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Causes of watery discharge in women without odor. Watery discharge in women is like water during menopause. Hygiene during intense liquid discharge

Aqueous humor circulates along the episcleral and intrascleral venous network of the anterior segmented area of ​​the eyeball. It supports metabolic processes and the trabecular apparatus. Under normal circumstances, the human eye contains 300 mm of the component or 4% of the total volume.

The fluid is produced from the blood by special cells that are part of the structure of the ciliary body. The human eye produces 3-9 ml of the component per minute. The outflow of moisture occurs through the episcleral vessels, uveoscleral system and trabecular meshwork. Intraocular pressure is the ratio of the produced component to the withdrawn component.

What is aqueous humor?

Aqueous humor (intraocular fluid)- a colorless, jelly-like liquid that completely fills the two eye chambers. The composition of the element is very similar to blood. Its only difference is its lower protein content. Moisture is produced at a rate of 2-3 µl/min.


The aqueous humor of the eye is almost 100% water. The dense component includes:

  • anorganic components (chlorine, sulfate, etc.);
  • cations (calcium, sodium, magnesium, etc.);
  • insignificant proportion of protein;
  • glucose;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • lactic acid;
  • amino acids (tryptophan, lysine, etc.);
  • enzymes;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • oxygen;
  • a small amount of antibodies (formed only in the secondary fluid).


The functional purpose of the liquid consists of the following processes:

  • nutrition of the avascular elements of the organ of vision due to the amino acids and glucose included in the component;
  • removal of potential threatening factors from the internal environment of the eye;
  • organization of a light-refracting environment;
  • regulation of intraocular pressure.


The amount of fluid inside the eye may change due to the development of eye diseases or when exposed to external factors (trauma, surgery).

If the moisture outflow system is disrupted, a decrease in intraocular pressure (hypotension) or an increase (hypertonicity) is observed. In the first case, it is likely to appear, which is accompanied by deterioration or complete loss of vision. With increased pressure inside the eye, the patient complains of headache, visual disturbances, urge to vomit.

Progression pathological conditions leads to the development of disruption of the process of fluid removal from the organ of vision and its tissues.


Diagnostic measures for suspected development of pathological conditions in which the intraocular fluid for some reason is in excess, in deficiency, or does not go through the entire circulation process inside the eye, are reduced to the following procedures:

  • visual inspection and palpation of the eyeball(the method allows you to determine visible deviations and location of pain);
  • ophthalmoscopy of the fundus– a procedure to assess the condition of the retina, optic nerve head and vascular network of the eye using an ophthalmoscope or fundus lens;
  • tonometry– an examination that allows you to determine the level of change in the eyeball when exposed to the eye cornea. With normal intraocular pressure, deformation of the sphere of the organ of vision is not observed;
  • perimetry– a method for determining visual fields using computer technology or special equipment;
  • campimetry– identification of central scotomas and size indicators of the blind spot in the visual field.


For the above-mentioned disorders, as part of the therapeutic course, the patient is prescribed medications that restore intraocular pressure, as well as medications that stimulate blood supply and metabolism in the tissues of the organ.

Surgical treatment methods are applicable in cases where drugs do not have the desired effect. The type of surgery performed depends on the type of pathological process.

Thus, the intraocular fluid is a kind of internal environment of the organ of vision. The composition of the element is similar to the structure of blood and provides the functional purpose of moisture. Local pathological processes include disturbances in fluid circulation and deviations in its quantitative indicator.

Liquid released from the vagina in small quantities is not a deviation, but indicates the normal functioning of the reproductive organs. But excessive leucorrhoea causes discomfort (underwear quickly gets wet), and the first suspicions of the presence of internal pathologies of the uterus and appendages appear. Therefore, watery discharge in women, like water, sometimes causes justifiable concern.

Causes of discharge

The main factor influencing the nature of the discharge is the phase menstrual cycle. U healthy body The reproductive system works like a clock, and it is not difficult to track the intensity of leucorrhoea at any stage. Cycle phases:

With the onset of menopause, the amount of discharge decreases sharply. If this does not happen, then there are significant disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system.

Other reasons accompanying the monthly cycle that affect the intensity of leucorrhoea:

Transparent discharge without an unpleasant odor is the result of the proper functioning of the reproductive system. If strong aromas, yellow or green color, itching, burning and pain in the lower abdomen are added, then you should check with a specialist for the presence of pathologies.

Quite often, discharge that is liquid like water in women indicates the presence of sexually transmitted diseases or pathologies of the uterus and appendages. List of diseases:

Only a competent gynecologist is able to determine which disease caused the appearance of profuse leucorrhoea. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the correct medications. You should not self-medicate, it will only aggravate the unpleasant condition.

So that copious, liquid discharge, like water, does not cause anxiety in a woman, it is necessary to follow the rules of prevention:

  1. Do not neglect daily hygiene procedures. You need to wash yourself twice a day with warm water.
  2. Use special intimate care products with a neutral pH to avoid skin irritation.
  3. For a while critical days it is necessary to refuse sexual intercourse.
  4. Synthetic underwear should be removed from your wardrobe. Comfortable cotton panties are suitable for every day.
  5. Avoid hypothermia.
  6. With a new partner, always protect yourself with a condom. It is better to avoid casual sex altogether.
  7. Undergo a mandatory annual medical examination with a gynecologist and take all necessary tests.
  8. Treat infectious diseases to the end, strictly following the doctor’s instructions.

If watery leucorrhoea appears as a result of violations of hygiene rules, then it will be enough to simply change the care of the intimate organs. Then the disturbing factor will go away within a week.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes significant hormonal changes that affect vaginal discharge. In the first trimester, there is practically no leucorrhoea due to the high level of progesterone. It prevents the formation of new eggs and helps fertilized egg firmly attach to the walls of the uterus.

From week 12, estrogen levels increase. The interaction of the two hormones causes the mucus to thin out and the leucorrhoea to become stronger.

Closer to 40 weeks, the bladder cannot close completely due to fetal pressure. Therefore, the mucous fluid mixes with a small amount of urine and, as a result, watery leucorrhoea occurs.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the appearance of watery, odorless and colorless discharge in women is an absolutely natural process. Deviations from the norm indicate the presence of pathology. Danger signs:

  1. Unpleasant odor (fishy, ​​putrid).
  2. Hue. Yellow, green and gray colors indicate the presence of bacteria.
  3. Brown color indicates internal bleeding.
  4. Discharge that has an atypical structure (foamy).
  5. Itching, burning, discomfort in the perineum.
  6. The appearance of pain in the lower abdomen.
  7. Increased body temperature.

If discomfort are absent, but the leucorrhoea has a yellowish tint and a sweet smell, then perhaps fluid is leaking from the amniotic sac. This is a very dangerous condition in the middle of pregnancy, as premature labor may begin. Therefore, any deviations must be immediately reported to the gynecologist.

Aqueous moisture is formed in the eye with average speed 2-3 µl/min. Essentially all of it is secreted by the ciliary processes, which are narrow and long folds protruding from the ciliary body into the space behind the iris, where the lens ligaments and the ciliary muscle are attached to the eyeball.

Due to folded architecture of ciliary processes their total surface area in each eye is approximately 6 cm (a very large area considering the small size of the ciliary body). The surfaces of these processes are covered with epithelial cells with a powerful secretory function, and directly below them there is an area extremely rich in blood vessels.

Aqueous moisture almost completely formed as a result of active secretion of the epithelium of the ciliary processes. Secretion begins with the active transport of Na+ ions into the spaces between epithelial cells. Na+ ions pull SG and bicarbonate ions with them to maintain electrical neutrality.

All these ions together cause osmosis water from blood capillaries, lying below, in the same epithelial intercellular spaces, and the resulting solution flows from the spaces of the ciliary processes into the anterior chamber of the eye. In addition, some nutrients, such as amino acids, are transferred through the epithelium by active transport or facilitated diffusion. ascorbic acid and glucose.

Outflow of aqueous humor from the chambers of the eye

After education aqueous humor It first flows through the ciliary processes (fluid flow) through the pupil into the anterior chamber of the eye. From here, the fluid flows forward to the lens and into the angle between the cornea and iris and, through a network of trabeculae, enters Schlemm's canal, which empties into the extraocular veins. The figure demonstrates the anatomical structures of this iridocorneal angle, where it can be seen that the spaces between the trabeculae extend all the way from the anterior chamber to Schlemm's canal.

The latter represents a thin-walled vein, which runs around the eye along its entire periphery. The endothelial membrane of the canal is so porous that even large protein molecules and small solid particles, up to the size of red blood cells, can pass from the anterior chamber of the eye into Schlemm's canal. Although Schlemm's canal is a true venous blood vessel, it usually has so much aqueous humor flowing into it that it becomes filled with that moisture rather than blood.

Small veins, going from Schlemm's canal to the great veins of the eye, usually contain only aqueous humor, and they are called aqueous veins.

The mucus lining the cervix serves as a natural barrier against infection. It maintains a slightly acidic vaginal environment, which makes it impossible for bacteria to multiply. The secretion of this mucus is a physiological phenomenon for any healthy woman.

But sometimes watery discharge accompanies the development of serious diseases. Also, the volume of mucus secreted increases during pregnancy.

Mucusy, watery discharge is as normal as sweat, tears, and saliva. They are classified as physiological fluids of the human body. In addition to the mucus itself, it contains about 10 types of different bacteria that make up the natural microflora, dead particles of the epithelium.

Secretion in a normal state is allowed if it does not have an unpleasant odor, color, and its volume does not exceed the physiological norm.

Watery discharge mid-cycle

Transparent and liquid discharge in women that occurs in the middle of the cycle most often indicates the following:

  • the time has come for ovulation, the egg can be fertilized;
  • secreted clear mucus indicates the imminent opening of the cervix and the beginning of menstruation;
  • a change in the ratio or concentration of female hormones also causes an increase in the volume of secretion, which is manifested by transparent discharge in the middle of the cycle.

2 weeks after menstruation, mucus may indicate fertilization of the egg and the onset of pregnancy.

Discharge before menstruation

Before the onset of menstruation, watery vaginal discharge, thinner than usual, may indicate the development of an inflammatory process and other pathologies. In general, an increase in the volume of secretion before the onset of menstruation develops under the influence of increased production of progesterone and estrogen.

More may appear. Their large volume is provoked by increased blood flow in the uterus, which increases in volume before the onset of critical days.

Vaginal secretion before menstruation in the luteal phase is a physiological norm. Such discharge is especially common in the morning after a night's sleep.

Copious watery vaginal discharge after and instead of menstruation

Watery discharge after menstruation without any odor or color indicates the active functioning of the cervical gland. Within 1-2 days after the end of menstruation, mucus that is colorless or slightly mixed with blood may still appear.

Such secretion instead of menstruation is not normal and is more often caused by the following reasons:

  • pregnancy, including ectopic;
  • colpitis;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • adnexitis;
  • stress, physical overload, climate change.

Menstrual bleeding that ends with copious discharge of odorless and colorless mucus that does not stop within 1-2 days requires clarification of the cause and appropriate treatment.

Watery discharge during pregnancy

During pregnancy, watery secretion can be either a normal physiological phenomenon or a pathology. Such secretions pose a particular danger in later pregnancy after 36-38 weeks, since they can be nothing more than the breaking or leakage of water.

Depending on the stage of pregnancy, the causes of watery mucus in women vary:

  • in the first trimester, the secretion of water indicates a rapid change in hormonal levels. It appears even before the delay and means fertilization of the egg and successful conception. Excessively abundant discharge during the first weeks serves to protect the fetus from infection;
  • in the second trimester, closer to the middle of pregnancy, the concentration of estrogen increases, due to which the glandular layer of the cervix changes the composition of the mucus, making it more liquid;
  • In the last trimester, the body begins to prepare for the upcoming birth. But it is precisely after the 30th week that it is necessary to control the volume and consistency of mucus, since it may indicate leakage of water.

You can determine the composition of the discharge even at home using a special amniotest. It will show whether secretion is normal or whether there is leakage of water.

During menopause

When odorless, they may be present, but should not be abundant or have an unpleasant odor. They serve to lubricate the vagina and external genitalia. And if such secretion does not cause burning, itching, or pain, then it does not require treatment.

If the amount of vaginal discharge increases significantly during menopause, an odor appears, the consistency of the mucus changes, it is necessary to take smears to detect bacterial, fungal and other infections, as well as STDs.

Diseases of the genital area

Pathological abundant liquid discharge may have a yellowish or pinkish tint, an unpleasant odor, especially rotten. In addition, in the presence of inflammation of bacterial or viral origin, the consistency of the mucus changes - it becomes thicker or curdled, reminiscent coffee grounds or cereal.

Mucus with an unpleasant odor is almost always accompanied by pain and other symptoms - burning and itching of the external genitalia, discomfort during urination and even fever.

Bacterial vaginosis

A non-inflammatory process caused by changes in microflora is called bacterial vaginosis. The disease is very common, especially among women under 40 years of age. Vaginosis does not pose a threat to life and health, although it causes a woman a lot of discomfort. The disease manifests itself with symptoms such as burning, profuse, unpleasant-smelling discharge, and itching.

This disease develops when personal hygiene rules are violated or unprotected sexual contacts occur.

If left untreated, the pathology can cause complications after childbirth, miscarriage, and intrauterine infection of the fetus during pregnancy.

Inflammation of the appendages

Leucorrhoea with inflammation of the appendages occurs under the influence of viruses and bacteria against the background of hypothermia or a general decrease in immunity. The main symptoms of the disease are scanty watery discharge, disruption of the menstrual cycle, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and others. characteristic features inflammatory process.

In the acute course of the disease, the symptoms are pronounced; in the chronic stage, inflammation of the appendages occurs latently - periodically increasing pain, the appearance of uncharacteristic bleeding in different phases of the cycle, deterioration in general well-being, pain during sexual intercourse.


With colpitis, inflammation of the vaginal mucosa occurs under the influence of infection. Liquid discharge becomes white, itching, pain and burning in the vagina, discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Most often, this disease occurs in women after 20 years of age, but it can also appear in girls even before the onset of menstruation. The secretion always has an unpleasant odor, causes a state of vaginal distension, itching, and the external genitalia turn red. The development of colpitis occurs when the conditionally pathogenic flora of the vagina is disrupted, with a sharp decrease in immunity, hypothermia, and during pregnancy.

This condition is caused not only by infection, but also by allergic reactions, the use of suppositories and certain medications, the introduction foreign bodies, substances included in douching solutions.

Oncological diseases

Cervical cancer and other genital cancers also cause heavy, watery discharge. Most often, the secretion is bloody or brownish in color, but purulent-watery mucus can also be observed.

Any coloring of the discharge indicates necrosis of the tumor itself - its pieces are rejected and excreted from the body. If dead cells remain inside, tissue inflammation develops. Mucus often has a foul odor and a greenish tint.

The appearance of pathological secretion along with other symptoms - periodic bleeding, delays, cycle changes, increased pain during menstruation, the appearance of intermenstrual bleeding - should be a reason for a mandatory visit to the doctor.

Discharge color

The shade of vaginal secretion may indirectly indicate a particular disease that caused increased discharge. Usually the smell is also important, for example, unpleasant, reminiscent of rotten fish, more often indicates a bacterial infection.


The pink hue of vaginal secretion is given by drops of blood that come out of burst blood vessels. Pink discharge appears after intense sexual intercourse, trauma to the genital organs, in the first months of installing an intrauterine device and taking hormonal contraceptives.

  • cervical erosion;
  • hyperplasia;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • polyps;
  • inflammatory process.

It is necessary to contact a gynecologist if the appearance of pink leucorrhoea is combined with other characteristic symptoms– disruptions of the menstrual cycle, pain, discomfort.


Liquid yellow discharge in women can also be normal and pathological:

  • Normally, mucus with a yellow tint is explained by the peculiarities of hormonal levels and the functioning of the reproductive system. It usually appears immediately before or immediately after menstruation and indicates the presence of a small amount of blood in the mucus;
  • in pathological cases, such secretion can accompany colpitis, erosion, adnexitis, and some types of STDs. In addition to color, this mucus is distinguished by an unpleasant odor, swelling and itching of the external genitalia, and pain in the lower abdomen.

Also, a secretion with a yellow tint may appear after abortion, surgery, childbirth, with the development of oncological tumors of the cervix and other organs, improper installation or prolonged wearing of an IUD.


Mucous brown discharge from the vagina become colored when a small amount of blood gets into the mucus. Most often they occur on the first day of menstruation and after its end for 2-3 days.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, such secretion may indicate the attachment of the egg or pathological development of the fetus.

In the middle of the cycle, small amounts of brown leucorrhoea are called ovulatory bleeding. They talk about the egg’s readiness for fertilization.

Liquid leucorrhoea, which is not combined with other unpleasant symptoms and does not cause discomfort in a woman, does not require medical intervention. But if any unpleasant odor appears, color changes, or an increase in the volume of secretion, it is necessary to undergo an examination and begin taking appropriate therapy.

Many women, faced with heavy vaginal discharge, begin to panic. Meanwhile, the release of fluid from the genital tract is quite normal. It is through it that representatives of the fair sex learn about what pathology develops in the body. A suspicious color, smell or consistency will always tell you about this.

Most often, suspicion is caused by discharge that becomes too thick and acquires a brownish or yellowish tint. However, if the fluid has become completely opposite, that is, water comes out of the vagina, this should also be alarming. But here you need to take into account some nuances, since sometimes clear watery discharge can be the norm.

The secretion coming out of the female genital organs can tell about many diseases. But here it is necessary to take into account that not only the nature of the liquid plays a huge role, but also the accompanying symptoms. For example, if a representative of the fair sex has constant copious watery discharge, the lower abdomen hurts severely, and discomfort in the form of itching and burning occurs in the genital area, this indicates that a trip to the doctor is inevitable, since the situation is dangerous. If water came out of the vagina only for a couple of days and no additional symptoms were noted, you don’t have to worry. Most likely, there is an explanation for this, which is related to the woman’s recent pastime.

Representatives of the fair sex must be able to distinguish normality from pathology so as not to miss a dangerous signal. If the discharge causes even the slightest suspicion, you should consult a doctor. When it comes to reproductive health, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Health Hazard

Only a specialist can determine the presence of a particular disease after a thorough examination of the patient. This often requires additional tests, since the same symptoms can indicate different diseases.

Experts recommend that if you have any heavy discharge, even watery discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. The human body is individual, and liquid watery secretion can indicate various diseases. Some of them, if treated incorrectly, can go into a chronic stage, so it is still worth going through all the diagnostic procedures to determine exactly what exactly caused the development of the pathology. After this, the doctor will prescribe proper treatment.

Standard questions

In some cases, abundant clear discharge does not indicate that the woman’s body has been affected by an infection or virus. It is quite possible that the appearance of fluid was influenced by external life factors or it is simply a feature of the reproductive organs specific person. In the latter case, a liquid, watery secretion can accompany the woman constantly. If the problem has recently appeared, you should consult a doctor to identify the real cause.

There are situations in which representatives of the fair sex always experience increased secretion of the genital organs. In this case, there can be a lot of discharge, and its consistency resembles water. This happens under severe stress, sexual desire, in early pregnancy and during ovulation. In the latter case, a woman may notice an increased release of not only liquid secretion, but also an admixture of blood in it. This is normal and is not a dangerous symptom, but only signals successful ovulation.

Some women notice heavy discharge in the form of water immediately before the onset of their menstrual period. This is also considered normal, since in this way the body simply gets rid of accumulated secretions so that in the future the blood can easily come out.

At the beginning of puberty, representatives of the fair sex may experience strong watery discharge after swimming in bodies of water, for example, in a pool or river. This indicates the normal functioning of the reproductive system and its active preparation for the transition to adulthood.

Pathological manifestations

But not always very liquid, abundant discharge, which is very similar to water, indicates a normal process. In some cases, this is a clear signal to see a doctor. But here it is advisable to pay attention to additional symptoms that always accompany the development of pathologies. For example, many infections and inflammatory processes are accompanied by itching and burning in the genital area, as well as pain in the lower abdomen. In the most advanced situations, a woman will feel severe weakness and increased body temperature.

The most common problems that can manifest as heavy, watery discharge are:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • thrush;
  • endometriosis;
  • trichomoniasis.

All these ailments are not only unpleasant, but can also be quite dangerous and therefore require serious treatment. The sooner a woman sees a doctor and gets correct recommendations, the greater the likelihood that everything will work out without complications.

There can be many reasons why a woman develops diseases that can cause the appearance of copious watery discharge. Most often, this happens due to lack of hygiene, promiscuous sexual relations with unprotected sexual contacts, as well as when taking certain medications. If a representative of the fair sex experiences a decrease in functions immune system, severe fatigue or the presence of concomitant ailments, this indicates that the woman is at risk and can easily contract an infection or virus. When decreasing protective functions the body easily introduces fungi and their further spread. Moreover, it is in this state that a woman can experience chronic ailments, which also often cause the appearance of watery discharge.

Bacterial vaginosis

The most common problem diagnosed in patients who complain of the presence of watery, clear discharge is bacterial vaginosis. This problem occurs when the natural balance of microorganisms in the vagina is disrupted. All this leads to increased proliferation of “bad” bacteria.

Interestingly, there can be many reasons that could influence the development of bacterial vaginosis. Both those representatives of the fair sex who do not observe the rules of personal hygiene and those who pay too much attention to this issue suffer from this. For example, preventive douching, which doctors do not approve of, is enough to cause a violation of the vaginal microflora. The result will be bacterial vaginosis.

One more common cause the development of pathology becomes the use of antibiotics. If such treatment is not accompanied by the use of additional drugs to restore the microflora, a problem will certainly arise.

Bacterial vaginosis is quite easy to cure. To do this, you need to consult a doctor who will carry out all the necessary diagnostic procedures and prescribe the correct medications to normalize the state of microflora.

If left untreated, bacterial vaginosis can cause serious complications. Watery discharge in women becomes thick and white or yellowish over time. This will already indicate that the active proliferation of “bad” bacteria has caused the inflammatory process. In order not to encounter such a nuisance, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to personal hygiene, but not to use prohibited methods. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, since this determines how quickly the disease will develop and possible consequences bacterial vaginosis.

Symptom of inflammation of the ovaries

Another common reason for the appearance of copious discharge (like water) is an inflammatory process that affects the internal part of the reproductive system. The infection can affect the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus. All this causes many unpleasant symptoms, including watery vaginal discharge with severe abdominal pain. Initially, the infection can enter the reproductive system through the vagina, and then gradually make its way to the ovaries. But in some cases, the cause of infection may be hidden in the completely opposite direction. For example, this may be a consequence of tonsillitis, tuberculosis or appendicitis.

The inflammatory process in the ovaries is called oophoritis. IN in this case water flowing from the vagina will be one of the many symptoms, since in addition the woman will be bothered by severe cutting pain, the appearance of bleeding even when menstruation has passed, for example, in the middle of the menstrual cycle, discomfort during sexual intercourse and periodic increases in temperature. All this suggests that you need to see a doctor immediately. In case of acute form of oophoritis, the patient is sent to the hospital and receives appropriate treatment. In the most advanced cases, surgery may be necessary.

Harmful microorganisms

If a woman has complaints that clear, abundant liquid discharge like water is observed, she should consult a doctor. It is quite possible that this is the action of bacteria, viruses or fungi. Copious, watery secretions may be the first sign of a problem. At this stage, curing the disease will be quite easy.

Chlamydia, Trichomonas, gonococci, streptococci, staphylococci and other pathogenic microorganisms often manifest themselves this way. This can lead to the development of endometritis, thrush, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and many other dangerous and unpleasant diseases. All of them require treatment, as they are not only dangerous, but also very contagious. Only with the right approach will it be possible to get rid of the disease and prevent the development of complications.