
City of my youth
City of blue waste heaps,
City of ringing poplars.


  1. E. Lebezova “Famous Residents of Donetsk”,
  2. V. Stepkin “Stalino through the eyes of a Wehrmacht soldier”,
  3. A. Fedorenko “Our Donetsk”,
  4. V. Shutov “City of blue waste heaps.”

Margarita Katelyk,

1st year student at the Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications of St. Petersburg State University, native of Donetsk