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Urology: diseases, history, sections, symptoms, treatment. Emergency urology: what is it? The best urology clinic

Urology(Latin urina - urine, logos - science) - a field of medicine that diagnoses and treats diseases of the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract. In urology, nephrology is additionally distinguished, which more narrowly specializes in kidney pathology. Previously, urology also dealt with diseases of the male reproductive system. Nowadays, this direction in medicine has become a separate science - andrology. And although a urologist still often combines the functions of an andrologist, these two specializations are gradually being separated. Also in urology there are such narrow areas as urogynecology, pediatric urology, geriatric urology, oncourology, phthisiurology.

The development of diseases in urology is often facilitated by such unfavorable factors as hypothermia, infections, STDs, addiction to alcohol, abuse of spices, spicy and smoked foods.

Diagnostics in urology is based on the use of a complex of radiological, tomographic, endoscopic, ultrasound, laboratory, electrophysiological, urodynamic studies, and diagnostic operations.

The priority area of ​​urology is the treatment of pathologies of the urinary organs, urinary excretion and the associated reproductive system in men and women. Practical assistance in urology is provided by specialists urologists, nephrologists, urologists-andrologists, urogynecologists, and oncourologists.

Urology is largely a surgical field, but it also uses conservative treatment methods. Therapy of acute and chronic diseases inflammatory nature (cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urethritis), urolithiasis is carried out by courses of drug treatment. TO medicines, used in urology include: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodics, corticosteroids, diuretics, antihypertensives, anticoagulants and disaggregants. For cystitis and urethritis drug therapy in urology it is often combined with physiotherapy and local treatment (bladder lavage, urethral dilation, etc.)

In urology, many diseases and developmental anomalies of the urinary system require surgical treatment. Modern development technology and medical instruments allow surgeons to perform operations using less traumatic methods and with less risk of complications. For example, various methods crushing stones (lithotripsy) makes it possible to remove them with minimal risk of damage to the urinary tract. And thanks to a special shock wave apparatus, it became possible to destroy stones without surgical intervention - extracorporeal lithotripsy.

Today, endoscopic surgical interventions are most common in urology. These are so-called transurethral operations, which are performed through the urethra using an endoscope. They allow the removal of stones, cysts and neoplasms of the ureters, bladder, urethra endosurgically and do not require an incision of the skin and underlying tissues for surgical access.

With the help of endoscopes in urology, laparoscopic and retroperitoneoscopic operations are performed, during which interventions are carried out under video control through mini-incisions in the anterior abdominal wall or in the lumbar region. In this way, kidney resection, removal of neoplasms, stones, cysts of the kidneys and ureters, and operations to form anastomoses are performed.

In urology, most previously developed surgical operations are now performed using a laparoscope and microsurgical instruments. The use of a surgical microscope and microsurgical instruments in urology allows the surgeon to perform the operation more accurately, with less damage to healthy tissue and restoration of even small blood vessels and nerve bundles. All this helps to reduce blood loss during surgery, significantly reduce the likelihood of developing postoperative complications, and speed up the patient’s recovery.

Urological care in Moscow

The field of urology in Moscow is represented by specialized departments of multidisciplinary clinics and specialized centers. Urology in Moscow offers consultations with leading specialists with extensive practical experience, an attentive approach to each client, examination using modern diagnostic equipment, and the use of traditional and unique methods for treating urological diseases.

Contacting a urology clinic in Moscow is recommended for pain in the abdomen or lower back, frequent and painful urination, the appearance of blood or pus in the urine, change in the color of urine, increased body temperature, and deterioration in general health. In addition, preventive annual examinations by specialists in the field of urology in Moscow should be the norm for men and women who monitor their health.

Urology in Moscow deals with the treatment of urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis, renal failure, urinary incontinence, urinary fistulas, urethral strictures, nephroptosis, kidney cysts, developmental anomalies and tumor lesions of the urinary system. Urology in Moscow works closely with andrology, gynecology, venereology, sexology, and oncology. Many urology clinics in Moscow offer comprehensive urological programs for male and women's health, allowing to prevent or promptly identify many diseases of the genitourinary tract.

The consequences of diseases in urology can be catastrophically dangerous, therefore the treatment of urological diseases must be dealt with at the earliest early stages. Urology clinics in Moscow work to solve all problems that arise in a timely manner and in the shortest possible time.

Modern urology in Moscow continues to improve diagnostic methods and treatment methods, taking into account new advances in the field of medical technology and pharmacology. But we must not forget that in urology, as in other areas of medicine, the effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the disease itself, the timeliness of its treatment, the presence of concomitant pathology and the psychological mood of the patient. Adequate adjustment of prescriptions during treatment, correct surgical technique, and patient compliance with all recommendations of the attending physician are important for successful treatment in urology.

Specialists in the field of urology in Moscow warn: advanced cases of urological diseases, as well as diseases complicated by self-medication, may require lengthy and expensive correction and are not always completely curable, despite the use of the most modern techniques.

The “Urology” section of the “Beauty and Medicine” website offers up-to-date information on services in the field of urology in Moscow. Here you will find addresses of clinics, read descriptions of procedures and operations, patient reviews, and the comparative cost of urology services in Moscow.

Urological diseases concern both men and women. Urology is a field of medicine that studies various diseases that are subject to mandatory and immediate treatment. This is a science that studies ailments of the male reproductive system, factors contributing to their occurrence and development, diagnosis and therapy. Diseases of the adrenal glands and urinary system in men and women are also studied.

Urology in men

It is widely believed that urology is the science of studying and treating infections and diseases of the male body. Diseases of the genitourinary system have a high correlation with sexually transmitted infections. Most often they pass without symptoms and are hidden. Therefore, a urologist diagnoses and treats infections.

Nowadays, men are increasingly faced with the following urological ailments:

  • erectile disfunction;
  • prostatitis;
  • BPH;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis.

Diseases such as cystitis can be treated with or without the use of medications (Furadonin, Munoral and others). To avoid the appearance and development of other infectious diseases, it is best to diagnose cystitis in a timely manner, prevent the progression of the disease, or take preventive measures. The consequences of complicated cystitis are the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland and their spread to other organs. Most men, closer to 40 years of age, develop urethritis, which is a consequence of infectious factors.

There is also a disease called varicocele. It is characterized by dilation of the veins of the pampiniform venous spermatic cord. More than 40% of men with this disease are infertile. Therefore, emergency urology is necessary when identifying symptoms of the disease.

Andrology and oncourology are components of urology. They are based on the diagnosis and treatment of congenital pathologies and acquired diseases of the male genital organs.

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Female urology

Not only men, but also women turn to urologists. Often emergency urology becomes important for them as well. Most women visit a urologist's office at least once in their lives.

Diseases of female urology include:

  • inflammation of the bladder (cystitis);
  • pyelonephritis;
  • inflammation of the urethra;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • urolithiasis;
  • trophic changes in the mucous membranes in the genital area.

The causes of female urological diseases can be untimely identified infections or incorrect therapy. These most often include E. coli, mycoplasma, chlamydia, ureoplasma, genital prolapse, hormone deficiency, weakening of the pelvic muscles, disorders of the pelvic organs and metabolism, deposits of stones and salts in the kidneys, tumor neoplasms of the pelvic organs, wearing synthetic and tight clothing , ignoring protective equipment during sexual intercourse.

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Diagnostic and treatment methods

The most common symptoms of urological diseases:

  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • pain in the lumbar and lower abdomen;
  • increased body temperature;
  • burning and discomfort when urinating;
  • frequent urination;
  • change in urine color;
  • discomfort in the vagina.

If you have these symptoms urgent Care extremely important. The urologist will draw up the correct diagnostic scheme and further therapy. For diagnosis, urine tests are prescribed (general, according to Nechiporenko, for bacteriological culture and sensitivity to drugs), ultrasound, cystoscopy (endoscopy), X-rays, MRI and radioisotope studies of the kidneys, and diagnosis of sexually transmitted infectious diseases are performed.

When the tests are carried out, urology requires urgent treatment of the disease. Since the range of research methods is very large, for certain cases the doctor draws up the necessary list. Methods of combating illnesses include rational antibiotic therapy, treatment of sexually transmitted infections, restoration of microflora, diet, herbal medicine, traditional medicine. If the above is ineffective, surgical intervention is used.

After the operation, discomfort may occur due to damage to the mucous membrane of the vaginal wall that occurs after correction of the prolapse.

If the purpose of surgical intervention is associated with prolapse of the genital organs, invasive surgery is used.

Treatment methods include such important actions as conducting exercise therapy sessions (therapeutic physical culture), physiotherapy, sanatorium treatments and the use of folk remedies.

Laparoscopic kidney resection is a minimally invasive technique for removing the damaged part of the kidney with a tumor, which is performed when there is a threat of cancer. LRP is performed in the same way as nephrectomy, the only difference is that the organ is only partially removed and only after the urologist is able to determine the location and size of the tumor suspected of being malignant.

Kidney abscess

A kidney abscess is an infectious inflammation of the kidney tissue, which can be caused due to complications of pyelonephritis - melting of tissue and the formation of a cavity with accumulations of pus. The infection enters the kidney along with bacteria through the blood outflow and spreads into the kidney tissue. The disease may be caused by a urinary tract infection.

What is aspermia and the causes of its occurrence

Aspermia is a pathology characterized by the complete absence of sperm production during sex. This disease of the male reproductive system can lead to infertility.

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TUR)

Transurethral resection of the prostate is a surgical method for partial or complete removal of the prostate when it is pathologically enlarged. The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia and lasts on average 60 minutes. During a TUR, the doctor inserts a special optical device (endoscope or cystoscope) into the urethra, through which a sharp surgical instrument is inserted to remove the prostate gland.

Intravenous urography method

Intravenous urography is an x-ray diagnosis of the urinary system, which includes the kidneys, urethra and bladder. It is difficult to examine the urinary tract with conventional x-rays. Intravenous urography allows you to realistically assess the condition of the kidneys and ureters, as well as diagnose various pathologies of the urinary system. A special contrast agent is injected into a vein, which, when it enters the bloodstream, accumulates in the kidneys and is then excreted naturally.

Cavernitis: symptoms and treatment methods

Cavernitis is an inflammation of the corpora cavernosa in the male genital organ. The anatomical structure of the penis consists of a pair of cavernous bodies with an elastic membrane of connective tissue and a spongy body with a urethra inside. This pathology is quite rare compared to more common diseases, such as inflammation of the prostate gland or urethra.

Parapelvic cysts of the kidneys

A parapelvic cyst is a benign pathology in the form of a tumor with clear liquid inside. Such cystic neoplasms are quite rare and, according to statistics, occur only in 1-1.5% of patients.

Urology is one of the important areas of activity of the DECA Clinic. Our highly qualified specialists diagnose and treat a number of diseases related to the male genitourinary system, as well as urogynecology. The DECA Clinic Urology Center uses modern equipment that allows for an accurate diagnosis in order to individually select the necessary treatment regimen. In addition, our doctors perform operations to correct deformities of the male genital organs. You can also contact the urology center in Moscow for treatment if you are diagnosed with sexual disorders.

Main symptoms

It is important to remember that some diseases are not accompanied by obvious symptoms. This means that visiting a male urologist is recommended even in cases where there are no signs of the disease. This will allow you to identify possible deviations in time, start treatment in a timely manner and thereby increase the effectiveness of the procedures. However, there are a number of symptoms, the appearance of which is a reason for immediate contact with the clinic for diagnosis and solution of problems in the field of urology. These signs include the following:

  • painful or just frequent urination;
  • swelling, tenderness, enlargement or hardening of the testicle, scrotum;
  • burning, itching, pain in the genital area, increasing during urination;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and sacrum;
  • increased fatigue, deterioration of health;
  • change in urine color;
  • the presence of blood, mucus or pus in the urine, redness of the external opening of the urethra;
  • sexual disorders;
  • increase in body temperature to +38…+39 °C, chills, weakness.

What problems do we work with?

In our urology in Moscow, specialists work with conditions such as:

  • male infertility,
  • nephritis,
  • pyelonephritis,
  • phimosis,
  • urolithiasis disease,
  • varicocele,
  • prostatitis,
  • balanoposthitis,
  • erectile disfunction,
  • BPH,
  • premature ejaculation,
  • other conditions.

Women's diseases in the field of urology are urethritis, cystitis, sexually transmitted infections and their consequences.

How are urological diseases diagnosed?

At the DECA Clinic, urology includes the necessary examinations that are required to identify pathologies at the initial stages of their development. All procedures take a minimum amount of time. Paid urology services include various laboratory tests. Hardware diagnostics are carried out using equipment that ensures the accuracy of the examination.

Diagnostic services in urology include the following procedures:

  • determination of immune status;
  • biochemical analysis blood;
  • clinical analysis blood;
  • spermogram;
  • bacterial culture;
  • Ultrasound of the prostate, kidneys, scrotum, bladder;
  • analyzes of prostate secretions, discharge from the urethra;
  • diagnosis of varicocele, erectile dysfunction;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • cystoscopy;
  • urethroscopy;
  • blood tests for coagulation, tumor markers and hormones, HIV, RW (syphilis), hepatitis B.

How is the treatment carried out?