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Vitamins c a d e b. Products containing vitamins A B C D E. Selection of vitamin complexes for hair

Let's talk about essential vitamins? Why they are necessary for human health, why they need to be eaten and how they affect our body.

Vitamins are organic substances necessary for our body, which cannot be synthesized by the body itself (with rare exceptions) and come with food. Vitamins ensure vital processes in the body and affect our overall well-being.

Vitamin deficiency is a lack of vitamins in the human body, which is possible only with a complete cessation of vitamin intake.

In fact, conditions called hypovitaminosis are much more common, i.e. deficiency of one of the vitamins. In the absence of several vitamins in the diet at the same time, polyavitaminosis or multivitamin deficiency develops.


    unbalanced diet;

    destruction of vitamins in food products due to long-term or improper storage;

    destruction of vitamins in food products due to improper cooking;

    disturbances in the absorption of vitamins in the intestine during acute and chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract;

    helminthic infestations;

    impaired absorption of vitamins in chronic diseases;

    long-term use of laxatives.

Essential vitamins and their role in the human body!

VITAMIN A (Average daily dose for adults – 1.5-2 mg)

Vitamin A is necessary for the growth process and normal vision. Promotes growth and regeneration skin and mucous membranes.

Vitamin A deficiency:

Ocular manifestations:

Violation of color perception and deterioration of vision in the dark (“Night blindness”) Up to complete loss of vision!!!

Skin changes: hyperkeratosis, atrophy of the sweat and sebaceous glands are observed.

Drying and keratinization of tissues, as a result of which infections develop.

Sources of vitamin A:

Liver fat (beef, lamb, pork)

Cod liver



Cheese "Russian"

Fruits (Avocado, orange, apricots, bananas, pears, melon)

Vegetables (Carrots, pumpkin, sweet peppers, tomatoes)

VITAMIN D (Average daily dose for adults - 2.5 mcg)

Vitamin D is necessary to control and participate in calcium metabolism in the body. It promotes the absorption of calcium from the digestive tract. Ensures normal growth and integrity of bones.

Vitamin D deficiency:

It most often manifests itself in children and is diagnosed as rickets. People who live and work in conditions of insufficient UV radiation also suffer (residents of the Arctic and metro workers, miners)

Sources of vitamin D:

Liver (mackerel, flounder, cod, beef)

Fish (Herring, cod, mackerel)

Yolk from a chicken egg.

Butter (summer and winter)

VITAMIN E (Average daily dose for adults – 15 mg)

Vitamin E is necessary to control reproductive function. It is a natural anti-oxidant (antioxidant). Stimulates muscle function, including the heart, improves blood supply, and therefore provides all organs with oxygen and nutrients, increases endurance and reduces fatigue!

Vitamin E deficiency:

Vitamin E deficiency in newborns can manifest itself as hemolytic anemia. Retinopathy of prematurity may also occur, leading to blindness. In adults, vitamin E deficiency is manifested by muscle weakness, muscle hypotonia, and with further development of deficiency - muscle atrophy, development of scleroderma. Women may have a tendency to have repeat abortions.

Sources of vitamin E:

Vegetable oils(soybean, corn, sunflower, flaxseed)

Cereals (oats, wheat and corn germ, rye, corn and wheat)



Nuts (almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds)

Rose hip

VITAMIN K (Average daily dose for adults – 0.2-0.3 mg)

Vitamin K is necessary for participation in blood clotting and muscle contraction.

Vitamin K deficiency:

In newborns, vitamin K deficiency is manifested by bleeding from the mouth, nose, navel, and urinary tract. Gastrointestinal bleeding, bloody vomiting, liquid, tarry feces, intradermal and subcutaneous hemorrhages appear. In adults, manifestations depend on the severity of vitamin deficiency and include intradermal and subcutaneous hemorrhages, bleeding gums, nosebleeds and gastrointestinal bleeding.

Sources of vitamin K:

Vegetables (carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes)

Pork liver


Milk (not much vitamin K at all)

VITAMIN B1 (Average daily dose for adults – 1.5-2 mg)

Vitamin B1 is necessary for ensuring high level functional muscle and heart activity, helps increase muscle mass, normalizes the neuro-emotional state. participates in the metabolism of CARBOHYDRATES.

Vitamin B1 deficiency:

Thiamine deficiency in the body leads to impaired carbohydrate oxidation: accumulation of under-oxidized products in the blood and urine, inhibition of acetylcholine synthesis.

Sources of vitamin B1:

Bread, bakery products (yeast)

Cereals (especially buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat),


Liver, kidneys

VITAMIN B6 (Average daily dose for adults – 1.5-3 mg)

Vitamin B6 is necessary to support the processes of growth, hematopoiesis and normalization of the functioning of the central nervous system. nervous system in humans.

Vitamin B6 deficiency:

In adults, it manifests itself as disorders of the central nervous system (depression, irritability, drowsiness, polyneuritis), and of the skin and mucous membranes (dermatitis, stomatitis, glossitis, conjunctivitis).

Sources of vitamin B6:

Vegetables (green peppers, carrots)

Wheat products

VITAMIN C (Average daily dose for adults – 75.0 – 100.0 mg)

Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) is necessary for participation in many biochemical reactions occurring in the body, promotes the normal process of tissue regeneration and healing, maintains resistance to various types stress and ensures normalization of immunological and hematological status.

Vitamin C deficiency:

If there is insufficient intake of vitamin C for a long time, hypovitaminosis may develop, manifested by general weakness, isolated skin hemorrhages, and disorders of the nervous system. Vitamin C deficiency is called scurvy or scurvy.

Sources of vitamin C:

Vitamin C is not produced in the human body, but only comes from food!!!

Dog-rose fruit

Black currant

Sea ​​buckthorn

Vegetables (cabbage, tomatoes, herbs, radishes)

Kidneys and liver

How to take and choose MULTIVITAMIN COMPLEXES correctly:

· Multivitamin preparations should not be taken on an empty stomach. · Vitamins are not recommended to be taken simultaneously with antibiotics.

· Vitamins B1, (thiamine) and B12 (cyanocobalamin) should be taken separately, with a significant time interval, otherwise there will be no benefit from them.

· Vitamin A should be taken with great caution by women during menopause and in the first trimester of pregnancy.

· Vitamin C does not combine well with copper and B vitamins, and iron supplements are not recommended to be taken together with vitamin E (tocopherol).

You need to take care of the beauty of your body not only from the outside, but also from the inside - eat food rich in vital vitamins A, C, D, E.

Vitamins are very important for the normal functioning of the human body. It is very important that the daily menu consists of 80-90% of products containing these products. Only then will nutrition be complete and beneficial to health.

Vitamin A

This is the vitamin of youth, beauty and health. Vitamin A intake has a positive effect on the function of epithelial tissue. Epithelial tissue is skin gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, reproductive organs.

Vitamin A rich foods: beef liver, egg yolk and butter. You can eat a small piece of beef liver every 4 days without suffering from vitamin A deficiency.

Vitamin A is found in egg yolk

Vitamin C

This vitamin affects collagen synthesis, which makes the skin elastic and prevents the formation of wrinkles.

Vitamin C-rich foods: black currant, bell pepper, rose hips and greens.

Vitamin C deficiency occurs due to the fact that it is thermally unstable, therefore it is destroyed during prolonged heat treatment, as well as upon contact with air. That's why you should try to eat foods rich in this vitamin without excess heat treatment. For example, a salad made from raw vegetables is much healthier than the same vegetables, but stewed.

Black currant contains vitamin C

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency occurs in almost 70-80% of the population. The production of this vitamin depends on how often a person is exposed to sunlight, but not only. But you can get this vitamin not only from the sun's rays.

Vitamin D rich foods: beef liver, eggs, butter, brewer's yeast and dairy products.

Vitamin D is found in dairy products

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has a positive effect on appearance and should be present in the diet of every person who wants to remain young and beautiful for as long as possible. You can use sprouted wheat seeds and other sprouts, but practically 300% of daily norm vitamin E contained in 100 g of unrefined sunflower oil. 30 grams of oil per day is quite enough.

The daily value of vitamin E is contained in 30 grams of unrefined sunflower oil.

IN Lately It is often said that many diseases are associated with a deficiency of certain vitamins in the human body. Is there a connection between eye diseases and a lack of vitamins and minerals?

— If a person is healthy, and also receives the necessary set of vitamins and minerals from food, then he does not develop diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma. There is no direct dependence on a specific vitamin. Retinal diseases are characterized by a deficiency of vitamins A and E, i.e. fat-soluble vitamins. The eyes are also sensitive to vitamins K, E, D, A. It is known that fat-soluble vitamins are better absorbed while taking vitamin C.

Vitamin A found in carrots, lettuce, green peas, melon, tomatoes, onions, cottage cheese, pumpkin, sweet peppers, spinach, broccoli, green onions, parsley, soybeans, peas, peaches, apricots, apples, watermelon, rose hips, alfalfa, burdock root , nettle, oats, parsley, peppermint, raspberry leaves, sorrel, fish oil, liver (especially beef), caviar, margarine, egg yolk.

For example, carrots -the richest source of carotene (provitamin A). Perfectly nourishes and strengthens the eyes. But you need to eat carrots after seasoning them with vegetable oil, yogurt or sour cream.

Vitamin E — Vegetable oils: sunflower, soybean, peanut, corn, almond, etc.; nuts; sunflower seeds; apple seeds; liver, beef, lard; milk (contained in small quantities); egg yolk (contained in small quantities); wheat germ; sea ​​buckthorn, rose hips; spinach; broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers; bran; whole grains; green leafy vegetables; cereals, legumes; bran bread; soybeans

Vitamin C - in rose hips, gooseberries, currants; citrus fruits: grapefruits, lemons, oranges; apples, kiwi, green vegetables, tomatoes; leafy vegetables (lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, sauerkraut etc.), liver, kidneys, potatoes. Include these foods generously in your diet.

Parsley juice is very useful for diseases of the eyes and optic nerve, cataracts and conjunctivitis, ulceration of the cornea. The elements it contains strengthenblood vessels. But keep in mind that parsley juice must be mixed with water or another vegetable juice. A mixture of parsley and carrot juice is extremely useful for preserving vision. Also, you need to keep in mind if you have conjunctivitis and wear , during treatment you need to abandon them and throw away the old ones along with container and tweezers. After you have recovered and your eyes are healthy again, you need to get new lenses and check your : availability of the solution, and if it is available, then whether the deadline has expired after opening the solution. In most solutions, the shelf life after opening is 3 months, but there are exceptions; in any case, all these symbols are on the bottle of the solution itself.

IN sea ​​fish highest content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A and D, as well as fluorine and iodine.

Bottom line: Stay healthy and eat healthy!

Selection rules vitamin complexes for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, preparations for men, women and children of different ages, multivitamins suitable for solving problems with hair and skin.

The content of the article:

Vitamins are an essential component of a complete human diet. If there is a shortage of them in food products, and this often happens in winter and spring, doctors recommend using synthetic analogues. You can take both monovitamins, that is, a specific preparation containing one vitamin, and multivitamins - complexes that include various vitamins, sometimes in combination with organic and mineral substances. It should be remembered that monovitamins are prescribed in medicinal purposes, and multivitamins - as a preventive measure.

Advantages and disadvantages of vitamin complexes for adults and children

Vitamin complexes (multivitamins) were created by doctors several decades ago and during this time they became a real breakthrough in the prevention of vitamin deficiency. The complexes include, in addition to vitamins, various minerals. The obvious advantages of vitamin complexes are:
  • Improving short-term memory. Recent research shows that people who take a multivitamin every day are 32% faster at short-term memory tasks.
  • Reducing the risk of developing many diseases. According to new medical observations, women who take vitamin complexes regularly are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases.
  • Availability of all useful substances. Vitamin supplements fully satisfy the body's needs for nutrients.
  • Positive impact on psychological perception of life. It has been proven that a person taking vitamin complexes tries to maintain healthy image life and, for example, in a cafe, he will prefer juice to alcohol.
  • Convenient reception. There is no need to take handfuls of tablets in order to replenish the body’s needs for all types of vitamins, as is the case with single-dose medications. 1-2 tablets or capsules daily are enough.
However, a complex of vitamins can also cause certain harm to health if taken haphazardly. In addition, the disadvantages of multivitamins are:
  • Possibility of developing hypervitaminosis. This complication occurs if a person regularly exceeds the permissible dosage of taking vitamin preparations.
  • Water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins may interact poorly with each other. This applies to cases where a person takes several vitamin-containing medications.
  • Possibility of individual intolerance. This feature of vitamins does not allow doctors to give them general recommendations for use.
  • Not recommended for diabetics and allergy sufferers.

If you are planning to take any vitamin complexes, you should definitely consult a general practitioner.

Who are vitamin complexes suitable for?

When choosing vitamin complexes, you need to determine, first of all, for what purpose you want to take the course. Depending on your goals, multivitamins are different. In addition, there are certain groups of drugs that are suitable for men, women, children, nursing mothers, and so on. The age of the patient is also important when choosing vitamin complexes.

How to choose vitamin complexes for women

Vitamin complexes intended for women should include components that affect metabolism, support immunity, and the state of the nervous, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems. In addition, women's multivitamins should have a positive effect on elasticity, skin turgor, condition of nails and hair.

Mainly, you should pay attention to complexes that include the following vitamins: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, H, PP, F, K. It is also desirable that the composition multivitamins included various minerals: magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, chromium.

Of all the vitamins, the most “feminine” is vitamin B9 or folic acid. It regulates the course of menstruation and puberty in young girls, delays the onset of menopause, stabilizes the condition during menopause, helps fight depression, and regulates the functioning of the nervous system.

In addition, other vitamins are responsible for the following functions:

  • Vitamin A is responsible for the condition of the skin, nails, hair, skeleton, and improves vision.
  • Vitamins E and C are antioxidants and protect against adverse effects environment on the appearance of skin and hair.
  • Vitamin PP protects the female body from various skin diseases.
  • Vitamin B6 reduces the symptoms of PMS.
  • Vitamin D helps make menstruation less painful and takes care of the skin and skeleton.
In general, all B vitamins help support wellness in a woman, energy, beauty of skin.

For women under 40 years of age, the following vitamin complexes are best suited:

  1. Duovit for women. One of the most popular multivitamin complexes for women. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E in an optimal ratio. Women's Duovit also contains minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc. This is a supporting complex that is effective for physical activity, stress, mental tension, vitamin deficiency, diets, and poor nutrition.
  2. Alphabet Cosmetics. The emphasis in this multivitamin is on vitamins and minerals that help maintain optimal condition of a woman's hair, skin and nails. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, D, PP, E, H, K. In addition to vitamins, Alphabet Cosmetics includes selenium, silicon, calcium, chromium, copper, iodine , zinc, iron, coenzyme Q10, inulin, magnesium, manganese. The preparation also contains extracts of medicinal herbs: aloe, nettle, green tea, chamomile, horsetail, birch.
  3. Lady's Formula. This is an American-made enhanced multivitamin complex. It was created specifically for a comprehensive positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails, and hair of young women. Lady`s Formula contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, H, P, minerals - calcium, silicon, phosphorus, iodine, iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc, copper, manganese. Also included in the preparation are gelatin, essential amino acids, and horsetail extract.
For women 40 and older, slightly different multivitamins are recommended, which should help fight age-related skin changes, hair problems, and stabilize hormonal levels on the eve of menopause. You should pay attention to such drugs as:
  • ActiveLife. The basis of the drug are antioxidant vitamins - A, C, E, P. These vitamins have a beneficial effect on the skin, enhance immune system, prevent the development of cancer.
  • Menopace. A complex that includes vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, PP, C, D, E. It also includes various minerals. The composition is selected in such a way as to fully satisfy the need female body in nutrients during the period before menopause and with its arrival.
  • Fito 40. A multivitamin preparation that is also aimed at supporting a mature female body and preventing diseases typical for this age. The composition includes vitamins B9, C, E, F. One of the main components is linseed oil, which protects the body from excess cholesterol.

Selection of vitamin complexes for men

It is incorrect to say that men need different vitamins than women. The difference is only in the quantities and ratios of vitamins that female and male bodies need. As a rule, men require slightly more elements of all types than women. This is due to the fact that they weigh more, have larger physical exercise, tolerate stress worse.

The main “male” vitamin is F. Otherwise it is called a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It affects spermatogenesis, Good work male sex hormones.

Vitamin F is followed by E. It ensures the regeneration of the epithelium in the seminal ducts in the testicles. Without this vitamin, a man can be overcome by “sexual depression.” This vitamin, in combination with A and C, improves immunity, heals blood vessels, and improves tone.

B vitamins ensure protein synthesis and energy processes in the male body.

The most popular vitamin complexes for men are:

  1. Aevit. This drug is based on vitamins A and E. When these vitamins enter the male body, they promote the growth of muscle mass, support the immune system, and help recover after a long illness. Both vitamin A and vitamin E can accumulate in the body, which means that if consumed excessively, they can provoke hypervitaminosis. Therefore, it is important to monitor the dosage.
  2. Tetrafolevit. This drug includes vitamins B1, B2, B9, PP. Its main goal is to provide the male body with energy and support normal metabolism. The effect of Tetrafolevit is very pronounced, so it is recommended to take it in the morning to increase activity.
  3. Kvadevit. The drug contains the following vitamins: A, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, E, P, PP. In addition, several amino acids, potassium, copper, calcium. Excellent as a restorative after long-term illnesses, during periods of lack of natural vitamins in food.
  4. Aerovit. This is recognized by many doctors as the best vitamin complex for those men who experience heavy physical exertion and work in difficult conditions. Aerovit is often taken by professional athletes. Includes vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B9, B12, C, E, R. The drug is quite strong, so you should carefully follow its dosage.
  5. Glutamevit. A rich complex preparation that contains vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B9, C, P, E, minerals - iron, calcium, potassium, copper. Helps quickly restore strength, stabilizes the immune system.

Features of choosing a vitamin complex for children

Most vitamins in a child’s body perform completely different functions than in an adult’s body. The reason for this is that formation processes occur in a growing body that are not observed in adults. Biological processes in a child’s body require the following vitamins primarily:
  • A. Participates in the formation of the skeleton, regeneration of mucous membranes, development of the lungs and digestive organs. Needed for normal vision and growth.
  • IN 1. Ensures the process of carbohydrate metabolism and supports mental activity.
  • AT 2. Participates in metabolism, supports hair and nail growth, good condition skin.
  • AT 6. Responsible for immunity, the formation of red blood cells, and good functioning of the nervous system.
  • AT 9. Prevents anemia, increases appetite.
  • AT 12. Participates in hematopoiesis, activator of the nervous system.
  • WITH. Inhibits allergic reactions, supports the immune system.
  • D. Responsible for skeletal development.
  • E. Ensures proper functioning of the muscular, nervous, and circulatory systems.
  • TO. Responsible for the functioning of the circulatory system.
  • N. The source of healthy skin.
  • RR. Participates in the metabolism and absorption of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Each of the vitamins is necessary for a child at different ages in different quantities. Therefore, when choosing synthetic vitamins for a child, it is best to be guided by his problems and age.
  1. Multi-Tabs Baby. It contains vitamins A, C, D.
  2. Kinder Biovital gel. Includes a complex of vitamins and minerals.
  3. Vitoron. The Russian drug contains vitamins A, C, E.
  4. Pangexavit. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B15, PP.
  5. Pikovit. May take the form of syrup and lozenges. The latter, in addition to vitamins, also include calcium and phosphorus.
For children from 2 to 5 years old, you can choose the following vitamin preparations:
  • Centrum for children. It has two varieties: extravitamin C and extracalcium.
  • Unicap U. Chewable tablets containing vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, D, PP.
  • Alvitil. Syrup that contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B12, C, D3, E, PP, H.
If a child is over 5 years old, he can take the following general strengthening multivitamins:
  1. Vitrum, Vitrum Plus. Contain full set vitamins and minerals that are necessary for a growing body.
  2. Alphabet. It is in the form of multi-colored tablets, each of them has a unique vitamin composition.
  3. Oligogal-Se. Vitamins A, C, E in combination with selenium. Has the form of capsules.
  4. Triovit. The composition is similar to Oligogal-Se, only without selenium.

When choosing vitamins for your child, be sure to consult your doctor.

What are vitamin complexes for?

Getting enough vitamins into our body ensures that all our systems work optimally. In addition, by receiving the necessary vitamins, your hair, skin, and nails will be in excellent condition.

Selection of vitamin complexes for hair

Special multivitamins for hair have some advantages over monovitamins. Firstly, they are guaranteed to supply the body with the entire complex of substances that hair needs. Secondly, multivitamin complexes have a balanced composition that is best suited for maintaining healthy hair.

Let's look at the most popular drugs:

  • Nutricap. A preventative complex that strengthens hair, promotes growth and prevents excessive hair loss. Available in the form of capsules that contain B vitamins, sulfur, calcium, silicon, zinc, oil walnut, wheat germ extract, beeswax.
  • Perfectile. Used to treat scalp diseases. It has the form of capsules, including B vitamins, as well as H, E, PP, C, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, burdock and echinacea extracts.
  • Revalid. A medicinal vitamin preparation that fights hair diseases. It is effective in the fight against baldness and increased hair fragility. Each capsule contains vitamins B1, B6, B10, zinc, copper, iron, amino acids, yeast, wheat extract, millet.
  • Fitoval. Prescribed for worsening appearance hair loss, changes in their structure. It contains B vitamins, as well as A, zinc, iron, amino acids, and yeast.

How to choose a multivitamin for the skin

An important point when selecting vitamin complexes for the skin is that the purpose of exposure should be the cause of skin problems and vitamin deficiency, and not just the fight against external signs. It is for this reason that there is practically no point in using vitamin creams and masks if there is no effect on the internal problem.

The most popular vitamins for skin are:

  1. Aevit. It contains vitamins A and E. It protects the skin from the negative influence of the external environment, sunlight, and is a powerful antioxidant.
  2. Aekol. This drug contains vitamins A, E, K. It stimulates the rapid healing of skin damage and relieves inflammation.
  3. Vitasharm. A typical vitamin complex aimed at healing the skin and treating its diseases. Includes vitamins B and A. Also has a positive effect on the condition of hair and nails.
  4. Revivona. This is a rich vitamin complex, which includes B vitamins, as well as A, D, E, H. It has a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on joints, bones, immunity, and the cardiovascular system.

Remember, for all their positive qualities, multivitamins provide the body with specific vitamins. It also needs additional auxiliary substances, and your body must get them from the right diet.

What are the best vitamin complexes for growth?

When we talk about growth vitamins, we usually mean vitamins for children, which are designed to participate in the normal formation of the skeleton. However, people grow up to 23 years old, and sometimes even longer. Therefore, growth vitamins are necessary for teenagers and young adults.

The main “growth agents” are the following groups of vitamins: vitamin D, B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin C. The amount of these vitamins present in a young body determines how much it can realize its growth potential.

Let's look at the most popular vitamin complexes that are designed to help you “grow up”:

  • Calcemin Advance. This combined vitamin preparation is designed to accelerate growth processes. It affects salt metabolism thanks to vitamin D3, as well as calcium, magnesium, copper, boron and manganese.
  • Natekal D3. In addition to vitamin D3, the drug contains calcium and a group of certain excipients. Together, they promote the effective absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the bones. Bones acquire strength and plasticity.
  • Berlamin Modular. A very rich multivitamin complex, which includes all B vitamins, as well as A, E, D, K, H, C, PP, molybdenum, selenium, chlorine, fluorine, zinc, calcium, manganese, magnesium, potassium, copper, iron, phosphorus, essential amino acids.
  • B Big. The drug promotes rapid growth in children over 6 years of age. It contains a couple of growth vitamins - D3 and B1. In addition, bamboo extract, calcium carbonate.
These drugs are guaranteed to give an increase in growth. However, the benefit proper diet no one canceled. As a rule, both a child and a teenager can grow a few centimeters as soon as they start eating properly and nutritiously.

How to choose vitamins - watch the video:

Vitamin complexes have a powerful healing and preventive effect on the human body. It is important to choose the right the right drug and discuss the dosage with your doctor first. However, it is important to remember that no synthetic vitamins will make junk food healthy. And the first step to the health of all body systems should be a healthy lifestyle and diet.